
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

The market for display ads on the internet is worth billions of dollars and continues to rise. Not surprisingly, there are multiple ways of selling display advertisements. Traditionally, publishers signed long-term contracts with their advertisers, fixing the number of impressions, i.e. assigned ad slots views, as well as their price. In the last few years, however, spot markets, so called Ad Exchanges [8], have been developed, with Amazon, Ebay, and Yahoo (to just name a few) all offering their own ad exchange. Thus, every time a user requests to download a page from a publisher, the publisher needs to decide (a\('\)) which of the ad impressions on this page should be assigned to which contracted advertiser, and (b\('\)) which should be sold at the ad exchange and at which reserve price Footnote 1.

Ad exchanges are interesting for publishers as (1) basically an unlimited number of ad impressions can be sold at ad exchanges, and (2) if the publishers have additional information about the user, they might sell an impression at a much higher price at the ad exchange than they could receive from their contracted advertisers. As ad impressions that did not receive a bid at or above the reserve price at the ad exchange can still be assigned to contracted advertisers, a revenue-maximizing publisher can offer every ad impression first at an ad exchange at a “high enough” reserve price and then afterwards assign the still unsold impressions to contracted advertisers. The question for the advertiser becomes, thus, (a’) what reserve price to choose, and (b’) to which advertisers to assign the unsold impressions. We model this setting as an online problem and achieve the following two results: If the revenue achievable by the ad exchange for each ad impression is known, we give a constant competitive algorithm. Then we show how to convert this algorithm into a second algorithm that works in the setting where the revenue achievable from the ad exchange is not known. Assume that the auction executed at the ad exchange fulfills the following property \(P\): If an ad impression is sold at the ad exchange, then the revenue achieved is independent of the reserve price chosen by the publisher. Thus, the reserve price influences only whether the ad impression is sold, not the price that is achieved. For example, a first price auction with reserve prices fulfills this condition. If the auction at the ad exchange fulfills this condition, then our second algorithm is constant competitive when compared with the optimum offline algorithm.

When modeling contracted advertisers we use the model with free disposal introduced in [4]: Each advertiser \(a\) comes with a number \(n_a\) and the revenue that an algorithm receives from \(a\) consists of the \(n_a\) most valuable ad impressions assigned to \(a\). Additional impressions assigned to \(a\) do not generate any revenue.

More formally we define the following Online Ad Assignment Problem with Free Disposal and an Ad Exchange. There is a set of contracted advertisers \(A\) and an ad exchange \(\alpha \). Each advertiser \(a\) comes with a number \(n_a\) of ad impressions such that \(a\) pays only for the \(n_a\) most valuable ad impressions assigned to \(a\), or for all assigned ad impressions if fewer than \(n_a\) are assigned to \(a\). To simplify the notation we set \(n_{\alpha } = \infty \). Now a finite sequence \(\mathcal{S} = S_0, S_1, \dots \) of sets \(S_l\) with \(l = 0, 1, \ldots \), of ad impressions arrives in order. When \(S_l\) arrives, the weights \(w_{i,a}\) for each \(i \in S_l\) and \(a \in A \cup \{\alpha \}\) are revealed and the online algorithm has to assign each \(i \in S_l\) before further sets \(S_{l+1}, S_{l+2}\), etc. arrive. Let \(\mathcal {A}: I \rightarrow A \cup \{\alpha \}\) be an assignment of impressions to advertisers. An assignment is valid if no two impressions in the same set \(S_l\) are assigned to the same advertiser \(a \in A\). Let \(I_{\mathcal {A}}(a)\) be the set of \(n_a\) impressions with highest weight assigned to advertiser \(a\) by \(\mathcal {A}\). Then the revenue \(R(\mathcal {A})\) of \(\mathcal {A}\) is \(\sum _{a\in A \cup \{\alpha \}} \sum _{i \in I_{\mathcal {A}}(a)} w_{i,a}\). The goal of the algorithm is to produce a valid assignment \(\mathcal {A}\) with maximum revenue \(R(\mathcal {A})\). The competitive ratio of an online algorithm is the minimum over all sequences \(\mathcal{S}\) of the ratio of the revenue achieved by the online algorithm on \(\mathcal{S}\) and the revenue achieved by the optimal offline algorithm on \(\mathcal{S}\), where the latter algorithm is given all of \(\mathcal{S}\) before it makes the first decision.

Feldman et al. [4] studied a special case of our problem, namely the setting without an ad exchange and where each set \(S_l\) has size one, i.e. where the impressions arrive consecutively. For that setting they gave a primal-dual based \(0.5\) competitive algorithm whose competitive ratio converges to \((1 - 1/e)\) ratio when all the \(n_a\) values go to infinity. More precisely let \(n_A = \min _{a \in A} n_a\). Then their algorithm is \(1-(\frac{n_A}{n_A+1})^{n_A}\)-competitive. They also showed that this ratio is tight when considering deterministic algorithms [4]. Let \(R_a\) for an advertiser \(a \in A \cup \{\alpha \}\) be the revenue that the optimal algorithm receives from \(a\). We extend their results in several ways. (1) We consider a setting with one advertiser, called ad exchange, that has infinite capacityFootnote 2. Moreover, we allow multiple ad slots on a page, with the condition that no two can be assigned to the same advertiser, i.e. for us \(|S_l|\) can be larger than 1. (2) The revenue of our algorithm depends directly on the \(n_a\) value, not on \(n_A\). More precisely, if no ad exchange exists, our algorithm receives a revenue of at least \(\sum _a (1-(\frac{n_a}{n_a+1})^{n_a}) R_a\). When an ad exchange is added, our algorithm achieves a revenue of at least \(R_{\alpha } + \sum _a (1-(\frac{n_a}{n_a+1})^{n_a}) R_a\). (3) We show how to modify our algorithm for the setting where \(w_{i,\alpha }\) is unknown for all \(i\). In this setting our algorithm computes a reserve price and sends every impression first to the ad exchange. The reserve price is set such that if the auction executed at the ad exchange fulfills property \(P\) then the above revenue bounds continue to hold, i.e. it achieves a revenue of at least \(R_{\alpha } + \sum _a (1-(\frac{n_a}{n_a+1})^{n_a}) R_a\).

Techniques. Our algorithm is a modification of the standard primal-dual algorithms in [4] but it is itself not a standard primal-dual algorithms as it does not construct a feasible primal and dual solution to a single LP. Instead in the analysis we use several primal and dual LPs, one for each advertiser \(a\) and use the dual solutions to upper bound \(R_a\). However, the corresponding primal feasible solution is not directly related to the revenue the algorithm achieves from \(a\). Instead, the solution constructed by the algorithm is a feasible solution for a primal program that is the combination of all individual LPs. This property is strong enough to give the claimed bounds. The crucial new ideas in our algorithms are (i) the observation that when deciding to whom an ad slot is assigned the publisher should be biased towards advertiser with large \(n_a\) and in particular towards the ad exchange and (ii) that based on the structure of the algorithm it can be easily modified to compute an reserve price for the auction in the ad exchange if the \(w_{i,\alpha }\) values are unknown.

Further Related Work. We briefly sketch prior work on the question whether the publisher should assign an impression to a contracted advertiser or an ad exchange. In [2] a scenario is studied, where the \(w_{i,a}\) follow a joint distribution and no disposal is allowed. Gosh et al. [5] assume that for each impression \(i\) the \(w_{i,\alpha }\) values follow a known distribution and the contracted advertisers have a quality value depending on \(w_{i,\alpha }\). They study the trade-off between the quality of the impressions assigned to the advertisers and revenue from the ad exchange. The work in [1], like our work, does not make Bayesian assumptions but studies online algorithms in the worst case setting. The main difference is that there the contracted advertisers also arrive online and that there is no free disposal.

Finally, Devanur et al. [3] extend [4] to the scenario with multiple ad slots on a page and constraints on ads being assigned together, but they neither consider ad-exchanges nor consider the different capacities \(n_a\) in the competitive ratio.

Structure of the Paper. In Sect. 2 we discuss why the algorithm from [4] is not satisfying in our setting and present a simple online algorithm for the 1-slot case, which we improve in Sect. 3 to achieve a revenue of at least \(R_{\alpha } + \sum _a (1-(\frac{n_a}{n_a+1})^{n_a}) R_a\). In Sect. 4 we generalize this algorithm to the multi-slot setting. Finally, in Sect. 5 we show how to adapt it if the \(w_{i,\alpha }\) values are unknown.

2 A Simple 1-Slot Online Algorithm

In Sects. 2 and 3 we consider algorithms for the 1-slot setting, i.e., where each \(S_l\) just contains a single impression \(i\). Given an instance of such an online ad assignment problem we can build an equivalent instance where all capacities \(n_a=1\). Simply replace each advertiser \(a\) by \(n_a\) copies \(a_1, \dots a_{n_a}\) with the capacities \(1\) and for each impression \(i\) set \(w_{i,a_p} = w_{i,a}\) for all \(1 \le p \le n_a\). Thus in this section we assume \(n_a=1\) for each \(a \in A\). Then we formulate the offline problem as an integer linear program (ILP), where the variable \(x_{i,a}\) is set to \(1\) if \(i\) is assigned to advertiser \(a\) and to 0, otherwise.

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf{Primal: }~\mathrm{max}&\ \sum _{i,a \in A \cup \{\alpha \}} w_{i,a}\ x_{i,a}\\[5pt] \sum _{a \in A \cup \{\alpha \}} x_{i,a}&\le 1 \quad \forall i\\ \sum _{i} x_{i,a}&\le 1 \quad \forall a \in A \end{aligned}$$

The first type of constraints ensures that each impression is assigned to at most one advertiser, while the second type of constraints ensures that each \(a \in A\) is assigned at most one impression. It has the following dual LP.

$$\begin{aligned} \mathbf{Dual: } \min&\ \sum _{i} z_i + \sum _{a \in A} \beta _a\\ z_i+ \beta _a&\ge w_{i,a} \quad \forall i,\forall a \in A\\ z_i&\ge w_{i,\alpha } \quad \forall i \end{aligned}$$
figure a

For notational convenience we assume an additional variable \(\beta _\alpha \) which remains \(0\) for the whole algorithm. We next consider a straight forward generalization of the online algorithm in [4], called Algorithm 1, to our setting. This algorithm constructs a feasible integral solution for the Primal LP, corresponding to an ad assignment, and a feasible solution for the dual LP that is used to bound the revenue of the optimal assignment.

Algorithm 1 constructs feasible solutions for both the Primal and the Dual: when impression \(i\) is assigned to advertiser \(j\) then \(x_{i,j}\) is set to 1, \(\beta _j\) is set to \(w_{i,j}\), and \(z_i\) is set to \(\max _{a \in A \cup \{\alpha \}}\{w_{i,a}-\beta _a\}\). Note that the loss in revenue of Algorithm 1 compared to the optimal assignment exclusively comes from the impression assigned to advertisers in \(A\). However, the above algorithm does not guarantee that impressions are sent to ad exchange when the optimal algorithm does. Thus the optimal offline assignment might send many impressions to the ad exchange, while the online assignment of the above algorithm does not and thus might only be an \(1/2\) approximation. Such a situation is given in Example 1.

Example 1

Consider \(A=\{a\}\) with \(n_a=1\) and impressions \(1 \le i \le n\) with \(w_{i,\alpha }=1-\epsilon \) and \(w_{i,a}=i\). Then the revenue \(R(\mathcal {A})\) of Algorithm 1 after \(n\) impressions is \(n\), while the optimal assignment achieves \(n+(n-1)(1-\epsilon )\), where \((n-1)(1-\epsilon )\) is achieved by the ad exchange. For \(\epsilon \rightarrow 0\) and \(n \rightarrow \infty \) the ratio \(R(\mathcal {A})/R(OPT)\) is \(1/2\) although half of the revenue in the optimal assignment \(OPT\) comes from the ad exchange.

Thus the algorithm from [4] is only \(1/2\)-competitive, even when an ad exchange, i.e., an advertiser with infinite capacity, is added.

Given an ad assignment \(\mathcal {A}\) let \(R_\alpha (\mathcal {A})\) denote the revenue the assignment gets from impressions assigned to the ad exchange and let \(R_A(\mathcal {A})\) denote the revenue the assignment gets from impressions assigned to contracted advertisers. Thus we have \(R(\mathcal {A})=R_\alpha (\mathcal {A})+R_A(\mathcal {A})\). Additionally, we use \(OPT\) to denote the optimal assignment. We present next Algorithm 2, an online algorithm that receives as revenue at least \(R_{\alpha }(OPT) + (1/2) R_a(OPT)\), which is already an improvement over Algorithm 1. It is based on the observation that assigning an impression that should be sent to the ad exchange to an advertiser in \(A\) is worse than sending an impression that should go to an advertiser in \(A\) to the ad exchange. Thus, the algorithm is biased towards the ad exchange. Specifically the algorithm assigns an impression to an advertiser \(a\in A\) only if it gives at least double the revenue on \(a\) than on \(\alpha \).

figure b

Theorem 1

Let \(\mathcal {A}\) be the ad assignment computed by Algorithm 2 then \( R(\mathcal {A}) \ge R_\alpha (OPT) + 1/2 \cdot R_A(OPT) \).


Let \(I^A_{OPT}\), resp. \(I^\alpha _{OPT}\), be the impressions assigned to \(A\), resp. \(\alpha \), by the optimal (offline) assignment OPT. We give an LP \(P_A\) for the advertisers \(A\) and impressions \(I^A_{OPT}\) and its dual \(D_A\) such that any feasible solution for \(D_A\) gives an upper bound \(d_A\) for \(R_A(OPT)\).

figure c

Note that the summation in \(P_A\) and the constraints in \(D_A\) are only over impressions in \(I^A_{OPT}\). The objective value of the optimal solution of \(D_A\), is an upper bound for the objective of \(P_A\), and thus also for \(R_A(OPT)\). However, there is no direct relationship between \(R_A(\mathcal {A})\) and the objective of \(P_A\) for \(\mathcal {A}\), as \(\mathcal {A}\) might also assign impressions from \(I^\alpha _{OPT}\) to \(A\).

To upper bound \(R_A(OPT)\) we construct a feasible solution for \(D_A\). We do this in a iterative fashion, that is whenever Algorithm 2 assigns an impression \(i \in I^A_{OPT}\) we update the feasible solution for \(D_A\) as follows: (i) For the \(\beta _a\) variables we use the values currently set by the Algorithm 2; (ii) For the variable \(z_i\) we set \(z_i=w_{i,j}-\beta ^o_j\), where \(\beta ^o_a\) is the value of \(\beta _a\) before \(i\) is assigned. As \(w_{i,j}-\beta ^o_j=max_{a \in A}\{w_{i,a}-\beta _a\}\), all the constraints for \(i\) are satisfied. Hence, doing this for all \(i \in I^A_{OPT}\) gives a feasible solution for \(D_A\) and its objective \(d_A\) fulfills \(d_A \ge R_A(OPT)\).

Let \(\varDelta d_A(i)\) be the increase of the objective \(d_A\) when the algorithm assigns impression \(i\), i.e., the change in \(d_A\) caused by the change in the \(\beta \)-values and the assignment of the \(z_i\) value. For notational convenience we also define \(\varDelta d_\alpha (i)=w_{i,\alpha }\) if \(i \in I^\alpha _{OPT}\) and \(\varDelta d_\alpha (i)=0\) otherwise. Furthermore, let \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i)\) be the increase in revenue of the algorithm when it assigns \(i\). Note that \(\sum _{i \in I} \varDelta d_A(i)=d_A\), \(\sum _{i \in I} \varDelta d_\alpha (i)= R_\alpha (OPT)\) and \(\sum _{i \in I} \varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i)= R(\mathcal {A})\).

We need to show that \(R(\mathcal {A}) \ge R_\alpha (OPT) + 1/2 \cdot d_A\). For this it suffices to show that for each \(i\in I\) it holds that

$$ \varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i) \ge \varDelta d_\alpha (i) + 1/2 \cdot \varDelta d_A(i). $$

To prove this let \(\beta ^n_a\), resp. \(\beta ^o_a\), to denote the value of \(\beta _a\) after, resp. before \(i\) is assigned. We distinguish the cases (i) \(i \in I^A_{OPT}\) and (ii) \(i \in I^\alpha _{OPT}\) and use the fact that \(\beta _a\) is such that \(\beta _a=0\) if no impression was assigned to \(a\) and otherwise \(\beta _a=w_{i',a}\), where \(i'\) is the impression currently assigned to \(a\)

(i) First consider the case \(i \in I^A_{OPT}\), which implies \(\varDelta d_\alpha (i)=0\). Thus, we have to show that \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i) \ge 1/2 \cdot \varDelta d_A(i)\).

  1. 1.

    If Algorithm 2 assigns \(i\) to an \(j\in A\) recall that we set \(z_i=w_{i,j}-\beta ^o_j\) and the algorithm sets \(\beta ^n_j=w_{i,j}\). Thus \(\varDelta d_A(i)=2\cdot (w_{i,j}-\beta ^o_j)\) and \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i)\) is given by \(w_{i,j}\) minus the value of the impression we have to drop (if any), given by \(\beta ^0_a\). As this values is stored in \(\beta ^o_j\) we get \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i)=w_{i,j}-\beta ^o_j\) and thus \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i) \ge 1/2 \cdot \varDelta d_A(i)\).

  2. 2.

    If Algorithm 2 assigns \(i\) to \(\alpha \) (although the \(OPT\) does not), we know from Step 2c that \(\{w_{i,j}-\beta _j\} \le 2 w_{i,\alpha }\), where \(j =\underset{a \in A}{\arg \!\max }\;\{w_{i,a}-\beta _a\}\). As we set \(z_i=w_{i,j}-\beta ^o_j\) and the algorithm keeps all \(\beta _a\) unchanged we get \(\varDelta d_A(i)= w_{i,j}-\beta ^o_j\) and as we assign \(i\) to \(\alpha \) we have \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i)=w_{i,\alpha }\). Thus \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i)\!=\!w_{i,\alpha } \ge 1/2\, \{w_{i,j}-\beta _j\}\!=\!1/2\, \varDelta d_A(i)\).

Thus, for \(i \in I^A_{OPT}\) it holds that \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i) \ge 1/2 \cdot \varDelta d_A(i)= \varDelta d_\alpha (i) + 1/2 \cdot \varDelta d_A(i)\).

(ii) Now consider \(i \in I^\alpha _{OPT}\), which implies \(\varDelta d_\alpha (i)=w_{i,\alpha }\). Recall that no \(z\)-values are involved in this case. We show that \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i) \ge w_{i,\alpha } + 1/2 \cdot \varDelta d_A(i)\).

  1. 1.

    If Algorithm 2 assigns \(i\) to the ad exchange then the \(\beta _a\) are not changed. Thus \(\varDelta d_A(i)=0\) and \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i)\) is simply \(w_{i,\alpha }\). Hence, \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i) \ge w_{i,\alpha } + 1/2 \cdot \varDelta d_A(i)\).

  2. 2.

    If Algorithm 2 assigns \(i\) to an \(a \in A\) we have \(\{w_{i,a}-\beta ^o_a\}> 2 w_{i,\alpha }\) and the algorithm sets \(\beta ^n_a=w_{i,a}\). Thus \(\varDelta d_A(i)=w_{i,a}-\beta ^o_a\). Furthermore, \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i)\) is given by \(w_{i,a}\) minus the value of the impression we have to drop (if any), given by \(\beta ^0_a\). Thus \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i)= (w_{i,a}-\beta ^o_a) = (w_{i,a}-\beta ^o_a) /2 + (w_{i,a}-\beta ^o_a) /2 \ge w_{i,\alpha } + 1/2 \cdot \varDelta d_A(i)\).

Thus, for \(i \in I^\alpha _{OPT}\) it holds that \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i) \ge w_{i,\alpha } + 1/2 \cdot \varDelta d_A(i)= \varDelta d_\alpha (i) + 1/2 \cdot \varDelta d_A(i)\). Combined we obtain that

$$\begin{aligned} R(\mathcal {A})\!=\!\sum _{i \in I} \varDelta R(\mathcal {A},i) \ge \sum _{i \in I} \left( \varDelta d_\alpha (i)\!+\!\frac{\varDelta d_A(i)}{2}\right) \, \ge R_\alpha (OPT)\!+ \frac{R_A(OPT)}{2}. \end{aligned}$$

   \(\square \)

3 An Online 1-Slot Algorithm Exploiting High Capacities

In this section we generalize the result from Sect. 2 to the setting where each advertiser \(a\in A\) has an individual limit \(n_a\) for the number of ad impressions he is willing to pay for and we present Algorithm 3 that achieves an improvement in revenue for advertisers \(a\) with large \(n_a\).

In Algorithm 3 we consider variables \(\beta _a\) which, for \(a \in A\), are always set s.t.

$$\begin{aligned} \beta _a = \frac{1}{n_a (e_{n_a}-1)} \sum _{j=1}^{n_a} w_j \left( 1+\frac{1}{n_a} \right) ^{j-1} \end{aligned}$$

where the \(w_j\)’s are the weights of the impressions assigned to \(a\) in non-increasing order and \(e_{n_a}=(1+1/{n_a})^{n_a}\). That is, \(\beta _a\) stores a weighted mean of the \(n_a\) most valuable impressions assigned to \(a\). Again we keep \(\beta _\alpha \!=\!0\) in the whole algorithm. Next we consider how assigning a new impression to \(a\) affects \(\beta _a\).

Lemma 1

([4]). Consider a new impression \(i\) being assigned to advertiser \(a\). Let \(\beta _a^o\), resp. \(\beta _a^n\) denote the value of \(\beta _a\) before, resp. after \(i\) was assigned and \(v\) the value of the impression dropped from \(\beta _a\) (\(0\) if no impression is dropped), then

$$ \beta _a^n - \beta _a^o\le \frac{\beta _a^o}{n_a} - \frac{v \cdot e_{n_a}}{n_a (e_{n_a}-1)} + \frac{w_{i,a}}{n_a (e_{n_a}-1)}. $$
figure d

Notice that in Algorithm 3 for each \(a \in A\) we have that \(1/2 \le c_a < 1 - 1/e\). We use \(R_a(\mathcal {A})\) for \(a \in A \cup \{\alpha \}\) to denote the revenue the assignment \(\mathcal {A}\) gets from advertiser \(a\). Thus, \(R(\mathcal {A}) = \sum _{a \in A \cup \{\alpha \}} R_a(\mathcal {A})\).

Theorem 2

Let \(\mathcal {A}\) be the assignment computed by Algorithm 3 then \( R(\mathcal {A}) \ge \sum _{a \in A \cup \{\alpha \}} c_a \cdot R_a(OPT) \).

Theorem 2 will be a direct consequence of Theorem 3.

Finally let us briefly discuss whether the constants \(c_a\) are chosen optimally. From a result in [6] on online algorithms for \(b\)-matchings it follows immediately that the constants \(c_a\) in Theorem 2 are optimal for deterministic algorithms. Moreover, in [7] it is shown that even randomized algorithms cannot achieve a better competitive ratio than \((1-1/e)\) Footnote 3. So for large values of \(n_a\) even randomized algorithms cannot improve over Algorithm 3.

4 A Multi-slot Online Algorithm

In practice publishers often have several ad slots at a single page and want to avoid to show multiple ads from the same advertiser on the same page to avoid annoying their users. This can be modeled as follows: A sequence \(\mathcal{S} = S_0, S_1, \dots \) of sets of impressions arrive in an online manner. Each set \(S\) has be assigned (a) before any future sets have arrived, and (b) such that non two impressions in \(S\) are assigned to the same advertiser in \(A\). Note that we allow multiple impressions from \(S\) to be assigned to the ad exchange as we expect the ad exchange to return different advertisers for them. Let the set of all impressions \(I = \sum _{S \in \mathcal{S}} S\). With Algorithm 4 we present an online algorithm for this setting with the same competitive ratio as Algorithm 3. Note, however, that, unlike Algorithm 3, it is compared to the optimal offline solution that respects the above restriction. More formally, we call a function \(\mathbf {a}:S \rightarrow A \cup \{\alpha \}\) assigning impressions \(S\) to advertisers valid if there are no \(i,i'\in S\), \(i\not =i'\), \(a\in A\) such that \(\mathbf {a}(i)=\mathbf {a}(i')=a\). Our Algorithm 4 generates a valid assignment and is compared to the revenue of the valid assignment generated by the optimal offline algorithm. Notice that the computation of \({\arg \!\max }\) in Algorithm 4 is a weighted bipartite matching problem and thus can be computed efficiently.

figure e

Recall that \(R_a(OPT)\) for \(a \in A \cup \{\alpha \}\) is the revenue that an optimal assignment generates from advertiser \(a\). We show the following performance bound.

Theorem 3

Let \(\mathcal {A}\) be the assignment computed by Algorithm 4 and OPT the optimal multi-slot ad assignment, then \( R(\mathcal {A}) \ge \sum _{a \in A \cup \{\alpha \}} c_a \cdot R_a(OPT) \).


We proceed as follows: First we give a linear program \(P_a\) and its dual \(D_a\) for each \(a \in A\) such that the final objective value of any feasible solution of \(D_a\) is an upper bound of \(R_a(OPT)\). Note, however, that there is no direct relationship between the final objective values of the \(P_a\)’s and the revenue of the algorithm. However, we are able to construct a feasible solution for each \(D_a\) with objective value \(d_a\) such that the revenue \(R(\mathcal {A})\) of the algorithm is at least \(\sum _{a \in A \cup {\alpha }}c_{a} \cdot d_{a}\). Together with the observation that \(d_a \ge R_a(OPT)\) and a bound \(d_\alpha \) on \(R_\alpha (OPT)\) this proves the theorem.

Let \(I^a_{OPT}\) be the impressions assigned to \(a \in A \cup \{\alpha \}\) by the optimal (offline) assignment OPT. We use the following LPs for each \(a \in A\).

figure f

Note that the summation in the primal and the constraints in the Dual are only over the impressions in \(I^a_{OPT}\), i.e., the impressions assigned by OPT to \(a\). The objective value of the optimal solution for \(D_a\) is an upper bound for the objective of \(P_a\), and thus also for \(R_a(OPT)\). This implies that any feasible solution of \(D_a\), also the one we construct next, gives an upper bound for \(R_a(OPT)\). As there might be impressions assigned to \(a\) by the algorithm that do not belong to \(I^a_{OPT}\), the objective value of \(P_a\) is, however, not necessarily related to \(R_a(\mathcal {A})\).

Next we give a feasible solution for \(D_a\) for all \(a \in A\), using the \(\beta _a\) values as currently set by the algorithm. More specifically, let \(\mathbf {a}\) be the assignment of the impressions in \(S\) by the optimal solution. For each \(i \in I\), we set \(z_i=w_{i,\mathbf {a}(i)}-\beta _{\mathbf {a}(i)}\) exactly when the algorithm assigns \(i\). Note that this results in a feasible dual solution for all \(a\) as each \(i\) belongs to exactly one set \(I^{\mathbf {a}(i)}_{OPT}\) and \(z_i\) is chosen exactly so as to make the solution of \(D_{\mathbf {a}(i)}\) feasible, together with the current \(\beta _{\mathbf {a}(i)}\) values. As \(\beta _{\mathbf {a}(i)}\) only increases in the course of the algorithm the solution remains feasible at the end of the algorithm. Let \(d_a\) be the value of this feasible solution for \(D_a\) for some \(a\in A\). By the above observation \(d_a \ge R_a(OPT)\).

For all \(a \in A\) let \(\varDelta d_a(S)\) be the increase of the objective value \(d_a\) when the algorithms assigns \(S\), i.e., the change in \(d_a\) caused by the change in the \(\beta _a\)-values and the assignment of the \(z_i\)-values for all \(i \in S\). Note that \(\sum _{S \in \mathcal{S}} \varDelta d_a(S) = d_a\) and, thus, \(R_a(OPT) \le \sum _{S} \varDelta d_a(S)\). For convenience we also define \(\varDelta d_\alpha (S)=\sum _{i \in S \cap I^\alpha _{OPT}} w_{i,\alpha }\). Furthermore, let \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},S)\) be the increase in revenue of the algorithm when it assigns \(S\). Thus \(R(\mathcal {A}) = \sum _{S \in \mathcal{S}} \varDelta R(\mathcal {A},S)\).

We are left with showing that \(R(\mathcal {A}) \ge \sum _{a \in A \cup {\alpha }}c_{a} \cdot d_{a}\). To prove that \(R(\mathcal {A}) = \sum _{S \in \mathcal{S}} \varDelta R(\mathcal {A},S) \ge \sum _{a \in A \cup {\alpha }}c_{a} \cdot d_{a} = \sum _{S \in \mathcal{S}} \big ( \sum _{a \in A \cup {\alpha }}c_{a} \cdot \varDelta d_a(S) \big ) \) it suffices to show that for each \(S \in \mathcal{S}\) it holds that

$$\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},S) \ge \sum _{a \in A \cup {\alpha }}c_{a} \cdot \varDelta d_{a}(S).$$

We show this next. To simplify the notation let \(\varDelta d(S) = \sum _{a \in A \cup {\alpha }}c_{a} \cdot \varDelta d_{a}(S)\).

First consider \(\varDelta R(\mathcal {A},S)\): For \(a\in A\) let \(v_a\) be the value of the \(n_a\)-th valuable impression assigned to \(a\) (the impression we would “drop” by assigning a new one), and let \(v_\alpha =0\). If \(i\) is assigned to \(\alpha \) then the gain in revenue is \(w_{i,\mathbf {b}(i)}\) which equals \(w_{i,\mathbf {b}(i)}-v_{\mathbf {b}(i)}\). If \(i\) is assigned to \(a \in A\) then the gain in revenue is the difference between the revenue of the new impression and the impression we have to drop, i.e., \(w_{i,\mathbf {b}(i)}-v_{\mathbf {b}(i)}\). Thus for \(S\) altogether it holds

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta R(\mathcal {A},S)= \sum _{i \in S} (w_{i,\mathbf {b}(i)}-v_{\mathbf {b}(i)}) \end{aligned}$$

Now consider \(\varDelta d(S)\): Recall that \(\mathbf {a}\) is the assignment of the optimal solution for the impressions \(S\) and let \(\mathbf {b}\) be the assignment from Algorithm 4. For all \(a \in A\) let \(\beta _a^o\), \(\beta _a^n\) denote the value of \(\beta _a\) right before, resp. right after this assignment. Recall that for \(a = \alpha \), it holds that \(\beta _a =0\) throughout the algorithm. Now note that

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta d(S) = \sum _{i \in S}\left( c_{\mathbf {a}(i)} \cdot (w_{i,\mathbf {a}(i)}-\beta ^o_{\mathbf {a}(i)}) + c_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot n_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot (\beta ^n_{\mathbf {b}(i)}-\beta ^o_{\mathbf {b}(i)})\right) , \end{aligned}$$

where the first term comes from the new variables \(z_i\) which we set to \(w_{i,\mathbf {a}(i)}-\beta ^o_{\mathbf {a}(i)}\) (to make \(D_{\mathbf {a}(i)}\) feasible), and the second term comes from the updates of \(\beta _a\). By the choice of \(\mathbf {b}\) in the algorithm we get

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta d(S)&\le \sum _{i \in S} \left( c_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot (w_{i,\mathbf {b}(i)}-\beta ^o_{\mathbf {b}(i)}) + c_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot n_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot (\beta ^n_{\mathbf {b}(i)}-\beta ^o_{\mathbf {b}(i)})\right) \\&=\sum _{i \in S} c_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot \left( (w_{i,\mathbf {b}(i)}-\beta ^o_{\mathbf {b}(i)}) + n_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot (\beta ^n_{\mathbf {b}(i)}-\beta ^o_{\mathbf {b}(i)})\right) . \end{aligned}$$

Next we bound the contribution of each \(i \in S\) separately by analyzing two cases:

  • If \(\mathbf {b}(i)=\alpha \) then we know that \(\beta ^o_{\mathbf {b}(i)}=\beta ^n_{\mathbf {b}(i)}=v_{\mathbf {b}(i)}=0\) and \(c_{\mathbf {b}(i)}=1\). Thus

    $$\begin{aligned} c_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot \left( (w_{i,\mathbf {b}(i)}-\beta ^o_{\mathbf {b}(i)}) + c_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot n_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot (\beta ^n_{\mathbf {b}(i)}-\beta ^o_{\mathbf {b}(i)})\right) = (w_{i,\mathbf {b}(i)}-v_{\mathbf {b}(i)}). \end{aligned}$$
  • If \(\mathbf {b}(i)\in A\) then we can apply Lemma 1 to bound \((\beta ^n_{\mathbf {b}(i)}-\beta ^o_{\mathbf {b}(i)})\) as follows

    $$\begin{aligned} c_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot \left( (w_{i,\mathbf {b}(i)}-\beta ^o_{\mathbf {b}(i)}) + n_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot (\beta ^n_{\mathbf {b}(i)}-\beta ^o_{\mathbf {b}(i)})\right)&\\\le c_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot \left( (w_{i,\mathbf {b}(i)}-\beta ^o_{\mathbf {b}(i)}) + \beta ^o_{\mathbf {b}(i)} - \frac{v_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot e_{n_{\mathbf {b}(i)}}}{e_{n_{\mathbf {b}(i)}}-1}+\frac{w_{i,\mathbf {b}(i)}}{e_{n_{\mathbf {b}(i)}}-1}\right) \\ = c_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot \left( \frac{w_{i,\mathbf {b}(i)}\cdot e_{n_{\mathbf {b}(i)}}}{e_{n_{\mathbf {b}(i)}}-1} - \frac{v_{\mathbf {b}(i)} \cdot e_{n_{\mathbf {b}(i)}}}{e_{n_{\mathbf {b}(i)}}-1}\right) =(w_{i,\mathbf {b}(i)}-v_{\mathbf {b}(i)}) \end{aligned}$$

In the last step we used that \(c_a=1-{1}/{e_{n_a}}\) for \(a \in A\). By the above we obtain

$$\begin{aligned} \varDelta d(S) \le \sum _{i \in S}(w_{i,\mathbf {b}(i)}-v_{\mathbf {b}(i)}) =\varDelta R(\mathcal {A}, S). \end{aligned}$$

Now consider that the set of impression is given by a series \((S_j)_{0\le j \le n}\) of pairwise disjoint sets of impressions that show up simultaneously. By using the fact that the gain in the revenue, resp. the gain in the upper bound for the sum, for the sets \(S_j\) sum up to the total revenue of \(\mathcal {A}\), resp. an upper bound for \(OPT\) we get:

$$ R(\mathcal {A})\!=\!\sum _{j=0}^n\varDelta R(\mathcal {A}, S_j)\!\ge \!\sum _{j=0}^n\varDelta d(S_j)\!=\!\sum _{j=0}^n \sum _{a \in A \cup \{\alpha \}} c_{a}\,\varDelta d_{a}(S_j)\!\ge \sum _{a \in A \cup \{\alpha \}}c_a\,R_a(OPT) $$

   \(\square \)

5 An Algorithm for Computing Reserve Prices

In our model we assumed the publisher knows exactly how much revenue he can get from the ad exchange, i.e., the \(w_{i,\alpha }\) values are given for all \(i \in I\). The critical reader may interpose that this is not the fact in the real world or in the ad exchange model proposed in [8]. Instead whenever sending an impression to the ad exchange an auction is run. However, the publisher can set a reserve price and if all the bids are below the reserve price then he can still assign it to one of the contracted advertisers.

One nice property of Algorithms 2 and 3 is that they allow to compute the minimal price we have to extract from the ad exchange such that it is better to assign an impression to the ad exchange than to a contracted advertiser. This price is given by \(\max _{a\in A}\left\{ c_a\cdot (w_{i,a}-\beta _a)\right\} \). It follows that this price is also a natural choice for the reserve price. Assume the auction executed at the ad exchange fulfills the following property (P): If an ad impression is sold at the ad exchange, then the revenue achieved is independent of the reserve price chosen by the publisher. Thus, the reserve price influences only whether the ad impression is sold, not the price that is achieved. Then Theorem 3 applies, i.e., the revenue of the algorithm is at least \(\sum _{a \in A \cup \{\alpha \}} c_a \cdot R_a(OPT)\), even though the algorithm is not given the \(w_{i,\alpha }\) values and it is compared to an optimal algorithm that does. The reason is that the algorithm makes exactly the same decisions and receives exactly the same revenue as Algorithm 3 that is given the \(w_{i,\alpha }\) values.

Theorem 4

Let \(\mathcal {A}\) be the assignment computed by the Algorithm described above, i.e., without knowledge of the \(w_{i,\alpha }\) values. If the auction at the ad exchange fulfills property P, then \( R(\mathcal {A}) \ge \sum _{a \in A \cup \{\alpha \}} c_a \cdot R_a(OPT) \).