
9.1 Introduction

In the field of evolutionary computation (EC) ideas from evolutionary biology—random variation and selection—are harnessed in algorithms that are applied to complex computational problems. The origins of EC can be traced back to the 1950s and 1960s but the field has come into its own over the past two decades, proving successful in solving numerous problems from highly diverse domains (Sipper 2002). EC techniques are being increasingly applied to difficult real-world problems, often yielding results that are not merely academically interesting but also competitive with the work done by creative and inventive humans. Indeed, a recent emerging theme is that of human-competitive machine intelligence, produced by evolutionary means (Koza 2008, 2010).

A recent survey cited 28 instances in which genetic programming (GP), a form of EC, “has duplicated the functionality of a previously patented invention, infringed a previously issued patent, or created a patentable new invention” and cited “over a dozen additional known instances where genetic programming has produced a human-competitive result that is not patent related” (Koza 2008). These results come from an astonishing variety of fields, including image analysis, game playing, quantum computer programming, software repair, and the design of complex objects such as analog circuits, antennas, photonic crystals, and polymer optical fibers.

We believe this to be more than a mere novel line of research within a single research community. Surpassing humans in the ability to solve complex problems is a grand challenge, with potentially far-reaching, transformative implications.

In this chapter we take a close look at the 42 winners of the past decade (2004–2013) of Human-Competitive (HUMIE) competitions, seeking to draw conclusions about past and future directions of the field.

We note that two of the authors (Spector, Sipper) have extensive experience in human-competitive research, having won between them eight HUMIE awards (Koza 2010). In addition, Spector has served as a judge for the HUMIES awards for some years. Spector and his colleagues earned the competition’s top prize twice, once for the use of EC to produce quantum computing results that were published in a top physics journal (Barnum et al. 2000; Spector 2004) and once for results in pure mathematics that exceeded human performance by several orders of magnitude (Spector et al. 2008). Sipper, who has six wins, tackled a string of hard games and puzzles, evolving game-playing strategies that held their own in competition against humans (Sipper 2006; Hauptman et al. 2009; Benbassat et al. 2012). In collaborative work with a partner from the semiconductors industry Sipper attained marked improvement over humans in developing automatic defect classifiers for patterned wafers (Glazer and Sipper 2008).

9.2 The HUMIES

As of 2004, one of the major annual events in the field of evolutionary computation — the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation ConferenceFootnote 1—boasts a competition that awards prizes to human-competitive results: The HUMIES. As noted at the competition site (Koza 2010): “Techniques of genetic and evolutionary computation are being increasingly applied to difficult real-world problems—often yielding results that are not merely interesting, but competitive with the work of creative and inventive humans.”

To set the stage for our current work we provide examples of HUMIE winners in two important areas: pure mathematics and games.

Pure Mathematics

Spector has produced significant new results in the application of genetic programming to mathematics, in collaborative work with Distinguished Professor of Mathematics David M. Clark, at the State University of New York at New Paltz. Together with two Hampshire College undergraduates and one Hampshire alumnus, they applied genetic programming to a problem in pure mathematics, in the study of finite algebras.

Algebraists have been looking at finding “terms” that represent specific functions in specific algebras for several decades, with particular interest attaching to the discovery of terms for Mal’cev functions (the significance of which was first made clear in 1954), Pixley functions (1963), the discriminator function (1970), and majority functions (1975). The most effective methods previously developed for finding these terms are uniform search (including exhaustive search and random search) and construction via the primality theorem. In exhaustive search terms are enumerated systematically from smallest to largest, while in random search terms within a range of sizes are generated in random order. Exhaustive search will always produce the smallest term of the required type if such a term exists, but it requires astronomical amounts of time, except for the very smallest algebras or the very simplest terms. Random search has similarly problematic performance characteristics but without any guarantees concerning size or success. Construction via the primality theorem gives the most time efficient method known to describe these terms that applies to any primal algebra, but except for the very smallest algebras the terms it produces have astronomical length.

Spector and colleagues documented the application of genetic programming to these term-finding problems, producing human-competitive results in the discovery of particular algebraic terms (e.g., discriminator, Pixley, majority, and Mal’cev terms) and showing that genetic programming exceeded the performance of every prior method of finding these terms in either time or size by several orders of magnitude (Spector et al. 2008). This result earned the gold medal in the 5th Annual HUMIES Awards for Human-Competitive Results Produced by Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, held at the 2008 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. Subsequently, this work led to the development of new mathematical theory that has been published independently (Clark 2013).


Ever since the dawn of artificial intelligence in the 1950s, games have been part and parcel of this lively field. In 1957, a year after the Dartmouth Conference that marked the official birth of AI, Alex Bernstein designed a program for the IBM 704 that played two amateur games of chess. In 1958, Allen Newell, J. C. Shaw, and Herbert Simon introduced a more sophisticated chess program (beaten in thirty-five moves by a 10-year-old beginner in its last official game played in 1960). Arthur L. Samuel of IBM spent much of the fifties working on game-playing AI programs, and by 1961 he had a checkers program that could play at the master’s level. In 1961 and 1963 Donald Michie described a simple trial-and-error learning system for learning how to play Tic-Tac-Toe (or Noughts and Crosses) called MENACE (for Matchbox Educable Noughts and Crosses Engine). These are but examples of highly popular games that have been treated by AI researchers since the field’s inception.

Why study games? On this matter Susan L. Epstein wrote:

There are two principal reasons to continue to do research on games... First, human fascination with game playing is long-standing and pervasive. Anthropologists have catalogued popular games in almost every culture... Games intrigue us because they address important cognitive functions... The second reason to continue game-playing research is that some difficult games remain to be won, games that people play very well but computers do not. These games clarify what our current approach lacks. They set challenges for us to meet, and they promise ample rewards (Epstein 1999).

Studying games may thus advance our knowledge in both cognition and artificial intelligence, and, last but not least, games possess a competitive angle which coincides with our human nature, thus motivating both researcher and student alike.

Over the past 7 years Sipper has done extensive research in the area of games (Sipper et al 2007; Hauptman and Sipper 2005b, a; Hauptman and Sipper 2007b; 2007a; Azaria and Sipper 2005a, b; Benbassat and Sipper 2010; Hauptman and Sipper 2007a; Hauptman et al. 2009; Shichel et al. 2005), which culminated in his recent book, “Evolved to Win” (Sipper 2011) (see also Among the games successfully tackled are: chess, backgammon, checkers, Reversi, Robocode (tank-war simulation), Rush Hour, and FreeCell. These exhibit the full range from two-player, full-knowledge, deterministic board games, through stochastic, simulation-based games, to puzzles.

A recent line of research has attempted to build a more general form of evolution-based game intelligence by employing a structure known as a policy, which is an ordered set of search-guiding rules (Hauptman et al. 2009; Elyasaf et al. 2012). Policies are complex structures that allow one to define specific conditions under which certain actions are performed. They might specify, for example, that a certain stratagem for solving a puzzle becomes relevant when certain conditions hold. The combination of policies and evolution might just prove powerful enough to set up a general “strategizing machine” (Sipper et al. 2007), i.e., one able to automatically evolve successful game strategies given a description of the game in question. Sipper’s work on games has garnered five HUMIE awards to date.

9.3 A Compendium of a Decade’s Worth of HUMIE Winners

The main intention behind analyzing a decade’s worth of HUMIE winners is to be able to determine whether there were any particular aspects that were similar across the various domains that the winners covered. In 2005, John R. Koza, Sameer H. Al-Sakran, and Lee W. Jones (Koza et al. 2005) did some preliminary analysis, looking for cross-domain features of programs evolved using Genetic Programming. We intend to do something similar, but do so from the specific point of view of trying to identify the aspects of the applications (of any evolutionary computation technique, and not just Genetic Programming) that make them human-competitive. With the HUMIES over a decade old now, we also have a larger set of results to analyze relative to the number of results analyzed in the original Koza paper (Koza et al. 2005).

The actual HUMIES competition is designed to recognize work that has already been published that holds its own against humans in one of many ways. For example, a result produced by EC that reproduces a past patent, or qualifies as a new patentable invention is considered human-competitive. Similarly, a result that is publishable in its own right as a new scientific result (notwithstanding the fact that the result was mechanically created) is also considered human competitive (Koza 2010). Table 9.1 lists, in detail, the various criteria for a program to be considered human-competitive, and also supplies a count of the number of HUMIE winners that have matched each criterion in the past decade of the HUMIES.

Table 9.1 Categories A-H, with a count of the number of HUMIE winners so far winning in this category, and a description of what each category means. Categories and Full Descriptions were obtained from the HUMIES website (Koza 2010)

The 42 HUMIE winners of the past decade are listed in Table 9.2. In addition to a very brief description of the winning entry and its author(s), the table includes the specific algorithm used by that entry, where GP is Genetic Programming, GA is Genetic Algorithms, ES refers to Evolutionary Strategies, DE refers to Differential Evolution and GBML refers to Genetics Based Machine Learning. A special category for “noise” is also included. An entry is marked as “noisy” if the data that was used to evolve the solution may inherently have some noise, such as data collected from say, a physical measurement, where the source of the noise is the measurement error. An example of an entry that does not have any noise would be trying to perform symbolic regression to fit a curve that is already known mathematically. Since the data that must be fit already has a known mathematical function, there’s no real noise involved here as far as the data points that the program that does the regression sees — all data points are perfectly accurate. In our analysis of the HUMIES (Tables 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5), we explicitly chose to ignore whether the entry won a gold, silver, or bronze award, since we believe that this is insignificant to the analysis because an entry that has won any award at all is necessarily human-competitive.

Table 9.2 The 42 HUMIE winners of the past decade
Table 9.3 A summary of the algorithms used by the HUMIE winners
Table 9.4 Categorization of the application domains of the HUMIE winners. Note that some winners may come under multiple application categories. The number in brackets after the application categories denotes the number of HUMIE winners in that particular application category
Table 9.5 A count of the broad types of problems that the HUMIE winners solved

9.4 Lessons Learned

First and foremost, we note that techniques from evolutionary computation have been used to solve problems from a very wide variety of domains in a human competitive way; the past 10 years of HUMIES awards alone have winners that have solved problems in a human-competitive way in 21 different domains (see Table 9.4). This clearly suggests that techniques based on EC are rather widely applicable, and are not confined to specific fields.

Second, Genetic Programming (GP) and Genetic Algorithms (GAs) certainly seem to be winning strategies at the HUMIES, with 22 papers based on GP and 15 papers based on GA's having won the HUMIES so far (See Table 9.3). In other words, a combined 37 papers out of the 42 overall HUMIE winners, or roughly 88 % of the winners, used either GP or GAs.

Next, the problem “type” analysis from Table 9.5 seems to show an interesting trend, with a lot of the problems that evolutionary computation (EC) seems to solve human-competitively being design problems. We use the term design in a rather broad way, to include both designing concrete entities such as an antenna, as well as designing more subtle entities, such as say, designing a winning strategy for a game. This leads us to note that EC may be particularly well suited to designing new entities from scratch in a human-competitive way. The authors note that classifying problems based on a “type” is a slightly subjective process and that some problems may fit several types at times, but we believe that the above analysis is still sufficient to note how good EC is when it comes to design problems.

Another interesting trend at the HUMIES seems to be the abundance of papers that have combined domain specific knowledge effectively with evolution in a way where evolution helps combine and adapt existing human knowledge in innovative new ways. For example, Stephanie Forrest’s paper (Forrest et al. 2009) uses existing human knowledge embedded in non-faulty parts of the code to repair parts of the code that are faulty. Policy based GP (Hauptman et al. 2009; Elyasaf et al. 2012) is another such area where human knowledge is integrated into an EC system that then evolves a solution that is human competitive. This particular trend certainly suggests a rethink of the artificial (intelligence)-to-(human) intelligence (A/I) ratio, suggested by John Koza et al., which states that GP delivers a high amount of artificial intelligence relative to the relatively minimal amount of human intelligence that is put in to the system (Koza et al. 2003). In the context of human-competitive machine intelligence, our analysis suggests that looking for a high A to I ratio is not the best way to seek promising problems. Instead, we suggest that the focus should be on the additional knowledge gained by some automatic technique that makes the system human competitive. To quote Moshe Sipper from his book Evolved to Win (Sipper 2011),

Rather than aiming to maximize A/I we believe the “correct” equation is:

$$ A - I \ge M_{\varepsilon}$$

where \(M_{\varepsilon}\) stands for “meaningful epsilon”. When wishing to attain machine competence in some real-life, hard-to-learn domain, then, by all means, imbue the machine with as much I(ntelligence) as possible! After all, if imbuing the I reduces the problem’s complexity to triviality, then it was probably not hard to begin with. Conversely, if the problem is truly hard, then have man and machine work in concert to push the frontiers of A as far as possible. Thus, it is not max(A/I) that is of interest but the added value of the machine’s output: Granting the designer “permission” to imbue the machine with as much I as he can, will it then produce a \(\Delta A = A - I\), namely, added intelligence, that is sufficiently meaningful? Even if this meaningful epsilon \(M_{\varepsilon}\) is small in (some) absolute terms, its relative value can be huge (e.g., a chip that can pack 1–2 % more transistors, or a game player that is slightly better and thus world champion).

We believe that this approach of looking at the additional intelligence gained by an automated system is crucial not just for Genetic Programming, but for Artificial Intelligence on the whole. We strongly encourage people to build artificial intelligence systems that make as much use of existing human knowledge as possible.

9.5 Concluding Remarks

Overall, analyzing a decade’s worth of HUMIES papers seems to suggest that when combined effectively with domain-specific knowledge, GP and GA are approaches to EC that are highly effective in producing human-competitive results, in a very wide array of fields. We strongly encourage further research in the human-competitive domain, particularly with EC approaches such as GA and GP, used in conjunction with human knowledge in the current field. One aspect that we note in particular is the significance of collaboration with experts outside the computer science domain, which leads to several interesting insights in multiple fields.

We would also like to mention the gradual shift from a high Artificial Intelligence to Human Intelligence (A/I) ratio, towards a focus on the additional intelligence gained by using an intelligent system, irrespective of how much human intelligence one supplies to it. One interesting aspect that must be brought up when moving away from high (A/I) is interpretability, particularly when a human is involved in a feedback loop used to improve the system. In her recent work, Cynthia Rudin has been suggesting interpretability as a key feature in several prediction systems, and notes that experts are more likely to use an interpretable system compared to a black box system that they do not understand (Letham et al. 2012; Rudin et al. 2012; Wang et al. 2013). While most of evolutionary computation has historically been using a black-box approach, interpretability might eventually become rather important too (both in EC-based approaches and in other machine learning approaches) to build human-competitive systems, particularly when human experts are involved in both building the system and improving its quality.

In a recent paper Kiri Wagstaff argues that much of current machine learning (ML) research has lost its connection to problems of import to the larger world of science and society (Wagstaff 2012). In reference to the much-used (and perhaps much-abused) UCI archive she eloquently writes,

“Legions of researchers have chased after the best iris or mushroom classifier. Yet this flurry of effort does not seem to have had any impact on the fields of botany or mycology.”

Wagstaff identifies several problems that underlie the “Machine Learning for Machine Learning’s Sake” stance, including: overly focusing on benchmark data sets, with little to no relation to the real world; too much emphasis on abstract metrics that ignore or remove problem-specific details, usually so that numbers can be compared across domains; and lack of follow-through:

“It is easy to sit in your office and run [some] algorithm on a data set you downloaded from the web. It is very hard to identify a problem for which machine learning may offer a solution, determine what data should be collected, select or extract relevant features, choose an appropriate learning method, select an evaluation method, interpret the results, involve domain experts, publicize the results to the relevant scientific community, persuade users to adopt the technique, and (only then) to truly have made a difference.”

She argues for making machine learning matter: asking how one’s work impacts the original problem domain; greater involvement of domain experts; and considering the potential impact on society of a problem one elects to work on. She proposes a number of admirable Impact Challenges as examples of machine learning that matters, e.g., a law passed or a legal decision made that relies on the result of an ML analysis, and $ 100 M saved through improved decision making provided by an ML system.

We think that Wagstaff actually bolsters research into human-competitive results produced by EC. Despite her opining that, “human-level performance is not the gold standard. What matters is achieving performance sufficient to make an impact on the world”, we think that the problems in Table 9.2 are very strongly coupled to the real world. Indeed, most, if not all, of them have involved expertise (and often actual experts) in a real-world problem domain, and the competition itself sets out to underscore the impact of such research on society at large. Thus, the HUMIE winners may all be unknowingly responding to Wagstaff’s challenge, creating machine learning that matters.