
These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

1 Introduction

Graphs are an excellent tool for the illustration and understanding of non-monotonic reasoning formalisms, and for the determination and explanation of models. For answer set programs two graph based representations have recently been proposed: Extended dependency graphs (EDG) [2] and explanation graphs (EG) [1]. EDGs are an isomorphic representation of extended logic programs and use a coloring of the nodes to determine answer sets. Explanation graphs, on the other hand, provide an explanation for the appearance of a single literal in an answer set. In [1] it was conjectured that there is a strong relation between a validly colored extended dependency graph and an explanation graph. In this work we present a method to construct explanation graphs from a successfully colored extended dependency graph and prove its correctness. The way of proceeding exploits the structure of the EDG and the fact that explanation graphs can be built up gradually from smaller sub-explanation graphs.

In [1] assumptions are introduced, which describe literals whose truth value has to be guessed during the determination process of answer sets, but there is actually no appropriate method given to find proper assumptions. We present two systematic approaches which extract assumptions from an EDG. This is the most difficult part of the construction of EGs, since intra-cyclic as well as inter-cyclic dependencies between nodes have to be considered. The first approach makes use of basic properties of assumptions and the graph to reduce the size of assumptions in linear runtime. The second approach exploits cycle structures and their interdependencies to determine the minimal assumptions, which comes with the cost of exponential runtime.

In Sect. 2 we give an introduction to answer set programming and in Sect. 3 we present extended dependency graphs and explanation graphs. Section 4 deals with the construction process of the EGs from a validly colored EDG. The fifth section deals with the different approaches of finding proper assumptions in an EDG.

2 Answer Set Programming

We consider extended logic programs under the answer set semantics [3]. An extended logic program \(P\) is a set of rules \(r\) of the form \(r:~h \leftarrow a_1,...,a_n, not~b_1,...,not~b_n.\) where \(h,a_1,...a_m,b_1,...,b_n\) are literals. A literal may be of the form \(x\) or \(\lnot x\) where \(x\) is a propositional symbol called atom and \(\lnot \) is the classical negation. \(head(r)=\lbrace h \rbrace \) denotes the head, \(pos(r)=\lbrace a_1,...,a_m \rbrace \) denotes the positive, and \(neg(r)=\lbrace b_1,...,b_n \rbrace \) the negative body literals of a rule. The Herbrand base \(\mathcal {H}(P)\) of a logic program \(P\) is the set of all grounded literals of \(P\). A literal is grounded, if it does not contain a variable. In this work, we assume that the logic programs are grounded, i.e., every literal appearing in the program is grounded.

Let \(M \subseteq \mathcal {H}(P)\) be a consistent set of literals, i.e., \(M\) does not contain any complementary literals. The Gelfond-Lifschitz reduct of a program \(P\) is the program \(P^M=\lbrace h \leftarrow a_1,...,a_n.~|~h\leftarrow a_1,...,a_n,not~b_1,...,not~b_m. \in ~P,\lbrace b_1,...,b_n \rbrace \cap M = \emptyset \rbrace \) that is obtained by removing all rules where a literal \(b_i\in M\) appears as a negative body literal, and removing all negative body literals from the remaining rules. \(M\) is closed under \(P^M\) if \(head(r) \in M\) whenever \(pos(r) \subseteq M\) for every rule \(r \in P^M\). \(M\) is an answer set for \(P\) if \(M\) is closed under \(P^M\) and \(M\) is minimal w.r.t. set inclusion.

Answer set semantics may yield multiple models resp. answer sets. Another semantics for logic programs is the well-founded semantics [6]. Its basic idea is that there exist literals which have to be true with certainty and literals which have to be false with certainty. Under the answer set semantics such information gets lost if no answer set exists.

For a logic program \(P\) and a logic program \(P^+\) that we get if we remove all rules with negative body literals, the sequence \((K_i,U_i)_{i \ge 0}\) is defined as \(K_0= lfp(T_{P^+,\emptyset }) U_0= lfp(T_{P,K_0}) K_i= lfp(T_{P,U_{i-1}}) U_i= lfp(T_{P,K_i})\) where \(T_{P,V}(S)=\lbrace a~|~\exists r \in P:~head(r)=a,~pos(r) \subseteq S,~neg(r) \cap V = \emptyset \rbrace .\) The well-founded model is \(WF_P=\langle W^+,W^- \rangle \) where \(W^+=K_j\) is the well founded set and \(W^-=\mathcal {H}(P)\setminus U_j\) is the unfounded set, with \(j\) being the first index with \(\langle K_j,U_j\rangle =\langle K_{j+1},U_{j+1}\rangle \). Literals that are neither contained in \(W^+\) nor in \(W^-\) are called undefined.

3 Graphs for Answer Set Programs

We introduce two types of graphs, the first graph type is the extended dependency graph [2].

Definition 1

(Extended dependency graph). The extended dependency graph (EDG) to a logic program \(P\) with its Herbrand base \(\mathcal {H}(P)\) is a directed graph \(EDG(P)=(V,E)\) with node set \(V \subseteq \mathcal {H}(P)\) and edge set \(E\subseteq V\times V \times \lbrace +,- \rbrace \), according to the following rules:  

  • V1 There is a node \(a_i^{k}\) for every rule \(r_k \in P\) where \(head(r_k)=a_i\).

  • V2 There is a node \(a_i^{0}\) to every atom \(a_i\in \mathcal {H}(P)\) which does not appear as the head of a rule.

  • E1 There is an edge \((c_j^{l},a_i^{k},+)\) for every node \(c_j^{l}\in V\) iff there is a rule \(r_k \in P\) where \(c_j \in pos(r_k)\) and \(head(r_k)=a_i\).

  • E2 There is an edge \((c_j^{l},a_i^{k},-)\) for every node \(c_j^{l}\in V\) iff there is a rule \(r_k \in P\) where \(c_j \in neg(r_k)\) and \(head(r_k)=a_i\).


To every logic program a unique EDG can be constructed, this means a logical program is isomorphic to its representation as an EDG in the sense that the structure of the program is reflected one-to-one by the structure of the EDG. Properties of a logic program can be obtained from properties of the corresponding EDG and vice versa. Colorings of the graph that comply with the semantics of the edges are called valid colorings and correspond to answer sets of a logic program. A green colored node represents a successfully deduced head of a rule, and a red colored node represents a head of a rule that can not be deduced. A literal is contained in the answer set if there exists a node that represents the literal which is colored green. A literal is not contained in the answer set if all nodes corresponding to the literal are colored red.

Definition 2

(Valid coloring of an EDG). Let a program \(P\) be given. A coloring \(\nu :V \rightarrow \lbrace green,red \rbrace \) of the graph \(EDG(P)=(V,E)\) is valid, if the following conditions holds:  

  1. 1.

    \(\forall i,k\) where \(k\ge 1\), \(\nu (a_i^{k})=\textit{green}\) if \(a_i^{k}\) has no incoming edge.

  2. 2.

    \(\forall i,k\), \(\nu (a_i^{k})=\textit{green}\) if the following two conditions are met:

    1. (a)

      \(\forall j,m\) where \((a_j^{m},a_i^{k},+) \in E\), \(\exists a_j^h \in V\) such that \(\nu (a_j^{h})=\textit{green}\)

    2. (b)

      \(\forall j,m\) where \((a_j^{m},a_i^{k},-) \in E\), \(\nu (a_j^{m})=red\)

  3. 3.

    \(\forall i,k\) \(\nu (a_i^{k})=red\), if at least one of the two following conditions is met:

    1. (a)

      \(\exists j,m\) where \((a_j^{m},a_i^{k},+) \in E\) and \(\forall a_j^h \in V\), \(\nu (a_j^{h})=\textit{red}\)

    2. (b)

      \(\exists j,m\) where \((a_j^{m},a_i^{k},-) \in E\) and \(\nu (a_j^{m})=\textit{green}\)

  4. 4.

    For every positive cycle \(C\) where \(\nu (a_i^k)=green\) for all \(a_i^k \in C\) the following condition holds: There is an \(i\) and \(l\ne k\), such that \(\nu (a_i^l)=green\).


A main feature of EDGs is their representation of cycles and handles for those. A cycle consists of several literals that are dependent in a cyclic way, e.g., given the two rules \(r_1:a \leftarrow b.\) and \(r_2:b \leftarrow a.\), both literals \(a\) and \(b\) are interdependent in a cyclic way. Generally, cycles can be connected in two different ways to the rest of the program:

  • OR-handle: Let the rule \(r_1:~a \leftarrow \beta .\) be part of a cycle where \(\beta \) may be of the form \(b\) or \(not~b\). If there exists another rule \(r_2:~a \leftarrow \delta \) where \(\delta \) may be of the form \(d\) or \(not~d\), then \(\delta \) is an OR-handle for the cycle to which \(r_1\) belongs. The OR-handle is called active if \(\delta \) is true.

  • AND-handle: If a rule \(r\) is part of a cycle and has an additional condition \(\gamma \), that means the rule is of the form \(r:~a \leftarrow \beta ,\gamma \) where \(\gamma \) may be of the form \(c\) or \(not~c\), then \(\gamma \) is an AND-handle. The AND-handle is called active if \(\gamma \) is false.

An extended dependency graph extends a normal dependency graph in so far that it distinguishes between AND- and OR-handles.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A logic program, the corresponding EDG, and a valid coloring

Example 1

Figure 1 shows a logic program (a) and the corresponding EDG (b). The EDG has a valid coloring which represents the answer set \(\lbrace b,c,d \rbrace \). The AND-handle is marked in the program with \([~]\) and is dotted in the EDG. The OR-handle is marked in the program with \(\{~\}\) and is dashed in the EDG.

The second graph type is the explanation graph (EG). In contrast to the EDGs, which visualize the structure of a whole logic program, EGs provide an explanation for why a single literal appears or does not appear in an answer set and is always constructed with regard to an answer set and a set of assumptions. Assumptions are literals for which no explanation is needed since their value is assumed. All literals that are qualified for being used as assumptions are called tentative assumptions and are formally defined as follows:

Definition 3

(Tentative Assumptions). Let \(P\) be a logic program, \(M\) an answer set of \(P\) and \(WF=\langle WF^+,WF^- \rangle \) the well-founded model of \(P\). Then the set of tentative assumptions of \(P\) w.r.t. \(M\) is

$$\mathcal {TA}_P(M)=\lbrace a~|~a \in NANT(P) ~and~ a \notin M ~and~ a \notin WF^+ \cup WF^- \rbrace $$

where \(NANT(P)\) is the set of all literals appearing in \(P\) as a negative body literal: \(NANT(P)=\lbrace a~|~\exists r \in P:~a \in neg(r) \rbrace \).

Given a logic program \(P\) and a subset \(U \subseteq \mathcal {TA}_P(M)\) of tentative assumptions, one can obtain the negative reduct \(NR(P,U)\) of a program \(P\) w.r.t. \(U\) by removing all rules where \(head(r) \in U\).

Definition 4

(Assumption). An assumption of a program \(P\) regarding an answer set \(M\) is a set \(U \subseteq \mathcal {TA}_p(M)\) where the well-founded model of the negative reduct corresponds to the answer set \(M\), i. e. \(WF_{NR(P,U)}=\langle M, \mathcal {H}(P) \setminus M \rangle \).

This means that setting all literals of the assumption \(U\) to false leads to all literals being defined in the well-founded model.

Explanation graphs are based on local consistent explanations (LCE). These are sets of literals which directly influence the truth value of a literal \(a\). For a literal \(a\) that is contained in the answer set and a rule where \(a\) is the head and all conditions of the rule are fulfilled, i.e., all body literals are true, the LCE consists of all body literals of the rule. Since there may exist several fulfilled rules with \(a\) as their head, \(a\) can also have various LCEs. For a literal \(a\) that is not contained in the answer set, an LCE is a minimal set of literals that together falsify all rules that define \(a\). For this purpose the LCE has to contain one falsified condition from each rule.

Definition 5

(Local Consistent Explanation). Let a program \(P\) be given, let \(a\) be a literal, let \(M\) be an answer set of \(P\), let \(U\) be an assumption and let \(S \subseteq \mathcal {H}(P) \cup \lbrace not~a~|~a \in \mathcal {H}(P) \rbrace \cup \lbrace assume, \top , \bot \rbrace \) be a set of (default-negated) literals and justifying symbols.

  1. 1.

    \(S\) is an LCE for \(a^+\) w.r.t. \((M,U)\), if \(a \in M\) and

    • \(S= \lbrace assume \rbrace \) or

    • \(S\cap \mathcal {H}(P) \subseteq M\), \(\lbrace c~|~not~c \in S \rbrace \subseteq (\mathcal {H}(P) \setminus M) \cup U\) and there exists a rule \(r \in P\) where \(head(r)=a\) and \(S=body(r)\). For the case that \(body(r)=\emptyset \) one writes \(S=\lbrace \top \rbrace \) instead of \(S=\emptyset \).

  2. 2.

    \(S\) is an LCE for \(a^-\) w.r.t. \((M,U)\), if \(a \in (\mathcal {H}(P) \setminus M) \cup U\) and

    • \(S= \lbrace assume \rbrace \) or

    • \(S \cap \mathcal {H}(P) \subseteq (\mathcal {H}(P) \setminus M) \cup U\), \( \lbrace c~|~not~c \in S \rbrace \subseteq M\) and \(S\) is a minimal set of literals, such that for every \(r \in P\) the following holds: if \(head(r)=a\) then \(pos(r) \cap S \ne \emptyset \) or \(neg(r) \cap \lbrace c~|~not~c \in S \rbrace \ne \emptyset \). For the case \(S\) being the empty set one writes \(S= \lbrace \bot \rbrace \).


In an EDG an edge \((a_i^k,a_j^l,s)\) with \(s \in \lbrace +,- \rbrace \) means that the truth value of literal \(a_j\) depends on the truth value of literal \(a_i\). In an explanation graph the edges are defined the other way round, so that an edge \((a_i, a_j, s)\) with \(s \in \lbrace +,- \rbrace \) means that \(a_j\) explains or supports the truth value of \(a_i\). A node in an explanation graph is either annotated with \(+\) or \(-\), depending on whether the literal is contained in the answer set or not. We define two sets of annotated literals \(\mathcal {H}^p=\lbrace a^+~|~a\in \mathcal {H}(P)\rbrace \) and \(\mathcal {H}^n=\lbrace a^-~|~a\in \mathcal {H}(P)\rbrace \). Furthermore we define \(literal(a^+)=a\) and \(literal(a^-)=a\). The support of a node \(a_i\) in an EG is the set of all direct successors of \(a_i\) in the EG and is formally defined as follows:

Definition 6

(Support). Let \(G=(V,E)\) be a graph with node set \(V \subseteq \mathcal {H}^p \cup \mathcal {H}^n \cup \lbrace assume, \top , \bot \rbrace \) and edge set \(E \subseteq V \times V \times \lbrace +,- \rbrace \). Then the support of a node \(a \in V\) w.r.t. \(G\) is defined as:

  • \(support(a,G)=\lbrace literal(c)~|~(a,c,+)\in E \rbrace \cup \)

    \(\lbrace not~literal(c)~|~(a,c,-)\) \(\in E \rbrace \),

  • \(support(a,G)=\lbrace \top \rbrace \) if \((a,\top ,+) \in E\),

  • \(support(a,G)=\lbrace \bot \rbrace \) if \((a,\bot ,-) \in E\) or

  • \(support(a,G)= \lbrace assume \rbrace \) if \((a,assume,s) \in E\) where \(s \in \lbrace +,- \rbrace \).

Definition 7

(Explanation graph). An explanation graph for a literal \(a \in \mathcal {H}^p \cup \mathcal {H}^n\) in a program \(P\) w.r.t. an answer set \(M\) and an assumption \(U \in Assumptions(P,M)\) is a directed graph \(G=(V,E)\) with node set \(V \subseteq \mathcal {H}^p \cup \mathcal {H}^n \cup \lbrace assume, \top , \bot \rbrace \) and edge set \(E \subseteq V \times V \times \lbrace +,- \rbrace \), such that the following holds:

  1. 1.

    The only sinks in the graph are \(assume\), \(\top \) and \(\bot \), where \(\top \) is used to explain facts of the program \(P\), \(\bot \) is used to explain literals which do not appear as a head of any rule and \(assume\) is used to explain literals for which no explanations are needed since their value is assumed to be false.

  2. 2.

    If \((c,l,s) \in E\) where \(l \in \lbrace assume,\top , \bot \rbrace \) and \(s \in \lbrace +,- \rbrace \), then \((c,l,s)\) is the only outgoing edge for every \(c \in V\).

  3. 3.

    Every node \(c \in V\) is reachable from \(a\).

  4. 4.

    For every node \(c \in V\setminus \lbrace assume, \top , \bot \rbrace \) the support \(support(c, G)\) is an LCE for \(c\) regarding \(M\) and \(U\).

  5. 5.

    There exists no \(c^+ \in V\), such that \((c^+, assume,s) \in E\) where \(s \in \lbrace +,- \rbrace \).

  6. 6.

    There exists no \(c^- \in V\), such that \((c^-,assume,+) \in E\).

  7. 7.

    \((c^-, assume,-) \in E\) iff \(c \in U\).


Example 2

Figure 2 shows the explanation graphs for literals \(b\) and \(f\) from the program in Fig. 1a w.r.t. the answer set \(M=\lbrace b,d,c \rbrace \) and assumption \(=\lbrace a \rbrace \).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Explanation graphs for literals \(b\) and \(f\) in program \(P_1\) w.r.t. answer set \(M=\lbrace b,d,c \rbrace \) and assumption \(U=\lbrace a \rbrace \)

4 Construction of Explanation Graphs

In this section we introduce an approach for the construction of explanation graphs by extracting the required information from a validly colored extended dependency graph. Suppose we are given an extended dependency graph \(G=(V,E)\) with a valid coloring \(\nu : V \rightarrow \lbrace green, red \rbrace \). In the first step, we clean up the EDG by removing irrelevant edges and nodes. Irrelevant edges and nodes are those edges and nodes that do not have influence on the appearance or non-appearance of a literal in the answer set. This means they do not provide an explanation for a literal and hence are not needed for any explanation graph.

Definition 8

(Irrelevant edge, irrelevant node). An edge \((a_i^k, a_j^l,s)\) is irrelevant if

  • \(\nu (a_i^k)=green\), \(\nu (a_j^l)=green\) and \(s=-\),

  • \(\nu (a_i^k)=green\), \(\nu (a_j^l)=red\) and \(s=+\),

  • \(\nu (a_i^k)=red\), \(\nu (a_j^l)=green\) and \(s=+\) or

  • \(\nu (a_i^k)=red\), \(\nu (a_j^l)=red\) and \(s=-\).

A node \(a_i^k\) is irrelevant if \(\nu (a_i^k)=red\) and there exists \(l>0\) where \(\nu (a_i^l)=green\).

If an irrelevant node is removed, all its incoming and outgoing edges are also removed. After removing irrelevant edges and nodes we get an EDG \(G'=(V',E')\) with \(V' \subseteq V\) and \(E' \subseteq E\). In the second step, nodes are gradually marked in the EDG. The marking process starts at nodes which have no incoming edges, because the explanation graphs for these nodes do not depend on other nodes. Every time a node is marked, the explanation graphs for the marked node are built. For this purpose five types of transformations are defined. The two first transformations describe the construction of explanation graphs for simple nodes, i.e., nodes which have no incoming edges in the EDG. The third and fourth transformations describe the construction of nodes which are dependent on other nodes, i.e., have incoming edges, distinguished by the color of the nodes. The last transformation is used for the construction of EGs for literals that are used as assumptions.

Transformation 1

(Transformation of fact nodes). The EG for a node \(a_i^k\) which has no incoming edges and satisfies \(\nu (a_i^k)=green\) consists of a node \(a_i^+\), a node \(\top \) and an edge \((a_i^+,\top ,+)\) (Fig. 3a), because such a node corresponds to a fact of the logic program.

Transformation 2

(Transformation of unfounded nodes). The EG to a node \(a_i^k\) which has no incoming edges and satisfies \(\nu (a_i^k)=red\) consists of a node \(a_i^-\), a node \(\bot \) and an edge \((a_i^-,\perp ,-)\) (Fig. 3b).

After marking nodes without incoming edges, we can mark nodes in positive cycles (cycles that contain only positive edges) that do not have an active handle, since the corresponding literals do not have a supportive justification and are unfounded in the well-founded model. Since there exists no active handle for the cycle, there is no other explanation for the nodes of the cycle than the one consisting of the cycle itself (with reversed edges). Now we continue marking nodes using the following rules until no more nodes can be marked:

A green node \(a_i^k\) can be marked if

  • for all \(a_j^l\) where \((a_j^l,a_i^k,+) \in E'\), there exists \(n \ge 1\) with \(a_j^n \in V'\), such that \(a_j^n\) is marked, and

  • for all nodes \(a_j^l\) where \((a_j^l,a_i^k,-) \in E'\), \(a_j^l\) is marked.

That means that a green node can be marked, if all its predecessor nodes are marked. For literals which are represented by multiple green nodes, it is sufficient if one of these nodes is marked.

A red node \(a_i^k\) can be marked if

  • \(\exists (a_j^l, a_i^k,-) \in E'\) where \(a_j^l\) is marked, or

  • \(\exists (a_j^l, a_i^k,+) \in E'\) where for all \(n\ge 0\), \(a_j^n \in V'\) is marked.

That means that a red node can be marked, if at least one of its predecessor nodes is marked. In case that a predecessor literal is represented by multiple red nodes, all these nodes have to be marked.

Lemma 1

The well-founded set \(W^+\) corresponds to the set of all marked green nodes and the unfounded set \(W^-\) corresponds to the set of all marked red nodes.

Proof sketch

It has to be shown that \(K_i\) always contains marked green nodes and \(X_i=\mathcal {H}(P)\setminus U_i\) always contains marked red nodes where \(K_i\) and \(U_i\) are the sets that are generated during the calculation of the well-founded model (see Page 2). For this purpose the fixpoint operator \(T_{P,V}\) for the generation of \(K_i\) and \(X_i\) has to be adjusted to \(X_i\) instead of \(U_i\), especially in the adjustment of the operator for \(X_i\) positive cycles have to be considered. Then it can be seen, that the resulting operators exactly describe the process of marking green resp. red nodes.

From Lemma 1 we get the following proposition:

Proposition 1

All unmarked nodes are undefined in the well-founded model.

Green nodes represent literals that are contained in the answer set. So the local consistent explanation for such a node consists of all direct predecessor nodes (resp. the literals they represent).

Transformation 3

(Transformation of dependent green nodes). Let \(ie(a_i^k)\) be the set of incoming edges of node \(a_i^k\). An EG to a node \(a_i^k\) where \(\nu (a_i^k)=green\) and \(ie(a_i^k) \ne \emptyset \) consists of a node \(a_i^+\) and edges \(E_{EG}=\lbrace (a_i^+, EG(a_j),s)~|~(a_j^l,a_i^k,s) \in E' \rbrace \), where \(EG(a_j)\) is an explanation graph for \(a_j\) (Fig. 3d).

Red nodes represent literals that are not contained in the answer set. In most cases red nodes have only active edges. The only exception is if a predecessor literal \(a_j\) of a red node \(a_i^k\) is represented by multiple red nodes, formally \(\vert \lbrace a_j^l~|~(a_j^l,a_i^k,-) \in E' \rbrace \vert \ge 2\). To get the LCEs for literals represented by a red node, all nodes representing this literal have to be considered. Each node represents a rule where the incoming edges represent the conditions of the rule. An LCE has to contain exactly one violated condition from each rule. Since we have removed all irrelevant edges, every edge represents a violated condition. That means that an LCE contains exactly one incoming edge for every node representing the literal.

Definition 9

(Local consistent explanation in an EDG). Let \(pd(a_i^k)=\lbrace a_j~|~(a_j^l,a_i^k,s)\in E',s\in \lbrace +,-\rbrace \rbrace \) be the set of the predecessor literals of node \(a_i^k\) and \(a_i^1\) to \(a_i^n\) the nodes representing a literal \(a_i\). We set \(L(a_i)=\lbrace \lbrace b_1,...,b_n\rbrace ~|~b_1 \in pd(a_i^1),...,b_n \in pd(a_i^n) \rbrace .\) \(L(a_i)\) is an LCE for \(a_i\) if \(L(a_i)\) is minimal w.r.t. set inclusion.

Transformation 4

(Transformation of dependent red nodes). The explanation graph for a node \(a_i^k\) where \(\nu (a_i^k)=red\) w.r.t. an LCE \(L(a_i)\) consists of a node \(a_i^-\) and edges

$$\begin{aligned} E_{EG}=\lbrace (a_i^-,EG(a_j),s~|~a_j \in L, (a_j^l,a_i^k,s) \in E'~for~any~l,k \rbrace \ {(Fig.\,3e)}. \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 3.
figure 3

Templates for constructing an explanation graph for \(a_i\)

As mentioned before, every time a node is marked explanation graphs are constructed. It should be remarked that not all explanation graphs for a literal can be created when a node is reached for the first time and marked. This follows from the fact that there can exist multiple nodes for one literal and that a red node can be already marked if one of its predecessors is marked.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

A logic program and the corresponding EDG

Example 3

In the graph from Fig. 4b for the logic program \(P_2\) (Fig. 4a) we can see that although both nodes are marked, we cannot construct all explanation graphs to the literal \(a\) and also \(e\), since \(e\) depends on \(a\). The explanation graph for the LCE \(\lbrace c,d \rbrace \) of \(a\) is missing, because \(c\) depends on a cycle where an assumption has to be determined. So, if the node \(a^1\) is reached again by the other edge \((c^3,a^1,+)\) during the marking process, the set of its explanation graphs has to be updated and the information must be propagated to all successor nodes.

The next step is to determine assumptions. Different approaches for choosing assumptions are proposed in Sect. 4. After choosing the assumption \(U\), the incoming edges of all nodes representing a literal from \(U\) are removed, because no other explanations for these literals are allowed. So we get an extended dependency graph \(G''=(V',E'')\) where \(E'' \subseteq E'\). The nodes of these literals are marked and the explanation graphs can be constructed.

Transformation 5

(Transformation of assumption nodes). The explanation graph to an assumption node \(a_i^k\) consists of a node \(a_i^-\), a node “assume" and an edge \((a_i^-,assume,-)\) (Fig. 3c).

Then we proceed as before, marking nodes in \(G''\) and simultaneously constructing the explanation graphs.

5 Choosing Assumptions

In most cases it is desirable to choose as few literals as possible as assumption. Assumptions where no literal can be removed without the set being no assumption anymore, are called minimal assumptions. Finding them in an EDG can be very complex, since all dependencies between the unmarked cycles have to be considered. For this purpose two different approaches are presented in this section. The first approach does not consider dependencies between cycles, so that assumptions can be computed in \(O(\vert V \vert + \vert E \vert )\). The disadvantage of this approach is that the determined assumptions are not minimal in most cases. The second approach determines all minimal assumptions of an EDG, but has an exponential complexity.

For the determination of assumptions we first have to determine all tentative assumptions. From the definition of tentative assumptions we know that a tentative assumption has to meet three conditions: (a) it must not be contained in the answer set, (b) it has to appear as negative body literal in a rule and (c) it has to be undefined by the well-founded model. Transferred to a node in an EDG \(G'\) where all irrelevant edges and nodes were removed and all nodes are marked as far as possible, the first condition is fulfilled exactly by red nodes, the second condition is fulfilled exactly by nodes which have outgoing negative edges in the original graph \(G\) and the third condition is exactly fulfilled by unmarked nodes:

$$\mathcal {TA}(G')=\lbrace a_i~|~a_i^k \in V', \nu (a_i^k)=red, a_i^k~ not~marked, (a_i^k,a_j^l,-) \in E \rbrace .$$

The set of tentative assumptions is always an assumption as shown in [1]. Since the set of tentative assumptions is often large, we are looking for an approach to reduce the set. The aim is that after defining the assumption, all other nodes can be marked.

Lemma 2

In a graph without any cycles all nodes can be marked without making assumptions.

Proof sketch

Since there exist no cycles, the nodes can be ordered into different levels on the graph. Every level contains all nodes from the lower level and nodes whose predecessors are contained in a lower level. Then it can be shown via induction that all nodes can be marked.

When we choose an assumption, the truth value of the literal is fixed to false. Since no further explanations than the one that the literal is an assumption are allowed, all incoming edges of the assumption nodes are removed. We treat cycles here as sets of nodes. Minimal cycles (where minimality is understood w.r.t. set inclusion) will play a crucial role. Choosing one assumption node in each minimal cycle breaks up the minimal cycles. Since all bigger cycles contain a minimal cycle they are also broken up, so there exist no more unmarked cycles. Since it is better to choose as few literals as possible as assumption, we only choose those possible assumptions that are minimal with regard to set inclusion. Then a possible assumption consists of one tentative assumption from each minimal cycle.

Approach 1

Let \(C_1, C_2,...,C_n\) be all minimal unmarked cycles in \(G'\).

$$\begin{aligned} Assumptions(G')=&\lbrace \lbrace a_1,a_2,...,a_n \rbrace ~|~ a_1 \in C_1,a_2 \in C_2,...,a_n \in C_n, \\&\lbrace a_1,a_2,...a_n \rbrace ~is~minimal~w.r.t.~set~inclusion \rbrace . \end{aligned}$$

Of course there still may exist cycles which are marked. But since we know that they can be marked, we can simply replace a marked cycle \(C_m=(V_m,E_m)\) by a dummy node \(c_m\) with incoming edges \(ie(c_m)=\bigcup _{v \in V_m} ie(v)\) and outgoing edges \(oe(c_m)= \bigcup _{v \in V_m} oe(v)\). One very simple possibility to determine minimal assumptions is to try all combinations of tentative assumptions. Such a combination is an assumption, if the whole graph can be marked after choosing the assumption. A minimal assumption is then the combination that is successful and minimal with regard to set inclusion. But with an increasing number of tentative assumptions this approach will not be very efficient. For this reason, we will introduce an approach that tries to reduce the number of combinations that have to be checked. Its basis is not to check all tentative assumptions and combinations, but only those literals that are important to determine the value of a so called critical node. It is obvious that this approach is only more efficient, if the number of such literals is smaller than the number of tentative assumptions. For the sake of simplicity, the approach is limited to graphs where each literal in a cycle is represented only by one node, i.e., there exist no OR-handles. When OR-handles have to be considered a similar approach can be used, just a more complex case differentiation has to be carried out.

Since marked nodes are irrelevant for the determination of assumptions, we remove all marked nodes and their outgoing and incoming edges from the graph and obtain a sub-graph \(G_{unmarked}\). In the next step, we are looking for strongly connected components of \(G_{unmarked}\). A strongly connected component is a maximal sub-graph where each node is reachable from each other node. This means that every node has an influence on every other node in the same strongly connected component, so that a strongly connected component behaves like a big cycle. For this reason we call the strongly connected components linked cycles.

If a linked cycle consists of several smaller cycles, there exist nodes belonging to multiple cycles. Such a node is critical, if its value depends on more than one cycle. Since we have removed all irrelevant edges and have no OR-handles, a red node has only active AND-handles. This means that the truth value of just one predecessor node is sufficient to determine the truth value of the red node. So a red node does not depend on more than one cycle, which means that only green nodes can be critical.

Definition 10

(Critical Node). Let \(LC=(V_{LC},E_{LC})\) be a linked cycle. A node \(a_i^k\) is critical, if \(\nu (a_i^k)=green\) and it has at least two incoming edges \((a_j^l, a_i^k,s) \in E_{LC}\) where \(s \in \lbrace +,- \rbrace \). The set of all critical nodes of a linked cycle \(LC\) will be denoted as \(\mathcal {CN}(LC)\).

If a linked cycle has no critical nodes, a node can be deduced from any other node. Then a minimal assumptions consists of a single literal which is a tentative assumption and is represented by a node of the linked cycle. The set of all minimal assumptions of the linked cycle \(LC(V_{LC},E_{LC})\) in \(G'\) is: \(\mu Assumptions(LC)=\lbrace \lbrace a_i \rbrace ~|~a_i^k \in V_{LC}, a_i \in \mathcal {TA}(G')\rbrace .\)

The value of every critical node depends on the value of its predecessor nodes. We will call these nodes pre-conditions.

Definition 11

(Pre-condition). Let \(LC=(V_{LC},E_{LC})\) be a linked cycle. The pre-conditions for a green critical node \(a_i^k\) are:

$$\begin{aligned} pre(a_i^k)= \lbrace a_j^l~|~(a_j^l,a_i^k,s) \in E_{LC}, s\in \lbrace +,- \rbrace \rbrace \end{aligned}$$

\(Preconditions(LC)=\bigcup _{a_i^k \in \mathcal {CN}(LC)} pre(a_i^k)\) is the set of all pre-conditions in the linked cycle.

Lemma 3

Nodes that are not critical can be deduced from at least one critical node.

Proof sketch

It can be shown by induction that the truth value of a node \(a_n\) on a path \(c,a_1,a_2,...,a_{n-1},a_n\) from a critical node \(c\) can be deduced, if \(a_1,...a_n\) are not critical.

So if we can deduce all critical nodes with an assumption, we also can deduce all other literals of the linked cycle with the assumption. \(lfp(Succ(\lbrace cn \rbrace ))\) calculates the nodes that can be deduced from a critical node \(cn \in \mathcal {CN}(LC)\) where \(Succ(S)= \lbrace a_j^l~|~(a_i^k,a_j^l,s) \in E_{LC}, s \in \lbrace +,- \rbrace , a_i^k \in S \rbrace .\) Then the set of all nodes that can be deduced from a set of nodes \(S\) can be calculated with \(lfp(T(S))\) where

$$\begin{aligned} T(S)=\lbrace a_i^k~|~pre(a_i^k) \subseteq S \rbrace \cup \lbrace a_i^k~|~a_i^k \in Succ(a_j^l), a_j^l \in S \cap \mathcal {CN}(LC) \rbrace . \end{aligned}$$

Now combinations \(c\) of pre-conditions have to be tested for success. A combination \(c\) is successful, if all critical nodes can be deduced from them, i.e., \(\mathcal {CN}(LC) \subseteq lfp(T(c))\). What we know is that

  1. 1.

    Each combination \(c\) has to contain at least one complete pre-condition set \(pre(cn)\), \(cn \in \mathcal {CN}(LC)\). Otherwise the fix-point operator could not deduce any critical node.

  2. 2.

    Since we are looking for minimal assumption sets, we do not have to check combinations \(c_1\) where we already have found a smaller successful combination \(c_2\), i.e., \(c_2\subseteq c_1\) and \(\mathcal {CN}(LC) \subseteq lfp(T(c_2))\).

The way of proceeding is to first test single pre-condition sets \(pre(cn)\subset c,~cn \in \mathcal {CN}(LC)\) for success (exploits fact 1). If a set is successful, we add it to the set of successful combinations \(C\), otherwise it is put to \(NC\). Then we test sets \(n \cup \lbrace a_i^k \rbrace \), where \(n \in NC\) and \(a_i^k \in Preconditions(LC)\). This means we test different combinations of adding one more pre-condition to all sets that have not been successful in the step before (exploits fact 2). Again we add successful combinations to \(C\) and set \(NC\) to the combinations that were not successful. This is repeated till \(NC=\emptyset \) or the set to be tested consists of all pre-conditions. Then \(C\) contains all combinations of pre-conditions that suffice to deduce all critical nodes and therefore to deduce also all other nodes in the linked cycle, since they are not critical. For the purpose of determining assumptions, we determine all nodes from which a pre-condition \(p\) can be deduced. These nodes lie on paths from critical nodes to the pre-condition.

Definition 12

(Pre-condition paths). The pre-condition path for a pre-condition \(p\) from a linked cycle \(LC=(V_{LC},E_{LC})\) can be obtained by \(path(p)=lfp(T_{path}(\lbrace p \rbrace ))\) where

$$T_{path}(S)=\lbrace a_i^k~|~(a_i^k,a_j^l,s) \in E_{LC}, s \in \lbrace +, - \rbrace , a_i^k \notin \mathcal {CN}(LC), a_j^l\in S \rbrace .$$

A pre-condition path contains the nodes from which a pre-condition can be deduced. For deducing all nodes of a linked cycle we have to deduce all pre-conditions of a successful combination \(c=\lbrace p_1,...,p_n \rbrace \). This means that we need exactly one node from the path of each pre-condition. Since we want to determine assumptions, the nodes have also to fulfill the other conditions of an assumption.

Definition 13

(Path assumptions). The set of path assumptions for a path \(p\) in a validly colored EDG \(G=(V,E)\) is defined by

$$\mathcal {PA}(p)=\lbrace a_i~|~a_i^k \in p \wedge a_i^k \in \mathcal {TA}(G') \rbrace .$$

Let \(C\) be the set of all successful pre-condition combinations \(c=\lbrace p_1,...,p_n \rbrace \). Then the set

$$\begin{aligned} Assumptions(LC) = \bigcup _{c \in C} \lbrace \lbrace a_1,...,a_n\rbrace ~|~a_1 \in \mathcal {PA}(p_1),..., a_n \in \mathcal {PA}(p_n) \rbrace \end{aligned}$$

is the set of possible minimal assumptions.

Proposition 2

Minimal assumptions \(\mu Assumptions(LC)\) of a linked cycle \(LC\) are those sets of \(Assumptions(LC)\) that are minimal with regard to set inclusion.

Proof sketch

It has to be shown that each set \(S \in \mu Assumptions(LC)\) is a minimal assumption for the linked cycle \(LC\), i.e., \(S\) is an assumption and there exists no set \(S' \subset S\), such that \(S'\) is an assumption for \(LC\). To show that \(S\) is an assumption, it has to be checked, if \(S\) meets the conditions of an assumption. To show that \(S\) is minimal, one looks at the successful combinations from which \(S\) and \(S'\) are created and distinguish between different cases. For every case it can be shown by contradiction that \(S'\) can not be in \(\mu Assumptions(LC)\).

figure a

Approach 2

To calculate the minimal assumptions of a graph \(G\) Algorithm 1 is used by calling findAssumptions \((G',\emptyset )\), where \(G'\) is the graph obtained from \(G\) after removing irrelevant edges and nodes and after marking the nodes like described in Sect. 4. findAssumptions is a recursive function, which adds further independent linked cycles to the set of all independent linked cycles of \(G\) at each recursion. A linked cycle is independent if the truth value of its nodes does not depend on the truth value of the nodes in the rest of the graph. Since they are independent of the rest of the graph, they have to contain an assumption. To determine independent linked cycles, first all marked nodes and their incident edges are removed, so we get a graph \(G''=(V'',E'')\) (lines 4–6). If there still exist unmarked nodes in \(G''\), \(G''\) contains independent linked cycles. Independent linked cycles are those linked cycles, which have no incoming edges in \(G''\). A linked cycle \(LC=(V_{LC},E_{LC})\) has no incoming edges if for all \(a_i^k \in V_{LC}\) there is no \(a_j^l \in V'' \setminus V_{LC}\) and \(s \in \lbrace +,- \rbrace \) such that \((a_j^l,a_i^k,s) \in E''\). So all linked cycles without incoming edges are determined (line 15) and added to the set of all independent linked cycles (line 15). Then each independent linked cycle is replaced by a dummy node (lines 17–24).

In the next step, the graph is marked using the marking rules from Sect. 4 (line 25). Since we have replaced linked cycles without incoming edges by dummy nodes, these nodes have no incoming edges and are marked. With the marking process we can determine which linked cycles are dependent of the independent linked cycles, that we already have determined. The procedure is repeated until all independent linked cycles of the graph are found. This is the case, if there exist no unmarked nodes in the graph (line 7).

Then for each linked cycle the minimal assumptions are calculated. The function calculateMinimalAssumptionsLC (line 13) contains following steps: the critical nodes of the linked cycle \(LC\) and their pre-conditions are specified and the pre-condition paths are calculated, then successful combinations of pre-conditions are looked for. The path assumptions are determined and used to calculate the minimal assumptions of the linked cycle.

After determining the minimal assumptions of all independent linked cycles, the minimal assumptions of the graph are calculated with the function calculateMinimalAssumptionsGraph (line 12) which exploits Proposition 3.

Proposition 3

We can obtain the minimal assumptions of the EDG by taking one minimal assumption of each independent linked cycle:

$$\begin{aligned} \mu Assumptions(G')= \lbrace \lbrace a_1 \cup \cdots \cup a_n \rbrace \mid&a_1 \in \mu Assumptions(LC_1),\ldots \\&a_n \in \mu Assumptions(LC_n) \rbrace \end{aligned}$$

Proof sketch

For every assumption \(a \in \mu Assumptions(G')\) two things have to be shown: (a) \(a\) is an assumption for the EDG and (b) \(a\) is minimal. (a) can be directly shown by the stopping condition of the algorithm. For the proof of (b) a literal is removed from \(a\) and it can be shown that then not all nodes in the EDG can be marked, because of the definition of the minimal assumption in an EDG and the definition of independent linked cycles.

6 Conclusion

We presented an approach to construct explanation graphs from validly colored Extended Dependency Graphs. We exploited that the logic program is already present in graph form. In EDGs the nodes may differ in number of incoming edges and coloring, so different types of transformations were defined to transfer a node from the EDG to an EG. For the determination of assumptions it was necessary to determine the well-founded model. A strong relationship between well-founded models and the marking process of an EDG was observed, which means that an unmarked node represents a literal which is undefined in the well-founded model. We presented two different approaches for the determination of assumptions. While the first approach determines non-minimal assumptions in \(O(\vert V\vert + \vert E\vert )\), the determination of minimal assumptions has an exponential complexity.