
1 Introduction

Register allocation [16, 16, 23, 18] is one of the most important compiler optimizations. It directly affects the quality of the code produced. The goal of register allocation is to keep as many as possible temporary values created by a program in machine registers. The problem in register allocation occurs when the finite number of available machine registers can not fit the unbounded temporary values. When this occurs some values must be kept in memory, which decreases the speed of the generated code. To keep the temporaries in memory, load/store instructions are inserted into the code; this process is called spill code generation.

The most widely used algorithm to perform register allocation is graph coloring [7, 7, 15]. In this approach, the compiler builds an interference graph G, where each node represents a live range and edges connecting two live ranges \(l_ {i}\) and \(l_ {j}\) symbolizes an interference and means that \(l_ {i}\) and \(l_ {j}\) will be live at the same time in the future and should not occupy the same register. The problem then is to find a proper K-coloring for G, such that no two adjacent nodes receive the same color. By representing the colors as machine registers we can perform register allocation with a coloring algorithm.

An ideal register allocator should produce the minimum amount of spill code possible to avoid unnecessary memory accesses, and therefore slowdown the executable code. However, introducing the minimum spill code as possible is an NP-complete problem.

Several efforts have been made to find efficient techniques to reduce the impact of spills in the code. In 1989 Bernstein et al. [5] improved the Chaitin’s allocator with new heuristics to select the spill node known as best-of-three. In the same year, Briggs et al. [6] developed a stronger coloring heuristic, called optimistic coloring. In 1992 Briggs et al. [8] also extended the rematerialization notion of Chaitin by dealing with multi-valued live ranges. The rematerialization recomputes constant values when it is cheaper than to store and reload it. In 1997 Bergner et al. [4] developed a new minimization technique, known as interference region spilling that was able to spill partially a live range. Later in 1998, Cooper and Simpson [13] developed a new technique to globally split live ranges similar to that developed by Bergner et al. [4] known as live range splitting. In 2003, Govindarajan et al. [17] developed a heuristic to reduce the numbers of registers used by instruction sequencing, called Minimum Register Instruction Sequence (MRIS). In the same year, Koseki et al. [20] developed a new technique for partial spilling called spill code motion. In 2005, Gao and Shi [14] created a method, named merge that allows two interfered nodes in the interference graph occupy the same machine register. Finally in 2013, Barany and Krall [3] developed a global code motion to order basic blocks with the aim of reduce overlaps among live ranges.

The majority of previous spill code minimization research efforts have been focused on studying spilling heuristics to select the live range with the smallest spill cost [9, 5] and finer spilling/splitting mechanisms to reduce the number of load/store instructions inserted [7, 13, 4]. Unlike these techniques we introduce a technique called color flipping which focuses on the coloring stage of graph coloring algorithm, where if color flipping succeeds no load/store instructions are inserted because a register is assigned for the entire live range. The main idea is to attempt to recolor [19] the interference graph, such that a used color becomes available for spill node.

2 Color Flipping

To demonstrate how color flipping works, we present a simple example where the spill is successfully avoided. The interference graph and its corresponding node costs are shown in Fig. 1. In this example, we will assume that we have 3 colors available, that is, \(K=3\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Interference graph and its spill costs.

After coloring the interference graph, we are left with the 3-colored sub-graph shown in Fig. 2(a) and the uncolored live range F. Normally we would spill the live range F. However, observing this graph we notice that F has three neighbors with unique colors: A : green, B : blue and E : red. So, if we change the color of any of these nodes, then we will make a color available for F. By extending this idea to one more level of the interference graph, i.e., searching for nodes with unique color in the neighborhood of A, B and E, we can start to flip colors. Analyzing the neighbors of A, we find that A has no neighbor with unique color, so we proceed our analysis to B. We observe that B has one neighbor with unique color, that is, A : green, C : green and D : red. As B is the only blue node connected to D, so, it’s possible to flip B and D colors, as seen in Fig. 2(b). Now we are free to color F with blue as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Flipping colors in the graph (Color figure online).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Final result after applying color flipping in Fig. 2(a) and continuing register allocation (Color figure online).

In Fig. 2(a) we flipped colors between two neighboring nodes. But it is also possible to recolor a node if it has another color available. In the next example we present a situation where recolor a node in this way makes a color available for the spill node. The interference graph after the coloring phase and after color flipping is shown in Fig. 4. We assume that \(K=4\). There are two physical registers R1 and R3 already in the graph. Node F interferes with R1; nodes D, F and G interfere with R3. There is no color available for live range G. By observing this graph, we notice that E has another color available, because it can be recolored with yellow. Recoloring E in this way, makes red available for G. The Fig. 5 shows the result after applying color flipping in the graph.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Flipping colors in the graph (Color figure online).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Final result after applying color flipping in Fig. 4(a) and continuing register allocation (Color figure online).

The main advantage of color flipping over other spill minimization techniques is that when avoiding a live range spill, no load/store instructions are inserted. The color flipping avoids completely the spill, not only partially.

3 Color Flipping Algorithm

To implement color flipping we added an additional stage after the coloring phase. This stage attempts to assign a register for each spilled live range. If color flipping succeeds the live range is removed from the spill list and added to the colored nodes list, otherwise no modification is made on the interference graph and the live range is spilled. The Fig. 6 shows the Briggs’ allocator [7] with color flipping stage added.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Color flipping added to Briggs’ allocator.

Given an interference graph G, and a spill node \(s \in G\) the color flipping algorithm tries to recolor G such that a valid register R is made available for s. To do so we divided color flipping into two modules: FindFlippingCandidates and TryFlipping.

The aim of the first module is to find a set of flpping candidates, i.e., nodes that may have their colors flipped. It begins analyzing each neighbor \(n_{i}\) of the spill nodes to determine if \(n_{i}\) satisfies three constraints called flipping restrictions. A list - flippingCandidates - containing the neighbors that meet all flipping restrictions is created.

Once the first module has finished the algorithm starts TryFlipping. In this module each flipping candidate \(f_{i} \in {\texttt {flippingCandidates}}\) is analyzed to determine if \(f_{i}\) satisfies one of two flipping conditions. In positive case \(f_{i}\) is recolored, such that, a color is made available to the spill node and the algorithm stops. Otherwise the color flipping algorithm calls FindFlippingCandidates but with I and \(f_{i}\) (not s) as input. This process is repeated until there is no more flipping candidates, that is, \({\texttt {flippingCandidates}} = \emptyset \). We can stop TryFlipping before setting a max level of recursion - maxLevel - such that color flipping stops trying to find new flipping candidate when maxLevel is reached. Figure 7 shows a simple flowchart of TryFlipping.

The flipping restrictions and the flipping conditions are constraints imposed to a node \(n_{i}\) to guarantee that is safe to flip \(n_{i}\) color. By safe, we mean that all constraints of the interference graph after color flipping are preserved. When \(n_{i}\) satisfies all flipping restrictions, then \(n_{i}\) is a potential flip node. The next step is to analyze \(n_{i}\) to determine if \(n_{i}\) is an actual flipping node, that is, determine if \(n_{i}\) satisfies one flipping condition. In order to understand how the color flipping algorithm works, one needs a deeper understanding of the criteria used in flipping restrictions and those used in flipping conditions.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Flowchart of TryFlipping module.

Flipping Restrictions: The FindFlippingCandidates module is responsible for finding nodes that satisfy the three flipping restrictions. The input is a node in the interference graph, which we call the target node T, and the output is a list of nodes that meets all three restrictions, which we call flippingCandidates.

  • First flipping restriction: this restriction must ensure that the flipping candidate has a unique color among the neighbors of the target node. In Fig. 8(a), T contains three neighbors of the same color. Therefore X, Y and Z do not satisfy the first flipping restriction. In Fig. 8(b) Z satisfies the first flipping restriction. With this restriction we guarantee that if a flipping candidate change its color, then T is free to receive its old color. For our example, in Fig. 8(b) if Z is recolored, we are free to color T with green.

  • Second flipping restriction: this restriction ensures that the flipping candidate is colored with a proper register \(R_{i}\) for T. By proper register we mean that \(R_{i}\) does not interferes with T. In the sub-graph of Fig. 9 the node Z is the unique among the neighbors of the target node T colored with blue. However, R1 interferes with T, which makes Z to violate the second restriction. If we remove R1 from the interference graph, then Z satisfies the second flipping restriction.

  • Third flipping restriction: we say that FindFlippingCandidates is on the first level of an interference graph if T is a spill node. If T has flipping candidates, then each one of them may be target nodes, if so we say that we are at level \(> 1\) of the interference graph. Once FindFlippingCandidates begins to operate at a level \(> 1\) of the interference graph, the third flipping restriction is triggered. Otherwise this restriction is always satisfied. Consider the graph in Fig. 10, when we begin searching for flipping candidates of T, we find that W satisfies the first and the second flipping restrictions. As we are in the first level, it’s unnecessary to check the third flipping restriction, so W is a flipping candidate of T. The algorithm proceeds to determine the flipping candidates of W and finds that Z satisfies the first and second the flipping restrictions. But Z is neighbor of T violating the third flipping restriction. So the aim of the third flipping restriction is ensure that a flipping candidate does not interfere with a target node of the previous flipping candidate. In the example of Fig. 10, it must ensure that the flipping candidates of the target node W do not interfere with T. If we remove the interference between Z and T, then Z becomes a flipping candidate of W.

figure a
Fig. 8.
figure 8

First flipping restriction example (Color figure online).

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Second flipping restriction unsatisfied (Color figure online).

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Third flipping restriction unsatisfied.

The Algorithm 1 shows the implementation of FindFlippingCandidates. The line 2 checks if i satisfies the second flipping restriction, line 6 checks if i satisfies the first flipping restriction, finally line 8 checks if i satisfies the third flipping restriction. If i meets all flipping restrictions, then it’s added to the list of flipping candidates on line 11.

Flipping Conditions: The TryFlipping module is responsible for finding nodes that satisfy one of two flipping conditions. The input is a spill node in the interference graph and the desired level of recursion. The output is a valid color for the spill node if color flipping succeeds or \(-1\) if color flipping fails.

  • First flipping condition: The first flipping condition deals with abusive using of colors that pre-colored nodes may lead in the interference graph. The Fig. 4(a) shows an example of interference graph, which satisfies the first flipping condition. After the coloring phase, it is found that G is a spill node. So we triggered the color flipping algorithm and we found that D, E and F are marked nodes of G. Since E can also be colored with yellow, the color red is made available for G.

  • Second flipping condition: The second flipping condition operates at least in three nodes. So it is only triggered from a recursion level \(>1\). For example, consider the interference graph fragment shown in Fig. 11, if S is a spill node, X a flipping candidate of S, and Y flipping candidate of X, the second flipping condition must ensure that Y has no neighbor with the same color of X. In Fig. 11 flipping the colors of X and Y will not be possible because Y has a neighbor colored with green.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

An interference graph where the second flipping condition fails (Color figure online).

figure b

An implementation of TryFlipping is shown in Algorithm 2. The line 2 checks if the max level of recursion was reached and stops the algorithm in positive case. The line 4 calls the module FindFlippingCandidates and stores its results in FlipCandidates. Lines 7–23 loop through each element of the list FlipCandidates, to determine if one of them satisfies one of the flipping conditions. Lines 8–11 check the first flipping condition and lines 12–17 check the second flipping condition.

Complexity: The most costing operation in color flipping algorithm is the computation of the first restriction. Given an interference graph G with n nodes, the first restriction needs \((n - 1)(n-2)\) comparisons in the worst case, i.e., the cost is \(O(n^2)\). Where \((n-1)\) is the number of nodes in G less the spill node and \((n-2)\) is the number of nodes in G less the spill node and the node that is under evaluation in the first restriction. On the other hand, in the best case it’s not necessary to compute the first restriction, because the algorithm stops in the second restriction analysis. The number of comparisons to calculate the second flipping restriction is bounded by the number of registers in the target machine. If we represent the number of registers as c, the second restriction needs \(c(n-1)\) comparisons to be computed, which gives to color flipping a cost of \(\varOmega (n)\) in the best case. Based in some of our experimental analysis of color flipping execution, we noticed that the second restriction occurs with considerable frequency, which makes color flipping cost similar to the best case.

4 Experimental Results and Discussion

There are many reasonable ways to measure the quality of a good register allocator - compile time, space requirements, produced executable code efficiency. The main objective of color flipping is to improve code efficiency of allocators that use graph coloring approach. Although an additional cost of space and time is introduced when the color flipping is added to the framework of these allocators, the trend is not to cause severe damage in the performance, since it operates on very limited portions of the graph. This section presents a series of comparisons to measure the impact on the quality of the code when the color flipping is added to Briggs’ allocator [7].

To evaluate the efficiency of color flipping two main experiments have been made. The first one takes a set of 27, 921 interference graphs made available by Appel and George [2] to measure how many live range spills were possible to avoid using the color flipping technique. The second experiment, implements the Briggs’ allocator with color flipping stage added in LLVM framework [21]. Several comparisons were made between the existing allocators of LLVM. The tests were performed in a Core i5 machine, with 8 GB of RAM in Ubuntu 14.04 64 bits.

4.1 Appel and George Graph Experiments

The set of graphs available by Appel and George [2] were generated from the self-compilation of SML/JN (Standard ML of New Jersey) [1] - a compiler for the language Standard ML ’97 - to test new allocation techniques for graph coloring, without relying on any specific framework.

The samples assume that \(K = 21\) or \(K=29\), and also provide information about moves between nodes in each graph, which allows the use of coalescing in the allocation process. However, no spill cost information is provided, nor the code that represents the interference graph. This limits the tests in two ways. First when spill occurs, we can not know which variable will be spilled. To work around this problem we assumed that all nodes in the interference graph have \(cost=1\), therefore the node with higher degree is always chosen to spill. The second limitation is that we can not reconstruct the interference graph when spill occurs because there is no code information to make live analysis. In this way, the experiment only computes the effect of color flipping in the first round of the graph coloring algorithm if any spill occurs.

Table 1. Number of live range spills avoided for the Appel and George 27,921 interference graph samples.

In order to test the efficiency of color flipping a Briggs’ allocator without coalescing and where is possible enable color flipping was implemented without any framework dependence. The tests were performed assuming \(K = 4,8,12, 16, 21\)/29. The recursion level of the color flipping was set to 2, we try a recursion level \( > 2\), but there was no significant improvement in the results - less than 0.5 %. The results are shown in Table 1. We observed that as the number of available register grows, the color flipping avoids more spills, this is due to the fact that more flipping opportunities become possible when there are more possibilities of coloring. However, even with \(K=4\) the reduction in the number of live range spills is considerable. Another important observation is that our measurements in Table 1 are in terms of live range spills avoided, not in terms of load/store instructions reduction. As for each live range spilled some load/store instructions are inserted, if we were able to perform our measurements with Appel and George graph samples in terms of load/store reduction, an even better result would be obtained.

4.2 LLVM Experiments

To evaluate the quality of the code produced, the benchmark SPEC CPU2006 was compiled for architectures x86_64 and ARM-Cortex9. A comparison was made with the three main allocators of LLVM: basic, greedy and pbqp. It is difficult to talk about allocators basic and greedy because there is no official documentation about them. The best material found was an informal mail list between the author of both allocators and the LLVM community [22]. Based on this discussion and code itself, we can infer that both are hybrids allocators, using ordered intervals as the extended linear scan [24] but using allocation mechanisms similar of those used in the graph coloring. The basic uses a priority queue to separate unrestricted live ranges (\( degree <k \)) from restricted live ranges (\( degree \ge k \)) which is similar to the algorithm proposed by Chow and Hennessy [12, 11]. The greedy is an extension of basic, which uses a form of iterative coalescing similar to George and Appel [15] with split on demand. This is the default allocator of LLVM. The pbqp allocator is based on quadratic problem solving implemented by Hames Scholz [18].

Table 2. Amount of spill code inserted by each benchmark of SPEC CPU 2006 for x86_64 architecture using Briggs’, Color Flipping and LLVM’s allocators.
Table 3. Amount of spill code inserted by each benchmark of SPEC CPU 2006 for ARM-CortexA9 architecture using Briggs’, Color Flipping and LLVM’s allocators.

The results of SPEC CPU2006 benchmark compilation are shown in Tables 2 (x86_64) and 3 (ARM-Cortex9). Unlike the experiments performed in Sect. 4.1, in LLVM experiments the measurements are in terms of spill instructions (load/store). We notice that our allocator produced code with similar quality to LLVM allocators. In some cases much less spill code was inserted, e.g., 403.gcc, 400.perlbench. In 403.gcc for X86_64 (Table 2) was inserted 6, 356 spills with color flipping, while all LLVM allocators inserted \(>7300\) spills. In 400.perlbench for ARM-CortexA9 (Table 3) was inserted 2, 643 spills, while all LLVM allocators inserted \(>3200\) spills. We also notice that one of the best performances of color flipping was on the gcc benchmark. This may be due to the nature of the interference graph of a compiler, since the samples of graphs of Appel and George, where we achieve better results, also represented a compiler. Another important observation is that the color flipping was more effective in ARM-Cortex9 architecture, this suggests that color flipping may has a better performance in an environment with more alias [25]- while ARM has 289 register units, the X86_64 architecture has 241 register units. Finally we observe that color flipping always produced \(\le \) spills when compared to Briggs’ allocator.

Based on the experiment of Sect. 4.1 we expected a greater spill reduction. There are two main causes for the results have been affected negatively. The first one is the register class issue. Most of modern architectures are irregular. This means that each live range can only be assigned to a specific set of registers. For example, a variable int can not be allocated to a class of registers of type float. The graph coloring algorithms are too abstract and do not deal with these issues in their original design. Modern research has sought to make this strategy generic enough to deal with these modern problems [25]. Unfortunately, the tests in Sect. 4.1 do not simulated this behavior. The second one is the spill cost issue. The tests with Appel and George graphs always spills the live range with greater degree, which differs from the spill heuristic used in real programs. This may causes unpredictable results.

5 Conclusion

In this work we presented a new spill code minimization technique called color flipping. Rather than try to partially spill a live range, the color flipping tries to recolor the interference graph, such that, a color is made available to the live range spilled. If color flipping succeeds no load/store instructions are inserted, that is, a machine register is assigned to the entire live range. Otherwise, the graph coloring algorithm proceeds normally with no change in the coloring of the interference graph. Another important advantage of using color flipping is that it can combined with other spill minimization techniques easily, which can improve the overall result of the final code.

Our experiments with the samples of Appel and George shown over 12 % of live range spills reduction, suggesting that color flipping is an effective technique to avoid spill code. However, in the experiments with the LLVM framework the performance of color flipping was not as effective: in most benchmarks there was a reduction \(< 1\)% of spill code.

In further tasks, we should investigate the causes of such performance. We notice that the second restriction occurred much more often in the LLVM experiment, then we will study ways to work around this restriction to achieve better results.