1 Introduction

Secure multiparty computation (MPC) [25, 39] allows a set of mutually distrusting parties to jointly compute any function on their private data in a way that the participants do not learn anything about the inputs except the output of the function. The strongest possible security notion for MPC is guaranteed output delivery (\(\textsf {god}\) for short), which states that all honest parties are guaranteed to receive their outputs no matter how the corrupt parties behave. An MPC protocol achieving \(\textsf {god}\) is often called a fully secure protocol. A seminal work of Cleve [13] showed that there exist functionalities for which it is impossible to construct an MPC protocol with \(\textsf {god}\) unless a majority of the parties are honest.

Solitary MPC. Recently, Halevi et al. [29] initiated the study of MPC protocols with \(\textsf {god}\) for a special class of functionalities, called solitary functionalities, which deliver the output to exactly one party. Such functionalities capture many real world applications of MPC in which parties play different roles and only one specific party wishes to learn the output. For example, consider a privacy-preserving machine learning task [35] where several entities provide training data while only one entity wishes to learn a model based on this private aggregated data. As another example, a service provider may want to learn aggregated information about its users while keeping the users’ data private [8, 9]. In the rest of the paper we refer to such MPC protocols as solitary MPC. For clarity of exposition, we refer to protocols where all parties obtain output as standard MPC. While the argument of Cleve [13] does not rule out solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) in the presence of a dishonest majority,Footnote 1 Halevi et al. [29] showed that there exist functionalities for which solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) is also impossible with dishonest majority. Hence, the results of [13] and [29] rule out the existence of a generic MPC protocol that can compute any standard and solitary functionality respectively with \(\textsf {god}\) in dishonest majority (protocols can exist for specific classes of functionalities as shown in [4, 27, 29]). Both impossibility results hold even when parties have access to a common reference string (CRS). In this paper, we focus on solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) in the honest majority setting.

Round Complexity. An important efficiency metric of an MPC protocol is its round complexity, which quantifies the number of communication rounds required to perform the protocol. The round complexity of standard MPC has been extensively studied over the last four decades (see the full version [7] for a detailed literature survey). In the honest majority setting, three rounds are known to be necessary [24, 28, 36] for standard MPC with \(\textsf {god}\), even in the presence of a common reference string (CRS) and a broadcast channel (without a PKI setup). Matching upper bounds appear in  [3, 6, 28]. The protocol of Gordon et al. [28] requires a CRSFootnote 2, while the other two [3, 6] are in the plain model. In this work we focus on the round complexity aspects of solitary MPC protocols.

Necessity of Broadcast or PKI. A closer look at the above protocols reveals that all of them assume the existence of a broadcast channel. For solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\), the works of [2, 21] show that either a broadcast channel or a public key infrastructure (PKI) setup is indeed necessary assuming an honest majority (in particular, when \(n/3 \le t <n/2\) for an n-party protocol against adversaries corrupting up to t parties) even with a CRS.Footnote 3 Note that although PKI setup and broadcast channels are equivalent according to [17] from a feasibility perspective, realizing broadcast under PKI setup with guaranteed termination requires super-constant rounds, which we will discuss shortly. In light of this, we study the round complexity of solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) when \(n/3 \le t < n/2\) in two settings: (a) there is a broadcast channel and no PKI setup; (b) there is PKI setup and no broadcast channel. When both broadcast channels and PKI are available, we know from prior works [28, 30] that the exact round complexity is two.

With Broadcast, No PKI. In this setting we investigate whether we can do better for solitary MPC than standard MPC in terms of round complexity even in the presence of CRS. In particular,

figure a

Unfortunately, the answer is no! We show that in the presence of a broadcast channel and CRS, the exact round complexity for solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) is also three, same as standard MPC.

However, broadcast channels are expensive to realize in practice – the seminal works of Dolev and Strong [17] and Fischer and Lynch [19] showed that realizing a single round of deterministic broadcast requires at least \(t+1\) rounds of communication over pairwise-private channels, where \(t\) is the number of corrupt parties, even with a public key infrastructure (PKI) setup.Footnote 4 This can be overcome by considering randomized broadcast protocols in the honest majority setting [1, 18, 20, 32] requiring expected constant rounds. In particular, the most round-efficient protocol to our knowledge is proposed by Abraham et al. [1], which solves Byzantine agreement for \(t < n/2\) in expected 10 rounds. Nevertheless, these protocols do not guarantee termination in constant rounds, which is the setting we are interested in.Footnote 5 In fact, it is shown that termination cannot be guaranteed in constant rounds [12, 31].

Recent works [14,15,16, 22] try to minimize the usage of expensive broadcast channels in the context of round-optimal standard MPC. In particular, they study whether each round of a round-optimal MPC protocol necessarily requires a broadcast channel or pairwise-private channels suffice in some of them. In the context of round-optimal solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\), we ask an analogous question:

figure b

We show that a broadcast channel is necessary in both the first and second rounds in a three-round solitary MPC protocol with \(\textsf {god}\) while pairwise-private channels suffice in the third round.

With PKI, No Broadcast. In this setting a natural question arises: in the absence of a broadcast channel, if we assume a PKI setup, what is the optimal round complexity for solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\)? In standard MPC, note that since standard MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) implies broadcast with guaranteed termination, any protocol without a broadcast channel (only using pairwise-private channels with PKI setup) should necessarily require super-constant rounds. In contrast, observe that solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) does not imply broadcast with guaranteed termination, so the same lower bound does not hold. This motivates us to ask the following question:

figure c

We answer this question in the affirmative by constructing a five-round solitary MPC protocol that achieves \(\textsf {god}\) in the above setting.

1.1 Our Results

1.1.1 With Broadcast, No PKI

When there is a broadcast channel but no PKI setup, we show a lower bound of three rounds for achieving solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) in the honest majority setting, which is the same as the lower bound for standard MPC.

Informal Theorem 1

Assume parties have access to CRS, pairwise-private channels and a broadcast channel. Then, there exists a solitary functionality f such that no two-round MPC protocol can compute f with \(\textsf {god}\) in the honest majority setting (in particular, when \(n/3\le t < n/2\)) even against a non-rushing adversary.

This lower bound is tight because we know from prior works [3, 6, 28] that there are three-round solitary MPC protocols with \(\textsf {god}\) in the honest majority setting.

We then study the minimal number of broadcast rounds needed in a round-optimal (three-round) solitary MPC protocol with \(\textsf {god}\). We show that a broadcast channel is necessary in both the first and second rounds.

Informal Theorem 2

Assume parties have access to CRS and pairwise-private channels. No three-round solitary MPC protocol can compute any solitary functionality f with \(\textsf {god}\) in the honest majority setting (in particular, when \(2 \left\lceil n/5 \right\rceil \le t < n/2\)) even against a non-rushing adversary, unless there are broadcast channels in both Rounds 1 and 2.

We note that the necessity of a broadcast channel in Round 1 holds for any \(n/3\le t < n/2\) while the necessity of a broadcast channel in Round 2 only holds for \(2 \left\lceil n/5 \right\rceil \le t < n/2\) requiring at least two parties be corrupted. In other words, for \(t = 1\) and \(n = 3\) only the first round broadcast is necessary. This is consistent with and proven tight by the upper bound in the work of Patra and Ravi [36], which constructed a three-round three-party protocol with \(\textsf {god}\) tolerating a single corruption, using broadcast only in Round 1.

For the general case when \(t\ge 2\), we observe that in the three-round protocols from prior work [3, 6, 28], only the first two rounds require a broadcast channel while the third-round messages can be sent over pairwise-private channels to the output-receiving party. Thus, our lower bounds are also tight in the general case.

Implications for Standard MPC. The work of Cohen et al. [14] identifies which rounds of broadcast are necessary for achieving round-optimal (two-round) standard MPC with dishonest majority. The recent work of [15] studies this question for two-round standard MPC in the honest majority setting, assuming the presence of a correlated randomness setup (or PKI). However, the same question for round-optimal (three-round) standard MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) in honest majority setting and without correlated randomness (or PKI) is not known; which we address in this work. Since standard MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) implies solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\), our negative results for solitary MPC also apply to standard MPC, namely both the first and second rounds of broadcast are necessary for a three-round standard MPC with \(\textsf {god}\). On the other hand, we observe that the existing three-round protocols [6, 28] still work if the third-round messages are sent over pairwise-private channels (we defer the discussion to the full version [7]), thus we fully resolve this problem for standard MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) in honest majority setting and without correlated randomness setup (i.e., in the plain and CRS models).

1.1.2 With PKI, No Broadcast

When there is a PKI setup and no broadcast channel, we show that the super-constant lower bound for standard MPC does not hold for solitary MPC any more. In particular, we construct a five-round protocol that works for any number of parties and achieves \(\textsf {god}\) in the honest majority setting. Our protocol builds on the standard MPC protocol with \(\textsf {god}\) of Gordon et al. [28] and uses a decentralized threshold fully homomorphic encryption (dTFHE) scheme (defined in [10]) as the main building block, which can be based on the learning with errors (LWE) assumption. Our PKI setup includes a setup for digital signatures as well as one for dTFHE (similarly as in [28])Footnote 6.

Informal Theorem 3

Assuming LWE, there exists a five-round solitary MPC protocol with \(\textsf {god}\) in the presence of PKI and pairwise-private channels. The protocol works for any number of parties n, any solitary functionality and is secure against a malicious rushing adversary that can corrupt any \(t < n/2\) parties.

We complement this upper bound by providing a lower bound of four rounds in the same setting even in the presence of a non-rushing adversary.

Informal Theorem 4

Assume a PKI setup and pairwise-private channels. There exists a solitary functionality f such that no three-round MPC can compute f with \(\textsf {god}\) in the honest majority setting (in particular, when \(3\left\lceil n/7 \right\rceil \le t < n/2\)) even against a non-rushing adversary.

The above lower bound requires \(t \ge 3\), namely at least 3 parties are corrupted. Separately we also study the round complexity for scenarios when \(t< 3\).

Special Case: \(t=1\). When there is only 1 corrupted party, the only relevant setting is when \(n=3\). We consider two cases: (a) when the function f involves an input from the output-receiving party Q, and (b) when f does not involve an input from Q. In the first case, we show a lower bound of three rounds for achieving solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\). That is, there exists a solitary functionality f (involving an input from Q) such that a minimum of three rounds are required to achieve solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\). Notably, this lower bound also extends to any \(n\ge 3\) and \(n/3 \le t < n/2\). A three-round upper bound for \(t=1\) can be achieved by combining [28] and [17].

In the second case where f does not involve an input from Q, it turns out we can do better than three rounds. In particular, we show a two-round protocol to achieve solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\). Once again, the main technical tool is decentralized threshold FHE and the protocol can be based on LWE. This upper bound is also tight as we know from prior work [30] that two rounds are necessary.

Special Case: \(t=2\). When the number of corrupted parties is 2, we only consider the case of \(n=5\) and show a lower bound of three rounds to compute any function f (with or without input from Q). This lower bound also extends to any \(n\ge 5\) and \(2\left\lceil n/5 \right\rceil \le t < n/2\). An upper bound of four rounds for \(t=2\) can also be achieved by combining [28] and [17].

We remark that all our lower bounds above hold not only for PKI, but naturally extend to arbitrary correlated randomness setup model. We summarize all our results along with the known related results for the round complexity of solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) in Tables 1 and 2. Note that for certain ranges of (nt) such as \(3\left\lceil n/7 \right\rceil \le t < n/2\), it is not meaningful for every n (e.g., when \(n=8\), there is no appropriate t in the range). This is an artifact of the partitioning technique used in the proof. Nevertheless, the range is relevant for sufficiently large values of n. All our results also assume the existence of a common reference string (CRS) and pairwise-private channels. Our results are highlighted in .

Table 1. Round complexity of solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\). “—" means it doesn’t matter what value to take. Our results are highlighted in .
Table 2. For the setting with broadcast channels and no PKI setup, we study the possibility of achieving a three-round solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) with fewer broadcast rounds. “bc in R1” means the parties have access to the broadcast channel in Round 1. All parties have access to pairwise-private channels in all rounds. For all the results, it doesn’t matter whether Q has input or not. Our results are highlighted in .

1.2 Roadmap

We provide a technical overview in Sect. 2 and preliminaries in Sect. 3. In Sect. 4 we present our lower bound results assuming a broadcast channel but no PKI setup. In Sect. 5 we provide our lower bounds for PKI without broadcast as well as our main five-round protocol as an upper bound. We defer the results for the special cases of \(t=1\) and \(t=2\) to the full version [7].

2 Technical Overview

2.1 Overview of Upper Bounds

In this section, we give a technical overview of the upper bounds. We will mainly focus on the general five-round protocol in the setting with PKI and no broadcast, and briefly discuss other special cases at the end.

Our starting point is the two-round protocol of Gordon et al. [28] which achieves guaranteed output delivery (\(\textsf {god}\)) in the presence of an honest majority and delivers output to all parties, assuming the existence of a broadcast channel and PKI setup. The protocol uses a \((t+1)\)-out-of-n decentralized threshold fully homomorphic encryption (dTFHE) scheme, where an FHE public key \(\textsf{pk}\) is generated in the setup and the secret key is secret shared among the parties. The encryptions can be homomorphically evaluated and can only be jointly decrypted by at least \((t+1)\) parties. Their two-round protocol in the broadcast model roughly works as follows. First, the PKI setup generates the dTFHE public key \(\textsf{pk}\) and individual secret keys \(\textsf{sk}_i\) for each party \(P_i\). In Round 1, each party \(P_i\) computes an encryption of its input \(x_i\) and broadcasts \([\![{ x_i }]\!]\).Footnote 7 Then each party can homomorphically evaluate the function f on \([\![{ x_1 }]\!],\ldots ,[\![{ x_n }]\!]\) to obtain an encryption of the output \([\![{ y }]\!]\). In Round 2, each party broadcasts a partial decryption of \([\![{ y }]\!]\). At the end of this, every party can individually combine the partial decryptions to learn the output y.

One immediate observation is that since we only care about one party \(P_n (= Q)\) receiving the output, the second round also works without a broadcast channel by requiring every party to only send partial decryptions directly to Q. The main challenge now is to emulate the first round with pairwise-private channels instead of broadcast channels. A naïve approach is to employ a \((t + 1)\)-round protocol to realize the broadcast functionality over pairwise-private channels [17], but this would result in a \((t+2)\)-round protocol.

Even worse, there seems to be a fundamental barrier in this approach to design a constant round protocol. At a high level, to achieve guaranteed output delivery, we want all the honest parties to agree on a set of ciphertexts \([\![{ x_1 }]\!],\ldots ,[\![{ x_n }]\!]\) so that they can homomorphically evaluate on the same set of ciphertexts and compute partial decryptions on the same \([\![{ y }]\!]\). This already implies Byzantine agreement, which requires at least \((t+1)\) rounds [17].

Circumventing the Lower Bound. A crucial observation here, which also separates solitary MPC from standard MPC, is that we do not need all the honest parties to always agree. Instead, we need them to agree only when Q is honest. In other words, if the honest parties detect any dishonest behavior of Q, they can simply abort. This does not imply Byzantine agreement now. Hence there is a hope to circumvent the super-constant lower bound.

Relying on Honest Q. First, consider a simple case where honest parties only need to agree on \([\![{ x_n }]\!]\) when Q is honest. This can be done in two rounds (by augmenting the two-round broadcast with abort protocol of [26] with digital signatures). In Round 1, Q sends \([\![{ x_n }]\!]\) to each party (along with its signature). To ensure Q sends the same ciphertext to everyone, in Round 2, parties exchange their received messages in Round 1. If there is any inconsistency, then they detect dishonest behavior of Q, so they can abort; otherwise, all the honest parties will agree on the same \([\![{ x_n }]\!]\) at the end of Round 2 if Q is honest. Unfortunately this simple approach does not work for parties other than Q. If honest parties want to agree on \([\![{ x_i }]\!]\) for \(i\ne n\), they cannot simply abort when detecting inconsistent messages from \(P_i\) (because they are only allowed to abort when Q is dishonest).

Our next attempt is to crucially rely on Q to send out all the ciphertexts. In Round 1, each party \(P_i\) first sends an encryption \([\![{ x_i }]\!]\) to Q. Then in Round 2, Q sends \([\![{ x_1 }]\!],\ldots ,[\![{ x_n }]\!]\) to each party. In Round 3, parties exchange their messages received from Q. If the honest parties notice any inconsistency in Q’s Round-2 messages, they can simply abort. Note that every message is sent along with the sender’s signature, so a malicious Q cannot forge an honest \(P_i\)’s ciphertext \([\![{ x_i }]\!]\); similarly, a malicious \(P_i\) cannot forge an honest Q’s Round-2 message. Therefore, all the honest parties will agree on the same set of ciphertexts at the end of Round 3 if Q is honest.

Nevertheless, a malicious Q has complete freedom to discard any honest party’s input in Round 2 (pretending that these parties did not communicate to him in Round 1) and learn a function excluding these honest parties’ inputs, which should not be permitted. The crux of the issue is: Even when Q is malicious, the output of f learned by Q must be either \(\bot \) or include every honest party’s input. This is implied by the security guarantees of the MPC protocol. In particular, in the real/ideal paradigm, a malicious Q in the ideal world can only obtain an output from the ideal functionality that computes f involving all the honest parties’ inputs. Therefore, we need a mechanism to ensure that all the honest parties’ ciphertexts are picked by Q. However, the parties do not know the identities of the honest parties. How can they ensure this?

Innocent Until Proven Guilty. Our solution to this problem is for every party \(P_i\) to treat other parties with more leniency. That is, unless \(P_i\) knows with absolute certainty that another party \(P_k\) is malicious, \(P_i\) would demand that the ciphertexts picked by Q must also include a ciphertext from \(P_k\). To implement this mechanism, we add another round at the beginning, where each party \(P_i\) sends \([\![{ x_i }]\!]\) to every other party. Then in Round 2, each party \(P_i\), besides sending \([\![{ x_i }]\!]\) to Q, also sends all the ciphertexts he has received to Q. In Round 3, Q picks a set of ciphertexts \([\![{ x_1 }]\!],\ldots ,[\![{ x_n }]\!]\) and sends to each party. In particular, for each party \(P_k\), as long as Q received any valid ciphertext for \(P_k\) (either directly from \(P_k\) or from other parties), Q must include a ciphertext for \(P_k\). Parties exchange messages in Round 4 to check Q’s consistency as before. Finally, we maintain the following invariant for every honest party \(P_i\) before sending the partial decryption in Round 5: if \(P_i\) received a ciphertext \([\![{ x_k }]\!]\) from party \(P_k\) in Round 1, then the ciphertexts picked by Q must also include a ciphertext from \(P_k\). Crucially, this invariant allows Q to pick a different ciphertext \([\![{ x'_k }]\!]\) (with a valid signature) if e.g. that was received by Q from \(P_k\). On the other hand, this prevents the attacks discussed earlier as a malicious Q can no longer discard an honest \(P_k\)’s ciphertext \([\![{ x_k }]\!]\), although \(P_i\) is yet to identify the honest parties.

Achieving Fully Malicious Security. To achieve fully malicious security, we still need to ensure that the adversary’s messages are correctly generated. The approach taken by [28] is to apply a generic round-preserving compiler [5] that transforms a semi-malicious protocol (where, the semi-malicious adversary needs to follow the protocol specification, but has the liberty to decide the input and random coins in each round) to a malicious protocol using non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) proofs in the CRS model with broadcast channels. In particular, in each round, the adversary must prove (in zero-knowledge) that it is following the protocol consistently with some setting of random coins. However, we cannot directly apply this round-preserving compiler since we do not have broadcast channels. This limitation introduces additional complications in our protocol design to preserve the round complexity while achieving malicious security. We refer the reader to Sect. 5.2 for more details of the protocol and other subtle issues we faced in our protocol design.

Special Cases. As we mentioned above, the two-round protocol of Gordon et al. [28] with broadcast and PKI can be transformed into a \((t+2)\)-round protocol if the broadcast in the first round is instantiated by a \((t + 1)\)-round protocol over pairwise-private channels [17] and parties only send their messages to Q in the second round. For \(t=1\) and 2, we can achieve better than five rounds. For \(t=1\), when Q does not have input, we can design a two-round protocol which crucially relies on the fact that at most one party is corrupted. The details are deferred to the full version [7].

2.2 Overview of Lower Bounds

For each of our lower bound proofs, we design a special solitary function f that cannot be computed with \(\textsf {god}\). At a high level, we assume towards a contradiction that there exists an MPC protocol \(\varPi \) that can compute f with \(\textsf {god}\). Next, we analyze a sequence of scenarios which lead us to the final contradiction regarding the properties that \(\varPi \) must satisfy. Here, we exploit the guarantees of correctness, privacy and full-security (guaranteed output delivery). We carefully design the function f and scenarios for each lower bound proof. For certain proofs, we leverage a delicate probabilistic argument technique, which we elaborate below.

With Broadcast and no PKI. For our three-round lower bound with a broadcast channel and no PKI setup, we design a solitary function \(f(x_1,x_2,x_3)\) among parties \(P_1,P_2\), and Q (output receiving party) that has an oblivious transfer flavor. The function is defined as \(f(x_1 = (m_0, m_1), x_2 = b, x_3 = \bot ) := m_b\), where \(x_3 = \bot \) denotes that Q has no input; \((m_0, m_1) \in \{0,1\}^\lambda \) denote a pair of strings and \(b \in \{0,1\}\) denotes a single bit. We assume there exists a two-round protocol \(\varPi \) that computes f with \(\textsf {god}\) and consider three scenarios. The first scenario involves a malicious \(P_2\) who drops his private message towards Q in Round 1 and aborts in Round 2. The second scenario involves a passive Q who behaves honestly but recomputes the output by locally emulating Scenario 1 in her head. The security guarantee of \(\textsf {god}\) provided by \(\varPi \) allow us to argue that even if \(P_2\) does not communicate privately to Q in Round 1 and aborts in Round 2, Q must still be able to compute the output on \(x_2\) i.e. the input with respect to which it interacted with \(P_1\) in Round 1. Intuitively, this implies that Q relies on the following messages to carry information about \(x_2\) required for output computation (i) \(P_1\)’s broadcast message in Round 2 and (ii) \(P_2\)’s broadcast message in Round 1. However, we note that, both of these are also available to \(P_1\) at the end of Round 1 itself. This leads us to a final scenario, in that a passive \(P_1\) can compute the residual function \(f(\widetilde{x_1}, x_2, \widetilde{x_3})\) for more than one choices of \((\widetilde{x_1}, \widetilde{x_3})\), while the input of honest \(P_2\) remains fixed – which is the final contradiction. Notably, our specially designed function f allows \(P_1\) to derive \(P_2\)’s input. We present the full proof in Sect. 4.1.

Necessity of Broadcast in Round 1. To show the necessity of broadcast in Round 1 in a three-round solitary MPC protocol with \(\textsf {god}\) (with broadcast and no PKI), we use the same function f as above and assume there exists a three-round protocol \(\varPi \) that computes f with \(\textsf {god}\) and uses the broadcast channel only in Round 2 and Round 3 (and uses pairwise-private channels in all rounds). We first consider a scenario with a malicious \(P_2\), who only behaves honestly to \(P_1\) and pretends to have received a maliciously computed message from Q in Round 1. In addition, \(P_2\) aborts in Round 3. We show that an honest Q in this scenario must obtain \(f(x_1,x_2,x_3)\) as the output, where \(x_1,x_2,x_3\) are the parties’ honest inputs. First of all, Q must learn an output computed on the honest parties’ inputs \(x_1\) and \(x_3\) by the \(\textsf {god}\) property of \(\varPi \). The output is also w.r.t. \(P_2\)’s honest input \(x_2\) because Q’s view in this scenario is subsumed by another scenario with a malicious Q, where Q only behaves honestly to \(P_1\) and pretends to have received a maliciously computed message from \(P_2\) in Round 1. Since the first-round messages are only sent via pairwise-private channels, \(P_1\) cannot distinguish whether \(P_2\) is malicious (first scenario) or Q is malicious (second scenario), and \(P_1\)’s view is identically distributed in both scenarios. Comparing the messages received by Q in the two scenarios, we can conclude Q’s view in the first scenario is subsumed by its view in the second scenario. Notice that a malicious Q in the second scenario can only learn an output on the honest parties’ input \(x_1\) and \(x_2\), hence Q must learn \(f(x_1,x_2,x_3)\) in both scenarios. The key takeaway is that \(P_2\)’s input can be considered as “committed” in its private message to \(P_1\) in Round 1 and broadcast message in Round 2. This allows a semi-honest \(P_1\) to emulate Q’s view in the first scenario and locally compute \(f(x_1, x_2, \bot )\). Our specially designed f allows \(P_1\) to derive honest \(P_2\)’s input, violating the security of \(\varPi \). A more detailed proof is presented in Sect. 4.2.

Necessity of Broadcast in Round 2. For our result showing necessity of broadcast in Round 2, we design a more sophisticated function f (see Sect. 4.3 for the construction) and leverage a more involved probabilistic argument in our proof. We assume there exists a three-round 5-party solitary MPC \(\varPi \) that computes f with \(\textsf {god}\) against 2 corruptions which uses broadcast in only Round 1 and Round 3 (and uses pairwise-private channels in all rounds). The argument involves two crucial observations (1) \(\varPi \) is such that if corrupt \(P_1\) participates honestly using input \(x_1\) only in the broadcast communication and private communication towards \(\{P_2, P_5 = Q\}\) in Round 1 (and sends no other messages during \(\varPi \)), then there exists some \(x_1^*\) such that the output obtained by Q is not computed with respect to \(x_1^*\) with a sufficiently large (constant) probability. Intuitively, if this does not hold and for all \(x_1\) the output is computed with respect to \(x_1\), then it would mean that \(\varPi \) is such that \(\{P_2, Q\}\) obtain sufficient information to compute on \(x_1\) at the end of Round 1 itself. This would make \(\varPi \) susceptible to residual function attack by \(\{P_2, Q\}\) which violates security. (2) \(\varPi \) is such that if corrupt \(\{P_3, P_4\}\) pretend in Round 2 as if they have not received private communication from \(P_1\) in Round 1, still, the output obtained by Q must be computed on honest \(P_1\)’s input \(x_1\). This follows from correctness of \(\varPi \). Next, we design a final scenario building on (1) and (2) where an adversary corrupting \(\{P_1, Q\}\) obtains multiple outputs, with respect to both input \(x_1' \ne x_1^*\) and \(x_1^*\); which gives the final contradiction. Crucially, due to absence of broadcast in Round 2, the adversary is able to keep the honest parties \(\{P_2, P_3, P_4\}\) on different pages with respect to whether \(P_1\) has aborted after Round 1 or not. Specifically, the adversarial strategy in the final scenario exploits the absence of broadcast in Round 2 to ensure the following - (a) view of honest \(\{P_3, P_4\}\) is similar to the scenario in (1), where they do not receive any communication from \(P_1\) except its broadcast communication in Round 1 and (b) view of honest \(P_2\) is similar to the scenario in (2). Here, \(P_2\) receives communication from \(P_1\) in both Round 1 and Round 2; but receives communication from \(\{P_3, P_4\}\) in Round 2 conveying that they did not receive \(P_1\)’s private communication in Round 1 (the Round 2 messages from \(\{P_3, P_4\}\) could potentially convey this information, depending on protocol design). This inconsistency in the views of honest parties enables the adversary to obtain multiple outputs.

With PKI and no Broadcast. The lower-bound arguments in the setting with a PKI setup and no broadcast tend to be more involved as PKI can be used to allow output obtaining party Q to have some secret useful for output computation (as elaborated in the overview of 3-round lower bound above). For our four-round general lower bound that holds for \(3\left\lceil n/7 \right\rceil \le t < n/2\) and \(t \ge 3\), we assume there exists a three-round protocol \(\varPi \) with \(\textsf {god}\) computing a specially designed 7-party solitary function f (see Sect. 5.1 for the construction of f). We analyze four main scenarios as follows. In Scenarios 1 and 2, \(\{P_1, P_6\}\) are corrupt and \(P_1\) does not communicate directly to anyone throughout. The crucial difference between them is in the communication of \(P_6\) in Round 2 to \(\{P_2, P_3, P_4, P_5\}\): in Scenario 1, \(P_6\) acts as if he did not receive any communication from \(P_1\) in Round 1; in Scenario 2, \(P_6\) pretends to have received communication from \(P_1\) in Round 1. We first show that in Scenario 1, there must exist some \(x_1^*\) such that the output obtained by Q is not computed with respect to \(x_1^*\) with a sufficiently large (constant) probability. Intuitively, this holds because the communication in Scenario 1 is independent of \(P_1\)’s input. Next, we prove via a sequence of hybrids that in Scenario 2, there also exists \(x_1^*\) such that the output is not computed on \(x_1^*\) with a sufficiently large probability. This lets us infer a critical property satisfied by \(\varPi \) - if \(\{P_3, P_4, P_5\}\) do not receive any communication directly from \(P_1\) throughout \(\varPi \) and only potentially receive information regarding \(P_1\) indirectly via \(P_6\) (say \(P_6\) claims to have received authenticated information from \(P_1\) which can be verified by \(\{P_3, P_4, P_5\}\) due to availability of PKI), then Q obtains an output on some \(x_1' (\ne x_1^*)\) with a sufficiently large probability.

Next, we consider an orthogonal scenario (Scenario 3) where \(\{P_3, P_4, P_5\}\) are corrupt and pretend as if they received no information from \(P_1\) directly. Correctness of \(\varPi \) ensures that Q must obtain output on honest input of \(P_1\) using the messages from \(\{P_1, P_2, P_6\}\). Roughly speaking, the above observations enable us to partition the parties \(\{P_1, \dots ,P_6\}\) into two sets \(\{P_1, P_2, P_6\}\) and \(\{P_3, P_4, P_5\}\). Combining the above inferences, we design the final scenario where adversary corrupts \(\{P_1, P_2, Q\}\) and participates with \(x_1^*\). Here, \(P_1\) behaves honestly only to \(P_6\) (among the honest parties). The communication of corrupt parties is carefully defined so that the following holds: (a) the views of \(\{P_3, P_4, P_5\}\) are identically distributed to their views in Scenario 2, and (b) the views of \(\{P_1, P_2, P_6\}\) are identically distributed to their views in Scenario 3. We then demonstrate that Q can obtain an output computed on \(x_1^*\) as well as another output computed on some \(x_1' \ne x_1^*\) by using the communication from \(\{P_1, P_2, P_6\}\) and \(\{P_3, P_4, P_5\}\) selectively, violating the security of \(\varPi \).

Finally, we observe that the above approach inherently demands the presence of 3 or more corruptions. The main bottleneck in extending it to \(t = 2\) arises from the sequence of hybrids between Scenario 1 and 2, which requires the presence of an additional corruption besides \(\{P_1, P_6\}\). This shows hope for better upper bounds (less than four rounds) for lower corruption thresholds. In this direction, we investigated the cases of \(t = 1\) and \(t = 2\) separately. We showed the necessity of three rounds for \(t = 1\) when Q has input and for \(t = 2\) (irrespective of whether Q has input). These lower bounds also employ the common approach outlined above but differ significantly in terms of the associated scenarios. We refer to the full version [7] for details. Notably, all the lower bounds also extend to arbitrary correlated randomness setup.

3 Preliminaries

3.1 Notation and Setting

We use \(\lambda \) to denote the security parameter. By \(\textsf{poly}(\lambda )\) we denote a polynomial function in \(\lambda \). By \(\textsf{negl}(\lambda )\) we denote a negligible function, that is, a function f such that \(f(\lambda ) < 1/p(\lambda )\) holds for any polynomial \(p(\cdot )\) and sufficiently large \(\lambda \). We use \([\![{ x }]\!]\) to denote an encryption of x.

We consider a set of parties \(\{P_1 \dots , P_n\}\). Each party is modelled as a probabilistic polynomial-time (PPT) Turing machine. We assume that there exists a PPT adversary who can corrupt up to t parties where \(n/3 \le t < n/2\). We assume throughout that the parties are connected by pairwise-secure and authentic channels and have access to a common reference string (CRS). Additional setup or network assumption is explicitly mentioned in the respective sections.

The security definition of solitary MPC with guaranteed output delivery is deferred to the full version.

3.2 Cryptographic Primitives

In our constructions, we need to use digital signatures, simulation-extractible non-interactive zero-knowledge (NIZK) arguments, and decentralized threshold fully homomorphic encryption (dTFHE). In this section, we only define the syntax of dTFHE and the NIZK languages used in our constructions, and defer their security definitions to the full version.

Syntax of dTFHE. We define a t-out-of-n decentralized threshold fully homomorphic encryption scheme with the following syntax as in [10].

Definition 1

(Decentralized Threshold Fully Homomorphic Encryption (dTFHE)). Let \(\mathcal {P} = \{P_1, \ldots , P_n \}\) be a set of parties. A dTFHE scheme is a tuple of PPT algorithms \(\textsf{dTFHE}= (\mathsf {dTFHE.DistGen},\mathsf {dTFHE.Enc},\mathsf {dTFHE.PartialDec},\mathsf {dTFHE.Eval},\mathsf {dTFHE.Combine})\) with the following syntax:

  • \((\textsf{pk}_i, \textsf{sk}_i)\leftarrow \mathsf {dTFHE.DistGen}(1^{\lambda },1^d, i; r_i)\): On input the security parameter \(\lambda \), a depth bound d, party index i and randomness \(r_i\), the distributed setup outputs a public-secret key pair \((\textsf{pk}_i, \textsf{sk}_i)\) for party \(P_i\). We denote the public key of the scheme as \(\textsf{pk}=(\textsf{pk}_1 \Vert \dots \Vert \textsf{pk}_n)\).

  • \([\![{ m }]\!] \leftarrow \mathsf {dTFHE.Enc}(\textsf{pk},m)\): On input a public key \(\textsf{pk}\), and a plaintext m in the message space \(\mathcal {M}\), it outputs a ciphertext \([\![{ m }]\!]\).

  • \([\![{ y }]\!]\leftarrow \mathsf {dTFHE.Eval}(\textsf{pk},\textsf{C},[\![{ m_1 }]\!],\ldots ,[\![{ m_k }]\!])\): On input a public key \(\textsf{pk}\), a circuit \(\textsf{C}\) of depth at most d that takes k inputs each from the message space and outputs one value in the message space, and a set of ciphertexts \([\![{ m_1 }]\!], \ldots , [\![{ m_k }]\!]\) where \(k = \textsf{poly}(\lambda )\), the evaluation algorithm outputs a ciphertext \([\![{ y }]\!]\).

  • \([\![{ m:\textsf{sk}_i }]\!]\leftarrow \mathsf {dTFHE.PartialDec}(\textsf{sk}_i,[\![{ m }]\!])\): On input a secret key share \(\textsf{sk}_i\) and a ciphertext \([\![{ m }]\!]\), it outputs a partial decryption \([\![{ m:\textsf{sk}_i }]\!]\).

  • \(m / \bot \leftarrow \mathsf {dTFHE.Combine}(\textsf{pk},\{[\![{ m:\textsf{sk}_i }]\!]\}_{i\in S})\): On input a public key \(\textsf{pk}\) and a set of partial decryptions \(\{[\![{ m:\textsf{sk}_i }]\!]\}_{i\in S}\) where \(S\subseteq [n]\), the combination algorithm either outputs a plaintext m or the symbol \(\bot \).

NIZK Languages Used. In our solitary MPC protocols, we will consider two NP languages \(\textsf{L}_1,\textsf{L}_2\) for the NIZK described below.

  • NP Language \(\textsf{L}_1\):

    Statement \(\textsf{st}= ([\![{ x }]\!], \textsf{pk})\)        Witness \(\textsf{wit}= (x, \rho )\)

    \(\textsf{R}_1(\textsf{st},\textsf{wit})=1\) iff \([\![{ x }]\!] = \mathsf {dTFHE.Enc}(\textsf{pk},x;\rho )\).

  • NP Language \(\textsf{L}_2\):

    Statement \(\textsf{st}= ([\![{ x:\textsf{sk} }]\!], [\![{ x }]\!], \textsf{pk}, i)\)        Witness \(\textsf{wit}= (\textsf{sk}, r)\)

    \(\textsf{R}_2(\textsf{st},\textsf{wit})=1\) iff \([\![{ x:\textsf{sk} }]\!]=\mathsf {dTFHE.PartialDec}(\textsf{sk}, [\![{ x }]\!])\) and

    \((\textsf{pk},\textsf{sk}) = \) \(\mathsf {dTFHE.DistGen}(1^\lambda ,1^d, i;r)\).

4 With Broadcast and No PKI

In this section, we assume a network setting where the parties have access to a broadcast channel in addition to pairwise-private channels. In terms of setup, we assume that all parties have access to a common reference string (CRS). First, we present a new lower bound of three rounds for solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) in Sect. 4.1. Then we study whether it is possible to use fewer rounds of broadcast and show in Sect. 4.2 and Sect. 4.3 that broadcast is necessary in both the first and second rounds. The above negative results are tight given the existing results of [3, 6, 28, 36], which we discuss in the full version [7].

4.1 Necessity of Three Rounds

We show that it is impossible to design a two-round solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) in the honest majority setting (in particular, \(n/3 \le t < n/2\)), assuming the presence of pairwise-private channels and a broadcast channel. Our result holds in the presence of any common public setup such as CRS, even against non-rushing adversaries and irrespective of whether the output-obtaining party Q provides an input or not. We discuss in the full version why the existing proofs of lower bounds (three rounds) for standard MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) in the presence of an honest majority [24, 28, 36] do not hold for solitary functionalities.

Theorem 1

Assume parties have access to CRS, pairwise-private channels and a broadcast channel. Let n and t be positive integers such that \(n \ge 3\) and \(n/3 \le t < n/2\). Then, there exists a solitary functionality f such that no two-round n-party MPC protocol tolerating t corruptions can compute f with \(\textsf {god}\), even when the adversary is assumed to be non-rushing.


For simplicity, we present the argument for the setting \(n = 3\) and \(t = 1\) below and elaborate on how to extend the proof to \( n/3 \le t < n /2\) later. Consider a solitary function \(f(x_1, x_2, x_3)\) among \(\{P_1, P_2, P_3\}\) where \(Q = P_3\) denotes the output receiving party. We define f as \(f(x_1 = (m_0, m_1), x_2 = b, x_3 = \bot ) := m_b\), where \(x_3 = \bot \) denotes that Q has no input; \((m_0, m_1) \in \{0,1\}^\lambda \) denote a pair of strings and \(b \in \{0,1\}\) denotes a single bit. For the sake of contradiction, suppose there exists a two-round 3-party solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\), say \(\varPi \) which can compute f. Note that at most the adversary corrupts at most one party.

We consider three different scenarios of the execution of \(\varPi \). For simplicity, we assume the following about the structure of \(\varPi \): (a) Round 2 involves only broadcast messages while Round 1 involves messages sent via both pairwise-private and broadcast channels. This holds without loss of generality since the parties can perform pairwise-private communication by exchanging random pads in the first round and then using these random pads to unmask later broadcasts [23]. (b) In Round 1, each pair of parties communicate via their pairwise-private channels (any protocol where a pair of parties does not communicate privately in Round 1 can be transformed to one where dummy messages are exchanged between them). (c) Round 2 does not involve any outgoing communication from Q (as Q is the only party to receive the output at the end of Round 2).

Next, we define some useful notation: Let \({\textsf {pc}}_{i\rightarrow j}\) denote the pairwise-private communication from \(P_i\) to \(P_j\) in Round 1 and \({\textsf {b}}_{i \rightarrow }^r\) denote the message broadcast by \(P_i\) in round r, where \(r \in [2], \{i, j \}\in [3]\). These messages may be a function of the \({\textsf {crs}}\) as per protocol specifications. Let \({\textsf {View}}_i\) denotes the view of party \(P_i\) which consists of \({\textsf {crs}}\), its input \(x_i\), randomness \(r_i\) and all incoming messages.

Following is a description of the scenarios. In each of these scenarios, we assume that the adversary uses the honest input on behalf of the corrupt parties and its malicious behaviour is limited to dropping some of the messages supposed to be sent by the corrupt party. The views of the parties for all the scenarios are shown in Table 3.

  • Scenario 1: The adversary actively corrupts \(P_2\) who behaves honestly in Round 1 towards \(P_1\) but doesn’t communicate privately to Q in Round 1. In more detail, \(P_2\) sends messages \({\textsf {pc}}_{2\rightarrow 1}, {\textsf {b}}_{2\rightarrow }^1\) according to the protocol specification but drops the message \({\textsf {pc}}_{2\rightarrow 3}\). In Round 2, \(P_2\) aborts.

  • Scenario 2: The adversary passively corrupts Q who behaves honestly throughout and learns output \(f(x_1, x_2, x_3)\). Additionally, Q locally re-computes the output by emulating Scenario 1, namely when \(P_2\) does not communicate privately to Q in Round 1 and aborts in Round 2. Specifically, Q can locally emulate this by discarding \({\textsf {pc}}_{2\rightarrow 3}\) (private communication from \(P_2\) to Q in Round 1) and \({\textsf {b}}_{2\rightarrow }^2\) (broadcast communication from \(P_2\) in Round 2).

  • Scenario 3: The adversary corrupts \(P_1\) passively who behaves honestly throughout. \(P_1\) also does the following local computation: Locally emulate the view of Q as per Scenario 1 (from which the output can be derived) for various choices of inputs of \(\{P_1, P_3\}\) while the input of \(P_2\) i.e. \(x_2\) remains fixed. In more detail, \(P_1\) does the following - Let \(({\textsf {pc}}_{2\rightarrow 1}, {\textsf {b}}_{2\rightarrow }^1)\) be fixed to what was received by \(P_1\) in the execution. Choose various combinations of inputs and randomness on behalf of \(P_1\) and \(P_3\). Consider a particular combination, say \(\{(\widetilde{x_1}, \widetilde{r_1}), (\widetilde{x_3}, \widetilde{r_3})\}\). Use it to locally compute \(\widetilde{{\textsf {b}}_{1\rightarrow }^1}, \widetilde{{\textsf {b}}_{3\rightarrow }^1}, \widetilde{{\textsf {pc}}_{1\rightarrow 3}}, \widetilde{{\textsf {pc}}_{3\rightarrow 1}}\). Next, locally compute \(\widetilde{{\textsf {b}}_{1\rightarrow }^2}\) using the Round 1 emulated messages which results in the complete view \(\widetilde{{\textsf {View}}_3}\) of Q analogous to Scenario 1, where \(\widetilde{{\textsf {View}}_3} = \{{\textsf {crs}}, \widetilde{x_3}, \widetilde{r_3}, \widetilde{{\textsf {b}}_{1\rightarrow }^1}, {\textsf {b}}_{2\rightarrow }^1, \widetilde{{\textsf {pc}}_{1\rightarrow 3}}, \widetilde{{\textsf {b}}_{1\rightarrow }^2}\}\) corresponds to the inputs \((\widetilde{x_1}, x_2, \widetilde{x_3})\).

Table 3. Views of \(P_1, P_2,P_3\) in Scenarios 1 – 3.

The proof skeleton is as follows. First, we claim that if Scenario 1 occurs, then Q must obtain \(f(x_1,x_2,x_3)\) with overwhelming probability. If not, then \(\varPi \) is vulnerable to a potential attack by semi-honest Q (that is captured in Scenario 2) which enables Q to learn information that he is not supposed to learn; which violates security. Intuitively, this inference captures Q’s reliance on \(P_1\)’s messages in Round 2 and \(P_2\)’s broadcast in Round 1 to carry information about \(x_2\) required for output computation. Note that this information is available to \(P_1\) at the end of Round 1 itself. Building on this intuition, we show that \(\varPi \) is such that an adversary corrupting \(P_1\) passively (as in Scenario 3) can compute \(f(\widetilde{x_1}, x_2, \widetilde{x_3})\) for any choice of \((\widetilde{x_1},\widetilde{x_3})\), which is the final contradiction. We present the formal proof and show how the proof can be extended for \(n \ge 3\) and \(n/3 \le t < n/2\) (using player partitioning technique [34]) in the full version [7].

4.2 Necessity of Broadcast in Round 1

Now we show that any three-round n-party solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) against t corruptions must use broadcast channel in Round 1, where \(n/3 \le t < n/2\).

Theorem 2

Assume parties have access to CRS and pairwise-private channels. Let n and t be positive integers such that \(n \ge 3\) and \(n/3 \le t < n/2\). There exists a solitary functionality f such that no three-round n-party solitary MPC protocol securely computes f with \(\textsf {god}\) against t corruptions, while making use of the broadcast channel only in Round 2 and Round 3 (pairwise-private channels can be used in all the rounds).


For simplicity, we present the argument for the setting \(n = 3\) and \(t = 1\) below. The proof can be extended for \( n/3 \le t < n /2\) using player partitioning technique. Consider the function \(f(x_1,x_2,x_3)\) defined as in the proof of Theorem 1, i.e. \(f(x_1 = (m_0, m_1), x_2 = b, x_3 = \bot ) := m_b\). Suppose for the sake of contradiction that there exists a three-round solitary MPC protocol with \(\textsf {god}\), say \(\varPi \) that computes f and utilizes broadcast channel only in Rounds 2 and 3 (i.e., \(\varPi \) uses only pairwise-private channels in Round 1, and uses both broadcast and pairwise-private channels in Rounds 2 and 3).

Without loss of generality, we can assume that \(\varPi \) has the following structure: (a) No broadcast messages are sent during Round 3, and Round 3 only involves private messages sent to Q. This is without loss of generality as any solitary MPC that uses broadcast in the last round can be transformed into one where the messages sent via broadcast are sent privately only to Q (as Q is the only party supposed to receive output at the end of Round 3). (b) Round 2 only involves broadcast messages. This is also without loss of generality since the parties can perform pairwise-private communication by exchanging random pads in the first round and then using these random pads to unmask later broadcasts [23].

We analyze three different scenarios of the execution of \(\varPi \). Before describing the scenarios, we define some useful notation. We assume \((r_1, r_2, r_3)\) are the randomness used by the three parties if they behave honestly during the protocol execution. Let \({\textsf {pc}}_{i\rightarrow j}\) where \(i,j \in [3]\) denote the pairwise-private communication from \(P_i\) to \(P_j\) in Round 1 if \(P_i\) behaves honestly using input \(x_i\) and randomness \(r_i\). Similarly, let \(\widetilde{{\textsf {pc}}_{i\rightarrow j}}\) denote the pairwise-private communication from \(P_i\) to \(P_j\) in Round 1 if \(P_i\) follows the protocol but uses some other input \(\widetilde{x_i}\) and randomness \(\widetilde{r_i}\). Let \({\textsf {b}}_i^{x,r, {\textsf {pc}}_{i-1}, {\textsf {pc}}_{i+1}}\) where \(i\in [3]\) denote the broadcast communication by \(P_i\) in Round 2 if \(P_i\) behaves honestly using input x and randomness r, and received \({\textsf {pc}}_{i-1}\) from \(P_{i-1}\) and \({\textsf {pc}}_{i+1}\) from \(P_{i+1}\) in Round 1 (let \(P_0:=P_3\) and \(P_4:=P_1\)). Lastly, let \({\textsf {pc}}_{i\rightarrow 3}^{\ell }\) where \(i\in [2], \ell \in [3]\) denote the pairwise-private communication from \(P_i\) to Q in Round 3 in Scenario \(\ell \). A party’s view consists of \({\textsf {crs}}\), its input, randomness and incoming messages. Following is a description of the three scenarios. The views of the parties are described in Tables 45.

  • Scenario 1: Adversary corrupts \(P_2\). In Round 1, \(P_2\) behaves honestly to \(P_1\) using input \(x_2\) and randomness \(r_2\) while behaving dishonestly to Q using \((\widetilde{x_2}, \widetilde{r_2})\). In other words, \(P_2\) sends \({\textsf {pc}}_{2\rightarrow 1}\) to \(P_1\) and \(\widetilde{{\textsf {pc}}_{2\rightarrow 3}}\) to Q.

    In Round 2, \(P_2\) broadcasts a message as if he behaved honestly in Round 1 to both parties (using \((x_2,r_2)\)) and received a message from Q computed using \((\widetilde{x_3} = \bot , \widetilde{r_3})\) in Round 1. Formally, \(P_2\) broadcasts \({\textsf {b}}_2^{x_2, r_2, {\textsf {pc}}_{1\rightarrow 2},\widetilde{{\textsf {pc}}_{3\rightarrow 2}}}\).

    In Round 3, \(P_2\) aborts.

  • Scenario 2: Adversary corrupts Q. In Round 1, Q behaves towards \(P_1\) using \((x_3 = \bot ,r_3)\) while behaving towards \(P_2\) using \((\widetilde{x_3} = \bot ,\widetilde{r_3})\). In other words, Q sends \({\textsf {pc}}_{3\rightarrow 1}\) to \(P_1\) and \(\widetilde{{\textsf {pc}}_{3\rightarrow 2}}\) to \(P_2\).

    In Round 2, Q broadcasts a message as if he behaved honestly in Round 1 to both parties (using \((x_3 = \bot ,r_3))\) and received a message from \(P_2\) in Round 1 using \((\widetilde{x_2},\widetilde{r_2})\). Formally, Q broadcasts \({\textsf {b}}_3^{x_3, r_3, {\textsf {pc}}_{1\rightarrow 3},\widetilde{{\textsf {pc}}_{2\rightarrow 3}}}\).

  • Scenario 3: Adversary passively corrupts \(P_1\) behaving honestly using \((x_1,r_1)\) in all rounds.

Table 4. Views of \(\{P_1, P_2, Q\}\) in Scenarios 1 and 2.
Table 5. Views of \(\{P_1, P_2, Q\}\) in Scenario 3.

The proof skeleton is as follows. First, we claim if Scenario 1 occurs, then Q must obtain \(f(x_1,x_2,\bot )\) with overwhelming probability. Due to the \(\textsf {god}\) property of \(\varPi \), the honest Q in Scenario 1 must learn an output on the honest \(P_1\)’s input, namely \(x_1\). The output should also be computed on \(P_2\)’s honest input \(x_2\) because Q’s view is Scenario 1 is subsumed by its view in Scenario 2, where the malicious Q can only learn an output computed on the honest \(P_2\)’s input. Intuitively, \(P_2\)’s input is “committed” in its private communication to \(P_1\) in Round 1 and broadcast message in Round 2. This allows a semi-honest \(P_1\) in Scenario 3 to emulate Q’s view in Scenario 1 and learn \(f(x_1,x_2,\bot )\), which compromises the security of \(\varPi \). We defer the formal proof to the full version [7].

4.3 Necessity of Broadcast in Round 2

In this section, we show that any three-round n-party solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) against t corruptions must use broadcast channel in Round 2 when \(2 \left\lceil n/5 \right\rceil \le t < n/2\) (note that \(t \ge 2\)). Interestingly, the use of broadcast in Round 2 is not necessary for the special case of single corruption (refer full version [7]).

Theorem 3

Assume parties have access to CRS. Let n and t be positive integers such that \(n \ge 5\) and \(2 \left\lceil n/5 \right\rceil \le t < n/2\). Then, there exists a solitary functionality f such that no three-round n-party solitary MPC protocol tolerating t corruptions securely computes f with \(\textsf {god}\), while making use of the broadcast channel only in Round 1 and Round 3 (pairwise-private channels can be used in all the rounds).


We present the argument for the setting of \(n = 5\) and \(t = 2\) below, and elaborate later on how to extend to \(2 \left\lceil n/5 \right\rceil \le t < n/2\). Consider the solitary function \(f(x_1,\dots ,x_5)\) among \(\{P_1, \dots ,P_5\}\) where \(Q = P_5\) denotes the output receiving party. We clarify that our argument holds irrespective of whether f involves an input from Q or not. First, set \(k = 10\) (looking ahead, we set k to be sufficiently large for the probability arguments to go through). Let \(f(x_1 = (x_c, x_r), x_2 = (x_{2}^0, x_{2}^1), x_3 = (x_{3}^0, x_{3}^1), x_4 = \bot , x_5 = \bot )\) be defined as follows, where \(x_c\in \{0,1\}\), \(x_r, x_2^0, x_2^1, x_3^0, x_3^1 \in \{0,1\}^k\) and \(x_2^0\ne x_2^1, x_3^0\ne x_3^1\):

$$\begin{aligned} f(x_1, \dots , x_5) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (x_{r} \oplus x_{2}^0, \; x_{3}^0) &{} \text {if } x_{c} = 0\\ (x_{r} \oplus x_{2}^1, \; x_{3}^1) &{} \text {if } x_{c} = 1 \end{array} \right. . \end{aligned}$$

Suppose for the sake of contradiction that there exists a three-round 5-party solitary MPC protocol with \(\textsf {god}\) against two corruptions, say \(\varPi \) that computes f and utilizes broadcast channel only in Round 1 and Round 3 (i.e. \(\varPi \) uses broadcast and pairwise-private channels in Round 1 and Round 3; and only pairwise-private channels in Round 2).

Without loss of generality, we assume for simplicity the following structure for \(\varPi \): (a) Round 3 involves only private messages sent to Q - no broadcast messages. This is w.l.o.g as any solitary MPC that uses broadcast in last round can be transformed to one where the messages sent via broadcast are sent privately only to Q (as Q is the only party supposed to receive output). (b) Round 2 does not involve messages from \(P_i\) \((i \in [4])\) to Q (such a message is meaningful only if Q communicates to \(P_i\) in Round 3, which is not the case as per (a)).

We consider an execution of \(\varPi \) with inputs \((x_1, \dots , x_5)\) where \(x_i\) denotes the input of \(P_i\). In the above definition of f, \(x_4 = x_5 = \bot \) indicates that \(P_4\) and \(P_5\) do not have any inputs. Next, we analyze four different scenarios. Before describing the scenarios, we define some useful notation. Let \({\textsf {b}}^1_i\) denote the broadcast communication by \(P_i\) in Round 1 when \(P_i\) behaves honestly. In Rounds 1 and 2, let \({\textsf {pc}}_{i\rightarrow j}^r\) where \(r \in [2], i, j \in [5]\) denote the pairwise-private communication from \(P_i\) to \(P_j\) in Round r, as per an execution where everyone behaves honestly. Next, we use \(\widetilde{{\textsf {pc}}_{i \rightarrow j}^2}\) to denote the messages that \(P_i\) \((i \in [5]\)) is supposed to send in Round 2 to \(P_j\) \((j \in [4] \setminus i)\) incase \(P_i\) did not receive Round 1 message from \(P_1\). Note that this communication could be potentially different from what \(P_i\) would send in an honest execution. Lastly, since Round 3 messages to Q could potentially be different for each of the four scenarios, we index them additionally with \(\ell \) indicating the scenario i.e. \({\textsf {pc}}_{j \rightarrow 5}^{3,\ell }\) denotes \(P_j\)’s Round 3 message to Q in Scenario \(\ell \) (\(j \in [4], \ell \in [4]\)). These messages may be a function of the common reference string (denoted by \({\textsf {crs}}\)). A party’s view comprises of \({\textsf {crs}}\), its input, randomness and incoming messages.

Table 6. Views of \(\{P_1, \dots ,P_5\}\) in Scenario 1.

Following is a description of the scenarios. In each of these scenarios, we assume that the adversary uses the honest input on behalf of the corrupt parties and its malicious behaviour is limited to dropping some of the messages that were received or supposed to be sent by the actively corrupt parties. The views of the parties are described in Tables 6, 7, 8 and 9.

  • [Scenario 1: Adversary corrupts \(P_1\). In Round 1, \(P_1\) behaves honestly w.r.t his broadcast communication and private message towards \(P_2\) and Q, but drops his private message towards \(P_3\) and \(P_4\). Further, \(P_1\) remains silent after Round 1 (i.e. does not communicate at all in Round 2 and Round 3). In other words, in Scenario 1, \(P_1\) computes and sends only the following messages honestly : \({\textsf {b}}^1_1\), \({\textsf {pc}}_{1\rightarrow 2}^1\) and \({\textsf {pc}}_{1\rightarrow 5}^1\).

  • Scenario 2: Adversary corrupts \(\{P_1, P_2\}\). \(P_1\) behaves identical to Scenario 1. \(P_2\) behaves honestly except that he drops his Round 3 message towards Q.

  • Scenario 3: Adversary corrupts \(\{P_3, P_4\}\). In Round 1, \(\{P_3, P_4\}\) behave honestly as per protocol steps. In Round 2, \(\{P_3, P_4\}\) only communicate to \(P_2\), towards whom they pretend that they did not receive Round 1 message from \(P_1\) (i.e. \(P_i\) sends \(\widetilde{{\textsf {pc}}_{i \rightarrow 2}^2}\) to \(P_2\) where \(i \in \{3,4\}\)). Lastly, \(\{P_3, P_4\}\) remain silent in Round 3 i.e. do not communicate towards Q.

  • Scenario 4: Adversary corrupts \(\{P_1, Q\}\). Q behaves honestly throughout the protocol. \(P_1\) behaves as follows: In Round 1, \(P_1\) behaves identical to Scenario 1 (i.e. behaves honestly w.r.t its broadcast communication and private message to \(P_2\) and Q; but drops his private message to \(P_3\) and \(P_4\)). In Round 2, \(P_1\) behaves honestly only to \(P_2\) (but does not communicate to others). Lastly, \(P_1\) sends its Round 3 message to Q as per Scenario 3 (i.e. as per protocol specifications when \(P_1\) does not receive Round 2 message from \(P_3\) and \(P_4\)). The communication in Round 3 among the corrupt parties is mentioned only for clarity.

Table 7. Views of \(\{P_1, \dots ,P_5\}\) in Scenario 2.
Table 8. Views of \(\{P_1, \dots ,P_5\}\) in Scenario 3.
Table 9. Views of \(\{P_1, \dots ,P_5\}\) in Scenario 4.

The proof skeleton is as follows. First, we claim that there exists an \(x_{c}^*\in \{0,1\}\) and \(x_r^* \in \{0,1\}^k\) such that if Scenario 1 occurs with respect to \(x_1=(x_{c}^*, x_r^*)\) and uniformly randomly sampled \(x_2\) and \(x_3\), then the output obtained by Q must be computed with respect to \(\lnot x_c^*\) with a sufficiently large (constant) probability. Intuitively, if for all \(x_{c}\) and \(x_r\), the output of Scenario 1 was computed on \(x_{c}\), then it would mean that \(\{P_2, Q\}\) have sufficient information about \(x_{c}\) at the end of Round 1 itself. This would make \(\varPi \) vulnerable to a residual function attack by \(\{P_2, Q\}\). Next, we claim the same statement also holds for Scenario 2 (with a different probability). Regarding Scenario 3, correctness of \(\varPi \) lets us infer that Q must compute output on the input \(x_1 = (x_{r}, x_{c})\) of honest \(P_1\). Lastly, we argue that Q’s view in Scenario 4 subsumes its views in Scenario 2 and Scenario 3. This would allow corrupt \(\{P_1, Q\}\) (who participate with \(x_{c} = x_{c}^*\)) in Scenario 4 to obtain multiple outputs i.e. output with respect to both \(\lnot x_{c}^*\) (as in Scenario 2) and \(x_{c}^*\) (as in Scenario 3), which contradicts security of \(\varPi \). This completes the proof sketch. We present the formal proof and show its extension to \(2 \left\lceil n/5 \right\rceil \le t < n/2\) in the full version [7]. Note that for certain cases, such as \(n = 6\), this range of values of (nt) is not meaningful. However, this is relevant for sufficiently large values of n.

5 With PKI and No Broadcast

In this section, we consider the setting where the parties only have access to pairwise-private channels. In terms of setup, we assume that all parties have access to a pubic-key infrastructure (PKI) and a common reference string (CRS). We first present a lower bound of four rounds for solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\). Then we present a five-round construction that works for any n and \(t < n/2\). Next, we elaborate on a non-constant round protocol (i.e. \((t + 2)\) rounds) that can be derived from the protocol of [28]. While the former upper bound significantly improves over the latter for most values of (nt), the latter achieves better round complexity for special cases of \(t \le 2\).

5.1 Necessity of Four Rounds

In this section, we assume a network setting where the parties have access to pairwise-private channels and PKI. We show that when \(3 \left\lceil n/7 \right\rceil \le t < n/2\), four rounds are necessary for n-party solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\) against t corruptions. This holds irrespective of whether Q has input or not and even if the adversary is non-rushing. However, the argument crucially relies on the fact that \(t\ge 3\) (details appear at the end of this section) which leads us to conjecture that there is a potential separation between the cases of \(t \le 2\) and \(t \ge 3\) for solitary MPC. We investigate the special cases of \(t \le 2\) in the full version [7]. The impossibility for the general case is formally stated below.

Theorem 4

Assume parties have access to CRS, PKI and pairwise-private channels. Let nt be positive integers such that \(n\ge 7\) and \(3 \left\lceil n/7 \right\rceil \le t < n/2\). Then, there exists a solitary functionality f such that no three-round n-party MPC protocol tolerating t corruptions can compute f with \(\textsf {god}\), even if the adversary is assumed to be non-rushing.


For simplicity, we consider the setting of \(n = 7\) and \(t = 3\) (extension to any \(3 \left\lceil n/7 \right\rceil \le t < n/2\) appears in the full version). Consider the solitary function \(f(x_1,, \dots ,x_7)\) among \(\{P_1, \dots ,P_7\}\) where \(Q = P_7\) denotes the output receiving party. We clarify that our lower bound argument holds irrespective of whether f involves an input from Q. First, set \(k = 10\) (looking ahead, we set k to be sufficiently large for the probability arguments to go through). Let \(f(x_1, x_2=\bot , x_3 = (x_3^0, x_3^1), x_4=(x_4^0, x_4^1), x_5=\bot , x_6=(x_6^0, x_6^1), x_7=\bot )\) be defined as follows, where \(x_1\in \{0,1\}\), \(x_3^0, x_3^1, x_4^0, x_4^1, x_6^0, x_6^1\in \{0,1\}^k\) and \(x_3^0\ne x_3^1, x_4^0 \ne x_4^1, x_6^0\ne x_6^1\):

$$ f(x_1, \dots ,x_7) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} (x_3^0, x_4^0, x_6^0) \quad \text {if } x_1 = 0 \\ (x_3^1, x_4^1, x_6^1) \quad \text {if } x_1=1 \end{array}\right. } . $$

In the definition, \(x_2=x_5=x_7=\bot \) indicates that \(P_2\), \(P_5\), \(P_7\) do not have any inputs. Suppose for the sake of contradiction that there exists a three-round solitary MPC protocol with \(\textsf {god}\), say \(\varPi \) that computes f.

Without loss of generality, we assume that \(\varPi \) has the following structure: (a) Round 3 involves only messages sent to Q; (b) Round 2 does not involve messages from \(P_i\) \((i \in [6])\) to Q (such a message is meaningful only if Q communicates to \(P_i\) in Round 3, which is not the case as per (a)).

We consider an execution of \(\varPi \) with inputs \((x_1, \dots ,x_7)\) where \(x_i\) denotes the input of \(P_i\) and analyze four different scenarios. Before describing the scenarios, we define some useful notation. In Rounds 1 and 2, let \({\textsf {pc}}_{i\rightarrow j}^r\) where \(r \in [2], \{i, j \}\in [7]\) denote the pairwise-private communication from \(P_i\) to \(P_j\) in Round r, as per an execution where everyone behaves honestly. Next, we use \(\widetilde{{\textsf {pc}}_{i \rightarrow j}^2}\) to denote the messages that \(P_i\) \((i \in [7]\)) is supposed to send in Round 2 to \(P_j\) \((j \in [6] \setminus i)\) incase \(P_i\) did not receive Round 1 message from \(P_1\). Note that this communication could be potentially different from what \(P_i\) would send in an honest execution. Lastly, since Round 3 messages to Q could potentially be different for each of the four scenarios, we index them additionally with \(\ell \) indicating the scenario i.e. \({\textsf {pc}}_{j \rightarrow 7}^{3,\ell }\) denotes \(P_j\)’s Round 3 message to Q in Scenario \(\ell \) (\(j \in [6], \ell \in [4]\)). These messages may be a function of the common reference string (denoted by \({\textsf {crs}}\)) and the PKI setup. Let \(\alpha _i\) denote the output of the PKI setup (or more generally, the output of an arbitrary correlated randomness setup) to party \(P_i\). A party’s view comprises of \({\textsf {crs}}\), \(\alpha _i\), its input, randomness and incoming messages.

Due to the involved nature of the scenarios, we begin with an intuitive description. Broadly speaking, this argument involves partitioning the parties \(\{P_1, \dots ,P_6\}\) into two sets \(\{P_1, P_2, P_6\}\) and \(\{P_3, P_4, P_5\}\). Looking ahead, the final scenario is designed in a manner that allows a corrupt Q to obtain: (i) output with respect to some input of \(P_1\) using the communication from \(\{P_1, P_2, P_6\}\) and (ii) output with respect to a different input of \(P_1\) using the communication from \(\{P_3, P_4, P_5\}\). Tracing back, we carefully design the other scenarios such that Scenarios 1 and 2 let us conclude that if \(P_1\) behaves honestly only in its messages to \(P_6\), then there must exist some \(x_1^* \in \{0,1\}\) such that the communication from \(\{P_3, P_4, P_5\}\) to Q enables Q to obtain output with respect \(\lnot x_1^*\) with a sufficiently large probability. On the other hand, Scenario 3 involves corrupt \(\{P_3, P_4, P_5\}\) who pretend to have received no message from \(P_1\), which lets us conclude that the messages from \(\{P_1, P_2, P_6\}\) in such a case must enable Q to obtain output with respect to honest input \(x_1\) of \(P_1\). Combining the above two inferences in the final scenario lets us reach the final contradiction.

Following is a description of the scenarios. In each scenario, on behalf of the corrupt parties, we assume that the adversary uses the honest input and its malicious behaviour is limited to dropping some of the messages that were received or supposed to be sent. The views of the parties across various scenarios are described in Tables 10, 11, 12 and 13.

  • Scenario 1: Adversary corrupts \(\{P_1, P_6\}\). \(P_1\) does not communicate throughout the protocol. \(P_6\) behaves honestly in Round 1 and Round 2 (thereby would send \(\widetilde{{\textsf {pc}}_{6 \rightarrow j}^2}\) for \(j \in [5]\)) and aborts (does not communicate) in Round 3.

  • Scenario 2: Adversary corrupts \(\{P_1, P_6\}\). \(P_1\) does not communicate throughout the protocol. \(P_6\) behaves honestly in Round 1 and Round 2, except that \(P_6\) pretends to have received Round 1 message from \(P_1\) (thereby would send \({\textsf {pc}}_{6 \rightarrow j}^2\) for \(j \in [5]\)). Note that it is possible for \(P_6\) to pretend in such a manner as adversary corrupts both \(P_1, P_6\). Lastly, \(P_6\) aborts in Round 3.

  • Scenario 3: Adversary corrupts \(\{P_3, P_4, P_5\}\). All corrupt parties behave honestly in Round 1. In Round 2, \(\{P_3, P_4, P_5\}\) only communicate towards \(P_6\), towards whom they pretend that they did not receive Round 1 message from \(P_1\) (i.e. \(P_i\) sends \(\widetilde{{\textsf {pc}}_{i \rightarrow 6}^2}\) to \(P_6\) for \(i \in \{3,4,5\}\)). Lastly, \(\{P_3, P_4, P_5\}\) abort in Round 3.

  • Scenario 4: Adversary corrupts \(\{P_1, P_2, Q\}\) who do the following:Footnote 8

    • Round 1: \(P_1\) behaves honestly only to \(\{P_2, P_6, Q\}\) (only \(P_6\) among the honest parties). \(P_2\) and Q behave honestly.

    • Round 2: \(P_1\) behaves honestly only to \(\{P_2, P_6, Q\}\). \(P_2\) and Q pretend towards \(\{P_3, P_4, P_5\}\) as if they did not receive Round 1 message from \(P_1\) (i.e. send \(\widetilde{{\textsf {pc}}_{i \rightarrow j}^2}\) to \(P_j\) for \(i \in \{2,7\}\), \(j \in \{3,4,5\}\)). Towards \(\{P_1, P_2, P_6\}\) (only \(P_6\) among honest parties), \(P_2\) and Q act as if Round 1 message had been received from \(P_1\) (i.e. send \({\textsf {pc}}_{i \rightarrow j}^2\) to \(P_j\) for \(i \in \{2,7\}\), \(j \in \{1,2,6\} \setminus i\)).

    • Round 3: \(P_1\) and \(P_2\) drop the Round 2 messages obtained from \(\{P_3, P_4, P_5\}\) (to emulate Scenario 3) and communicate to Q accordingly.

Table 10. Views of \(\{P_1 \dots P_7\}\) in Scenario 1.
Table 11. Views of \(\{P_1 \dots P_7\}\) in Scenario 2.
Table 12. Views of \(\{P_1 \dots P_7\}\) in Scenario 3.
Table 13. Views of \(\{P_1 \dots P_7\}\) in Scenario 4.

The proof outline is as follows. First, we show that there exits \(x_1^*\in \{0,1\}\) such that if Scenario 1 occurs with respect to \(x_1^*\) and uniformly randomly sampled \(x_3, x_4, x_6\), then the output obtained by Q is computed on \(\lnot x_1^*\) with a sufficiently large (constant) probability. Next, we show this is also the case for Scenario 2 (with a different probability). Since this inference may appear counter-intuitive, we elaborate the argument in some detail below. Note that the difference between Scenario 1 and 2 lies in the communication from \(P_6\) to honest parties \(\{P_2, P_3, P_4, P_5\}\) in Round 2. While in the former, \(P_6\) acts as if he did not receive Round 1 message from \(P_1\); in the latter he pretends as if he did receive Round 1 message from \(P_1\). We define a sequence of hybrids \(\textsf{hyb}_0, \dots ,\textsf{hyb}_4\). Specifically, \(\textsf{hyb}_0\) and \(\textsf{hyb}_4\) refer to Scenario 1 and 2 respectively and \(\textsf{hyb}_i\) is same as \(\textsf{hyb}_{i-1}\) \((i \in \{1, \dots ,4\})\) except that \(P_6\) acts towards \(P_{i + 1}\) that he did receive Round 1 message from \(P_1\). We show that in each hybrid, the output obtained by Q is w.r.t. \(\lnot x_1^*\) with a sufficiently large (but slightly different) probability. Next, if Scenario 3 occurs, then the output obtained by Q must be computed on \(x_1\) (honest input of \(P_1\)) due to correctness of \(\varPi \). Lastly, we show that such a protocol \(\varPi \) is susceptible to an attack by \(\{P_1, P_2, Q\}\) which allows Q to obtain both the above evaluations of f (i.e., on both \(x_1^*\) and \(\lnot x_1^*\)), which is a contradiction to security of \(\varPi \). We defer the formal proof to the full version [7].

5.2 General Five-Round Protocol

In this section, we present a five-round solitary output MPC protocol with guaranteed output delivery that works for any n in the presence of an honest majority - that is, any \(t < n/2\) where n is the number of parties and t is the number of corrupt parties. Our protocol uses the following primitives: a \((\frac{n}{2}+1)\)-out-of-n decentralized threshold FHE scheme \(\textsf{dTFHE}=(\mathsf {dTFHE.DistGen},\mathsf {dTFHE.Enc}, \mathsf {dTFHE.PartialDec},\mathsf {dTFHE.Eval},\mathsf {dTFHE.Combine})\), a digital signature scheme \((\textsf{Gen}, \textsf{Sign},\textsf{Verify})\), and a simulation-extractible NIZK argument \((\mathsf {NIZK.Setup},\mathsf {NIZK.Prove},\mathsf {NIZK.Verify})\). We use the NIZK argument for two NP languages \(\textsf{L}_1,\textsf{L}_2\) defined in Sect. 3.2. All of them can be built assuming LWE [10, 11, 38]. Formally, we show the following theorem:

Theorem 5

Assuming LWE, protocol \(\varPi _\mathsf {5-round}\) described below is a five-round secure solitary output MPC protocol with \(\textsf {god}\) with a PKI setup and pairwise-private channels. The protocol works for any n, any function and is secure against a malicious rushing adversary that can corrupt any \(t < n/2\) parties.

Overview. Consider n parties \(P_1,\ldots ,P_n\) who wish to evaluate function \(f:(\{0,1\}^\lambda )^{n-1}\rightarrow \{0,1\}^{\lambda }\). We also denote \(P_n\) as the output receiving party Q. In some places, we use the notation \(\textsf{msg}^{i \rightarrow j}\) to indicate that the message was sent by party \(P_i\) to \(P_j\). At a high level, our protocol works as follows. In Round 1, each party \(P_i\) sends to every other party a dTFHE encryption \([\![{ x_i }]\!]\) along with a NIZK argument \(\pi _i\) proving that the encryption is well formed. On top of that, \(P_i\) also attaches its signature \(\sigma _i \leftarrow \textsf{Sign}(\textsf{skey}_i,([\![{ x_i }]\!],\pi _i))\). In Round 2, each party sends all the messages it received in Round 1 to Q. In Round 3, Q first initializes a string \(\textsf{msg}= \bot \) and does the following for each \(i \in [n]\): if it received a valid message from \(P_i\) in Round 1, (where valid means the signature \(\sigma _i\) and the NIZK \(\pi _i\) verify successfully) it includes the message in \(\textsf{msg}\) and sets a value \(\textsf{ct}_i = [\![{ x_i }]\!]\). Else, in Round 2, if a different party \(P_{i_1}\), forwards a valid message \(([\![{ x_i }]\!]^{i_1 \rightarrow n}, \pi ^{i_1 \rightarrow n}, \sigma ^{i_1 \rightarrow n})\) received from \(P_i\) in Round 1, include that in \(\textsf{msg}\) and set \(\textsf{ct}_i\) to be \([\![{ x_i }]\!]^{i_1 \rightarrow n}\). If no such \(i_1\) exists, set \(\textsf{ct}_i = \bot \) and append \(\bot \) to \(\textsf{msg}\). Then, Q sends \(\textsf{msg}\) and a signature on it \(\sigma _\textsf{msg}\) to all parties. In Round 4, each party sends the tuple received from Q in Round 3 to every other party. Finally, in Round 5, each party \(P_i\) sends its partial decryption (along with a NIZK) on the homomorphically evaluated ciphertext \([\![{ y }]\!] = \mathsf {dTFHE.Eval}(f,\textsf{ct}_1,\ldots ,\textsf{ct}_n)\) if: (i) in Round 3, Q sent \((\textsf{msg},\sigma _\textsf{msg})\) such that \(\sigma _\textsf{msg}\) verifies, (ii) it did not receive a different tuple \((\textsf{msg}',\sigma _{\textsf{msg}'})\) from another party in Round 4 such that \(\sigma _{\textsf{msg}'}\) verifies, (iii) in the string \(\textsf{msg}\), every tuple of the form \(([\![{ x_j }]\!],\pi _j,\sigma _j)\) is valid, (iv) for every party \(P_k\), if \(P_i\) received a valid message from \(P_k\) in Round 1, then in Q’s Round 3 message \(\textsf{msg}\), there must exist some valid tuple of the form \(([\![{ x'_k }]\!],\pi '_k,\sigma '_k)\) on behalf of \(P_k\) (not necessarily the one \(P_i\) received in Round 1). After Round 5, Q combines all the partial decryptions (if the NIZK verifies) to recover the output. Our protocol is formally described below. We defer the security proof to the full version [7].

CRS: Send \({\textsf {crs}}\leftarrow \mathsf {NIZK.Setup}(1^\lambda )\) to every party.

PKI Setup:

  • For each \(i \in [n]\): sample \((\textsf{pk}_i,\textsf{sk}_i) \leftarrow \mathsf {dTFHE.DistGen}(1^\lambda ,1^d, i;r_i)\) and \((\textsf{vkey}_i,\textsf{skey}_i) \leftarrow \textsf{Gen}(1^\lambda )\).

  • Public key: \(\textsf{pk}= \textsf{pk}_1\Vert \ldots \Vert \textsf{pk}_n\) and \(\{\textsf{vkey}_i\}_{i \in [n]}\).

  • Secret keys: \((\textsf{sk}_i,r_i,\textsf{skey}_i)\) to party \(P_i\) for each \(i \in [n]\).

Inputs: For each \(i\in [n]\), party \(P_i\) has an input \(x_i \in \{0,1\}^\lambda \).


  1. 1.

    Round 1: For each \(i\in [n]\):

    • \(P_i\) computes \([\![{ x_i }]\!]\leftarrow \mathsf {dTFHE.Enc}(\textsf{pk}, x_i;\rho _i)\) using randomness \(\rho _i\), \(\pi _{i} \leftarrow \mathsf {NIZK.Prove}({\textsf {crs}},\textsf{st}_i,\textsf{wit}_i) \) for \(\textsf{st}_i \in \textsf{L}_1\) where \(\textsf{st}_i = ([\![{ x_i }]\!],\textsf{pk})\) and \(\textsf{wit}_i = (x_i, \rho _i)\).

    • Then, compute \(\sigma _i \leftarrow \textsf{Sign}(\textsf{skey}_i,([\![{ x_i }]\!],\pi _i))\) and send \(([\![{ x_i }]\!], \pi _i, \sigma _i)\) to every party.

  2. 2.

    Round 2: For each \(i\in [n]\), \(P_i\) sends all the messages it received in Round 1 to party \(P_n ( = Q)\).

  3. 3.

    Round 3: Party \(P_n ( = Q)\) does the following:

    • Define strings \(\textsf{msg},\textsf{ct}_1,\ldots ,\textsf{ct}_n\) as \(\bot \).

    • For each \(i \in [n]\), let \(\{([\![{ x_j }]\!]^{i \rightarrow n}, \pi ^{i \rightarrow n}_j, \sigma ^{i \rightarrow n}_j)\}_{j \in [n]\setminus \{i\}}\) denote the message received from \(P_i\) in Round 2 and \(([\![{ x_i }]\!]^{i \rightarrow n}, \pi _i^{i \rightarrow n}, \sigma _i^{i \rightarrow n})\) denote the message received from \(P_i\) in Round 1.

    • For each \(j \in [n]\), do the following:

      • Let \(\{([\![{ x_j }]\!]^{1 \rightarrow n}, \pi ^{1 \rightarrow n}_j, \sigma ^{1 \rightarrow n}_j),\ldots , ([\![{ x_j }]\!]^{n \rightarrow n}, \pi ^{n \rightarrow n}_j, \sigma ^{n \rightarrow n}_j)\}\) be the messages received across both rounds on behalf of party \(P_j\).

      • Pick the lowest \(i_1\) such that \(\textsf{Verify}(\textsf{vkey}_j, ([\![{ x_j }]\!]^{i_1 \rightarrow n}, \pi ^{i_1 \rightarrow n}_j), \sigma ^{i_1 \rightarrow n}_j) = 1\) and \(\mathsf {NIZK.Verify}({\textsf {crs}}, \pi ^{i_1 \rightarrow n}_j, \textsf{st}_j) = 1\) for \(\textsf{st}_j \in \textsf{L}_1\) where \(\textsf{st}_j = ([\![{ x_j }]\!]^{i_1 \rightarrow n}, \textsf{pk})\). Set \(\textsf{ct}_j := [\![{ x_j }]\!]^{i_1 \rightarrow n}\) and \(\textsf{msg}:= \textsf{msg}\Vert \mathsf {``Party \ j \ "}\Vert ([\![{ x_j }]\!]^{i_1 \rightarrow n}, \pi ^{i_1 \rightarrow n}_j, \sigma ^{i_1 \rightarrow n}_j)\).

      • If no such \(i_1\) exists, set \(\textsf{msg}= \textsf{msg}\Vert \mathsf {``Party \ j \ "}\Vert \bot \).

    • Compute \(\sigma _\textsf{msg}\leftarrow \textsf{Sign}(\textsf{skey}_n,\textsf{msg})\). Send \((\textsf{msg}, \sigma _\textsf{msg})\) to all parties.

    • Set \([\![{ y }]\!] = \mathsf {dTFHE.Eval}(\textsf{pk},f,\textsf{ct}_1,\ldots ,\textsf{ct}_n)\).Footnote 9

  4. 4.

    Round 4: For each \(i\in [n-1]\), \(P_i\) sends the message received from Q in Round 3 to every party.

  5. 5.

    Round 5: For each \(i\in [n-1]\), \(P_i\) does the following:

    • Let \(\{(\textsf{msg}^{j \rightarrow i}, \sigma ^{j \rightarrow i}_\textsf{msg})\}_{j \in [n-1]\setminus \{i\}}\) be the messages received in Round 4 and \((\textsf{msg}^{n \rightarrow i}, \sigma ^{n \rightarrow i}_\textsf{msg})\) be the message from Q in Round 3.

    • If \(\textsf{Verify}(\textsf{vkey}_n, \textsf{msg}^{n \rightarrow i}, \sigma ^{n \rightarrow i}_\textsf{msg}) \ne 1\) (OR) \(\textsf{msg}^{n \rightarrow i}\) is not of the form \((\mathsf {``Party \ 1 \ "}\Vert m_1 \Vert \ldots \Vert \mathsf {``Party \ n \ "}\Vert m_n)\), send \(\bot \) to Q and end the round.

    • Output \(\bot \) to Q and end the round if there exists \(j \ne n\) such that:

      • \(\textsf{msg}^{j \rightarrow i} \ne \textsf{msg}^{n \rightarrow i}\) (AND)

      • \(\textsf{Verify}(\textsf{vkey}_n, \textsf{msg}^{j \rightarrow i}, \sigma ^{j \rightarrow i}_\textsf{msg}) = 1\) (AND)

      • \(\textsf{msg}^{j \rightarrow i}\) is of the form \((\mathsf {``Party \ 1 \ " } \Vert m_1,\ldots ,\Vert \mathsf {``Party \ n \ "}\Vert m_n)\). This third check is to ensure that a corrupt \(P_j\) doesn’t re-use a valid signature sent by Q in the first round as its message in Round 4.

    • Define strings \(\textsf{ct}_1,\ldots ,\textsf{ct}_n\).

    • Parse \(\textsf{msg}^{n \rightarrow i}\) as \((\mathsf {``Party \ 1 \ " } \Vert m_1,\ldots ,\Vert \mathsf {``Party \ n \ "}\Vert m_n)\).

    • For each \(j \in [n]\), do the following:

      • If in Round 1, \(P_i\) received \(([\![{ x_j }]\!], \pi _j, \sigma _j)\) from \(P_j\) such that \(\textsf{Verify}(\textsf{vkey}_j, ([\![{ x_j }]\!], \pi _j), \sigma _j) = 1\) and \(\mathsf {NIZK.Verify}(\pi _j, \textsf{st}_j) = 1\) for \(\textsf{st}_j \in \textsf{L}_1\) where \(\textsf{st}_j = ([\![{ x_j }]\!], \textsf{pk})\), set \(\textsf{bit}_j=1\). Else, set \(\textsf{bit}_j=0\).

      • If \(m_j=\bot \):

        • * If \(\textsf{bit}_j=1\), send \(\bot \) to Q and end the round.

        • * Else, set \(\textsf{ct}_j = \bot \).

      • If \(m_j = ([\![{ x_j }]\!]^{i_1 \rightarrow n}, \pi ^{i_1 \rightarrow n}_j, \sigma ^{i_1 \rightarrow n}_j)\):

        • * If \(\textsf{Verify}(\textsf{vkey}_j, ([\![{ x_j }]\!]^{i_1 \rightarrow n}, \pi ^{i_1 \rightarrow n}_j), \sigma ^{i_1 \rightarrow n}_j) = 1\) and \(\mathsf {NIZK.Verify}({\textsf {crs}}, \pi ^{i_1 \rightarrow n}_j, \textsf{st}_j) = 1\) for \(\textsf{st}_j \in \textsf{L}_1\) where \(\textsf{st}_j = ([\![{ x_j }]\!]^{i_1 \rightarrow n}, \textsf{pk})\), set \(\textsf{ct}_j = [\![{ x_j }]\!]^{i_1 \rightarrow n}\).

        • * Else, send \(\bot \) to Q and end the round.

    • Compute \([\![{ y }]\!]\leftarrow \mathsf {dTFHE.Eval}(\textsf{pk},f,\textsf{ct}_1,\ldots ,\textsf{ct}_n)\).

    • Compute \([\![{ y:\textsf{sk}_i }]\!]\leftarrow \mathsf {dTFHE.PartialDec}(\textsf{sk}_i, [\![{ y }]\!])\) and \(\pi ^\textsf{dec}_i \leftarrow \mathsf {NIZK.Prove}({\textsf {crs}},\textsf{st}^\textsf{dec}_i,\textsf{wit}^\textsf{dec}_i) \) for \(\textsf{st}^\textsf{dec}_i \in \textsf{L}_2\) where \(\textsf{st}^\textsf{dec}_i = ([\![{ y:\textsf{sk}_i }]\!], [\![{ y }]\!], \textsf{pk}_i, i)\) and \(\textsf{wit}^\textsf{dec}_i = (\textsf{sk}_i,r_i)\).

    • Send \(([\![{ y:\textsf{sk}_i }]\!], \pi ^\textsf{dec}_i)\) to Q.

  6. 6.

    Output Computation: Q does the following:

    • Recall the value \([\![{ y }]\!]\) computed in Round 3.

    • For each \(i \in [n]\), if \(\mathsf {NIZK.Verify}({\textsf {crs}}, \pi ^\textsf{dec}_i, \textsf{st}^\textsf{dec}_i) \ne 1\) for \(\textsf{st}^\textsf{dec}_i \in \textsf{L}_2\) where \(\textsf{st}^\textsf{dec}_i = ([\![{ y:\textsf{sk}_i }]\!],\) \([\![{ y }]\!],\) \(\textsf{pk}_i, i)\), discard \([\![{ y:\textsf{sk}_i }]\!]\).

    • Output \(y \leftarrow \mathsf {dTFHE.Combine}(\textsf{pk},\{[\![{ y:\textsf{sk}_i }]\!]\}_{i\in S})\) where S contains the set of non-discarded values from the previous step.

5.3 \((t + 2)\) Round Protocol

We now describe how to transform the two-round protocol (say \(\varPi \)) of [28] into a \((t + 2)\)-round protocol \(\varPi '\) for solitary MPC with \(\textsf {god}\). Recall that protocol \(\varPi \) (that assumes a PKI setup) achieves \(\textsf {god}\) for standard MPC and involves communication only via broadcast channels in both rounds. We propose the following changes to \(\varPi \). First, we employ a \((t + 1)\)-round protocol over pairwise-private channels that realizes the broadcast functionality [17] to execute Round 1 of \(\varPi \). Next, the messages communicated via broadcast in Round 2 of \(\varPi \) are instead sent privately only to Q (as only Q is supposed to obtain output) in Round \((t + 2)\) of \(\varPi '\). This completes the high-level description of \(\varPi '\) whose security follows directly from security of \(\varPi \). This approach achieves better round complexity than our general five-round construction (Sect. 5.2) when \(t \le 2\).