

The effectiveness and efficiency of (meta)heuristics – and memetic algorithms which may be viewed as particularly good heuristics in this sense – rests upon their ability to explore the solution space thoroughly while avoiding exhaustive or near-exhaustive searching. If polynomial-time computability is taken as an approximation of tractability, then a polynomial-time algorithm can be viewed as a very clever search procedure; in these cases there is a small search space, or the search space can be reduced drastically. In dealing with intractable problems however, reducing the search space to a reasonable size is a much more difficult task. Most central is the problem of local versus global improvement; an improvement to a solution does not give any guarantee of movement toward the optimum. Actually, depending upon the problem under consideration, a local improvement may be a move away from the global optimum (hence the notion of deception in search algorithms [265]), or at the very least the solution may be getting closer to being trapped in a nonoptimal configuration for which no simple modification can lead to an improvement (i.e., a local optimum).

Thus, many (meta)heuristic methods include techniques for allowing non-improving alterations to a solution or for nonlocal moves across the search space in order to be able to escape from local optima [28]. Perhaps the most archetypical example of such a metaheuristic is the genetic algorithm (GA) [99, 110]: inspired by the principles of natural evolution, GAs maintain a population (i.e., a multiset) of solutions that are subject to successive phases of selection, reproduction (via recombination and mutation), and replacement. The use of a population of solutions provides a better chance of avoiding local optima than maintaining a single solution: on one hand, the search is driven by operators that (1) allow the search to take non-improving steps, most notably in the case of mutations, and (2) allow the search to move to significantly different portions of the search space, particularly by virtue of recombination. On the other hand, selection and replacement typically work on a global (population-wise) scale, meaning that non-improving solutions have a chance of persisting for a nontrivial amount of time, hence allowing escape from local optima. However, although this heuristic structure has proven quite effective, it relies almost entirely upon recombination mechanisms to improve solution quality, and evolutionary processes are slow. In particular, they are also less capable of fine-tuning solutions, that is, the progress toward a fully optimized solution once the algorithm has located its basin of attraction (i.e., the region of the search space from which a series of small – local – improvements can lead to a certain local optimum; see [131, 224]) is often sluggish. This is precisely in contrast to local search (single-solution or trajectory-based) techniques which can readily locate local optima (and hence are more sensitive to them).

To address this weakness, researchers began developing hybridized metaheuristics [29, 31], that is, metaheuristics which combine ideas from different search paradigms and/or different algorithms altogether. The underlying idea in such approaches is obviously trying to achieve some synergetic behavior whereby the deficiencies of a certain search technique are compensated by the combination with other techniques and their advantages are boosted due to this very same combination. This strict interpretation of the term hybrid has been broadened with time to encompass all forms of non-blind (i.e., not domain-independent) metaheuristics. Under this broad interpretation, hybridization is the process of augmenting a generic (problem-independent) metaheuristic with problem (or problem class, i.e., domain) knowledge. Since this augmentation is often achieved via the blend of different metaheuristic components, both interpretations are equivalent in most situations. The broad interpretation has, in any case, the advantage of fitting better into theoretical results such as those of Hart and Belew [107] and – most conspicuously – those of Wolpert and Macready [267] in the so-called no-free-lunch theorem, which states that search algorithms perform strictly in accordance with the amount and quality of the problem knowledge they incorporate. While these results spurred controversy in their time and have been refined [69, 70], the bottom line still holds.

Memetic algorithms (MAs) championed this philosophy. The denomination memetic algorithm was coined in [175] to characterize and codify these hybrid approaches. The term “memetic” was developed from Dawkin’s [62] notion of a “meme” (from the Ancient Greek μíμημα, meaning “imitated thing”) as a unit of cultural inheritance (and hence cultural evolution) – the cultural analogue of a gene. The use of the term meme was intended to capture the fact that information traits in human culture are subject to periods of lifetime learning and therefore they are different when transmitted to what they were when first acquired. This bears a strong resemblance with the Lamarckian model of evolution, whereby traits acquired during the lifetime of an individual are transmitted to its offspring. It is therefore not surprising that MAs are sometimes disguised under other denominations featuring the terms “Lamarckian” or “hybrid.”

While the initial conception of memetic search did not include the idea of GAs or evolutionary algorithms (EAs) whatsoever [178], it turned out that these techniques were ideal recipients for exploiting the metaphor of MAs, namely, having a collection of “agents” alternating periods of self-improvement with phases of cooperation and competition, cf. [177]. Indeed, early MAs mixed GAs and EAs with simulated annealing and tabu search [180, 198], eventually developing the idea that MAs are EAs endowed with some kind of local search (LS) technique , leading to the restrictive definition MA = EA + LS [218]. Note however that the central concept of MAs is not to tie ourselves to a particular heuristic approach or metaphor, but to provide a coherent structure for employing several heuristics (including exact methods [30]) that deploy complementary heuristics exploiting all available knowledge. Thus EA + LS ⊂ MA is a consequence of this broader definition of MAs, cf. [50]. The next section will explore in more detail the structure of an MA with particular emphasis on the classical characterization of the paradigm.

Structure of a Memetic Algorithm

As mentioned above, early definitions of MAs envisioned the paradigm as a pragmatic integration of ideas from different metaheuristics. These were orchestrated in terms of a collection of search agents carrying out individual explorations (i.e., lifetime learning) of the space of solutions and engaging in periodic phases of cooperation and competition [198]. An abstract formulation of such an approach is provided in Algorithm 1. This pseudocode matches the initial conception of MAs as an inherently parallel approach whereby a collection of local searchers (simulated annealing in early developments [178]) run either concurrently or physically in parallel and establish synchronization points in which information was exchanged among them. This said, this depiction of MAs is still generic enough to encompass most actual incarnations of the paradigm as shown later, as it captures the essential feature of MAs, namely, the carefully crafted interplay between global (population-based) and local (individual-based) search. It must be noted that the terms global and local are used in connection to the mechanics of the search rather than to the ability of eventually (or asymptotically) finding the global optimum. It is certainly the case that many local search approaches (simulated annealing, tabu search, etc.) are capable of escaping from local optima and navigate the search space in order to find the global optimum. The distinctive feature of these techniques (as opposed to, e.g., genetic algorithms) is that they do this following a trajectory-based approach.

Algorithm 1: A generic memetic algorithm

Skeleton of a Classical Memetic Algorithm

Following early works in which the population-based aspects of MAs, namely, the collection of agents and the synchronized stages of cooperation and competition, were captured by a genetic algorithm [180], the classical memetic model coalesced. The basic skeleton of such an MA is relatively straightforward, adding little additional complexity beyond that of a GA. Algorithm 2 gives a pseudocode sketch of the salient structure, using local search as a placeholder for any particular individual improvement heuristic including , for instance, a complete exact algorithm like branch and bound, and others that guarantee optimality of the final solution obtained when they stop. Although a small structural change to a typical GA, the inclusion of the individual improvement phase can dramatically alter its performance. This mix allows the metaheuristic to benefit from the solution diversity engendered by the evolutionary approach, but to avoid the lethargic pace of improvement via more directed optimization: instead of relying random processes subjected to fitness-based selection alone, each individual solution is optimized before the evolutionary mechanism is applied, significantly increasing the rate at which individual solutions converge to an optima.

Algorithm 2: A local-search based memetic algorithm

The structure of an MA is quite flexible, and the performance of the implementation, both in terms of solution quality and speed, can be affected by a number of factors. As an evolutionary, population-based metaheuristic, the typical issues regarding choice and implementation of mutation and recombination operators are inherited from the GA paradigm. For those familiar with GAs however, it should be readily apparent that the individual improvement phase is most likely to be the computational bottleneck – the improvement of every individual and the subsequence evaluation of every individual are inherently expensive simply because they are done for every individual (as shown in [167], it can easily take up to 95% of the computational cost of the algorithm). The tradeoff is that with a good choice of individual improvement heuristic, far fewer generations of mutation and recombination are required. The careful reader will also notice that the local search procedure (and, typically, any individual improvement heuristic) is highly amenable to parallelization. This helps to ameliorate the cost of the individual improvement, but more importantly lends the MA approach a high degree of scalability.

From the point of view of the different components into which a classical MA can be dissected, all of which encapsulate some portion of problem knowledge. Consider, for instance, recombination. This is the component that captures most appropriately the idea of agent cooperation. Such a cooperation is typically established between a pair of agents but can in general involve an arbitrary number of parents [76] (notice nevertheless that in this case some forms of heuristic recombination can be very complex [53]). The generic idea of a knowledge-augmented recombination operator is to combine, in an intelligent way, pieces of information contained in the parents. How these pieces are defined is a problem-dependent issue that arises from the issue of representation in EAs. The underlying objective of an appropriate representation would be to have solutions described by some structured collection of objects whose values truly capture solution features of relevance (i.e., ultimately responsible for determining whether a solution is good or not). Even from the beginnings of MAs, the importance of developing a suitable representation – in which evolution of the representation reflects the correlation of elements in the fitness landscape – was identified [175]. This is a substantial topic for which the interested reader is referred to, e.g., [226]. Focusing on the smart manipulation of these information units (however they are defined), that is, processing them in a problem-specific way instead of using domain-independent templates (such as those in [217]), the goal is picking the right combination of such units from either parent. Of course, this is easier said than done (and in fact, doing it is in general provably hard for arbitrary problems and/or definitions of right combination – see the discussion on the polynomial merger complexity class in [177, 179]), but there are numerous heuristic ideas in the literature that can be used to this end. In many cases – and following design advice already present in classical texts of hybridization pioneers, e.g., [61] – these ideas are based on the use of problem-specific heuristics such as greedy algorithms [132, 185], backtracking [48], dynamic programming [123], or branch and bound [55], just to mention a few.

Mutation is another classical operator, well known for its role of maintaining a continuous supply of genetic diversity that can be subsequently exploited by the remaining operators. In certain EA models, such as evolutionary programming [86], it actually bears sole responsibility for driving the search. Note that while this latter philosophy can be also used in an MA context – see section “An Example Memetic Algorithm for Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problems” – it is typically the case that MAs use sophisticated recombination operators such as those described before. Thus, the criticism of recombination being just a disguised form of macromutation would not apply to them. Moreover, due to the presence of a local search stage in the main evolutionary cycle, one has to be careful to pick a mutation operator whose effects on solutions cannot be trivially undone by the local search, since that would defeat the very purpose of mutation. Following this line, in some cases there are MAs that even refrain from using mutation, e.g., [163, 262]. While such a decision could be further vindicated by the fact that MAs usually feature a population-restart procedure (see line ?? in Algorithm 2) and hence premature convergence is not so troublesome, this is not the most common course of action. An appropriate mutation operator (i.e., one using a sufficiently different neighborhood to that used by the local searcher) is often utilized. In fact, it is not unusual to have more than one such mutation operator, e.g., [152, 231], much like in metaheuristic approaches such as variable neighborhood search [105] (VNS). In some cases, these multiple mutation operators are used with the purpose of exerting different degrees of perturbation (i.e., light and heavy mutations) depending on the convergence of the population [87].

As to the local search component, it can take the form of any stand-alone method such as hill climbing, simulated annealing, tabu search, variable neighborhood search, etc. [199]. The choice of a particular technique must take into account two major issues, namely, its parameterization and its interaction with the remaining components of the algorithm. Regarding the latter, and in addition to the issues discussed above in connection to the mutation operator, one has to consider the interplay between the local searcher and the recombination operator. For example, a highly intensive local search procedure may be better suited to interact with a more diversification-oriented recombination operator – see, e.g., [88]. This heuristic recipe does not necessarily conflict with the use of a powerful recombination operator (see, e.g., [91]) but underlines that the knowledge embedded in either component, recombination operator and local search heuristic, must be complementary in terms of the effect they produce in the search dynamics (much as was discussed for the mutation operator). An interesting analysis of these issues from the point of view of fitness landscapes is provided in [170]. Whatever the definition of the neighborhood is (and notice that it can be complex, even combining several simpler neighborhood schemes), it is often crucial to be able to evaluate solutions incrementally for performance reasons [106]. It is desirable to avoid having to resort to a full evaluation and only recompute the fitness contribution of the solution components that were modified. This may require the use of appropriate data structures and is normally associated to discrete optimization (the high nonlinearity – and sometimes even the lack of a closed fitness function – often makes this complicated in continuous optimization).

The parameterization of the local search heuristic is another complex issue. This includes both high-level algorithmic aspects as well as low-level parameters. The high-level aspects include factors such as when to apply local search, to which solutions it should be applied and which local search operator to apply. The low-level aspects include parameters such as the breadth (number of neighbors explored in each iteration of the local search heuristic) and depth (how many iterations of local search will be performed). Further discussion is given in [245]. Determining an adequate setting for these parameters is crucial for the performance of the algorithm since it has been shown theoretically that small parameter changes can turn a problem from being polynomial-time solvable with high probability to requiring super-polynomial (even exponential) time [144, 244]. Unfortunately, a priori design guidelines to provably avoid this kind of behavior are ruled out by intractability results [245]. Thus, design by analogy and empirical testing seem to be the handiest tools to approach this endeavor (although self-parameterization is an appealing alternative that is increasingly gaining relevance – see section “Future-Generation Memetic Algorithms”). In this regard, it has been, for example, shown in several contexts that partial Lamarckism [112], that is, not applying local search to every individual but just applying it some probability pLS, can produce notably better results than a fully Lamarckian approach [49, 126] although the best value of this parameter is problem dependent. On a related note with regard to the depth of the local search, it has been also proposed in the literature to save the store of the local search together with the solution it was applied to, so as to resume the process from that point if required [173, 174].

The restarting procedure is another important element in an MA. The goal of this procedure is to perform a warm reinitialization of the population when the search is deemed stagnated (i.e., the population has converged to a suboptimal state). Of course, that stagnation can be hindered by taking preventive measures such as the light/heavy mutation scheme mentioned before, the use of spatial structure in populations [250] (see also next subsection), or some other diversity-preservation policy [236] – see also [188]. A more drastic measure may be eventually required though. For that purpose, a common approach is to keep a certain percentage of the current population and use the solution creation mechanism (the one used to create the initial population – line ?? in Algorithm 2) to complete the new population. Regarding the former, they constitute a seed that allows keeping a part of the search momentum without having to start from scratch. As to the latter, notice that they need not be purely random solutions but any available constructive heuristic can be used for this purpose .

A Note on More Complicated Memetic Algorithms

Although Algorithms 1 and 2 lay out a basic MA framework, the structure can be made significantly more complex. As the central motivation of MAs is to exploit all available information, the restriction of any particular component would be antithetical. Apart from employing different heuristics, multiple heuristics can be employed in concert. It is easy to combine different individual improvement heuristics, applying them to different individuals and different populations, in parallel, in sequence, or even in competition. Similarly the population-based heuristic can employ multiple improvement techniques – such approaches are well known in the GA community.

Moscato and Tinetti [181] demonstrate a more complicated MA that uses a number of heuristics in concert and to achieve different goals within the algorithm. The algorithm employs a tree-structured population where the population is divided into subpopulations of size 4, composed in a ternary tree structure:

  1. 1.

    Each subpopulation is divided into a leader node and three supporters. The supporters are stored one level below their leader.

  2. 2.

    The intermediate nodes in the tree hold an individual that is part of two populations; it is the leader of the three supporters lower in the tree and a support of its leader higher in the tree.

  3. 3.

    The number of subpopulations can be manipulated by adding levels to the tree.

Each individual can be optimized using a local search procedure that selects from a variety of local optimization moves: approximate 2-OPT, One-City Insertion, and Two-City Insertion [134, 156]. Genetic recombination occurs “normally” within each subpopulation. The leader individual represents the best tour in the subpopulation. Note that the overlap of subpopulations ensures improvement propagates up the tree. The small subpopulation size, however, can quickly lead to a lack of diversity, in which case the recombination mechanism switches to an external recombination procedure for the lowest level of the tree.

In this example a number of variations on the basic structure of an MA are evident: multiple local search variants, a multipopulation variation of a GA which itself employs multiple recombination procedures. Another example of a more complex improvement strategy is given by Moscato [176], where a small population of individuals is maintained (only 16 individuals, each a binary vector), with a tabu search procedure for individual improvement. Again, in a small population, a loss of diversity is a potential drawback. To combat this, each individual notes the 16 best single-bit-flip moves available. When diversity falls below a given threshold, instead of following a simple tabu search approach, individual i makes move i from its list of best moves. This deliberate (potentially) nonoptimal has the effect of spreading the individuals further across the configuration space, increasing diversity. Once diversity is restored, the normal tabu search optimization is restored.

The continuation of these ideas has led to the development of what are now called self-adaptive memetic algorithms, which allow the context-specific, dynamic application of different heuristics or tuning of search parameters by the algorithm itself. See section “Future-Generation Memetic Algorithms”.

Memetic Algorithms in Practice

This section presents two extended examples of memetic algorithms for specific problems – network alignment and weighted constraint satisfaction problems – and surveys recent interesting applications of memetic algorithms in different fields.

An Example Memetic Algorithm for Network Alignment

The optimization version of the basic network alignment problem takes as input two networks G1 and G2 and asks for an injective partial mapping f : V (G1) → V (G2) between the vertices of the two networks that maximize \(\sum _{u,v\in V(G_{1})} \tau _{f}(u,v)\) where

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} \tau_{f} = \left\{\begin{aligned} 1 & \text{ if }uv \in E(G_{1})\text{ and }f(u)f(v)\in E(G_{2})\\ 0 & \text{ otherwise}\end{aligned}\right. \end{aligned}$$

It may be assumed that the mapping is total and bijective by adding “dummy” vertices to the smaller network. Of course τf is open to variation as are the precise details of f, leading to many variants of network alignment. The decision variant of network alignment is NP-complete [138] and W[1]-complete (Mathieson et al., 2015, Using network alignment to uncover topological structure and identify consumer behaviour modelling constructs, unpublished Manuscript), suggesting, subject to standard complexity assumptions, that no suitably efficient exact algorithm for network alignment exists, making it a prime candidate for heuristic methods.

In developing a memetic algorithm for this (and any) problem, it is necessary (at a minimum) to select an individual solution representation, mutation, and recombination operators and an individual improvement heuristic and its attending concerns.

For network alignment, the most direct individual representation is the mapping itself. Assuming any necessary dummy vertices have already been added, the mapping can be represented by, for example, an array of size |V (G1)| storing a permutation of V (G2). For ease of representation, it is sufficient to assign each vertex a unique integer in the range [0, |V (G1)|]. An alternative representation suitable for network alignment would be to store the alignment of the edges, making computing the basic fitness function simple, but the individual could be polynomially larger, impacting the efficiency of mutation, recombination, individual improvement, and even evaluation. Moreover care would need to be taken as to how to determine which vertices were aligned.

With this individual representation, a simple, reasonable mutation operator is that of a random shuffle, where each element of an individual is randomly swapped with another, randomly chosen element, with a given probability. A naïve recombination operator is, given two parent individuals, to select a linear segment of the individual (i.e., a set of contiguous indices) and swap the mappings for those indices between the parents (with adjustment to take care of duplication of elements), producing two children. This recombination is commonly known as a partially matched crossover [100]. However, considering the problem at hand, it is easy to see that this choice may be somewhat inefficient. The Network Alignment problem, in essence, seeks to preserve as much topological structure (i.e., edge matchings) as possible – in this sense it is a relaxed Graph Isomorphism problem. Swapping a set of arbitrarily chosen indices is unlikely to preserve interesting structure, contrary to the goal of a recombination operator, which is to produce children of higher quality than their parents by mixing the better parts of the parents, aiming to place the child solution closer to the global optima. For Network Alignment, it is much more interesting to preserve neighborhoods of vertices in this regard. So a better choice of recombination operator is to select a vertex and its 2-neighborhood (all vertices at distance at most 2) as the set of indices which will be swapped.

To complete the GA component, a tournament selection process is employed to choose the individuals included in the new generation and a restart mechanism whereby the best solution is recorded and the population is restarted if no improvement has been observed after a given number of generations.

For individual improvement, a local search heuristic is used, where the neighborhood of each individual is the 2-swap neighborhood – the set of individuals obtained by swapping any two elements. The search is implemented by selecting an element in the individual and taking the optimal swap in the local neighborhood. If this is not the identity mapping, the neighbors of the preimage of the swapped vertex are placed into a list of vertices to swap. If no initial swap is found, the process is repeated with a new starting point until a swap is found or all vertices have been tested.

In combination with the skeletons given by Algorithms 1 and 2, these components constitute an MA for Network Alignment. The reader will notice that, even without considering more complicated approaches, there are a number of tunable parameters present. These include the probabilities and frequencies which control mutation and recombination (as in GAs) and, more specifically for MAs, the frequency and application régime of the individual improvement step. The individual improvement may be applied, at essentially one extreme, regularly, to all individuals, or at the other extreme, only when the evolutionary progress slows and to a select few individuals, or of course in some intermediate régime. As discussed in section “A Note on More Complicated Memetic Algorithms”, an adaptive approach could also be taken, allowing the algorithm to adjust these parameters itself .

An Example Memetic Algorithm for Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problems

Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problems (WCSPs) are a general class of combinatorial problems in which (i) solutions are assignment of values to a collection of variables, each of them taken from a possibly different domain, (ii) there are hard constraints making some particular combinations of variable values infeasible, and (iii) there are some soft constraints establishing preferences among solutions. For example, consider a school timetabling problem in which courses have to be fit into different time slots: no two courses can use the same time slot if they are taught by the same lecturer (a hard constraint), and lecturer preferences (e.g., teaching in the morning or in the afternoon) have to be respected if possible. In essence, both types of constraints can be represented by defining a collection of integer functions fi, one for each constraint; these functions are used to weight the fulfillment/violation of the corresponding constraint, and therefore an objective function F (to be minimized, without loss of generality) can be built by summing them. Thus, it will be typically the case that hard constraints have a much larger weight (even infinite if violated) than soft constraints.

Formally, a WCSP can be characterized as a triplet \(\langle {\mathscr {X}}, {\mathscr {D}}, {\mathscr {F}})\), where each \(x_i\in {\mathscr {X}}\), \(1 \leqslant i \leqslant n\) is a problem variable whose domain is \(D_i\in {\mathscr {D}}\). Each function \(f_j\in {\mathscr {F}}\), \(1 \leqslant j \leqslant m\) has signature \(f_j: V_j \rightarrow \mathbb {N}\), where \(V_j\in 2^{\mathscr {X}}\) is the subset of variables involved in the j-th constraint. With this formulation, a naïve evolutionary approach can be defined by using the Cartesian product \({\mathscr {S}} = D_1\times \cdots \times D_n\) as search space, taking the fitness function to be \(F(x)=\sum _j \hat {f}_j(x)\) (where \(\hat {f}_i\) is a function that picks from its argument the variables in Vj and feeds them to fj), and utilizing standard operations for recombination and mutation. Such an approach is however going to perform poorly in general due to the lack of problem-specific knowledge. A much more sensible approach can be built on the basis of (i) a smart recombination operator and (ii) a powerful local search technique.

Regarding recombination, it is very easy to define a greedy recombination mechanism for WCSPs: (1) start from a solution s with all variables unassigned, (2) sort constraints in some particular order (arbitrary or heuristically selected) j1, ⋯ , jm, and (3) traverse this ordered list of constraints, checking for each jk the variables in \(V_{j_k}\) that are still unassigned in s, constructing two (or as many as parents) candidate sets using the assigned values in s plus the values that the remaining variables in \(V_{j_k}\) take in either parent, and keeping the candidate set v minimizing \(f_{j_k}(v)\) (which is subsequently used to expand the solution s). This procedure has been used, for example, in [57] for the construction of Golomb rulers and in [225] for the construction of balanced incomplete blocks, to cite just two examples.

It is possible to define a more intensive recombination approach by taking ideas from complete techniques [59]. More precisely, a complete technique can be used to explore the set of potential solutions that can be created using a given collection of parents, returning the best solution attainable. Different possibilities can be used for this purpose such as branch and bound [55] or integer linear programming techniques [164]. A more WCSP-specific approach can be found in the use of bucket elimination (BE) [63]. BE can be regarded as a dynamic programming approach based on the successive elimination of variables and the use of an auxiliary table to store the best value of the fitness function for specific variable combinations. More precisely, BE considers some ordering of the variables (again, arbitrarily or heuristically selected – it must be noted that while the particular choice ordering is irrelevant for correction purposes, it can have a huge impact in the computational complexity of the algorithm though) i1, ⋯ , in. Then, it traverses this sequence and for each variable \(x_{i_k}\) (1) determines the constraints \({\mathscr {C}} \subseteq {\mathscr {F}}\) in which \(x_{i_k}\) is involved; (2) computes the bucket

$$\displaystyle \begin{aligned} B_{i_k} = \left(\cup_{f_j\in{\mathscr{C}}} V_j\right)\setminus\{x_{i_k}\}, \end{aligned}$$

namely, the collection of variables related to \(x_{i_k}\) in any constraint; (3) determines for each combination t of values for variables in \(B_{i_k}\) the value \(v^*_t\) for \(x_{i_k}\) such that \(w=\sum _{f_j\in {\mathscr {C}}} \hat {f}_j(t\cdot (x_{i_k}=v))\) is minimal; and (4) removes \({\mathscr {C}}\) from \({\mathscr {F}}\) and adds a new constraint f′ with domain \(V'=B_{i_k}\) defined as \(f'(t) = \sum _{f_j\in {\mathscr {C}}} \hat {f}_j(t\cdot (x_{i_k}=v^*_t))\). When all variables have been eliminated, the optimal cost w is found, and one only has to trace back the process (using the auxiliary table) to determine the best variable assignment [93]. This procedure has been used with great success in [91] for solving the Maximum Density Still Life Problem in conduction with a local search procedure based on tabu search.

A potential drawback of recombination schemes such as those defined above is scalability: the use of an exact technique for recombination is less costly than using it to solve the problem completely from scratch, but its cost will nevertheless grow with the problem size until becoming impractical at some point. To alleviate this problem, the granularity of the representation can be adjusted [54], that is, grouping variables in larger chunks which are subsequently used as basic units for the purposes of constructing solutions (hence reducing the number of potential solutions attainable and therefore the computational cost of the exact technique). In the context of the BE method described before, this approach is termed mini-buckets [64] and can be readily applied to the recombination mechanism described above [93]. Another source of difficulties is the existence of symmetries or partial isomorphisms between solutions. This scenario is typical in many WCSPs in which variables or groups thereof can be relabeled without altering the solution. In such a situation, recombination can reduce to macromutation unless it is effectively capable of identifying correspondences between variables in different parents. This is, for instance, done with success in [171] in the context of clustering genomic data. Of course, it may be very complex in general to find a perfect matching between variables in an arbitrary WCSP with symmetries. In problems for which this is deemed too complicated or time-consuming, it must be noted that a recombination-less MA – essentially a population of local searchers subject to interleaved phases of self-improvement and competition via selection/replacement, much in the line of go-with-the-winner approaches [8] – can also provide acceptable results. This is, for example, the case of the Social Golfer Problem, a WCSP with a large degree of symmetry that was successfully attacked using a memetic evolutionary programming approach [56] (an MA propelled by selection, mutation, and local improvement) .

A Brief Survey of Recent Memetic Algorithm Applications

In recent years, MAs have become a significant part of the optimization toolkit and have become particularly well used in recent years. As a rough gauge, the number of academic papers (found via searching DBLP and ISI Web of Science for relevant papers with the word “memetic” in their title, abstract, or keywords) published has risen to over 300 per year since 2011, with thousands of academic publications in total since 1998. Possibly the most interesting aspect of this expanding interest in memetic algorithms is the diversity of techniques and application areas.

Memetic Algorithms in the Wild

While many algorithms developed in the areas of Computer Science and Optimization are demonstrated via application to practical problems drawn from a variety of areas, a more reliable indicator of the effectiveness of a technique is the adoption of the technique as a tool within the communities from which the problems are drawn. The following briefly surveys some of the areas in which memetic algorithms have been successfully applied. Table 1 gives an overview of the breadth of application areas for memetic algorithms, with recent references. Of course this table is far from exhaustive, even within the application areas mentioned. As a matter of fact, in some areas the number of memetic applications has deserved individualized treatment in specialized surveys, e.g., scheduling and timetabling [50], engineering and design [37], bioinformatics [24], etc. – see also [189] for a recent general application survey. The breadth of the application areas suggests a significant generality and flexibility in the memetic paradigm.

Table 1 Some recent publications reporting on memetic algorithm applications by field of application

Memetic Speciation

Along with a wide set of application areas, memetic algorithms have also embraced many forms, employing a wide variety of combinations of population-based heuristics and individual improvement heuristics. Table 2 lists some of the more prominent combinations, with example references for each. Not only are different combinations of population-based heuristic and individual improvement heuristic extant, more exotic memetic algorithms that use heuristics of only one type, or multiple heuristics of each type, exist. The adaptability of memetic algorithms to parallel implementation also encourages the use of multiple different types of heuristics simultaneously – the exploitation of all available knowledge is, after all, the central idea of the memetic paradigm .

Table 2 Some varietal combinations of heuristics forming memetic algorithms

Future-Generation Memetic Algorithms

Back in the days when MAs were just a nascent approach for optimization, different visions of what MAs would be in the future were foreseen. Among these, maybe the one which has come closest to reality refers to the self-⋆ capabilities [23] of the paradigm and more precisely to self-generation properties. Early works envisioned that the algorithm could work on two timescales, one in which solutions would be optimized and another one in which the problem-solving strategies used to optimize solutions would be themselves optimized [177]. In essence, this has been a long-standing goal in metaheuristics. It is widely acknowledged that the design of an effective problem-solving technique is in itself a hard task. Attempting to transfer a part of this design effort to the actual metaheuristic is just the logical course of action [58] – see, for example, the corpus of research in hyperheuristics [42, 60]. This latter approach is actually related to what has been termed “meta-Lamarckian” learning [202], a memetic approach in which a collection of local searchers is available and there is a decision-maker that decides which of them should be applied to specific solutions based on different criteria (e.g., the past performance of each local searcher, the adequacy of the current solution for being improved by a certain local searcher according to past experience, etc.). A much more general approach was provided by multi-memetic or multimeme algorithms [142, 143, 145]. In this approach an encoding of a local searcher (ranging from the definition of the neighborhood or pivot rule used up to a full algorithmic description of the procedure) is attached to each solution and evolves alongside it. Thus, the algorithm not only looks for improved solutions but also for algorithmic structures capable of improving the latter. The next natural step is detaching these memes from the genes and have them evolve in separate populations [233,234,235], paving the way for the emergence of complex structures of interacting memes [43]. An overview of adaptation in MAs is provided in [203]. This view of memes as explicit representations of problem-solving strategies that interact in a complex and dynamic way within an evolutionary context for optimization purposes leads to the notion of memetic computing [193, 204] – see [189] for a literature review on memetic computing. A further iteration of this concept is to apply metaheuristic approaches to develop worst-case instances of a problem, which can then be fed back into the process of optimizing the algorithm. This technique has been explored in regard to sorting [51] and the Travelling Salesman Problem [3].

Another dimension along which some early ideas (farfetched at their time) about MAs may become a reality is parallel computing. The deployment of metaheuristics in parallel and/or distributed environments is by no means new [7] and has been extensively used since the late 1980s; see, for example, [184, 247]. However, the continuous evolution of computational platforms is dragging these parallel modes along, forcing them to adapt to new scenarios. Thus, whereas early works often assumed dedicated local area networks, it is nowadays more common to have emerging computational environments such as peer-to-peer networks [172] and volunteer computing networks [229], which are much more pervasive, of a larger scale and inherently dynamic. Coping with the complex, dynamic structure of the computational substrate is undoubtedly a challenge. Fortunately, population-based metaheuristics have been shown to be intrinsically robust at a fine-grain scale [128] and can be endowed with appropriate churn-aware strategies if required [196]. They are therefore ripe for being deployed on these platforms to exploit the possibilities they offer. In this line – and connected to the previous discussion on meme evolution and interaction – some initial concepts revolving around “meme pools,” that is, repositories of problem-solving methods to be used synergistically, acquire a new scope more akin to service-oriented architectures [96]. Furthermore, to build on the idea of automated self-design of the MA requires the ability to keep or gather some sort of distributed knowledge about the state of the search and make design decisions on its basis. Some ideas from multi-agent systems and epistemic logic were proposed as potential tools for this purpose [52], but the concept still remains largely unexplored.

There are also opportunities for the development of MAs (and GAs) at the small scale. Any use of recombination operators is naturally limited by the expectation that the recombination step will be performed many, many times during a run of the algorithm. This leads to the requirement that a recombination operator must be able to be implemented very efficiently. Traditionally this would mean at most linear or close to linear time in the size of the individual (of course, ideally constant time). This immediately rules out the possibility of optimal recombination strategies for many problems, as typically such strategies would be NP-hard. Parameterized complexity, for example, offers some opportunity to exploit the naturally arising parameters in many recombination strategies. If such parameters are small, or can be made small, then the complexity of optimal recombination may be effectively reduced to polynomial time [53, 81,82,83]. For further reading on the challenges raised by evolutionary approaches to optimization, many of the problems posed in [52] remain open .


Since their primordial conception in the late 1980s, memetic algorithms have developed to become one of the most adaptable and flexible metaheuristic approaches available. While many heuristic techniques perform well for some problems, the No-Free-Lunch theorem [267] guarantees that their performance falters on the majority of problems. Memetic algorithms, with their insistence on adaptability and utilitarianism (both on the part of the algorithm and the implementer), are free to exploit the performance of multiple approaches and choose the best suited for the problem at hand.

The adaptability, efficiency, and amenability to the current availability of large-scale parallelism, including traditional parallel architectures along with GPU computing and cloud- and peer-based approaches, along with a tendency toward modularity in implementation, have led to their adoption across a broad range of fields with excellent results. The field of memetic algorithms research has grown dramatically since 1998. With over 2000 academic papers published at a current rate of over 300 per year, the field is vibrant and dynamic. The importance and influence of memetic algorithms has grown such that Thomson Reuters selected it as one of the top ten research fronts in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering in 2013 [137]. To put it simply, memetic algorithms are one of the most flexible and effective tools in the heuristic toolbox and a key technique for anyone involved in combinatorial optimization to learn.
