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Definition: Sarcoma with melanocytic differentiation of tendons and aponeuroses.

Epidemiology: Very rare, females, average age of 25 years.

figure a

Location: Foot, ankle, knee, and upper limb.

Clinical: Slowly growing, moderate size, painless, globose mass.

Diagnosis: On MRI, elliptical, smoothly outlined mass, slightly or markedly hyperintense on T1, white lesion with multiple low-intensity septations on T2, homogeneous enhancement after gadolinium.

Histopathology: Adherent to a tendon or to an aponeurosis, but not to the subcutaneous or to the skin. Firm, globose, well-defined boundaries, capsulated appearance. Round, oval, spindle cells with clear cytoplasm. Nuclei are round, ovoid or elongated, vesicular, with a large nucleolus. Mitotic figures are rare. Cells are arranged in nests surrounded by a fine reticular stroma or rough collagen bands that may give an almost acinar or glandular impression at first glance. Immunohistochemistry shows consistent positivity for S-100, HMB45, MART-1, and MiTF. Molecular findings are characterized by a specific translocation: t(12;22)(q13;q12), with an EWS-ATF1 fusion transcript.

Course and Staging: Local recurrences are frequent when treatment is inadequate due to the not very aggressive clinical presentation. Metastases are late (>6 years) but very frequent in lymph nodes and lungs. Usually, stage II B.

Treatment: Very wide or radical excision with regional lymph nodes.

FormalPara Immunohistochemical Panel









FormalPara Chromosomal Translocations

t(12;22) (q13;q12)

EWSR1-ATF1 (type 1, type2)

>90 %

figure b

Spindle cell neoplasm with optically clear cytoplasms