
1 Introduction

Job shop scheduling (JSS) problems are important optimisation problems that have been studied for over 50 years. JSS is still studied extensively due to its complexity and wide applications. JSS problems involve determining the optimal sequence to process jobs on the machines in a manufacturing system. For a JSS problem instance, each job has operations that need to be completed on different machines in a given sequence. However, a machine cannot process more than one job at a time. All operations must be processed by the machines to get a schedule, and the ‘quality’ of the solution generated for the JSS problem instance is given by the objective function. There are a number of existing approaches to solving JSS problems. Mathematical optimisation techniques give optimal solutions for static JSS problem instances. On the other hand, heuristic approaches, such as dispatching rules (DRs), have been applied to JSS to produce good solutions for large problem instances. Dispatching rules [12] are local decision makers which iteratively decide a sequence of jobs to be processed by a machine. In addition, meta-heuristic approaches [10, 17] have also been applied to JSS. However, an issue with heuristic approaches to JSS is that they need to be carefully designed. Heuristic approaches also tend to be problem domain specific. Heuristics that are effective in one domain are not necessarily effective in other domains. Because of this, hyper-heuristics (HHs) [2] aim to automate the generation of heuristics such as DRs. However, DRs are limited as they make a single decision for choosing the next job to be processed by a machine. The myopic nature of DRs, combined with the fact that complex decisions need to be made for JSS problems, means that it is possible that DRs make bad decisions for certain situations within a particular JSS problem instance.

In classification, similar issues arise as single constituent rules cannot represent the noisy and complex decision boundaries between different classes sufficiently [13]. Because of this, ensemble approaches have been proposed [1, 4], which have successfully been applied to difficult classification problems [13]. In an ensemble, a group of small constituent rules ‘vote’ on the outcomes. For example, the class labels represent the outcomes that can be ‘voted’ for in classification problem. It may be possible that ensembles of DRs can be used to deal with the complex decisions of selecting jobs better than single DRs, and improve the robustness of rules for JSS. However, ensemble approaches have not been seriously investigated for JSS.

The goal of this paper is to determine whether ensemble approaches can be used effectively for static JSS problem instances. An evaluation scheme is needed that allows a diverse set of rules to be evolved, as diversity is a cornerstone of ensemble approaches [13]. We denote this approach as Ensemble Genetic Programming for Job Shop Scheduling (EGP-JSS). This will be compared with an approach of evolving a single priority rule, denoted Genetic Programming for Job Shop Scheduling (GP-JSS). GP-JSS makes minor adjustments from a previous approach [11] of evolving DRs from GP by modifying the terminal set. Specific research objectives in this paper are:

  1. (a)

    Developing a job selection procedure for the ensemble of rules for JSS.

  2. (b)

    Developing a new fitness function for EGP-JSS to ensure that a diverse set of rules are evolved.

  3. (c)

    Comparing the evolved ensemble rules by EGP-JSS and GP-JSS with the benchmark DRs.

2 Background

This section briefly describes some background on the JSS problem with previous approaches for JSS, and the hyper-heuristic approaches that have been applied to JSS.

2.1 Job Shop Scheduling Problem

A JSS problem instance consists of \(N\) jobs and \(M\) machines, and a list of operations for each job. Compared to dynamic JSS problems, static JSS problems have all attributes of jobs, machines and operations known from the beginning, and do not contain any stochastic elements. An operation \(\sigma _{ij}\) in a JSS problem instance is the \(i\) th operation of job \(j\), and \(M(\sigma _{ij})\) denotes the machine that the operation is processed on. An operation \(\sigma _{ij}\) can only be carried out when operation \(\sigma _{i-1j}\) has been completed (with \(\sigma _{1j}\) being the first operation of a job \(j\)), and when the machine to be processed on (\(M(\sigma _{ij})\)) is available. The time when a machine \(i\) is available is denoted as \(R_{M_i}\). Each job \(j\) has a ready time \(r(\sigma _{1j})\) for when its first operation is available, and each operation \(\sigma \) has processing time \(p(\sigma )\), and setup time \(s(\sigma )\). The number of operations for job \(j\) is \(N_j\), and the total remaining processing time is \(\sum _{k=i}^{N_j}p(\sigma _{kj})\). For this paper, we focus on the static JSS problem with makespan minimisation, i.e., minimising the maximum completion time \(C_{\max }\). This is denoted as \(Jm||C_{\max }\).

\(Jm||C_{\max }\) for \(M=2\) machines can be solved optimally via Jackson’s algorithm [12]. However, Garey et al. [5] showed that the JSS makespan minimisation problem is NP-complete for \(M>2\). In JSS problems with instances that have hundreds of jobs and a large number of machines [15], exact optimisation is too computationally expensive. For such JSS problem instances, the primary approaches use heuristics, such as DRs [12] and meta-heuristics. DRs range in complexity from basic first-in-first-out (FIFO) rules, which processes the jobs in the order they arrive, to more complex composite dispatching rules (CDRs) [9], which combine smaller heuristics to form custom made priority functions. On the other hand, a wide range of meta-heuristic approaches have been proposed in the literature. Meta-heuristic approaches include Simulated Annealing [10] and Genetic Algorithms (GA) [17].

2.2 Genetic Programming Based Hyper-Heuristic Approaches

In conjunction with heuristic and meta-heuristic approaches, hyper-heuristics (HHs) [2] have also been investigated for JSS. Instead of searching the solution space directly, HHs are given heuristic components to generate heuristics with, and a fitness measure to evaluate how well generated heuristics perform. It then searches for a good heuristic, optimising over the fitness measure. A number of HH approaches to JSS in the literature use Genetic Programming (GP) [2].

Dimopoulos and Zalzala [3] use GP to evolve priority based DRs for a single machine JSS problem. An arithmetic representation consisting of mathematical operators and job attributes are used to represent the individuals in the GP system. They showed that the evolved rules performed better than the man-made benchmark DRs. Geiger et al. [6] use GP to evolve priority based DRs for various single machine JSS problems in both static and dynamic environments. They showed that GP can evolve DRs that can generate optimal solutions for some special static single machine JSS problems with polynomial time exact algorithms, and evolve effective rules for NP-hard JSS problems. Jakobovic et al. [8] proposed a GP based hyper-heuristic approach to evolving priority based DRs for the multi-machine static and dynamic JSS problems ranging from \(3\) to \(20\) machines. Tay and Ho [16] proposed a priority based GP approach to multi-objective flexible job-shop problems, and showed that the evolved rules outperformed other simple DRs. However, later examination [7] showed that Tay and Ho’s approach [16] does not perform as well in different dynamic job shop scenarios. Nguyen et al. [11] compared three different representations for GP to evolve DRs for static JSS problems. The first representation they propose is a decision tree representation (\(R_1\)), where the individuals are given DRs and make decisions on which rule to use for dispatch jobs onto available machines. The second representation is an arithmetic representation (\(R_2\)) where the individuals represent priority function trees. The third representation (\(R_3\)) combines both \(R_1\) and \(R_2\) representations, where an individual can define its own priority function tree that is used in conjunction with the decision tree. They showed that out of the three GP representations, \(R_3\) performed better than both \(R_1\) and \(R_2\). In addition, they showed that the evolved rules are competitive with meta-heuristics such as a hybrid GA [17] proposed in the literature.

3 The New Approaches

This section proposes two approaches. The first approach evolves simple priority based dispatching rules denoted Genetic Programming for Job Shop Scheduling (GP-JSS) approach. This extends Nguyen et al.’s [11] arithmetic representation for GP to evolve dispatching rules, and will be used as a benchmark. The second approach is EGP-JSS, which evolves an ensemble of priority rules simultaneously.

3.1 GP Representation

For both GP-JSS and EGP-JSS, the dispatching rules generated are non-delay. In a non-delay schedule, a job is selected to be processed on machine \(i\) as soon as machine \(i\) is ready to process a new job if there are any jobs waiting to be processed at that machine. We denote the number of idle jobs waiting at a machine \(i\) as \(W_i\). Tree-based GP is used, and the individuals in the GP population represent arithmetic function trees. The function trees generate priorities for the jobs waiting to be processed by machine \(i\). How these priorities are used to select the job to process differs between GP-JSS and EGP-JSS, and is discussed further below.

The terminal set consists of the properties of the job shop scheduling environment discussed in Sect. 2.1. These are shown in Table 1. These extend the terminal set used by Nguyen et al. [11] in their comparison of different GP representations. The new added terminals are the number of waiting jobs (NJ), and a sufficiently large value (LV). The function set consists of the operators \(+\), \(-\), \(\times \), protected division \(/\), and \(if\). For the ternary \(if\) operator, the value of the second subtree if will be returned if the value of the first subtree representing the conditional is \(\ge 0\); otherwise, the value of the third subtree else is returned.

Table 1. The terminal set used for the GP representations, where job \(j\) is one of the job waiting to be processed as soon as machine \(i\) is ready.

To evaluate an individual \(x\) in the GP population, the individual is used as a non-delay dispatching rule to generate solutions on \(T_{train}\) sample training JSS problem instances. For each JSS problem instance \(I\), a lower bound \(\text {LB}_I\) is calculated for the makespan as specified by Taillard [15]. From the solution, the makespan objective, \(Obj(x, I)\), is calculated and the deviation \(dev_I\) of \(Obj(x,I)\) from \(\text {LB}_I\), as shown in Eq. (1), is used as the fitness value for individual \(x\) for the specific problem instance \(I\). The average fitness \(fitness_{avg}(x)\) of individual \(x\) over the entire training set \(T_{train}\) is given by Eq. (2).

$$\begin{aligned} fitness(x,I)&=dev_I=\frac{Obj(x, I)-\text {LB}_I}{\text {LB}_I}\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} fitness_{avg}(x)&=\frac{1}{T_{train}}\sum _{t=1}^{T_{train}}fitness(x, I_t) \end{aligned}$$

For the EGP-JSS approach, we use two fitness functions. The first fitness function is simply the one used for GP-JSS, where \(fitness(x)=fitness_{avg}(x)\). This is denoted as ‘No Fitness Modification’ (NFM). The second fitness function takes diversity of the indviduals in the ensemble into account by penalising similar individuals, and is denoted as ‘With Fitness Modification’ (WFM). WFM is covered in detail in Sect. 3.3.

3.2 Genetic Programming for Job Shop Scheduling (GP-JSS)

The GP-JSS approach uses a GP population of individuals to evolve a single tree as its output. GP-JSS is an extension of the \(R_2\) representation proposed by Nguyen et al. [11] that uses the extended set of terminals provided in Table 1. How a job is selected in a non-delay priority based DR is illustrated in Fig. 1. When selecting which job to process for a free machine, an individual in the population is used to assign priority values to each of the idle jobs waiting to be processed by the machine. The job with the highest priority is then selected to be processed. This continues until all operations have been completed.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Priority based dispatching rule job selection for available machine.

3.3 Ensemble Genetic Programming for Job Shop Scheduling (EGP-JSS)

EGP-JSS evolves dispatching rules which are used in an ensemble of priority rules to determine which job to process for a ready machine. However, using a single population for ensembles will require a carefully designed grouping scheme to group the individuals together, along with a complementary evaluation scheme to evaluate the grouped individuals. Instead of doing this, we consider an approach where we partition the population into \(S\) smaller subpopulations. Each subpopulation has size \(K\). EGP-JSS groups the individuals from the different subpopulations together to form an ensemble. This approach of splitting the population into smaller subpopulations that work together to solve a problem is known as cooperative coevolution [14]. By using cooperative coevolution, we allow for the subcomponents of the ensemble to apply crossover, mutation and reproduction separately, and allow for diversity between the different subcomponents.

In cooperative coevolution, individuals in a subpopulation only interact with representatives of the other subpopulations when they are being evaluated for their fitness. A representative is defined as the individual with the best fitness in a subpopulation. Initially, before the first fitness evaluation, the representative of each subpopulation is chosen randomly. Unlike Potter and De Jong’s [14] cooperative coevolution approach, we do not destroy unproductive subpopulations, as destroying and regenerating a new subpopulation of individuals will require a large number of generations for it to be effective.

The pseudocode of the EGP-JSS approach is shown in Algorithm 1. The job selection procedure and the fitness evaluation scheme is discussed further below.

figure a

Job Selection Procedure. As shown in Fig. 2, for rules evolved using EGP-JSS, the decision of choosing a job for a ready machine is carried out by the individual from the different subpopulations ‘voting’ on the jobs, and taking the job with the most votes. An individual ‘votes’ for the job if the job has the highest priority assigned to it by the individual. An individual’s ‘voting’ procedure works similar to the job selection procedure for priority based DR described for GP-JSS.

If there is a tie in the votes, e.g., two jobs, \(j_1\) and \(j_2\) have the same number of votes as each other, a tie-breaker scheme is carried out. For an individual rule \(x\), let \(\delta _x(j_1),\dots ,\delta _x(j_{W_i})\) be the priorities assigned to jobs \(j_1,\dots ,j_{W_i}\) waiting to be processed at a machine. The normalised priority of a job \(j\), is defined by Eq. (3), where \(f(j) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-\delta _x(j)}}\).

$$\begin{aligned} \delta '_x(j)=\frac{f(j)}{\sum _{r=1}^{W_i} f(j_r)} \end{aligned}$$

Afterward, the job with the highest sum of priority values over all ensemble members out of the top voted jobs is then selected for processing.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Example of ensemble job selection process for an available machine.

With Fitness Modification (WFM) Evaluation Scheme. The WFM fitness function, which takes diversity of individuals into account, is defined as follows. To evaluate the diversity of an individual, the phenotype of individuals in a subpopulation are compared against the representative individuals of the other subpopulations. In this case, the phenotype is defined as the list (of length \(L_I\)) of all the priorities that are calculated for the jobs as the solution for the problem instance \(I\) is being generated. This includes the priorities that are calculated for waiting jobs that were not selected for processing at a particular moment of decision. These are normalised on the interval \([0,1]\) using a sigmoid function \(g(x,z) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-\delta _x(z)}}\), where \(x\) is the GP individual being evaluated, and \(\delta _x(z)\) is the \(z^{th}\) priority calculated by \(x\).

After all the priorities are normalised, the penalty is the average of the squared differences between the priorities of the individual \(x\) of a subpopulation to the representative individuals \(y\) of the other subpopulations, as shown by Eq. (4).

$$\begin{aligned} penalty(x,I)=1-\sum _{y=1,y\ne x}^S\sum _{z=1}^{L_I}\frac{(g(x,z)-g(y,z))^2}{(S-1)L_I} \end{aligned}$$

To incorporate the penalty into the fitness evaluation of an individual \(x\) in the subpopulation, the average penalty of the individual \(penalty_{avg}(x)\) is calculated over all problem instances by taking the mean of penalties. The average fitness from Eq. (2) is then multiplied by one plus the average penalty to get the final fitness \(fitness(x)=fitness_{avg}(x)(1+penalty_{avg}(x)) \). This means that when an individual \(x\) from a subpopulation is very different from the representatives of the other subpopulations, the \(penalty_{avg}(x)\approx 0\), and hence \(fitness(x)\approx fitness_{avg}(x)\).

4 Experimental Design

For training and testing, we use the JSS benchmark dataset proposed by Taillard [15]. The dataset consists of 8 sets of 10 problem instances broken up by the number of jobs and the number of machines. All jobs in each problem instance have zero release times and setup times, and must be processed on all machines.

For training, we use three separate sets of JSS problem instances from the Taillard dataset. The first training set \({\varDelta }_1\) is the first five problem instances from the set of data containing \(N=15\) jobs and \(M=15\) machines. The second training set \({\varDelta }_2\) is the first five problem instances from the set of data containing \(N=30\) jobs and \(M=20\) machines. The third training set \({\varDelta }_3\) is the first five problem instances from the set of data containing \(N=100\) jobs and \(M=20\) machines. The standard GP-JSS approach has population size of \(1024\). For the EGP-JSS approach, given a fixed number of subpopulations \(S\), the subpopulation size is given by \(K=\lfloor \frac{1024}{S}\rfloor \). This gives us a total number of individuals in the EGP-JSS approach that is approximately equal to the population size of the GP-JSS approach. For \(S=3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10\), this gives us \(K=341,256,204,170,146,128,113,102\) respectively. These are shown in Table 2 with the notation \(\langle S,K\rangle \), along with the other parameters used for GP. The GP-JSS and the EGP-JSS approaches were run over each training set \(30\) times using different seeds, resulting in 30 evolved dispatching rules over each training set. For testing, the problem instances that are not used in the training sets \({\varDelta }_1\), \({\varDelta }_2\) or \({\varDelta }_3\) are used, meaning that there are 65 problem instances in the test set.

Table 2. GP parameters used for evolving rules

The \(R_2\) representation proposed by Nguyen et al. [11] is used as a benchmark for GP-JSS and EGP-JSS. \(R_2\) will have the same parameter settings as the GP-JSS approach. As a benchmark, the \(R_2\) representation proposed by Nguyen et al. [11] is used to compare the robustness of the rules evolved using GP-JSS and EGP-JSS. Afterward, the GP-JSS and the EGP-JSS approaches are compared against benchmark DRs. The first two benchmarks are simple non-delay schedules that select jobs to process on an available machine by the order of their arrival (FIFO); and selecting jobs by the shortest processing time (SPT). The other benchmarks are the best rules evolved by Nguyen et al. [11] for their \(R_1\), \(R_2\) and \(R_3\) representations, which are used as non-delay dispatching rules. As evolved rules from EGP-JSS are not improvement heuristics, they are not compared against state-of-the-art meta-heuristic approaches to static JSS which compensate for long running time by producing very good solutions to static JSS problem instances.

5 Results

The solution’s deviation \(dev_I\) (see Eq. (1)) from the lower bound is used for measuring the quality of the solution generated by the DRs. Afterward, the average of all the problem instances, denoted as \(dev_{avg}\), is used for evaluating the DRs over the entire test set. In the tables that follow, sets of rules evolved by EGP-JSS that perform significantly better than the rules evolved by GP-JSS and \(R_2\) are marked with \(\dagger \). The standard \(z\)-test is used to compare the DRs against each other. One set of evolved rules is considered significantly better than another if the obtained \(p\)-value under the statistical test is less than 0.05.

5.1 Parameter Settings Evaluation

First, the different \(\langle \)Subpopulations, Subpopulation sizes\(\rangle \) in Table 2 are compared against each other to find the ‘best’ configuration. In addition, we compare WFM and NFM against each other to see whether the modified evaluation scheme (WFM) improves the performance of the evolved rules. The preferred configuration for EGP-JSS is used for comparison against the other benchmarks. This is shown in Table 3.

Table 3. \(dev_{avg}\) of evolved rules from EGP-JSS for the Taillard’s dataset for different \(\langle S,K\rangle \) and for the fitness functions WFM and NFM

From the results of Table 3, we can see that the results of EGP-JSS under different parameter settings are similar to each other. No configuration is significantly better than other configurations. This means that when \(K\) scales with \(S\), the value of \(S\) is not significant to the performance of the evolved rules under the EGP-JSS approach.

5.2 GP-JSS and EGP-JSS

From the results of Sect. 5.1, we selected the configuration with \(\langle 4,256\rangle \) that uses the modified fitness measure WFM to be compared against the GP-JSS and \(R_2\) approaches. Although \(\langle 4,256\rangle \) with WFM is not significantly better than the other configurations, it had the lowest mean deviation for the test set. For each approach, 30 rules are evolved using the training sets \({\varDelta }_1\), \({\varDelta }_2\) and \({\varDelta }_3\), and their performances over training runs and the test runs over the respective training and the test sets are used. This is shown in Table 4.

Table 4. \(dev_{avg}\) of evolved rules from GP-JSS and EGP-JSS for \(Jm||C_{\max }\).

Although the GP-JSS extended the \(R_2\) approach by adding more terminals to the terminal set, we can see in Table 4 that it did not improve on the original approach significantly. It is likely that the added terminals representing the number of idle jobs waiting at the machine (NJ) and sufficiently large value (LV) are not important to the sequencing decisions that are made by the DRs.

However, we can see that the rules evolved using EGP-JSS perform significantly better than the rules evolved using the GP-JSS and \(R_2\) approaches, outperforming the other rules evolved under the three training sets \({\varDelta }_1\), \({\varDelta }_2\) and \({\varDelta }_3\). In addition, the rules evolved with EGP-JSS have much lower standard deviations, meaning that the evolved rules mostly performed similar to each other and are more stable than those evolved with GP-JSS and \(R_2\). The results show that EGP-JSS can potentially produce more robust rules than the “standard” approach.

5.3 Evolved Rules and Benchmark Dispatching Rules

The final evaluation compares the best rules evolved from each training set using GP-JSS and EGP-JSS against other dispatching rules over the training and the test sets. The best evolved rules from GP-JSS and EGP-JSS are denoted as \({\varTheta }_1^{GP}\) and \({\varTheta }_1^{EGP}\) respectively, where the subscript on \({\varTheta }\) denotes each training set (e.g. \({\varTheta }_1\) means best rule trained over \({\varDelta }_1\)). The first two benchmarks are non-delay FIFO and SPT dispatching rules. The three other benchmarks are rules evolved by Nguyen et al. [11] using the three different representations for individuals in the GP population. The best rule from their \(R_1\) representation, \(R_2\) and \(R_3\) are denoted as \({\varTheta }_{R_1}^{c1}\), \({\varTheta }_{R_2}^{c2}\) and \({\varTheta }_{R_3}^{c3}\) respectively. This is shown in Table 5.

Table 5. Deviation of the DRs against the lower bound for the training sets (\({\varDelta }_1\), \({\varDelta }_2\), \({\varDelta }_3\)) and the entire dataset.

From the results of Table 5, we can see that the best rules from the GP-JSS and the EGP-JSS approaches perform significantly better than the two simple DRs. This reinforces the idea that evolved rules outperform the simple DRs for JSS problems literature [3, 6, 11]. On the other hand, the best rules for GP-JSS and EGP-JSS perform similarly to \({\varTheta }_{R_1}^{c1}\), \({\varTheta }_{R_2}^{c2}\) and \({\varTheta }_{R_3}^{c3}\).

6 Conclusions

In this paper, we proposed a novel approach (EGP-JSS) of evolving an ensemble of DRs using GP and cooperative coevolution. The experimental results show that the ensemble of rules evolved from the EGP-JSS approach perform significantly better than the benchmark GP-JSS and \(R_2\) approaches. Including the two new terminals in GP-JSS does not significantly improve the performance over \(R_2\). The rules evolved by EGP-JSS are more robust than the simple conventional rules FIFO and SPT.

For future work, extending the ensemble approach to dynamic JSS problem would be very interesting. In dynamic JSS problems properties of jobs are not known before they arrive at the shop floor. Because of this, global optimisation techniques used in static JSS do not work in dynamic JSS. Good robust dispatching rule approach will be required to handle the uncertainity in conjunction with the standard sequencing decisions in dynamic JSS. In addition, developing a GP based ensemble approach that uses a single population would also be very useful, as it removes the need to define the number of subpopulations and their respective sizes.