
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) [21] is a unified conceptual framework in which software development is seen as a process of model production, refinement and integration. Models are built representing different views of a software system using different formalisms, i.e., modelling languages. The formalism is chosen in such a way that the model concisely expresses the properties of the system that are important at the current level of abstraction. During development, high-level specification models are refined or combined with other models to include more solution details, such as the chosen architecture, data structures, algorithms, and finally even platform and environment-specific execution properties. The manipulation of models is achieved by means of model transformations. Model refinement and integration continues until a model (or code) is produced that can be executed.

MDE, while successful in many areas, still faces important challenges in practise. One main challenge is model reuse [25]: typically, models for a system under development are created from scratch, rather than reusing already existing models. This makes modelling more cumbersome than coding, since most modern programming languages offer extensive libraries that facilitate code reuse. Furthermore, models of complex applications tend to grow in size, to a point where even individual views are not readily understood or analyzable anymore. This is particularly true for behavioural models that are executable or used as source models for code generation, since they need to specify the behaviour in great detail.

Concern-Oriented REuse (CORE) is a multi-view modelling approach aimed at addressing the reuse and scalability issues of model-driven engineering. CORE extends MDE with best practices from research in both software product lines and aspect-orientation to define broad units of reuse, so-called concerns. These concerns specify the essence of a design solution and its different potential variations using multiple structural and behavioural views. The modelling notations used within a concern offer aspect-oriented features that make it possible to separate and modularize crosscutting properties and functionality. Currently, CORE incorporates feature models, goal models, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and – thanks to the research described in this paper – protocol state machines, all with aspect-oriented extensions.

Concerns can easily reuse other concerns thanks to their three-part interface (a variation, a customization and a usage interface), thus creating concern hierarchies with complex dependencies. Syntactic or semantic model composition techniques [20] are used to flatten concern hierarchies and create complex models in which the concerns are intertwined that can then be executed or from which code is generated.

Specifying this composition is a non-trivial task, in particular when it comes to specifying the composition of behaviour. Structural composition of class diagrams in CORE boils down to merging of model elements. For two classes, for instance, this yields a new class that has the properties from both of the merged classes. Experience shows that the symmetric merge operation is conceptually easy to master by modellers.

Behavioural composition of sequence diagrams in CORE is asymmetric in nature. One sequence diagram can invoke an operation that is defined by another sequence diagram, which means that the weaver has to insert the behaviour of the called operation into the sequence diagram that made the call. Furthermore, aspect message views can modify the behaviour of a sequence diagram by adding additional behaviour before and/or after the already existing sequence of interactions. Understanding the resulting behaviour becomes tricky, in particular if the different behavioural specifications are scattered in multiple models. Also, as for all asymmetric approaches, the order of composition matters in the case where several aspect models want to add behaviour at the same place.

The complexity of understanding aspect dependencies and interactions, unwanted or wanted, has been a subject of study for many years now [18], and recognized as a major problem in aspect-oriented software development. This paper presents how we integrated protocol modelling (PM) [15] into CORE to allow the modeller to specify operation invocation protocols for class instances. We present some important properties that make PM an adequate notation for expressing state views in CORE design models, and show how we integrated a restricted form of PM into the CORE metamodel. We then discuss how this restricted PM can be used by a modeller to specify state views, and how it can be exploited by our TouchCORE tool [1, 2] to perform consistency checking of behavioural specifications that cross model boundaries.

The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 reviews some of the most important concepts of CORE. Section 3 enumerates the requirements that a modelling notation needs to fulfill in order to be useful in the context of CORE. Section 4 shows how we introduced a restricted form of PM into the CORE metamodel. Section 5 discusses how we envision modellers to use our new state views within CORE by means of the AspectOPTIMA [10] case study. Section 6 elaborates how the PM approach satisfies our requirements. Section 7 summarizes related work, and the last section draws some conclusions.

2 Background on CORE

In contrast to model-driven engineering’s focus on models, the main unit of modularization, abstraction, construction, and reasoning in concern-driven software development (CCD) is the concern.

A concern is any domain of interest to a software engineer. It can (but does not have to) be a crosscutting concern as advocated by aspect-oriented software development. A concern is a unit of modularization that encapsulates a set of models describing all properties of that concern required to sufficiently understand and use the concern. Typically, the models within a concern span multiple phases of software development and levels of abstraction. The models are built using the most appropriate modelling formalisms to express the properties of the concern that are relevant at each level of abstraction. Consequently, a concern is typically described by many modelling notations, which may be object-oriented in nature, but typically also need to offer other language mechanisms (e.g., aspect-oriented features) in order to properly handle the crosscutting nature of certain properties encapsulated within a concern. Finally, a concern also encapsulates all relevant variations/choices that are available/encapsulated within a concern, together with guidance on how to choose among those variations.

The key concept of concern-orientation promoting modularity is the three-part interface [3] that every concern must provide:

  • The Variation Interface describes the available variations of the concern and the impact of different variants on high-level goals, qualities, and non-functional requirements. The variations of a concern are represented with a feature model [7] (described in more detail in Subsect. 2.1) that specifies the individual features a concern offers, as well as their dependencies. The impact of choosing a feature on soft-goals and system qualities is specified with goal models [6].

  • The Customization Interface describes how a chosen variant can be adapted to the needs of a specific application. Each variant of a concern is described as generally as possible to maximize reusability. Therefore, some elements in the concern are only partially specified and need to be related or complemented with concrete modelling elements of the application that intends to reuse the concern. The customization interface is hence used when a specific variant of a reusable concern is composed with the application.

  • The Usage Interface describes how the application can finally access the structure and behaviour provided by the concern.

2.1 Designing a Concern

Building a concern is a non-trivial, time consuming task, typically done by or in consultation with a domain expert; it requires a deep understanding of the nature of the concern to be able to identify and specify all features of a concern. In CORE, this is done with feature models (see Subsect. 2.1.1). Once identified, each feature of a concern has to be realized, i.e., the structure and behaviour of the functionality it encapsulates needs to be specified. In CORE, this is done with Reusable Aspect Models (RAM) [9, 12], an aspect-oriented multi-view modelling notation based on UML class and sequence diagrams (see Subsect. 2.1.2).

2.1.1 Feature Model

The features of a concern include all prominent or distinctive user-visible aspects, qualities and characteristics related to the concern. Once identified, the concern designer summarizes all relevant variations of the functionality pertaining to a concern, as well as all extensions of the functionality, with a feature model [7]. Feature models specify the relationships and dependencies that exist between features effectively and express them visually as a tree with different parent-child relationships (mandatory, optional, xor and or) and cross-feature dependencies (requires and excludes) that are not limited to just parent-child relationships.

Figure 1 shows the feature model of a low-level software design concern called Association. It occurs very frequently in object-oriented designs that an object of class A needs to be associated with other objects of class B. Implementing associations with multiplicity 0..1 or 1 is easy, since it simply requires the class A to store a reference to an instance of class B. Implementing an association where the upper bound of the multiplicity is greater than 1, e.g., 0..*, can be done in many ways, and it is the job of a designer to determine the most appropriate way. Typically, the design has to introduce an intermediate collection data structure that stores the instances of B and refer to it from within class A. Operations need to be provided that add and remove instances of B from the collection contained in the object of class A.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Association concern feature model

What kind of collection to use depends on the functional requirements of the association. For example, an {ordered} association has to be designed with a collection that orders the elements it contains, e.g., a queue (FIFO), a stack (LIFO), or a priority queue (sorted using some criteria). A qualified association has to be designed with some sort of dictionary or map that allows the retrieval of objects by means of a key. Furthermore, an abstract data structure may have many different internal implementations. For example, a queue can be structured internally as an array or a linked list, the choice of which affects the algorithms for insertion, deletion, and iteration. This ultimately impacts the non-functional properties of the application, e.g., memory usage and performance, which are expressed by means of the impact model (see Subsect. 2.1.5).

2.1.2 Realizing Features

A concern can encapsulate complex functionality; however, this complexity is decomposed into several features that each modularize a coherent part of that functionality. The root feature of a concern, for instance, encapsulates structural and behavioural properties that are always present. Optional features modularize structure and behaviour that is only relevant when that particular feature of the concern is chosen.

In CORE, a feature is realized by a structural view (class diagram) and one or more message views (sequence diagrams). The class and sequence diagram notation used are extended with aspect-oriented features as described in the Reusable Aspect Models (RAM) approach [9, 12]. This makes it possible for the realization models of one feature to augment the structure and behaviour of the realization models of their ancestor features.

Concretely, if feature A is the parent of feature B, then the model BReal that realizes feature B extends the model AReal that realizes the feature A. Because B is a sub-feature of A, the concern designer’s intent is to add additional structural and/or behavioural model elements to AReal that provide additional, alternative or complementary properties to what already exists in AReal. By default, BReal has full visibility of all elements visible in AReal. As a result, BReal can use the structure and behaviour provided by AReal when needed. Furthermore, any model elements used in BReal that have the same name as an existing model element in AReal are considered to be the same, i.e., their properties are going to be merged by the TouchCORE tool using the weaving algorithms defined in [9] to produce a “woven” model that realizes both features. This allows BReal to augment the customization and usage interface of AReal with additional structure and behaviour.

2.1.3 Structural View – Class Diagrams

To realize a feature, the concern designer specifies in the structural view the classes relevant to the feature, together with their attributes and operations, as well as any associations among classes. The notation used is UML class diagrams, with the additional possibility of marking classes, attributes and operations as partial by prefixing their name with a vertical bar: ‘|’. Partial model elements are included in the concern’s customization interface, and designate model elements that are general from the point of view of the current concern, which means that they must be mapped to application-specific model elements before the concern can be used.

Because a concern is split into features, the structural view of a feature is of reasonable size (typically containing 1–6 classes with 1–10 public operations each). As a result, the complexity of a concern is split into several models that usually fit into the limited active working memory of a human [16]. This makes the elaboration, understanding and evolution of the models involved in the realization of the feature easy and less error prone [24] than if the entire concern model had to be specified in one model.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

CORE-RAM model realizing Ordered of the Association concern

The top part of Fig. 2 shows the structural view of a CORE-RAM model that realizes the Ordered feature of the Association concern shown in Fig. 1. The structural view describes the structural design of an ordered association between two classes with a multiplicity of 0..*. The structural view defines a partial class |Data , which uses a Sequence to link an instance of |Data to many instances of the partial class |Associated in an ordered way. The class Sequence refers to a Java implementation of java.util.List.Footnote 1

|Data and |Associated are partial classes, i.e., incomplete classes (highlighted by a vertical bar ‘|’) that must be mapped to another class whenever this feature is used within another concern. These classes are partial since at this point it is not yet known what actual application classes will need to be associated with each other. All partial classes (and operations) are part of the customization interface of a CORE model: any model that wants to use the Ordered feature of the Association concern must map |Data and |Associated to two of its own classes.

In CORE, there are four types of visibility modifiers for operations: public (+), protected (#), private (-) and concern-private (~). All public operations are part of the usage interface of a CORE model, i.e., they are the operations that another model can invoke to trigger the behaviour realized by the feature. Protected operations can only be invoked from within the same class or subclass, private operations can only be invoked from within the same class, and concern-private operations can be called only by classes included in the same concern.

2.1.4 Message View – Sequence Diagrams

Message views describe the behaviour of the feature being modelled. There is one message view for each public operation defined by a class in the structural view. Each message view describes the sequencing of message interchanges that occur between instances of classes of the concern when providing the functionality offered by the public operation.

In the Association \(<\) Ordered \(>\) model, the class |Data has eight public operations. All these operations involve interactions with an instance of the class Sequence. For space reasons, Fig. 2 only shows the message view for the constructor of |Data (create) and one of the add operations. The add operation illustrates how the call is forwarded to the Sequence class. Because the behaviour of the constructor of |Data is not known yet, it is advised using an aspect message view to initialize the Sequence class. The advice of initializeAssociation describes that after the behaviour of the specific constructor, the Sequence is created and assigned to mySeq.

2.1.5 Impact Model

After realizing all the features of a concern, the concern designer has to specify the impact that the realization of each feature has on soft goals and system qualities. In CORE, this is done with impact models, which are based on goal modelling as defined by GRL [6]. For instance, the choice of ArrayList might provide better access performance than LinkedList. However, ArrayList uses more memory than LinkedList. Further details on how to define impact models are provided in [3].

2.2 Reusing Concerns

Once a concern has been designed, the expert knowledge and solutions encapsulated within can be reused whenever possible. While designing a concern is challenging, time consuming and requires in-depth domain expertise, reusing an existing concern is simple, and involves three steps:

  1. 1.

    A concern user must first select the feature(s) with the best impact on relevant soft-goals and system qualities from the variation interface of the concern based on the provided impact analysis. Based on this configuration, the TouchCORE tool then merges the models that realize the selected features to yield a new model of the concern corresponding to the desired configuration.

  2. 2.

    Next, the concern user has to adapt the generated concern realization model to the application context by mapping all customization interface elements, i.e., the model elements designated by a ‘|’ prefix, to application-specific model elements.

  3. 3.

    Finally, the concern user can use the functionality provided by the selected concern feature’s usage interface within his own application models. This typically consists of instantiating classes provided by the concern, and invoking their public operations from within the application-specific message views.

3 Requirements for Concern-Oriented Specification of Invocation Protocols

Specifying complex behaviour of a concern by composing several partial behaviours described in multiple message views is a non-trivial and error-prone task. Aspect message views can augment behaviour defined in other message views to include additional control flow directives and operation invocations. Furthermore, if several aspect message views are applied to the same base behaviour, the order in which the message views are applied usually changes the resulting behaviour.

In order to help the concern designer in defining correct behavioural specifications that extend the behaviour of parent realization models and to help the concern user to correctly invoke functionality provided by reused concerns, we decided to introduce an additional behavioural view into CORE-RAM that allows the concern designer to specify operation invocation protocols for the classes encapsulated within a concern. Using those protocol models, model checkers can verify that the behavioural specifications expressed in the sequence diagrams within a concern as well as the behavioural specifications obtained by composing models of reused concerns with the application model are valid, i.e., they do not violate any of the protocols defined for any of the features as well as for the application. This makes it possible to detect unwanted and incorrect behaviour resulting from feature and concern interactions and erroneous composition specifications.

In Subsect. 3.1 we list the requirements that a modelling notation needs to fulfill in order to be useful in the context of concern-oriented modelling. Then, in Subsect. 3.2 we briefly present the Protocol Modelling approach (PM), and show how we adapted it to fit our needs. Finally, in Subsect. 3.3 we highlight the key differences between protocol machines and state views.

3.1 Requirements for the Protocol Specification Notation

Based on experience gained from creating several software design concerns with CORE-RAM, the notation for expressing protocols must have the following properties:

  1. 1.

    Expressiveness: In CORE-RAM, the structural view presents the classes together with the operations they offer, and the message views present the interaction between objects when one of the public operations is invoked. This does not convey complete information on the order in which operations can be invoked on object instances. The notation we are looking for should support the specification of such invocation protocols, i.e., it has to be possible to state when an operation is allowed to be executed, and when it is forbidden.

  2. 2.

    Conciseness: The notation should be capable of specifying invocation protocols of class instances in a straightforward and concise way. This requirement is important to reduce accidental complexity [26].

  3. 3.

    Diversity: The notation should not be similar to sequence diagrams. This will force the modeller who is specifying the protocols to look at the design concern from a different point of view from how they specified the behaviour of the operations with sequence diagrams.

  4. 4.

    Modularity: To be useful in the context of concern-orientation, the modelling notation needs to be able to modularize the protocol of classes that belong to a feature of the concern. It should be possible to specify the protocols for the classes within a feature in isolation from the protocols of other classes of the concern.

  5. 5.

    Composition: Since a modeller can elaborate a complex design concern by composing multiple CORE-RAM feature realization models, the modelling notation for specifying protocols must support composition. Whether a child feature extends properties of parent features, or whether concerns reuse other concerns and therefore customize the realization model of the reused concern to their specific application, the protocols for object instances can change.

    To illustrate the kind of protocol compositions that the notation must support, imagine the following example: Feature A is the parent of feature B in concern R. The concern designer of R creates the realization model BReal that realizes feature B and extends the model AReal that realizes the feature A. The concern user of R selects A, and therefore customizes the model AReal by mapping its customization interface to model elements in the application-specific model App that he is building. The composition operator(s) of the protocol notation must support:

    1. (a)

      Adding New Operations: Both the concern user (in App) and the concern designer (in BReal) might define new operations, which need to be integrated by composition with the protocol of the classes in AReal. In case of customization, the public protocol of classes in AReal need to be integrated with the protocol of classes in App. In the case of model extension, the complete protocol of AReal needs to be integrated with the complete protocol of BReal.

    2. (b)

      Adding Constraints: Both the concern user and the concern designer might need to define additional constraints on the protocol of AReal. It should therefore be possible to restrict the public or the complete protocol of AReal, respectively, by forbidding the execution of an operation in certain cases.

    3. (c)

      Coupling Protocols: A CORE-RAM model can depend on multiple other models. For example, BReal can both extend AReal and also reuse another concern C. In that case, it should be possible for the concern designer of BReal to specify a coupling between the protocols of AReal and C in the case where classes from AReal and C are mapped to the same class in BReal.

  6. 6.

    Verification: The protocol modelling notation should be appropriate for:

    1. (a)

      Verifying Internal Consistency of CORE-RAM Models: It should be possible to verify that a concern designer is specifying the behaviour provided by the CORE-RAM model that realizes a feature in a consistent way, i.e., that there are no contradictions between the specified object invocation protocols and the interactions between objects specified in the message views.

    2. (b)

      Verifying Usage Consistency for concern reuses: It should be possible to verify that a concern user is calling the public operations provided by the customized CORE-RAM model of a reused concern in the right order. In other words, the notation should support the definition of a public protocol.

    3. (c)

      Verifying Increment Consistency for CORE-RAM models that extend parent realization models: It should be possible to verify that a concern designer that extends a CORE-RAM model realizing a parent feature is calling the operations provided by the parent in the right order. In other words, the notation should support the definition of a complete protocol that includes public, concern-private and private operations.

    4. (d)

      Verifying Composition Consistency for woven CORE-RAM models: To verify that the concern designer or concern user have specified the behavioural compositions correctly, it should be possible to verify that all scenarios specified within woven message views are acceptable according to the combined protocol specifications of each model.

3.2 Specifying Protocols in a Concern-Oriented Way

Historically, protocols have been defined using state-based notations such as finite automata. State diagrams in general are also significantly different from sequence diagrams, which satisfies requirement 3. We therefore investigated several state-based aspect-oriented approaches, including HiLa [27] and the framework designed by Elrad et al. [4] (details on these approaches and their limitations for expressing protocols are given in Sect. 7). We ended up using the Protocol Modelling notation (PM) [15], which was specifically designed for modelling protocols and comes with a formally defined composition operator. In CORE-RAM, protocol models that specify invocation protocols are elaborated within separate state views (SV), one for each class that is present in the structural view.

The PM approach is based on the concept of a “Protocol Machine”, a reusable behavioural component of the model that can either ignore, accept or refuse events that are presented to it. By associating a protocol machine with each class in a CORE-RAM model, we can therefore specify invocation protocols for all instances. This satisfies requirement 1. The PM approach is modular: a protocol model of a system is composed of a set of protocol machines and each machine describes a partial behaviour. This satisfies requirement 4. PM supports a highly compositional style of modelling; the partial behaviours are composed together to create the behaviour of the full system using a parallel composition operator (P || Q) as defined by Hoare in the Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) approach [5]. CSP || composition has the advantage of being a well-defined and understood concept, and it enables the modeller to perform local reasoning on models. Furthermore, it gives the modeller the ability to deduce the properties of the whole system from the knowledge of the behaviour of the composed protocols [13].

Fig. 3.
figure 3

State view for the |Data class in Ordered

Figure 3a shows how we used PM to describe the protocol of the |Data class of the Association \(<\) Ordered \(>\) CORE-RAM model shown in Fig. 2. The state view of |Data has two state machines. The first one is describing the fact that calling an add operation changes the state of a |Data object from Empty to NotEmpty, and that remove operations should only be called after at least one add was invoked. Also, when removing the last |Associated object from the sequence of objects, the state of the |Data instance changes back to Empty. The second state machine describes the protocol for the getter and query operations. Since they do not alter the state of the object when called, there are no restrictions specified on their protocol. This is a great example on how PM supports conciseness (requirement 2). Each state machine is simple: it only focuses on operation invocations and how they alter the object’s logical state. To obtain the complete protocol for |Data instances, the modeller can apply the CSP operator mentally on the two state machines, which yields the composed state machine shown in Fig. 3b. Notice that the state view with two state machines, even for a simple class such as |Data, is easier to understand than the more cumbersome composed state view.

3.3 Differences Between PM and State Views

PM is a powerful technique that was designed for a slightly different purpose. While our requirements are clearly focussed on documentation and verification, the goals of PM include system interaction modelling, protocol execution simulation, test and code generation. For that reason, we decided to adapt the main ideas of PM within CORE-RAM, but to omit some of the advanced features that we do not currently have a need for. In summary, the differences between the original PM approach and how we are currently using it in CORE-RAM are:

  • While PM models specify any general event interchange, we only focus on modelling operation invocations.

  • PM focusses on modelling interactions with a system, and therefore presents all the state machines of a system together. Consequently, all events are global (to the system being modelled), so they need to have unique names. To obtain the complete interaction protocol of the system, all state machines are composed with each other. In the case of a CORE-RAM model, only state machines that are contained in the same state view are related to each other (and logically composed with each other). Additional state view relationships are created when classes from different aspects are mapped together, which results in a logical composition of all the state machines that the respective views contain. Because of that, the events in CORE-RAM are not global to the whole system; they only need to be unique within all state views that are describing protocols of the same class. For example, the state view of |Data in Fig. 3 is composed of two state machines separated by a dashed line. These state machines are related to each other since they are in the same state view and CSP composition is logically applied to them. Conversely, the state machines of the state view |Data and those of Sequence (not shown in this paper) are independent, since they describe the behaviour of objects that are instances of different classes.

  • PM introduces a new type of state – the derived state – which replaces transition guards. The main advantage of derived states is that they can be reused by different state machines, unlike guards, which are attached to transitions. Also, derived states offer the possibility to disallow events that could lead the system into an undesired state. For example, a derived state could be used to specify that a withdraw event should not be accepted on a bank account object if it would lead to a negative balance. So far, we did not need such expressive power in our case studies with CORE-RAM.

  • Event abstraction in PM is realized by using special events called generic events. This kind of event is used to abstract away the difference between events that have the same effect to enable reuse of existing protocol machines in different contexts [14]. In the case of CORE-RAM, a similar kind of protocol reuse is achieved when renaming an operation in an instantiation directive.

4 Integrating PM into CORE-RAM

This section describes how we integrated our customized version of PM into CORE by extending the CORE-RAM metamodel.

The structural view and message view in CORE-RAM are based on class diagrams and sequence diagrams as defined by the Unified Modelling Language (UML) [17]. The metamodel for these two CORE-RAM views is, however, considerably simplified compared to the UML metamodel, for instance, [22] describes how this was achieved for message views. Following the same idea, we studied the metamodel for PM and looked at the UML metamodel for state diagrams and how it is integrated with UML class and sequence diagrams. Based on the integration strategy outlined in [23], we then defined a simplified metamodel for CORE-RAM state views as presented in the following subsections.

4.1 Current Metamodel of CORE

Before discussing the state view metamodel, an overview of the current metamodel of CORE-RAM is presented so that the reader can understand what existing model elements the state view metamodel can reuse/reference.

Overview. The unit of modelling in CORE is a concern. COREConcerns contain at least two COREModels, a feature model and an impact model. The feature and impact model part of the CORE metamodel, however, is not shown here for space reasons. For this paper, the most important model is the RAMAspect, which contains all other model elements that realize a feature directly or indirectly (see Fig. 4). An aspect is a CORENamedElement that has beside its StructuralView and the AbstractMessageViews many Instantiation s. An Instantiation describes a dependency on some other aspect (which can either be a customization, if the instantiation is part of a COREModelReuse, or an extension, if the aspect extends an aspect that realizes a parent feature). The instantiation contains COREMappings, that describe which element from the external aspect is mapped to an element in the current aspect. ClassifierMapping and OperationMapping describe mappings for classes and operations, respectively.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Overview of the CORE-RAM metamodel

Structural View.

The StructuralView represents the class diagram and its basic structure, and its metamodel is shown in Fig. 5. This view contains a list of Classifier and Association. Classifier is a Type, i.e., an abstract class that has a name and contains a list of operations. An Operation has a name, a return type, may have one or more parameters, and is described by four properties: abstract, partial, static and visibility. A Parameter has a type and a name. Class inherits from Classifier, has a list of attributes, and is described by two properties: abstract and partial. Classifier, Operation and Parameter are all MappableElements, meaning that they can be mapped when customizing or extending another aspect.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Structural view metamodel

Message View.

The MessageView represents the sequence diagram and an excerpt of its general structure is shown in Fig. 6. The sequence diagrams used in CORE-RAM, unlike UML sequence diagrams, describe only interchanges of messages in the form of operation calls. A RAMAspect can contain more than one MessageView. The latter is specified for a specific Operation (coming from the structural view) and contains the specification of the operation’s behaviour. However this is not mandatory, because partial operations don’t specify behaviour. Interaction describes the actual behaviour in the form of operation invocations. For this purpose it contains, besides other entities, at least one Message. One of the properties of a Message is its return value, and this information is represented in the form of a ValueSpecification. The latter was inspired from the UML ValueSpecification which is “an abstract metaclass used to identify a value or values in a model. It may reference an instance or it may be an expression denoting an instance or instances when evaluated” [17].

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Simplified metamodel of message view

4.2 State View Metamodel Based on PM

The CORE-RAM state view metamodel presented in Fig. 7 supports the simplified PM approach as described in Sect. 3. Three entities from the existing CORE-RAM metamodel were reused in the state view metamodel: Classifier and Operation from the structural view metamodel, and ValueSpecification from the message view metamodel.

A RAMAspect can now have several StateViews, one StateView for each Classifier in the StructuralView. Because state views are mainly used for documentation and verification purpose, we do not make them mandatory. Hence, an aspect can have zero StateViews (which also makes the new metamodel backward compatible with the old one). Besides, partial classes sometimes do not have operations, thus a protocol cannot be defined for them. A StateView knows for which Classifier it specifies a protocol for, and it contains a set of StateMachines. A StateMachine has at least one state, exactly one start state and at least one transition.

A StateMachine is the entity that defines the reusable protocol component of the model, which can be composed with other StateMachines using the CSP || operator. This entity is composed of a set of states, one of which is the start state, and a set of transitions.

A State represents a logical state of the object for which we are defining the protocol. A State has a name, a set of outgoing Transitions, i.e., allowed operation calls from this state, and a set of incoming Transitions, i.e., operation calls that led the object to be in this State.

A Transition connects two states: startState designates the state in which the object must be to accept an operation call, and endState is the new state of the object after the call has been made. endState and startSate can refer to the same state, since some operation calls, e.g. getters, do not alter the state of the object. Since in RAM we are only interested in operation call events, a Transition has a signature of type Operation, i.e., it stands for calls to that operation only. Moreover, a Transition has at most one guard, which is a condition that has to evaluate to true for the protocol to accept a call to the transition’s operation. Guard is of type ValueSpecification, a component that was borrowed from the MessageView metamodel, which in turn was inspired from the UML metamodel.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

State view metamodel

5 AspectOptima

AspectOptima [10, 11] is an aspect-oriented framework providing customizable transaction support to applications. The current AspectJ implementation of AspectOptima consists of 42 aspects that modularize and implement critical transaction system features in a reusable way. The aspects can be combined in different ways to create different implementations of transaction models, concurrency control and recovery strategies.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the new state views, we elaborated a concern-oriented design of parts of the AspectOptima framework. So far, we modelled 5 essential features of the Transaction concern: ExecutionContext, the root feature, and the optional features Tracing, OutcomeAware, Checkpointing and Recovering. The feature model is shown on the left side of Fig. 8. Each of the features has been realized in one CORE-RAM model. The dependencies between the realization models are depicted on the right side of Fig. 8. They all directly or indirectly extend the base feature realization model ExecutionContext. Also, some of them reuse other concerns, such as Traceable, Checkpointable, and Association. Indirectly, the Copyable and AccessClassification concerns are also reused.

For space reasons we can not present the complete CORE-RAM models in this paper. The interested reader can download the complete models together with our tool from [1].

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Feature model (left) and CORE-RAM realization models with dependencies (right) of AspectOptima

Fig. 9.
figure 9

ExecutionContext CORE-RAM model

The base feature is called ExecutionContext, and its realization model is shown in Fig. 9. The main idea of ExecutionContext is that it allows instances of the class |Participant to enter what is called a Context – an abstraction of an area of computation. When inside, the participant is associated with the context until it leaves the context again. The |Participant class provides operations for entering and leaving, and querying the current context.

An execution context on its own is not very useful. This is why the sub-features of ExecutionContext are related to it with an or dependency. At least one of the features must be chosen for an execution context to be of use. Tracing is one of those sub-features, and its structural view is presented in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Structural view of the Tracing CORE-RAM realization model

Tracing depends on several other models to implement its behaviour. First, it is an extension of the ExecutionContext model, which already defines the classes Context and |Participant together with the behaviour that allows a participant to enter and leave a context. Tracing adds additional behaviour that ensures that while inside a context, all operation invocations on instances of the class |Traced are recorded with the context. Such a feature can be useful for debugging or logging purposes. To achieve the desired behaviour, Tracing reuses the Traceable concern to provide the behaviour of creating a trace for a method invocation, and also Association \(<\) Ordered \(>\) (see Fig. 2) to associate an ordered list of traces with the context.

In Subsect. 3.1 we listed several consistency verifications that we would like to be able to conduct using our new state views. The following subsections illustrate some of them.

5.1 State Views for Public Operations

One requirement was verifying usage consistency , meaning that it should be possible to use the state view to ensure that a model user specifies behaviour in the sequence diagrams that call the operations of the customized aspect in the right order. Since a model user can only call public operations of the model it is customizing, it is in this case enough to define a state view that only specifies the protocol for the public operations.

For instance, Tracing customizes the Association \(<\) Ordered \(>\) model to enable a Context instance to store a list of Traces. In this case the concern designer of Tracing, which is the concern user of Association needs to understand the public behaviour of the |Data class to be able to use it correctly. All invocations of the operations on the |Data class must respect the public protocol as specified in Fig. 3. For example, Fig. 11 shows the message view of the operation removeTraces. This operation, given a set of Traced objects, removes all the traces that belong to these objects from the context. The operations used by this message view, getTraces and removeTrace , are added to the Context class because the reuse instantiation directive maps |Data to Context, getAssociation to getTraces and remove to removeTrace (see reuse compartment in Fig. 10). Since there is no restriction for calling getAssociated before remove according to the public state view of Association \(<\) Ordered \(>\) (Fig. 3), the message view of removeTraces is using the operations of |Data class correctly. The CORE modelling tool should detect protocol violations and signal them to the concern users.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

removeTraces message view

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Public SV Tracing.Context

Applying the same idea to the next level, the concern designer should specify a public state view for Tracing that documents the correct use of the concern to the concern users and allows the modelling tool to verify its correct use. To model the public state view of the class Context , a model designer needs to consider the public operations of this class and determine for each operation the possible constraints for calling it. In our case, the major constraint for Context is that the operation removeTraces can not be called unless a trace was added previously through addTrace. Figure 12 describes a public state view for Context that expresses this constraint.

5.2 Internal State Views

To be able to do a similar verification for model increments, a more elaborate “internal” state view needs to be defined that describes the invocation protocol detailing not only the public, but also the internal operation invocations that are acceptable during the life time of an object. This internal state view should describe how non-public operation invocations relate to public ones and to each other. This makes it possible to verify increment consistency and composition consistency.

Fig. 13.
figure 13

Internal SV EC.Context

For example, Fig. 13 shows the state view of the class Context of the ExecutionContext realization model (see structural view in Fig. 9). It states a participant can be added to a context and removed again multiple times in a row, if desired. However, once contextCompleted is invoked, no more operation calls are allowed on a context instance. The Context state view is an internal state view, since this class does not have any public operations. Because Tracing extends ExecutionContext, the Context class in Tracing is mapped to the Context class in ExecutionContext. The model designer of Tracing should hence specify any protocol restrictions that should be defined between the operations added to Context by Tracing and the operations that come from ExecutionContext.

Fig. 14.
figure 14

Internal SV of Tracing . Context

One constraint that a Context object in Tracing must not violate is the fact that the operation addTrace should only be called when a participant entered the context, i.e., when the context is in the state Active after addParticipant is called. Figure 14 shows the state machine that expresses such a behavioural constraint.

Composing the public and the internal state views using CSP composition results in the state view shown in Fig. 15. The composed view can subsequently be used to verify the consistency of message views that were specified in models that reuse or extend Tracing.Footnote 2

Fig. 15.
figure 15

Composed SV of Context with features ExecutionContext and Tracing

6 Discussion

This subsection discusses how our new state views satisfy the requirements we detailed in Subsect. 3.1.

Expressiveness and Diversity: The structural view in a CORE-RAM model specifies the classes that a feature defines and what functionalities they offer. The message views show how instances of these classes interact with each other and with objects of other concerns to achieve this functionality. They also show for these scenarios in what sequence the operations of an object are called. For example, the removeTraces message view (Fig. 11) presents an overview of the interactions between Context, Trace and Set \(<\) |Traced \(>\) objects when the removeTraces(Set \(<\) |Traced \(>\) ) operation is called, and shows the scenario where getTraces is called before removeTrace(Trace). From a diversity perspective, the state views of Context (Figs. 12 and 14) complement the message views by giving information about how individual objects are to be used, i.e., the order in which an object’s operations should be called, from a state perspective. For example, the fact that addTrace should be called after addParticipant is invoked is clearly expressed as a constraint in the Context state view in Fig. 14. We have so far not encountered a situation in which it was not possible to express a protocol using our new state views.

Conciseness: Measuring conciseness of a modelling notation objectively is difficult [19], and we therefore discuss conciseness of the protocol modelling notation only informally. The protocol of the objects can be concisely described using public and private state views. Woven state views that combine the protocol of several models can be generated on demand. To further increase conciseness, we made it optional to specify a protocol for operations that have no effect on the conceptual state of an object. In other words, if no transition is defined for an operation we assume that there is no restriction on its use. Finally, we added generic events to increase conciseness of state views, which can be used to group operations when operations affect the state of an object in the same way. For example, the getters and query operations in Context can be replaced by one event that can be called getters_queries as follows: getters_queries = {wasAccessed OR getAccessed OR getTraces OR wasModified OR getNbTraces}. As a result, only one transition needs to be shown in the state view, where otherwise five transitions with the same source and target states would have to be shown.

Modularity: CSP || composition allows the concern designer to specify the state views for each feature within a concern independently, and compose them together to form the complete description of the protocol of a class. Likewise, protocols of classes within a concern are modelled independently, and the concern user can specify how to combine the protocols of the concern classes with his application classes when customizing the model during the reuse process. For example, the Tracing feature was modelled separately of the Association concern, i.e., the protocols for Context and |Data are specified separately, and combined by the concern user by mapping |Data to Context. Modularity can even be exploited within a CORE-RAM model, since the concern designer can specify the protocol of a class using multiple state machines if he judges that using one state machine will be too complicated or cumbersome. For example, the getters and query operations of the class Context in Tracing were modelled in a separate state machine in the public state view to increase readability (see Fig. 12).

Composition: The CSP || composition operator offers a straightforward way to support adding of new operations, adding of constraints and coupling of protocols.

  • Adding new operations: This kind of transformation is easily expressed by adding a new state machine that integrates the new operation into the existing protocol. For example, Tracing .Context is using the operations of Association \(<\) Ordered \(>\) .| Data to manage the list of Traces , and additionally defines a new operation removeTraces. This operation affects the conceptual state of |Data , and therefore needs to be integrated in the protocol defined for |Data. For this reason, a state machine was defined (Fig. 12) to clarify the relationship between the behaviour of |Data and the new added operation. Other operations were added, i.e., wasAccessed, wasModified and getAccessed , but since they do not affect the state of a |Data object they were added to the queries state machine. Notice that Context of Tracing is extending the behaviour of Context coming from ExecutionContext by adding all the operations coming from |Data and all the newly defined operations. To determine the complete protocol of the new, composed Context object, the state views of the three classes, i.e., ExecutionContext. Context, Tracing. Context and Association \(<\) Ordered \(>\) . |Data are composed.

  • Adding constraints: CSP || composition works by synchronizing state machines on events that are common in the alphabets of these entities. Regulation of the behaviour of an object by restricting operations is possible due to the ability of a composed state machine (M1 || M2) to refuse an event if M1 or M2 can not process this event in the current state. For instance, the feature Recovering, whose structural view is not shown here for space reasons, needs to change the protocol of Context defined in ExecutionContext. In EC.Context, a participant can enter a context, leave it, enter it again, and so on, as shown in Fig. 13. In a recovering context, once a participant is added, it has to set the outcome of the context before leaving. Furthermore, once this is done, no participants can be added anymore. Figure 16 shows the protocol defined by Recovering, which is composed with the state views of ExecutionContext, OutcomeAware, Checkpointing and Tracing. Once the Context is created and addParticipant , setOutcome and removeParticipant operations are invoked, the context object will be in the state Idle in the machine of Fig. 13, and ParticipantRemoved in the machine of Fig. 16. According to the rules of PM, it is not allowed for addParticipant to be called again on the object. The machine in ExecutionContext allows processing addParticipant , but the machine of Recovering has the operation in its events but it does not allow processing from the state ParticipantRemoved. As a result, addParticipant is rejected by the composition. Only contextCompleted is allowed by the composed protocol.

Fig. 16.
figure 16

Adding constraints example

Fig. 17.
figure 17

CORE-RAM model of Checkpointable

  • Coupling Protocols: Orchestrating the behaviour of the concerns that a model is extending and depending on is done simply by specifying the common behaviour in a separate state machine. For example, in Tracing, the class Context is mapped on the one hand to the class Context in ExecutionContext and on the other hand to the class |Data of Association \(<\) Ordered \(>\). The behaviour of the object |Data is restricted by the behaviour of the object Context of the ExecutionContext concern as follows: adding traces should be done only when the Context is active, meaning the operation addTrace (coming from add in Association \(<\) Ordered \(>\)) should only be invoked after the invocation of addParticipant and before that of removeParticipant. The internal state view of Context shown in Fig. 14 presents the state machine needed to specify such an orchestration.

    Sometimes orchestrating the behaviour of multiple objects can be tricky. Figure 17 shows the design of a concern called Checkpointable. This concern can be used to add fault tolerance to a software application: it provides the functionality to create snapshots of the state of objects and restore the states in case of a failure. The class |Checkpointable represents the object that contains the state that needs to be recoverable and Checkpoint is the class responsible for handling the process. The Checkpoint needs to keep two lists of objects: the first contains references to the original “checkpointed” objects and the second contains the copies of the original objects at a specific moment of their life cycle. Whenever an object is “checkpointed”, it is added to the first list and its copy is added to the second list. Therefore, Checkpointable needs the functionality offered by Association \(<\) Ordered \(>\) to manage these lists twice, and the protocols of the two lists need to be synchronized.

    Figure 17 shows the state view of Checkpoint. Adding a backup copy should always follow adding a checkpointable, and the same goes for removing. The behaviour of the two |Data objects needs to be orchestrated, and this is described by the bottom left state machine. The operation checkpointAndAdd is the public operation responsible for creating the copy and adding both the object and its copy to the lists. Calling this operation includes calling addCheckpointable and addBackupCopy,Footnote 3 which means that, according to the state view of |Data, removeCheckpointable and removeBackupCopy can be called at this point.

Verification: Section 5 discussed in detail how the CORE state views can be used to verify internal consistency, usage consistency, increment consistency and composition consistency.

7 Related Work

State transition modelling is an effective concept to capture software systems behaviour and protocols. In this section we describe some approaches that applied aspect-oriented modelling techniques in the context of state transition modelling.

The UML Superstructure document [17] describes several concepts for designing object-oriented systems. This modelling language provides different views to capture the static and dynamic behaviour of a software system. UML class diagrams represent the artifact used to model and describe the structural view of objects. This view is complemented by a state transition modelling artifact inspired from David Harel’s statecharts. The document defines a State Machine Package where two kinds of state machines are described: Behaviour State Machines and Protocol State Machines.

Behaviour State Machines are used to specify discrete behaviour of a part of a designed system through finite state transitions. It can be attached to a “behavioured classifier” which is called its context. The latter defines which attributes and operations are defined for this state machine. State machines can have orthogonal regions.

Protocol State Machine is a specialization of Behaviour State Machine. It expresses the usage protocol or lifecycle of a classifier. It specifies the allowed call sequences on the classifier’s operations.

In UML, a state machine can be extended, i.e., regions, vertices and transitions can be added and redefined. A simple state can be redefined to a composite state and a composite state can be extended by extending its regions or adding new ones. State machine extension was introduced following the example of class specialization. Unlike CORE-RAM, where the general and the specialized state machines can be composed together, the relationship between states that extend other states in UML is not clear. There is no explicit composition defined between state machines belonging to different classifiers, neither is event abstraction or event reinterpretation. Moreover, there is no tool, to our knowledge, that supports state machine inheritance.

The approach by Mahoney et al. [4] extends Harel’s statecharts to create reusable orthogonal abstract statecharts. In order to be able to take advantage of existing CASE tools, their methodology uses UML semantics without adding any major extensions. The approach performs implicit weaving of statecharts based on orthogonality and event propagation. This makes it possible to adapt existing behaviour by adding aspects orthogonally, thus extending the model without impacting any of the other orthogonal regions. The approach also defines design guidelines that, when followed, enable traceability of crosscutting requirements from the design to code.

The main drawback of the approach that was noticed by the authors was the tight coupling between the core and the aspect statechart due to the explicit event propagation performed by the developer. To avoid such coupling, the authors introduced the concept of event reinterpretation, i.e., high-level declarations allowing an event in one statechart to be treated as a completely different event in another statechart.

A Java framework was implemented as a proof of concept that permits the translation of a statechart design into skeleton code for a class. However, the authors do not provide an integrated and concrete model view where aspects would already be woven into base classes.

Zhang et al. [27] propose the High-Level Aspects for UML State Machines (HiLA) approach, in which they significantly extend UML state machines with aspect-oriented modelling techniques. They use state machines to specify behaviour of base machines and aspect machines, which can be parameterized using UML template parameters similar to what is done during CORE-RAM customization. They provide several asymmetric pointcut-advice composition mechanisms that enable aspects to disallow and restrict transitions, describe mutual exclusion between two states in orthogonal regions and coordinate multiple state machines. This approach, while powerful for specifying detailed behavioural designs, is not adequate for our needs because of the complex composition semantics of the different composition operators.

8 Conclusion

In concern-driven software development, concerns are modelled separately, and model composition is used to create complex models in which these concerns are tightly coupled. In such a context, specifying the composition of the models is a non-trivial task, in particular when it comes to specifying the composition of behavioural models.

In this paper, we provided insight on the benefits that modelling of invocation protocols can have when used in combination with behavioural specifications expressed using sequence diagrams. Concretely, we showed how we applied this technique to augment the CORE approach, which expresses the structure of software design concerns within structural views based on class diagrams and the behaviour of software design concerns using sequence diagrams, with additional state views that describe invocation protocols. We detailed why Protocol Modelling, a compositional modelling approach based on state diagrams, is an ideal notation to specify such a protocol view, and show how we added support for protocol modelling to the CORE metamodel and the TouchCORE tool [1]. We explained that the new state views can be used to assist both the concern designer as well as the concern user in the model composition specification task. We outlined how the protocol view can be exploited to verify the correctness of compositions.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and to analyze its strengths and limits, we started the concern-oriented design of the AspectOptima case study. The paper partially presented some of the features of the Transaction concern. The complete models of the Transaction concern that includes ExecutionContext, OutcomeAware, Tracing, Checkpointing and Recovering can be downloaded together with our TouchCORE tool [1]. In the near future, we are planning to complete the design of the AspectOptima case study to include the remaining features needed for basic transaction support with optimistic and pessimistic concurrency control: Nested, 2-Phase-Locking, Deferring and Validating. Finally, to fully support Open Multithreaded Transactions [8], we also need to add Collaborative, EntrySynchronizing, ExistSynchronizing, SpawnSupporting, Closable and OutcomeVoting.