
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Mobile computing devices (such as Smartphones and tablets) are worldwide commodities that combine phones and desktop computers characteristics [1]. Market analysis predicts that it will be 640 million tablets and 1.5 billion smartphones in use worldwide by the end of 2015 [2]. Inside these devices sensitive information (such as business secrets and even credit card numbers) is stored. Therefore, it’s a nightmare for the owner to lose smartphone [1]. Not only theft but also device share with a guest user (e.g. coworkers, partners or family members) is also considered a disaster [3].

To safeguard this information against unintended usage, such as an impostor accessing the bank account [4], user authentication has been proposed. The two common types of authentication are knowledge based and biometric based [2, 5]. The knowledge based one depends on a secret such as password, PIN [6] and unlock pattern (i.e. match several points on the screen using one move) [1]. Although this type is simple, cheap and quick enough for frequent logins (e.g. unlock patterns) [6], it is more vulnerable to various attacks such as Smudge attack or shoulder surfing attach.

In the other hand, the biometric one depends on unique human characteristics such as keystroke, face unlock, or finger print. This type is much safe and effective to accommodate some of the above attacks. Biometric can’t be forged, stolen or borrowed [7, 8]. However, it’s limited on accuracy and usability during unlocked state [2, 9]. In general, biometric authentication is divided into physiological and behavioral biometrics [9]. Physiological biometrics depends on what a user already owns. Such as face, fingerprint, voice, iris and hand geometry. This biometrics can’t be stolen or imitated in contrast to the knowledge based one [9]. However, this approach is costly (e.g. requires sensors), and requires user interaction (e.g. frequent logins), not to mention the extra load required to authenticate users on smartphones. [10]. Apart from that, behavioral biometrics depends on how the user behaves. Such as gait, location and keystroke patterns. It provides active authentication by using the built-in smartphone sensors [11].

In this paper, we propose an authentication method which depends on the behavioral biometric of the smartphone’s users. This method works in the background while user using the phone’s keyboard typing phone numbers. It utilizes the various sensors equipped with the smartphone device, thus there is no need for password/PIN (i.e. avoiding password remembering problem and surf attack). Also there is no need for external hardware like the case of physiological based methods. Not to mention ease of use and user intrusive manner in gathering data among other behavioral biometrics (e.g. Gait recognition).

The main contributions of this paper are threefold. Firstly, this paper presenting a touch behavior based authentication system by using only touch data available in most smartphones without using any external hardware. Secondly, developing a mobile App to collect our own dataset from different type of smartphone’s users. Thirdly, proposing an implicit authentication approach using our collected dataset and based on SVM and KNN classifier.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a background about authentication system based on touch data and Sect. 3 discusses the related work. Section 4 introduces the proposed system, Sect. 6 concludes and gives some open points for further search.

2 Tapping Background

There are many reasons motivate this work. First of all, data provided by the touchscreen sensors of mobile devices is considerably richer data than that available from personal computer hardware keyboards. The capabilities of such screens could be utilized as input devices of keystroke biometric which is considered as means of authentication on touchscreen devices. Secondly, this biometrics is unique to an individual and difficult to imitate [12]. Thirdly, even if imposter sees what user input, he couldn’t reproduce the user’s behavior through shoulder surfing or smudge attacks [1]. This is because of the non-visual cues for tapping behavior. Last but not the least, such mechanism require no extra hardware and done in user intrusive manner as person typed information [10].

2.1 Tapping Types

Types of touch operations include stroke, slide, pinch and handwriting [3, 10].

  • Keystroke(Tap): is a finger press on some point of the screen to click item, text, type PIN for example. This type differs when inputting different words.

  • Slide: is a finger move (i.e. curve) on the screen to navigate mails, photos, messages or contacts. This type differs on any of 4 directions.

  • Pinch: is a two-finger gesture on the screen to read EBook, zoom in/out photo or webpage. This type differs based on case: open or close.

  • Handwriting: is a free form gesture for entering characters. This type differs on different letters.

In practice, people interaction with mobile is not limited to these principle gestures, and they may use double touch, open pinch or long press to deal with phone. Such gestures are achieved for daily usage of a fraction less than 5 % [5]. As a result, we neglect other gestures in this paper and focus on the tap gesture.

2.2 Main Modules of an Authentication System Based on Touch Data

To authenticate a user based on touch operations, a user model has to be built for identifying him/her. Building such a model for a legitimate user requires a training phase in which touch data of a labeled user is collected. Then a feature extraction module define what features should be extracted from touch data. Finally, classifier should recognize users based on these features. Again to decide if a user is owner or impostor during authentication phase, feature extraction and classification modules are required. So the main key steps needed to be addressed are what and how. What features to extract (feature extraction’s mission during enrollment phase) and how features can be used to recognize user (classifier’s mission during verification phase). These modules are shown at Fig. 1.

3 Related Work

There are a number of efforts done to support solutions for implicit authentication for mobile’s users. This section discusses a number of these solutions. Latent Gesture [4] collected a suite of behavioral features associated with a user interaction (i.e. touch pressure, locations) on common user interface. This method used the common user interface to gather tapping behavior without any user interaction or any external hardware. It also makes usage of Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random Forests classifiers to achieve the owner’s identification which was 96.87 % TPR. However, almost of time the imposter uses this common user interface. This consumes much energy to analyze users interaction continuously.

Fig. 1
figure 1

User authentication typical system [10]

Jain et al. [12] compared the Equal Error Rates(EER) obtained from the touch screen sensor with the rates of keystrokes in hardware keyboard. A developed keyboard application replaces the system keyboard to capture features in any application that uses a keyboard. The features are then stored in a SQLite database and classified by a one-class SVM. This method achieved EER of 10.5 % for keystroke data, 3.5 % for touch data and 2.8 % for all data (touch and keystroke). However, Additional sensors on the devices, such as gyroscopic and rotational sensors, are ignored in this study. These sensors could differentiate accurately touch data from the keyboard timing data.

Alariki et al. [2] has suggested a framework to be implemented later for authentication using touch biometrics. They review methods and features used for this field. Then, they proposed an approach in which a user has to enter gesture in any direction to build user’s model to be matched later through a score computation. However, no implementation is done to show accuracy achieved by the proposed framework.

Table 1 Tapping paper summary

Table 1 summarizes the related work based on: # of input : needed training samples to build a model for owner, Classifier : classifier used to classify user and give a decision, Performance: performance achieved from the experiment, and Users: Number of users participated in the experiment.

4 Proposed Solution

Our proposed solution consists of three phases: Data collection, feature extraction and user’s classification. In the data collection phase, we have developed our own mobile App and used it for gathering touch data from different users, students and employees. In the feature extraction phase, from the data collected, the features of the pressure, position, size, and time of pressing were extracted for each user. The classifiers, e.g. SVM, were used in the classification phase to differentiate between the Mobile’s owner and the impostor.

4.1 Data Collection

Touch data was gathered from the entered subscriber’s code of Egyptian mobile operators (i.e., 0106 for Vodafone, 0128 for Mobinil, 0114 for Etisalat) and from the national landline telecommunication with 0643 code for a local phone code. These codes are chosen because it spans the keyboard: 6 for the leftmost side, 4 for the rightmost, 8 for the downside, 1 and 2 for the upside. While a device’s owner uses his smartphone to contact any unsaved number which started with the subscriber’s code. A mobile app was developed using Android OS. It was then run on a smartphone of Samsung Galagxy Note N7000.

The touch data was collected by two different modes: Captcha and free entry. For the Captcha mode as seen in Fig. 2, the developed touchscreen number board prompts the captcha at the top right of the screen where a user can type in the text field. In our system, Captcha could be any subscription code of the Egyptian mobile operators (e.g. 0106 for vodafone, 0128 for Mobinil, 0114 for Etisalat and 0643 for local landline phone code). For the Free Entry mode , a user could enter any free sequence of numbers, e.g. the full mobile number to complete the code entered through Capcha. Figure 3 shows the layout of free entry Android application for the data collection.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Screenshot of data collection App: captcha mode

Fig. 3
figure 3

Screenshot of data acquistion App for free entry

Participants Twelve participants were recruited for collecting touch data. Participants were with age range(20–50) and jobs ranging from faculty students to corporate employees. Also they were mixed between male and female. More details about the participants can be seen in Table 2.

Table 2 Type of participants

All participants followed the detailed procedure described below. They were free to use the mobile with any hand of their hand. One was left-handed and the others was right-hand for typing.

Data Collection Procedure The data collection procedure is described as follows. First of all, each participant has to sign in/up with any chosen username and password. During this process, ID is assigned to each participant to allow anonymous data collection. Secondly, he/she was asked to enter a network operator code for Captcha mode and other numbers for Free Mode. In this step, (1) the session lasted for about 20 min where participants sat on a chair and were reminded to enter Captcha code and any chosen number, (2) the phone was held in portrait orientation, (3) the participants were asked to touch screen naturally as they usually do while using their smartphone, and each participant typed 7 taps on the numbers keyboard: 4 in the same order as requested by Captcha and 3 in random order.

Data was submitted with the call key appeared in Fig. 3. Data are stored in Android DB inside mobile device and then exported into Excel file. The number of attempts was unlimited to get as much samples as possible for building the user model. However, the data, from 7 taps from each user’s data, was used during the training and testing the system.

4.2 Feature Extraction

From the database collected in the above phase, as shown in Table 3, features of size, pressure, time, and position are recorded when touching any key during the raw touch events(Up, Down and Move). The Up action happens when a pressed gesture has finished while the Down action takes place when a pressed gesture has started. The Move action occurs when a change has happened during a press gesture (between ACTION_DOWN and ACTION_UP) while the Time action is the time taken during the pressing action. Table 3 shows the data which gathered from one single user using the data acquisition tool when touching some number.

Table 3 Tapping raw data sample

These features are collected while tapping “1” and “2” on the developed soft keyboard. In this example, each tap “1” and “2” are repeated for three times. These values are used to build a feature vector for each user. Thus a feature vector for each tap on the screen consists of the shown 15 features for each user. These features can be described as followed:

  1. 1.

    Pressure: the finger’s pressure when touching up/down on a soft key. This includes 3 features: pressure at touchup, pressure at touchdown and pressure at touchmove.

  2. 2.

    Size/Orientation: length and orientation of major and minor axes of finger-press. This includes 3 features: size up, size down and size move.

  3. 3.

    Tap timing: times of holding and releasing the soft key. This is also available on hardware keyboards. This includes 3 features: time up, time down, time move.

  4. 4.

    Position: the position where finger touches a soft key with x-y coordinates. This includes 6 features: xposition up, yposition up, xposition down, yposition down, xposition move and yposition move.

4.3 User Classification

The aim of the classification phase is to authenticate the legitimate owner of the smartphone. For this purpose, two classifiers, SVM (Support Vector Machine) with its four kernel functions [15], and the KNN (k Nearest Neighbor) [16] were used.

For training each classifier, supervised learning methods were used to build a classifying model on groups of patterns belonging to both the owner and other user’s groups. During the training process, each sample was provided with its known class (user). This model was then used in the authentication phase for an unknown user. By this way, it is possible to authenticate the legitimate owner of the smartphone using his/her touch data.

5 Results and Analysis

A number of experiments were conducting to evaluate the proposed system, i.e. to decide if a user is the legitimate owner of a smartphone or an impostor. The KNN and the SVM with its kernel functions (linear, polynomial, quadratic,RBF, an MLP) were applied to the extract features The results obtained from the classifiers are shown at Table 4.

Table 4 Classifier performance

Our proposed system was evaluated with two well-known methods: error rates and accuracy (i.e. the number of true identification from the number of all identification attempts). For the error rates, the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and the False Rejection Rate (FRR) were used [9, 10]. The FAR means the probability of accepting an impostor falsely, while the FRR means the probability of rejecting a rightful owner falsely. The FER and FAR are calculated according to Eqs. (1) and (2) respectively.

$$\begin{aligned} \textit{FRR} = \frac{N_{\textit{FR}}}{N_{\textit{IA}}} \end{aligned}$$

where \( N_{\textit{FR}} \) is the number of false rejections and \( N_{IA}\) is the number of identification attempts

$$\begin{aligned} \textit{FAR} = \frac{N_{\textit{FA}}}{N_{\textit{IA}}} \end{aligned}$$

where \( N_{\textit{FA}} \) is the number of false acceptances and \( N_{\textit{IA}}\) is the number of identification attempts

For a good authentication system, FAR and FRR rates should be as small as possible. As it can be seen from Table 4, the smallest value of FRR(0.0053) was achieved by KNN with the Euclidean Distance while the smallest value of FAR (0.0267) was achieved by the SVM with RBF kernel. From these results, the following remarks can be drawn. Firstly, the KNN classifier with the Euclidean Distance was the best by achieving the highest correction rate and the lowest FRR. Secondly, these features are able to distinguish stroke behavior among users (discriminating users). Last but not least, the seven taping of different numbers provided by collected for a participant is encouraging as it the results that even users although users with few times touching the soft keyboard (i.e. only 7 taps) can still be a rich source of data to distinguish among own and impostor.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

This paper presented a proposed system for authenticating smartphone’s users based on their behavior while touching their mobile screen. We built our own dataset by developing a mobile App and recruiting a number of participates from different background and ages. Feature are then extracted from the collected data and then SVM with its 4 kernel functions and KNN classifiers are used to classify the legitimate owner of a mobile and an impostor. Our proposed system was evaluated using FRR and FAR error rates. It was found that the smallest value of FRR(0.0053) was achieved by KNN with the Eculidean Distance while the smallest value of FAR (0.0267) was achieved by the SVM with RBF kernel. Also based on the accuracy rate, it was found that our system is comparable with related work achieving rate at 96.8 %. For the future work, we plan to collect more data by increasing the number of participates and then try other classifiers, e.g. Random Linear Oracle.