
1 Introduction

India is farming land. Over history,the greatest and higher farming achievementsinthe agriculture field are updated from time to time by using modernization. There is an urgent need to modernise traditional agricultural practices in India, as 60–70% of the country’s GDP is derived from agriculture. The groundwater level is lower because of unplanned water use [1]. The amount of water on earth is reducing day by day, and this is exacerbated by a lack of rain and a shortage of groundwater. One of the major issues in the world today is a lack of water. In every field, water is necessary. Water is necessary for daily living as well. One industry where a great deal of Agriculture demands water [2]. Water waste is the biggest problem in agriculture. Every time additional water is sprayed onto the fields. There are many methods for conserving water.

The system aims to protect water and energy resources. It measures the water level and manages the device both manually and automatically. Agriculture has not sufficiently produced in comparison to population growth because of climatic changes and a lack of cleanness [3]. Water is pumped into fields at regular intervals using canal systems and ground well for irrigation, but there is no feedback about the water level in the ground. This type of irrigation is detrimental to crop wellness and development since some crops are much more dependent on the quantity of soil moisture.

The node has been developed software as a side server. Used decision support features and interactionhave given information representing view results [4]. Machine learning techniquesused as a sensor node these data also be noted by Novel algorithm process. Thesealgorithms give the best result less error result. It’s a good approach to minimize water use and less water waste in the agriculture field.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Smart Irrigation System

2 Related Work

Arduino technology is used to control water flow in the system. With the help of sensors devicesto collect the statistical analysis data(UV ray sensors, temperature sensors, moisture sensors, humidity sensors) decideto collect data and predict data similarity. Using Kalman filter and noisy intermediate scaled quantum devices (NISQs) use to suppress noise for sensor devices generate loud noise [5]. Agriculture system work to notify the humanity and temperature, PH value by the sensors.

Sensors informationto display on PC and LCD [2]. Introduced an easy outlook “Using an artificial neural network controller, automate irrigation control” ON/OFF controller system is given it [6]. But the ON/OFF control system is not Reliable giving the result is not satisfied and the system fails. However, It is now possible to adopt stronger and more efficient control thanks to ANN-based methods. ANN-based systems may save a substantial amount of resources (such as water and energy) and give optimal results consistently for all types of agricultural settings [7]. These controllers have the inherent capability to perform these tasks without the need for prior system knowledge. Created and put into use successfully together with a flow sensor. The DHT22 sensor, the rain sensor, and the soil moisture sensor [6].

The sector that still makes up the largest portion of India’s GDP is agriculture. But when we look at the technology used in this subject, we find that the advancement is not significant [8]. Huge technical advances nowadays have an impact on a number of industry, such as agriculture, medicine, and others. In our nation, agriculture is the main industry. India’s primary source of income is agriculture; hence the growth of agriculture is crucial. The majority of irrigation systems are still manually operated in modern times. Traditional irrigation methods like drip irrigation and sprinkler irrigation are readily available. To effectively exploit the water variety, these strategies must be paired with the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things facilitates information access and important decision-making [9]. The temperature and moisture contents of the soil is conveyed using a wireless sensor network that is linked to ZigBee [10]. GPRS is used to send data to a web server over a cellular network. Graphitic applications can be used to monitor data over the internet.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Block Diagram: of the proposed system

As seen in Fig. 2, sensors, a microcontroller, a Wi-Fi module, and an Android application can all be used to automate irrigation. The field is regularly monitored by the in expensive groundwater level sensor. The Arduino board is connected to the sensors. The user can control irrigation by using the sensor data that has been acquiredand transmitted wirelessly [12].

The Smartphone application can be made to analyse the data it receives and compare it to the temperature, humidity, and moisture thresholds. Instead of automatically by the software without user interruption, a choice can be made manually through the software with user interruption. If the groundwater level is below the threshold value, the motor is turned ON, and if it is over the threshold value, the motor is turned OFF [12]. The sensors are wired to the Arduino. This gadget communicates using a wireless module, allowing the user to access the data using an Android app on his Smartphone, which can obtain sensor data from the Arduino through the wireless module [13]. Additionally, it offers a capability for scheduling watering. When the groundwater reaches a predetermined level, The user can plan when to water. The technology instructs users to maintain the threshold value based on data regarding the predicted pattern of precipitation and soil moisture. When the soil moisture reaches the set threshold value, the irrigation can be stopped automatically by the system. With this module, a water pump is connected by a relay switch controlled by a Wi-Fi node. The web service initiates node control for real-time monitoring through the adaptable web-based interface [14]. This web-based interface allows for manual and automatic remote control of the water pump.

Smart Irrigation System

Maximizing the use of water for crops is the main goal of an automated irrigation system using WSN and GPRS Module [9]. A wireless sensor network that is spread makes up this system. (WSN) that includes temperature and soil moisture sensors. Gateway units are used to manage sensor unit data, give commands to actuators for irrigation management, and transfer data from sensor units to base stations. An algorithm is proposed in the system to control the amount of water according to the needs and circumstances of the field. The actuator receives instructions from the microcontroller, which has been programmed, to control how much water flows through the valve unit. The entire system is powered by PV solar panels. The cellular network allows for two-way communication. A web application controls the irrigation through ongoing monitoring and irrigation scheduling programming. Web pages can be used to do this. The Bluetooth technology is described in the section that follows. A wireless sensor network crop monitoring program can be used by farmers to practice precision farming. The Micro controller, which is additionally integrated with the other electrical components mentioned above as shown in Fig. 1, as well as the water level sensor, which was previously included into the plant, is what makes this system work. The sensor collects data on the soil moisture and sends it along with other information to the microprocessor, which then activates the pump. Except that level. The microprocessor provides a signal to the relay module, which activates a pump and sends a specific volume of water to the plant, if the groundwater level drops below a predetermined level. The pump shuts off when there is enough supplied water. The role of the power supply is to provide power to the whole system, and the recommended voltage should fall between the microcontroller’s incoming supply range of 7 V to 12 V.

3 Benefits of Smart Irrigation System

Smart irrigation has a number of advantages over traditional irrigation methods, some of which could be summed up as less crop loss, reduced energy usage, high cost-efficiency, and high performance efficiency. Fig. 3 illustrates the advantages of IoT use in irrigation systems. One of the main benefits of IoT systems for irrigation is that they use less water. In addition, the vast majority of irrigation-related chores are automated with this approach, only the necessary water is used for irrigation, and waste is reduced. Traditional irrigation methods that required human intervention lost a significant quantity of water because the majority of handling and operations were done manually. Little to no human contact occurs with smart irrigation, and water is only used when and where it is actually needed. High cost-efficiency is one of its extra benefits, as less water is utilized and the procedure is carried out with higher precision, which lowers costs and overall expenses. The strategy also considerably reduces energy use because less hours are spent running the machines, and controlled breaks are taken during the process to reduce overall energy usage. Additionally, because resources are few and companies must manage costs to some level, The need to cut costs and save resources cannot be overstated. Smart irrigation takes into account costs, allowing for successful completion of linked activities while using less money. Last but not least, one of the extra advantages is that plants and crops receive only the necessary amount of water with enhanced irrigation efficiency and groundwater management, which reduces crop loss from insufficient or excessive watering.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Benefits of Smart irrigation System using IOT

4 Impect of Sustainability on Smart Irrigation System

It is possible to view sustainability as a crucial component of irrigation systems. Balance between the three sustainability pillars must be maintained for any system to remain sustainable. Economic, social, and environmental sustainability are the three pillars of sustainability. The potential effects of irrigation systems on the economy, ecology, and society are depicted in Fig. 3. The organisations engaged in the specific sector and related operations must take these factors into account because the components of sustainability could be evaluated in various contexts and media. Making sure that irrigation activities don’t have a negative influence on the environment is one of the factors of sustainability. Irrigation is a vital part of the agricultural sector, but it is critical that the activities established for irrigation are developed in a way that does not endanger the health of people or wildlife. Additionally, water management may be included in sustainable irrigation systems. Water is used in agriculture, so it’s important to effectively manage and control the resource to reduce water waste.There are therefore new requirements on how irrigation is established and managed as a result of the push for sustainable and better food systems. Every irrigation system, from local to national, has the ability to increase agricultural output, increase water security, promote inclusive growth, and promote progress toward the SDGs.

Pumping power is required to run drip irrigation systems. Different energy sources are used in the process to provide pumping power, which also has an adverse effect on the environment as a whole. When thinking about sustainable irrigation, it’s important to make make ensuring that energy use and environmental effect are reduced by implementing environmentally friendly operational practices. Organizations engaged in irrigation activities must place a greater a focus on solutions that lower costs, sickness, pollution, and other issues. When irrigation doesn’t deplete natural resources or human resources, It is possible to attain high irrigational sustainability. Sustainability in this sense may be largely related to financial and ecological considerations.

5 The Smart Irrigation Systems’ Basic Architecture and Layout

Irrigation management and associated IoT solutions have been discovered to use multi-agent architectures pretty frequently and well. These distinct architecture categories aid in creating separation between the numerous constituent parts. In most cases, the layer of architectural elements determines how the architectural distinctiveness is established. For instance, a node that is currently at a higher position in the hierarchy may end up working as a broker for a node that is currently in a lower position. Many jobs and actions that must be carried out are assumed to be represented by functional blocks that make up the majority of designs. The administration, devices, communications, security, and services and applications are the main elements of these designs. The Internet of Things (IoT) systems are made up of many devices that can be used to control, monitor, detect, and take action on a variety of different tasks. Additionally, it is believed that these particular devices contain interfaces that allow connections to be made with other devices in order to convey the required data. In addition, it’s common practice to interpret the data gathered from a variety of sensors and apply the conclusions reached to a range of actuators.It has long been accepted that the IoT architecture may be divided into three main tiers. These layers fall into three categories: application, network, and perception. A new layer called the service layer has been added in connection to the network and application levels. This specific layer is put into place to store and process the data using cloud computing and fog. Additionally, numerous researchers have created and presented a variety of new architecture proposals, with Ferrández-Pastor’s four layered architectures being one of the most obvious.

IoT’s architecture has traditionally been regarded as faulty. The four layers stated above are things, edge, communication, and cloud. The edge layer has been assigned in this concept to locate key applications and perform basic control actions. Regarding IoT irrigation systems, many tiered approaches have been used and put into practise, with varying degrees of success. The bottom layer often consists of actuators and sensor nodes, whereas the intermediate layer frequently consists of a gateway and allows data transport. Lastly, cloud services, apps, or databases make up the third tier of the architecture. Although these three are the most frequently used layers, they may also be distinct and vary with (Figs. 4, 5, 6 and 7).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Environment impact, economical impact social impact

6 Difficulties and Potential Outcome

Things, edge, communication, and cloud are the four levels that generally make up the IoT architecture. This proposal’s edge layer has been located to facilitate criticism. This section covers the difficulties and potential of utilising machine learning. The creation of digital software programs and machine learning for smart irrigation systems to govern a variety of crops, notably to support sustainable agriculture, has a number of challenges. To address the food shortages, the overall food output must be raised. To meet industrial demands, Cotton and rubber need to be cultivated more as cash crops in particular when combined with sustainable materials to prevent soil pollution. Additionally, these issues pose a variety of challenges, such as the fall in agricultural labour, the shrinkage of arable land, the scarcity of water supplies, the consequences of climate change, etc. As urbanization takes hold worldwide, the Rural areas’ populations are aging and shrinking quickly. There are several potential applications for IoT technologies in agriculture and food production. IoT’s affordability, autonomy, portability, minimum maintenance requirements, effectiveness, sturdy construction, and dependability in smart irrigation are only a few of the many aspects that require more study. To ensure sustainable agriculture, these tools are highly valued. Agriculture and other stakeholder who use portable software solutions in conjunction with machine learning forecasting have a lot of opportunities (Table 1).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Icons for intelligent irrigation systems were collected

Table 1. Experiment case analyse
Fig. 6.
figure 6

System Algorithm

The software uses the Internet of Things to remotely monitor the entire farm. Program uses two different types of terminals and a sensor network. In order to save energy, nodes apply energy-saving algorithms. Data collection from the node to the base station is done through a tree-based protocol. A system with two nodes, One of them gathers information on all environmental and soil variables, while the other features a camera for photographing and monitoring crops. With this system, sensor values are calculated without taking climate into account. An application cannot be programmed by a system user. There is no system for controlling applications. [12].

Fig. 7.
figure 7

Instruments for detecting moisture levels

7 Conclusion

The level of soil water must be taken into account when designing an intelligent irrigation system. The soil water level is influenced by a variety of environmental conditions, including air temperature, air humidity, UV radiation, soil temperature, etc. Because of technological advancements, weather forecasting accuracy has substantially increased, and changes in soil moisture may now be predicted using weather forecast data.

This article presents a hybrid device learning-based smart irrigation architecture based on the Internet of Things to predict the soil water content. The created method uses sensor data from the most recent period plus information from weather forecasts to anticipate the soil water level for the upcoming days. The anticipated value for soil water level is more accurate and has a lower error rate.Furthermore, a standalone system prototype incorporates the forecasting approach. Since the system prototype is based on open standard technology, It is affordable. The auto mode allows a clever system to be further tuned for application-specific situations. We want to perform a feature analysis of water savings based on the proposed algorithm with many nodes and system cost reduction.

The irrigation system’s effects on the environment should be considered.respect for and adherence to the Sustainable Development Goal sfulfil the three pillars’ ultimate goals (ecological, social, and economiceconomic). It’s important to prevent overuse of natural resources, which is possible with careful planning. Also, it must be assured that the cost of operation activities does no exceed the perceived outcomes in order to preserve sustainability. The costs associated with this continual automation and technological advancement are already quite effective and efficient, and they might be further decreased. The firm may be helped by a tendency toward green activities and functions to meet its objectives, and organisations may achieve great things if they place more of an emphasis on CSR.