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1 Introduction

Repetitions are a fundamental notion in combinatorics on words. For the first time they were studied more than a century ago by Thue [14] in the context of square-free strings, that is, strings that do not contain substrings of the form \(W^2=WW\). Since then, \(\alpha \)-free strings, avoiding string powers of exponent \(\alpha \) (of the form \(W^\alpha \)), have been studied in many different contexts; see [13]. Another line of research is related to strings that are rich in string powers. It has been shown that the number of different squares in a string of length \(n\) does not exceed \(2n - \varTheta (\log {n})~\)(see [5, 7, 8]); stronger bounds are known for cubes [12].

Repetitions are also considered in labeled trees and graphs. In this model, a repetition corresponds to a sequence of labels of edges (or nodes) on a simple path. The origin of this study comes from a generalization of square-free strings and \(\alpha \)-free strings, called non-repetitive colorings of graphs. A survey by Grytczuk [6] presents several results of this kind. In particular, non-repetitive colorings of labeled trees were considered [2]. Strings related to paths in graphs have also been studied in the context of hypertexts [1].

Enumeration of squares in labeled trees has already been considered from both combinatorial [4] and algorithmic point of view [9]. Our study is a continuation of the results of [4], where it has been proved that the maximum number of different squares in a labeled tree with \(n\) nodes is of the order \(\varTheta (n^{4/3})\). As our main result we show a phase transition property: for every exponent \(2 < \alpha < 3\), a tree of \(n\) nodes may contain \(\varOmega (n^{4/3})\) string \(\alpha \)-powers, whereas it may only have \({\mathcal {O}}(n \log n)\) powers of exponent \(\alpha \ge 3\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

There are 5 different cubic substrings in this tree: \(a^3\), \((ab)^3\), \((ba)^3\), \((aab)^3\), \((baa)^3\). Hence, \(\mathsf{powers }_3(T)=5\). Note that the cube \((ab)^3\) occurs twice; also \(a^3\) has multiple occurrences. The most repetitive substring, a \(3. 5\)-power \((ab)^{3. 5}\), is marked in the figure.

Let \(T\) be a tree whose edges are labeled with symbols from an alphabet \(\varSigma \). We denote the size of the tree, that is, the number of nodes, by \(|T|\). A substring of \(T\) is the sequence of labels of edges on any simple path in \(T\). We define \(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha (T)\) as the number of different substrings of \(T\) which are powers of (possibly fractional) exponent \(\alpha \); see Fig. 1. We denote \(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha (n) = \max _{|T|=n} \mathsf{powers }_\alpha (T)\). The bound \(\mathsf{powers }_2(n)=\varTheta (n^{4/3})\) has been shown in [4]. Here, we prove the following asymptotic bounds:

\(\alpha \in (1,2)\)

\(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha (n)=\varTheta (n^2)\)

\(\alpha \in [2,3)\)

\(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha (n)=\varTheta (n^{4/3})\)

\(\alpha \in [3,4)\)

\(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha (n)={\mathcal {O}}(n \log n)\)

\(\alpha \ge 4\)

\(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha (n)=\varTheta (n)\)

2 Preliminaries

2.1 Combinatorics of Strings

Let \(V\) be a string over an alphabet \(\varSigma \). We denote its letters by \(V_1,\ldots ,V_m\) and its length \(m\) by \(|V|\). By \(V^R\) we denote the reverse string \(V_m \ldots V_1\). For \(1\le i \le j \le m\) a string \(V[i. . j]=V_i\ldots V_j\) is a substring of \(V\). We say that a positive integer \(q\) is a period of \(V\) if \(V_i=V_{i+q}\) holds for \(1\le i\le m-q\). In this case we also say that the prefix of \(V\) of length \(q\) is a period of \(V\).

For an integer \(i\), \(1\le i \le m\), a substring \(V[1. . i]\) is called a prefix of \(V\), and \(V[i. . m]\) is called a suffix of \(V\). A string \(U\) is a border of \(V\) if it is both a prefix and a suffix of \(V\). It is well known that a string of length \(m\) has a border of length \(b\) if and only if it has a period \(m-b\).

Fact 1

[11]. Let \(B_1,B_2\) be borders of a string \(V\). If \(|B_1| < |B_2| \le 2|B_1|\), then \(B_1\) and \(B_2\) have the same shortest period \(p\), which is a divisor of \(|B_2|-|B_1|\).

We say that a string \(V\) is an \(\alpha \)-power (a power of exponent \(\alpha \)) of a string \(U\), denoted as \(V=U^\alpha \), if \(|V|=\alpha |U|\) and \(U\) is a period of \(V\). Here, \(\alpha \ge 1\) may otherwise be an arbitrary rational number. Powers of exponent \(\alpha =2\) are called squares, and powers of exponent \(\alpha =3\) are called cubes. By \(U^*\) we denote the set of all integer powers of \(U\). A string \(V\) is called non-primitive if \(V=U^k\) for some string \(U\) and an integer \(k\ge 2\). Otherwise, \(V\) is called primitive. Primitive strings enjoy several useful properties; see [3, 13].

Fact 2

(Synchronization Property) . If \(P\) is a primitive string, then it occurs exactly twice as a substring of \(P^2\).

Fact 3

Let \(p\) be a period of a string \(X\) and \(P\) be any substring of \(X\) of length \(p\). If \(p\) is the shortest period of \(X\), then \(P\) is primitive. Conversely, if \(P\) is primitive and \(p\le \frac{1}{2}|X|\), then \(p\) is the shortest period of \(X\).

Fact 4

Let \(X\) be a string. Suppose that an integer \(p\) is a period of a prefix \(Y\) of \(X\) and of a suffix \(Z\) of \(X\). If \(|X|\le |Y|+|Z|-p\), then \(p\) is a period of \(X\).

2.2 Labeled Trees

Let \(T\) be a labeled tree. If \(u\) and \(v\) are two nodes of \(T\), then by \({ val }(u,v)\) we denote the sequence of labels of edges on the path from \(u\) to \(v\). We call \({ val }(u,v)\) a substring of \(T\) and \((u,v)\) an occurrence of the string \({ val }(u,v)\) in \(T\). A rooted tree is a tree \(T\) with one of its nodes \(r\) designated as a root. For any two nodes \(u\), \(v\), by \({ lca }(u,v)\) we denote their lowest common ancestor in \(T\). A substring of a rooted tree is anchored at \(r\) if it corresponds to a path passing through \(r\), i.e., if it has an occurrence \((u,v)\) such that \({ lca }(u,v)=r\). A directed tree \(T_r\) is a rooted tree with all its edges directed towards its root \(r\). Every substring of a directed tree corresponds to a directed path in the tree. The following fact is a simple generalization of the upper bound of \(2n\) on the number of squares in a string of length \(n\); see [5, 7].

Lemma 5

A directed tree with \(n\) nodes contains at most \(2n\) different square substrings.


It suffices to note that there are at most two topmost occurrences of different squares starting at each node of the tree; see [5, 7, 10].    \(\square \)

3 Cubes in Rooted Trees

In this section, we show that a rooted tree \(T\) with \(n\) nodes contains \({\mathcal {O}}(n)\) different cubes anchored at its root \(r\).

3.1 Cube Decompositions

For a non-empty string \(X\), \((U,V)\) is a cube decomposition of \(X^3\) if \(UV=X^3\) and there exist nodes \(u\) and \(v\) in \(T\) such that \({ lca }(u,v)=r\), \({ val }(u,r)=U\) and \({ val }(r,v)=V\). A cube decomposition is called leftist if \(|U| \ge |V|\) and rightist if \(|U| \le |V|\). Due to the following lemma, it suffices to consider cubes with a leftist cube decomposition.

Lemma 6

In a rooted tree the numbers of different cubes with a leftist decomposition and with a rightist decomposition are equal.


\((U,V)\) is a leftist cube decomposition of a cube \(X^3\) if and only if \((V^R,U^R)\) is a rightist cube decomposition of a cube \(Y^3\) where \(Y=X^R\).    \(\square \)

If \(|U|,|V| < 2|X|\), then \((U,V)\) is called a balanced cube decomposition. Otherwise, it is unbalanced. It turns out that the number of cubes with an unbalanced decomposition is simpler to bound.

Lemma 7

A rooted tree with \(n\) nodes contains at most \(2n\) different cubes with a leftist unbalanced cube decomposition.


Let \(T\) be a tree rooted in \(r\) and let \(T_r\) be the corresponding directed tree. If \((U,V)\) is an unbalanced leftist decomposition of a cube \(X^3\), then \(|U|\ge 2|X|\) and thus \(X^2\) occurs as a square substring in \(T_r\). By Lemma 5 there are at most \(2n\) such different squares.    \(\square \)

A cube \(X^3\) is called a p-cube if \(X\) is primitive. Otherwise it is called an np-cube. A bound on the number of np-cubes also follows from Lemma 5.

Lemma 8

A rooted tree with \(n\) nodes contains at most \(4n\) different np-cubes with a leftist cube decomposition.


Let \(X^3\) be an np-cube with a leftist decomposition \((U,V)\) in a tree \(T\) rooted at \(r\). We have \(X=Y^k\) for a primitive string \(Y\) and an integer \(k\ge 2\). Let \(\ell =\left\lfloor \tfrac{3k}{4} \right\rfloor \). Note that \(Y^{2\ell }\) is a proper prefix of \(U\) and thus a square in the directed tree \(T_r\). Consider an assignment \(Y^{3k}\mapsto Y^{2\ell }\). Observe that a single square can be assigned this way at most two cubes: \(Y^{2\ell }\) can be assigned to \(Y^{4\ell },Y^{4\ell +1},Y^{4\ell +2}\), or \(Y^{4\ell +3}\), but no more than two of these exponents may be divisible by 3.

By Lemma 5 there are at most \(2n\) different squares in the directed tree \(T_r\). Therefore the number of different np-cubes with a leftist cube decomposition is bounded by \(4n\).    \(\square \)

3.2 Essential Cube Decompositions

Thanks to Lemmas 68, from now on we only consider p-cubes in \(T\) which have a balanced leftist cube decomposition. We call such a decomposition an essential cube decomposition. In this section, we classify such decompositions into two types and provide a separate bound for either type.

Observation 9

Let \((U,V)\) be an essential cube decomposition of a p-cube \(X^3\). Then \(U=XB\) for a non-empty string \(B\) which is a border of \(U\) (and a prefix of \(X\)) and satisfies \(\frac{1}{3} |U| \le |B| < \frac{1}{2} |U|\).

Motivated by the observation, for a string \(U\) we define

$${\mathcal {B}}(U) = \big \{B : B \,\text { is a border of}\,\,U\, \text {and}\, \tfrac{1}{3}|U| \le |B| < \tfrac{1}{2}|U|\big \}. $$

Moreover, by \({\mathcal {B}}'(U)\) we denote a set formed by the two longest strings in \({\mathcal {B}}(U)\) (we assume \({\mathcal {B}}'(U)={\mathcal {B}}(U)\) if \(|{\mathcal {B}}(U)|\le 2\)).

Definition 10

Let \((U,V)\) be an essential cube decomposition of \(X^3\) and let \(U=XB\). This decomposition is said to be of type 1 if \(B\in {\mathcal {B}}'(U)\) and of type 2 otherwise.

Note that the string \(U\) and its border \(B\) uniquely determine the cube \(X^3\). Since \(|{\mathcal {B}}'(U)|\le 2\), the following observation follows directly from the definition above.

Observation 11

(Type-1 Reconstruction) . For every string \(U\) there are at most two strings \(V\) such that \((U,V)\) is an essential decomposition of type 1 of some cube \(X^3=UV\).

Below we prove a similar property of type-2 decompositions. Before that, we need to characterize them more carefully. The following lemma lists several properties of type-2 decompositions; see also Fig. 2.

Lemma 12

Let \((U,V)\) be a type-2 essential decomposition of a p-cube \(X^3\). Then there exists a primitive string \(P\) such that:

  1. (a)

    \(|P| \le \tfrac{1}{6}|X|\),

  2. (b)

    \(X\) has a prefix of the form \(P^*\) of length at least \(2|X|-|V|+|P|\),

  3. (c)

    \(X\) has \(P\) as a suffix, but does not have a suffix of the form \(P^*\) of length \(|V|-|X|\) or more.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Type 2 essential cube decomposition \((U,V)\) of a cube \(X\). Here, \(B\) is a border of \(U\). Note that \(P\) is a period of \(B\), but not a period of \(X\) or \(U\).


Let \({\mathcal {B}}(U)=\{B_0,\ldots ,B_\ell \}\) with \(|B_0|<\ldots <|B_{\ell }|\). Since \((U,V)\) is a type-2 decomposition of \(X\), we have \(U=XB_k\) for some \(k\) satisfying \(0\le k \le \ell -2\). In particular, this implies \(\ell \ge 2\).

By Fact 1, all borders in \({\mathcal {B}}(U)\) share a common shortest period, whose length in particular divides \(|B_{i+1}|-|B_{i}|\) for any \(i\) (\(0\le i < \ell \)). We denote this period by \(P\). By Fact 3, \(P\) is primitive. Let \(p = |P|\) and let \(p' = |B_0|\) mod \(p\). Moreover, let \(P'\) be the prefix of \(P\) of length \(p'\). Observe that \(B_0 = P^jP'\) for some integer \(j\), and in general \(B_i = P^{j+i}P'\).

(a) We have \(\frac{1}{3} |U| \le |B_0| < |B_\ell | < \frac{1}{2} |U|\) and \(|B_\ell |-|B_0|=\ell \cdot p \ge 2p\). Thus, \(p\le \frac{1}{2} \left( \frac{1}{2}-\frac{1}{3}\right) |U|=\frac{1}{12}|U|\). Moreover, \(|U|\le 2|X|\), and as a consequence we get \(|P|=p \le \frac{2}{12}|X|=\frac{1}{6}|X|\).

(b, c) Note that \(U=XB_k\) has \(B_\ell \) as a suffix, and \(B_\ell = P^{\ell -k}B_k\). Thus \(P^{\ell -k}\) and, in particular, \(P\) is a suffix of \(X\). Moreover, \(B_\ell \) is a prefix of \(U\), so \(U\) has \(P^{j+\ell }\) as a prefix and, in particular, \(P\) is a prefix of \(X\). Therefore, \(P\) is a border of \(X\). Observe that \(P\) is not a period of \(X\). Otherwise, due to synchronization property of primitive strings (Fact 2), \(X\) would be a power of \(P\), which is a contradiction with \(X^3\) being a p-cube.

Consequently, \(|P^{j+\ell }|<|X|\), so \(P^{j+\ell }\) is a prefix \(X\). Moreover, we have \(|P^{j+\ell }| \ge |B_{\ell -1}|\ge |B_k|+|P|\) since \(k \le \ell -2\), and \(|B_k| = |U|-|X|=3|X|-|V|-|X|=2|X|-|V|\). Thus, \(X\) indeed has a prefix \(Y\) of the form \(P^*\) whose length is at least \(2|X|-|V|+|P|\). Now, suppose that \(X\) has a suffix \(Z\) of the form \(P^*\) whose length is at least \(|V|-|X|\). We would have \(|X|\le |Y|+|Z|-|P|\), so Fact 4 would imply that \(P\) is a period of \(X\), which we have already proved impossible.    \(\square \)

Lemma 13

(Type-2 Reconstruction) . For every string \(V\) there is at most one string \(U\) such that \((U,V)\) is an essential cube decomposition of type 2 of some cube \(X^3=UV.\)


Suppose there is at least one string \(U\) which satisfies the assumption of the lemma. We shall prove that \(U\) can be uniquely determined from \(V\). Let \(UV=X^3\) and let \(P\) be the primitive string obtained through Lemma 12. Our goal is to recover \(P\) and then \(X\) from \(V\).

Recall that \(|X|<|V|\le \frac{3}{2}|X|\) by the definition of essential cube decomposition. We have \(X=V[i. . |V|]\) for \(i=|V|-|X|+1\). Additionally, let \(j=|X|\). Note that \(j-i+1 = 2|X|-|V|\), so Lemma 12(b) implies that \(V[i. . j']=P^k\) for a position \(j' \ge j\) and an integer exponent \(k\). Observe that

$$i=|V|-|X|+1\le \tfrac{1}{3}|V|+1\quad \text{ and }\quad j=|X|\ge \tfrac{2}{3}|V|,$$

so \(p=|P|\) is a period of \(V'=V[\left\lfloor \frac{1}{3}|V| \right\rfloor +1. . \left\lceil \frac{2}{3}|V| \right\rceil ]\). By Lemma 12(a), \(|P|\le \frac{1}{6}|X|\le \frac{1}{6}|V|\le \frac{1}{2} |V'|\) and \(P\) is primitive. Thus, by Fact 3, \(p\) can be uniquely determined as the shortest period of \(V'\).

Once we know \(p\), we can easily determine \(P\): by Lemma 12(c), \(P\) is a suffix of \(X\) and thus a suffix of \(V\). Hence, \(P=V[|V|-p+1. . |V|]\).

Next, we determine the smallest position \(i'> \frac{1}{3}|V|\) where \(P\) occurs in \(V\). This occurrence must lie within \(V[i. . j]\), so \(i\equiv i' \pmod {p}\) by the synchronization property of primitive strings (Fact 2). Let \(\ell \) be the largest integer such that \(P^\ell \) is a suffix of \(X\). Then \(\ell \) is simultaneously the largest integer such that \(P^\ell \) is a suffix of \(V\) and the largest integer such that \(P^\ell \) is a suffix of \(V[1. . i-1]\) (since \(\ell p < |V|-|X|\) by Lemma 12(c)). The former lets us uniquely determine \(\ell \). The latter implies that \(\ell ':=\ell +\frac{i'-i}{p}\) is the largest integer such that \(P^{\ell '}\) is a suffix of \(V[1. . i'-1]\). Since \(\ell '\) is uniquely determined by \(V\), so is \(i\), and thus also \(X=V[i. . |V|]\). This concludes the proof that the string \(U\) can be uniquely determined from \(V\). In particular, at most one such string exists.    \(\square \)

3.3 The Upper Bound

Theorem 14

A rooted tree with \(n\) nodes contains \({\mathcal {O}}(n)\) cubes anchored at its root.


Let \(T\) be a tree with \(n\) nodes rooted in \(r\). The whole proof reduces to proofs of the following two claims.

Claim. There are \({\mathcal {O}}(n)\) different cubes in \(T\) having a non-essential cube decomposition.

Proof. A non-essential decomposition of a cube is rightist, leftist unbalanced or a leftist decomposition of an np-cube. In each case, by Lemmas 68, there are \({\mathcal {O}}(n)\) different cubes with such a decomposition.    \(\square \)

Claim. There are \({\mathcal {O}}(n)\) different p-cubes in \(T\) having an essential cube decomposition.

Proof. For each p-cube \(X^3\) with an essential decomposition let us fix a single such decomposition \(UV\) and a single pair of nodes \((u,v)\) that gives this decomposition.

If \(UV\) is a type-1 decomposition, we charge one token to the node \(u\), otherwise we charge one token to \(v\). By Observation 11 and Lemma 13, each node receives at most 3 tokens.   \(\square \)

This concludes the proof of the theorem.    \(\square \)

4 Powers in Trees

In this section we prove the announced bounds for \(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha \) for \(\alpha >1\).

Let \(S_m\) be a string \(\mathtt {a}^m\mathtt {b}\mathtt {a}^{m}\). Note that \(S_m\) can be seen as a tree with a linear structure. Though the following fact can be treated as a folklore result, we provide its proof for completeness.

Theorem 15

For every rational \(\alpha \in (1,2)\), we have \(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha (S_m) = \varOmega (|S_m|^2)\).


Let \(\alpha =1+\tfrac{x}{y}\) where \(x\), \(y\) are coprime positive integers. For every positive integer \(c \le \frac{m}{y}\), we construct \(c(y-x)\) different powers of exponent \(\alpha \) and length \(cy\alpha \) that occur in \(S_m\):

$$\mathtt {a}^i\mathtt {b}\mathtt {a}^{cy-1-i}\mathtt {a}^{cx}\quad \text{ for }\,\,cx \le i < cy. $$

Note that \(i< cy \le m\) and \(cy-1-i+cx<cy \le m\), so they indeed occur as substrings of \(S_m\). In total we obtain

$$\sum _{1\le c\le \frac{m}{y}} c(y-x) =\varTheta \big (\tfrac{m^2(y-x)}{y^2}\big ) = \varTheta (m^2)$$

different \(\alpha \)-powers. Moreover, \(|S_m|=\varTheta (m)\), so this implies \(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha (S_m)=\varOmega (|S_m|^2)\).   \(\square \)

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Lower bound example \(T_m\) for powers of exponent \(\alpha \in (2,3)\).

Recall that for \(\alpha =2\), it has been shown that \(\mathsf{powers }_2(n)=\varTheta (n^{4/3})\) [4]. It turns out that the same bound applies for any \(\alpha \in (2,3)\). Moreover, the lower bound on \(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha (n)\) is realized by the same family of trees called combs; see Fig.  3. A comb \(T_m\) consists of a path of length \(m^2\) called the spine, with at most one branch attached to each node of the spine. Branches are located at positions \(\{0,1,2,\ldots , m-1, m, 2m,3m, \ldots , m^2\}\) of the spine. All edges of the spine are labeled with letters \(\mathtt {a}\). Each branch is a path starting with a letter \(\mathtt {b}\), followed by \(m^2\) edges labeled with letters \(\mathtt {a}\).

Theorem 16

For every rational \(\alpha \! \in \!(2,3)\), we have \(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha (T_m) =\varOmega (|T_m|^{4/3})\).


Let \(\alpha =2+\tfrac{x}{y}\) where \(x\), \(y\) are coprime positive integers. For every positive integer \(c \le \frac{m^2}{y}\), we construct \(c(y-x)\) different \(\alpha \)-powers of length \(cy\alpha \) that occur in \(T_m\):

$$(\mathtt {a}^i\mathtt {b}\mathtt {a}^{cy-1-i})^2\mathtt {a}^{cx}\quad \text{ for } cx \le i < cy. $$

Let us prove that these powers indeed occur in \(T_m\). In [4] it was shown that for every \(0 < j < m^2\) there are two branches whose starting nodes (on the spine) satisfy \( distance (u,v)=j\). We apply this fact for \(j=cy-1\) and align letters \(\mathtt {b}\) at the edges incident to \(u\) and \(v\). Each branch contains \(m^2\) edges labeled with \(\mathtt {a}\). Since \(i<cy\le m^2\) and \(cy-1-i+cx<cy \le m^2\), this is enough to extend an occurrence of \(\mathtt {b}\mathtt {a}^{cy-1}\mathtt {b}\) to an occurrence of \((\mathtt {a}^i\mathtt {b}\mathtt {a}^{cy-1-i})^2\mathtt {a}^{cx}\). Altogether this gives \(\varTheta (m^4)\) different \(\alpha \)-powers. Since \(|T_m|=\varTheta (m^3)\), the number of the considered powers in \(T_m\) is \(\varOmega (|T_m|^{4/3})\).   \(\square \)

The upper bound for cubes and, consequently, for powers of rational exponent \(\alpha \in (3,4)\), is a consequence of the main result of the previous section.

Theorem 17

For every rational \(\alpha \ge 3\), we have \(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha (n) = {\mathcal {O}}(n \log n)\).


Recall that a centroid of a tree \(T\) is a node \(r\) such that each connected component of \(T \setminus \{r\}\) is a tree with at most \(\frac{n}{2}\) nodes. It is a well-known fact that every tree has a centroid.

We have already shown (Theorem 14) that the number of cubes in the tree \(T\) passing through a fixed node \(r\) is \({\mathcal {O}}(n)\). Now we need to count the remaining cubes in \(T\). After removing the node \(r\), the tree is partitioned into components \(T_1,\ldots ,T_k\). Hence, the number of cubes in \(T\) can be written as:

$$\mathsf{powers }_3(T) \le {\mathcal {O}}(|T|) + \sum _i \mathsf{powers }_3(T_i). $$

The components satisfy \(\sum _i |T_i|=n-1\) and \(|T_i|\le \frac{n}{2}\), so a solution to this recurrence yields \(\mathsf{powers }_3(n) = {\mathcal {O}}(n \log n)\). For every \(\alpha \ge 3\), each power \(U^\alpha \) of exponent \(\alpha \) induces a cube \(U^3\), so \(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha (n) = {\mathcal {O}}(n \log n)\).   \(\square \)

The final result related to the \(\mathsf{powers }\) function may be interpreted as a generalization of the \(2n\) upper bound on the number of different squares in a string.

Theorem 18

For every \(\alpha \ge 4\), \(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha (n) = \varTheta (n)\).


For a string \(\mathtt {a}^n\), we have \(\varTheta (n/\alpha )=\varTheta (n)\) distinct \(\alpha \)-powers. For the proof of a linear upper bound, let \(T\) be a tree with \(n\) nodes and let \(r\) be any of its nodes. Let \(T_r\) be a directed tree obtained from \(T\) by selecting \(r\) as its root. Then any power \(U^\alpha \) in \(T\) of exponent \(\alpha \ge 4\) corresponds to square \(U^2\) or \((U^R)^2\) in \(T_r\). Thus, the conclusion follows from Lemma 5.    \(\square \)

5 Final Remarks

We have presented an almost complete asymptotic characterization of the function \(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha \) specifying the maximum number of different powers of exponent \(\alpha \) in a tree of given size. What remains is an exact asymptotic bound for \(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha \), \(\alpha \in [3,4)\), for which we have shown an \({\mathcal {O}}(n\log n)\) upper bound.

It can be shown (see Fact 19) that a tree with \(n\) nodes contains \({\mathcal {O}}(n)\) different cubes of the form \((\mathtt {a}^i\mathtt {b}\mathtt {a}^j)^3\). In comparison, the lower bound constructions for \(\alpha < 3\) rely on counting powers of the form \((\mathtt {a}^i\mathtt {b}\mathtt {a}^j)^\alpha \).

Fact 19

A tree with \(n\) nodes with edges labeled with \(\{\mathtt {a},\mathtt {b}\}\) contains \({\mathcal {O}}(n)\) cubes of the form \((\mathtt {a}^i\mathtt {b}\mathtt {a}^j)^3\).


Let \(T\) be a tree with \(n\) nodes. Suppose that \(T\) is rooted at an arbitrary node \(r\). Nevertheless, we bound the number of all cubes of the form \((\mathtt {a}^i\mathtt {b}\mathtt {a}^j)^3\) in \(T\), including those which are not anchored at \(r\). We shall assign each such cube to a single node of \(T\) so that each node of \(T\) is assigned at most two cubes. For a particular occurrence of a cube \(X^3=(\mathtt {a}^i \mathtt {b} \mathtt {a}^j)^3\) which starts in node \(u\) and ends in node \(v\) with \(q={ lca }(u,v)\), we define the assignment as follows:

  1. (A)

    if the string \({ val }(u,q)\) contains at least two characters \(\mathtt {b}\), then the cube is assigned to node \(u\),

  2. (B)

    otherwise (in that case \({ val }(q,v)\) contains at least two characters \(\mathtt {b}\)) the cube is assigned to node \(v\).

Let us prove that such procedure assigns at most one cube of type (A) and at most one cube of type (B) to a single node. If we fix the node and type of the assignment, we shall be able to uniquely recover the cube \(X^3\) by going towards the root until we encounter the second edge labeled with b. Indeed, suppose \(u\) is a fixed node and consider the assignment of type (A). Let \(X_1\) be the shortest prefix of \({ val }(u,r)\) that contains exactly one character \(\mathtt {b}\) and let \(X_2\) be the shortest prefix of \({ val }(u,r)\) that contains exactly two characters \(\mathtt {b}\). Then \(X=\mathtt {a}^{|X_1|-1} \mathtt {b} \mathtt {a}^{|X_2|-|X_1|-1}\). For the assignment of type (B), we use a symmetric procedure.    \(\square \)

We conclude with the following conjectures.

Conjecture 20

(Weak conjecture). \(\mathsf{powers }_\alpha (n)=\varTheta (n)\) for every \(\alpha > 3\).

Conjecture 21

(Strong conjecture). \(\mathsf{powers }_3(n)=\varTheta (n)\).