1 Introduction

One of the most commonly studied decision problems for models of automata is the containment problem (also sometimes called the inclusion problem), which is: “given two machines \(M_1\) and \(M_2\) from the model, is \(L(M_1)\subseteq L(M_2)\)?”. The containment problem is important towards model checking. Indeed, if \(M_2\) contains an automaton-based representation of a specification and \(M_1\) contains a model, then \(M_1\) satisfies the specification if \(L(M_1) \subseteq L(M_2)\). This automata-theoretic approach was initiated by Vardi and Wolper [28], it enables on-the-fly model checking [8], and it has been studied with different models of automata [23, 27]. Furthermore, industrial automated verification tools have implemented and used automata-based methods [11]. Not only is the containment problem undecidable for the context-free languages, it is also undecidable for many restriction of pushdown automata, including deterministic pushdown automata, deterministic one counter automata (the store contains a non-negative integer which can be increased, decreased, and tested for zero), and nondeterministic one counter automata where the counter cannot increase after decreasing [1]. In contrast, one model with a decidable containment problem is one-way deterministic machines with some number of counters, but on every accepting computation, there is a bound in the number of changes in direction between non-decreasing and non-increasing the size of each counter, called reversal-bounded, and they are denoted by \(\textsf {DRBCM}\) (and the nondeterministic version is denoted by \(\textsf{NRBCM}\)).

The emptiness problem, “given machine M, is \(L(M) = \emptyset \)?”, is also important and commonly decidable for more powerful models. Indeed, it is decidable for pushdown automata [12], \(\textsf{NRBCM}\) [17], and one-way nondeterministic partially-blind multicounter machines (denoted by \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\)) [10]. The latter model contains multicounter machines where each counter contains some non-negative integer, but no differences are allowed in available transitions based on the counter status (whether a counter is empty or not), besides acceptance being defined by final state and all counters being zero in the final configuration. In this sense, counter status checks are not allowed. It is known that \(\textsf{NRBCM}\) is properly contained in \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\) [10], and also that the following are equivalent: deciding emptiness for partially-blind multicounter machines, deciding the emptiness problem for Petri nets, and deciding reachability of vector addition systems. Later, reachability for Petri nets was shown to be decidable and therefore all three problems are decidable [20, 22]. Recently, it was shown that the boundedness problem (“given M, are there words \(w_1, \ldots , w_n\) such that \(L(M) \subseteq w_1^* \cdots w_n^*\)?”) is decidable for vector addition systems with states [6], hence for \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\) as well.

Some restrictions of \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\) (resp. labelled Petri nets, and vector addition systems with states) have also been studied. For example, \(\lambda \)-free deterministic labelled Petri nets have been studied [25, 29]. In the latter paper, it was shown that the complement of the language accepted by any \(\lambda \)-free deterministic labelled Petri net could be accepted by a nondeterministic labelled Petri net (equivalent to \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\)). From this, and decidability of emptiness for Petri nets, it follows that the containment problem is decidable for \(\lambda \)-free deterministic labelled Petri nets. To note here, this type of Petri net also does not have an explicit label to detect when it has reached the end of the input, which can limit the capacity of the machines. In addition, vector addition systems with states that are boundedly-ambiguous have been studied [5]. When using an acceptance condition defined by an upward-closed set of configurations, the containment problem is decidable.

Here, we study deterministic \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\) machines with the input end-marker and also allowing \(\lambda \) transitions, which we denote by \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\). We show that the right input-marker strictly increases the capacity, showing the importance of using this simple construct. Even with \(\lambda \) transitions and the end-marker however, we show the model is still somewhat limited and cannot accept all \(\textsf {DRBCM}\) languages.

This inspires a simple and novel restriction of multicounter machines, where the counter status checks are optional. Such a machine is r-testable if, in every accepting computation, each counter has at most r segments where it decreases this counter and checks its status at least once (and it is finite-testable if it is r-testable for some r). This class is denoted by \(\textsf{NTCM}\), and \(\textsf{DTCM}\) for the deterministic restriction. While we show that \(\textsf{NTCM}\) and \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\) are equivalent, \(\textsf{DTCM}\) is shown to be strictly more powerful than both \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) and \(\textsf {DRBCM}\). Then we show that the complement of every \(\textsf{DTCM}\) (hence \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\)) is in \(\textsf{NTCM}= \textsf{NPBLIND}\). From this, it follows that \(\textsf{DTCM}\) (and \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\)) has a decidable containment problem (hence also equality problem and universe problem). This makes \(\textsf{DTCM}\) one of the most general automata model known with a decidable containment problem, as it is significantly more general than \(\textsf {DRBCM}\) and allows \(\lambda \) transitions and has an end-marker unlike the model [25].

All omitted proofs appear in the appendix due to space constraints.

2 Preliminaries

Let \(\mathbb {N}\) be the set of natural numbers, and \(\mathbb {N}_0\) be the set of non-negative integers, and \(\mathbb {Z}\) be the set of integers. For \(k \in \mathbb {N}\), let \(\mathbb {N}(k) = \{1, \ldots , k\}\). For \(j \in \mathbb {N}_0\), define \(\pi (j)\) to be \(\hat{0}\) if \(j = 0\) and \(\hat{1}\) otherwise. For a set X and \(k \in \mathbb {N}\), define \(X^k\) to be the set of k-tuples of elements of X. A set \(Q \subseteq \mathbb {N}_0^k\) is called a linear set if there exists vectors \(\vec {v}_0, \vec {v}_1, \ldots , \vec {v}_l \in \mathbb {N}_0^k\) such that \(Q = \{ \vec {v}_0 + i_1 \vec {v}_1 + \cdots + i_l \vec {v}_l \mid i_1, \ldots , i_l \in \mathbb {N}_0\}\). Here, \(\vec {v}_0\) is called the constant, and \(\vec {v}_1, \ldots , \vec {v}_l\) are called the periods. The constant and the periods together are called a representation of the linear set. A set \(Q \subseteq \mathbb {N}_0^k\) is called a semilinear set if it is a finite union of linear sets, and a representation of Q is the set of representations of each linear set.

We assume a basic familiarity with automata and formal language theory [12]. Let \(\varSigma \) be a finite alphabet, and let \(\varSigma ^*\) be the set of all words over \(\varSigma \), including the empty word \(\lambda \), and \(\varSigma ^+\) is the set of all non-empty words. A language over \(\varSigma \) is any \(L \subseteq \varSigma ^*\). Given \(L \subseteq \varSigma ^*\), the complement of L with respect to \(\varSigma \) is, \(\overline{L} = \varSigma ^* - L\). Given a word \(w \in \varSigma ^*\), |w| is the length of w; and given \(a \in \varSigma \), \(|w|_a\) is the number of a’s in w.

Given a fixed ordering of an alphabet \(\varSigma = \{a_1, \ldots , a_k\}\), then the Parikh image of \(w \in \varSigma ^*\) denoted \(\varPsi (w) = (|w|_{a_1}, \ldots , |w|_{a_k})\). This is extended to the Parikh image of languages \(L \subseteq \varSigma ^*\) by \(\varPsi (L) = \{\varPsi (w) \mid w \in L\}\). A language L is said to be Parikh semilinear (or simply semilinear) if \(\varPsi (L)\) is a semilinear set. It is known that every regular language (in fact, context-free language) is Parikh semilinear [24]. We say that a set for a given problem is an effectively determinable semilinear set if, the set for that problem is a semilinear set, and moreover there is an effective procedure to determine the semilinear representation given inputs to the problem.

A language \(L \subseteq \varSigma ^*\) is bounded if there exists \(w_1, \ldots , w_n \in \varSigma ^+\) such that \(L \subseteq w_1^* \cdots w_n^*\). Given words \(w_1, \ldots , w_n \in \varSigma ^+\) and \(L \subseteq w_1^* \cdots w_n^*\), we define a function \(\phi \) from languages L to subsets of \(\mathbb {N}_0^n\) that maps \(\phi (L) = \{(i_1,\ldots , i_n) \mid w_1^{i_1} \cdots w_n^{i_n} \in L\}\). We call L a bounded Ginsburg semilinear language (or simply Ginsburg semilinear) if \(\phi (L)\) is a semilinear set. In the literature, bounded Ginsburg semilinear is often just referred to by bounded semilinear [3]. Note that the Parikh image \(\psi (L)\) (which is a subset of \(\mathbb {N}_0^k\)) may be different than \(\phi (L)\) (which is a subset of \(\mathbb {N}_0^n\)). However, it is known that every bounded Ginsburg semilinear language is also Parikh semilinear [3] but there are Parikh semilinear languages (even bounded ones) that are not Ginsburg semilinear. For example, consider \(L = \{a^{2^n} b \mid n >0\} \cup ba^+\), which is bounded as it is a subset of \(a^* b^* a^*\). But given aba, \(\phi (L) = \{(2^n,1,0) \mid n>0\} \cup \{(0,1,n) \mid n>0\}\), which is not semilinear, and so L is not Ginsburg semilinear. However, \(\psi (L) = \{(n,1) \mid n>0\}\) (a is first letter, b is second) is semilinear and so L is Parikh semilinear.

We define k-counter machines in a slightly unusual way, where it is possible to either test whether a counter is positive or zero, but also not test the status of a counter. This allows the definition to be used for multiple purposes.

Definition 1

A one-way nondeterministic k-counter machine is a tuple \(M = (Q,\varSigma , \delta , q_0, F)\) with a finite set of states Q, initial state \(q_0\), the final state set \(F \subseteq Q\), an input alphabet \(\varSigma \), and a transition function \(\delta \), which is a partial function from \(Q \times (\varSigma \cup \{\lambda ,\lhd \}) \times \mathbb {N}(k) \times \{\hat{0}, \hat{1}, \hat{\varnothing }\}\) to finite subsets of \( Q \times \{0,+1,-1\}\), where \(\lhd \notin \varSigma \) is the right input end-marker. Here, we call \(\{\hat{0}, \hat{1}, \hat{\varnothing }\}\) the set of tests, with \(\hat{0}\) the zero-test, \(\hat{1}\) the non-zero-test, \(\hat{0}\) and \(\hat{1}\) collectively the status tests, and \(\hat{\varnothing }\) is the no-test. A transition \(( p,e) \in \delta (q,a,i,\tau )\) (which we often write as \(\delta (q,a,i,\tau ) \rightarrow (p,e)\)) can be used if q is the current state and \(a \in \varSigma \cup \{\lambda ,\lhd \}\) is read from the input, and

  • if \( \tau = \hat{\varnothing }\), then it adds e to counter i,

  • if \(\tau = \hat{1}\) and counter i is non-empty, then it adds e to counter i,

  • if \(\tau = \hat{0}\) and counter i is empty, then it adds e to counter i,

and it switches to state p. Such a machine is deterministic if,

  1. 1.

    for each \(q \in Q\) and \(a \in \varSigma \cup \{\lhd \}\), there is at most one counter i, denoted C(qa) if one exists, such that \(\delta (q,a,i,\tau ) \cup \delta (q,\lambda ,i,\tau ) \ne \emptyset \), for some \(\tau \in \{\hat{0},\hat{1},\hat{\varnothing }\}\),

  2. 2.

    for all \(q\in Q, a\in \varSigma \cup \{\lhd \}, \tau \in \{\hat{0},\hat{1}\}\), where \(i = C(q,a)\),

    $$|\delta (q,a,i,\tau ) \cup \delta (q,\lambda , i,\tau ) \cup \delta (q,a,i,\hat{\varnothing }) \cup \delta (q,\lambda ,i,\hat{\varnothing })| \le 1.$$

This matches the traditional notion of determinism, except the counter status can influence the deterministic choice of the next transition to apply if and only if a status test is used. If a no-test is used, it must be the only available transition. For example, a deterministic machine could have separate transitions from \(\delta (q,a,i,\hat{0})\) and \(\delta (q,a,i,\hat{1})\), where the first happens if counter i is zero and the second happens if counter i is positive. But we cannot have separate transitions if either both transitions have the same test, or if one is a no-test as that would lead to multiple possible transitions that could be applied from the same instantaneous description (defined next). It is also required that only one counter can be used from a given state and input letter or empty word, as otherwise multiple instantaneous descriptions could follow a given one.

Definition 2

An instantaneous description (ID) of k-counter machine \(M= (Q,\varSigma ,\delta ,q_0,F)\) is a member of \(Q \times (\varSigma ^* {\lhd } \cup \{\lambda \}) \times \mathbb {N}_0^k\). Instantaneous descriptions change via the relation \(\vdash _M\) (or \(\vdash \) if M is clear) with \((q,aw,y_1, \ldots , y_k) \vdash (q', w, y_1 , \ldots , y_{i-1}, y_i+e, y_{i+1}, \ldots , y_k)\), if \(\delta (q,a, i, \tau ) \rightarrow ( q',e)\), \(y_i+e \ge 0\), and either \(\tau = \hat{\varnothing }\) or \(\pi (y_i) = \tau \). Then, \(\vdash ^*\) is the reflexive, transitive closure of \(\vdash \). A computation on \(w \in \varSigma ^*\) is a sequence of IDs,

$$\begin{aligned} (p_0, w_0, y_{0,1}, \ldots , y_{0,k}) \vdash \cdots \vdash (p_n, w_n, y_{n,1}, \ldots , y_{n,k}), \end{aligned}$$

where \(q_0 = p_0, w_0 = w \lhd , y_{0,i} =0, 1 \le i \le k\); and a computation is an accepting computation of w if \( y_{n,i} = 0\) for \(1 \le i \le k, w_n = \lambda \), and \(p_n \in F\). Thus, accepting computations end at all 0’s in the counters and in a final state. Often, we associate labels bijectively from a set \(\varSigma _{\delta }\) to the transitions of M, and write \(ID \vdash ^t ID'\), \(t \in \varSigma _{\delta }\) if \(ID \vdash ID'\) via transition t; and \(ID \vdash ^x ID'\) for \(x = t_1 \cdots t_m, t_i \in \varSigma _{\delta }\), if \(ID = ID_0 \vdash ^{t_1} \cdots \vdash ^{t_m} ID_m = ID'\). We also define \(\textrm{runs}(M) = \{ x \in \varSigma _{\delta }^* \mid (q_0,w\lhd , 0,\ldots , 0) \vdash ^x (q_f,\lambda , 0,\ldots ,0), q_f \in F\}\)

Given a computation \(ID_0\vdash ^{t_1} \cdots \vdash ^{t_n} ID_n, n\ge 0\), for i \(1 \le i \le k\), we divide it into so-called decreasing i-segments and increasing i-segments as follows: we say \(ID_{j-1} \vdash ^{t_{j}} \cdots \vdash ^{t_l} ID_l\) is a decreasing i-segment if

  • \(t_{j}\) decreases counter i,

  • there are no transitions that increase counter i in \(t_{j}, \ldots , t_{l-1}\),

  • either \(l = n\) or \(t_l\) increases counter i,

  • the last transition of \(t_1, \ldots , t_{j-1}\) that changes counter i increases it.

We can naturally order decreasing i-segments. Further, we define the increasing i-segments between the beginning of the computation to the ID at the start of the first decreasing i-segment or the last ID if there are no decreasing i-segments, between the last ID of one decreasing i-segment and the first ID of the next decreasing i-segment, and from the last ID of the last decreasing i-segment to the end if it does not end in a decreasing i-segment or it ends with a transition that increases counter i.

Such a machine M is r-reversal-bounded, if, in every accepting computation, each counter i, \(1 \le i \le k\), has at most \(r+1\) increasing or decreasing i-segments. It is reversal-bounded if it is r-reversal-bounded for some r. Such a machine is called partially-blind if all transitions have \(\hat{\varnothing }\) for tests.

The language accepted by M,

$$L(M) = \{w \in \varSigma ^* \mid \text{ there } \text{ is } \text{ an } \text{ accepting } \text{ computation } \text{ of } w\},$$

and the reachability set of M, \(R(M) = \{(q,v_1, \ldots , v_k) \mid (q_0,w\lhd , 0,\ldots , 0) \vdash ^* (q,w',v_1,\ldots , v_k) \vdash ^* (q_f,\lambda , 0,\ldots ,0), q_f \in F\}\).

As decreasing i-segments are maximal (they start with a decrease, the previous transition that changes that counter is an increase, and they end with either the next increase or the end of the computation), we can split each computation, for each i, uniquely into increasing and decreasing i-segments. The definition of r-reversal-bounded here is equivalent to that of [17] which counts the number of changes in direction in each counter. The definition of partially-blind multicounter machines is the same to that of [10]. Note these machines do have one implicit test of all zeros in the counters at the end of the computation. With no-tests (and partially-blind machines), the machines “crash” (ie. the computation cannot continue), if any counter tries to go below zero. But the machines cannot detect that the counters are zero (because the transition function does not allow differences based on the contents of the counters). Normally the reachability set is defined without the restriction of appearing within an accepting computation, but we will use this stronger notion here. Also, sometimes it is defined to not include the state as a component. We will usually associate the state component bijectively with a number in \(\{1, \ldots , |Q|\}\) so we can, e.g. talk about a reachability set being a semilinear set.

The class of one-way nondeterministic (resp. deterministic) partially-blind k-counter machines is denoted by \(\textsf{NPBLIND}(k)\) (resp. \(\textsf{DPBLIND}(k)\)), and the class of partially-blind machines is denoted by \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\) (resp. \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\)). The class of one-way nondeterministic (resp. deterministic) r-reversal-bounded k-counter machines is denoted by \(\textsf{NRBCM}(k,r)\) (resp. \(\textsf {DRBCM}(k,r)\)), and the family of reversal-bounded multicounter machines is denoted by \(\textsf{NRBCM}\) (resp. \(\textsf {DRBCM}\)). By a slight abuse of notation, we will use the same notation for a class of machines and the family of languages they accept.

It is also known that one-way deterministic two-counter machines accept all recursively enumerable languages (denoted \(\textsf {RE}\)), but there are some recursively enumerable languages that are not in \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\) [10]. Deterministic partially-blind machines are a restriction of partially-blind machines, and it is therefore clear that \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\subseteq \textsf{NPBLIND}\subsetneq \textsf {RE}\). Lastly, note \(\textsf {DRBCM}\subsetneq \textsf{NRBCM}\subsetneq \textsf{NPBLIND}\subsetneq \textsf {RE}\), with the latter two shown in [10], and \(\textsf {DRBCM}\) is known to be a proper subset of \(\textsf{NRBCM}\) [17].

Lastly, we show a simple result in this section which will help throughout the paper. Given a k-counter machine \(M = (Q,\varSigma ,\delta ,q_0,F)\), denote by \(M_{\delta } = (Q_{\delta },\varSigma _{\delta },\delta ',q_0,F')\) the deterministic k-counter machine obtained from M with \(Q_{\delta } = Q \cup Q'\) where \(Q'\) is a primed version of the states in Q, \(F'\) is the primed versions of the states in F, and \(\delta '\) is built to read \(t \in \varSigma _{\delta }\) to simulate transition t of M, but it uses states of Q to simulate transitions of M that read letters of \(\varSigma \cup \{\lambda \}\), but \(M'\) instead reads t, and switches from states in Q to states of \(Q'\) if t reads \(\lhd \) in M, and switches between states in \(Q'\) to simulate only \(\lambda \) transitions. Lastly, add \(\delta '(q',\lhd ,1, \hat{\varnothing }) \rightarrow (q',0)\) for all \(q'\), where \(q \in Q\).

Lemma 3

Given k-counter \(M = (Q,\varSigma ,\delta ,q_0,F)\), the following are true:

  • \(M_{\delta }\) is deterministic,

  • \(\textrm{runs}(M) = L(M_{\delta })\),

  • L(M) is not Parikh semilinear implies \(\textrm{runs}(M)\) is not Parikh semilinear,

  • R(M) is not semilinear implies \(R(M_{\delta })\) is not semilinear.

3 Properties of Deterministic Partially-Blind Machines

We start this section with an example of a \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) machine before analyzing its properties.

Example 4

It is known that \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\) contains the so-called one-sided Dyck language on one letter, \(D_2 = \{w \in \{a,b\}^* \mid |w|_a = |w|_b, \text{ and } \text{ if } w = xy, \text{ then } |x|_a\ge |x|_b\}\), which cannot be accepted by any \(\textsf{NRBCM}\) [10].

A \(\textsf{NPBLIND}(1)\) machine \(M = (Q,\varSigma ,\delta ,q_0, \{q_1\})\) that accepts this language is as follows,

$$\delta (q_0,a,1,\hat{\varnothing }) \rightarrow (q_0,+1),\ \delta (q_0,b,1,\hat{\varnothing }) \rightarrow (q_0, -1), \ \delta (q_0,\lhd , 1,\hat{\varnothing }) \rightarrow (q_1,0).$$

This machine by definition is deterministic, and therefore \(D_2 \in \textsf{DPBLIND}(1)\). Since Dyck languages are Parikh semilinear, this shows that \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) contains Parikh semilinear languages that are not in \(\textsf{NRBCM}\). Furthermore, consider the prefix closure of \(D_2\), \(D_2' = \{w \in \{a,b\}^* \mid \text{ if } w = xy, \text{ then } |x|_a \ge |x|_b\}\). A \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) \(M'\) can accept \(D_2'\) by adding transition \(\delta (q_1,\lambda , 1,\hat{\varnothing }) \rightarrow (q_1,-1)\) to M above. Notice that when it reads the end-marker with some value j on the counter, it continually decreases the counter, and as long as it eventually passes over 0 on the counter in state \(q_1\), it accepts.

The right input end-marker is not necessary for any nondeterministic machine model defined in the previous section, because the machine can guess that it has read the last input symbol, and only accept if it guessed correctly. One could define \(\textsf{NRBCM}_{\textsf{NE}}\) (resp. \(\textsf{DRBCM}_{\textsf{NE}}\)) machines as being \(\textsf{NRBCM}\) machines (resp. \(\textsf {DRBCM}\)) without containing any transitions on the end-marker, and acceptance is defined as, it reads the entire input w (with no end-marker), and it is in a final state. This notation was used in [7, 14] where machines without the end-marker were studied with \(\textsf{NRBCM}\) and \(\textsf {DRBCM}\). Hence, \(\textsf{NRBCM}= \textsf{NRBCM}_{\textsf{NE}}\). For that reason, when studying nondeterministic machines, we can leave off the end-marker in the machine definition and when examining computations. With deterministic machines though, it is not necessarily so; e.g. it is known that \(\textsf{DRBCM}_{\textsf{NE}}\subsetneq \textsf {DRBCM}\) [7, 14] (in contrast to say deterministic pushdown automata where they are the same). We do not know of any other one-way input machine model where they are known to be different. Clearly, for any deterministic model defined above, the family of languages accepted without the end-marker is a subset of the entire model as we could simply ignore the marker. So we by default use the more general definition with the end-marker. Deterministic partially-blind multicounter languages have been defined and studied previously, but they were defined without the end-marker [4], and so we are using the more general definition with the end-marker here instead. We use the notation \(\textsf{NPBLIND}_{\textsf{NE}}\) (resp. \(\textsf{DPBLIND}_{\textsf{NE}}\)) to be \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\) (resp. \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\)) machines and languages without the end-marker, where acceptance occurs by hitting the end of the input in a final state with all counters zero. Then \(\textsf{NPBLIND}_{\textsf{NE}}= \textsf{NPBLIND}\) using the same argument as the start of this section.

We next see that in fact the language \(D_2'\) from Example 4 requires the end-marker to accept for deterministic machines, leading to the following separation.

Proposition 5

\(\textsf{DPBLIND}_{\textsf{NE}}\subsetneq \textsf{DPBLIND}\).

Therefore, the right end-marker increases the power of \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\), similarly to \(\textsf {DRBCM}\).

Next, we analyze whether \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) and \(\textsf{DPBLIND}_{\textsf{NE}}\) contain languages that are not Parikh semilinear, and whether reachability sets can be non-semilinear.

Proposition 6

\(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) and \(\textsf{DPBLIND}_{\textsf{NE}}\) both contain machines M such that L(M) is not Parikh semilinear. Furthermore, both contain machines M such that R(M) and \(\textrm{runs}(M)\) are not semilinear.


It is known that \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\) contains languages that are not Parikh semilinear (Theorem 4 of [10]). Let \(M \in \textsf{NPBLIND}\) accepting any such language. Considering \(M_{\delta }\), \(M_{\delta } \in \textsf{DPBLIND}_{\textsf{NE}}\) by Lemma 3. Also Lemma 3 indicates that \(L(M_{\delta }) = \textrm{runs}(M)\) is not Parikh semilinear. For the second point, it is known that there are \(M \in \textsf{NPBLIND}\) with R(M) not being semilinear (implied by being the case for vector addition systems with states [13]). Using \(M_{\delta }\), Lemma 3 implies \(R(M_{\delta })\) is not semilinear.    \(\square \)

Hence, \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\), \(\textsf{DPBLIND}_{\textsf{NE}}\), and more general models introduced later in this paper all have languages, ‘runs’, and reachability sets that are not semilinear. In contrast, languages accepted by \(\textsf{NRBCM}\) are all semilinear [17], the ‘runs’ are semilinear by Lemma 3, and the reachability sets are semilinear, seen as follows: for each \(M \in \textsf{NRBCM}(k)\), create \(M' \in \textsf{NRBCM}(2k)\) that nondeterministically guesses and simulates transitions of M but using \(\lambda \) input and by using two identical sets of counters until a nondeterministically guessed spot. Then, it verifies that the input is \(1^n c_1^{i_1} \cdots c_k^{i_k}\) where n is a number associated with the current state, and \(i_1, \ldots , i_k\) are the same as one copy of the counters. From then, it continues the simulation using the other set of counters. It is evident that \(\psi (L(M')) = R(M)\), which is semilinear [17].

Even though \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) contains languages that are not Parikh semilinear, we see next that \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) is still somewhat limited and cannot accept some languages that seem relatively simple and that are Ginsburg semilinear and can even be accepted by a \(\textsf {DRBCM}(1,1)\). By contrast \(\textsf {DRBCM}\) accepts all Ginsburg semilinear languages [19].

Proposition 7

The language \(L = \{a^l b^m \mid 0 < l < m\}\) is in \(\textsf {DRBCM}(1,1)\) but not in \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\). Thus, \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) does not contain all Ginsburg semilinear languages.

Corollary 8

The families \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) (resp. \(\textsf{DPBLIND}_{\textsf{NE}}\)) and \(\textsf {DRBCM}\) are incomparable.

The one direction follows from Proposition 7, and the other since \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) and \(\textsf{DPBLIND}_{\textsf{NE}}\) contain languages that are not Parikh semilinear by Proposition 6, but \(\textsf {DRBCM}\) does not [17].

Proposition 9

\(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) is not closed under complement.


Assume otherwise. Consider L from Proposition 7, and let \(L' = \{a^n b^m \mid n \ge m\}\). We can see that \(L'\) can be accepted by a \(\textsf{DPBLIND}(1)\) machine that adds to the counter for each a, then subtracts for each b, and then at the end-marker, switches to final state and continually decreases the counter. Also, \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) is clearly closed under intersection with regular languages. But \(\overline{L'} \cap a^+ b^+ = L \in \textsf{DPBLIND}\), but this is not in \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) by Proposition 7, a contradiction.    \(\square \)

Despite not being closed under complement, we will see later that the complement of every \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) language is in \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\), which is sufficient to show that \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) has a decidable containment problem; in fact, we will determine a stronger result.

4 Finite-Testable Counter Machines

Next, we introduce a new restriction of counter machines, which will be the focus of the rest of this paper. A k-counter machine \(M = (Q,\varSigma ,\delta ,q_0,F)\) is r-testable if, for every acceptable computation and every counter i, \(1\le i \le k\), there are at most r decreasing i-segments that contain at least one status test. A machine is finite-testable if it is r-testable for some \(r \ge 0\). We denote the class of one-way nondeterministic (resp. deterministic) r-testable k-counter machines by \(\textsf{NTCM}(k,r)\) (resp. \(\textsf{DTCM}(k,r)\)). We use \(\textsf{NTCM}(*,r)\) (resp. \(\textsf{DTCM}(*,r)\)) for r-testable k-counter machines for some k. We also use \(\textsf{NTCM}\) (resp. \(\textsf{DTCM}\)) to refer to all one-way nondeterministic (resp. deterministic) finite-testable multi-counter machines.

Note, we could have alternatively defined r-testable so that for every accepted word, there is some accepting computation where each counter i has at most r decreasing i-segments; had we done that, given any machine M, another machine \(M'\) could be constructed that uses the finite control to count the number of decreasing i-segments in each counter, thereby satisfying the definition we use.

It is immediate that every \(\textsf{NRBCM}\) (resp. \(\textsf {DRBCM}\)) is a \(\textsf{NTCM}\) (resp. \(\textsf{DTCM}\)), and therefore \(\textsf{NRBCM}\subseteq \textsf{NTCM}\) and \(\textsf {DRBCM}\subseteq \textsf{DTCM}\).

Example 10

It is evident that \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\subsetneq \textsf{DTCM}\) since \(L= \{a^l b^m \mid 0 < l < m\}\) is in \(\textsf {DRBCM}(1,1)\) but not \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) by Proposition 7. A machine \(M \in \textsf{DTCM}\) accepting L contains the following transitions (\(q_f\) is a final state):

figure a

Example 11

Next we provide a more complicated example of a machine accepting a language that cannot be accepted by an \(\textsf{NRBCM}\). Recall \(D_2' = \{w \in \{a,b\}^* \mid \text{ if } w = xy, \text{ then } |x|_a\ge |x|_b\}\) from Example 4 which is not in \(\textsf{NRBCM}\). Let \(L_1\) be \(D_2'\) over \(\{a_1,b_1\}\) and \(L_2\) be \(D_2'\) over \(\{a_2,b_2\}\). Let

$$L = \{u_1v_1 \cdots u_lv_l \$ x_1 y_1 \cdots x_ny_n \mid \begin{array}{l} u_1 \cdots u_l x_1 \cdots x_n \in L_1, v_1 \cdots v_ly_1 \cdots y_n \in L_2, \\ \text{ and } |u_1 \cdots u_l|_{a_1} = |u_1 \cdots u_l|_{b_1} \}.\end{array}$$

A \(\textsf{DTCM}(2,2)\) \(M = (Q,\varSigma ,\delta ,q_0, \{q_f\})\) that accepts this language is as follows, for \(i \in \{1,2\}\),

figure b

This machine is deterministic because from both \(q_0\) and \(q_1\) and on each letter of \(a_1,b_1,a_2,b_2\), only a single no-test transition is possible, and from \(q_2\) and \(q_3\), only one transition on each status test is possible.

It also appears that this language cannot be accepted by a \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) because a \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) cannot test for zero until the very last ID. While it is possible to create two new counters (called the special counters) to count both \(|u_1 \cdots u_l|_{a_1}\) and \(|u_1 \cdots u_l|_{b_1}\) by counting until \(\$\) and then not changing those counters until the end-marker, it seems not possible to deterministically decrease these special counters to zero to test that they are equal in the final instantaneous description while also decreasing the other counters to zero without the ability to test for zero in a subset of the counters before the final instantaneous description. In contrast, the \(\textsf{DTCM}\) machine above can detect whether an individual counter is empty unlike \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\), which M does after reading \(\$\), and also separately for each counter after reading \(\lhd \).

Notice that \(\textsf{NTCM}(*,0)\) corresponds exactly to \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\). Furthermore, we see that with nondeterministic machines, finite-testability and 0-testability are equivalent, although converting to 0-testable increases the number of counters.

Proposition 12

\(\textsf{NTCM}(*,0) = \textsf{NPBLIND}= \textsf{NTCM}\).

For the rest of this section, we are only concerned with deterministic machines. We start with a normal form that is useful for the next section. We say a \(\textsf{DTCM}(k,r)\) \(M = (Q,\varSigma ,\delta ,q_0,F)\) is in normal form if, for each \(q \in Q, a \in \varSigma \cup \{\lhd \}\), the following are equivalent:

  • there is a transition in \(\delta (q,b,i,\hat{0})\) with \(b \in \{a,\lambda \}\),

  • there is a transition in \(\delta (q,b,i, \hat{1}) \) with \(b \in \{a,\lambda \}\),

  • there is no transition in \(\delta (q,b,i,\hat{\varnothing })\) with \(b \in \{a,\lambda \}\).

Furthermore, M is in strong normal form if M is in normal form, and

  • \(Q = Q_1 \cup Q_2, Q_1 \cap Q_2 = \emptyset \), \(Q_2\) only contains \(\lambda \) transitions, and in every computation, M only uses transition from \(Q_1\) before reading \(\lhd \), and from \(Q_2\) after reading \(\lhd \),

  • in every computation, on counter i, at most r successful zero-tests on counter i are possible.

Remark 13

Here, normal form enforces that on each letter of \(\varSigma \cup \{\lhd \}\), there is a transition that can be applied with a zero test if and only if there is a transition that can be applied with a non-zero test, and vice versa (which, by determinism would imply that there is not a no-test transition that can be applied). If neither is true, a no-test is available. With strong normal form, as there are only \(\lambda \) transitions from states in \(Q_2\), the normal form rules enforces that for each \(q \in Q_2\), there is a transition in \(\delta (q,\lambda ,i,\hat{0})\) if and only if there is a transition in \(\delta (q,\lambda ,i,\hat{1})\) if and only if there is no transition in \(\delta (q,\lambda ,i,\hat{\varnothing })\). Therefore there is always at least one transition that can be applied at each step even after the end-marker, and acceptance purely depends on whether it eventually can hit a final state with all counters zero.

Lemma 14

Given \(M \in \textsf{DTCM}\), a \(\textsf{DTCM}\) \(M'\) can be constructed in normal form such that \(L(M) = L(M')\), \(R(M) = R(M')\), and \(\textrm{runs}(M) = \textrm{runs}(M')\). Furthermore, a \(\textsf{DTCM}\) \(M''\) can be constructed in strong normal form such that \(L(M) = L(M'')\).

For deterministic machines, we obtain the following more nuanced situation than Proposition 12. As part of that, we see that \(\textsf{DTCM}\) is equivalent to 1-testable \(\textsf{DTCM}\) (although this increases the number of counters), which in turn in more powerful than 0-testable \(\textsf{DTCM}\) which is equal to \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\). The proof largely uses Propositions 7, 6 and Corollary 8.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

In the above image, families drawn in the same cell are equal, arrows represent strict containment, and no arrows between cells represents incomparability.

Proposition 15

The hierarchy diagram in Fig. 1 is correct.

Despite this, we conjecture that for a fixed number of counters, there is an infinite hierarchy as r increases.

Next, we show \(\textsf{DTCM}\) languages are in \(\textsf{DLOG}\) (can be accepted in log-space by deterministic Turing machines), and hence can all be accepted by a polynomial time deterministic Turing machine. For the next result, use an encoding of \(\textsf{DTCM}\) whereby r is part of the description of M.

Lemma 16

Let \(M = (Q,\varSigma ,\delta ,q_0,F)\) be a \(\textsf{DTCM}(k,r)\). Then the counters are linearly bounded.

From the lemma, we have:

Proposition 17

\(\textsf{DTCM}\) (hence \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\)) is in \(\textsf{DLOG}\).

5 Bounded Languages in \(\textsf{DTCM}\) and \(\textsf{NTCM}\)

Next, we demonstrate that despite \(\textsf{DTCM}\) containing languages that are not Parikh semilinear, every bounded language in \(\textsf{DTCM}\) is both Ginsburg semilinear and Parikh semilinear. This result is interesting on its own, and also useful as a helper towards results in the next section. In parallel, we analyze the reachability sets and the ‘runs’ of \(\textsf{DTCM}\) accepting bounded languages. The connection between the ‘runs’ and bounded languages has been established in the literature. Vector addition system with states (\(\textsf{VASS}\)) have a concept called flattable, whereby a \(\textsf{VASS}\) is flattable [21] if the set of all runs are included in a bounded language (there, the reachability set and runs just need to be reachable from an initial configuration and not within an accepting computation). It was shown that a \(\textsf{VASS}\) is flattable if and only if its reachability set is definable in the Presburger arithmetic.

First we need the following two simple properties which use completely standard constructions, similar to those in [12], and therefore proofs are omitted.

Lemma 18

For \(k,r \ge 0\), \(\textsf{DTCM}(k,r)\) is closed under intersection with regular languages and inverse homomorphism.

Next, we need another intermediate lemma, which uses the regular periodicity of the transitions applied by \(\textsf{DTCM}\) when accepting letter-bounded languages.

Lemma 19

Given \(\varSigma = \{a_1,\ldots , a_n\}\) and \(M = (Q,\varSigma ,\delta ,q_0,F) \in \textsf{DTCM}(k,r)\) such that \(L(M) \subseteq a_1^* \cdots a_n^*\), both L(M) and \(\textrm{runs}(M)\) can both be accepted by an \(\textsf{NRBCM}\) and are both bounded Ginsburg and Parikh semilinear, and a representation of the semilinear sets can be effectively constructed. Moreover, \(R(M) \subseteq \mathbb {N}_0^{k+1}\) is semilinear with an effective procedure.

From these, we can obtain the following:

Proposition 20

It is decidable, given \(M \in \textsf{DTCM}(k,r)\), whether L(M) is bounded; and if so, we can determine words \(u_1, \ldots , u_n \in \varSigma ^+\) such that \(L(M) \subseteq u_1^* \cdots u_n^*\), and the following are true:

  • \(L(M) \in \textsf{NRBCM}\) is bounded Ginsburg semilinear, \(\phi (L(M)) = Q_1 \subseteq \mathbb {N}_0^n\) is effectively semilinear;

  • \(\textrm{runs}(M) \in \textsf{NRBCM}\) is bounded Ginsburg semilinear \(\phi (\textrm{runs}(M)) = Q_2\) is effectively semilinear;

  • \(R(M) \subseteq \mathbb {N}_0^{k+1}\) is effectively semilinear;


First note that boundedness was recently shown to be decidable for \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\) [2, 6]. Hence, given \(M \in \textsf{DTCM}\), we can determine whether L(M) is bounded, and if so, we can determine words \(u_1, \ldots , u_n \in \varSigma ^+\) such that \(L(M) \subseteq u_1^* \cdots u_n^*\). Henceforth, we assume \(u_1, \ldots , u_n\) are known. Let \(a_1, \ldots , a_n\) be new symbols and let h be a homomorphism that maps \(a_i\) to \(u_i\) for i from 1 to n. As \(\textsf{DTCM}\) is closed under inverse homomorphism and intersection with regular languages by Lemma 18, we can construct \(M' \in \textsf{DTCM}\) with

$$L(M') = h^{-1}(L(M)) \cap a_1^* \cdots a_n^* = \{a_1^{i_1} \cdots a_n^{i_n} \mid u_1^{i_1} \cdots u_n^{i_n} \in L(M)\} \in \textsf{DTCM}.$$

By Lemma 19, L(M) is bounded Ginsburg semilinear and we can effectively determine semilinear set Q such that \(\phi (L(M)) = Q\). Then given \(u_1,\ldots , u_n\), \(\phi (L(M)) = Q\), and so L(M) is in \(\textsf{NRBCM}\).

Similarly, it follows that \(\textrm{runs}(M) \in \textsf{NRBCM}\) by using \(M'\) with the lemma above, and also R(M) is semilinear.    \(\square \)

If one were to examine deterministic vector addition systems with states that either operated with only \(\lambda \) moves, or over bounded languages, the same thing would be true.

Interestingly it was shown in [3] that the bounded Ginsburg semilinear languages are equal to the bounded languages in both \(\textsf{NRBCM}\) and in \(\textsf {DRBCM}\). Since \(\textsf {DRBCM}\subsetneq \textsf{DTCM}\) by Proposition 15, it follows that the bounded languages in \(\textsf{DTCM}\) and \(\textsf {DRBCM}\) coincide and are exactly the bounded Ginsburg semilinear languages. It is also known that the bounded languages accepted by multi-head \(\textsf{DFA}\)s and multi-head \(\textsf{NFA}\)s are also exactly the bounded Ginsburg semilinear languages (this is even the case for 2-head \(\textsf{DFA}\)s) [16]. And this is also true for two-way multi-head \(\textsf{NPDA}\) where the input heads turn at most a finite number of times. Furthermore, it follows from [3] that the bounded languages in any semilinear trio (a family closed under inverse homomorphism, \(\lambda \)-free homomorphism, and intersection with regular languages) are always a subset of the bounded Ginsburg semilinear languages. Some other examples are given in [3] of families of languages where the bounded languages in the family are exactly the bounded Ginsburg semilinear languages, such as finite-index \(\textsf{ET0L}\), and Turing machines with a one-way input tape and a finite-turn worktape.

Corollary 21

The bounded languages in the following families are exactly equal to the bounded Ginsburg semilinear languages:

  • \(\textsf{DTCM}\),

  • \(\textsf{NRBCM}\),

  • \(\textsf {DRBCM}\),

  • multi-head \(\textsf{NFA}\),

  • 2-head \(\textsf{DFA}\).

An interesting question next is whether the bounded languages in \(\textsf{NTCM}\) are Ginsburg or Parikh semilinear. We answer that question negatively.

Proposition 22

The following are true:

  • there are bounded languages in \(\textsf{NTCM}= \textsf{NPBLIND}\) that are not Parikh semilinear,

  • there are bounded languages in \(\textsf{NTCM}\) that are Parikh semilinear but not Ginsburg semilinear,

  • there are machines M in \(\textsf{NTCM}\) where L(M) is bounded but R(M) is not semilinear.

Certainly though, the bounded Ginsburg semilinear languages in \(\textsf{NTCM}\) coincide with the bounded languages in \(\textsf{DTCM}\) and those of the families in Corollary 21.

To note, of all the families in Corollary 21 or that are listed above it, the only family we know of that contain languages that are not Parikh semilinear, but where the bounded languages within are only bounded Ginsburg semilinear are the multi-head \(\textsf{DFA}\) and \(\textsf{NFA}\) families, and now \(\textsf{DTCM}\). It is known however that even 2-head \(\textsf{DFA}\) has an undecidable emptiness problem [26]. From this, it follows that it is undecidable whether a 2-head \(\textsf{DFA}\) accepts a bounded language (given a 2-head \(\textsf{DFA}\) M, construct \(M'\) to accept \(L(M) \{\$\} \varSigma ^*\) where \(L(M) \subseteq \varSigma ^*\) and \(\$\) is a new symbol not in \(\varSigma \), which is bounded if and only if \(L(M) = \emptyset \)). However, \(\textsf{DTCM}\) actually can decide if a given machine accepts a bounded language, as \(\textsf{DTCM}\subseteq \textsf{NPBLIND}\) where boundedness is decidable [2, 6]. Hence, \(\textsf{DTCM}\) is the only known class of machines with a decidable boundedness problem (which is needed for Proposition 20) that contains languages that are not Parikh semilinear, but where the bounded languages within are only Ginsburg (or Parikh) semilinear.

We obtain the following interesting property on reachability sets for \(\textsf{NTCM}\). It follows from Proposition 20 that for every bounded \(\textsf{DTCM}\), \(\textrm{runs}(M)\) is bounded, and R(M) is semilinear. The following is true even for nondeterministic machines.

Corollary 23

For each \(M \in \textsf{NTCM}\) (and \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\)), it is decidable if \(\textrm{runs}(M)\) is bounded; and if it is, then \(\textrm{runs}(M)\) is Ginsburg semilinear and can be accepted by a \(\textsf {DRBCM}\), R(M) is a semilinear set, and both semilinear sets can be effectively computed.


Given M, build \(M_{\delta } \in \textsf{DTCM}\). Since it is decidable whether \(L(M_{\delta })\) is bounded [6], and if so, we can determine \(x_1,\ldots , x_d\), where \(x_i \in \varSigma _{\delta }^+\) and \(L(M_{\delta }) \subseteq x_1^* \cdots x_d^*\); this happens if and only if \(\textrm{runs}(M)\) is bounded. Using Proposition 20 on \(M_{\delta } \in \textsf{DTCM}\), it then follows that \(R(M_{\delta })\) is semilinear, \(L(M_{\delta })\) is Ginsburg semilinear, and both can be effectively constructed. It is known that all bounded Ginsburg languages are in \(\textsf {DRBCM}\) [19]. Lemma 3 says \(L(M_{\delta }) = \textrm{runs}(M)\); and if R(M) were not semilinear then neither is \(R(M_{\delta })\). Therefore, R(M) is semilinear.     \(\square \)

6 Complement and Containment of Deterministic Finite-Testable Machines

In this section, we show the following interesting and surprising property, that the complement of every \(\textsf{DTCM}\) language (hence \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\)) is a \(\textsf{NTCM}= \textsf{NPBLIND}\) language. Note that the machine constructed in the proof makes extremely heavy use of nondeterminism, using a nondeterministic choice at many moves of the simulation. We also conjecture that \(\textsf{DTCM}\) is not closed under complement (as we proved is the case with \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\)), but do not have a proof of this.

We require two technical lemmas which are used to decide properties of counter values that can eventually reach zeros on every counter without a zero-test. This will be helpful for constructing the complement. The first will be used after reading the end-marker to help determine if the counter values can eventually pass over a final state with all counters being zero, which is required for acceptance. This proof essentially follows from the proof in the previous section that all bounded \(\textsf{DTCM}\) languages are Parikh semilinear.

Lemma 24

Given a \(\textsf{DTCM}(k,r)\) \(M = (Q, \varSigma ,\delta , q_0,F)\) in strong normal form with Q partitioned into \(Q_1\) and \(Q_2\), and \(q \in Q_2\), where \(t_1, t_2, \ldots \) is the sequence of transitions from q on \(\lambda \) transitions with only non-zero tests or no-tests. Then

$$S_q = \{\vec {v}_0 \mid (p_0,\lambda ,\vec {v}_0) \vdash ^{t_1} \cdots \vdash ^{t_l} (p_l,\lambda ,\vec {v}_l), p_0 = q, \vec {v}_l = \vec {0}, p_l \in F\},$$

is an effectively determinable semilinear set.


Sequence \(t_1, t_2, \ldots \) is infinite by strong normal form. \(S_q\) can be seen to be semilinear as follows: Create \(M' \in \textsf{DTCM}(k,r)\) over \(\{a_1, \ldots , a_k\}\) that on input \(a_1^{j_1} \cdots a_k^{j_k}\lhd \), puts \(j_i\) on counter i and then after reading \(\lhd \), simulates M. Since \(L(M') \subseteq a_1^* \cdots a_k^*\), then \(\psi (L(M')) = S_q\). The result is true by Lemma 19.    \(\square \)

We also require another technical lemma, with a proof akin to Lemma 19.

Lemma 25

Given a \(\textsf{DTCM}\) \(M = (Q, \varSigma ,\delta , q_0,F)\) in strong normal form with Q partitioned into \(Q_1\) and \(Q_2\), and \(q \in Q_2\) where \(t_1, t_2, \ldots \) is the sequence of transitions from q on \(\lambda \)-transitions with only non-zero-tests or no-tests. Then

$$R_q = \{\vec {v}_0 \mid \begin{array}{l} (p_0,\lambda ,\vec {v}_0) \vdash ^{t_1} \cdots \vdash ^{t_l} (p_l,\lambda ,\vec {v}_l), p_0 = q, (t_{l+1} \text{ has } \text{ non-zero-test } \text{ on } \\ \text{ some } \text{ counter } i \text{ and } \vec {v}_l(i)=0) \text{ and } l \text{ is } \text{ minimal } \text{ where } \text{ this } \text{ is } \text{ true }\},\end{array}$$

is an effectively semilinear set.

Now we will show the main result.

Proposition 26

For all \(L \in \textsf{DTCM}\), \(\overline{L} \in \textsf{NTCM}= \textsf{NPBLIND}\).


Let \(M = (Q,\varSigma , \delta , q_0, F)\) be a \(\textsf{DTCM}(k,r)\) in strong normal form with Q partitioned into \(Q_1\) and \(Q_2\). Let \(q \in Q\). As in the proof of the previous lemmas, there is a unique sequence of \(\lambda \) transitions that can be applied starting in state q without a zero-test,

$$\begin{aligned} t_1, t_2, \ldots \end{aligned}$$

This sequence could be infinite if and only if some transition t occurs in this list at least twice since M is deterministic. We can precompute whether this sequence for each \(q \in Q\) is finite or infinite. Moreover, for \(q \in Q_2\) the sequence must be infinite by strong normal form (see Remark 13), and we can compute the semilinear representation of

$$S_{q} = \{\vec {v}_0 \mid (p_0,\lambda ,\vec {v}_0) \vdash ^{t_1} \cdots \vdash ^{t_l} (p_l,\lambda ,\vec {v}_l), p_0 = q, \vec {v}_l = \vec {0}, p_l \in F, l \ge 0 \}.$$

This set contains all counter values \(\vec {v}_0\), such that starting in state q with \(\vec {v}_0\) on the counters, it can eventually hit some ID with 0 in all counters, and in a final state. Also, we can precompute for each \(q \in Q_2\) a semilinear representation of

$$R_q = \{\vec {v}_0 \mid \begin{array}{l} (p_0,\lambda ,\vec {v}_0) \vdash ^{t_1} \cdots \vdash ^{t_l} (p_l,\lambda ,\vec {v}_l), p_0 = q, (t_{l+1} \text{ has } \text{ a } \text{ non-zero-test } \text{ on }\\ \text{ counter } i \text{ and } \vec {v}_l(i)=0) \text{ and } l \text{ is } \text{ minimal } \text{ where } \text{ this } \text{ is } \text{ true }\}.\end{array}$$

It is known that given two semilinear sets \(P_1, P_2\), that \(P_1 - P_2\) is also effectively semilinear [9]. As \(\mathbb {N}_0^k\) is semilinear (where there is a period with a single 1 in one component and zeros in the other components), therefore \(\mathbb {N}_0^k - S_{q}\) is effectively semilinear, which we denote by \(\overline{S_{q}}\), and similarly for \(R_q\) producing \(\overline{R_q}\).

Now we will build a \(\textsf{NTCM}\) \(\overline{M}\) with \((2r+3)k^2\) counters accepting \(\overline{L(M)}\). The machine has only a single new final state \(q_f\). We describe \(\overline{M}\) as follows. In \(\overline{M}\), it operates differently before, and after the end-marker \(\lhd \). Before the end-marker in M, the only way to not accept some input w would be if the machine crashes (a no-test transition to be applied would cause a counter to go below 0), or it enters an infinite loop on \(\lambda \)-transitions (note that there is always at least one transition that can be applied by strong normal form). Therefore before the end-marker (including the transition that reads \(\lhd \) but no transition after) \(\overline{M}\) simulates M faithfully using counters that we call \(C_1^0,\ldots , C_k^0\), except for the following: first, before simulating each transition t of M that decreases some counter, i say, \(\overline{M}\) instead makes a nondeterministic choice (we call this the crashing strategy simulation):

  1. 1.

    \(\overline{M}\) guesses that the simulation can continue, and simulates t;

  2. 2.

    \(\overline{M}\) guesses that the transition t that decreases counter i will cause counter i to go below 0. In this case, \(\overline{M}\) subtracts all counters other than i by some nondeterministically guessed amount greater than or equal to 0 (but does not change counter i), and then it reads the rest of the input including \(\lhd \), and switches to \(q_f\) (which will then accept if and only if all counters are zero). Note that here, \(\overline{M}\) accepts in this way exactly when M would have crashed on t because it would have decreased counter i below zero, but in \(\overline{M}\), counter i does not decrease counter i so must be zero in order for \(\overline{M}\) to accept.

Second, we want \(\overline{M}\) to accept if M would have entered an infinite loop on \(\lambda \) before hitting \(\lhd \). After simulating each transition that reads an input symbol \(a \in \varSigma \) and ending in state q, we check if the sequence (2) is infinite which was predetermined. If it is finite, we continue the simulation using the crashing strategy simulation until either it reads the next letter, or there is a zero-test in some counter i with zero on the counter, from which \(\overline{M}\) can continue to simulate. To note, if there is a successful zero-test, taking to state \(q'\), then there may be additional transitions on \(\lambda \), but this will happen at most r times across an entire accepting computation for each counter.

Assume sequence (2) is infinite. Let \(\alpha < \beta \) be such that \(t_{\alpha } = t_{\beta }\) and they are the smallest values where this is the case and therefore the sequence is \(t_1, \ldots , t_{\alpha -1}\) followed by \(t_{\alpha }, \ldots , t_{\beta -1}\) repeated indefinitely by the determinism of M. Considering the cycle \(t_{\alpha }, \ldots , t_{\beta -1}\), let \(\vec {u} \in \mathbb {Z}^k\) be the sum of the counter values changed in this sequence. If there is some position i of this vector that is negative, then when simulating this sequence from any counter ID, it will eventually stop either by crashing, or detecting a zero with a zero-test. Then we can continue this simulation using the crashing strategy simulation. If all values in \(\vec {u}\) are at least 0, then this will enter an infinite loop from a given ID if it is defined on \(t_1, \ldots , t_{\beta -1}\) without a successful zero-test (if there is a successful zero-test, this cycle ends and \(\overline{M}\) continues the simulation). Thus it executes this initial sequence of length \(\beta -1\) (detecting crashes with the crashing strategy simulation), and then after this sequence, M is in an infinite loop. So, \(\overline{M}\) instead switches to \(q_f\), reads the rest of the input, and reduces all counters by some nondeterministically guessed amount in order to accept.

Next, we will consider the case after reading the end-marker \(\lhd \). Let \(q_{(0)}\) be the state after reading \(\lhd \), and let \(\vec {v}_0\) be the counter values.

First, \(\overline{M}\) guesses a number \(m \ge 0\) such that there are m successful tests of 0 that can occur in any computation starting from \(q_{(0)}\) and \(\vec {v}_0\). By strong normal form \(0 \le m \le rk\). This guessed m will later be verified. If guessed correctly, then the only way for M to not accept is after the mth successful test for zero, either M crashes, or enters an infinite loop (it does not stop by strong normal form as there is always at least one transition that can be applied), and M does not pass over any IDs with all counters 0 in a final state at any point after reading the end-marker. We will build \(\overline{M}\) to guess and verify m while at the same time accepting if and only if M would not accept.

Construct \(\overline{M}\) as follows: first \(\overline{M}\) guesses and remembers m in the state. Then for each j one at a time from 0 to \(m-1\), \(\overline{M}\) makes copies of the values currently stored in counters \(C_1^j, \ldots , C_k^j\) into counters named \(D_1^j, \ldots , D_k^j\) and \(C_1^{j+1}, \ldots , C_k^{j+1}\) respectively. Then using \(D_1^j, \ldots , D_k^j\), \(\overline{M}\) verifies that \(\vec {v}_j \in \overline{S_{q_{(j)}}}\), thereby verifying that it will not pass over a final state with all counters zero before the next successful zero-test. To do so, it guesses a linear set in the semilinear set, then subtracts the constant, and subtracts each period a nondeterministically guessed number of times, and these counters are then verified to be 0. Then it continues to simulate M using \(C_1^{j+1}, \ldots , C_k^{j+1}\) until a successful zero-test in some counter ending in some state \(q_{(j+1)}\) say with counter values \(\vec {v}_{j+1}\), thereby verifying that at least \(j+1\) zero-tests were successful. Then it continues at the beginning of this paragraph for \(j+1\) until it hits m.

When in \(q_{(m)}\) with counter values \(\vec {v}_m\), then it copies counters \(C_1^m,\ldots , C_k^m\) into both \(D_1^m, \ldots , D_k^m\) and \(E_1, \ldots , E_k\). Using \(E_1, \ldots , E_k\), it verifies that \(\vec {v}_m \in \overline{R_{q_{(m)}}}\) (using the same technique as above where it guesses a linear set, subtracts the constant, and each period a guessed number of times), thereby verifying that another zero-test will not be successful, and then verifies that \(\vec {v}_m \in \overline{S_{q_{(m)}}}\) using \(D_1^m, \ldots , D_k^m\) thereby verifying that it will not pass over a final state with all counters 0. If so, then \(\overline{M}\) accepts, otherwise \(\overline{M}\) will never enter a final state and cannot accept.

Next, we will verify that \( \overline{L(M)} = L(\overline{M})\).

Let \(w \in \overline{L(M)}\). There are several ways for M to not accept w. First, before the end-marker, M could crash by trying to subtract from a 0 counter, or it could enter an infinite loop. After the end-marker, it could not pass over all zeros in a final state, which could be the result of crashing, or entering an infinite loop without hitting all 0’s in a final state.

If M crashes before the end-marker, then \(\overline{M}\) would accept by guessing the exact ID before simulating the next transition causing the crash, which would therefore have to be zero before the crash. Then \(\overline{M}\) can nondeterministically reduce all other counters by some amount, read the rest of the input and accept. Similarly if M gets in an infinite loop on \(\lambda \) before the end-marker, then in \(\overline{M}\), after reading each letter of \(\varSigma \) or successfully simulating a zero-test, it then knows the state, and if no counter decreases in the cycle part, it can detect whether M would enter an infinite loop by executing one cycle of the loop, and so \(\overline{M}\) reads the rest of the input and accepts. After reading the end-marker resulting in state \(\vec {v}_0\) in state \(q_{(0)}\), say that M has \(0 \le m\) successful zero-tests, where m must be less than or equal to kr (this m exists whether or not M accepts w). Then, M either crashes, or goes into an infinite loop (as mentioned earlier, it cannot stop). In any case, as w is not accepted, M will not pass over a final state with all counters being 0. If M has m successful zero-tests and does not pass over all 0 in a final state before that, then \(\overline{M}\) will guess m. Indeed, after hitting each successful zero-test up to m, it is verified that from the current state \(q_{(j)}\) and counter values \(\vec {v}_j\), that it will not pass over a final state with all 0’s in the counters by verifying that \(\vec {v}_j \in \overline{S_{q_{{j}}}}\), and indeed Lemma 24 implies that it cannot pass over all 0’s in a final state. If M either crashes or enters an infinite loop after the mth successful zero-test (without passing over 0’s in a final state beforehand), then another successful zero-test will not occur and it will not pass over all 0’s in a final state, and so \(\vec {v}_m\) will be in both \(\overline{S_{q_{{m}}}}\) and \(\overline{R_{q_{{m}}}}\) which is enough for \(\overline{M}\) to accept w. Thus, \(w \in L(\overline{M}) \).

Let \(w \in L(\overline{M})\). Before the end-marker, \(\overline{M}\) could guess that the next simulation transition that decreases some counter i would cause M to go below 0, and instead nondeterministically reduce all other counters by some amount and accept. Thus, in this situation, \(w\in \overline{L(M)}\). The next way that \(\overline{M}\) can accept is if there is an infinite sequence of transitions that can be applied on a non-zero-test or a no-test, and no counter value applied in a cycle can decrease, and applying this cycle at least once without a successful zero-test, which causes \(\overline{M}\) to accept; in this scenario, M would then be in an infinite loop, and \(w \in \overline{L(M)}\).

After the end-marker, the only way for \(\overline{M}\) to accept is if it guesses a number \(m \ge 0\) such that there are m successful zero-test, it can simulate M up until that mth zero-test, for each j from 0 to m, the counter values \(\vec {v}_j\) and state \(q_{(j)}\) right after the jth successful zero-test all have \(\vec {v}_j \in \overline{S_{q_{(j)}}}\), which means that M would not pass over all counters being 0 in a final state after the jth section; and \(\vec {v}_m \in \overline{R_{q_{(m)}}}\) which means that another zero-test would not be successful. Hence, M cannot accept w, and \(w \in \overline{L(M)}\).    \(\square \)

This can be used to show the following interesting decidability property.

Theorem 27

The containment problem is decidable for \(\textsf{DTCM}\) (and \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\)). Furthermore, the problem, “given a \(\textsf{NTCM}\) \(M_1\) and a \(\textsf{DTCM}\) \(M_2\), is \(L(M_1) \subseteq L(M_2)\)?” is decidable.


Given a nondeterministic machine \(M_1\) and a deterministic machine \(M_2\), first construct \(\overline{L(M_2)} \in \textsf{NPBLIND}= \textsf{NTCM}\) by Proposition 26. Then construct \(L(M_1) \cap \overline{L(M_2)} \in \textsf{NPBLIND}\), as \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\) is closed under intersection [10], and then test emptiness [20, 22], which is empty if and only if \(L(M_1) \subseteq L(M_2)\).    \(\square \)

This result generalizes the known decidability of the containment problem for \(\textsf {DRBCM}\) [17] as \(\textsf {DRBCM}\subsetneq \textsf{DTCM}\).

However, it is also known that finite-crossing \(2\textsf {DRBCM}\) (these are two-way \(\textsf {DRBCM}\)s where the input is finite-crossing (a machine is finite-crossing if every accepted word has an accepting computation where there is a bound on the number of times the boundary between each two adjacent input cells is crossed) [17], and also \(2\textsf {DRBCM}(1)\) (these are two-way \(\textsf {DRBCM}\) machines with a single reversal-bounded counter) [15, 18] have a decidable containment problem, which could be more general or incomparable to \(\textsf{DTCM}\). The latter family, \(2\textsf {DRBCM}(1)\) is also powerful enough to accept languages that are not Parikh semilinear like \(\textsf{DTCM}\). Then, \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) and \(\textsf{DTCM}\) join these families as having a decidable containment problem, and joins \(2\textsf {DRBCM}(1)\) as one which contains languages that are not Parikh semilinear. This is quite strong as even \(\textsf{NRBCM}(1,1)\) has an undecidable containment problem [1].

7 Future Directions

Below are some interesting problems that deserve further investigation. Although we determined here that \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\) is not closed under complement, it is open whether or not \(\textsf{DTCM}\) closed under complement. Also, is \(\textsf{DTCM}\) with no end-marker weaker than with the end-marker, as was the case with \(\textsf{DPBLIND}\)? Next, although we showed that \(\textsf{DTCM}\) coincides with 1-testable \(\textsf{DTCM}\), is there a hierarchy in terms of \(\textsf{DTCM}(k,r)\) for fixed k or r? Lastly, although we showed that the complement of every \(\textsf{DTCM}\) is in \(\textsf{NTCM}= \textsf{NPBLIND}\), is it also true that the complement of every unambiguous \(\textsf{NTCM}\) (or unambiguous \(\textsf{NPBLIND}\)) is in \(\textsf{NTCM}\)?