
1 Introduction

Verifiable elections enable internal players and external observers to verify the validity of individual votes and the final election outcome, even in situations where potentially all participants have malicious intent. Verifiability is typically obtained through the use of a public bulletin board [1, 13, 14, 18, 34].

While being central to support public verifiability at scale, this bulletin board raises central issues in secret ballot elections. In order to guarantee the secrecy of the vote, a bulletin board will typically have ballots and/or voter names hidden by some form of encryption. This is a good solution to guarantee the computational privacy of the votes [6], but it does not address two other central concerns:

  1. 1.

    The bulletin board may support vote selling or voter coercion. For instance, a voter who keeps track of all the random coins he used to prepare a ballot may be able to demonstrate how he voted to a third party, who would be able to recompute the encrypted ballot using the coins and claimed vote intent and confirm its presence on the bulletin board.

  2. 2.

    The bulletin board may raise long-term privacy concerns: when privacy is computational, encrypted votes (or encrypted voter identities) will eventually become public, either through cryptanalytic advances, or through the advent of new hardware, including quantum computers. This may have a chilling effect on voters who may not feel that they can vote freely.

As discussed in a recent review by Haines et al. [24], the design of secure and efficient voting protocols that offer both receipt-freeness (RF) and a perfectly private audit trail (PPAT) is a long-standing open problem. In particular, the few existing proposals that support these properties are either designed for in-person voting [32], or rely on the existence of an anonymous ballot submission channel [22, 30], which seems hardly realistic in a large-scale election context (see further discussions in the related works section below).

An alternative approach to obtain receipt-freeness relies on the help of a ballot-box manager, who is trusted for receipt-freeness, but not for verifiability or for privacy, following a general approach pioneered by Hirt and Sako [25]. This approach led to the recent development of a new Traceable Receipt-Free Encryption (TREnc) primitive by Devillez et al. [20], which enables receipt-free ballot submission following the Hirt and Sako paradigm. In a nutshell, using a TREnc, voters can encrypt their vote intent, which will provide them with a trace and a ciphertext that can be submitted to the ballot-box manager. The trace can be kept by the voter for verifiability purpose and is actually independent of the vote itself, supporting receipt-freeness. The ballot-box manager then re-randomizes the TREnc ciphertext and posts the result on a public bulletin board. The security of the TREnc guarantees that the resulting ciphertext is distributed just like a fresh encryption of a vote with an identical trace (this is the strong randomization property) and that, if the trace did not change, then it must be the same vote that is still encrypted (this is the traceability). The voter can then verify on the bulletin board that a ciphertext with the correct trace is published, but is unable to explain the vote that is encrypted there to any third party. Finally, a TREnc guarantees that, even when ballots are computed with adversarially chosen randomness, no adversary can turn a re-randomized ballot into a related ballot that would have a different trace and contain a related vote (this is implied by the TCCA security). The existing TREnc mechanisms however do not support a PPAT and, as a side constraint, require a structured common reference string (CRS), which may be an obstacle in any practical deployment.

1.1 Our Contributions

We propose two new encryption mechanisms that make it possible to obtain both receipt-freeness (RF) and a perfectly private audit trail (PPAT) in a natural way, following the general structure of a single-pass voting system [7] for instance.

Our first encryption mechanism is additively homomorphic and suitable for elections with a homomorphic tally, that is, where the vote for each candidate can be encrypted as a 0 or a 1 counter, proven correct in zero-knowledge proof (ZK), and where the tally for each candidate is obtained by verifiably decrypting the homomorphic sum of all the ciphertexts provided for that candidate – this is the mechanism used by default in systems like Helios [2], Belenios [15] or ElectionGuard [4]. However, this encryption mechanism only supports a message space of polylogarithmic size, just as the exponential ElGamal encryption mechanism used in the previously cited systems, which makes it unsuitable to encrypt complex choice expressions in a single ciphertext.

Our second encryption mechanism addresses this limitation by supporting the encryption of arbitrary group elements and supporting efficient bijective mappings between bit strings and group elements, at the cost of losing the additive homomorphism. Still, this encryption mechanism is randomizable and compatible with traditional mixnets like Verificatum [36] that operate on arrays of group elements. Such mixnets have been used in national elections of various countries, including Norway, Estonia, and Switzerland.

From a technical point of view, our new encryption mechanisms are secure under symmetric external Diffie-Hellman assumption (SXDH) and provide new TREnc mechanisms that rely on a public-coin CRS. This is an advance over previous proposals, that is of independent interest, since the previously known mechanisms relied on a structured CRS, which may be complicated to generate in practice and introduces new trust assumptions. Here, a simple way of producing the CRS in practice would be to sample the outputs of a hash function modeled as a random oracle, which is already of common use in practical voting systems when implementing the Fiat-Shamir transform on sigma protocols.

Finally, we evaluate the efficiency of our new mechanisms. Our additively homomorphic mechanism produces ciphertexts in the two source groups of our pairing-friendly setting: they lie in \(\mathbb {G}^{50} \times \hat{\mathbb {G}}^{46}\). Our mixnet-compatible mechanism produces slightly smaller ciphertexts in \(\mathbb {G}^{47} \times \hat{\mathbb {G}}^{45}\). The gains essentially come from the inclusion, in the first case, of ZK proofs that a bit is encrypted, which is not needed for a mixnet-based tallying process. We also implemented our two mechanisms, relying on the MIRACL library for the group operations, and observed that both encryption operations require less than 0.3 s, and that the verification of the validity of a ciphertext takes less than a second.

1.2 Our Techniques

Commitment-Consistent Encryption. Our starting point for obtaining a PPAT is the use of a commitment-consistent encryption (CCE) scheme [19]. The CCE encryption of a message m provides two components: a perfectly hiding commitment \(\textsf {com}\) that comes out of a commitment scheme \((\textsf {com},\textsf{open})\leftarrow \textsf {Com}(m)\), and an encryption \(\textsf{enc}\) of m and \(\textsf{open}\) that is provided together with a proof \(\pi _{cc}\) ensuring that \(\textsf {Ver}\textsf {C}(\textsf {com},m,\textsf{open})=1\), where \(\textsf {Ver}\textsf {C}\) is the verification algorithm associated to \(\textsf {Com}\). The proof \(\pi _{cc}\) is provided in order to guarantee that the CCE ciphertext is valid and that the tally will be computable. It can be augmented with a proof \(\pi _{pub}\) that demonstrates that a valid opening of \(\textsf {com}\) (e.g., as a bit) is known.

When a CCE encryption scheme is used in a voting application, the value \(D=(\textsf {com},\pi _{pub})\) is posted on a public bulletin board \(\textsf {PB}\). If \(\pi _{pub}\) is perfect ZK, then this is perfectly hiding, as desired. Additionally, \(CT=(\textsf{enc},\pi _{cc})\) is posted on a secret bulletin board \(\textsf {SB}\), for use by the talliers. The election tally can then be computed using various techniques, as outlined in [19] for instance, preserving the PPAT. This approach however does not offer receipt-freeness, since the voter could use \(\textsf{open}\) as a receipt for his vote, for instance.

A TREnc on Top of CCE Encryption. In order to obtain the RF property, we then explore how to build a TREnc, whose ciphertexts contain a commitment-consistent encryption instead of an ElGamal encryption as in existing designs.

To satisfy all the TREnc properties that are needed need to achieve receipt-freeness in our voting scheme, all the components of \(C=(D,CT)\) must be rerandomizable up to a trace which will allow voters to check the presence of their rerandomized commitments and proofs \(D'=(\textsf {com}',\pi _{pub}')\) on PB. Therefore, the traceability property must be supported by D and its randomization. For that purpose, we adapt the linearly homomorphic structure-preserving (LHSP) signature [28] techniques of [20] used during the computation of the encryption algorithm of their ad-hoc construction to our “commitment case”. More precisely, the trace of a TREnc ciphertext C is the one-time LHSP verification key \(\textsf {opk}\) generated by the encryption algorithm. In a nutshell, the corresponding one-time LHSP secret key \(\textsf {osk}\) is used to sign a basis of a sub-vector space, where the vectors of this basis are derived from an internal CPA-encryption of the plaintext and its public key. The LHSP properties allow us to derive a signature on any rerandomization of this CPA part, and all its rerandomizations actually consist of the sub-vector space that is authenticated. Traceability comes from the fact that signing a CPA encryption of another plaintext requires authenticating a vector outside the linear spanned sub-space, which is unfeasible thanks to the unforgeability of the one-time LHSP signature scheme. Unfortunately, the unforgeability of the LHSP signatures cannot directly be used in our case to ensure that the rerandomized commitment \(\textsf {com}'\) still contains the same committed message. After all, there is just no meaning of which message is really contained in the perfectly hiding \(\textsf {com}'\) since it could be equally opened on any message. To restore this property and to contradict the security of the LHSP signatures when the committed message has been successfully modified, we use a dual-commitment compatible with \((\textsf {Com},\textsf {Ver}\textsf {C})\). To show traceability, we only have to turn the commitment public key into an extractable and perfectly binding mode at the start of the proof. We will thus have LHSP signatures and \(\textsf {opk}\) contained in D.

Finding the Right Tools. Finding most of the compatible building blocks is not straightforward, but only requires making careful choices and adapting techniques except for the TCCA property, and the simulation soundness in particular. Since we need rerandomizable proofs, we naturally focus on the SXDH-based Groth-Sahai (GS) proof system that is also known to be malleable. Randomizing our TREnc ciphertexts C also requires adapting the statement under the GS proofs. Indeed, the witness underlying the commitment-consistent and validity proofs are subject to adaptation when \(\textsf {com}\) and \(\textsf {Enc}\) are rerandomized: the random coins are refreshed and the witness of the GS proofs may depend on these coins. In the perfect non-interactive witness indistinguishable (NIWI) setting to prove pairing-product equations, the common reference string (CRS) consists of random group elements of the two source groups and is thus public coin. However, NIWI proofs are not enough for our constructions as we need them to be zero-knowledge when we have to include an SXDH challenge in \(\textsf{enc}\) during the randomization in the challenge phase of the TCCA game, and for which the reduction is of course not given the random coin. There exist generic solutions to turn NIWI GS-proofs into ZK proofs but they are expensive. In spirit, we follow [29] which still partially relies on a generic OR-proof technique that makes it possible to prove another statement in the security proof than the one in the real execution of the scheme. The idea is that no adversary can use the second branch of the OR-proof for a TREnc ciphertext containing a different trace than the one of the challenge phase. In order to trigger the possibility of proving the second branch, we rely on the unforgeability of (yet another) one-time LHSP signature whose public key is generated in the key generation of the TREnc. Fortunately, this public key is a single uniformly distributed pair of group elements and is then public coin as well, while no one knows the corresponding signing key. The branch that is being proved is encoded as a vector of group elements with the following property: if the real statement is being proved, the vector only contains neutral elements (i.e., it is the null-vector, but we will use multiplicative notation); to simulate, we prove the second statement and the vector is non-trivial and lies in a one-dimensional subspace determined by the trace. Since, on the one hand, it is easy to compute a degenerated LHSP signature on the neutral vector from the public key, and, on the other hand, it is hard to compute an LHSP signature on a different one-dimensional subspace for another trace, simulation soundness holds for any proof with another trace than the one of the challenge. This vector as well as the (degenerated) LHSP signature are only given in a committed form with a GS-proof (with the same CRS) that the LHSP verification equation holds. Another difficulty in the TCCA proof is to switch the kind of encoded vector by simulating the randomization of one of the ciphertexts given in the challenge phase, but surprisingly this task can be handled only thanks to the perfect WI property of the GS-proof.

Following [20], we also need to commit-and-prove to the one-time LHSP signature generated during encryption (for the traceability) for technical reasons. Otherwise, even if it looks hard to embed subliminal information into the LHSP signatures related to \(\textsf {com}\), we have no ground to prove the TCCA security. This additional layer of GS-proof solves the issue thanks to the perfect WI property. However, even when we should extract the witness of the proof of validity and consistency to figure out which branch the adversary tried to prove in a given ciphertext in a decryption query, this part of the proof related to the LHSP signature for traceability must remain in the perfect WI mode. that is because we have to avoid leaking the internal bit of the game (i.e., which ciphertext between \(C_0\) and \(C_1\) have been rerandomized in the challenge phase) in an information-theoretic sense to conclude. To circumvent this opposing requirement, we use another GS CRS for the traceable part that can remain in the perfect WI mode.

1.3 Related Work

Receipt-Free Voting. The study of receipt-free elections was initiated by Benaloh and Tuinstra [5], who presented the first verifiable secret-ballot election protocols in which voters cannot prove to others how they voted. In order to achieve receipt-freeness, they required a physical voting booth to establish completely untappable channels between the voting authority and the voter. A year later, Sako and Kilian [35] argued that a one-way untappable channel is sufficient for this purpose. Additionally, they explained how to implement a receipt-free and universally verifiable voting system using the first verifiable mixnet. Thereafter, there has been a flurry of activity in the design and analysis of receipt-free voting protocols relying on the use of an untappable channel proposed by different authors. A prominent approach, that we outlined above and follow here, was proposed by Hirt and Sako [25], then simplified by Blazy et al. [9], refined by Chaidos et al. [12] and formalized by Devillez et al. [20]. Of course, many other approaches have been proposed in parallel and are out of scope of this work [21, 26, 34].

Voting with a PPAT. A recent and detailed account of the efforts towards voting with perfectly private ballots is provided by Haines et al. [24]. They identify the approach of commitment-consistent encryption, which we are using here, as one of the two strongest proposals, the other one being based on ballots that are secret-shared between a set of trustees [16]. We did not adopt the secret sharing approach here as it is more demanding to the voters, requiring a computational effort that grows linearly with the number of trustees that receive vote shares, and only offers privacy benefits over CCE if we assume that the voters have direct communication channels with every trustee, which may be quite demanding.

Voting with RF and PPAT. There are very few proposals that offer both RF and a PPAT, and they rely on the existence of anonymous channels for ballot submission, an assumption that we are avoiding here and that is hardly practical at a large scale.

The first is based on blind signatures [22, 33], where voters obtain a blindly signed voting token from an authority, which is then used to submit a ballot through an anonymous communication channel. Verifiability is hard to obtain in such a setting: a malicious authority can for instance produce tokens on behalf of abstaining voters and cast ballots in their stead.

A second approach was proposed by Locher and Haenni [30] and addresses the problem of eligibility verifiability by having voters registering a public key and submitting their ballot together with a proof that they know the secret key matching one of these public keys, using a mechanism similar to list signatures [11]. Again, ballots are submitted using an anonymous communication channel.

Our work aims at developing solutions that offer a PPAT in the sense of Cuvelier et al. [19], together with receipt-freeness, following the definitional approach of Chaidos et al. [12].

1.4 Overview of Paper

We structure our paper as follows. Standard building blocks and the computational assumptions are introduced in Sect. 2. In Sect. 3, we present the intuition and the full description of our first construction to verifiably encrypt bits, followed by its theorem statements. The second construction is postponed to Appendix A due to space limit. Then, Sect. 4 shows the voting application implied by our combined primitive and describes an election based on homomorphic aggregation for the simple ballot case and an election with mixnet for the complex ballot case. To conclude, Sect. 5 makes some important remarks. The security analysis is deferred to Appendix B. This choice is compensated by the thorough overview of our techniques given above.

2 Background

We review some standard building blocks and introduce the corresponding notations.

2.1 Assumptions and Primitives

We will work in asymmetric bilinear groups and assume the existence of a bilinear-group generator \(\mathcal {G}\) which takes the security parameter \(\lambda \) as input and outputs pp \(=(\mathbb {G}, \mathbb {\hat{G}}, \mathbb {G}_T, e, g, h, \hat{g}, p)\), where \(\mathbb {G}, \mathbb {\hat{G}}, \mathbb {G}_T\) are groups of prime order \(p > 2^{\textsf {poly}(\lambda )}\), \(g, h \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb G\), \(\hat{g} \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {\hat{G}} \) are random generators, and \(e: \mathbb {G} \times \mathbb {\hat{G}}\) is a non-degenerate bilinear map. Our setting relies on the SXDH (symmetric external Diffie-Hellman) assumption, which states that the decisional Diffie-Hellman problem (DDH) [10] must be intractable in both \( \mathbb {G}\) and \(\mathbb {\hat{G}}\).

Assumption 1

(DDH). Let \(\lambda \) be a security parameter and g be a generator of a group \(\mathbb G\) of prime order \(p > 2^{\textsf {poly}(\lambda )}\). It is computationally hard to distinguish the tuple \((g^a, g^b, g^{ab})\) from the tuple \((g^a, g^b, g^{c})\) where \(a, b, c \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb Z_p\).

Groth-Sahai Proofs. Groth-Shai (GS) proofs [23] offer an efficient approach to proving the satisfiability of quadratic equations in bilinear settings. On input pp, common reference strings (CRS) \(\textbf{u} \in \mathbb {G}^4\) and \(\textbf{v} \in \mathbb {\hat{G}}^4\) are generated to commit to groups elements of \(\mathbb {G}\) and \(\mathbb {\hat{G}}\). For instance, the commitments to \(X \in \mathbb G\) and \(\hat{Y} \in \hat{\mathbb {G}}\) are denoted by \(\textbf{C}_{X}\) and \(\textbf{C}_{\hat{Y}}\) respectively. In accordance with the GS standard notation, we also define the linear maps: \(\iota _1: \mathbb {G} \rightarrow \mathbb G^2\) with \(\iota _1: X \mapsto (1, X)\) and \(\iota _2: \mathbb {\hat{G}} \rightarrow \mathbb {\hat{G}}^2\) with \(\iota _2 : \hat{Y} \mapsto (1,\hat{Y})\).

Linearly Homomorphic Structure-Preserving Signatures (LHSP Signature). LHSP signature was introduced by Libert et al. [28] to perform linear computations on encrypted data. Structure-preserving property allows signing messages that are vectors of group elements, whereas the linearly homomorphic feature makes it possible to derive a signature on any linear combination of already signed vectors. In our context, we rely on a one-time LHSP signature scheme of [28] in the SXDH setting as in [27], where each voter signs only one linear subspace using his secret signing key.

  • Gen(\({\textsf {pp}}, \lambda , n\)): given the public parameter \(\textsf {pp}\) and the dimension \(n \in \mathbb {N}\) of the subspace to be signed, pick \(\chi _i, \gamma _i \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {Z}_p\) and compute \(f_i = g^{\chi _i}h^{\gamma _i}\), for \(i = 1\) to n. The private key is \({{\textsf {sk}}} = \{(\chi _i, \gamma _i)\}_{i=1}^n\) and the public key is \({{\textsf {pk}}} = \{f_i\}_{i=1}^n \in \mathbb G^n\).

  • Sign(\({{{\textsf {sk}}}, (M_1, \dots , M_n)}\)): to sign a vector \((M_1, \dots , M_n) \in \mathbb {\hat{G}}^n\), using \({{\textsf {sk}}}\), output \(\sigma = (\hat{Z}, \hat{R}) = ( \prod _{i=1}^nM_i^{\chi _i}, \prod _{i=1}^nM_i^{\gamma _i})\).

  • Ver(\({{{\textsf {pk}}}, \sigma ,(M_1, \dots , M_n)}\)): given a signature \(\sigma = (\hat{Z}, \hat{R}) \in \mathbb {\hat{G}}^2\) and a vector \((M_1, \dots , M_n)\), return 1 if and only if \((M_1, \dots , M_n) \ne (1_{\mathbb {\hat{G}}}, \dots , 1_{\mathbb {\hat{G}}})\) and \((\hat{Z}, \hat{R})\) satisfies

    $$\begin{aligned} e(g,\hat{Z}) \cdot e(h, \hat{R}) = \prod _{i=1}^{n}e(f_i,M_i). \end{aligned}$$

In our case, the LHSP signature has three key advantages. Firstly, it allows ciphertexts to be re-randomized and the adaptation of their signatures, while guaranteeing the non-malleability of the plaintext. Secondly, it notably ensures that it is infeasible to publicly compute a signature on a vector outside the linear span of originally signed vectors, which is essential for our system security. Thirdly, the verification Eq. (1), which is a pairing product equation, still holds for \((M_1, \dots , M_n) = (1_{\mathbb {\hat{G}}}, \dots , 1_{\mathbb {\hat{G}}})\) with a degenerated signature \((\hat{Z}, \hat{R})=(1,1)\). This feature allows hiding whether we trivially satisfy the equation or if we have a valid signature thanks to the Groth-Sahai proof system. We use it to implement an OR-technique useful to simulation soundness.

2.2 Traceable Receipt-Free Encryption (TREnc)

TREnc [20] is a public key encryption scheme (Gen, Enc, Dec), augmented with a 5-tuple of algorithms: LGen, on input a security parameter \(\lambda \) and a public encryption key PK, outputs a link key lk; LEnc encrypts a message m using (PK, lk) and outputs a ciphertext c. \(\textsf {Trace}\) outputs the trace \(\textsf {t}\) of c. \(\textsf {Rand}\) randomizes c to output a randomized ciphertext \(c'\). \(\textsf {Ver}\) checks if a ciphertext is valid and outputs 1 if true, and 0 otherwise.

Verifiability. A TREnc is verifiable if no PPT adversary can produce, with non-negligible probability, a ciphertext that satisfies \(\textsf {Ver}\) but is not in the range of Enc. In other words, \(\textsf {Ver}\) guarantees that a valid ciphertext is necessarily in the range of the honestly generated encryptions. More formally, for any efficient \(\mathcal {A}\), is negligible. We denote the event of \(\mathcal {A}\) winning this game as \( \textsf {Exp}_\mathcal {A}^{\text {ver}}(n) =1\).

Strong Randomization. To achieve receipt-freeness, a ballot from a voter must be re-randomized before being placed on the PB. Strong randomization requires that the output of the \(\textsf {Rand}\) algorithm be indistinguishable from any encryption of the same message with the same link key. More precisely, A TREnc is strongly randomizable if for every \(c \in \textsf{LEnc}(\textsf {PK}, \textsf {lk}, m)\) with \(\textsf {PK}\) in the range of \(\textsf{Gen}\) and \(\textsf {lk}\) in the range of \(\textsf{LGen}(\textsf {PK})\), the following computational indistinguishability relation holds: \(\textsf{Rand}(\textsf {PK}, c) \approx _c \textsf{LEnc}(\textsf {PK}, \textsf {lk}, m)\).

TCCA Security. Security against traceable chosen ciphertexts attacks, also called TCCA security, is a TREnc’s central security requirement. An adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), who has a public key and is allowed to access a decryption oracle, submits a pair of valid ciphertexts of its choice that have identical traces. One of the ciphertexts is randomized and returned to \(\mathcal {A}\), who must decide which one it is. After receiving this challenge ciphertext, \(\mathcal {A}\) can still query the decryption oracle, but only on ciphertexts that have a trace different from his challenge ciphertext. TREnc is said to be TCCA secure if no PPT adversary can decide which ciphertext was randomized. Achieving TCCA security implies a form of non-malleability of the trace of ciphertexts. This essentially guarantees the absence of a vote receipt and is formalized in the \( \textsf {Exp}_\mathcal {A}^{\text {tcca}}(n)\) game in Fig. 1.

Traceability. A TREnc is traceable if no efficient adversary \(\mathcal {A}\) can produce another ciphertext that traces to the same trace and decrypts to a different message. The traceability property of the TREnc then guarantees that nobody (including the rerandomizing server and decryption-key holders) could have forged another valid ciphertext of another vote linked to the given ballot with non-negligible probability. This property is fundamental for the verifiability of an election and is defined in \( \textsf {Exp}_\mathcal {A}^{\text {trace}}(n)\) game of Fig. 1.

Link Traceability. TREnc allows the encryption of any message using a single link key and all resulting ciphertexts have the same trace. Thanks to this property, \(\textsf {LEnc}\) makes the TCCA game possible by encrypting different messages that trace to each other. This non-binding feature is essential for receipt-free voting.

Receipt-Freeness. To be receipt-free, TREnc relies on a semi-trusted entity called a ballot box manager. This entity checks the validity of the encrypted vote sent by the voter without requiring a secret key and then re-randomizes every valid ciphertext before posting it on the PB. Since the randomness contained in the published ballot is no longer under the control of the voter, he cannot prove how he voted. On the one hand, link traceability allows voters to vote for different messages with a single link key, preventing them from proving their vote. On the other hand, traceability ensures that no corrupted authority should be able to modify the encrypted vote while keeping the trace unchanged.

In a model where the voting client may be corrupted, strong randomization and TCCA security guarantees that the encryption hides the message. In contrast, the traceability property plays an important role when the voting client is honest, and the re-randomization server might be corrupted.

Definition 2.1

(TREnc correctness). A TREnc scheme is required to satisfy the following correctness requirements.

  • Encryption compatibility. For every \(\textsf {PK}\) in the range of \(\textsf {Gen}\) and message m, the distributions of \(\textsf {Enc}(\textsf {PK}, m)\) and \(\textsf {LEnc}(\textsf {PK}, \textsf {LGen}(\textsf {PK}), m)\) are identical.

  • Link traceability. For every \(\textsf {PK}\) in the range of \(\textsf {Gen}\), every \(\textsf {lk}\) in the range of \({\textsf {LGen}(\textsf {PK})}\), the encryptions of every pair of messages \((m_0, m_1)\) trace to the same trace, that is, it always holds that \( \textsf {Trace}(\textsf {PK}, \textsf {LEnc}(\textsf {PK}, \textsf {lk}, m_0)) = \textsf {Trace}(\textsf {PK}, \textsf {LEnc}(\textsf {PK}, \textsf {lk}, m_1))\).

  • Publicly Traceable Randomization. For every \(\textsf {PK}\) in the range of \(\textsf {Gen}\), every message m and every c in the range of \({\textsf {Enc}(\textsf {PK}, m)}\), we have that \(\textsf {Dec}(\textsf {SK}, c) =\) \( \textsf {Dec}(\textsf {SK}, \textsf {Rand}(\textsf {PK}, c))\) and \({\textsf {Trace}(\textsf {PK}, c) = \textsf {Trace}(\textsf {PK}, \textsf {Rand}(\textsf {PK}, c))}\).

  • Honest verifiability. For every \(\textsf {PK}\) in the range of \(\textsf {Gen}\) and every message m, it holds that \(\textsf {Ver}(\textsf {PK}, \textsf {Enc}(\textsf {PK}, m)) = 1\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The experiments of TCCA security, and traceability. In the TCCA game, \(\mathcal {A}_2\) has access to a decryption oracle \(\textsf {Dec}^*(.)\) which, on input c, returns \(\textsf {Dec}(c)\) if \(\textsf {Trace}(\textsf {PK}, c) \ne \textsf {Trace}(\textsf {PK}, c^*)\) and \(\textsf {test}\) otherwise.

2.3 Commitment Consistent Encryption (CCE)

CCE [19] is a cryptographic mechanism providing audit data for public verification that will never leak any information about the vote, even if the private keys are compromised or the cryptographic assumptions are broken.

To cast a ballot, voters are expected to encrypt their vote and produce a perfectly hiding commitment to the vote. The committed vote and an auxiliary value used to compute the commitment are called the openings for that commitment. The encryption is computed so that from any encrypted vote, it is possible to extract a commitment and an encryption of openings for that commitment. To verify the validity of the ballots, voters also have to provide a non-interactive zero-knowledge proof demonstrating the consistency between these components. The commitment is then cast on PB, whereas the encryption of the openings and the consistency proof are sent to SB. Since the election audit data in \(\textsf {PB}\) is perfectly hiding, we can ensure the confidentiality of the votes.

However, it is easy to observe that if a voter is willing to sell his vote, he can store the openings of the commitment and communicate it to an adversary. Thus, although CCE makes an e-voting system everlastingly private, it is not designed to protect against the vote-selling/buying threat. In other words, such a CCE protocol is not receipt-free.

3 The Construction of Our Scheme

Sections 3.1 and 3.2 describe our first construction of a commitment-consistent TREnc tailored to simple ballot. That is, the message space is bits encoded as scalars (in the exponents), and ciphertexts contain publicly verifiable proof of so. Our second construction tailored for complex ballot is deferred to Appendix A, where the message is a group element. In Sect. 3.3, we give the correctness and the security theorem statements of the construction. Finally, we provide a performance evaluation of our encryption algorithm in Sects. 3.4.

3.1 Description

  • Gen(\(1^\lambda \)): Choose bilinear groups (\(\mathbb {G},\hat{\mathbb {G}}, \mathbb {G}_T\)) of prime order \(p>2^{\textsf {poly}(\lambda )}\), pick \(g, g_1, h_1 \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {G}\) and \(\hat{g}, \hat{h}, \hat{g}_1, \hat{h}_1, \hat{g}_2, \hat{h}_2 \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \hat{\mathbb {G}}\).

  1. 1.

    Pick random \(\{(\alpha _i, \beta _i)\}_{i=1}^3 \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {Z}_p\) and set \(\{f_i\}_{i=1}^3 = g_1^{\alpha _i}h_1^{\beta _i}\).

  2. 2.

    To commit to groups elements of \(\mathbb {G}\) and \(\mathbb {\hat{G}}\) respectively, we generate one Groth-Sahai CRS \(\textbf{u} = (\vec {u}_1, \vec {u}_2)\) in \(\mathbb {G}^4\) and two others \(\textbf{v} = (\vec {v}_1, \vec {v}_2)\) and \(\textbf{v}' = (\vec {v}'_1, \vec {v}'_2)\) in \(\mathbb {\hat{G}}^4\) such that \(\vec {u}_1 = (u_{11}, u_{12})\), \(\vec {u}_2 = (u_{21}, u_{22})\), \(\vec {v}_1 = (v_{11}, v_{12})\), \(\vec {v}_2 = (v_{21}, v_{22})\), \(\vec {v}_1' = (v_{11}', v_{12}')\), and \(\vec {v}_2' = (v_{21}', v_{22}')\) are generated in the perfect NIWI mode.

  3. 3.

    Pick random \(\hat{f}_1, \hat{f}_2 \leftarrow \hat{\mathbb {G}}\) that will be used as a verification key for the LHSP signature but for which no one knows the corresponding secret key.

The private and public keys respectively are \(\textsf {SK}= \{(\alpha _i, \beta _i)\}_{i=1}^3\) and \(\textsf {PK}= (g, g_1, h_1, \hat{g}, \hat{h}, \hat{g}_1, \hat{h}_1, \hat{g}_2, \hat{h}_2, \{f_i\}_{i=1}^3, \hat{f}_1, \hat{f}_2, \textbf{u}, \textbf{v}, \textbf{v}')\).

  • Enc(PK, m): To encrypt \(m \in \mathbb Z_p\), first run LGen(PK): Generate a key pair (\({\textsf {osk},\textsf {opk}}\)) for the one-time linearly homomorphic signature from the public generators \(g_1, h_1\) to sign vectors of dimension 3. Let the signing key \(\textsf {lk}= \textsf {osk}= \{(\eta _i,\zeta _i)\}_{i=1}^{3}\), the corresponding public key is \(\textsf {opk}= \{k_i\}_{i=1}^{3} = \{g_1^{\eta _i} h_1^{\zeta _i}\}_{i=1}^{3}\). Then, conduct the following steps of \(\textsf {LEnc}(\textsf {PK}, \textsf {lk}, m)\):

  1. 1.


    1. (a)

      Compute \(M = g^m \in \mathbb {G}\). For random \( r, q \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {Z}_p\), compute the commitments \(\hat{d}_1 = \hat{g}^m\hat{g}_1^r\hat{h}_1^q \in \hat{\mathbb {G}}\), \(\hat{d}_2 = \hat{g}_2^r\hat{h}_2^q \in \hat{\mathbb {G}}\) and the openings \(R = g^r \in {\mathbb {G}}, Q = g^q \in {\mathbb {G}}\). Choose \(\theta \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {Z}_p\), compute the ciphertexts of M, R, and Q respectively as \(\textbf{c}_m = (c_0, c_1, c_2) = (Mf_1^\theta , g_1^\theta , h_1^\theta )\), \( c_r =Rf_2^\theta \), and \(c_q =Qf_3^\theta \).

    2. (b)

      Commit to the openings using the Groth-Sahai CRS by computing \(\textbf{C}_{M} \) \(= \iota _1(M)\vec {u}_1^{z_1}\vec {u}_2^{z_2} \in \mathbb {G}^2\), \(\textbf{C}_{R}=\iota _1(R)\vec {u}_1^{r_1}\vec {u}_2^{r_2} \in \mathbb {G}^2\), and \(\textbf{C}_{Q} =\iota _1(Q)\vec {u}_1^{t_1}\vec {u}_2^{t_2}\) \( \in \mathbb {G}^2\) for random \(z_1,z_2, r_1, r_2, t_1, t_2 \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {Z}_p\), then derive the commitment \(\textbf{C}_{f_1} = \iota (c_0)/\textbf{C}_M\), \(\textbf{C}_{f_2} = \iota (c_r)/\textbf{C}_R \), and \(\textbf{C}_{f_3} = \iota (c_q)/\textbf{C}_Q \).

    3. (c)

      To allow simulating the proof, set the bit \(\bar{b}=1\) and compute \(G = g^{\bar{b}} \in \mathbb G\) and \(\hat{H} = \hat{h}^{\bar{b}} \in \hat{\mathbb {G}}\). Commit to G, \(\hat{H}\), and \(\hat{H}^\theta \) respectively to have \(\textbf{C}_G = \iota _1(G)\vec {u_1}^{w_1}\vec {u_2}^{w_2} \in \mathbb {G}^2\), \(\textbf{C}_{\hat{H}} =\iota _2(\hat{H})\vec {v_1}^{x_1}\vec {v_2}^{x_2} \in \hat{\mathbb {G}}\), and \(\textbf{C}_\theta = \iota _2(\hat{H}^\theta )\vec {v_1}^{x_3}\vec {v_2}^{x_4} \in \hat{\mathbb {G}}\) for \(w_1, w_2, x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4 \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {Z}_p\). To make sure G and \(\hat{H}\) are well-formed, compute GS proof \(\pi _b \) such that


      For the sake of simplicity, we signify that the group element represented in the box is the one that is committed in the corresponding commitment. For example, in Eq. 2, \(\hat{H}\) and G are committed in \(\textbf{C}_{\hat{H}}\) and \(\textbf{C}_{{G}}\) respectively.

    4. (d)

      To make sure CT is well-formed, compute the GS proof \(\pi _\theta \) to ensure that \((c_1, c_2, c_0/M, c_r/R, c_q/Q)\) are in the form of \((g_1, h_1, f_1, f_2, f_3)^\theta \). In other words, these equations below must be satisfied with , , , and respectively being committed in \(\textbf{C}_\theta , \textbf{C}_{f_1}, \textbf{C}_{f_2}\), and \(\textbf{C}_{f_3}\).

    5. (e)

      Return \(CT= (\textbf{c}_m, c_r, c_q, \textbf{C}_{\hat{H}}, \textbf{C}_\theta , \pi _b, \pi _\theta ) \in \mathbb {G}^{25} \times \hat{\mathbb {G}}^{20}\).

  2. 2.


    1. (a)

      For the proof of the openings for commitments:

      • The GS proof of openings \(\pi _{open}\) needs to make sure that the values committed in \(\textbf{C}_M, \textbf{C}_R, \textbf{C}_Q, \textbf{C}_G\) in CT are the openings of the commitments \(\hat{d}_1, \hat{d}_2\) in D. To put it differently, \(\pi _{open}\) must satisfy that


        where , , are values committed in \(\textbf{C}_M, \textbf{C}_R, \textbf{C}_Q\) in their respective order. Thus, the proofs \(\pi _\theta \) computed in the CT and \(\pi _{open}\) in D constitute the proof of consistency between \(\hat{d}_1, \hat{d}_2\) and \(\textbf{c}_m, c_r, c_q\), i.e., the commitments can be opened by encrypted values in the ciphertexts.

    2. (b)

      For traceability property:

      • Sign each row of the matrix T using \({\textsf {lk}= \textsf {osk}}\), resulting in signatures \(\hat{\sigma }_1, \hat{\sigma }_2, \hat{\sigma }_3\), where \(\hat{\sigma }_i = (\hat{Z}_i, \hat{R}_i) \in \mathbb { \hat{G}}^2\) for \(i = 1, 2, 3\).

        $$\begin{aligned} T= \begin{pmatrix} \hat{g} &{} \hat{d}_1 &{} \hat{d}_2\\ 1 &{} \hat{g}_1 &{} \hat{g}_2\\ 1 &{} \hat{h}_1 &{} \hat{h}_2 \end{pmatrix} \end{aligned}$$
      • To allow strong randomizability, commit to \(\hat{\sigma }_1\) using the GS CRS \(\textbf{v}'\) by computing \({C}_{\hat{Z}} =\iota _2(\hat{Z}_1)\vec {v}_1'^{l_1}\vec {v}_2'^{l_2}\) and \({C}_{\hat{R}} =\iota _2(\hat{R}_1)\vec {v}_1'^{l_3}\vec {v}_2'{l_4}\) for random scalars \(l_1,l_2, l_3, l_4 \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {Z}_p\).

      • To ensure that \(\hat{\sigma }_1\) is a valid one-time LHSP signature on \((\hat{g}, \hat{d}_1, \hat{d}_2)\), compute the proof \(\pi _{sig}\) such that


        where and are committed in \({C}_{\hat{Z}}, {C}_{\hat{R}}\) respectively.

    3. (c)

      For TCCA security:

      • Set \((A,B)=(1_{\mathbb G},1_{\mathbb G})\) as a degenerated LHSP signature, and \(X = g/G = g^{1-\bar{b}} \in \mathbb G\). Since \(\bar{b}=1\), \(X = 1_{\mathbb G}\). The commitment of X is computed by \(\textbf{C}_X = \iota _1(g)/\textbf{C}_G \in \mathbb G^2\). Commit to A and B to have \(\textbf{C}_A=\iota _1(A)\vec {u}_1^{a_1}\vec {u}_2^{a_2}\) and \(\textbf{C}_B=\iota _1(B)\vec {u}_1^{b_1}\vec {u}_2^{b_2}\) for \(a_1,a_2, b_1, b_2 \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {Z}_p\).

      • The randomizable simulation-sound proof \({\pi }_{ss}\) must ensure that


        where \(\tau = \textsf {Hash}({\textsf {opk}})\). In the honest case, 7 is trivially fulfilled. In the simulated case, \(\bar{b} \ne 1\) and (AB) must be a valid LHSP signature on \((X, X^\tau ) \ne (1,1)\) with verification keys being public elements \((\hat{f}_1, \hat{f}_2)\).

    4. (d)

      For well-formedness proof of a vote:

      The vote m must be 0 or 1. To this end, we commit to \(\hat{M}=\hat{g}^m\) to have \(\textbf{C}_{\hat{M}} =\iota _2(\hat{M})\vec {v}_1^{s_1}\vec {v}_2^{s_2}\) for random scalars \(s_1,s_2 \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {Z}_p\). The proof \(\pi _{01}\) is computed such that

    5. (e)

      Return the commitment part \(D = (\hat{d}_1, \hat{d}_2, \textbf{C}_{\hat{M}}, \textbf{C}_M, \textbf{C}_R, \textbf{C}_Q, \textbf{C}_G, \textbf{C}_{\hat{Z}}, \textbf{C}_{\hat{R}}, \textbf{C}_A, \textbf{C}_B,\) \( {\pi }_{open}, \hat{\sigma }_2, \hat{\sigma }_3, \pi _{sig}, {\pi }_{ss}, \pi _{01}, {\textsf {opk}}) \in \mathbb {G}^{25} \times \hat{\mathbb {G}}^{26}\).

    At the end of the encryption, output \(C = (CT, D)\in \mathbb {G}^{50} \times \hat{\mathbb {G}}^{46}\).

  • Trace(PK, C): Parse \(\textsf {PK}\) and C as above, and output opk in the obvious way.

  • Rand(PK, C): If \(\textsf {PK}\) and \(C= (CT, D)\) do not parse as the outputs of Gen and Enc, abort. Otherwise, conduct the steps as follows:

  1. 1.


    1. (a)

      Parse the CPA encryption part \(\textbf{c}_m, c_r, c_q\), pick \(\theta ', r', q' \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {Z}_p\), set \(R' = g^{r'}, Q' = g^{q'}\), and compute \(\textbf{c}'_m =(c_0', c_1', c_2')=\textbf{c}_m \cdot (f_1,g_1,h_1)^{\theta '} = (Mf_1^{\theta + \theta '}, g_1^{\theta + \theta '}, h_1^{\theta + \theta '}), c_r' = c_r \cdot R'f_2^{\theta '}\), and \(c_q' =c_q \cdot Q'f_3^{\theta '}\).

    2. (b)

      Adapt the commitments \(\textbf{C}_G' = \textbf{C}_G \cdot \vec {u_1}^{w'_1}\vec {u_2}^{w'_2}\), and \(\textbf{C}_{\hat{H}}' =\textbf{C}_{\hat{H}} \cdot \vec {v_1}^{x_1'}\vec {v_2}^{x_2'}\) for \( w_1', w_2', x_1', x_2' \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {Z}_p\). Likewise, randomize the commitments \(C'_{\hat{H}} =\textbf{C}_{\hat{H}} \cdot \vec {v_1}^{x_1'}\vec {v_2}^{x_2'}\), \(\textbf{C}_{\theta }'=\textbf{C}_{\theta } \cdot \iota _2(1) \cdot \iota _2(\hat{H}^{\theta '})\vec {v_1}^{x_3'}\vec {v_2}^{x_4'}\), \(\textbf{C}_{M}' =\textbf{C}_{M} \cdot \vec {u}_1^{z_1'}\vec {u}_2^{z_2'}\), \(\textbf{C}_{R}' =\textbf{C}_{R} \cdot \iota _1(R')\vec {u}_1^{r_1'}\vec {u}_2^{r_2'}\), \(\textbf{C}_{Q}' =\textbf{C}_{Q} \cdot \iota _1(Q')\vec {u}_1^{t_1'}\vec {u}_2^{t_2'}\) for \( x_1', x_2', x_3', x_4', z_1',z_2', r_1', r_2', t_1', t_2' \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {Z}_p\). The derived commitments are then \(\textbf{C}_{f_1}' =\iota (c_0')/\textbf{C}_M'\), \(\textbf{C}_{f_2}' = \iota (c_r')/\textbf{C}'_R\); \(\textbf{C}_{f_3}' = \iota (c_q')/\textbf{C}_Q'\).

    3. (c)

      Adapt the proof \(\pi '_\theta \) and \(\pi '_b\) accordingly.

    4. (d)

      Return \(CT'= (\textbf{c}'_m, c'_r, c'_q, \textbf{C}'_{\hat{H}}, \textbf{C}'_\theta , \pi '_b, \pi '_\theta )\).

  2. 2.


    1. (a)

      For proof of openings \({\pi }_{open}\):

      1. i.

        Randomize the commitments \(\hat{d}_1'=\hat{d}_1 \cdot \hat{g}_1^{r'}\hat{h}_1^{q'} = \hat{g}^m\hat{g}_1^{r+r'}\hat{h}_1^{q+q'}\), \(\hat{d}_2'=\hat{d}_2 \cdot \hat{g}_2^{r'}\hat{h}_2^{q'} = \hat{g}_2^{r+r'}\hat{h}_2^{q+q'}\) for the same \(r', q'\) in CT.

      2. ii.

        Update the corresponding proof \(\pi '_{open}\).

    2. (b)

      For the proof of signature \(\pi _{sig}\):

      1. i.

        Implicitly adapt the committed signature \(\hat{\sigma }_1\) of the tracing part by computing \(\tilde{\sigma }_1 = (\tilde{Z_1}, \tilde{R_1}) = (\hat{Z}_2^{r'}\hat{Z}_3^{q'}, \hat{R}_2^{r'}\hat{R}_3^{q'})\) which consists of a one-time LHSP signature on \((1, \hat{g}_1, \hat{g}_2)^{r'} \cdot (1, \hat{h}_1, \hat{h}_2)^{q'}\) for opk.

      2. ii.

        Adapt the commitment \(\textbf{C}'_{\hat{Z}} =\textbf{C}_{\hat{Z}} \cdot \iota _2(\tilde{Z_1})\vec {v}_1'^{l'_1}\vec {v}_2'^{l'_2}\) and \(\textbf{C}'_{\hat{R}} =\textbf{C}_{\hat{R}} \cdot \iota _2(\tilde{R_1})\vec {v}_1'^{l'_3}\vec {v}_2'^{l'_4}\) for some random \(l'_1,l'_2, l'_3, l'_4 \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {Z}_p\), which should commit to the valid one-time LHSP signature \(\hat{\sigma }_1' = \hat{\sigma }_1\hat{\sigma }_2^{r'}\hat{\sigma }_3^{q'}\) on \((g, \hat{d}_1', \hat{d}_2')\) for opk. Then, randomize the proof \(\pi '_{sig}\).

    3. (c)

      For the proof of simulation soundness \({\pi }_{ss}\):

      1. i.

        Adapt the commitment \(\textbf{C}_X\) corresponding to \(\textbf{C}_G'\) by computing \(\textbf{C}_X' = \iota _1(g)/\textbf{C}_G'\). Similarly, computing \(\textbf{C}'_A= \textbf{C}_A \cdot \vec {u}_1^{a'_1}\vec {u}_2^{a'_2}\) and \(\textbf{C}'_B= \textbf{C}_B \cdot \vec {u}_1^{b'_1}\vec {u}_2^{b'_2}\) for some \(a'_1, a'_2, b'_1, b'_2 \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {Z}_p\).

      2. ii.

        Adapt the proof \({\pi }_{ss}\) to have \({\pi }_{ss}'\).

    4. (d)

      For well-formedness proof of a vote:

      Adapt the commitment \(\textbf{C}'_{\hat{M}} = \textbf{C}_{\hat{M}} \cdot \vec {v}_1^{s_1'}\vec {v}_2^{s_2'}\) for \(s'_1, s'_2 \overset{\$}{\leftarrow }\ \mathbb {Z}_p\). Similarly, adapt the proof \(\pi _{01}\) to have \(\pi '_{01}\).

    5. (e)

      Return \(D' = (\hat{d}'_1, \hat{d}'_2, \textbf{C}'_{\hat{M}}, \textbf{C}'_M, \textbf{C}'_R, \textbf{C}'_Q, \textbf{C}'_G, \textbf{C}'_A, \textbf{C}'_B, \textbf{C}'_{\hat{Z}}, \textbf{C}'_{\hat{R}}, \hat{\sigma }_2, \hat{\sigma }_3\), \(\pi '_{sig}, \pi '_{open}, {\pi }'_{ss}, \pi '_{01}, {\textsf {opk}})\).

    At the end of the randomization, output \(C = (CT', D').\)

  • Ver (PK, C): Abort and output 0 if either \(\textsf {PK}\) or C fails to parse correctly. Else, check the validity of the LHSP signatures \(\hat{\sigma }_2, \hat{\sigma }_3\) respectively on \((1 ,\hat{g}_1 , \hat{g}_2)\) and \((1 ,\hat{h}_1 , \hat{h}_2)\) with respect to \(\textsf {opk}\), as well as all the Groth-Sahai proofs with \(\tau = \textsf {Hash}({\textsf {opk}})\) and output 0 if at least one of them fails; otherwise, output 1. (All the verification equations are given in Sect. 3.2.)

  • Dec(SK, C): If Ver(PK, C) = 0, output \(\bot \). Otherwise, given SK \(= \{(\alpha _i, \beta _i)\}_{i=1}^3\) and \((\textbf{c}_m = (c_0, c_1, c_2), c_r, c_q)\) included in CT, output \(M = c_0 \cdot c_1^{-\alpha _1} \cdot c_2^{-\beta _1}\), \(R = c_r \cdot c_1^{-\alpha _2} \cdot c_2^{-\beta _2}\), and \(Q = c_q \cdot c_1^{-\alpha _3} \cdot c_2^{-\beta _3}\).

3.2 Verification Equations

We now turn to the specification of the verification equations of the Groth-Sahai proofs that must be satisfied by valid ciphertexts produced using this first construction. While they are not necessary to follow the security proofs, we expand them here in order to have a clear view about the cost of publicly verifying ciphertexts, which will be evaluated through a prototype implementation below.

  • Ver (PK, C): Abort and output 0 if either \(\textsf {PK}\) or C fails to parse correctly. Then, privately verify the first verification, which concerns the CPA encryption part, while the remaining four will be checked publicly on PB.

    1. 1.

      The CPA encryption part is well-formed, i.e., \((c_1, c_2, c_0/M, c_r/R, c_q/Q)\) are all in the form of the same exponent; and (G, \(\hat{H}\)) are also raised to the same exponent. To hold, the proofs \(\pi _\theta \), \(\pi _b\) in CT (of Eq. 3, Eq. 2) and commitments \(\textbf{C}_{f_1}, \textbf{C}_{f_2},\textbf{C}_{f_3}, \textbf{C}_{\hat{H}}, \textbf{C}_\theta , \textbf{C}_G\) must satisfy:

      $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} & E(c_1, \textbf{C}_{\hat{H}}) = E(g_1, \textbf{C}_\theta ) \cdot E(\pi _{\theta , a}[0], \vec {v}_1) \cdot E(\pi _{\theta ,a}[1], \vec {v}_2)\\ & E(c_2, \textbf{C}_{\hat{H}}) = E(h_1, \textbf{C}_\theta ) \cdot E(\pi _{\theta , b}[0], \vec {v}_1) \cdot E(\pi _{\theta , b}[1], \vec {v}_2) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$


      $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} E(\textbf{C}_{f_i}, \textbf{C}_{\hat{H}}) = & E(\iota _1(f_i), \textbf{C}_\theta ) \cdot E(\vec {u}_1, \pi _{\theta , j}[0]) \cdot E(\vec {u}_2, \pi _{\theta , j}[1]) \\ &\cdot E( \pi _{\theta , j}[2], \vec {v}_1) \cdot E(\pi _{\theta , j}[3], \vec {v}_2) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

      for \((i, j) \in \{(1, c), (2, d), (3, e)\}\) and

      $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} E(\iota _1(g), \textbf{C}_{\hat{H}}) = & E(\textbf{C}_{G}, \iota _2(\hat{h})) \cdot E(\vec {u}_1, \pi _b[0]) \cdot E(\vec {u}_2, \pi _b[1]) \cdot \\ {} & E( \pi _b[2], \vec {v}_1) \cdot E(\pi _b[3], \vec {v}_2) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$
    2. 2.

      The values committed in \(\textbf{C}_M, \textbf{C}_R, \textbf{C}_Q, \textbf{C}_G\) are the openings of the commitments in Eq. 4. That means

      $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} E(\textbf{C}_M, \hat{g})\cdot E(\textbf{C}_R, \hat{g}_1) \cdot E(\textbf{C}_Q, \hat{h}_1) & = E(\textbf{C}_G, \hat{d}_1) \cdot E(\textbf{u}, \pi _{open, a})\\ E(\textbf{C}_R, \hat{g}_2) \cdot E(\textbf{C}_Q, \hat{h}_2) & = E(\textbf{C}_G, \hat{d}_2) \cdot E(\textbf{u}, \pi _{open, b}) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

      where \(E(\textbf{u}, \pi _{open, i}) = E(\vec {u}_1, \pi _{open, i}[0]) \cdot E(\vec {u}_2, \pi _{open, i}[1])\) with \(i \in \{a, b\}.\) The verifications and constitute a consistency between \(\hat{d}_1, \hat{d}_2\) in D and \(\textbf{c}_m, c_r, c_q\) in CT, i.e., the commitments can be opened by encrypted values in the ciphertexts.

    3. 3.

      The committed signature of the tracing part is valid, i.e., \(\hat{\sigma }_1 = (\hat{Z}_1, \hat{R}_1)\) is a valid one-time LHSP signature on the vector \((\hat{g}, \hat{d}_1, \hat{d}_2)\). To this end, the commitments \(\textbf{C}_{\hat{Z}}, {C}_{\hat{R}}\) and the proof \(\pi _{sig}\) must ensure that

      $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} E(g_1, \textbf{C}_{\hat{Z}}) \cdot E(h_1, \textbf{C}_{\hat{R}}) = & E(k_1, \iota _2(\hat{g})) \cdot E(k_2, \iota _2(\hat{d}_1)) \cdot E(k_3, \iota _2(\hat{d}_2)) \cdot \\ {} & E(\pi _{sig}[0], \vec {v}_1') \cdot E(\pi _{sig}[1], \vec {v}_2') \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$
    4. 4.

      The committed values of the simulation part are valid, i.e., (AB) must be a valid LHSP signature on \((X, X^\tau )\) by verifying

      $$\begin{aligned} E(\textbf{C}_A, \hat{g}) \cdot E(\textbf{C}_B, \hat{h}) = E(\iota _1(g)/\textbf{C}_G, \hat{f}_1\hat{f}^\tau _2) \cdot E(\vec {u}_1, {\pi }_{ss}[0]) \cdot E(\vec {u}_2, {\pi }_{ss}[1]) \end{aligned}$$
    5. 5.

      The vote m is 0 or 1 using the proof \(\pi _{01}\) from Eq. 8

      $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} E(\textbf{C}_M, \iota _2(\hat{g})) = & E(\iota _1(g), \textbf{C}_{\hat{M}}) \cdot E(\vec {u}_1, \pi _{01, a}[0]) \cdot E(\vec {u}_2, \pi _{01, a}[1]) \cdot \\ {} & E( \pi _{01, a}[2], \vec {v}_1) \cdot E(\pi _{01, a}[3], \vec {v}_2) \\ E(\textbf{C}_M, \iota _2(\hat{g})/\textbf{C}_{\hat{M}}) = & E(\vec {u}_1, \pi _{01, b}[0]) \cdot E(\vec {u}_2, \pi _{01, b}[1]) \cdot \\ {} & E( \pi _{01, b}[2], \vec {v}_1) \cdot E( \pi _{01, b}[3], \vec {v}_2) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

    If at least one of these checks fails, output 0; otherwise, output 1.

3.3 Security Analysis

The above scheme enjoys (perfect) correctness. Moreover, its security solely relies on the SXDH assumption as claimed below. All the proofs are given in Appendix B.

Theorem 3.1

The above scheme is perfectly strongly randomizable.

Theorem 3.2

The above scheme is TCCA-secure under the SXDH assumption and the collision resistance of the hash function. We have the advantage \(\vert \Pr [\textsf {Exp}_\mathcal {A}^{tcca }(\lambda ) =1] -\frac{1}{2} \vert \le \epsilon _{cr} + 6\epsilon _{sxdh} + \frac{4}{p}.\)

Theorem 3.3

The above scheme is traceable under the SXDH assumption. More precisely, we have \(\Pr [\textsf {Exp}_\mathcal {A}^{trace }(\lambda ) =1] \le 5 \epsilon _{sxdh} + \frac{1}{p}.\)

Theorem 3.4

The above scheme is verifiable under the SXDH assumption. More precisely, for any adversary \(\mathcal {A}\), we have \(\Pr [\textsf {Exp}_\mathcal {A}^{ver }(\lambda ) =1] \le 3 \epsilon _{sxdh} + \frac{1}{p}\).

3.4 Efficiency

Up to constant factors, the encryption scheme we just described and the one we describe in Appendix A are optimal in the sense of Cramer, Gennaro and Schoenmakers [17]: the ballot size and the voter computational load do not depend on the number of voters nor on the number of authorities, the computational workload of the tallying authorities grows linearly with the number of voters and candidates.

In order to evaluate the constants, we built a C implementation of the ballot preparation (key generation, encryption) and verification algorithms using the MIRACL Core Cryptographic Library [31]. The implementation, which can be found on, is carried out on an average commodity laptop equipped with an Intel i5-1245U processor running Ubuntu 22.04. The time unit is seconds and all our results are averaged over 100 runs. The running time of verification includes all verification equations in Sect. 3.1 for both individual and universal verification. Likewise, the encryption process timing also includes signature and proof computation. To provide at least 128-bit security, we use a BN curve [3] on a 462-bit prime field, so-called BN462.

Table 1. Time for key generation, encryption, and verification of one ballot.

As seen in Table 1, it appears that the cost of computing ballots for both instances is almost similar and largely under a second. However, there is a slight difference in the verification timing of the two methods. This is because a mixnet-based tally does not require a well-formedness proof of the vote, whereas a homomorphic tally does. We note that the computation of multiple ciphertexts could also largely benefit of fixed-base exponentiation methods: these costs can then grow much more slowly than linearly with the number of ciphertexts to be computed.

4 Application to E-Voting

One important application of our scheme is the construction of single-pass voting systems [8], where voters interact with the system only by submitting their ballots. The described protocol involves four entities as introduced in TREnc, consisting of: voters, who have the right to vote; election administrator (EA), who is in charge of setting up the election and generating \(\textsf {PK}\) and SK. A ballot box manager is responsible for randomizing the ballots of the voters. A tallier is in charge of correctly tallying the ballot box and providing the correctness proof of the tally. Also, it provides tallying results on a public view \(\textsf {PB}\) for verifiability.

Our proposed voting protocol is defined as a tuple of probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms based on the two most crucial tallying techniques: homomorphic aggregation, tailored for elections with a small number of candidates, and mixnet that is suitable for elections with complex ballots.

  • SetUp(\(1^\lambda \)): On input security parameter \(1^\lambda \), generates the public and secret keys (\(\textsf {PK}, \textsf {SK}\)) of the election.

  • Vote(id, v): Upon receiving a voter \(\textsf {id}\) and a vote \(\textsf {v}\), outputs a ballot \(\textsf {b}= (CT, D)\).

  • Valid(b): On input ballot \(\textsf {b}\), outputs 0 or 1. The algorithm outputs 1 if and only if the ballot satisfies all verification equations.

  • ProcessBallot(b): On the input ballot \(\textsf {b}\), outputs an updated ballot \(\textsf {b}'\), a re-randomization of \(\textsf {b}\) where \(\textsf {b}'= (CT', D')\).

  • TraceBallot(b): On input a commitment D, outputs a trace \(\textsf {t}\). The trace is the information that a voter can use to track his ballot, using VerifyBallot.

  • \({\textsf {Append}(\textsf {PB}, \textsf {SB}, \textsf {b}):}\) On input PB, SB, and ballot b, appends D to \(\textsf {PB}\) and CT to SBif \(\textsf {Valid}(\textsf {b}) = 1\).

  • VerifyBallot(PB, \(\textsf {t}\)): On input the public board \(\textsf {PB}\) and a trace t, outputs 0 or 1. This algorithm is used by voters to check if their ballot has been processed and recorded properly.

  • Tally(PB, SB, SK): On input \(\textsf {PB}\), \(\textsf {SB}\), and private key SK, outputs the tally result and a proof of correctness. Depending on the tallying technique, runs \(\textsf {HomoTally}\) or \(\textsf {MixnetTally}\) correspondingly.

  • VerifyResult(PB): On input PB, result of the tally and proof of the tally, outputs 0 or 1. Depending on the tallying technique, runs either \(\textsf {HomoVerify}\) or \(\textsf {MixnetVerify}\).

It is implicit that \(\textsf {PK}\) is given to all these algorithms except \(\textsf {SetUp}\).

Following [20], we describe our voting scheme based on a TREnc with the difference that only the perfectly private parts of our ballots are published on \(\textsf {PB}\). More precisely, EAs first generate the election public and secret keys with \(\textsf {SetUp}\) by running \(\textsf{Gen}\) of our TREnc. The public key \(\textsf {PK}\) is published and stored on the \(\textsf {PB}\), and shares of \(\textsf {SK}\) are only known by the tallier (\(\textsf {SK}\) can be securely generated in a distributed way in our prime-order groups using standard techniques). Each voter can then prepare a ballot \(\textsf {b}\) and submit it to the ballot box manager using the \(\textsf {Vote}\) algorithm that runs the encryption of the vote using our TREnc. The validity of the ballot is defined as the validity of our D and CT output by \(\textsf {Vote}(\textsf {id}, \textsf {v})\). Although the ballot will be randomized, a voter can store \(\textsf {TraceBallot}(\textsf {b})\) that is defined as the trace of the TREnc ciphertext and confirm if it has been correctly recorded on \(\textsf {PB}\) by utilizing \(\textsf {VerifyBallot}(\textsf {PB},\textsf {t})\). After receiving a ballot, the ballot box manager checks its validity and that no ballot with the same trace was recorded before. Invalid ballots are dropped and valid ones will go through \({\textsf {Append}(\textsf {PB}, \textsf {SB}, \textsf {b})}\) after being re-randomized by \(\textsf {ProcessBallot}(\textsf {b})\) thanks to \(\textsf{Rand}\). As said, \({\textsf {Append}(\textsf {PB}, \textsf {SB}, \textsf {b})}\) simply computes \(\textsf {PB}\leftarrow \textsf {PB}||D\) and \(\textsf {SB}\leftarrow \textsf {PB}||CT\) from (previously rerandomized) \(\textsf {b}=(CT,D)\). Once every voter has cast a vote, the tallier checks the validity of each ballot using Valid(b). A tallying protocol is then carried out based on the ballot type and the election outcome is published. To verify the election result, anyone can utilize \(\textsf {VerifyResult}(\textsf {PB})\) by referring to the content of PB, and which can be based on common techniques.

4.1 Voting Scheme with a Homomorphic Tally

One of the two main approaches for tallying an election is homomorphic aggregation. The homomorphic property makes it possible to homomorphically combine a number of ballots to compute the encrypted sum of the votes. Then only the sum is decrypted instead of individual votes so that the secrecy of an individual’s ballot is preserved. Since the vote can be only 0 or 1, it can be encoded as a group element and subsequently decoded by an exhaustive search of the plaintext. Thus, the voter needs to add a non-interactive randomizable proof of vote well-formedness to the public commitment part (see Eq. 8). The tallier computes tally by \(\textsf {HomoTally}\) algorithm as follows.

  1. 1.

    Aggregation: For all l valid CT in SB, the tallier performs element-wise multiplication of the encryption (\(\textbf{c}_m, c_r, c_q\)), obtaining a result vector \(\textbf{v}=(\textstyle \prod _i \textbf{c}_m,\prod _i c_r, \prod _i c_q)\) for \(i=1, \dots l\).

  2. 2.

    Decryption: The tallier decrypts \(\textbf{v}\) in order to obtain the openings (MRQ) \( = \textsf {Dec}({\textsf {SK}}, \textbf{v})\), then finds m and appends (mRQ) to PB.

Since both the commitment and the encryption schemes are additively homomorphic, the votes are homomorphically combined into a single ciphertext containing the final result, which is then decrypted by the tallier. To check that the tally matches the posted votes, anyone can run \(\textsf {HomoVerify}\) algorithm as follows.

  1. 1.

    Multiply all the commitments \((\hat{d}_1, \hat{d}_2)\) element-wise for l valid entries on \(\textsf {PB}\) to obtain a commitment on the election outcome \((\textsf {com}_1, \textsf {com}_2)\).

  2. 2.

    Verify that (mRQ) provided by the tallier are openings of the outcome commitment by checking if the given equations are satisfied

    $$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} e(g^{m}, \hat{g}) \cdot e(R, \hat{g}_1) \cdot e(Q, \hat{h}_1) & = e(g, \textsf {com}_1)\\ e(R, \hat{g}_2) \cdot e(Q, \hat{h}_2) & = e(g, \textsf {com}_2) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

Given that the commitment scheme is binding, it makes sure that the only openings that the authorities are able to provide come from an honest tallying process. Moreover, its perfectly hiding property can guarantee the perfect ballot privacy of the whole audit trail.

4.2 Voting Scheme with a Mixnet Tally

Unlike homomorphic tallying, verifiable mixnet-based systems decrypt individual ballots after anonymization, which disassociates encrypted ballots from their corresponding voters. This anonymization procedure will be performed by shuffling the votes through several shuffling centers (so-called mixers). Since each shuffled ballot is decrypted individually, its validity is verified by the fact that the decrypted vote and auxiliary values are the openings of the corresponding commitment. As a result, the voter is not required to compute the well-formedness proof of the vote. Due to page limitations, our adapted encryption scheme of mixnet tallying is presented in the Appendix A, which is not additively homomorphic anymore, but still randomizable. Thus, there are no specific concerns regarding the necessary randomization properties for mixing. We sketch the \(\textsf {MixnetTally}\) algorithm in the following.

  1. 1.

    Stripping: On each input of \(C = (CT, D)\), the authorities only keep the encryption (\(\textbf{c}_m, \textbf{c}_r, c_s\)) in CT and the commitments (\({d}_1, {d}_2\)) in D, obtaining an encryption vector \(\textbf{v} = \{(\textbf{c}_m^{i}, \textbf{c}_r^{i}, c_s^{i})\}^l_{i=1}\) and corresponding commitment vector \(\textbf{d} = \{({d}_1^{i}, {d}_2^{i})\}^l_{i=1}\) of l valid ballots.

  2. 2.

    Permutation Selection: A random permutation \(\pi \) is chosen and a validity proof \(P_\pi \) for \(\pi \) is computed.

  3. 3.

    Shuffle: The mixers shuffle (\(\textbf{v}, \textbf{d}\)), resulting in (\(\textbf{v}', \textbf{d}'\)). While \(\textbf{v}'\) is kept private on SB, \(\textbf{d}'\) is posted on PB. Additionally, two commitment consistent proofs are provided with respect to the permutation \(\pi \): \(P_\textbf{v}\) shows that \(\textbf{v}'\) is a shuffle on \(\textbf{v}\) and \(P_\textbf{d}\) shows that \(\textbf{d}'\) is a shuffle on \(\textbf{d}\). \(P_\textbf{v}\) and \(P_\textbf{d}\) are then posted on \(\textsf {SB}\) and \(\textsf {PB}\) respectively.

  4. 4.

    Decryption: After verifying the proofs, the encryption in \(\textbf{v}'\) is decrypted to have the message M and auxiliary values \(\hat{R}\) and \(\hat{S}\). The results are published on PB.

Since the published proofs do not disclose the permutation used in the mixing process or the decryption key, it would not violate any anonymity. Thus, everyone can verify if the election outcome is the correct decryption of the shuffled valid votes using the \(\textsf {MixnetVerify}\) algorithm below.

  1. 1.

    Verification of the permutation: One can verify the proof \(P_\pi \) of the chosen permutation \(\pi \) and abort if it fails.

  2. 2.

    Verification of the proof of shuffle: One can verify the validity of the proof \(P_\textbf{d}\) and abort if it fails.

  3. 3.

    Verification of the openings: One can verify if decrypted values of \(\textbf{v}'\) provided on \(\textsf {PB}\) are valid openings for the shuffled commitments in \(\textbf{d}'\) and abort otherwise.

5 Conclusion

Our paper proposes two encryption mechanisms for verifiable elections that supports both receipt-freeness and a perfectly private audit trail. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first proposal that can achieve these properties without relying on the presence of an anonymous channel for submitting the ballots.

On our way, we develop new traceable receipt-free encryption (TREnc) mechanisms that are secure under SXDH, assuming a public coin CRS. This last assumption brings a noticeable benefit over the existing mechanisms, which required a structured CRS, bringing the question of the practical generation of this CRS, and of the underlying trust assumptions.

We demonstrate the efficiency of our mechanism through a prototype implementation. While demanding, they still support encryption and ciphertext verification under a second of time. It would be appealing to explore solutions that could reduce the complexity of this encryption process, both in time and in space.