1 Introduction

In his seminal work, first published in 1954, and revisited in 1972 [15], Savage laid down a foundational framework for decision-making under uncertainty. His system is based on acts, which are rendered as functions mapping states into outcomes, and on preferences on such acts, which need to obey certain rationality axioms.

Savage’s general setup, as well as his axioms, have been since subjected to wide scrutiny and criticisms. Much controversy has been raised in particular on the so-called Sure-Thing Principle (STP), that allows an agent to reach a preference by decomposing it in preferences over two mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive subcases. In Savage’s words, the principle is motivated as follows:

A businessman contemplates buying a certain piece of property. He considers the outcome of the next presidential election relevant. So, to clarify the matter to himself, he asks whether he would buy if he knew that the Democratic candidate were going to win, and decides that he would. Similarly, he considers whether he would buy if he knew that the Republican candidate were going to win, and again finds that he would. Seeing that he would buy in either event, he decides that he should buy, even though he does not know which event obtains, or will obtain, as we would ordinarily say [15].

The purpose of this work is to provide a logical perspective, both on Savage’s well-known framework [15] for the foundation of decision theory, and on its criticisms, arising from the famous scenarios presented by Ellsberg [10] and Allais [1]. Both of these scenarios provided patterns of preferences deemed plausible, and yet conflicting with Savage’s axioms, in particular with the Sure-Thing Principle.

The key observation behind this work is the similarity of STP with what in classical logic is known as the Principle of Bivalence (PB). To clarify the meaning of PB, we first present it as a rule in natural-deduction style, as follows [9]:

figure a

meaning that, to infer the formula \(\psi \), it suffices to infer it both under the assumption that \(\varphi \) is the case and under the assumption that \(\lnot \varphi \) is the case. The square brackets around the formulas \(\varphi \) and \(\lnot \varphi \) signal that those are pieces of information assumed for the sake of deriving \(\psi \), but not actually held true (they are discharged, in natural deduction terminology). Following [4], we call this type of information hypothetical, in contrast to the actual information held by an agent. Let us note that the inference rule (PB) is also called a “logical” sure-thing principle in [2], where analogies and differences with STP are analyzed. In particular, [2] stresses that “STP is a desideratum of rational behavior, but not logically necessary”, as is the case instead for PB.

In the light of the development of various non-classical logics, considering PB as logically necessary, without further qualification, is not enough. In particular, choosing suitable pieces of hypothetical information for its application in logical deductions, is a complex matter. This may play an important role in decision-making, as we illustrate in the following.

Example 1

You have an urn with balls that are numbered 1–100, and are colored in unknown proportions. Three balls with numbers \(x_1,x_2,x_3\) are extracted from the urn. You are told that \(x_2 = x_1 + 1 \) and \(x_3 = x_2 + 1\). Ball number \(x_1\) is red and ball number \(x_3\) is blue. You have to choose among the following:

  • h: You earn 100 euro, if \(x_2 = x_1 + 1 \) and \(x_3 = x_2 + 1\), 0 otherwise.

  • \(h'\): You earn 110 euro if it holds that, among the extracted balls

    (\(\delta \)): “a red ball and a non-red ball have numbers that differ by 1”, 0 otherwise.

The information provided is sufficient to assess that h always returns the payoff 100. It might be however less obvious that also \(h'\) will always return the highest payoff 110. It suffices to reason by cases: if \(x_2\) is red, then, since \(x_3 = x_2 + 1\) and \(x_3\) is not red, \(\delta \) holds. On the other hand, if \(x_2\) is not red, since \(x_2 =x_1+ 1\) and \(x_1\) is red, \(\delta \) still holds.

We find it plausible that agents might prefer h to \(h'\), although the payoff for \(h'\) is higher than that for h, and both are certain for the agent. In support of this conjecture, note that in empirical research [18], under similar information, over 80% of subjects claimed that it is impossible to determine whether an assertion of the same logical form as \(\delta \) is true.

We might say that, in the above example, an agent preferring h to \(h'\) is behaving irrationally, or is perhaps attributing a cost to the very act of doing inferences, a cost which is not immediately captured neither by classical logic, nor by Savage’s standard decision-theoretic framework.

PB is indeed costly for realistic agents, and bounding its use makes logical inference tractable, in the sense of computational complexity [17], in contrast to the intractability (under the usual \(P\ne NP\) assumption) of classical propositional logic.

This observation is at the core of a family of logical systems, dubbed Depth-Bounded Boolean logics [8] (DBBLs), which allow only for a limited application of PB, and provide tractable approximations of classical logic.

Building on previous work on uncertainty measures in DBBLs [3, 4], we introduce in the following a sequence of preferences approximating Savage’s framework, which are based on the limited use of PB and hypothetical information.

This setting allows us to provide a unified account of Savage’s axioms, and of the preferences in Allais, in Ellsberg, and in Example 1 above. All such preferences will be considered indeed compatible with (our reformulation of) Savage’s axioms, and in particular with the Sure-thing principle, but only at the lowest level of our sequence, where no use of hypothetical information is permitted. Furthermore, following Savage, we show that the sequence of approximating preferences determines a finitely additive measure, in the limit.

The paper is further structured as follows. In Sect. 2 we present our analysis of actual and hypothetical information, based on DBBLs. Section 3 introduces our sequence of approximating preference relations, provides a reformulation of some of Savage’s basic axioms in that setting, and analyzes our main examples. Section 4 provides the conditions under which the sequence of approximating preferences determines a finitely additive measure in the limit. Finally, we provide some conclusions and hints at future work.

2 Hypothetical and Actual Information

Before proceeding, we briefly fix some notation. We consider a propositional logical language \(\mathcal {L}\), with the usual classical connectives \(\wedge ,\vee ,\rightarrow ,\lnot \) and set of propositional variables \(\{ p_1,\dots , p_n,\dots \}\). The set of formulas will be denoted by \(\textit{Fm}\), and lowercase Greek letters will be used to refer to formulas. We denote by \(S(\varphi )\) the set of subformulas of \(\varphi \).

We now recall some crucial ideas of the DBBLs, mentioned in the introduction. These logics permit to distinguish between actual and hypothetical information in logical deduction, and determine a hierarchy, with a parameter k measuring the amount of allowed nested use of hypothetical information.

The 0-depth logic, which will be our main focus here, is a logic that does not allow any application of PB, and is thus concerned only with the manipulation of actual information. This logic is proof-theoretically defined in terms of the INTroduction and ELIMination (INTELIM) rules in Table 1. The rules are defined for each connective, both when occurring positively (as the main connective of a formula) and negatively (in the scope of a negation).

Table 1. Introduction and Elimination rules.

We note in passing that the logic has also a non-deterministic semantics, with evaluations capturing the information actually held by an agent rather than truth, as a primitive notion [7].

The rules encode the principles for the manipulation of information actually possessed by an agent, for each of the connectives of the language. We refer to [7, 8] for further details and motivation. The 0-depth consequence relation is defined as follows.

Definition 1

Let \(T\cup \{\varphi \}\subseteq \textit{Fm}\). \(T \vdash _0 \varphi \) if there is a sequence of formulas \(\varphi _1,\dots ,\varphi _m\) such that \(\varphi _m = \varphi \) and each \(\varphi _i\) is either in T or it is obtained by an application of the rules in Table 1 from formulas \(\varphi _j\) with \(j<i\).

Note that, by direct inspection of the rules in Table 1, we have \(\not \vdash _0 p\vee \lnot p\). In fact, this logic, which is strictly weaker than classical logic, has no tautologies at all. The relation \(\vdash _0\) captures inferences that are “trivial” in their reliance solely on actual information. This is also reflected computationally, by the fact that, in contrast to classical propositional logic, \(\vdash _0\) can be checked in polynomial time [8].

While 0-depth logic permits only to represent actual information, and lack thereof, classical logical proofs also involve reasoning about hypothetical information. Consider again \(\not \vdash _0 p\vee \lnot p\). It can be easily shown that, on the other hand, \(p\vdash _0 p\vee \lnot p\) and \(\lnot p\vdash _0 p\vee \lnot p\). Hence, we can show that \(p\vee \lnot p\) is derivable just by one application of PB, using the hypothetical information p and \(\lnot p\). In DBBLs this amounts to saying that \(\vdash _1 p\vee \lnot p\). The consequence \(\vdash _k\) for \(k>0\) is formally defined as follows, see also [8].

Definition 2

Let \(k>0\). Then \(T \vdash _k \varphi \) if there is a \(\psi \in S(T \cup \{\varphi \})\) such that \(T, \psi \vdash _{k-1} \varphi \) and \(T, \lnot \psi \vdash _{k-1} \varphi \).

The parameter k is thus a “counter” which keeps track of how many nested instances of reasoning by cases are needed for the agent to decide a sentence of interest.

In this work we use only 0-depth logics, to deal with actual information, alongside with a sequence of (depth-bounded) forests, to represent the further hypothetical information which may be used by an agent.

Let us recall the notion of depth-bounded forests, in a slightly modified form from [4]. We start with a set \(\textit{Supp}\subseteq \textit{Fm}\cup \{*\}\), which represents the information explicitly provided to the agent. The symbol \(*\) is meant to the represent the absence of any information. \(\textit{Supp}\) collects background information, which may be of the form “\(\gamma \) holds”, or “the probability of \(\gamma _i\) is \(p_i\)” where \(p_i\) may be the frequency or objective chance of \(\gamma _i\). If no such information is available to the agent, we let \(\textit{Supp}=\{*\}\). We further impose that for any \(\alpha ,\beta \in \textit{Supp}\), such that \(\alpha \ne *,\beta \ne *\) we haveFootnote 1 \(\alpha ,\beta \vdash _0\bot \).

Depth-bounded forests are built, starting from \(\textit{Supp}\) and suitably expanding the nodes with two new children nodes, representing an instance of PB obtained by considering a certain piece of hypothetical information and its negation, respectively.

In the following, for any formula \(\gamma \in \textit{Fm}\), we say that \(\gamma \)decides \(\delta \) if \(\gamma \vdash _0\delta \) or \(\gamma \vdash _0 \lnot \delta \). By the depth of a node in a forest, in the usual graph-theoretic sense, we mean the length of the path from the root of a tree in the forest to the node. We then say that a leaf \(\alpha \) is closed if \(\alpha \) 0-decides each formula \(\delta \in S(\alpha )\). A leaf which is not closed is said to be open.

Definition 3

Let \(\textit{Supp}\subseteq \textit{Fm}\cup \{*\}\). We define recursively, a sequence \({(F_k)}_{k\in \mathbb {N}}\) of depth-bounded forests based on \(\textit{Supp}\) (DBF, for short), as follows:

  1. 1.

    For \(k=0\) we let \(F_0\) be a forest with no edges, and with the set of vertices equal to \(\textit{Supp}\)Footnote 2.

  2. 2.

    The forest \(F_{k}\), for \(k\ge 1\) is obtained expanding at least one leaf \(\alpha \) of depth k as follows:

    • if \(\alpha \) is open, with two nodes \(\alpha \wedge \beta \) and \(\alpha \wedge \lnot \beta \) where \(\beta \) is an undecided subsentence of \(\alpha \).

    • Otherwise, if \(\alpha \) is closed, with two nodes \(\alpha \wedge \beta \) and \(\alpha \wedge \lnot \beta \), where \(\beta \in \textit{Fm}\) is a sentence whose variables do not already occur in \(\textit{Supp}\cup \{\alpha \}\), if there are any.

Let us notice that, when \(\mathcal {F}\) is defined over a language \(\textit{Fm}\) with finitely many propositional variables, the DBF may be expanded only up to a certain \(F_k\). In what follows, given a DBF \((F_k)_{k\in \mathbb {N}}\) we will denote by \(\textit{Supp}_k\) the set of leaves of the forest \(F_k\). This represent the information which is available to an agent capable of making k nested use of reasoning by cases. This information will be available to the agent for probabilistic quantification and evaluation in considering which actions to take.

3 Approximating Preferences

Our framework for preference comprises, as Savage’s original one, a set of states \(St\), a set of outcomes O, and a set of acts \(A\). The idea is that each act \(f\in A\) is a function \(f:St\rightarrow O\).

However, we depart from Savage in various respects, in that we focus on the logical language used to represent states, rather than the more usual set-theoretic presentation.

First, we think of the set of states \(St\) as evaluations of the formulas of our logical language, of the form \(v :\textit{Fm}\rightarrow \{0,1\}\).

Given any \(f \in A\) and \(S\subseteq St\) we denote by \(f_S\) the restriction of f to S. Note that a function \(f_{S}\) is to be interpreted as the function f when the outcomes outside S are disregarded, but it does not amount to conditioning on S, i.e. to consider the action upon the assumption that S is true, as is done e.g. in [13]. This means that, in determining, say whether \(f_S\) is preferred to \(g_T\), both the outcomes and how likely are taken to be ST matter.

We are now ready to reformulate some of the Savage’s axioms in our setting. We focus first on those that deal with preference exclusively, without concern for their role in justifying a probabilistic representation of an agent’s belief. Recall that \(A\subseteq O^{St}\) and let \(\succeq \) by a binary relation over \(A\), standing for a preference between acts. Then, we require, as in Savage P1 [15]:

  1. A1

    \(\succeq \) is a total pre-order, i.e. reflexive and transitive, over \(A\)

We then formulate a weak form of the sure-thing principle, which is closer to Savage’s informal presentation [15] than to his own axiom P2.

  1. A2

    (Sure-thing). The following rules are satisfied:

    figure b

    for any \(S,T\subseteq \textit{Fm}\) with \(S \cap T = \emptyset \).

The third axiom is an adaptation of Savage’s state independence P3. Before presenting it, let us recall that a set S is said to be non-null if there are at least two acts \(f_S,f'_S\in A\) with \(f_S\succ f'_S\).

  1. A3

    (State independence). Let \(S\subseteq St\) be non-null. Then \(\succeq \) satisfies the following rule:

    figure c

Definition 4

(Consistent Preference Structure). Let \(A\subseteq O^{St}\) and \(\succeq \) be a binary relation over \(A\). We say that \((A,\succeq )\) is a consistent preference structure iff it satisfies axioms A1-A3 above.

So far, we have only reformulated Savage’s axioms, in a framework which is more congenial to our logical construction. Our key contribution is however, formalizing acts, as seen from the point of view of an agent with bounded inferential resources. Towards this purpose, we assume that the agent does not have direct access to the state space \(St\) of \(A\), but only to some information, in a syntactic format, that she has to elaborate upon.

The actual, explicit information, provided to the agent, is here encoded by a set \(\textit{Supp}\subseteq \textit{Fm}\). On the other hand, the information that she has to (via a reasoning effort) hypothesize about will be rendered by the set of leaves \(\textit{Supp}_k\) of a suitable DBF, say \(\mathcal {F}= {(F_k)}_{k\in \mathbb {N}}\) which is built starting from \(\textit{Supp}\).

Now we can express what it means for an agent to access the acts via some pieces of (actual and/or hypothetical information). First, let us define

$$ b_k(\varphi ) = \{\alpha \in \textit{Supp}_k \mid \alpha \vdash _0 \varphi \} $$


$$ pl_k(\varphi ) = \{\alpha \in \textit{Supp}_k \mid \alpha \not \vdash _0 \lnot \varphi \} $$

in analogy with the notion of belief and plausibility function in the theory of Dempster-Shafer belief functions [16]. The set \(b_k(\varphi )\) collects all the pieces of information that have been explored by the agent up to depth k, that allow her to immediately (i.e. via \(\vdash _0\), without using PB) infer \(\varphi \). On the other hand, \(pl_k(\varphi )\) collects the pieces of information at depth k that do not immediately exclude \(\varphi \).

For any \(f\in A\), \(f:St\rightarrow O\) we will denote by \(f^k:\textit{Supp}_k\rightarrow \mathcal {P}(O)\) the function associating to each piece of information \(\alpha \in \textit{Supp}_k\) the following subset of O:

$$ f^k(\alpha ) := f(\{v \in St\mid v(\varphi ) =1, \text { for each } \varphi \text { such that }\alpha \in pl_k(\varphi )\}\subseteq O $$

Note that a formula \(\alpha \) is here mapped into the set of outcomes which are not excluded by \(\alpha \). This is because \(\alpha \), which represent a piece of information the agent can actually consider, need not to correspond to a state \(St\) (i.e. a logical evaluation assigning a truth value to each formula), and might not provide enough information to determine which particular outcome obtains.

Furthermore, for any \(S\subseteq \textit{Supp}_k\), we denote by \(f^k_S\) the restriction of \(f^k\) to S. Note that S is here taken to be a subset of formulas in \(\textit{Supp}_k\), rather than a subset of the states, i.e. of evaluations.

Definition 5

(Consistent k-Preference Structure). Let \(A\subseteq O^{St}\). We say that \((A_k,\succeq _k)\) is a consistent k-preference structure iff

  • \(A_k\) contains \(f^k_S\) for each \(S\subseteq \textit{Supp}_k\), \(f\in A\)

  • \((A_k,\succeq _k)\) is a consistent preference structure, i.e. it satisfies A1–A3 above.

We are now ready to define our notion of approximating sequence.

Definition 6

Let \(\mathcal {F}= (F_k)_{k\in \mathbb {N}}\) be a DBF sequence, and \(A\subseteq O^{St} \). We say that \(\mathcal {P}= (A_k,\succeq _k)_{k\in \mathbb {N}} \) is an approximating preference sequence (APS, for short) iff:

  • For each \({k\in \mathbb {N}}\), \((A_k,\succeq _k)\) is a consistent preference structure.

  • For every \(k\in \mathbb {N}\), and every \(\varphi ,\psi \in \textit{Fm}\), \(f,g\in \textit{Supp}\), we have that \(f^k \succeq _k g^k\) implies \(f^{k'}\succeq _{k'} g^{k'}\) for every \(k'\ge k\).

The second condition says that, as k increases, the agent can refine, but cannot revise previously determined preferences. Let us test now our notion of APS with the well-known examples of Ellsberg and Allais. To ease notation, in the following we will often slightly abuse the notation, writing directly \(f\succeq _k g\) instead of \(f^k\succeq _k g^k\).

Example 2

(Ellsberg). Suppose that an agent is presented an urn filled with balls, and is provided the information that 2/3 of the balls are either yellow or blue (\(Y \vee B\)), and the remaining 1/3 are red (R). A ball will be extracted from the urn and an agent is confronted with a choice between acts fghj. The following table summarizes the setup in the standard Savage framework, where states are represented in the columns, the available acts in the rows, and the cells contain the monetary outcome, say in euros.

Table 2. Ellsberg’s one urn scenario.

Ellsberg [10] points out that the strict preferences \(f\succ g\) and \(j\succ h\) are plausible: agents will typically prefer, ceteris paribus, a bet whose states they can quantify probabilistically (R and \(Y\vee B\) for the acts f and j) over one where this is not the case (Y and B for the acts g and j). In other words, they will display a form of ambiguity aversion [12].

On the other hand, these preferences are in violation of Savage STP. Indeed, if we ignore what happens in case a blue ball (B) is picked (i.e. we ignore the third column in Table 2), and we assume that the preference for a payoff of 100 euros is independent of the state in which it occurs, the agent should be indifferent between acts f and h, and g and j. Furthermore, both, f and g, and h and j give the same payoff for B, i.e. 0 and 100, respectively. According to the STP then, a preference for f over h dictates a preference for g over j, in contrast to Ellsberg’s preferences.

Let us now formalize the example in our setting. We take a finite language over the variables \(\{Y,B,R\}\) which stand for the event that a yellow, blue, red ball is picked, respectively. We denote by \(\gamma \) the sentence expressing the fact that YBR are mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive. We build a DBF and an APS as follows. We let \( \textit{Supp}= \{(Y\vee B) \wedge \gamma , R\wedge \gamma \}\), since those are the formulas upon which the agent is provided probabilistic information, and \(A= \{f,g,h,j \}\). It is easy to show that for any such formula \(\alpha \in \textit{Supp}\) we have \(pl_0(\alpha ) = \{\alpha \}\). The acts fghj are again defined as in Table 2. Assume that \(f\succ _0 g\) and \(j\succ _0 h\). We may consider a decomposition of such preferences only via the formulas in \(\textit{Supp}\). We have (omitting the formula \(\gamma \), for simplicity): \(g_{Y\vee B} \succ _0 f_{Y\vee B}\), \(f_R \succ _0 g_R\), \(j_{Y\vee B} \succ _0 h_{Y\vee B}\), and \(h_R \succ _0 j_R\). These preferences, together with \(f\succ _0 g\) and \(j\succ _0 h\), do not contradict axiom A2, i.e. our reformulated version of the Sure-thing principle. Note that, since \(Y\vee R\) and B are not formulas of \(\textit{Supp}_k\), the functions say \(f_{Y\vee R}, h_{Y\vee R}, g_{Y\vee R},j_{Y\vee R}\) and \(f_B,h_B,g_B,j_B\) are not defined.

Now, let us consider the expansion of \(\textit{Supp}\) to a 1-depth forest \(F_1\), and the corresponding 1-depth preference structure over \(\textit{Supp}_1\). Notice that the node \(R\wedge \gamma \) in \(\textit{Supp}\) is already closed, and thus need not be expanded. We expand instead the open node \((Y\vee B)\wedge \gamma \) as follows (we omit \(\gamma \) for simplicity):

figure d

Consider the preference structure \((A_1,\succeq _1)\). With a little abuse of notation, since \(((Y\vee B)\wedge \gamma \wedge Y)\vdash _0 Y\), \(((Y\vee B)\wedge \gamma \wedge \lnot Y)\vdash _0 B\) and \(R\wedge \gamma \vdash _0 R\), we just write the formula on the right YBR instead of the corresponding formula on the left, which belongs to \(\textit{Supp}_1\).

Note that, at depth 1, the preferences \(f\succ _1 g \) and \(j \succ _1 h\) are not allowed by Definition 5. By state independence, we have indeed that \({f}_{\{Y\}} \approx _1 {h}_{\{Y\} }\), \({f}_{\{R\}} \approx _1 {h}_{\{R\}}\) and \({g}_{\{Y\}} \approx _1 {j}_{\{Y\}}\), \({g}_\{{R}\} \approx _1 {j}_{\{R\}}\). On the other hand, we have \({f}_{\{B\}}\approx _1 {g}_{\{B\}}\), and \({h}_{\{B\}} \approx _1 {j}_{\{B\}}\), while \(j_{\{B\}} \succ {f}_{\{B\}}\).

Now, let us further assume that \({f}_{\{Y\}\cup \{R\}} \succ _1 {g}_{\{Y\}\cup \{R\}}\). By the previous equivalences, we may use A2 to get \({h}_{\{Y\} \cup \{R\}} \succ {j}_{\{Y\} \cup \{R\}}\). By the latter, since we also have \(h_{\{B\}}\approx _1 j_{\{B\}}\) we may use A2 to obtain \({h} \succ _1 {j}\), which is contrary to the initial assumption \(j\succ _1 h\).

Let us now assume \({g}_{\{Y\}\cup \{R\}} \succeq _1 {f}_{\{Y\}\cup \{R\}}\). Since \({f}_B\approx _1 {g}_{B}\), by state independence, we obtain by A2, \(g= {g}_{\{Y\} \cup \{ R\} \cup \{B\}} \succeq _1 {f}_{\{Y\} \cup \{ R\} \cup \{B\}} = f\), again contradicting the initial assumption that \(f\succ _1 g\). In both cases we derived a contradiction with one of the assumptions \(f\succ _1 g\) and \(j\succ _1 h\).

Example 3

(Allais). Assume you have an urn containing balls numbered from 1 to 100, and a ball will be extracted from the urn. You are offered a choice between the following acts, which are represented in the following table.

Table 3. Allais.

Allais deems the strict preferences \(f\succ g\) and \(g'\succ f'\) plausible, although they conflict with the sure-thing principle. Indeed, the pairs of acts f and g, and \(f'\) and \(g'\) have the same outcome, in case balls 11-100 are extracted, namely 100 for the first pair, and 0, for the second. By the sure-thing principle, since the acts f and \(f'\), and g and \(g'\) have the same outcomes for each extracted ball, f can be preferred to g, if and only \(f'\) is preferred to \(g'\).

We formalize this scenario in our setting, building a DBF and an APS. It suffices to consider a finite language over three variables, namely \(\{p_{1},p_{2-10},p_{11-100}\}\), standing for the numbers on the extracted ball. We let \( \textit{Supp}= \{\gamma \}\) where \(\gamma \) encodes the fact that \(p_{1},p_{2-10},p_{11-100}\) are mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive. We further let \(A= \{f,g,f',g'\}\), where the acts are defined as in Table 3. At depth 0, we may only compare \(f_{\gamma },g_{\gamma },g'_{\gamma },f'_{\gamma }\), since \(\textit{Supp}=\{c\}\). Hence, we may have \(f \succeq _0 g\) and \(g'\succeq _0 f'\), since no application of A2 can be performed. At depth 1, we replace \(\textit{Supp}\) with \(\textit{Supp}_1 = \{ \gamma \wedge \lnot p_{11-100}, \gamma \wedge p_{11-100}\} \). We omit \(\gamma \) in the following for simplicity. We have \(f_{\lnot {p_{11-100}}} \approx _1 f'_{\lnot {p_{11-100}}} \), \(g_{\{\lnot {p_{11-100}}\}} \approx _1 g'_{\{\lnot {p_{11-100}}\}} \), and on the other hand \(f_{p_{11-100}} \approx _1 g_{p_{11-100}}\) and \(f'_{p_{11-100}} \approx _1 g'_{p_{11-100}}\). By A2 we immediately get that \( f_{\textit{Supp}_1} \succeq _1 g_{\textit{Supp}_1} \) iff \( f'_{\textit{Supp}_1} \succeq _1 g'_{\textit{Supp}_1}\), contrary to the Allais’ preferences.

Finally, we address Example 1 in our formal setting.

Example 1

(continued). We denote:Footnote 3 by \(p_{in}\) the assertion \(``x_i = n''\); by \(q_{ij}\), the assertion \(``x_i = x_j+ 1''\) and finally by \(r_i\) the assertion “the ith extracted ball is red”. The initial information provided to the agent is \(\textit{Supp}= \{\gamma \}\), where by \(\gamma \) we denote the formula \(r_1 \wedge \lnot r_3\wedge q_{12}\wedge q_{23} \wedge \bigvee _{k=1}^{100} p_{1k}\). The formula \(\delta \) in Example 1 is encoded instead as:

$$ \bigvee \limits _{\begin{array}{c} i,j\in \{1,2,3\}\\ i\ne j \end{array}} r_i\wedge \lnot r_j\wedge q_{ij}. $$

We take \(A=\{h,h'\}\), where \(h,h'\) are defined as in Example 1, with \(h(\gamma ) = \{100\}\) and \(h(\lnot \gamma ) = \{0\}\), and \(h'(\delta )= \{110\}\), \(h'(\lnot \delta ) =\{0\}\). Now, in \(A_0\) we may compare \(h^0\) and \(h'^0\), which both have \(\textit{Supp}=\{\gamma \}\) as their domain. We have then \(h^0(\gamma )= \{100\}\) and \(h'^0(\gamma )= h'(\{\delta ,\lnot \delta \}) = \{110,0 \} \) since \(\gamma \not \vdash _0 \delta \). Hence we may still allow \(h \succ _0 h'\). On the other hand, if we consider the 1-depth forest (actually, tree) expanding \(\textit{Supp}= \{\gamma \}\) as follows:

figure e

we now have that both \(h'^1(\gamma \wedge r_2) = \{110\}\) and \(h'^1(\gamma \wedge \lnot r_2) = \{110\}\), since \(\gamma \wedge r_2 \vdash _0 \delta \) and \(\gamma \wedge \lnot r_2 \vdash _0 \delta \). Hence \(h'^1\) is constantly equal to 110. On the other hand \(h^1\) is still constantly equal to 100, and assuming that 110 is preferred to 100, we may only have \(h'\succeq _1 h\), by state independence.

4 Qualitative Probability and Representation

So far, we have build up the general framework and illustrated how it takes into account various alleged counterexamples, and criticisms of Savage’s approach. In particular, our setting shows that a form of idealization is at play in Savage’s setting, in essentially disregarding the cost of reasoning by case.

This does not preclude to obtain as a limit, idealized case, Savage’s elegant mathematical result, in our framework. Let us recall that one of the main advantages of Savage’s framework is its representation theorem for expected utility, which is obtained on the basis of his axioms on preferences among acts. While we are still not able to recover the full representation of expected utility in the limit, in our setting, we will focus here on an important intermediate step towards this result, which has an independent foundational interest.

Let us recall that, on the way to his representation theorem, Savage first manages to obtain a measure of probability, only on the basis of preferences among acts. This is done in two steps: first he derives, from the preference of an agent, an ordering reflecting how likely the agent finds the events of interest, i.e. a qualitative probability. Subsequently, he extracts from this relational structure a unique numerical probability representing it.

Let us now recall the notion of qualitative probability over arbitrary boolean algebras, and that of representability, and adapt them to our setting.

Definition 7

(Qualitative probability). Let \(\mathcal {B}= (B,\sqsubseteq ,\wedge ,\vee ,\lnot ,\bot ,\top )\) be a boolean algebra. \((\mathcal {B},\trianglerighteq )\) is a qualitative probability if

  1. 1.

    \(\trianglerighteq \) is a total preorder over \(\mathcal {B}\);

  2. 2.

    \(\top \triangleright \bot \);

  3. 3.

    if \(\alpha \sqsupseteq \beta \) then \(\alpha \trianglerighteq \beta \) and

  4. 4.

    if \(\alpha \wedge \gamma = \bot \) and \(\beta \wedge \gamma = \bot \), then \(\alpha \trianglerighteq \beta \text { if and only if } \alpha \vee \gamma \trianglerighteq \beta \vee \gamma .\)

Since our sequences are built syntactically, we will use here a different, syntactic definition of qualitative probability.

Definition 8

(synctactic qualitative probability). Let \(\textit{Fm}\) be the set of formulas over the language \(\mathcal {L}\). \((\textit{Fm},\trianglerighteq )\) is a (syntactic) qualitative probability if

  1. 1.

    \(\trianglerighteq \) is a total preorder over Fm;

  2. 2.

    \(\top \triangleright \bot \);

  3. 3.

    if \(\beta \vdash \alpha \) then \(\alpha \trianglerighteq \beta \) and

  4. 4.

    if \(\alpha \wedge \gamma \vdash \bot \) and \(\beta \wedge \gamma \vdash \bot \) then

    $$\alpha \trianglerighteq \beta \text { if and only if } \alpha \vee \gamma \trianglerighteq \beta \vee \gamma .$$

The two notions are essentially equivalent. Indeed, if we are given a (syntactic) qualitative probability \((\textit{Fm},\trianglerighteq )\), we may just define a qualitative probability by quotienting over the logically equivalent formulas, i.e. building the Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra and suitably adapting the \(\trianglerighteq \) relation to the equivalence classes. Let us now recall the following, see e.g. [15].

Definition 9

((Almost) Representability). A qualitative probability \((\mathcal {B}, \trianglerighteq )\) is said to be

  • representable if there exists a uniqueFootnote 4 finitely additive probability P such that \(\alpha \trianglerighteq \beta \) iff \(P(\alpha ) \ge P(\beta )\)

  • almost representable, if there exists a unique finitely additive probability P such that \(\alpha \trianglerighteq \beta \) implies \(P(\alpha )\ge P(\beta )\).

Savage considers in his system a specific axiom P4 for the purpose of extracting a qualitative probability from preference, and a further axiom P6 for the purpose of representability. In our framework, we obtain qualitative probabilities and representability via a slightly different route, inspired by the reformulation of P4 in [6].

First, we will define a sequence of comparative beliefs, determined by an APS.

Definition 10

Let \(\mathcal {F}= (F_k)_{k\in \mathbb {N}}\) be a DBF and \((A_k,\succeq _k)_{k\in \mathbb {N}}\) be an APS. We call comparative plausibility \(\trianglerighteq _k \) determined by \(\succeq _k\), the relation \(\trianglerighteq _k\) defined, for any \(\varphi ,\psi \in \textit{Fm}\) by:

  • \(\varphi \trianglerighteq _k \psi \) if \(f^k_\varphi \succeq _k g^k_\psi \), for each \(f^k,g^k\in \textit{Supp}_k\) such that \(f^k(\varphi )=g^k(\psi )= \{x\}\) for some \(x\in O\).

  • \(\varphi \trianglerighteq _k \psi \) if \(pl_k(\varphi ) \supseteq pl_k(\psi )\).

  • \(\top \triangleright _k \bot \)

The idea is that, when we consider acts that have the same outcome, over different pieces of information, the preferences of an agent for one act over the other, only reflects how likely she finds the piece of information to occur. More concretely, if an agent prefers a bet giving her 5 euros if tomorrow it rains, to a bet giving her 5 euros if tomorrow it will be sunny, this can only mean (if she is rational) that she finds rainy weather more likely than sunny weather.

Note that the definition ensures that \(\trianglerighteq _k\) is not empty, hence in particular it encodes Savage’s axiom (P5).

We now give conditions on an APS, to obtain from the sequences of \(\trianglerighteq _k \), a qualitative probability in the limit. Before that, we recall, adapting from [4] what we mean by limit.

Definition 11

(Limit structures). Take a DBF and let \(\mathcal {F}= (\textit{Supp}_k,\trianglerighteq _k)_{k\in \mathbb {N}}\) be a sequence of relational structures, where each \(\trianglerighteq _k\) is a binary relation over \(\textit{Fm}\). We say that the structure \((\textit{Fm},\trianglerighteq )\) is the limit of \(\mathcal {F}\), where

\({\varphi } \trianglerighteq {\psi } \) iff there is a k such that \(\varphi \trianglerighteq _n \psi \), for every \(n\ge k\).

Definition 12

We say that an APS \(\mathcal {P}= (A_k,\succeq _k)_{k\in \mathbb {N}}\) over a DBF \(\mathcal {F}= \{F_k\}_{k\in \mathbb {N}} \) is:

  • Belief-determining iff:

    • For any \(\varphi ,\psi \in \textit{Fm}\) there exists a \(k \in \mathbb {N}\) such that either \(\varphi \trianglerighteq _k\psi \) or \(\psi \trianglerighteq _k\varphi \).

  • Refinable if whenever \(\alpha \trianglerighteq _{k} \beta \) for some \(\alpha ,\beta \in \textit{Supp}_k\) and \(k\in \mathbb {N}\), there is a \(k'\ge k\) such that

    $$ \beta \triangleright _{k'} \gamma \text { for every } \gamma \in \textit{Supp}_{k'} \text { that is a descendent of } \alpha . $$
  • Coverable if whenever \(\alpha \triangleright _{k} \beta \) for some \(\alpha ,\beta \in \textit{Supp}_k\) and \(k\in \mathbb {N}\), there is a \(k'\ge k\) and \(\gamma \in \textit{Supp}_{k'}\) such that \(\gamma \wedge \alpha \vdash \bot \) and

    figure f

The condition of being belief-determining is our reformulation of axiom P4 in Savage, which is here considered as an axiom of a whole APS, rather than of each Consistent k-Preference Structure, as we did instead for A1–A3. By this condition, indeed, \(\trianglerighteq _k\) determines a total order in the limit.

We are now ready to provide our main result.

Theorem 1

Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be an APS over a DBF \(\mathcal {F}\) with \(\textit{Supp}=\{*\}\). If \(\mathcal {P}\) is belief-determining, then the limit \((\textit{Fm},\trianglerighteq )\) of \((F_k,\trianglerighteq _k )_{k\in \mathbb {N}}\) is a qualitative probability.


Let us start by showing that, if \(\psi \vdash \varphi \), then \({\varphi }\trianglerighteq {\psi }\). From \(\psi \vdash \varphi \), we get \(\lnot \varphi \vdash \lnot \psi \). We thus have a derivation of \(\lnot \psi \) from \(\lnot \varphi \), by using the rules of \(\vdash _0\) and applications of PB. Let \(k\in \mathbb {N}\) be such that for any \(n\ge k\), the set \(\textit{Supp}_n\) collects all the premises of the applications of PB in the proof of \(\lnot \psi \) from \(\lnot \varphi \). Hence, for each \(\alpha \in \textit{Supp}_n\), if \(\alpha \vdash _0\lnot \varphi \), then \(\alpha \vdash _0 \lnot \psi \), that is, if \(\alpha \not \vdash _0 \lnot \psi \), then \(\alpha \not \vdash _0\lnot \varphi \). Hence \(pl_n(\varphi ) \supseteq _{n}pl_n(\psi )\), for \(n\ge k\). This entails, by Definition 10, \({\varphi }\trianglerighteq _n{\psi }\), for each \(n\ge k\), hence \(\varphi \trianglerighteq \psi \).

We now show that the relation is total. Take \(\varphi ,\psi \in \textit{Fm}\). Now, since \(\mathcal {P}\) is belief determining, there is a k such that \(\varphi \trianglerighteq _k\psi \) or \(\psi \trianglerighteq _k\varphi \). Assume the first is the case. Since \(\mathcal {P}\) is an APS, we will also have that, for any \(n\ge k\), \(\varphi \trianglerighteq _{n} \psi \), hence in particular \(\varphi \trianglerighteq \psi \).

Transitivity and reflexivity are immediate, since they follow by A1 for \(\succeq _k\), and the fact that \(\mathcal {P}\) is an APS.

As for additivity, suppose that \({\varphi \wedge \chi } \vdash \bot \) and \({\psi \wedge \chi } \vdash \bot \). We will show that \({\varphi }\trianglerighteq {\psi }\) iff \({\varphi \vee \gamma }\trianglerighteq {\psi \vee \gamma }\). Let k be such that each \(\alpha \in \textit{Supp}_k\) is closed. We have that \( \varphi \vee \chi \trianglerighteq _k \psi \vee \chi \) iff \(\varphi \trianglerighteq _k\psi \) (adapting the proof of Lemma 11(5) in [4]). By the definition of \(\trianglerighteq _k \), this means that for each fg such that \(f^k( \varphi \vee \xi ) = g^k( \varphi \vee \psi )=\{x\} \) we have \(f_{\varphi \vee \xi } \succeq _k g_{\psi \vee \xi }\). On the other hand, by the reflexivity of \(\succeq _k\) (A1), we have \(f_{\xi }\succeq _k f_{\xi }\) and \(g_{\xi }\succeq _k g_{\xi }\). Hence, by A2 \(f_{\{\varphi \}\cup \{\xi \}} \succeq _k f_{\{\psi \}\cup \{\xi \}}\) iff \(f_{\varphi } \succeq _k g_{\psi }\). But the latter amounts at saying that \(\varphi \trianglerighteq _k \psi \), and the same will hold for any \(n\ge k\). Hence we have finally obtained \(\varphi \trianglerighteq \psi \) iff \(\varphi \vee \xi \trianglerighteq \psi \vee \xi \).

Finally, adapting from [4], we have that, under the refinability and coverability conditions described above, an APS determines a (almost) representable qualitative probability.

Corollary 1

Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be a belief-determining APS.

  • If \(\mathcal {P}\) is refinable, then its limit is almost representable, in the case \(\mathcal {A}_\mathcal {L}\) is infinite.

  • If \(\mathcal {P}\) is coverable then its limit is representable, in the case \(\mathcal {A}_\mathcal {L}\) is finite.


Follows from Theorem 1, and Theorem 20 and 22 in [4].

5 Conclusion

We have introduced a logic-based framework for preference, which approximates Savage’s framework, on the basis of the bounded use of hypothetical information. Our approach accommodates in a unified way various traditional challenges to Savage, in particular concerning the Sure-thing principle. Despite their differences, in all the examples considered, we have found indeed a similar pattern: some preferences may be accepted at the bottom level of our sequence, i.e. \(\succeq _0\), but they turn out to be inconsistent with Savage-style axioms, when considering \(\succeq _k\) for \(k>0\), i.e. when suitable hypothetical information is taken into account. Since DBBLs are computationally tractable, a further natural direction of research for our work is in the computational complexity issues related with the reasoning with the resulting measures of comparative probability. In particular, we aim to compare our setting with other approaches to decision theory, which are logically (in particular, syntactically) and computationally inspired, such as that pursued in [5].

Future work will provide suitable representation theorems for preferences in our framework, in terms of generalized expected utility, both at each level of the approximating sequence, and in the limit. This will be compared with the literature on decision-making under uncertainty, based on weakenings of axioms in the Anscombe-Aumann framework [11]. We further plan to consider logical systems where the preference relation \(\succeq _k\) is taken to be part of the language, and investigate their properties, with the aim of obtaining tractable logics of preference.