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The Use of Electrochemical Techniques for the Characterization of the Corrosion Behavior of Sol–Gel-Coated Metals

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Handbook of Sol-Gel Science and Technology


Deposition of sol–gel coatings is a promising method for corrosion protection of metal substrates. As an example, sol–gel coatings represent an alternative to the use of chromate conversion coatings for protection of aluminum alloys in the aerospace industry. In order to expand the use of sol–gel coatings, it is important to assess their corrosion behavior. The sol–gel coating should provide an efficient barrier against aggressive species limiting corrosion of the metal substrate. Moreover, the coating should offer the possibility to incorporate corrosion inhibitors in order to provide active behavior to the coating. The sol–gel coating should be well adherent to the base metal and should also promote the adhesion of organic primer and topcoat when the sol–gel coating is employed as a pretreatment of the substrate.

This chapter focuses on the use of electrochemical methods for the characterization of corrosion properties of thin sol–gel coatings. Barrier properties, effect of corrosion inhibitors incorporated in the sol–gel coatings, and adhesion promotion are targeted in this chapter providing selected examples taken from our scientific work.

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The authors would like to kindly acknowledge all coauthors of the papers discussed in this chapter. A special mention goes to P. Aldighieri, L. Paussa, and A. Lanzutti, who strongly contributed to the acquisition and discussion of the experimental data presented in this work. Part of the results in this paper and the work it concerns were generated in the context of the MULTIPROTECT project, funded by the European Community as Contract No. NMP3-CT-2005-011783 under the 6th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. The project partners that contributed to the results presented in this chapter are kindly acknowledged. In particular, the authors would like to thank A. Duran, M. Aparicio, and their coworkers for the collaboration in the framework of the MULTIPROTECT project.

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Andreatta, F., Fedrizzi, L. (2016). The Use of Electrochemical Techniques for the Characterization of the Corrosion Behavior of Sol–Gel-Coated Metals. In: Klein, L., Aparicio, M., Jitianu, A. (eds) Handbook of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-319-19454-7

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference Chemistry and Mat. ScienceReference Module Physical and Materials ScienceReference Module Chemistry, Materials and Physics

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