
1 Introduction

Growing instances of information and data sharing abound on the Internet, with an increasing representation in the form of free text on social media, forums, blogs, and wikis. According to Gandomi and Haider [9], textual data makes up to 95% of all unstructured data online. Sharing textual data can inadvertently lead to sensitive information disclosure, without either the subjects concerned or the data owners being aware of it.

Discovering personal identifying information (PII) in unstructured textual data is challenging because the data does not lend itself well to labelling. This is mainly because unstructured textual data is comprised of sparse representations of similar text elements, that do not necessarily obey grammatical structures. This as such limits the availability of labeled data for training and the accuracy of PII discovery. PII discovery is also typically followed by masking and/or deletion which results in high information loss.

In this paper, we present an approach to discovering and masking PII in textual data by characterising PII as outliers. Our results show that iForest predicts outliers with ROC AUC value of 0.89, confirming that iForest performs well for large datasets. Detected outliers are masked to anonymise but preserve semantic similarity. Our similarity scores comparing the original and anonymised text show a median score of 0.461.

The rest of the paper is structured as follows, Sect. 2 presents related work and Sect. 3 presents our outlier detection and masking approach. Section 4 presents our results and Sect. 5, concludes the paper.

2 Related Work

Outlier detection has been researched primarily with respect to structured data [1, 10, 12]. Recent work also shows that approaches such as deep feature extraction using neural networks [5] and generative neural networks [17] can also be used to predict outliers. However, the correctness of labeled data impacts significantly on the performance and accuracy of these models. Unsupervised approaches such as proximity-based, density, and cluster-based methods [4, 10, 11] handle low dimensional numerical data well but are prone to overfitting on textual data due to assumptions about data format and distance differences [15, 20]. Angle-based vector similarity is useful in estimating divergence in textual documents that are represented as feature vectors based on word occurrences, and vector cosine similarity but is not scalable to large datasets [21]. While cluster-based approaches handle large datasets well by emphasising cluster tightness but are dependent on threshold values and so are not suited to textual data [7]. Furthermore, identifying outliers in textual data using distance and density-based approaches are processing intensive in terms of similarity calculations [1]. Dimension reduction can address this problem, but incurs high information loss when applied to identifying sensitive data [3]. Alternatively, outlier identification approaches based on subspaces can address this issue by integrating pattern analysis of local data with analysis of subspaces [2], but are processing intensive [1, 13]. Other work on PII discovery, focuses either on structured data [6, 18] or semi-structured data [18] but assumes the availability of labelled data to support training PII discovery models, which is impractical for unstructured textual data.

We present an approach to solving the problem of PII discovery in unstructured textual data in the next section.

3 PII Discovery and Masking

Our PII discovery and masking mechanism operates in three (3) steps, namely: (1.) Named entity recognition to support feature generation, (2.) Using the named entities to support PII discovery and (3.) Replacing the identified PII with semantically similar but different values.

Table 1. Named entity categories based on spaCy NER system

We define an outlier as the occurrence of PII in a text. To detect outliers (PII), We are only interested in phrases that contain PII such as name, date of birth, address, etc.. Typically, these sensitive phrases form named entities, thus requiring the use of Named Entity Recognition (NER) [19]. Most NER systems are largely dependant on plain features and domain-specific information to learn reliably from already available supervised training corpora. We address this issue by identifying named entities (NE) using a pre-trained transition-based parser model [14]. The model constructs portions of the input sequentially using a stack data structure. To generate representations of the stack required for prediction, our NER model employs the Stack-LSTM, which augments the LSTM model with a stack pointer [8]. NER is done by detecting a single word or a collection of words that comprise an entity and classifying them into different categories. So, given a collection of comments \(C_1, C_2,...,C_n\), we want to locate all named entities and calculate their frequency count by category. Each of the named entity (NE) categories is considered a feature for detecting outliers. We selected 20 categories that can represent most of the known named entities. Table 1 describes the NE categories that we used as features to represent documents. Among them, 18 of these categories were selected based on the NER implementation of spaCy library. The remaining two (i.e., EMAIL and PHONE) were manually annotated. Thus the feature extraction process of finding PII in unstructured data reduces to locating named entities for each document and creating a feature matrix with the frequency count by each named entity category. This process gives us a concise representation of a textual document compared to the traditional bag of words model, which requires a large representational space.

Five unsupervised outlier detection models (LOF, DBSCAN, iForest, OCSVM, SUOD) were then employed for outlier detection. The PIIs (outliers) were then transformed by substituting named entities with pseudo-values. Pseudo-values are created as comparable replacement types for the named entities based on the types of named entities in the text. For instance, when an EMAIL, PHONE, or DATE is discovered as a named entity, the masking algorithm generates entities of a similar kind. We maintain a hash-table lookup approach to produce consistent masking values that translate to the same masking value each time a particular type of named item is discovered. In terms of content replacement, we used pre-defined pseudo-values to replace PII realistically without mapping to a real person. Semantic similarity, based on comparing word embeddings, is used to evaluate the distance between the original and anonymised textual data elements rather than their lexicographical similarity [16]. We trained our Word2Vec embeddings on the Common Bag of Words (CBOW) pre-trained model for performance efficiency and accuracy for representations of more frequently occurring words. The resulting word embeddings are used to calculate document similarity by measuring the cosine angle.

4 Experimental Evaluation and Results

Code for our implementation can be found atFootnote 1. We used AirBnB review data for Berlin, Germany, compiled on 17 December 2021 containing 410, 291 reviews including spamFootnote 2. We considered comments written in English only, for a total of 253, 908 reviews.

Using the named entities in Table 1, we pre-trained an NER system to identify named entities and calculated their frequency count by category, giving a \(253,908 \times 20\) initial feature matrix. We applied dimension reduction using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)to reduce the sparsity of the feature vectors.

Since we do not have any ground truth about what an outlier (PII) looks like in our context, we used domain knowledge and data analysis, to make two assumptions for labeling comments as an outlier (PII). (1) If EMAIL or PHONE is present as a named entity, we consider the comment to be an outlier (PII), and (2) likewise, for the presence of PERSON or ORG with other named entities.

$$v_{i} > 0;\ i \in \{EMAIL, PHONE\}$$
$$v_{i}> 0\ and\ v_{j} > 0;\ i \in \{PERSON, ORG\};\ j \notin \{PERSON, ORG\}$$

Here \(v_{i}\) is an element of the feature vector and i represents a category of named entities. We take the same sample of 50, 782 reviews that are used in the model implementation part. After labeling, we get \(~42\%\) outlier reviews and \(~58\%\) not outlier reviews.

Table 2. Execution time comparison for base models

Table 2 shows the execution time of the five models. As the density calculation depends on the dimension of the dataset, dimension reduction helps run LOF and DBSCAN faster, but both do not scale well for PII discovery in unstructured textual data. iForest is slower, but scales well with growing data sizes and, due to the isolation property, is faster than density-based approaches. Also, iForest has linear time complexity and requires low memory, while SVM is based on a nonlinear kernel function which can have a complexity of up to \(O(n_{features} \times n_{samples}^{3})\). Table 3 illustrates the outlier score threshold, precision, recall, F1-score, ROC AUC, and PR AUC score for five models. For model evaluation, recall is the most important metric as we interested in reducing the false negative value. The table shows that based on the recall and F1-score value, SUOD, iForest, and OCSVM perform well with recall values of 0.70, 0.69, and 0.68, respectively. On the other hand, LOF and DBSCAN perform worst, with 0.33 and 0.18 recall values, respectively. Figure 1 shows the TPR (True Positive Rate)/recall versus the FPR(False Positive Rate) at various outlier score thresholds. In this case, iForest performs best with a ROC AUC of 0.86, followed by SUOD and OCSVM. LOF and DBScan performed worst, which is aligned with our previous result based on recall and F1-score (Table 3). Figure 2 and Table 3 show results of the PR curve, indicating that iForest performs best with a PR AUC of 0.78, followed by SUOD, OCSVM, LOF, and DBSCAN.

Table 3. Evaluation matrices for the models
Fig. 1.
figure 1

ROC curve

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Precision-Recall curve

During the data masking step, we only substitute the named entities from the outlier comments and use these named entities to generate document embeddings. This avoids the remaining terms from affecting the embeddings that are unchanged in both original and transformed comments. The results show that \(50\%\) of the anonymised comments have a similarity score between 0.357 to 0.554 with a median score of 0.461 while only \(7\%\) of the transformed comments have a similarity score less than or equal to 0. As the majority of the similarity score has a value greater than 0, we can conclude that our proposed data masking approach preserves most of the semantic properties of the original comments. LOF performs best after tuning with a recall value of 0.74. The Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves of the tuned iforest model performs best with a ROC AUC of 0.89, followed by SUOD, LOF, and OCSVM. Furthermore, iforest performs best with Precision-Recall (PR) AUC of 0.81, followed by SUOD, OCSVM, LOF, and DBSCAN.

5 Conclusion

We presented an approach to discovering personal identifying information (PII) in unstructured textual data, by characterising PIIs as outliers. We show that by using named entities it is possible to detect outliers (PIIs) using traditional unsupervised outlier detection models. Our experiments show that iForest predicts outliers with a ROC AUC score of 0.86 and a recall value of 0.69. Detected outliers are masked to anonymise but preserve semantic similarity. Our similarity scores comparing the original and anonymised text show a median score of 0.461.