
1 Introduction

Decompilation techniques [8, 9] have been applied to many areas such as porting legacy software written in assembly language to new architectures, re-optimizing assembly code [1], detecting bugs [6] and malware [7]. Decompilation is a complex process typically involves operations such as unpredication and unspeculation [16], reconstructing control structures [21], resolution of branch delays [3], loop rerolling [17] and software de-pipelining [4, 5, 18].

Software pipelining [13] is a loop parallelization technique used to speed up loop execution. It is widely implemented in optimizing compilers for very long instruction word (VLIW) architecture such as IA-64, Texas Instruments (TI) C6X digital signal processors (DSP) that support instruction level parallelism (ILP). To further enhance the performance of DSP applications, software pipelining is often combined with loop unrolling [14]. Therefore, it is often necessary to perform both loop rerolling and software de-pipelining in order to de-optimize loops at instruction level.

Recently Kroustek investigated the decompilation of VLIW executable files and presented the decompression of VLIW assembly code bundles [11]. However the paper did not address the de-optimization of the code at instruction level. In general, loop de-optimization is much more difficult at instruction level than at higher levels because processors that support ILP tend to have more complicated architectures and instruction sets. Furthermore, compilers for these processors often apply various optimization techniques during different phases of compilation in order to better utilize the ILP features of the processors. For example, TIC6x DSP processor contains two data paths and each of which consists of four functional units and one memory port. Thus, TIC6x DSP processor may issue up to eight instructions including two memory fetches at the same time [20].

In the following sections, we first introduce our observation on selected three loops from the functions of EEMBC Telecommunication benchmark [10] and five loops from SMV benchmark [19] and their optimized assembly code generated by the TI C64 compiler. The algorithms used for de-pipelining and rerolling are presented in Sect. 3. A working example along with the experimental results is presented in Sects. 4 and 5. Sections 6 and 7 are related work and our summary.

2 Observation

We use data dependency graph (DDG) to represent a loop and follow graph theory to check whether or not a loop is re-rollable and if so, loop rerolling is performed. It is noted that if a loop is unrolled by a compiler, original DDG of the loop is always duplicated, resulting in an identical set of subgraphs referred to as subDDGs in this paper. To facilitate the discussion, we introduce some concepts below:

Two subDDGs G and H are said to be isomorphic if and only if the two subDDGs have the same node sets and any two nodes have a data dependence edge in G, their corresponding nodes in H have the same dependence edge. Isomorphism is an important concept in graph theory. If a DDG can be split into n isomorphic subDDGs, then the loop is re-rollable.

However, compilers often perform addition optimizations after loop unrolling which almost always cause changes to some subDDGs such that not all subDDGs are isomorphic. For example, TI compiler replaces single-word instructions with more efficient double-word instructions. It also uses peephole optimization to remove some instructions in some subDDGs. In fact, after analyzing the TI compiler optimized assembly code of the eight selected unrolled loops from SMV and EEMBC telecommunication benchmarks, we observed that not all subDDGs of the eight loops are isomorphic. In order to reroll the loop, all altered subDDGs must be converted back to isomorphic form.

To systematically tackle the complexity of the conversion process, we subdivide the loops into five different types.

  1. 0.

    A loop whose subDDGs are all isomorphic and all use the same index register and have the same operations on their corresponding nodes.

  2. 1.

    A loop that contains some memory fetch instructions using an additional index register for accessing the same array due to the limitation of instruction format when unrolling too many times.

  3. 2.

    A loop that uses two index registers to access the same array and an additional instruction in some subDDGs to move data across datapath, because memory fetch instruction must use the index register from its own datapath in the TI processor.

  4. 3.

    A loop that uses complex instructions of the TI processor to replace some simple instructions. For example, for performance enhancement a complex double-word LDDW instruction is used by the TI compiler to replace two single-word LDW instructions resulting in two subDDGs to share a single source node.

  5. 4.

    A loop with some of its instructions missing in its subDDGs due to peephole optimization.

Note that except for type_0, loops of all other types contain non-isomorphic subDDGs. As will be discussed in the following section, it is always possible to convert these non-isomorphic subDDGs back to isomorphic form. We name these non-isomorphic subDDGs isomorphicable in the following sections.

Figure 1 shows the categorization of subDDGs. Table 1 summarizes the characteristics of the eight unrolled loops selected as the target of the study in this paper. Table 2 lists subDDG features of the selected unrolled loops.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Category of subDDGs

Table 1 Characteristics of unrolled loops
Table 2 SubDDG features and de-optimization solution

3 Methodologies and Algorithms

Our methodologies for solving loop rerolling and software de-pipelining are described below:

  1. 1.

    Perform software de-pipelining first, then perform rerolling if the loop has been software pipelined after unrolling.

  2. 2.

    Build data dependency graphs of subDDGs based on the analysis of innermost loops in assembly code. The process begins from the last_instructions [18] to help reduce the search space.

  3. 3.

    Find clusters of potential unrolled copies including all isomorphic subDDGs and isomorphicable subDDGs.

  4. 4.

    Convert all isomorphicable subDDGs to isomorphic subDDGs using symbolic calculation, instruction replacing, de-peephole optimization and other techniques.

  5. 5.

    Use single loop to represent all isomorphic subDDGs, which is the rerolled loop.

Figure 2 shows the flowchart of our loop de-optimization technique. Besides the normal control flow analysis and data flow analysis, we introduce the following 11 functions:

The natural_loop_analysis function:

From a given segment of assembly code and its control flow graph, the function finds the dominators, loop nest tree, loop headers, bodies, branches, nested loops, and the lengths of inner bodies. The algorithms of the function are very similar to that of [2].

The software_pipelined_loop_checking function:

The function checks all loops to find out whether the inner loop bodies are software-pipelined. If not, the execution of the software de-pipelining function is skipped.


The algorithm checks for any pair of instructions op\(_\mathrm{i}\) and op\(_\mathrm{j}\) in the body of the inner loop and determines if the following conditions are true: (1) if op\(_\mathrm{i}\) writes to a register which is to be read by op\(_\mathrm{j}\) and op\(_\mathrm{j}\) is located not earlier than op\(_\mathrm{i}\) in the loop body and (2) if the latency of op\(_\mathrm{i}\) is greater than the distance from op\(_\mathrm{i}\) to op\(_\mathrm{j}\). If both of the conditions are true, then this loop has been software-pipelined because op\(_\mathrm{i}\) and op\(_\mathrm{j}\) cannot be in the same iteration.

The software de-pipelining function:

The function converts software pipelined loops to de-pipelined loop, the detailed description of the algorithm can be found in [5, 18].

Fig. 2
figure 2

Flow chart of loop de-optimization technique

The find_last_instructions function:

The function performs a bottom-up search of all de-pipelined loops for all last_instructions. A last_instruction belongs to either of the following two categories: (1) instructions that write to registers involving live variables with transferred values to be used after loop exits and (2) All memory store instructions.

The build_subDDGs function:

The function builds subDDGs for the bodies of all inner loops.


  1. 1.

    Set subDDG\(_\mathrm{j}\) = {last_instruction\(_\mathrm{j}\)} for each last_instruction\(_\mathrm{j}\) in subDDG\(_\mathrm{j}\),

  2. 2.

    Define instruction pool\(_\mathrm{j}\) as the set of all instructions in de-pipelined loop body.

  3. 3.

    Add instruction\(_\mathrm{k}\) to subDDG\(_\mathrm{j}\) by performing a bottom up search for instruction\(_\mathrm{k}\) in instruction pool\(_\mathrm{j}\) from last_instruction\(_\mathrm{j}\) where data precedes any instruction in subDDG\(_\mathrm{j}\) with true dependence, output dependence, or antidependence.

  4. 4.

    Repeat 3 until the first instruction in de-pipelined loop body has been reached.

figure a

The symbolic_calculation function:

This function merges two different index registers. It does so by tracing back to the original source index register, replace it by a virtual register and recalculate all indexes.

The instruction_replacing function:

The function replaces a complex 32-bit instruction by two16-bit instructions with the same source and destination registers.

The subDDG_adjustment function:

The function applies to type_2 subDDG that uses a MV instruction to move data across datapath. This subDDG is semantically equivalent to the rest of subDDGs, therefore removing that MV instruction does not change the semantics.

The de-peephole_optimizing function:

The function recovers removed nodes and converts type_4 isomorphicable subDDG to isomorphic subDDG as some isomorphicable subDDGs have some of their nodes removed due to peephole optimization. For example, in one isomorphicable subDDG of SMV FLT a multiplication instruction node misses a load instruction node to provide its operand because peephole optimization removed this load instruction and the operand of that multiplication instruction is provided by another load instruction shared with another multiplication instruction. Another example is with SMV LSF_3 one isomorphicable subDDG in which one node of MV instruction is removed because the destination register of that MV instruction is dead.


Compare a type_4 subDDG\(_\mathrm{k}\) with the isomorphic subDDG

  1. 1.

    If node\(_\mathrm{i}\) is found in isomorphicable subDDG\(_\mathrm{k}\) and its preceding node is missing in subDDG\(_\mathrm{k}\), then:

    1. i.

      Find node\(_\mathrm{j}\)’ that precedes node\(_\mathrm{i}\)’ in isomorphic subDDG where the corresponding node\(_\mathrm{j}\) in subDDG\(_\mathrm{k}\) is missing.

    2. ii.

      Copy node\(_\mathrm{j}\)’ and attach it to isomorphicable subDDG\(_\mathrm{k}\) such that the attached node precedes node\(_\mathrm{i}\).

  2. 2.

    If node\(_\mathrm{i}\) is found in isomorphicable subDDG\(_\mathrm{k}\) with its succeeding node missing, then:

    1. i.

      Find node\(_\mathrm{j}\)’ that succeeds node\(_\mathrm{i}\)’ in isomorphic subDDG but node\(_\mathrm{j}\) is missing in isomorphicable subDDG\(_\mathrm{k}\) as a succeeding node to node\(_\mathrm{i}\).

    2. ii.

      Make a copy of node\(_\mathrm{j}\)’ and add it to isomorphicable subDDG\(_\mathrm{k}\) as a succeeding node to node\(_\mathrm{i}\). If the destination register of node\(_\mathrm{j}\) is dead in isomorphicable subDDG\(_\mathrm{k}\), then convert isomorphicable subDDG\(_\mathrm{k}\) to isomorphic subDDG.

The forming_rerolled_loop function:

The function performs the following operations:

  1. 1.

    Replace all isomorphic subDDGs by a single subDDG.

  2. 2.

    Use list scheduling from last_instructions to arrange the partial order list of this subDDG in a bottom-up manner.

  3. 3.

    Add a backward branch instruction to form the rerolled loop body if no branch instruction in found in this subDDG.

  4. 4.

    Adjust loop count

Fig. 3
figure 3figure 3

Working example. a Assembly code of Viterbi StorePaths. b After software de-pipelining. c SubDDGs. d subDDGs adjustment. e Indexes of memory load and store instructions. f Rerolled loop of Viterbi StorePaths

4 Working Example

We have selected the StorePaths function in Viterbi of EEMBC telecommunication benchmark as a working example to demonstrate our loop rerolling and de-software pipelining techniques.

Figure 3a is its assembly code generated by TI C64 complier where each line is an instruction group and all instructions in one instruction group are executed at the same time in parallel.

The iteration number of this loop body is seven. By using software_pipelined_loop_checking function, it is determined that this loop is software pipelined because register A5 is written by instruction LDH *++A3(16), A5 at line 35 and register A5 is read by instructions SHR A5,5,A4 and EXTU A5,27,27,A4 at lines 15 and 19, respectively; both instructions occur earlier than instruction LDH *++A3(16),A5.

Figure 3b shows the result of the software_de-pipelining function where the iteration number of de-pipelined loop body changes to eight. There are eight STH store instructions as last_instructions found by the find_last_instructions function.

Figure 3c is the result generated by build_subDDGs function. From the categorize_subDDGs function, we find that Viterbi StorePaths has four unrolled loop copies of type_2. The instruction numbers in Fig. 3c tie to the line numbers of instructions in Fig. 3b.

Among the four loop copies, one isomorphicable subDDG has one additional MV instruction generated by TI compiler for the purpose of moving data to another datapath. Figure 3d shows the semantically equivalent subDDGs before and after the removal of the MV instruction by the subDDGs_adjustment function.

After the above operations, we now have four type_1 subDDGs that are not yet isomorphic. This is because there are one load instruction and two store instructions in each unrolled copy, and the second store instructions of the four unrolled copies use different index registers. After the execution of symbolic_calculation function, all unrolled copies use the same index register for the second store instruction. Figure 3e lists the indexes of all memory load and store instructions, indicating that all subDDGs are now isomorphic and thus rerollable.

Figure 3f is the rerolled loop after the execution of forming_rerolled_loop function, which is semantically equivalent to the original assembly code shown in Fig. 3a. The iteration number of rerolled loop body changes to 32. The comparison before and after loop de-optimization is shown in Table 3, which is discussed in more detail in Sect. 5.

5 Experiment

We have chosen eight loop examples to conduct experiments manually. The original sets of assembly code are generated by TIC64 compiler, which are then optimized by loop unrolling and/or software pipelining. Their characteristics are summarized in Table 1. Their subDDG features and the solutions of de-optimization are summarized in Table 2.

Besides Dot product, Viterbi Decoder and Viterbi StorePaths are from Viterbi function of EEMBC Telecommunication benchmark. The other five kernels are from LSF_Q_New_ML_search_fx and FLT_filterAP_fx functions of the SMV benchmark. Table 1 presents the number of nested levels and loop counts of the source code and assembly code; it also shows the optimization methods applied by TI C64 compiler. All examples have loop unrolling; some involve both loop unrolling and software pipelining. In addition, Table 2 presents the characteristics of subDDGs, the types of isomorphicable subDDGs, the causes for their occurrences, as well as the solution for loop de-optimization. Dot product is the simplest example; all its subDDGs are isomorphic subDDGs using the same index register. The function categorize_subDDGs determines it is type_0 and the forming_rerolled_loop function can thus be called immediately. The remaining examples need conversion from isomorphicable subDDGs to isomorphic subDDGs. SMV FLT is the most complicated case, in which the compiler unrolls the inner loop first, and then unrolls the code of outer loops, and finally software pipelines them. Moreover, peephole optimization is used to reduce some instructions, which further complicates the rerolling process. In general, loop de-optimization requires a range of activities and techniques including software_de-pipelining, instruction_replacing, subDDG_adjustment, de-peephole_optimizing, and finally forming_loop_rerolling.

Table 3 Experimental results

Table 3 presents our experimental results, where #I denotes number of instructions; #IG number of instruction groups; #CC clock cycles which represents the execution time of specific code used in the experiment; and #LC loop count. There are three sections in Table 3, the leftmost one is original assembly code, and the rightmost section is the final result of the semantically equivalent sequential code after loop de-optimization. The second section lists certain kernels that have been optimized by software pipelining after loop unrolling by the compiler. Based on the final results of loop de-optimization, it is obvious that code sizes, including both instruction count and number of instruction groups, are reduced while the number of clock cycles is increased.

6 Related Work

Since Cifuences and her colleagues presented their work [9], many decompilation techniques have been published [1, 8, 12]. However, few papers tackle deoptimizaton technique and fewer still investigate loops with instruction-level parallel architectures.

Snavely et al. [16] present instruction level deoptimization approaches on Intel Itanium including unpredication, unscheduling and unspeculation. However they did not tackle loop de-optimization and software de-pipelining. Wang et al. [21] apply un-speculation technique on modulo scheduled loops to make the code easier to understand, however they do not tackle software de-pipelining and loop rerolling.

Loop rerolling has been implemented at source code level in LLVM compiler [15]. Stitt and Vahid [17] use loop rerolling technique for binary-level coprocessor generation, which is the reverse of loop unrolling. They use character string to represent instruction sequence, and then use the suffix tree to represent the character string for efficient pattern matching unrolled loop copies. However, their techniques are applicable only to decompiling assembly code such as MIPS and ARM without instruction level parallelism.

Bermudo et al. present an algorithm for reconstruction of the control flow graph for assembly language program with delayed instructions which was used in a reverse compiler for TI DSP processors [4]. Su et al. present software de-pipelined technique [18] for single-level loops. Their method based on building linear data dependency graph in software pipelined loop can convert the complicated software pipelined loop code to a semantically equivalent sequential loop. Bermudo et al. extend software de-pipelined technique to nested loops [5].

7 Summary

We present our instruction level loop de-optimization algorithms which involve software de-pipelining and loop rerolling. Instruction level loop de-optimization can be very complicated, particularly when the assembly code after loop unrolling is combined with peephole optimization. It is noted that although different compilers may generate different optimized assembly code, our approach can be a useful technique to help interested readers gain insight especially in the difficult tasks of loop rerolling and software de-pipelining, the necessary steps to decompile loops at instruction level. In this paper, we consider only loop independent dependency and plan to extend it to handle loop carried dependency in the future.