
1 Introduction

To compute pairings efficiently is always a bottleneck for implementing pairing-based cryptography. The basic method of computing pairings is Miller’s algorithm [20]. Consequently, various improvements were presented in [1, 13, 14, 17, 21]. One way to improve the efficiency is to find other models of elliptic curves which can provide more efficient algorithms for pairing computation. Edwards curves were one of the popular models. Edwards curve was discovered by Edwards [9] and was applied in cryptography by Bernstein and Lange [2]. Then twisted Edwards curves which are the generalization of Edwards curves were introduced by Bernstein et al. in [3]. Bernstein and Lange also pointed out several advantages of applying the Edwards curves to cryptography. Edwards curves are far superior in elliptic curve cryptography because of fast addition formulae. Pairing computation over Edwards curves was first considered in [8, 16]. In 2009, Arène et al. [1] gave the geometric interpretation of the group law and presented explicit formulae for computing the Tate pairing on twisted Edwards curves. Their formulae are faster than all previously proposed formulas for pairings computation on twisted Edwards curves. Their formulae are even competitive with all published formulae for pairing computation on Weierstrass curves.

Any elliptic curve defined over a field \(K\) with characteristic different from 2 is birationally equivalent to an Edwards curve over some extension of \(K\), i.e. a curve given by \(x^2 + y^2 = 1+dx^2y^2\) with \(d\not \in \{0, 1\}\). In fact, the twisted Edwards can be seen as the intersection of two quadratic surfaces in space. That is to say the twisted Edwards curves can be given by \(S_{a,d}:~aX^2+Y^2=Z^2+dW^2,~XY=ZW\). For general elliptic curves given by intersection of two quadratic surfaces, the geometric interpretation of group law had been discussed by Merriman et al. in [19]. In some situations it is more effectively to write an elliptic curve as the intersection of two quadratic surfaces in space. Jacobi quartic curve is another example of the importance [7, 18]. In [22], we use a straightforward way give the elaborate geometric interpretation of the group law on twisted Edwards curves which are seen as the intersection of two quadric surfaces in space. In this paper, we used the geometry approach of [19] to explain the group law for general elliptic curves given by intersection of two quadratic surfaces, then we construct the Miller function over the intersection of quadratic surfaces. As an example, we obtain the Miller function of Tate pairing computation on twisted Edwards curves. Of course, you can use a similar approach to compute Tate pairing on any elliptic curves given by intersection of two quadratic surfaces. However, for the sake of integrity, we recalculate the explicit formulae for pairing computation on twisted Edwards curves. The high-twists had been sufficiently studied by Costello, Lange and Naehrig [6] on Weierstrass curves. As the result given by [11], one elliptic curve and its quartic/sextic twist can’t both be written in a rational twisted Edwards form, so we turn to Weierstrass curves for the high-degree twists of twisted Edwards curves. These twists enable us to reduce the cost of substituting to a half and a third respectively in \(j=1728\) case and \(j=0\) case. For Edwards curves, it is an interesting problem to find an efficient way to compute ate pairing on twisted Edwards curves.

When the embedding degree is even, the traditional denominator elimination technique is used. While the denominator elimination can not be used if the embedding degree is odd, so we consider the refinement technique to improve the efficiency. In [5], Blake et al. presented three refinements to Miller’s algorithm over Weierstrass curves by reducing the total number of vertical lines in Miller’s algorithm. This method can be used for both Weil and Tate Pairing over Weierstrass curves with any embedding degree. In [23], L. Xu and D. Lin study the refinements formulas for Edwards curves. If we see the Edwards curves as the intersection of two quadratic surfaces in space, our refinements over Edwards curves cost less than the refinements of L. Xu and D. Lin [23], because in our method we use one plane to replace two lines of the Miller function in [23].

In this paper, we use \(\mathbf m \) and \(\mathbf s \) denote the costs of multiplication and squaring in the base field \(\mathbb {F}_q\) while \(\mathbf M \) and \(\mathbf S \) denote the costs of multiplication and squaring in the extension \(\mathbb {F}_{q^k}\).

2 Tate Pairing

Let \(p>3\) be a prime and \(\mathbb {F}_q\) be a finite field with \(q=p^n\). \(E\) is an elliptic curve defined over \(\mathbb {F}_q\) with neutral element denoted by \(O\). \(r\) is a prime such that \(r|\#E(\mathbb {F}_q)\). Let \(k>1\) denote the embedding degree with respect to \(r\), i.e. \(k\) is the smallest positive integer such that \(r|q^k-1\). For any point \(P\in E(\mathbb {F}_q)[r]\), there exists a rational function \(f_P\) defined over \(\mathbb {F}_q\) such that \(\mathrm{{div}}(f_P) = r(P)-r(O)\), which is unique up to a non-zero scalar multiple. The group of \(r\)-th roots of unity in \(\mathbb {F}_{q^k}\) is denoted by \(\mu _r\). The reduced Tate pairing is then defined as follows:

$$ T_r:~E(\mathbb {F}_q)[r]\times E(\mathbb {F}_{q^k})\rightarrow \mu _r:~(P,Q)\mapsto f_P(Q)^{(q^k-1)/r}. $$

The rational function \(f_P\) can be computed in polynomial time by using Miller’s algorithm [20]. The main ideal of Miller’s algorithm is to inductively build up such a function \(f_P\) by constructing the function \(f_{n,P}\). The function \(f_{n,P}\) is defined by \((f_{n,P})=n(P)-([n]P)-(n-1)(O)\), \(n\) is an integer smaller than \(r\).

Let \(g_{P, T}\in \mathbb {F}_q(E)\) be the rational function satisfying \(\mathrm{{div}}(g_{P, T})=(P)+(T)-(O)-(P+T)\), where \(P+T\) denotes the sum of \(P\) and \(T\) on \(E\), and additions of the form \((P)+(T)\) denote formal additions in the divisor group.

If \(P\in E\), define \(f_{0,P}=f_{1,P}=1\). Inductively, for \(n>0\), define \(f_{n+1,P}:={f_{n,P}}{g_{P,nP}}\), then we have

$$ f_{m+n,P}={f_{m,P}}\cdot {f_{n,P}}\cdot {g_{mP,nP}}. $$

3 Edwards Curves

In this section, we review the preliminaries of Edwards curves. Let \(\mathbb {F}_q\) be a finite field with characteristic greater than \(3\). A twisted Edwards curve is a quartic curve over \(\mathbb {F}_q\), defined by

$$ E_{a,d}:~ax^2+y^2=1+dx^2y^2, $$

where \(a, d\) are distinct nonzero elements of \(\mathbb {F}_q\). In [3], Bernstein et al. proved that an elliptic curve over a field \(K\) with the group \(4|\sharp E(K)\) if and only if \(E\) is birationally equivalent over \(K\) to a twisted Edwards curve. The sum of two points \((x_1,y_1)\) and \((x_2,y_2)\) on the twisted Edwards curve \(E_{a,d}\) is

$$ (x_1,y_1)+(x_2,y_2)=\left( \frac{x_1y_2+x_2y_1}{1+dx_1x_2y_1y_2},\frac{y_1y_2-ax_1x_2}{1-dx_1x_2y_1y_2}\right) . $$

The point \((0,1)\) is the unit of the addition law. The inverse of a point \((x,y)\) on \(E_{a,d}\) is \((-x,y)\).

In fact, the twisted Edwards curve can be seen as the intersection of two quadric surfaces in space. That is, the twisted Edwards curve can be written as:

$$\begin{aligned} S_{a,d}:~aX^2+Y^2=Z^2+dW^2,~XY=ZW. \end{aligned}$$

Set \(O=(0:1:0:1)\) as the neutral element, the group law on (1) is given by

$$ -(X:Y:W:Z)=(-X:Y:-W:Z) $$


$$ (X_1:Y_1:W_1:Z_1)+(X_2:Y_2:W_2:Z_2)=(X_3:Y_3:W_3:Z_3) $$


$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} X_3 &{}=&{} (X_1Y_2+Y_1X_2)(Z_1Z_2-dW_1W_2),\\ Y_3 &{}=&{} (Y_1Y_2-aX_1X_2)(Z_1Z_2+dW_1W_2),\\ W_3 &{}=&{} (Y_1Y_2-aX_1X_2)(X_1Y_2+X_2Y_1),\\ Z_3 &{}=&{} (Z_1Z_2-dW_1W_2)(Z_1Z_2+dW_1W_2) \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

The point \(O'=(0:-1:0:1)\) has order 2. Note that the above formula is unified, that is it can be applied to both adding two distinct points and doubling a point. The fast arithmetic on twisted Edwards given by \(S_{a,d}\) can be found in [4, 15].

4 Group Law Over the Intersection of Quadratic Surfaces

Let \(E\) denote the intersection of quadratic surfaces. The group law of this kind of curve is different from that of cubic curves. We consider projective planes which are given by homogeneous projective equations \(\varPi =0\). In this paper, we still use the symbol \(\varPi \) to denote projective planes. In fact, any plane \(\varPi \) intersects \(E\) at exactly four points. Although these planes are not functions on \(E\), their divisors can be well defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} (\varPi )=\sum _{P\in \varPi \cap E}{{n_P}({P})} \end{aligned}$$

where \(n_P\) is the intersection multiplicity of \(\varPi \) and \(E\) at \(P\). Then the quotient of two projective planes is a well defined function which gives principal divisor. Let \(O\in E(\mathbb {F}_q)\) be the neutral element, there must be a plane intersects \(E\) with multiply three at \(O\), and its fourth intersecting points with \(E\) is \(O'\). It is also obvious that \(P_1,P_2\), \(P_3\) and \(P_4\) are coplaner if and only if \(P_1+P_2+P_3+P_4=O'\).

4.1 Miller Function Over the Intersection of Quadratic Surfaces

In this section we construct the Miller function over the intersection of quadratic surfaces.

Let \(E\) be the intersection of two quadratic surfaces, \(O\) is the neutral element; \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) be two different points on \(E\), \(\varPi _{P_1,P_2,O'}\) denote the projective plane passing through \(P_1\), \(P_2\) and \(O'\). The group law given above shows that \(-P_1-P_2\) is the third intersection, by (3) we can get:

$$ (\varPi _{P_1,P_2,O'})=(P_1)+(P_2)+(-P_1-P_2)+(O') $$

Similarly, \(\varPi _{T+P,O,O'}\) intersects with \(E\) at \(P_1+P_2\), \(O'\), \(O\) and \(-P_1-P_2\). Then:

$$ (\varPi _{P_1+P_2,O,O'})=(P_1+P_2)+(O)+(O')+(-P_1-P_2) $$


$$ (\frac{\varPi _{P_1,P_2,O'}}{\varPi _{P_1+P_2,O,O'}})=(P_1)+(P_2)-(P_1+P_2)-(O) $$

The geometry interpolation derives the formula of Miller’s function directly. The Miller’s function with divisor \((P_1)+(P_2)-(P_1+P_2)-(O)\) can be given

$$\begin{aligned} g_{P_1,P_2}=\frac{\varPi _{P_1,P_2,O'}}{\varPi _{P_1+P_2,O,O'}} \end{aligned}$$

In Miller’s algorithm, \(P\) is always a fixed point, \(T\) is always \(nP\) for some integer \(n\). For the addition steps, Miller function \(g_{T,P}\) over \(E\) can be given by setting \(P_1=T, P_2=P\). For the doubling steps, Miller function \(g_{T,T}\) over \(E\) is given by setting \(P_1=P_2=T\).

Note that the planes appear in the formula always pass through \(O'\). Particularly, if \(P_1\), \(P_2\) and \(O'\) are pairwise distinct points on \(S_{a,d}\). We use the equation \(C_XX+C_YY+C_ZZ+C_WW=0\) to denote a projective plane. By solving linear equations, we get the coefficients of the plane \(\varPi _{P_1,P_2,O'}\) in Miller function of twisted Edwards curves as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{rcl} C_X&{}=&{} W_2(Z_1+Y_1)-W_1(Z_2+Y_2),\\ C_Y&{}=&{} X_2W_1-X_1W_2,\\ C_W&{}=&{} X_1(Y_2+Z_2)-X_2(Z_1+Y_1) \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

In the case that \(P_1=P_2\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} C_X=Y_1Z_1-aX_1^2,~C_Y=X_1Z_1-X_1Y_1,~C_W=dX_1W_1-Z_1^2. \end{aligned}$$

5 Pairing Computation on \(S_{a,d}\) with Even Embedding Degrees

In this section, we analysis computation steps in Miller’s algorithm explicitly. The results in this section are mainly from [22]. For an addition step or doubling step, each addition or doubling steps consist of three parts: computing the point \(T+P\) or \(2T\) and the function \(g_{T,P}\) or \(g_{T,T}\), evaluating \(g_{T,P}\) or \(g_{T,P}\) at \(Q\), then updating the variable \(f\) by \(f\leftarrow f\cdot g_{T, P}(Q)\) or by \(f\leftarrow f^2\cdot g_{T,T}(Q)\). The updating part, as operation in \(\mathbb {F}_{q^k}\), costs \(1\mathbf M \) for addition step and \(1\mathbf M +1\mathbf S \) for doubling step. For the evaluating part, some standard methods such as denominator elimination and subfield simplification can be used, as we introduce below.

As usual, we choose \(P\in S_{a,d}(\mathbb {F}_q)[r]\) and \(Q\in S_{a,d}(\mathbb {F}_{q^k})\), where \(k>1\) is the embedding degree. In fact as stated in [13], \(Q\) can be chosen from a subgroup which is given by a twist of \(S_{a,d}\). More precisely, for \(d=\#\mathrm{{Aut}}(S_{a,d})\), there is degree-\(d\) twist of \(S_{a,d}\) over \(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/d}}\) denoted as \(E'\) such that \(Q\in \psi (E'(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/d}}))\) with \(\psi :E'\rightarrow S_{a,d}\) an isomorphism over \(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/d}}\). It is noticeable that \(E'\) is not necessary to have a twisted Edwards model.

In this part, we assume that embedding degree \(k\) is even. Let \(\delta \) be a generator of \(\mathbb {F}_{q^k}\) over \(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/2}}\) with \(\delta ^2\in \mathbb {F}_{q^{k/2}}\). Suppose \(Q'=(X_0:Y_0:W_0:Z_0)\in S_{a\delta ^{-2},d\delta ^{-2}}(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/2}})\), we can see that \(Q = (X_0:\delta Y_0:W_0:\delta Z_0)\in S_{a,d}(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k}})\). If \(P_3=P_1+P_2\ne O,O'\), for evaluation of \(g_{P_1,P_2}(Q)\), we have

$$\begin{aligned} g_{P_1,P_2}(Q)&= \dfrac{\varPi _{P_1,P_2,O'}(Q)}{\varPi _{P_3,O,O'}(Q)}=\dfrac{C_XX_0+C_Y\delta (Y_0+Z_0)+C_WW_0}{W_3X_0-X_3W_0}\\&= \dfrac{C_X\frac{X_0}{Y_0+Z_0}+C_Y\delta +C_W\frac{W_0}{Y_0+Z_0}}{(W_{3}X_0-X_{3}W_0)/(Y_0+Z_0)} \in (C_X\theta +C_Y\delta +C_W \eta )\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/2}}^{*}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\theta = \frac{X_0}{Y_0+Z_0}\) and \(\eta = \frac{W_0}{Y_0+Z_0}\). It is clearly that \((W_{3}X_0-X_{3}W_0)/(Y_0+Z_0)\) in \(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/2}}^{*}\), then it can be discarded in pairing computation thanks to the final exponentiation, This fact is usually called the denominator elimination technique.

In generally, Let \(\mathbb {F}_q\) be an ordinary elliptic curve with neutral elements \(O\in E(\mathbb {F}_q)\), then Miller function \(g_{P_1,P_2}=\frac{\varPi _{P_1,P_2,O'}}{\varPi _{P_1+P_2,O,O'}} =\frac{\varPi _{P_1,P_2,O'}/\varPi _{O,O,O'}}{\varPi _{P_1+P_2,O,O'}//\varPi _{O,O,O'}}\). let \(E'/\mathbb {F}_q\) is a degree-d twist of \(E/\mathbb {F}_q\) with \(d\) even, thus the isomorphism \(\phi : E'\rightarrow E\) is defined over \(\mathbb {F}_{q^d}\). Then for any \(Q'\in E'(\mathbb {F}_q)\) and \(P\ne O\in E(\mathbb {F}_q)\), the value of function \(\varPi _{P,O,O'}/\varPi _{O,O,O'}\in \mathbb {F}_q(E)\) at \(Q=\phi (Q')\in \mathbb {F}^{*}_{q^{d/2}}\) if \(Q\ne \pm P\). Thus it is eliminated by the final exponential.

Note that \(\theta , \eta \in \mathbb {F}_{q^{k/2}}\) are fixed during pairing computation, so they can be precomputed. The coefficients \(C_X, C_Y\) and \(C_W\) are in \(\mathbb {F}_q\), thus the evaluation at \(Q\) given the coefficients of the plane can be computed in \(k\mathbf m \) (multiplications by \(\theta \) and \(\eta \) need \(\frac{k}{2}\mathbf m \) each).

Addition Steps. Let \(P_1=T\) and \(P_2=P\) be distinct points with \(Z_1Z_2\ne 0\). By variant of formula (2) and (5), the explicit formulas for computing \(P_3=T+P\) and \(C_X,C_Y, C_W\) are given as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} A&={X_1}\cdot {X_2}, B={Y_1}\cdot {Y_2}, C={Z_1}\cdot {W_2}, D={Z_2}\cdot {W_1}, E={W_1}\cdot {W_2},\\ F&=({X_1-Y_1})\cdot (X_2+Y_2)-A+B, G=B+aA, H=D-C, \\ I&=D+C, X_{3}=I\cdot F, Y_{3}=G\cdot H, Z_{3}=F\cdot G, W_{3}=I\cdot H,\\ C_X&=(W_1-Y_1)\cdot (W_2+Y_2)-E+B+H, C_W={X_2}\cdot {Z_1}-{X_1}\cdot {Z_2}-F,\\ C_Y&=(X_1-W_1)\cdot (X_2+W_2)-A+E. \end{aligned}$$

With these formulas \(T+P\) and \(C_X,C_Y,C_W\) can be computed in \(14\mathbf m +1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \), where \(1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \) is constant multiplication by \(a\). For a mixed addition step, in which the base point \(P\) is chosen to have \(Z_2=1\), the costs reduce to \(12\mathbf m +1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \). Therefore, the total costs of an addition step are \(1\mathbf M +k\mathbf m +14\mathbf m +1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \), while a mixed addition step costs \(1\mathbf M +k\mathbf m +12\mathbf m +1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \).

Doubling Steps. For \(P_1=P_2=T\), \(P_3=2T\). By the formulae of (2) and (6), our explicit formulas for computing \(P_3=2T\) and \(C_X,C_Y, C_W\) are given as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} A&= {X_1}^2, B={Y_1}^2, C={Z_1}^2, D=aA, E=B+D, F=2C-E,\\ G&= (X_1+Y_1)^2-A-B, H=(Y_1+Z_1)^2-B-C,\\ X_{3}&= G\cdot F, Y_{3}=E\cdot (B-D), Z_{3}=E\cdot F, W_{3}=G\cdot (B-D),\\ 2C_X&= H-2D, 2C_Y=(X_1+Z_1)^2-A-C-G, \\ 2C_W&= d((X_1+W_1)^2-A)-C-E. \end{aligned}$$

By the above formulae, \(2T\) and \(C_X,C_Y,C_W\) can be computed in \(4\mathbf m +7\mathbf s +2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \), where \(2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \) are constant multiplications by \(a\) and \(d\). So total costs of our formulae for a doubling step are \(1\mathbf M +1\mathbf S +k\mathbf m +4\mathbf m +7\mathbf s +2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \). While the total costs of the formulae for the doubling step proposed in [1] are \(1\mathbf M +1\mathbf S +k\mathbf m +6\mathbf m +5\mathbf s +2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \), where \(2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \) are both constant multiplication by \(a\).

The following table shows the concrete comparison for doubling step(DBL), mixed addition step (mADD) and addition step (ADD).





Arène [1]

\(1\mathbf M +1\mathbf S +k\mathbf m \)

\(1\mathbf M +k\mathbf m \)

\(1\mathbf M +k\mathbf m \)

\(+6\mathbf m +5\mathbf s +2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \)

\(+12\mathbf m +1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \)

\(+14\mathbf m +1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \)

This paper

\(1\mathbf M +1\mathbf S +k\mathbf m \)

\(1\mathbf M +k\mathbf m \)

\(1\mathbf M +k\mathbf m \)

\(+4\mathbf m +7\mathbf s +2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \)

\(+12\mathbf m +1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \)

\(+14\mathbf m +1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \)

5.1 Pairing Computation on \(S_{a,d}\) with Twists of Degree 4 or 6

Let \(d|k\), an elliptic curve \(E'\) over \(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/d}}\) is called a twist of degree \(d\) of \(E/\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/d}}\) if there is an isomorphism \(\psi : E'\rightarrow E\) defined over \(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k}}\), and this is the smallest extension of \(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/d}}\) over which \(\psi \) is defined. Depending on the \(j\)-invariant \(j(E)\) of \(E\), there exist twists of degree at most \(6\), since \(\mathrm{{char}}(\mathbb {F}_q)>3\). Pairing friendly curves with twists of degree higher than \(2\) arise from constructions with \(j\)-invariants \(j(E) = 0\) and \(j(E) = 1728\).

The twisted Edwards curve \(ax^2+y^2=1+dx^2y^2\) has \(j\)-invariant \(j_{a,d}=16(a^2+14ad+d^2)^3/ad(a-d)^4\), hence, the \(j\)-invariant of \(E_{a,-a}:ax^2+y^2=1-ax^2y^2\) equal to \(1728\), thus, there exist twists of degree \(4\). The case \(a=1\) is the “classical” Edwards curve \(x^2+y^2=1-x^2y^2\) with complex multiplication \(D=-4\) [12]. Furthermore, \(j_{a,d}=0\) if and only if \(a=(-7\pm 4\sqrt{3})d\). Note that \(3\) is a square in finite field \(\mathbb {F}_q\) if and only if \(q\equiv \pm 1\pmod {12}\). Now we assume that \(q\equiv \pm 1\pmod {12}\) and \(a,d\) satisfy the relation \(a=(-7\pm 4\sqrt{3})d\). Then Edwards curve \(E_{a,d}:ax^2+y^2=1+dx^2y^2\) has \(j\)-invariant equal to \(0\), hence, there exist twists of degree \(6\). The case \(a=1\) is the Edwards curve \(x^2+y^2=1-(7+4\sqrt{3})x^2y^2\) with complex multiplication \(D=-3\) [12]. But Galbraith showed one elliptic curve and its quartic/sextic twist can’t both be written in a rational twisted Edwards form [11], so we turn to Weierstrass curves for the high-degree twists of twisted Edwards curves.

Twists of Degree 4

Lemma 1

([22], Lemma 2). Assume that \(4|k\), \(\delta \) is a generator of \(\mathbb {F}_{q^k}\) over \(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/4}}\) and \(\delta ^4\in \mathbb {F}_{q^{k/4}}\), which implies \(\delta ^2\in \mathbb {F}_{q^{k/2}}\). Then the Weierstrass curve \(W_a:\frac{2}{a}v^2=u^3+\frac{1}{\delta ^4}u\) is a twist of degree 4 over \(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/4}}\) of \(E_{a,-a}\). The isomorphism can be given as

$$ \psi :W_a \longrightarrow E_{a,-a},\quad (u,v)\longmapsto (x,y)=\left( u/\delta v, (\delta ^2 u-1)/(\delta ^2 u+1)\right) . $$

The inverse transformation is \((x,y)\mapsto ((1+y)/(\delta ^2(1-y)), (1+y)/(\delta ^3x(1-y)))\). For \(Q'\in W_a(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/4}})\), we have \((x_Q,y_Q)=\psi (Q')\in E_{a,-a}(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k}})\). Then its corresponding point \(Q\in S_{a,-a}(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k}})\) can be given as \((X_Q:Y_Q:W_Q:Z_Q)=(x_Q:y_Q:x_Qy_Q:1)\). One can check by substitution that:

$$ \frac{X_Q+W_Q}{Y_Q+Z_Q}=x_Q=\frac{u}{\delta v},\quad \frac{X_Q-W_Q}{Y_Q+Z_Q}=x_Q\cdot \frac{1-y_Q}{1+y_Q}=\frac{1}{\delta ^3 v}. $$

For \(\theta =\frac{u}{2v}\) and \(\eta =\frac{1}{2v}\), we have \(\frac{X_Q}{Y_Q+Z_Q}=\theta \delta ^{-1}+\eta \delta ^{-3}\) and \(\frac{W_Q}{Y_Q+Z_Q}=\theta \delta ^{-1}-\eta \delta ^{-3}\) with \(\theta ,\eta \in \mathbb {F}_{q^{k/4}}\). Then for the evaluation of \(g_{P_1,P_2}(Q)\) with \(P_3=P_1+P_2\ne O,O'\), we get

$$\begin{aligned} g_{P_1,P_2}(Q)&= \dfrac{\varPi _{P_1,P_2,O'}(Q)}{\varPi _{P_3,O,O'}(Q)}=\dfrac{C_X\frac{X_Q}{Y_Q+Z_Q}+C_Y+C_W\frac{W_Q}{Y_Q+Z_Q}}{W_3\frac{X_Q}{Y_Q+Z_Q}-X_3\frac{W_Q}{Y_Q+Z_Q}}\\&= \dfrac{C_X(\theta \delta ^{-1}+\eta \delta ^{-3})+C_Y+C_W(\theta \delta ^{-1}-\eta \delta ^{-3})}{W_3(\theta \delta ^{-1}+\eta \delta ^{-3})-X_3(\theta \delta ^{-1}-\eta \delta ^{-3})}\\&= \dfrac{(C_X-C_W)\eta +(C_X+C_W)\theta \delta ^2+C_Y\delta ^3}{(W_3+X_3)\eta +(W_3-X_3)\theta \delta ^2}\\&\in ((C_X-C_W)\eta +(C_X+C_W)\theta \delta ^2+C_Y\delta ^3)\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/2}}^{*}. \end{aligned}$$

So we can reduce \(g_{P_1,P_2}(Q)\) to \((C_X-C_W)\eta +(C_X+C_W)\theta \delta ^2+C_Y\delta ^3\). Moreover we may precompute \(\theta \) and \(\eta \) since they are fixed during the whole computation. When \(C_X,C_Y,C_W\in \mathbb {F}_q\) and \(\theta ,\eta \in \mathbb {F}_{q^{k/4}}\) are given, the evaluation at \(Q\) can be computed in \(\frac{k}{2}\mathbf m \), with \(\frac{k}{4}\mathbf m \) each for multiplications by \(\theta \) and \(\eta \).

Consider \(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k}}\) as an \(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/4}}\)-vector space with basis \(1,\delta ,\delta ^2,\delta ^3\). Then an arbitrary element \(\alpha \in \mathbb {F}_{q^{k}}\) can be denoted as \(a_0+a_1\delta +a_2\delta ^2+a_3\delta ^3\) with \(a_i\in \mathbb {F}_{q^{k/4}},i=0,1,2,3\). And the reduced value of \(g(Q)\) we’ve gotten above can be denoted as \(\beta =b_0+b_2\delta ^2+b_3\delta ^3\), where \(b_3\in \mathbb {F}_{q}\) and \(b_0,b_2\in \mathbb {F}_{q^{k/4}}\). This special representation may lead to some optimization of the main multiplication in \(\mathbb {F}_{q^k}\), but when using the field towering the cost will remain approximately \(1\mathbf M \).

Therefore, the addition step costs \(1\mathbf M +(\frac{k}{2}+14)\mathbf m +1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \), where \(1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \) is constant multiplication by \(a\). For a mixed addition step, the costs reduce to \(1\mathbf M +(\frac{k}{2}+12)\mathbf m +1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \). The doubling step costs \(1\mathbf M +1\mathbf S +(\frac{k}{2}+4)\mathbf m +7\mathbf s +2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \), where \(2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \) are constant multiplications by \(a\) and \(d\).

When using the Schoolbook method, multiplying \(\alpha \) by \(\beta \) costs \(4\cdot \frac{k}{4}\mathbf m \) for computing \(a_i\cdot b_3,i=0,1,2,3\) and costs \(8(\frac{k}{4})^2\mathbf m \) for \(a_i\cdot b_0\) and \(a_i\cdot b_2\). The total cost \((\frac{k^2}{2}+k)\mathbf m \) equals to \((\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{k})\mathbf M \), considering that a general multiplication in \(\mathbb {F}_{q^k}\) costs \(\mathbf M =k^2\mathbf m \). Namely the quartic twist may reduce the cost of the main multiplication in Miller’s algorithm to \((\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{k})\mathbf M \). Therefore, the addition step costs \((\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{k})\mathbf M +(\frac{k}{2}+14)\mathbf m +1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \), where \(1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \) is constant multiplication by \(a\). For a mixed addition step, the costs reduce to \((\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{k})\mathbf M +(\frac{k}{2}+12)\mathbf m +1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \). The doubling step costs \((\frac{1}{2}+\frac{1}{k})\mathbf M +1\mathbf S +(\frac{k}{2}+4)\mathbf m +7\mathbf s +2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \), where \(2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \) are constant multiplications by \(a\) and \(d\).

By the way, according to the definition of Ate pairing, the point addition and doubling are performed in \(\mathbb {F}_{q^k}\). Thanks to the Lemma 1, we can choose \(Q'\in W_a\) such that \(Q=\psi (Q')\in S_{a,-a}\). So, is there a efficient way to compute ate pairing on twisted Edwards curves?

Twists of Degree 6. We denote \(M=\frac{2(a+d)}{a-d}\) and \(N= \frac{4}{a-d}\) when given \(a,d\).

Lemma 2

([22], Lemma 3). Assume that \(6|k\), \(\delta \) is a generator of \(\mathbb {F}_{q^k}\) over \(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/6}}\) with \(\delta ^6\in \mathbb {F}_{q^{k/6}}\), which implies \(\delta ^2\in \mathbb {F}_{q^{k/2}}\) and \(\delta ^3\in \mathbb {F}_{q^{k/3}}\). Then the Weierstrass elliptic curve \(W_{M,N}:v^2=u^3-\frac{M^3N^3}{27}\delta ^6\) is a twist of degree 6 over \(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/6}}\) of \(E_{a,d}\). The isomorphism can be given as

$$ \psi :W_a \longrightarrow E_{a,d},\quad (u,v)\longmapsto (x,y)=\left( \frac{N\delta (3u-MN\delta ^2)}{3v}, \frac{3u-MN\delta ^2-3N\delta ^2}{3u-MN\delta ^2+3N\delta ^2}\right) . $$

The inverse transformation is \((x,y)\mapsto ((y(MN\delta ^2-3N\delta ^2)-(MN\delta ^2+3N\delta ^2))/3(y-1), -N^2\delta ^3(1+y)/x)\).

Similarly with the twists of degree \(4\) case, for the evaluation of \(g_{P_1,P_2}(Q)\) with \(P_3=P_1+P_2\ne O,O'\), we get

$$\begin{aligned} g_{P_1,P_2}(Q)&= \dfrac{\varPi _{P_1,P_2,O'}(Q)}{\varPi _{P_3,O,O'}(Q)}=\dfrac{C_X\frac{X_Q}{Y_Q+Z_Q}+C_Y+C_W\frac{W_Q}{Y_Q+Z_Q}}{W_3\frac{X_Q}{Y_Q+Z_Q}-X_3\frac{W_Q}{Y_Q+Z_Q}}\\&= \dfrac{C_X(\theta \delta ^{-5}+(3-M)\eta \delta ^{-3})+C_Y+C_W(\theta \delta ^{-5}-(3+M)\eta \delta ^{-3})}{W_3(\theta \delta ^{-5}+(3-M)\eta \delta ^{-3})-X_3(\theta \delta ^{-5}-(3+M)\eta \delta ^{-3})}\\&= \dfrac{(C_X+C_W)\theta +(3(C_X-C_W)-M(C_X+C_W))\eta \delta ^2+C_Y\delta ^5}{(W_3-X_3)\theta +(3(W_3+X_3)-M(W_3-X_3))\eta \delta ^2}\\&\in ((C_X+C_W)\theta +(3(C_X-C_W)-M(C_X+C_W))\eta \delta ^2+C_Y\delta ^5)\mathbb {F}_{q^{k/2}}^{*}. \end{aligned}$$

So we can reduce \(g_{P_1,P_2}(Q)\) to the representative in the last line. Moreover we may precompute \(\theta \) and \(\eta \) since they are fixed during the whole computation. When \(C_X,C_Y,C_W\in \mathbb {F}_q\) and \(\theta ,\eta \in \mathbb {F}_{q^{k/6}}\) are given, the evaluation at \(Q\) can be computed in \(\frac{k}{3}\mathbf m +\mathbf m _\mathbf c \), with \(\frac{k}{6}\mathbf m \) each for multiplications by \(\theta \) and \(\eta \) and a constant multiplication by \(M=\frac{2(a+d)}{a-d}\).

Furthermore, the reduced \(g(Q)\) can be denoted as \(\beta =b_0+b_2\delta ^2+b_5\delta ^5\), where \(b_5\in \mathbb {F}_{q}\) and \(b_0,b_2\in \mathbb {F}_{q^{k/6}}\). The cost of main multiplication is still \(1\mathbf M \) with some possibilities of further optimization. Therefore, the addition step costs \(1\mathbf M +(\frac{k}{3}+14)\mathbf m +2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \). For a mixed addition step, the costs reduce to \(1\mathbf M +(\frac{k}{3}+12)\mathbf m +2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \). The doubling step costs \(1\mathbf M +1\mathbf S +(\frac{k}{3}+4)\mathbf m +7\mathbf s +3\mathbf m _\mathbf c \).

Likewise, when using the Schoolbook method, multiplying \(\alpha \) by \(\beta \) costs \(6\cdot \frac{k}{6}\mathbf m \) for computing \(a_i\cdot b_5,i=0,1,2,3\) and costs \(12(\frac{k}{6})^2\mathbf m \) for \(a_i\cdot b_0\) and \(a_i\cdot b_2\). The total cost \((\frac{k^2}{3}+k)\mathbf m \) equals to \((\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{k})\mathbf M \), considering that a general multiplication in \(\mathbb {F}_{q^k}\) costs \(\mathbf M =k^2\mathbf m \). Namely the sextic twist may reduce the cost of the main multiplication in Miller’s algorithm to \((\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{k})\mathbf M \). Therefore, the addition step costs \((\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{k})\mathbf M +(\frac{k}{3}+14)\mathbf m +2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \), where \(2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \) are multiplications by \(a\) and \(\frac{2(a+d)}{a-d}\). For a mixed addition step, the costs reduce to \((\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{k})\mathbf M +(\frac{k}{3}+12)\mathbf m +2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \). The doubling step costs \((\frac{1}{3}+\frac{1}{k})\mathbf M +1\mathbf S +(\frac{k}{3}+4)\mathbf m +7\mathbf s +3\mathbf m _\mathbf c \), where \(3\mathbf m _\mathbf c \) are multiplications by \(a,d\) and \(\frac{2(a+d)}{a-d}\).

The following table shows the total cost of Tate pairing computation on twisted Edwards curves with \(j=1728\) or \(j=0\).





This paper \(j=1728\)

\(1\mathbf M +1\mathbf S +\frac{k}{2}\mathbf m \) \(+4\mathbf m +7\mathbf s +2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \)

\(1\mathbf M +\frac{k}{2}\mathbf m \) \(+12\mathbf m +1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \)

\(1\mathbf M +\frac{k}{2}\mathbf m \) \(+14\mathbf m +1\mathbf m _\mathbf c \)

This paper \(j=0\)

\(1\mathbf M +1\mathbf S +\frac{k}{3}\mathbf m \) \(+4\mathbf m +7\mathbf s +3\mathbf m _\mathbf c \)

\(1\mathbf M +\frac{k}{3}\mathbf m \) \(+12\mathbf m +2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \)

\(1\mathbf M +\frac{k}{3}\mathbf m \) \(+14\mathbf m +2\mathbf m _\mathbf c \)

6 Refinements Over Twisted Edwards Curves

When the embedding degree is odd, to improve the efficiency we may use the refinements technique to reduce the cost of the multiplication and squaring in the extension field \(\mathbb {F}_{q^{k}}\). The refinements technique is first prosed by [5]. In [23], L. Xu and D. Lin study the refinements formulas for Edwards curves. From formula (4), the iterative formula over the intersection of quadratic surfaces can be rewritten as:

$$ {f_{n,P}}\cdot {f_{m,P}}\cdot {g_{nP,mP}}={f_{n,P}}\cdot {f_{m,P}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{nP,mP,O'}}{\varPi _{(n+m)P,O',O}}} $$

In fact, we can study the refinements over Edwards curves based on the following observations.

Theorem 1

$${\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}}{\varPi _{2T,O',O}}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{2T,P,O'}}{\varPi _{2T+P,O',O}}}={\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}}{\varPi _{-2T,-P,O'}}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{P,O',O}}{\varPi _{O',O,O}}}$$

Proof. By the group law described in Sect. 4, we can get

$$ ({\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}}{\varPi _{2T,O',O}}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{2T,P,O'}}{\varPi _{2T+P,O',O}}})=2(T)+(P)-(2T+P)-2(O) $$

we reconstruct the divisor \(2(T)+(P)-(2T+P)-2(O)\) as:

$$ \frac{(T)+(T)+(O')+(-2T)+(P)+(O')+(O)+(-P)}{(-2T)+(-P)+(O')+(2T+P)+(O)+3(O')} $$

while, from the formula (3) the above divisor is exactly

$$ ({\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}}{\varPi _{-2T,-P,O'}}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{P,O',O}}{\varPi _{O',O,O}}}) $$

Since, in the Miller’s algorithm we choose all the rational functions to be normalized. Thus,

$$ {\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}}{\varPi _{2T,O',O}}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{2T,P,O'}}{\varPi _{2T+P,O',O}}} ={\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}}{\varPi _{-2T,-P,O'}}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{P,O',O}}{\varPi _{O',O,O}}} $$

   \(\square \)

Theorem 2

$$ {\frac{\varPi _{4T,{r_i}P,O'}}{\varPi _{4T+{r_i}P,O',O}}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{2T,2T,O'}}{\varPi _{4T,O',O}}} \cdot {\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}^2}{\varPi _{2T,O',O}^2}}=\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}^2}{\varPi _{-2T,-2T,O'}\cdot \varPi _{4T+{r_i}P,O',O}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{4T,{r_i}P,O'}}{\varPi _{O',O,O}}} $$

Proof. By the group law described in Sect. 4, we can get

$$ ({\frac{\varPi _{4T,{r_i}P,O'}}{\varPi _{4T+{r_i}P,O',O}}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{2T,2T,O'}}{\varPi _{4T,O',O}}} \cdot {\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}^2}{\varPi _{2T,O',O}^2}})=4(T)+({r_i}P)-(4T+{r_i}P)-4(O) $$

we reconstruct the divisor \(4(T)+({r_i}P)-(4T+{r_i}P)-4(O)\) as:

$$ \frac{2(T)+2(T)+2(O')+2(-2T)+(4T)+({r_i}P)+(O')+(-4T-{r_i}P)}{2(-2T)+(O')+(4T)+(4T+{r_i}P)+(O')+(O)+(-4T-{r_i}P)+(O')+3(O)} $$

while, by the formula (3) we can get the above divisor is exactly

$$ (\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}^2}{\varPi _{-2T,-2T,O'}\cdot \varPi _{4T+{r_i}P,O',O}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{4T,{r_i}P,O'}}{\varPi _{O',O,O}}}) $$

since, in the Miller’s algorithm we choose all the rational functions to be normalized. So we have:

$$ {\frac{\varPi _{4T,{r_i}P,O'}}{\varPi _{4T+{r_i}P,O',O}}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{2T,2T,O'}}{\varPi _{4T,O',O}}} \cdot {\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}^2}{\varPi _{2T,O',O}^2}}=\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}^2}{\varPi _{-2T,-2T,O'} \cdot \varPi _{4T+{r_i}P,O',O}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{4T,{r_i}P,O'}}{\varPi _{O',O,O}}} $$

   \(\square \)

\(\mathbf {2}{{\varvec{T+P}}}\) -form Refinement. In the ith basic Miller iteration of Algorithm 1, we can displace the explicit formula of \(f\) as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} f\leftarrow f^2\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}(Q)}{\varPi _{2T,O',O}(Q)}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{2T,P,O'}(Q)}{\varPi _{2T+P,O',O}(Q)}} \end{aligned}$$

Our \(2T+P\)-form refinement is based on Theorem 1, the formula of \(f\) in the ith basic Miller iteration in our algorithm is:

$$\begin{aligned} f\leftarrow f^2\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}(Q)}{\varPi _{-2T,-P,O'}(Q)}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{P,O',O}(Q)}{\varPi _{O',O,O}(Q)}} \end{aligned}$$

\(\mathbf{{4}}{{\varvec{T+}}}{{\varvec{r}}}_{{\varvec{i}}}{{\varvec{P}}}\) –form Refinements. When \(r_i=0,1,2,3\), in the \(ith\) basic Miller iteration of Algorithm 4.1 in [5], we can display an explicit formula of \(f\) in the ith basic Miller iteration as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} f\leftarrow f^4 \cdot f_{r_i,P}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{4T,{r_i}P,O'}(Q)}{\varPi _{4T+{r_i}P,O',O}(Q)}}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{2T,2T,O'}(Q)}{\varPi _{4T,O',O}(Q)}} \cdot {\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}^2(Q)}{\varPi _{2T,O',O}^2(Q)}} \end{aligned}$$

where \(f_{2,P}=\frac{\varPi _{P,P,O'}}{\varPi _{2P,O',O}}\), \(f_{3,P}=\frac{\varPi _{2P,P,O'}}{\varPi _{3P,O',O}}\cdot \frac{\varPi _{P,P,O'}}{\varPi _{2P,O',O}}\), \(2P\) and \(3P\) can be precalculated. When \(r_i=0\), the above formula turns to:

$$\begin{aligned} f\leftarrow f^4\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{2T,2T,O'}(Q)}{\varPi _{4T,O',O}(Q)}} \cdot {\frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}^2(Q)}{\varPi _{2T,O',O}^2(Q)}} \end{aligned}$$

Our \(4T+{r_i}P\)-form refinement is based on Theorem 2. The original formula of updating \(f\) in the ith basic Miller’s iteration can be replaced as:

$$\begin{aligned} f\leftarrow f^4 \cdot f_{r_i,P}\cdot \frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}^2(Q)}{\varPi _{-2T,-2T,O'}(Q)\cdot \varPi _{4T+{r_i}P,O',O}(Q)}\cdot {\frac{\varPi _{4T,{r_i}P,O'}(Q)}{\varPi _{O',O,O}(Q)}} \end{aligned}$$

When \(r_i=0\) the above formula turns to:

$$\begin{aligned} f\leftarrow f^4\cdot \frac{\varPi _{T,T,O'}^2(Q)}{\varPi _{-2T,-2T,O'}(Q)\cdot {\varPi _{O',O,O}(Q)}} \end{aligned}$$

6.1 Pairing Computation on \(S_{a,d}\) with Odd Embedding Degrees

For a projective line \(\varPi \), we define \(\varPi (Q)\) to be the value of \(\frac{\varPi }{Z}(Q)\), which is actually the value of \(\varPi \) when substituting the coordinates of \(Q\) with \(Z_Q=1\). If we precalculate the coordinates of \(Q\) such that \(\varPi _{O',O,O}(Q)=1\) (this can easily be done in practice), then the plane \(\varPi _{O',O,O}\) can be eliminated in our formulae. In this case, we can save one multiplication. In most cases (see \(3T+{r_i}P\) and \(4T+{r_i}P\)-form refinements), the total number of the planes which present in each new formula is smaller than that in original formula. This also can save some multiplications of the extension field \(\mathbb {F}_q^k\).

In fact, the plane \(\varPi _{T,O',O}\) is the equation \({W_T}X-{X_T}W=0\). For any point \(Q\), if we precalculate its coordinates with \(W_Q=1\), then:

$$ \varPi _{T,P,O'}(Q)={C_X}X_Q+C_Y(Y_Q+Z_Q)+C_W, ~\varPi _{T,O',O}(Q)={W_T}X_Q-{X_T}. $$

so, it takes \(\mathbf 2km \) to evaluate \(\varPi _{T,P,O}\) at \(Q\), and \(\mathbf km \) to evaluate \(\varPi _{T,O',O}\) at \(Q\).

If we calculate the coordinates of \(Q\) such that \(X_Q-W_Q=1\), that is \(\varPi _{O',O,O}(Q)=1\), then:

$$ \varPi _{T,P,O'}(Q)=C_X+{C_Y}(Y_Q+Z_Q)+(C_W+C_X)W_Q,~\varPi _{T,O',O}(Q)=(W_T-X_T)X_Q+X_T. $$

so, it takes \(\mathbf 2km \) to evaluate \(\varPi _{T,P,O}\) at \(Q\), and \(\mathbf km \) to evaluate \(\varPi _{T,O',O}\) at \(Q\).

The cost of updating points in our formulae is the same with the original ones, so we ignore this cost in the base field in the following table.

Iteration forms




Original algorithm




Our algorithm




Iteration forms




Original algorithm




Our algorithm




The refinements over Edwards curves in [23] are corresponding to our \(4T+{r_i}P\)-refinements. Our \(4T\) and \(4T+P\)-refinement cost less than the “00” and “01” cases in [23]. By combining their two lines into one plane we can reduce one \(\mathbf M \). Comparing to their “10” and “11” cases, our \(4T+2P\) and \(4T+3P\)-refinement use precalculation to get more improvements. See the comparison in the following table.






Result 1 [23]





Result 2 [23]





Result this paper



