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Cure Kinetics of Epoxy/Thermoplastic Blends

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Handbook of Epoxy Blends


Thermoplastic toughening of epoxy resins had aroused considerable interest in the past few decades. Functionalized as well as nonfunctionalized thermoplastics have been extensively used to toughen epoxy resins. The ultimate properties of the blends are strongly dependent on the cure conditions employed. Investigation of the cure kinetics is therefore very important in predicting the ultimate properties. Kinetic analysis gives information regarding the extent of cure, curing mechanism, activation energy, etc. Techniques such as differential scanning calorimetry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, dielectric relaxation spectroscopy, etc. are useful tools for kinetic analysis. Various models have been developed for the evaluation of cure kinetics. This chapter summarizes the various aspects of the kinetics of epoxy resin/thermoplastic blends.

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Francis, B. (2016). Cure Kinetics of Epoxy/Thermoplastic Blends. In: Parameswaranpillai, J., Hameed, N., Pionteck, J., Woo, E. (eds) Handbook of Epoxy Blends. Springer, Cham.

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