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Mini-Incision Bankart Repair

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Minimally Invasive Surgery in Orthopedics


Recurrent instability can lead to severe disability. The balance between stability and freedom of motion makes the glenohumeral joint vulnerable to injury. Treatment can be challenging. Historic surgical options have included staple capsulorrhaphy [1] and subscapularis advancement [2], but these procedures resulted in substantial restriction of external rotation and subsequent glenohumeral arthrosis [3–7]. Furthermore, the traditional limited operative indications failed to account for the growing awareness of subluxations as a source of symptomatic instability [8–11]. Surgical options today for anterior shoulder instability include capsular shift [12], capsulolabral repair [13], and transfer of the coracoid [14]. Some indications are overlapping, but mini-incision open Bankart repair may be favored in cases of young collision and over-head athletes, revision cases, and in cases with a sizable glenoid fracture amenable to screw fixa tion [12, 17–22]. Here we describe the mini-incision approach for capsulolabral repair.

Adapted from Lee EW, Flatow EL, Mini-incision Bankart Repair for Shoulder Instability, in Scuderi G, Tria A, Berger R (eds.), MIS Techniques in Orthopedics, New York, Springer, 2006, with kind permission of Springer Science and Business Media, Inc.

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Barnes, L.F., Accousti, K., Lee, E., Flatow, E.L. (2015). Mini-Incision Bankart Repair. In: Scuderi, G., Tria, A. (eds) Minimally Invasive Surgery in Orthopedics. Springer, Cham.

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