

Aspect-oriented represents aspects during requirements engineering. One of the advantages of aspect-oriented approaches is that they allow software developers to react easily to unanticipated changes in existing software systems, while promoting reusability of already tested and designed software components. Nevertheless, people are reluctant to apply AOP in serious and large projects, not because of a lack of good aspect-oriented programming languages and tools, but because they do not have aspect-oriented modeling and design techniques at their disposal. Aspect-orientation should take into account in all the stages of the software lifecycle, in particular, the design level. Aspect -orientation clearly separate crosscutting concerns from non-crosscutting ones which provide modularization. Separation of concerns will reduce complexity of software design [1]. Aspect-orientation originally has applied at programming level; it now applied over other development phases. Aspect is quite important in software development. Aspects are identifying by analyzing a complex system from multiple viewpoints [2]. Aspect-oriented modeling covers many activities at early stages of the software development.

Related work

When designing software, it is desirable to explore several different designs, i.e. consider several feasible solutions to implement a specific requirement or functionality and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each solution. Unfortunately, software modeling tools are often tedious to use when making significant changes within the design of a large software model.

Aspect-oriented modeling (AOM) is a new modeling technique that allows developers to describe the design of their software using many aspect models. In AOM, each individual aspect model is small in size. To build larger systems, structure and behavior defined in one aspect model can be reused within other aspect models. This reuse is achieved by establishing a mapping between the model elements in the two aspect models. OOP already allows for modularizing concerns into distinct methods, classes and packages. However, some concerns are difficult to place as they cross the boundaries of classes and even packages. Security and logging, response time are examples for cross-cutting concern.

Disadvantage on Object Oriented Programming:-

UML, in its current state, allows us to capture the structure and interactions of our aspect-oriented program. However, the resulting model presents some major drawbacks:

  • There is no difference between modularization by class and by aspect. The basic concepts of AspectJ, such as point-cuts, introduction and advice, are not explicitly modeled.

  • The model does not show that the aspect is a “pluggable” entity. The diagrams give the impression that aspects are static entities, although, in reality, aspects are configured at weave-time, and triggering them can be based on various kinds of execution flows or conditions.

  • The model does not provide way to find and remove conflict and dependency in system.

  • The requirement, it can be functional or non functional are not properly analyze and manage.


Requirement Specification

In an object-oriented requirements specification the main usage scenarios are captured with use cases. Each such use case has to be described in more detail, either textually or by means of activity diagrams. Also, during requirements specification a structural model of the problem domain is captured with a class diagram. A use case diagram provides a system overview. Each use case is described by trigger, its actors, pre- and post-conditions and its key scenarios. Scenarios are specified using activity diagrams and use cases are the starting point for the aspect-oriented modeling. We model the so-called base of the system with use cases and an integrated behavior model. An aspect is modeled as a use case. The join point for an aspect is an activity of the base. The point cut of an aspect is specified in terms of the activities of the base. While up to now proposed for modeling techniques like UML, an integrated behavior model is also suitable and beneficial for aspect- oriented modeling:

It can naturally capture the functional and structural description of each aspect. An aspect may share the base domain model or add its own concepts. Each aspect can be analyzed for consistency, and the consistency of the entire system consisting of the base and aspects can be analyzed as well. Analysis is even more crucial for aspect-oriented models:

As an aspect is specified once but can be used in many different places of the system.

As an example, consider a simple Heath care air ambulance system. Patient can cancel booking of air ambulance. Patient can registered in the system and can be unregistered as well. Both are conducted by admin on behalf of patient. Also, air ambulance and flight segments are administered by staff members. When patient books air ambulance and if he wants to cancel the booking, then the booking are cancel. But after some time, he wanted to again book for the same air ambulance, then it is not possible because entire data has been deleted during cancellation process. Here the conflict will be created.

The domain classes are given in Fig. 1. A patient can book a book air ambulance.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Type graph for health care air ambulance system

When doctor and specialist generate the report of patient using machine or other test, in earlier Stage, they find the causes of some particular dieses and generate report for that, but later stage by using test report and medicine report, they find other dieses than earlier one. This could be one type of conflict

Interaction Analysis Using Aspect Oriented Model

An overview of typical use cases is presented in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Class diagram for health care air ambulance system

It comprises use cases for administration of passenger data of patient, air ambulance and segment data. For the main usage scenarios it has use cases for booking and canceling air ambulance. In the following, we will focus on the use cases book air ambulance.

The steps, pre- and post- conditions of use case book air ambulance are described in Table 1.

Table 1 Description of use case book air ambulance

The steps are also presented in the activity diagram in Fig. 3. Our approach uses integrated behavior models and extends them by aspect-oriented features. An integrated behavior model consists of a domain model and a set of activity models. The domain model provides the types of the domain objects.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Use case diagram for health care air ambulance system

Each activity is refined by pre- and post-conditions describing the effect of the activity in terms of domain objects. Typically, an initial configuration of the system is provided in terms of domain objects and their relations. The benefit of an integrated behavior model is an early and better integration of the structural domain model with the functional activity model. Pre- and post- conditions are formalized by the theory of graph transformation systems (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Activity diagram for health care air ambulance system

It is conceivable, that the use case Finding Report is expressed as rules such as in Table 2, and Test crisis Management is express as rule in Table 3 (Figs. 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9).

Table 2 Finding report store given as rules
Table 3 Test crisis management given as rules
Fig. 5
figure 5

Rule for report store

Fig. 6
figure 6

Rule for crises management for test

Fig. 7
figure 7

Rule for patient login

Fig. 8
figure 8

Rule for siren alarm

Fig. 9
figure 9

Rule for alarm reason store in severs


We are using AGG tool for implementing Heath care air ambulance system. With this tool we can perform conflict analysis and graph transformation. For graph transformation AGG tool is used which is a rule based visual language. A graph grammar contain in AGG program attributed by Java objects. Graph grammars contain a start graph and a set of rules which may have negative application conditions. A graph consists of two disjoint sets containing the nodes and the arcs of the graph. As a whole, the nodes and arcs are called the objects of the graph. Every arc represents a directed connection between two nodes, which are called the source and target nodes of the arc.

In AGG attribute declaration is same as other programming language. An action can be viewed as a state transition, and obviously, a transition of states can be specified by giving descriptions of the states before an after the action in question. Since states are modeled as graphs in AGG, it follows that basically an action can be described as a pair of two graphs modeling the “before” and “after” states. In the “before” state of an operation, we collect all the preconditions that have to be met for the operation to take place. The left-hand side of a graph rule states the necessary conditions for the specified operation to take place: A rule can only be applied if its conditions are fulfilled by the current concrete state graph. The effect of a rule application at a given match is a state graph transformation, also called derivation or graph transformation step.


In aspect oriented modeling, the program with the main business logic and the cross cutting concerns are represented by models. There are many cross cutting concerns that are not part of the problem, such as security, logging, persistency, etc. Differently from traditional aspect oriented programming, in aspect oriented modeling there is no preferential entity. This means the weaving can be done in any model (e.g., weavings in the business models or in the cross cutting concerns).

Our approach is towards detecting conflicts and dependencies. The tool was used for specifying the behavior of aspects and objects in terms of pre- and post-conditions and for analyzing conflicts and dependencies between them. The tool computed the necessary input in form of conflicts and dependencies which were then compared with the specified composition.

Found conflicts and dependencies are potential conflicts (since they can be interactions) and not every possible conflict since it depends on the accurateness of the pre- and post-conditions. Graph transformation also allow to reason uniformly about object and aspect models [3]. Besides an editor for specifying the rules, the tool also provides all analysis functions as an API. Rules can be read from an XML file. Therefore, AGG is ideal to be used with existing UML CASE Tools [3].

We have proposed to integrate rule specifications with object oriented models in an aspect-oriented way. Graph transformation systems provide means to specify rule-based aspects directly as rules. We have tried to detect conflicts and dependencies. The approach uses formal aid to analyze systematically semi-formal specifications. We use graph transformation to detect conflicts.

In the future, we want to investigate the relationship between graph transformation and aspect-oriented languages further. We feel that pre- and post-conditions are an essential counterpart for an informal language like the UML, making modeling more rigorous. Pre- and post-conditions are analyze for activity diagrams. The approach is not restricted to functional aspects, as presented here. We consider both functional and nonfunctional aspect. Thereby, also interactions between functional and non-functional aspects are automatically covered.