1 Introduction

Natural language is human-specific, ambiguous, and often ungrammatical; its understanding is usually subjected to context knowledge. It is opposed to formal language, which is computer-specific, unambiguous, and must be grammatically perfect to be meaningful: its pragmatics are formally defined by the effect it has on an electronic or mechanical system. In this paper we use formal language constructs to instruct computers to deal with natural language text. More precisely, we focus on a very specific and well-known task in Natural Language Processing (NLP), i.e. that of keyword extraction: given a text in natural language, output K keywords that a human would find the most pertinent for the text. This obviously poses the issue of empirical verification: since different humans would have different preferences, how do we determine what keywords are “best”? In this paper we resort to ground truths put together by a restricted number of humans (see Sect. 3).

The most established method for extracting keywords from natural language text is probably based on ranking functions (see e.g. [14]) based on frequency of words in documents with respect to a set of documents called corpus [11]. The main application is automatic document indexing or summarization [12].

This paper replaces the concept of word frequency in documents with that of vertex degrees in graphs that represent the text. Methodologically speaking, the main contribution is a comparison between different graph representations of text. One of the graph representations we consider is derived from constituency syntax trees (see Sect. 1.3, which, to the best of our knowledge, has never been previously considered for this purpose).

1.1 Ranking Functions for Text

The earliest cornerstone of information retrieval in text is perhaps the TF-IDF ranking function. It consists of the product of two other functions: Term Frequency (TF) and Inverse Document Frequency (IDF) [15]. We shall limit our introduction to the functions we actually used in our computational experiments. In the following formulæ, we let \(\mathcal {C}\) be a corpus (i.e., a set) of text documents, D be a document in C, and t be a term (i.e., a word) in D. Then:

$$\begin{aligned} \textsf{tf}(t,D) = & {} |(v \in D \;|\; v=t)| \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \textsf{TF}(t,D) = & {} 1 + \ln (1 + \max (0,\ln (\textsf{tf}(t,D)))) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \textsf{IDF}(t,\mathcal {C}) = & {} \frac{\ln (|\mathcal {C}|+1)}{\sum _{D\in \mathcal {C}}\textsf{tf}(t,D)} \end{aligned}$$

are the basic building blocks for two well-known ranking functions. These are:

$$\begin{aligned} \textsf{TFIDF}(t,D,\mathcal {C}) = & {} \frac{\textsf{TF}(t,D)\,\textsf{IDF}(t,\mathcal {C})}{1-b+\big (\frac{b|D|}{\sum _{P\in \mathcal {C}} |P|/|\mathcal {C}|}\big )} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \textsf{BM25}(t,D,\mathcal {C}) = & {} \frac{(k_1+1)\textsf{tf}(t,D)\,\textsf{IDF}(t,C)}{k_1\big (1-b+\big (\frac{b|D|}{\sum _{P\in \mathcal {C}} |P|/|\mathcal {C}|}\big )\big )+\textsf{tf}(t,D)}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(b=0.5\) and \(k_1=1.2\). We aim at replacing \(\textsf{TF}\) with the weighted degree \(\textsf{tw}(t,D)\) of a word vertex t in a graph G(D) representing a document, namely:

$$\begin{aligned} \textsf{tw}(t,D) = & {} \sum _{v\in N_{G(D)}(t)} d_{tv} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} \textsf{TWIDF}(t,D,\mathcal {C}) = & {} \frac{\textsf{tw}(t,D)\,\textsf{IDF}(t,\mathcal {C})}{1-b+b\big (\frac{|D|}{\sum _{D\in \mathcal {C}} |P|/|\mathcal {C}|}\big )}, \end{aligned}$$

where \(d_{uv}\) is the weight of the edge \(\{u,v\}\) in the graph G(D), and \(b=0.75\). The weights of the constants is taken from [16]. For unweighted graphs G(D) we have \(d_{uv}=1\) for all edges \(\{u,v\}\).

1.2 Graph-of-Words

Graphs can be used to summarize and extract keywords from a text in natural language [13]. In general, these graphs encode syntactical and sometimes semantic information on the edges, that represent relations on the words inferred from the text. Here we look at a purely syntactical construction proposed in Rousseau’s Ph.D thesis [16] under the name graph-of-words.

In a graph-of-words (gow), the vertices are labeled by the words. The edges incident to each node are induced by the proximity of the words that are left and right of the node word in the linear text reading order. For example, in the sentence “Computers are close to understanding natural language”, the words “are” and “to” are 1-proximal to “close”, and the words “computers” and “understanding” are 2-proximal to “close”. In a gow with proximity parameter 2, the node labelled by “close” would be adjacent to the vertices labelled by “computers”, “are”, “to”, “understanding”.

Note that, if a word occurs more than once in a text, this construction creates separate vertices referring to each occurrence. Moreover, the resulting graph would be a simple chain of embedded cliques, where almost every vertex has the same degree. This motivates a last contraction step in the construction of gows: if two or more vertices represent different occurrences of the same word, they are contracted to a single node. This last step is sometimes interpreted more broadly, for example by contracting vertices having same lemmatized word (i.e. the stem of the word without the desinences). An important pre-processing step to a useful gow is the removal of stop-words: words that are very frequent in most texts, but do not carry keyword-status information. Typically, stop-words are articles, auxiliary verbs or particles, prepositions, conjunctions, common adverbs, and so on. An example of a gow is given in Fig. 1. We note that gows of proximity k have at least 2k adjacencies.

Fig. 1
A syntactical graph of words. 9 different words or nodes are connected through edges which is the distance between them. The words are more, occurrences, different, represent, nodes, single, contracted, word, and same.

A graph-of-word with proximity 2 of the sentence “if two or more nodes represent different occurrences of the same word, they are contracted to a single node”. Edges are weighted by the text distance between the two word vertices, but this weighting is not essential. The node with largest degree is labelled by the word “nodes” (in the above graph, the two nodes corresponding to “nodes” and “node” were contracted)

1.3 Syntax Trees

In the framework of formal languages, syntax trees are the trace of a parsing algorithm for the sentences of the language. They also provide the mechanism by which computers assign semantics to high-level programs, or, in other words, execute code [6, 10]. Parsing algorithms use a formal grammar in order to drive a recursive analysis of a formal language sentence. The grammar consists of a set of rules of the form

$$\begin{aligned} \textsf {tag}\longrightarrow \textsf {comp}^1_1 \dots \textsf {comp}^1_{n_1} \;|\; \dots \;|\; \textsf {comp}^h_1 \dots \textsf {comp}^h_{n_k}, \end{aligned}$$

which requires that a phrase tag be decomposed in one of h ways, each of which consists of a certain number of components, which can themselves be phrase tags or words. The grammar includes rules for each of the component tags down to the words, which are part of a given vocabulary. Each sentence input is assigned an initial tag, e.g. \(\textsf{S}\) for “sentence”. The parser resolves tags recursively in terms of the component tags prescribed by the grammar rules, for as long as there are relevant rules that apply. In so doing, the parser produces a syntax tree. If the parser stops before all tags are resolved into constant words, the sentence does not conform to the grammar rules (this is how interpreters and compilers flag syntax errors). Otherwise, the recursive parsing process can also assign executable machine code to each of the constant words (which may be loops, tests, assignments), and then compose the code into an executable program (this is how interpreters and compilers turn a high-level language program into a set of actions performed by the CPU).

Noam Chomsky is credited with the popularization of syntax trees applied to natural languages [1], where the sentence tag \(\textsf{S}\) is usually mapped to the decomposition \(\textsf{NP}\ \textsf{VP}\): i.e., a sentence corresponds to a noun phrase and a verb phrase. These two tags are then recursively decomposed until the words are reached. Since natural language is not formal, in general there may be many possible recursive decompositions, all leading to a different meaning, without an obvious way to choose between them. Chomsky’s trees are called constituency trees (see Fig. 2 for an example).

Fig. 2
A syntactical tree for the same sentence with nouns, verbs, and phrases. It has branches of subordinate sentences, verb phrases represent, are, contracted, noun phrases nodes, different, occurrences, same, word, single, quantificational phrase two, or, more, and propositional phrases of and to.

The constituency tree for the same sentence as in Fig. 1. The tags are: S (sentence), SBAR (subordinate sentence), NP (noun phrase), VP (verb phrase), QP (quantificational phrase), PP (propositional phrase)

Dependency trees are different types of trees originally introduced to linguistics by Louis Tesnière. The root of the tree is the main verb of the sentence, which has subject and main complement as child nodes. Each noun node has articles, adjectives, adverbs as child nodes (see Fig. 3 for an example).

Fig. 3
A syntactical tree for the same sentence with parent and child nodes. The parent node with contracted has child nodes represent, they, are and to, then represent has if, nodes, occurrences, nodes have two, or, more and word has the and same.

The dependency tree for the same sentence as in Fig. 1. The arcs are usually labeled by the dependency tag of a child node to its parent node, not shown here because they are not used in this paper

Our interest in syntax trees is that they provide a binary relation on words alternative to linear text order proximity. For dependency trees, this order is natural. For constituency trees, the words in a sentence appear as leaf nodes. In both cases, since (undirected) trees are connected, each word is adjacent to any other word by means of the shortest path between the corresponding nodes. This allows us to define a natural edge weight equal to the length of the shortest path.

Contributions of this paper. In this paper we present gows based on different syntactical relations: k-proximity, dependency, constituency. While k-proximity [17] and dependency-based gows [3] are not new, to the best of our knowledge, constituency trees were never used to construct gows so far. We computationally evaluate gows of these different types on several counts.

2 Graph-of-Words Construction Algorithms

By a sentence we mean a string that a human could correctly transform into a valid syntax tree. A phrase is a sub-string of a sentence, which appears as a sub-tree of the sentence’s syntax tree. Sentences are also assumed to be equivalent to lists of tokens, where each token can be either a word or a punctuation symbol. Notation-wise, for a sentence s we let \(s_i\) be the ith token of s for every \(i\le |s|\), which is the number of tokens of s.

All our gow construction algorithms have three main phases:

  1. 1.

    generation of a binary relationship on words;

  2. 2.

    projection over important words (and removal of non-important ones: typically these includes punctuation and stop-words);

  3. 3.

    contraction of like words (typically words with the same lemmatization, or with a similar meaning according to an existing vocabulary or encyclopedia [2]).

2.1 Proximity Gows

In proximity gows the two phases (generation, projection) may be carried out in either order, but changing the order yields different weights (usefulness of edge weights in proximity gow is doubtful, though [16]). For a string of n tokens, the generation phase is as follows. Initially, \(V=\{s_1,\ldots ,s_n\}\) and E is empty. Then we add edges \(\{s_i,s_{i-h}\}\) and \(\{s_{i},s_{i+h}\}\) for all \(1\le h\le k\) and for all \(h<i<n-h\).

The projection phase, if carried out before generation, simply removes the tokens deemed unimportant from the sentence s. The new list of tokens \(s'\) is then subjected to the generation phase. Otherwise projection re-arranges edges incident to removed token vertices: we iteratively replace pairs of edges \((\{v,u\},\{u,w\})\) incident to a removed vertex u by means of an edge \(\{v,w\}\) with weight \(d_{vw}=d_{vu}+d_{uw}\). Note that the removal process may add an edge \(\{v,w\}\) involving a removed vertex: this edge will be part of a replaced pairs later in the iteration.

Proposition 1

Let \(G=(V,E)\) be the the k-proximity graph obtained from the sentence \(s=(s_1,\ldots ,s_n)\) by performing generation first, then projection; and \(H=(U,F)\) be obtained by projection then generation. We have \(G=H\).


We have \(V=U\) because projection removes the same vertices whether carried out before or after generation. Let us now consider an edge \(\{u,v\}\in E\), where \(u=s_i\) and \(v=s_j\) for some \(i<j\). If \(j-i\le k\) in the original sentence s then projection either leaves \(j-i\) invariant or makes it smaller, so \(\{u,v\}\in F\). Assume now that \(j-i=k+1\). This means that there is an index h with \(i<h<j\) such that \(s_h\) is a removed node. Then, after generation, there must be an edge pair \((\{s_i,s_h\},\{s_h,s_j\})\) in the graph that is replaced by a single edge \(\{s_i,s_j\}\): obviously, since \(s_h\) is removed first in H, this edge is also in F. By induction, the same holds for any value of \(j-i>k\). The argument showing that edges in F must also be in E is similar.    \(\square \)

Given a weighted graph \(G=(V,E,d)\) where V is a set of tokens of a string s, the contraction in G of a subset \(R\subset V\) s.t. \(|R|\ge 2\) is as follows: (i) a representative \(r\in R\) is chosen; (ii) in all edges \(\{v,u\}\in E\) with \(v\not \in R\) and \(u\in R\) the symbol u is replaced by r, with \(d_{vr}= d_{vu}+d_{ur}\); (iii) all edges in the induced subgraph G[R] are removed from E; (iv) all vertices in R except from r are removed from V.

Corollary 1

Before contraction, the token graph \(G=(V,E)\) constructed by generation and projection has \(|V|-2k\) vertices (from the \((k+1)\)-st to the \((n-k)\)th) having the same node degree 2k.


By Proposition 1, the graph \(G=(V,E)\) can be constructed by projection first and then generation. Therefore this graph is a k-proximity graph, where the ith vertex has degree 2k for all \(k<i\le n-k\).    \(\square \)

Corollary 1 shows that the contraction step is essential to yielding proximity gows with range of different vertex degrees. This feature is important insofar as our aim is to look at word ranking functions based on vertex degrees in gows rather than word frequencies in documents.

2.2 Dependency

A dependency tree is by definition a tree graph over the sentence tokens. The generation of dependency trees from sentences is carried out by either Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar (PCFG) parsers [9] or appropriately trained neural networks [5].

Projection and contraction are the same as for proximity-based gows. We note that the projection step on dependency trees has a weak impact on connectivity, since most of the important tokens are naturally set at nodes closer to the root than non-important ones.

2.3 Constituency

A constituency tree is a tree graph over sentence tokens as well as syntax tags. In this sense, constituency trees can be seen as “liftings” from dependency trees. To a given constituency tree, one can retrieve the corresponding dependency treeFootnote 1 [7]. Vice-versa, there may be more than one constituency tree corresponding to a given dependency tree [18]. Existing algorithms aim at finding the smallest corresponding constituency tree.

The generation of constituency trees from sentences is carried out by either PCFG parsers (see https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/srparser.html) or appropriately trained neural networks (see https://pypi.org/project/benepar/).

Because constituency trees have more nodes than just tokens from the given sentence, a preliminary projection step is necessary to remove all of the non-token nodes. This is different from the projection step in proximity and dependency gows, because the impact on connectivity when removing grammatical tag nodes is considerable. We therefore defined a more connectivity-aware variant of projection: (i) for any pair (uv) of leaf nodes (word tokens) in the constituency tree T of the sentence s, compute the shortest path \(u\rightarrow v\) in T having length \(\ell \), and add the edge \(\{u,v\}\) with weight \(d_{uv}=\ell \) to the graph; (ii) remove all arcs adjacent to at least one non-leaf node; (iii) remove all non-leaf nodes. This preliminary projection step transforms the constituency tree into a graph on the word tokens from the sentence s.

We note that the most efficient algorithm for computing shortest paths in trees is by means of the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) of the origin and destination nodes. This yields a linear-time shortest path algorithm.

Projection and contraction are the same as for proximity-based gows.

3 Computational Experiments

Our benchmark aims at establishing advantages and disadvantages of different types of gows in keyword extraction tasks. We consider two corpora: a literary one, and a technical one. We extract keywords from documents in these corpora using the following rank functions: \(\textsf{TFIDF}\) and \(\textsf{BM25}\) using term frequency, and \(\textsf{TWIDF}\) on k-proximity, constituency tree, and dependency tree based gows (see Sect. 1.1).

Our code is written in Python 3.10. For dependency and constituency syntax trees we made use of spaCy 3.4.4 [5] and benepar 0.2.0 [8]. Graphs were encoded and handled in NetworkX [4] 2.8.6. Experiments were obtained on an Apple M1 Max CPU with 64GB RAM and MacOS 12.6.3. See http://www.github.com/leoliberti/syntaxGraphOfWords to access the code and the corpora.

3.1 The Literary Dataset

The literary corpus contains 18 short documents extracted from various literary work, each consisting of a single paragraph. The lexical and grammatical quality of these excerpts is perfect. The ground truth is a set of three keywords per document. These keywords were established by the authors of this paper before obtaining the computational results (we admit nonetheless to a considerable risk of personal bias in our ground truth).

Table 1 Comparative results on a set of paragraphs from various literary sources, from which we extracted the three highest-rank keywords with various methods. We report the number of keywords given by each method that is in the list of three keywords in the ground truth

The keywords extracted automatically from the literary corpus are the 3 topmost ranking ones according to the values of term frequency and graph degree rank functions. In Table 1 we report the number of keywords guessed by the automatic methods that are part of the set of keywords in the ground truth.

We see from Table 1 that term frequency based ranking methods are better than gow-based methods. Amongst the latter, 4-proximity gows yield the best performance. We also note that the two term frequency based rankings have exactly the same performance.

3.2 The Technical Dataset

The technical corpus consists of 449 documents, each of which is a client question to technical support. The corresponding ground truth was collected by one of the authors of this paper (NB) in the course of his work at OneTeam. The questions are “as asked”, with the normal amount of lexical quirks and ungrammatical phrases. These documents are short (8.6 words on average). We therefore restricted k-proximity to \(k=1\), otherwise the central word in the sentence would have ended up having an abnormally high vertex degree in the k-proximity gow. The average number of keywords per document in the ground truth is 2.4, but the maximum is 5: we therefore allowed the extraction of up to 5 keywords (the gows often had fewer than five vertices, however).

Table 2 Comparative statistics on the technical corpus. Under “Input” we report the number (docs) of documents having \(|\textsf{GT}|\) keywords in the ground truth. Each data entry x@y in row (\(|\textsf{GT}|\), docs) and method-indexed column means that the corresponding method found y out of \(|\textsf{GT}|\) ground truth keywords in x documents

In Table 2 we present comparative statistical distributions on the success scores of each method on documents with a certain number of ground truth keywords. Each entry has the format x@y to mean that a given method was able to find y correct keywords x times, when ranking the docs documents having \(|\textsf{GT}|\) keywords in their ground truth. The total \(9+238+143+36+3=428\) falls short of the total of 449 documents since 21 documents had no keywords. Moreover, the marginal sums do not match docs because we did not print the number of times methods found zero correct keywords (it suffices to subtract the marginal sums from docs).

In this experiment we find that gows are more effective at keyword extraction than term frequency. Constituency tree based gows are marginally better than other gows. We also note, again, that the two term frequency based methods attain equal performance levels.

4 Conclusion

We looked at graphs-of-words constructed using syntax trees, and their performance in extracting keywords from text. There is no clear dominance of term frequency versus graph-of-words rankinds. Graph-of-words scored better with short ungrammatical sentences, term frequency in literary texts. In the future, we may apply this technique to structures such as “knowledge graphs”, which can be obtained by mapping the words in the text into structured knowledge sources.