
1 Introduction

Knowledge representation and reasoning (KR) about space may be formally interpreted within diverse frameworks such as: (a) analytically founded geometric reasoning & constructive (solid) geometry [21, 27, 29]; (b) relational algebraic semantics of ‘qualitative spatial calculi’ [24]; and (c) by axiomatically constructed formal systems of mereotopology and mereogeometry [1]. Independent of formal semantics, commonsense spatio-linguistic abstractions offer a human-centred and cognitively adequate mechanism for logic-based automated reasoning about spatio-temporal information [5].

\(\triangleright ~\) Declarative Spatial Reasoning. In the recent years, declarative spatial reasoning has been developed as a high-level commonsense spatial reasoning paradigm aimed at (declaratively) specifying and solving real-world problems related to geometric and qualitative spatial representation and reasoning [4]. A particular manifestation of this paradigm is the constraint logic programming based CLP(QS) spatial reasoning system [4, 33, 34] (Sect. 2).

\(\triangleright ~\) Relational Algebraic Qualitative Spatial Reasoning. The state of the art in qualitative spatial reasoning using relational algebraic methods [24] has resulted in prototypical algorithms and black-box systems that do not integrate with KR languages, such as those dealing with semantics and conceptual knowledge necessary for handling background knowledge, action&change, relational learning, rule-based systems etc. Furthermore, relation algebraic qualitative spatial reasoning (e.g. LR [25]), while efficient, is incomplete in general [2224].Footnote 1 Alternatively, constraint logic programming based systems such as CLP(QS) [4] and others (see [9, 10, 18, 20, 28, 29]) adopt an analytic geometry approach where spatial relations are encoded as systems of polynomial constraints;Footnote 2 while these methods are sound and complete (see Sect. 2.2), they have prohibitive computational complexity, \(O(c_1^{c_2^n})\) in the number of polynomial variables n, meaning that even relatively simple problems are not solved within a practical amount of time via “naive” or direct encodings as polynomial constraints, i.e. encodings that lack common-sense knowledge about spatial objects and relations. On the other hand, highly efficient and specialised geometric theorem provers (e.g. [12]) and geometric constraint solvers (e.g. [17, 27]) exist. However, these provers exhibit highly specialised and restricted spatial languagesFootnote 3 and lack (a) the direct integration with more general AI methods and (b) the capacity for incorporating modular common-sense rules about space in an extensible domain- and context-specific manner.

The aims and contributions of the research presented in this paper are two-fold:

  1. 1.

    to further develop a KR-centered declarative spatial reasoning paradigm such that spatial reasoning capabilities are available and accessible within AI programs and applications areas, and may be seamlessly integrated with other AI methods dealing with representation, reasoning, and learning about non-spatial aspects

  2. 2.

    to demonstrate that in spite of high computational complexity in a general and domain-independent case, the power of analytic geometric—in particular polynomial systems for encoding the semantics of spatial relations – can be exploited by systematically utilising commonsense knowledge about spatial object and relationships at the qualitative level.

We present a new algorithm that drastically improves analytic spatial reasoning performance within KR-based declarative spatial reasoning approaches by identifying and pruning spatial symmetries that form equivalence classes (based on affine transformations) at the qualitative spatial level. By exploiting symmetries our approach utilises powerful underlying, but computationally expensive, polynomial solvers in a significantly more effective manner. Our algorithm is simple to implement, and enables spatial reasoners to solve problems that are otherwise unsolvable using analytic or relation algebraic methods. We emphasise that our approach is independent of any particular polynomial constraint solver; it can be similarly applied over a range of solvers such as CLP(R), SMTs, and specialised geometric constraint solvers that have been integrated into a KR framework.

In addition to AI/commonsense reasoning applications areas such as design, GIS, vision, robotics [3, 57], we also address application into automating support for proving the validity of theorems in mereotopology, orientation, shape, etc. (e.g. [8, 36]). Building on such foundational capabilities, another outreach is in the area of computer-aided learning systems in mathematics (e.g. at a high-school level). For instance, consider Proposition 9, Book I of Euclid’s Elements, where the task is to bisect an angle using only an unmarked ruler and collapsable compass. Once a student has developed what they believe to be a constructive proof, they can employ declarative spatial reasoners to formally verify that their construction applies to all possible inputs (i.e. all possible angles) and manipulate an interactive sketch that maintains the specified spatial relations (i.e. dynamic geometry [17]). A further area of interest is verifying the entries of composition tables that are used in relation algebraic qualitative spatial reasoning [30]: given spatial objects \(a,b,c \in U\), composition “look up” tables are indexed by pairs of (base) relations \(R_{1_{ab}}\), \(R_{2_{bc}}\) and return disjunctions of possible (base) relations \(R_{3_{ac}}\). For each entry, the task is to prove \(\exists a,b,c \in U \big ( R_{1_{ab}} \wedge R_{2_{bc}} \wedge R_{3_{ac}} \big ) \) for only those base relations \(R_3\) in the entry’s disjunction.

2 Declarative Spatial Reasoning with CLP(QS)

Declarative spatial reasoning denotes the ability of declarative programming frameworks in AI to handle spatial objects and the spatial relationships amongst them as native entities, e.g., as is possible with concrete domains of Integers, Reals and Inequality relationships. The objective is to enable points, oriented points, directed line-segments, regions, and topological and orientation relationships amongst them as first-class entities within declarative frameworks in AI [4].

2.1 Examples of Declarative Spatial Reasoning with CLP(QS)

With a focus on spatial question-answering, the CLP(QS) spatial reasoning system [4, 33, 34] provides a practical manifestation of certain aspects of the declarative spatial reasoning paradigm in the context of constraint logic programming (CLP).Footnote 4 CLP(QS) utilises a high-level language of spatial relations and commonsense knowledge about how various spatial domains behave. Such relations describe sets of object configurations, i.e. qualitative spatial relations such as coincident, left of, or partially overlapping. Through this deep integration of spatial reasoning with KR-based frameworks, the long-term research agenda is to seamlessly provide spatial reasoning in other AI tasks such as planning, non-monotonic reasoning, and ontological reasoning [4]. What follows is a brief illustration of the spatial Q/A capability supported by CLP(QS).

EXAMPLE A. Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS).

Grade 3 Mathematics (2009), Question 12. Put a square and two right-angled triangles together to make a rectangle. (1) Put the shapes \(T_1, T_2, S\) illustrated in Fig. 1 (d) together to make a rectangle. (2) Put the shapes \(T_1, T_2, S\) in Fig. 1 (d) together to make a quadrilateral that is not a rectangle.

CLP(QS) represents right-angle triangles as illustrated in Fig. 1(b). Figure 1(a) and (c) present the CLP(QS) solutions.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Using CLP(QS) to solve MCAS Grade 3 Mathematics Test questions (2009).

Grade 3 Mathematics (2013), Question 17. (1) How many copies of \(T_1\) illustrated in Fig. 1 (d) are needed to completely fill the region R illustrated in Fig. 2 (a) without any of them overlapping?

As presented in Fig. 2, CLP(QS) solves both the geometric definition and a variation where the dimensions of the rectangle and triangles are not given.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Using CLP(QS) to solve MCAS Grade 3 Mathematics Test questions (2013).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Spatial reasoning about cubes A, B, C with complete geometric unknowns.

EXAMPLE B. Qualitative Spatial Reasoning with Complete Unknowns.

In this example CLP(QS) reasons about spatial objects based solely on given qualitative spatial relations, i.e. without any geometric information.

Define three cubes A, B, C. Put B inside A, and make B disconnected from C. What spatial relations can possibly hold between A and C?

CLP(QS) determines that A must be disconnected from C and provides the inferred corresponding geometric constraints, as illustrated in Fig. 3.

2.2 Analytical Geometry Foundations for Declarative Spatial Reasoning

Analytic geometry methods parameterise classes of objects and encode spatial relations as systems of polynomial equations and inequalities [12]. For example, we can define a sphere as having a 3D centroid point (xyz) and a radius r, where xyzr are reals. Two spheres \(s_1, s_2\) externally connect or touch if

$$\begin{aligned} (x_{s_1} - x_{s_2})^2 + (y_{s_1} - y_{s_2})^2 + (z_{s_1} - z_{s_2})^2 = (r_{s_1} + r_{s_2})^2 \end{aligned}$$

If the system of polynomial constraints is satisfiable then the spatial constraint graph is consistent. Specifically, the system of polynomial (in)equalities over variables X is satisfiable if there exists a real number assignment for each \(x \in X\) such that the (in)equalities are true. Partial geometric information (i.e. a combination of numerical and qualitative spatial information) is utilised by assigning the given real numerical values to the corresponding object parameters. Thus, we can integrate spatial reasoning and logic programming using Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) [19]; this system is called CLP over qualitative spatial domains. CLP(\(\mathcal {QS}\)), provides a suitable framework for expressing and proving first-order spatial theorems.

Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition (CAD) [13] is a prominent sound and complete algorithm for deciding satisfiability of a general system of polynomial constraints over reals and has time complexity \(O(c_1^{c_2^n})\) in the number of free variables [2]. Thus, a key focus within analytic spatial reasoning has been methods for managing this inherent intractibility.Footnote 5 More efficient refinements of the original CAD algorithm include partial CAD [14]. Symbolic methods for solving systems of multivariate equations include the Gröbner basis method [11] and Wu’s characteristic set method [40]. In the QUAD-CLP(R) system, the authors improve solving performance by using linear approximations of quadratic constraints and by identifying geometric equivalence classes [28]. Ratschan employs pruning methods, also at the polynomial level, in the rsolve system [31, 32].

Constructive and iterative (i.e. Newton and Quasi-Newton iteration) methods solve spatial reasoning problems by “building” a solution, i.e. by finding a configuration that satisfies the given constraints [27]. If a solution is found, then the solution itself is the proof that the system is consistent – but what if a solution is not found within a given time frame? In general these methods are incomplete for spatial reasoning problems encoded as nonlinear equations and inequalities of arbitrary degree.Footnote 6

3 Spatial Symmetries

Information about objects and their spatial relations is formally expressed as a constraint graph \(G = (N,E)\), where the nodes N of the graph are spatial objects and the edges between nodes specify the relations between the objects. Objects belong to a domain, e.g. points, lines, squares, and circles in 2D Euclidean space, and cuboids, vertically-extruded polygons, spheres, and cylinders in 3D Euclidean space. We denote the object domain of node i as \(U_i\) (spatial domains are typically infinite). A node may refer to a partially ground, or completely geometrically ground object, such that \(U_i\) can be a proper subset of the full domain of that object type. Each element \(i^\prime \in U_i\) is called an instance of that object domain. A configuration of objects is a set of instances \(\{i^\prime _1,\dots ,i^\prime _n\}\) of nodes \(i_1,\dots ,i_n\) respectively.

A binary relation \(R_{i j}\) between nodes ij distinguishes a set of relative configurations of ij; relation R is said to hold for those configurations, \(R_{i j} \subseteq U_i \times U_j\). In general, an n-ary relation for \(n \ge 1\) distinguishes a set of configurations between n objects: \(R_{i_1,\dots ,i_n} \subseteq U_{i_1} \times \dots \times U_{i_n}\).

An edge between nodes ij is assigned a logical formula over relation symbols \(R_1,\dots ,R_m\) and logical operators \(\vee , \wedge , \lnot \). Given an interpretation \(i^\prime , j^\prime \), the formula for edge e is interpreted in the standard way, denoted \(e(i^\prime ,j^\prime )\):

  • \(R_1 \equiv (i^\prime ,j^\prime ) \in R_{1_{i j}}\)

  • \((R_1 \vee R_2) \equiv (i^\prime ,j^\prime ) \in R_{1_{i j}} \cup R_{2_{i j}}\)

  • \((R_1 \wedge R_2) \equiv (i^\prime ,j^\prime ) \in R_{1_{i j}} \cap R_{2_{i j}}\)

  • \((\lnot R_1) \equiv (i^\prime ,j^\prime ) \in (U_i \times U_j) \setminus R_{1_{i j}}\).

An edge between ij is satisfied by a configuration \(i^\prime , j^\prime \) if \(e(i^\prime , j^\prime )\) is true (this is generalised to n-ary relations). A spatial constraint graph \(G=(N,E)\) is consistent or satisfiable if there exists a configuration s of N that satisfies all edges in E, denoted G(s); this is referred to as the consistency task. Graph \(G^\prime \) is a consequence of, or implied by, G if every spatial configuration that satisfies G also satisfies \(G^\prime \). This is the sufficiency task (or entailment) that we commonly apply to constructive proofs, where the task is to prove that objects and relations in G are sufficient for ensuring that particular properties hold in \(G^\prime \).

Given graph G, two key questions are (1) how to give meaning, or interpret, the spatial relations in G, and (2) how to efficiently determine consistency and produce instantiations of G. That is, we need to adopt a method for spatial reasoning.

3.1 An Example of the Basic Concept

A key insight is that spatial configurations form equivalence classes over qualitative relationships based on certain affine transformations. For example, consider the spatial task of determining whether five same-sized spheres can be mutually touching. Suppose we are given a specific numerically defined configuration of four mutually touching spheres as illustrated in Fig. 4(a), and we prove that it is impossible to add an additional mutually touching sphere to this configuration. That is, let \(s_1, \dots , s_4\) be unit spheres (radius 1), centred on points \(p_1 = (0,0,0)\), \(p_2=(2,0,0)\), \( p_3=(1, \sqrt{3},0)\), \(p_4=(1,\sqrt{\frac{1}{3}},\sqrt{\frac{8}{3}})\), respectively. According to Eq. 1, \(s_1, \dots , s_4\) are mutually touching. We prove that a fifth same-sized, mutually touching sphere cannot be added to this configuration by determining that the corresponding system of polynomial constraints is unsatisfiable (the system consists of four constraints with three free variables \(x_{s_5}, y_{s_5}, z_{s_5}\), by reapplying Eq. 1 between \(s_5\) and each other sphere, e.g. \(s_1\) touches \(s_5\) is \( x_{s_5}^2 + y_{s_5}^2 + z_{s_5}^2 = 4\)).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Topological relations between four spheres maintained after various affine transformations.

Now consider that we apply an affine transformation to the original configuration such as rotation, translation, scaling, or reflection, as illustrated in Fig. 4(b) and (c). After having applied the transformation, it is still impossible to add a fifth mutually touching sphere, because the relevant qualitative (topological) relations are preserved under these transformations. Thus, when we proved that it was impossible to add a fifth same-sized mutually touching sphere to the original given configuration, in fact we proved it for a class of configurations, specifically, the class of configurations that can be reached by applying an affine transformation to the original configuration. Now, when determining consistency of graphs of qualitative spatial relations, we are not given any specific spatial configurations to work with (i.e. complete absence of numerical information), and instead need to prove consistency over all possible configurations.

The key is that, each time we ground and constrain variables, we are eliminating a spatial symmetry from our partially defined configuration. If we maintain knowledge about symmetries that certain object types have (e.g. spheres have complete rotational symmetry) then we can judiciously “trade” symmetries for unbound variables in our polynomial encoding at a purely symbolic level. Importantly, rather than having to compute symmetries or undertake any complex symmetry detection procedure, we are instead building knowledge about space and spatial properties of objects into the spatial solver at a declarative level. Thus, we are able to efficiently reason over an infinite set of possible configurations by incrementally pruning spatial symmetries based on commonsense knowledge about space, and this pruning is exploited by eliminating and constraining variables in the underlying polynomial encoding.

3.2 Theoretical Foundations for Symmetries

Due to the parameterisation of objects, spatial configurations are embedded in n-dimensional Euclidean space \({\mathbb {R}}^n\) (\(1 \le n \le 3\)) with a fixed origin point. Let VW be Euclidean spaces in \({\mathbb {R}}^n\), each with an origin. Given vectors xy and constant k, a linear transformation f is a mapping \(V \rightarrow W\) such that

$$\begin{aligned} f(x +y)&= f(x) + f(y)\quad (additive)\\ f(kx)&= k f(x) \qquad \quad ~~ (homogeneous) \end{aligned}$$

An affine transformation \(f^\prime \) is a linear transformation composed with a translation. It is convenient to represent a linear transformation on vector x as a left multiplication of a \(d \times d\) real matrix Q, and translation as an addition of vector t, \(f^\prime (x) = Qx + t\). We denote a transformation T applied to a spatial configuration of objects s as Ts.

We distinguish particular classes of transformations with respect to the qualitative spatial relationships that are preserved, for example, in \({\mathbb {R}}^2\) the following matrices represent rotation by \(\theta \), uniform scaling by \(k > 0\), and horizontal reflection, respectively:

$$\begin{aligned} \left( \begin{array}{rr} cos(\theta ) &{} -sin(\theta ) \\ sin(\theta ) &{} cos(\theta ) \end{array} \right) , \left( \begin{array}{rr} k &{} 0 \\ 0 &{} k \end{array} \right) , \left( \begin{array}{rr} -1 &{} 0 \\ 0 &{} 1 \end{array} \right) . \end{aligned}$$

Given transformation T we annotate it with its type \(c \in C\), e.g. \(C=\{\)translate, rotate, scale, reflect\(\}\) as \(T^c\). Each spatial relation R belongs to a class of relations in \(\text {Rel}\), such as topology, mereology, coincidence, relative orientation, distance. Let \(\text {Sym}\) be a function \(\text {Sym}: \text {Rel}\rightarrow 2^C\) that represents the classes of transformations that preserve a given class of spatial relations. The \(\text {Sym}\) function is our mechanism for building knowledge about spatial symmetries into the spatial reasoning system. Let \(\text {Rel}_G\) be the set of classes of the spatial relations that are used in the spatial constraint graph G, and let \(\text {Sym}_G = \bigcap _{R \in \text {Rel}_G} \text {Sym}(R).\)

Table 1. Polynomial encodings of qualitative spatial relations.

The following formal Condition on \(\text {Sym}_G\) states that transformations (applied to the embedding space) define equivalence classes of configurations with respect to the consistency of spatial constraint graphs. When satisfied, this condition provides a theoretically sound foundation for symmetry pruning.

Condition 1

Given spatial constraint graph G, configuration s, and affine transformation \(T^c\) with \(c \in \text {Sym}_G\) then G(s) is true if and only if \(G(T^cs)\).

3.3 Polynomial Encodings for Spatial Relations

In this section we define a range of spatial domains and spatial relations with the corresponding polynomial encodings. While our method is applicable to a wide range of 2D and 3D spatial objects and qualitative relations, for brevity and clarity we primarily focus on a 2D spatial domain. Our method is readily applicable to other 2D and 3D spatial domains and qualitative relations, for example, as defined in [4, 9, 10, 28, 29, 33, 34].

  • a point is a pair of reals xy

  • a line segment is a pair of end points \(p_1, p_2\) (\(p_1 \ne p_2\))

  • a rectangle is a point p representing the bottom left corner, a unit direction vector v defining the orientation of the base of the rectangle, and a real width and height wh (\(0 < w, 0 < h\)); we can refer to the vertices of the rectangle: let \(v^\prime = (-y_v, x_v)\) be v rotated \(90^o\) counter-clockwise, then \(p_1 = p = p_5, p_2 = wv + p_1, p_3 = wv + hv^\prime + p_1, p_4 = hv^\prime + p_1\)

  • a circle is a centre point p and a real radius r (\(0 < r\)).

We consider the following spatial relations:

Relative Orientation. Left, right, collinear orientation relations between points and segments, and parallel, perpendicular relations between segments [23].

Coincidence. Intersection between a point and a line, and a point and the boundary of a circle. Also whether the point is in the interior, outside or on the boundary of a region.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Affine transformations preserve point coincidence, parallelism, and ratios of distances along parallel lines.

Mereology. Part-whole relations between regions [37].

Table 1 presents the corresponding polynomial encodings. Given three real variables vij, let:

$$v \in [i,j] \equiv i \le v \le j \vee j \le v \le i.$$

Determining whether a point is inside a rectangle is based on vector projection. Point p is projected onto vector v by taking the dot product,

$$(x_p, y_p) \cdot (x_v, y_v) = x_p x_v + y_p y_v$$

Given point a and rectangle b, we translate the point such that the bottom left corner of b is at the origin, project \(p_a\) on the base and side vectors of b, and check whether the projection lies within the width and height of the rectangle,

$$ 0 < (p_a - p_{1_b}) \cdot v_b < w_b$$
$$ 0 < (p_a - p_{1_b}) \cdot v_b^\prime < h_b$$

Convex regions ab are disconnected iff there is a hyperplane of separation, i.e. there exists a line l such that a and b lie on different sides of l. This is the basis for determining the discrete from relation between rectangles.

3.4 Formalising Knowledge About Symmetries

In this section we formally determine the qualitative spatial relations that are preserved by various affine transformations. A fundamental property of affine transformations is that they preserve (a) point coincidence (e.g. line intersections), (b) parallelism between straight lines, and (c) proportions of distances between points on parallel lines [26]. For example, consider the configuration of points \(p_a,p_b,p_c,p_d\) and lines \(l_1, l_2, l_3\) in Fig. 5: (a) we cannot introduce new points of coincidence between lines by applying transformations such as translation, scaling, reflection, and rotation. Conversely, if two lines intersect, then they will still intersect after these transformations; (b) lines \(l_1,l_2\) are parallel before and after the transformations; lines \(l_1, l_3\) are always non-parallel; (c) the ratio of distances between collinear points \(p_a, p_b, p_c\) is maintained; formally, let \(s_{ij}\) be the segment between points \(p_i, p_j\) and let \(|s_{ij}|\) be the length of the segment. Then the ratio \(\frac{|s_{ab}|}{|s_{bc}|}\) in Fig. 5 is the same before and after the transformations.

Based on these properties we can determine the transformations that preserve various qualitative spatial relations.Footnote 7

Theorem 1

The following qualitative spatial relations are preserved under translation, scale, rotation, and reflection (applied to the embedding space): topology, mereology, coincidence, collinearity, line parallelism.


By definition, affine transformations preserve parallelism with respect to qualitative line orientation, and point coincidence. Due to preservation of point coincidence and proportions of collinear distances by affine transformations, it follows that mereological part of and topological contact relations between regions are preserved, i.e. if a mereological or topological relation changes between regions ab, then by definition there exists a point p coincident with a such that the coincidence relation between p and b has changed; but this cannot occur as point coincidence is maintained with affine transformations by definition, therefore mereological and topological relations are also maintained.

The interaction between spatial relations and transformations is richer than we have space to elaborate on here, i.e. not all qualitative spatial relations are preserved under all affine transformations; orientation is not preserved under reflection (e.g. Fig. 5(b) gives a counter example), distance is not preserved under non-uniform scaling. To summarise, we formalise the following knowledge as modular commonsense rules in CLP(QS): point-coincidence, line parallelism, topological and mereological relations are preserved with all affine transformations. Relative orientation changes with reflection, and qualitative distances and perpendicularity change with non-uniform scaling. Spheres, circles, and rectangles are not preserved with non-uniform scaling, with the exception of axis-aligned bounding boxes.

“Trading” Transformations. Symmetries are used to eliminate object variables. As a metaphor, unbound variables are replaced by constant values in “exchange” for transformations. We start with a set of transformations that can be applied to a configuration: translation, scaling, arbitrary rotation, and horizontal and vertical reflection. We can then “trade” each transformation for an elimination of variables. Each transformation can only be “spent” once. Theorem 2 presents an instance of such a pruning case.

Table 2 presents a variety of different pruning cases for position variables and the associated combination of transformations, as illustrated in Fig. 6.Footnote 8 Some cases require more than one distinct set of parameter restrictions to cover the set of all position variables due to point coincidence being preserved by affine transformations. For example, consider case (f): all pairs of points \(p_1, p_2\) can be transformed into any other pair of points \(p_i, p_j\) by translation, rotation, and scaling, iff \(p_1 = p_2 \leftrightarrow p_i = p_j\). Thus, to cover all pairs of possible points, we need to consider two distinct parameter restrictions: \(p_i = p_j\) and \(p_i \ne p_j\); we refer to these as subcases.

Many further pruning cases are identifiable. For example, a version of case (i) can be defined without reflection by requiring more sub-cases where \(c_4 > c_2\) and \(c_4 < c_2\). Case (i) can be extended so that all six coordinates of three points are grounded if we also “exchange” the skew transformation (e.g. applicable to object domains like triangles or points).

Theorem 2

Any pair of object position variables \((x_1,y_1), (x_2,y_2)\) can be transformed into any given position constants \((c_1,c_2), (c_3,c_2)\) such that \((c_1 = c_3 \leftrightarrow (x_1 = x_2 \wedge y1=y2))\) by applying: an xy-translation, a rotation about the origin in the range \((0,2\pi )\), and an x-scale.


The corresponding expression has been verified using the Reduce system (Redlog quantifier elimination) [15]; all variables are quantified over reals.

\(\forall c_1 \forall c_2 \forall c_3 \forall x_1 \forall y_1 \forall x_2 \forall y_2\)

\((c_1 = c_3 \leftrightarrow (x_1 = x_2 \wedge y1=y2)) \leftrightarrow \exists t_x \exists t_y \exists d_x \exists d_y \exists s_x \big (\)

\((0 < s_x) \wedge (d_x^2 + d_y^2 = 1) \wedge \)

\(\text {let}S = \left( \begin{array}{c} s_x ~~ 0 \\ ~~ 0 ~~ 1 \end{array} \right) \wedge \text {let}~ R = \left( \begin{array}{c} d_x -d_y \\ d_y ~~~ d_x \end{array} \right) \wedge \text {let}T = \left( \begin{array}{c} t_x \\ t_y \end{array} \right) \wedge \)

\(\left( \begin{array}{c} c_1 \\ c_2 \end{array} \right) = S R \left( \begin{array}{c} x_1 \\ y_1 \end{array} \right) + T \wedge \left( \begin{array}{c} c_3 \\ c_2 \end{array} \right) = S R \left( \begin{array}{c} x_2 \\ y_2 \end{array} \right) + T \big ) \equiv \top \)

We can use this pruning case on any spatial constraint graph G where the graph’s spatial relations are preserved by translation, rotation, and scaling. Given graph \(G=(N,E)\), the following Algorithm applies the pruning case, with selected constants \(c_1=0\), \(c_2=0\), and \(c_3=1\) or \(c_3=0\):

  1. 1.

    select object position variables \(p_1, p_2\) from nodes in N

  2. 2.

    copy G to create \(G_1, G_2\)

  3. 3.

    in \(G_1\) set \(p_1 = (0,0), p_2=(1,0)\)   (case \(c_1 \ne c_3\) )

  4. 4.

    in \(G_2\) set \(p_1 = (0,0), p_2=(0,0)\)   (case \(c_1 = c_3\) )

  5. 5.

    if the task is:

    1. (a)

      consistency of G then solve \(\bigvee _{i=1}^2 \exists s ~ G_i (s)\)

    2. (b)

      sufficiency, \(G \rightarrow G^\prime \), then solve

      \(\bigwedge _{i=1}^2 \lnot \exists s ( G_i (s) \wedge \lnot G^\prime (s))\)

In Step 1 any pair of objects can be selected for which their position variables will be grounded; we also employ policies that target computationally costly subgraphs (for example, pairs of non-equal circles that share a boundary point are often good candidates for this pruning case). Having eliminated free variables from the system of polynomial constraints, the constraints are significantly more simple to solve. Due to the double exponential complexity \(O(c_1^{c_2^n})\) reducing n has a significant impact on performance; the system may even collapse from nonlinear constraints to linear (solvable in \(O(c^n)\)) or constants.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Cases for pruning position parameters.

3.5 Combining Symmetry Pruning with Graph Decomposition

In certain cases, spatial constraint graphs can be decomposed into subgraphs that can be solved independently. For example, subgraphs \(G_1, G_2\) can be independently solved if all objects in subgraph \(G_1\) are either:

  • disconnected from all objects in subgraph \(G_2\);

  • a proper part of some object in \(G_2\);

  • left of some segment in \(G_2\);

  • only related by relative size to some object in \(G_2\), and so on.

In such cases we can reapply spatial symmetry pruning in each independent sub-graph; this commonsense spatial knowledge is modularly formalised within CLP(QS). For example, consider Proposition 22 of Book I of Euclid’s Elements (Fig. 7):

Constructing a triangle from three segments. Given three line segments \(l_{ab}\), \(l_{cd}\), \(l_{ef}\), draw a line through four collinear points \(p_1, \dots , p_4\) such that \(|(p_1,p_2)|=|l_{ab}|\), \(|(p_2,p_3)|=|l_{cd}|\), \(|(p_3,p_4)|=|l_{ef}|\). Draw circle \(c_a\) centred on \(p_2\), coincident with \(p_1\). Draw circle \(c_b\) centred on \(p_3\) coincident with \(p_4\). Draw \(p_5\) coincident with \(c_a\) and \(c_b\). The triangle \(p_2, p_3, p_5\) has side lengths such that \(|(p_2,p_3)|=|l_{cd}|\), \(|(p_3,p_5)|=|l_{ef}|\), \(|(p_5,p_2)|=|l_{ab}|\).

In this example, the three segments \(l_{ab}, l_{cd}, l_{ef}\) and the remaining objects are only related by the distances between their end points. That is, the relative position and orientation of \(l_{ab}, l_{cd}, l_{ef}\) is not relevant to the consistency of the spatial graph; we only need to explore all combinations of segment lengths. Thus the solver decomposes the graph into four sub-graphs: (1) \(l_{ab}\) (2) \(l_{cd}\) (3) \(l_{ef}\), and (4) \(p_1, \dots , p_5, c_a, c_b\). In subgraphs (1),(2),(3) it “trades” translation and rotation to ground \(p_a=p_c=p_e=(0,0)\), and \(y_b=y_d=y_f=0\) and keeps x-scale to cover all possible combinations of segment lengths, i.e. \(x_b, x_d, x_f\) are free variables. In subgraph (4) CLP(QS) applies the pruning case of Theorem 2 by grounding \(p_1, p_4\).

Table 2. Cases for pruning parameters for one position point (a,b), two position points (c-f), three position points (g-i). Cases marked with \(*\) require arbitrary scaling (i.e. both uniform and non-uniform).
figure a
Fig. 7.
figure 7

Constructing a triangle by decomposing the spatial constraint graph.

4 Application-Driven Use Cases

We present problem instances in the classes of mereology, ruler and compass, and contact. Table 3 presents the experiment time results of CLP(QS) using symmetry pruning compared with existing systems: z3 SMT solver, Redlog real quantifier elimination (in the Reduce computer algebra system) [15], and the relation algebraic qualitative spatial reasoners GQR [16] and SparQ [39]. CLP(QS) uses z3 to solve polynomial constraints (after our pruning), thus z3 is the most direct comparison. Experiments were run on a MacBookPro, OS X 10.8.5, 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7. The empirical results show that no other spatial reasoning system exists (to the best of our knowledge) that can solve the range of problems presented in this section, and in cases where solvers are applicable, CLP(QS) with spatial pruning solves those problems significantly faster than other systems.

Table 3. Time (in seconds) to solve benchmark problems using CLP(QS) with pruning compared to z3 SMT solver, Redlog (Reduce) quantifier elimination, and GQR and SparQ relation algebraic solvers. Time out was issued after a running time of 10 min. Failure (fail) indicates that the incorrect result was given. Not applicable (n/a) indicates that the problem could not be expressed using the given system.

4.1 Spatial Theorem Proving: Geometry of Solids

Tarski [36] shows that a geometric point can be defined by a language of mereological relations over spheres. The idea is to distinguish when spheres are concentric, and to define a geometric point as the point of convergence. Borgo [8] shows that this can be accomplished with a language of mereology over hypercubes. We will use CLP(QS) to prove that the definitions are sound for rotatable squares.

As a preliminary we need to determine whether the intersection of two squares is non-square (Fig. 8) [34]. Given two squares ab, the intersection is non-square if a partially overlaps b (Table 1) and either (a) a and b are not aligned, \(x_{v_a} \ne x_{v_b}\) or (b) the width and height of the intersection are not equal, \(w_I \ne h_I\), such that

$$ w_I = {\text {min}}(v \cdot p_{2_a}, v \cdot p_{2_b}) - {\text {max}}(v \cdot p_{1_a}, v \cdot p_{1_b}) $$
$$ h_I = {\text {min}}(v^\prime \cdot p_{4_a}, v^\prime \cdot p_{4_b}) - {\text {max}}(v^\prime \cdot p_{1_a}, v^\prime \cdot p_{1_b}) $$

Aligned Concentric. Two squares AB are aligned and concentric if: A is part of B and there does not exist a square P such that (a) P is covertex with B, and (b) the intersection of P and A is not a square (Fig. 9).

figure b

We use CLP(QS) to prove that the definition is sufficient, by contradiction; two squares are covertex if they are aligned and share a vertex, and the relation concentric is the geometric definition of concentricity in Table 1 that is used to evaluate the mereological definition of concentricity:

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Intersection I of squares AB is non-square.

figure c
Fig. 9.
figure 9

Characterising aligned (a), (b) and rotated (c), (d) concentric squares using mereology (reproduced from [Borgo, 2013])

Boundary Concentric. Square A is boundary concentric with square B if: A is proper part of B and there does not exist a square Z such that (a) Z is proper part of B (b) A is part of Z, and (c) Z is not part of A (Fig. 9).

figure d

Mereologically Concentric. Squares AB are mereologically concentric if: AB are aligned concentric or there exists Q such that (a) Q is boundary concentric with B and Q is aligned concentric with A or (b) Q is boundary concentric with A and Q is aligned concentric with B.

Having proved the mereological definitions of aligned and boundary concentricity, we can replace these with more efficient geometric definitions from Table 1 when proving mereological concentricity.

figure e

4.2 Didactics: Ruler–Compass and Contact Problems

Angle Bisector. Let \(l_a,l_b\) be line segments that share an endpoint at p. Draw circle c at p. Circle c intersects \(l_a\) at \(p_a\) and \(l_b\) at \(p_b\). Draw circles \(c_a\) at \(p_a\) and circle \(c_b\) at \(p_b\) such that p is coincident with both \(c_a, c_b\). Circles \(c_a\) and \(c_b\) intersect at p and \(p_c\). The line segment from p to \(p_c\) bisects the angle between \(l_a\) and \(l_b\) (Fig. 10).

We use CLP(QS) to prove that the definition is sufficient. The relation bisects is used for evaluation by checking if the midpoint of (\(p_a\),\(p_b\)) is collinear with \(l_c\) (i.e. idealised rulers cannot directly measure the midpoint of a line). An interactive diagram is then automatically generated that encodes the specified program (using the FreeCAD system); see Fig. 11.

figure f
Fig. 10.
figure 10

Ruler and compass method for angle bisection. Line \(L_c\) bisects the angle between lines \(L_a, L_b\).

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Interactive diagram encoding the student’s constructive proof of Euclid’s angle bisector theorem; as the student manipulates figures in the diagram, the other geometries are automatically updated to maintain the specified qualitative constraints.

Sphere Contact. Determine the maximum number of same-sized mutually touching spheres (Fig. 4 - note that no numeric information about the spheres is given in this benchmark problem).

figure g

5 Conclusions

Affine transformations provide an effective and interesting class of symmetries that can be used for pruning across a range of qualitative spatial relations. To summarise, we formalise the following knowledge as modular commonsense rules in CLP(QS): point-coincidence, line parallelism, topological and mereological relations are preserved with all affine transformations. Relative orientation changes with reflection, and qualitative distances and perpendicularity change with non-uniform scaling. Spheres, circles, and rectangles are not preserved with non-uniform scaling, with the exception of axis-aligned bounding boxes. Our algorithm is simple to implement, and is easily extended to handle more pruning cases.

Theoretical and empirical results show that our method of pruning yields an improvement in performance by orders of magnitude over standard polynomial encodings without loss of soundness, thus increasing the horizon of spatial problems solvable with any polynomial constraint solver. Furthermore, the declaratively formalised knowledge about pruning strategies is available to be utilised in a modular manner within other knowledge representation and reasoning frameworks that rely on specialised SMT solvers etc., e.g., in the manner demonstrated in ASPMT(QS) [38], which is a specialised non-monotonic spatial reasoning system built on top of answer set programming modulo theories.