
1 Introduction

The modern history of Eastern Europe has a very significant and rapid development of historical heritage research. The active national identification of Ukrainian people contributed to the greater activation of the scientific community in the fields of local history, archeology, and the improvement of historical authenticity [1].

European scientists use advanced computer technologies, especially 3D modeling, to achieve more effective results in scientific research [2]. However, Ukraine is just beginning to actively develop in using Building Information Model (BIM) technologies based on scientific archaeological research with an implementation in actual projects [3].

Creating a modeling methodology to provide specialists with relevant knowledge to help research and popularize historical objects remains relevant. The result of the modeling will be a 3D model that can be used for future BIMs.

Therefore, the research aims to reproduce a historical heritage object using modern 3D technologies. The following objectives have been formulated to achieve this goal. Firstly, information collection should be realized to study historical, archaeological, cartographic, and other scientific sources. Secondly, analyzing archival, archeological, and historical maps will allow further plotting schemes on a working archaeological map, considering the main features.

Also, using Google Maps services and Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping [4] will allow a detailed study of the object’s current state. Finally, research on territory relief using topography and geodetic data can be realized by laser scanning technology [5] and photogrammetry [6]. Overall, the result of analytical experiments is modeling, followed by creating a 3D model. It should make it possible to recreate Pontic Olbia as an object of Ukraine’s cultural and historical heritage.

2 Literature Review

Due to a high level of up-to-date software means developments, many research works in creating 3D virtual building environments have rapidly increased recently. Particularly, Yue and Limao [7] mainly presented an integrated approach based on BIM and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for smart construction management. Doula et al. [8] studied the effect of the detailing level on city landmarks recognition in a virtual environment. Also, Chernyshev et al. [9] implemented digital administration of the project-based smart construction concept. As a result of introducing a life cycle management system for building objects using BIM was proposed.

Bevilacqua et al. [10] applied digital software to implement digital twins and virtual reality (VR) in the 3D reconstruction of architectural heritage objects. As a result, digital prototypes of interior spaces for the First Italian Parliament, the Charterhouse of Pisa in Calci, and the Cathedral of Carpi (Italy) were developed by applying modern VR software. Also, Lang et al. [11] reconstructed an extinct settlement using VR software for the Advent City (Norway) case based on a series of survived historical photographs.

Another successful experience in 3D virtual reconstruction using VR technologies was demonstrated by Shanthini et al. [12] in the case of recreating the ancient Poompuhar (India). Also, Croce et a. [13] developed a virtual model for reconstructing the Globe Theatre (United Kingdom).

The following research proposed entirely different approaches to the 3D reconstruction of virtual environments. Particularly, Ou [14] implemented digital reconstruction of a building environment. For this purpose, automated decision-making algorithms [15, 16], deep learning [17], and information management systems [18] can be applied. Moreover, Zhou et al. [19] researched key technology for the virtual restoration of ancient buildings. For this purpose, Convolutional Neural Networks [20] were applied. The obtained results allow for improving the quality of 3D virtual reconstruction of architectural and cultural heritage as a fundamental problem for sustainable development.

3 Research Methodology

The following methods have been used during the research (Fig. 1): observation (research and analysis of the territory for the studied object), analytics (data collection, use and analysis of archival, library, and cartographic sources), and 3D modeling (reproducing the research object in a virtual space using appropriate software).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Research methodology.

The first analytical stage includes collecting initial data on the research object and other necessary information. The second stage deals with the research of historical sources. It mainly provides analysis of descriptions, documents, archives, library materials, archaeological reports, s well as archival maps of the area.

The third stage is video and photo recording of the area. The following stage concerns cartography. It consists of research on modern maps and orthophotos, topogeodetic subbase, and ancient maps of different periods. It also includes the study of archaeological patterns of the area and the analysis and comparison of maps by combining them with different software. Creating a spatial map based on the research on geographic differences in heights (horizons) in the appropriate software is also an integral part of the fourth stage. It also includes creating a 3D model of several relief feature variants. All these activities are needed to reproduce the lost parts of the relief due to water corrosion of the plateau, analysis of the placement of known, studied by archaeologists, and recorded on the diagrams, quarters, and individual objects of the studied object. As a result, maps of the street grid location and city structure will be built based on the analytical results.

The final stage allows creating a 3D model of the object under study with all its elements. It is realized using the proposed stages (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Stages of 3D modeling.

The following software can be used while modeling and further processing: SketchUp, Blender, and Autodesk 3ds Max – for modeling; Photoshop – to form a mapping scheme for building the structure of the city; 3DF Zephyr, RealityCapture, Agisoft Metashape, and Meshroom – to create photogrammetry; Quixel Megascan – for using an available library of textures, models of photo scans; Twinmotion, Lumion – for rendering images and animations with library support Quixel.

4 Results and Discussion

The following computational means have been used to reproduce the 3D virtual model of the terrain. Firstly, the relief reproduction has been realized using the topogeodetic subbase data. Also, SketchUp has allowed for reproducing horizons and their heights to form a 3D model. After, the relief was reproduced using GIS data, Google Maps, and subsequent import to SketchUp.

As a result, the created relief model is presented in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The terrain model.

The development of the street structure of the city is as follows. Firstly, a mapping scheme has been formed using Photoshop software. On it, directions of the existing streets and exact locations of districts and other objects have been analyzed based on the archaeological data.

After, the mapping diagram of the researched object was superimposed on the created relief, forming the street and road network of the city. Thus, the placement of quarters in the structure of the 3D model has been revealed. Overall, the studied areas have been placed relative to the designed grid of streets.

The developed street structure of the city is shown in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Reproduction of the city structure.

The development of object models has been carried out as follows. Firstly, models of buildings and structures, defensive walls, and individual objects of the historic environment have been developed using the SketchUp software. After, a search for additional models has been realized. They should have an authentic look at the relevant era. The corresponding object library has also been created.

As a result, an initial 3D model has been built (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The initial 3D model.

The next stage deals with the 3D model layout. For this purpose, 3D objects have been placed according to the archaeological schemes and the created mapping scheme. As a result, a complete model of the city has been formed (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Design layout of the model.

The last stage includes rendering, animation, and final image processing. Firstly, a realistic virtual environment has been created using the Twinmotion software and Quixel Megascan library of materials. These computational means allow for further image and video rendering, considering constructional materials and historical environment features.

The rendering results have been processed and adjusted with Photoshop to create the final virtual model (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7.
figure 7

The final texturing and rendering.

The developed 3D virtual model contains parts of the upper and lower city with quarters and streets, defense walls, river port, residential quarters, teminos, and central agora.

The obtained results are valuable for science, culture, and society. Particularly, the methodology of modeling the object under study can be applied to further work with the object at different stages. E.g., it can be supplemented by using BIM and CAD technologies for a promising reproduction or reconstruction of historical and architectural objects. Moreover, in today’s realities, Ukraine is experiencing a growth of national identity. This encourages knowledge of own history, reconstruction, and research of partially lost objects of heritage. The proposed approach allows for enabling these processes.

The accuracy of the relief creation data can be improved using technologies of extended [21] and mixed reality [22], photogrammetry [23], or laser scanning [24] of a locality by the stereotopographic method as the most accurate but resource-consuming method of modeling and obtaining an information model. These tasks require applying the following software, e.g., Agisoft Metashape, Digitals, AutoCAD, and teleoperation by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) [25, 26].

The proposed approach improves the results obtained by the previous study [3]. Also, architectural objects created based on archaeological research and foundation schemes can be imported into Revit [27] and extended using BIM technology and embedded vision equipment [28] to develop a comprehensive information model [29].

In the nearest future, it is also planned to investigate the following historical objects: the Konotop fortress of the period of 1659, the ancient Vorgol settlement in the Sumy region, the settlement Zelenyi Hai near Sumy, and other objects of architectural and historical heritage, as well as create their 3D virtual models of these objects using the developed methodology.

5 Conclusions

As a result of the research, a methodology of 3D virtual reconstruction for the building environment was proposed based on the comprehensive analysis of historical, archaeological, cartographic, and scientific sources.

A detailed study of the object’s current state using the example of Pontic Olbia was carried out using Google Maps and GIS mapping services. Also, the study of the relief for the territory was carried out using topography and geodetic data. Laser scanning and photogrammetry technologies can also be applied to increase the accuracy of the obtained results.

Overall, the results of an analytical experiment are virtual modeling followed by creating a 3D model. It should make it possible to reconstruct the object of cultural and historical heritage.

As a result of implementing the proposed methodology, a 3D model of the architectural environment was created using this approach and close interaction with archaeological, historical, and cartographic materials. This model contains parts of the upper and lower city with quarters and streets, defense walls (Northern and Western Gates), river port, residential quarters of all available archaeological sites, Western and Eastern Temenos (Temples of Apollo Yatros, Apollo Dolphin, and Zeus), and Central Agora (Eastern Trade Row, Eastern and Western Stands, Dicasterium, and Gymnasium).

The model can be used in further experiments and its adjustment. Due to geodetic, topographical, and archaeological data, the areas of the model investigated by archaeologists can be considered as a historically grounded version of the 3D virtual reconstruction.