
1 Introduction

Time and space complexity are functions that measure the efficiency of algorithms. These two functions are related (sometimes appear in the same setting) but distinct. For instance, “time” may refer to the number of memory accesses performed by an algorithm, while “space” refers to the amount of memory needed. In general, we try to minimize these functions, i.e., an ideal algorithm is one that is fast and tight. However, in cryptography, we are also interested in algorithms that are deliberately slow or capacious with the idea that, if the adversary must run them, the attack will be slow and costly. This has found numerous applications, e.g., in the context of proof-of-work for distributed consensus [46], and anti-spam mechanisms [9, 27]; and password hashing or key derivations to be used against offline brute-force [38, 52].

The most prominent definitions for “space-demanding” functions proposed in the literature are memory-hardness [2,3,4,5,6, 19, 21, 49], and bandwidth-hardness [15, 54]. While they share the same initial motivation, these notions vary in their formalization and achieved security guarantees. Memory-hardness, as originally defined [49], guarantees a lower bound in the memory/time product required to compute the function. Informally, a function is memory-hard if the product of the evaluation memory cost m and time t for any adversary cannot be less than \(mt \in \varOmega (n^2)\), where O(n) is the time for an honest party. This has been widely proposed as a countermeasure against attackers that aim to gain an unfair advantage by using customized hardware, such as an ASIC, as it forces one to dedicate a significant area of memory to avoid being too slow. Thus, the cost of ASIC manufacturing would grow proportionally. Bandwidth-hardness guarantees that the energy cost for evaluating the function does not differ much across different platforms with variable computing energy costs (e.g., CPU vs. ASIC). In practice, this is based on the observation that although ASICs may have superior energy consumption for specific tasks, off-chip memory accesses incur comparable energy costs on ASICs and CPUs. Thus, energy consumption is enforced by ensuring a substantial amount of off-chip memory accesses.

None of these provides a strict bound on the amount of distinct bits read: The former allows for a trade-off between memory block accesses and computing, whereas the latter bounds the ratio of energy consumption benefits for ASIC adversaries. A different notion, predating memory and bandwidth-hardness, is that of memory-bound functions [1, 26, 28] that do impose an expected lower bound on the number of memory accesses, expressed as cache misses.

All these notions have “symmetric” hardness in the following sense. Given a candidate input-output pair (xy) for function f, verifying whether \(f(x) = y\) is, at best, achieved by evaluating f. In that sense, evaluation and checking require the same amount of resources. In many applications, it would be desirable to have an efficient public verification algorithm that can check the correctness of an evaluation using significantly fewer resources, after the party that evaluates f provides a proof of correctness \(\pi \) for y. In practice, considering a cryptographic puzzle application [27, 36, 43], a challenger receiving multiple candidate puzzle solutions from different parties should be able to verify their correctness with much less effort than it took to compute them. Even considering egalitarian proofs of work [12], checking the validity of a proposed evaluation with considerably smaller memory requirements allows for easy validation by numerous lightweight clients.

In the context of time-demanding functions, verifiable delay functions (VDFs) introduced by Boneh et al. [18] achieve such a property: any observer can verify that the computation of the function was performed correctly and can do so efficiently. The scope of this paper is to introduce an analogous function but for capacious/space-hungry algorithms. However, “space” or memory functions appear to be more intricate. Indeed, space-hardness does cover the memory needed by an algorithm for instructions, data, and inputs. Still, as discussed above, hardness often involves a trade-off between space and time, i.e., an algorithm is allowed to use more time to make up for a smaller memory footprint.

This Work: Verifiable Capacity-Bound Functions. In this work, we initiate the study of verifiable capacity-bound functions (VCBF). At a high level, a VCBF guarantees: (a) a strict lower bound \(m\) in the necessary number of distinct bits read from memory in order to evaluate the function each time (referred to as minimum capacity complexity), (b) a public verification process that given a proof \(\pi \) can check the correctness of an evaluation by reading only \(o(m) \) bits, and (c) soundness, i.e., no computationally-bounded adversary should be able to produce a convincing proof for an incorrect evaluation. The space notion of VCBF differs significantly from other space-related functions: It provides a strict lower bound on the number of distinct bits read at each evaluation of the function (minimum capacity) even if an adversary adaptively chooses its strategy after the function is instatiated. In addition, it does not present any time/space trade-off on evaluation, i.e., the only way to compute the VCBF’s output is to satisfy its minimum capacity complexity unless the VCBF is heavily precomputed. Note that every function inevitably presents a time/space trade-off under heavy precomputation, e.g., evaluate the function on all inputs and store the outputs into an ordered dictionary. This differs from other space functions [1, 4, 6, 28, 54] in which an evaluator can tune the memory usage at the price of computing the function in more time, even if the function has not been preprocessed.

Also, unlike the notion of asymmetric hardness [13] which allows parties with access to a secret trapdoor to evaluate f quickly, we aim for public verifiability. Hence, a VCBF is a publicly verifiable function that does not present a time/space trade-off on evaluation. In that sense, it can be viewed as a space-analog of a VDF.

Comparison Between VCBF and Other “Space-Demanding” Functions. We provide a more detailed discussion of the relation between VCBFs and other primitives that attempt to bound the resources used when evaluating a function. See Table 1 for a comparison summary between VCBF and the most prominent functions and the corresponding space flavors.

Table 1. Comparison summary between VCBF and existing space-demanding functions. We exclude from the comparison any primitive that deviates from our objectives: (i) primitives based on heuristics or enforce memory/space usage on expectation, i.e., no strict lower bound on the memory/space usage (e.g., [1] and puzzle-based constructions [26, 28]) or, (ii) primitives that require interaction (e.g., [7, 29, 53]). Publicly verifiable means that the correctness of the function’s output can be publicly verified with significantly fewer space-units than evaluating the function. We use the term “memory” to denote the total space required to evaluate the function (this does not guarantee a lower bound on the number of bits read).

Minimum Number of Computation Steps. Such primitives provide a lower bound on the minimum number of sequential steps necessary. Notable examples include classic time-locked puzzles [55], key-derivation function PBKDF2 [38], and the recently proposed verifiable delay functions mentioned above [18, 50, 59]. Another related notion is proof-of-sequential-work (PoSW) [23, 25, 42], which is similar to VDF except PoSW is not a function. Typically, these enforce a repeated operation (hashing or squaring in the group with an unknown order). As discussed, our VCBF shares the same spirit as VDF but for space/energy consumption.

Minimum Number of Memory Access. As explained above, memory-bound functions provide an expectation of the lower bound on the number of cache misses for any polynomial-time bounded adversary. In [1, 26] a subset of a large random table (thus incompressible) is accessed during evaluation. However, they do not meet our requirement of the strict capacity lower bound on the number of bits read for each evaluation (like VDF for the time setting) since their lower bound is only a statistical expectation.

Follow-up work [28] suggests a construction with a time/space trade-off for the process of constructing the table from a representation, but this permits us to easily trade memory accesses for computation workload. We stress that [26, 28] leverage a puzzle-based approach: They reach the desired number of cache misses by evaluating the function multiple times. Hence, they cannot be considered functions due to their puzzle-based nature (similarly to the analogy between VDF and PoW in the time setting). Lastly, [1] leverages an inner function f whose inverse \(f^{-1}\) cannot be evaluated in less time than accessing the memory. Hence, their construction presents a time/space trade-off: A malicious adversary may choose to involve more time to reduce the number of memory accesses.

Code-Hard Functions. Code-hard algorithms [13] require that a minimum amount of memory is used in order to store the code (generated using block ciphers). This has found different applications, e.g., white box encryption [11, 16, 17, 34] or big-key encryption [10]. The key difference between a code-hard function and VCBF is that while a large amount of memory space must be dedicated for storing the code-hard function, it is possible that only a small fraction of those stored bits must be retrieved during evaluation (i.e., using memory does not imply reading bits). A VCBF imposes a non-trivial strict lower bound on bits read from memory during each evaluation.

Memory and Bandwidth-Hard Functions. These functions adaptively read/write from/in the memory to achieve two different objectives: Memory-hard functions require evaluators to use a large amount of memory while bandwidth-hard functions produce a high number of cache misses.Footnote 1 These functions [4, 6, 49, 54] allow adversaries to dynamically trade additional computation for reduced memory usage on evaluation (even without precomputation); thus, they do not meet our strict lower bound guarantee.Footnote 2 Moreover, the existing formalizations are highly reliant on the random oracle model, e.g., [54] for bandwidth hardness and [4, 6, 49] for memory hardness (in the parallel random oracle model). This comes naturally, as many of these works use variations of a graph-pebbling game to model their computation, heuristically estimating the energy cost for each unit computation and memory access operations. On the other hand, our VCBF definition does not rely on the random oracle model (this does not preclude the possibility of specific VCBFs operating in this model). Another impact of relying on the random oracle model is that it makes it harder to design an efficient verification algorithm as it “destroys” any algebraic structures between inputs and outputs.

We stress that a VCBF’s lower bound in memory bits accessed can be used to infer a lower bound in energy consumption, analogous to the motivation behind bandwidth-hard functions. E.g., considering an ASIC-based adversary with on-chip memory of size s bits (such as a hardware cache) a VCBF that guarantees to access \(m\) bits from main memory imposes a \(u(m-s)\) lower energy consumption, where u is the atomic cost for reading one bit from memory.

In a recent work [31], the first memory-hard VDF construction was proposed by combining a SNARK with a parallelizable prover with a memory-hard “sequential” function. Although this result is close in spirit with what a VCBF tries to achieve, we do not aim for an explicit time lower bound, whereas the memory-bound we achieve is strict without leaving room for time/space trade-offs, as explained above.

Proof of Space (PoSpace). PoSpace [7, 29, 53] extends memory-hard functions with efficient verification and adopts the graph pebbling framework and the random oracle model. The prover convinces a verifier that it consumed its space capacity to store data while allowing for efficient verification in both space and time. Like memory-hard functions, the PoSpace constructions can only guarantee a time/space trade-off, thus cannot enforce a space lower bound. Also, the security analysis is based on the heuristic (parallel) random oracle model.

Overview of Techniques. The main challenge in building a VCBF is finding a function that has a natural strict lower bound on the space necessary for evaluation while still allowing for efficient verification. Past works [2, 3, 5, 6, 15, 19, 21, 54] achieve the first property only on expectation (i.e., expected lower bound) by relying on assumptions such as the random oracle or ideal cipher. Hence, this approach fails to achieve a strict lower bound and makes it harder to achieve the second property as it dismantles structured relations between the function’s inputs and outputs that could be used for efficient verification.

In this work, we deviate from previous techniques significantly. To model the inability of an adaptive space-based adversary to compute an output without reading enough data from memory, we turn our attention to Kolmogorov complexity [40], which measures the complexity (in an absolute sense) of an object in terms of the minimum number of bits necessary to represent it. Kolmogorov complexity is viewed as a fundamental theory of computer science and has been shown connected with multiple areas in cryptography [41, 45, 56]. (The most recent work of Liu and Pass [41] proves the equivalence of a computational bounded version of the Kolmogorov complexity and the existence of one-way functions.) Somewhat more formally, the Kolmogorov complexity of object x is the minimum number of bits needed to represent any description \((\textsf{T},\alpha )\) where \(\textsf{T}\) is a Turing machine and \(\alpha \) is a string such that \(\textsf{T}(\alpha )\) outputs x. One can view \(\textsf{T}\) as an adaptive decompressing algorithm and \(\alpha \) as a “compression” computed adaptively from x. Based on this, our first observation is that if an algorithm depends on an object x (e.g., x could be the description of the algorithm itself or the algorithm’s input), then its execution cannot require reading fewer bits than the Kolmogorov complexity of x. In that sense, Kolmogorov complexity is the right tool for us; choosing a function with high Kolmogorov complexity readily provides an arguably loose bound for the minimum capacity of a VCBF even in the presence of an adaptive adversary that chooses its strategy (that determines how memory is read and organized) after the function is instatiated (see Sect. 1.1 for a discussion about adaptive security in the space setting).

On the other hand, when building our VCBF we need to identify a function that is amenable to verification; ideally, it should preserve an efficiently checkable (algebraic) relation between inputs and outputs. One candidate function is polynomial evaluation for single-variable polynomial \(f(X) \in \mathbb {F}_p[x]\) of degree \(d\) of the form \(f(X) = \sum ^{d}_{i =0} a_i \cdot x^{i}\). The good news is that there exist numerous works in the literature for verifiable polynomial evaluation (e.g., [30, 32, 48, 61]). In order to use such a scheme for a VCBF we need to ensure it is publicly verifiable (anyone can verify it using public parameters) and publicly delegatable (anyone can query it on an evaluation point). In our construction, we use the lightweight scheme of Elkhiyaoui et al. [30]. Its verification process requires a constant number of operations among a constant number of elliptic curve elements. This is important for us since we want VCBF to have verification capacity complexity sublinear in its evaluation’s minimum capacity. Using [30], the latter is \(O((d+1)\lambda )\) whereas the former is \(O(\lambda )\) (where \(\lambda \) is the security parameter), i.e., the gap is linear in the degree of the polynomial.

The “honest” way of evaluating polynomial f(X) is by reading its coefficients \(a_i\), so by fixing \(|(a_0,\dots ,a_d)| \ge m\) (where |x| denotes the bit length of x) one would hope to get a VCBF with minimum capacity \(m\). However, this is not the case as every polynomial has multiple alternative representations that an adversary may try to exploit in order to bypass the memory capacity bound. For example, all lists of the form \((x_0,\dots ,x_d)\), \((f(x_0),\dots ,f(x_d))\), for any choice of \(d+1\) distinct \(x_i\), completely determine the coefficients \((a_0, \ldots , a_d)\) of f(X) (by interpolating the points). Here is where Kolmogorov complexity comes in handy: The above evaluations and points together with a Turing machine that performs polynomial interpolation are a valid description, in terms of Kolmogorov complexity, of the coefficients \((a_0,\dots ,a_d)\). As a consequence, it cannot be significantly shorter than the Kolmogorov complexity \(C(a_0,\dots ,a_d)\) of the coefficients of the polynomial f(X) (Theorem 5).

What remains is to find a way to sample a polynomial f(X) with high Kolmogorov complexity. For any large-enough set, most of its elements have sufficiently high Kolmogorov complexity. Since this holds for arbitrary sets, sampling at random from a large-enough set of polynomials guarantees that the chosen polynomial is of high Kolmogorov complexity with high-enough probability.

As discussed above, many previous works inherently adopt non-standard models in their definitions to capture the fact that a function is memory-heavy (e.g., random-oracle, ideal cipher, or heuristic assumptions about graph pebbling). Instead, we want to base our security definition in the standard setting, and we regard our paper on VCBF as a foundational one. Our approach is to model adversaries as Turing machines that read (at most) a fixed number of distinct bits \(m\) (whose value is estimated using the Kolmogorov complexity) from a precomputed memory \(\tau \) of size \(n \ge m\) (Sect. 4). We stress that it is crucial to consider the memory of size n larger than \(m\) since an adversary can leverage a large memory to increase its advantage \(\epsilon \) while, at the same time, minimizing the number \(m\) of distinct bits it must read to answer a particular challenge (for example, it can store a large dictionary containing several evaluations of the polynomial f(X)). However, this introduces the new challenge of estimating the adversary’s advantage \(\epsilon \) with respect to the memory size n: A particularly challenging task when working in the standard model with black-box access to the adversary. In more detail, it is hard to provide a strict bound on the number of (partial) information that can be stored in a memory of size n since their space requirement highly depends on the precomputation strategy (e.g., the entropy of the precomputed values) and the encoding (e.g., memory organization, memory access patterns) that can be adaptively chosen by an adversary after some parameters are revealed (e.g., the object to compress). Still, we show that it is possible to give a positive, meaningful estimation of \(\epsilon \) and n when considering adversaries that perform a constant number \(v \in O(1)\) of random accesses (e.g., conditional jumps) in order to read discontinuous bits from memory. We discuss the formulation of our definition and our results in Sect. 4 and Sect. 5.1, respectively.

Summary of our Contributions. Our contributions in this work can be summarized as follows:

  1. 1.

    We build a cryptographic framework that combines the notion of Kolmogorov complexity and randomized Turing machines and use it to bound the minimum amount of bits required in order to evaluate a polynomial (Sect. 3).

  2. 2.

    We propose a formal definition of verifiable capacity-bound functions VCBFs that captures (a) a lower bound \(m\) on the number of bits read from memory (of bounded size) for evaluation (minimum capacity), (b) efficient verification of outputs with minimum capacity that is sublinear in \(m\) with respect to any malicious evaluator, and (c) soundness, i.e., no computationally bounded adversary can produce an incorrect output that passes verification (Sect. 4). We stress that the minimum capacity definition of VCBF (Sect. 4) significantly changes the perspective about how adversaries are usually modeled in cryptography. In our setting, the power of an adversary is solely dependent on the space it uses, i.e., the adversary has unbounded computational power, but it has limitations in the space it uses.Footnote 3 In a nutshell, an adversary is only limited to the size of available (precomputed) memory and the number of bits it reads from it. Considering space-only adversaries requires rethinking the meaning of adaptive security. As we will discuss next, adaptiveness refers to the ability of choosing the precomputation strategy (that sets the memory of the adversary) and the evaluation strategy (that sets the reading strategy during evaluation) after the VCBF’s public parameters (i.e., the coefficients of the polynomial) are revealed. To work with such a space adaptive setting, Kolmogorov Complexity is essential and succeeds where any other standard entropy measure fails (see Sect. 1.1 for a detailed discussion).

  3. 3.

    We propose the first VCBF construction that satisfies our definition, based on single-variable polynomial evaluation for polynomial \(f(X) \in \mathbb {F}_p[x]\) of degree \(d\). To achieve efficient verification, we employ the publicly verifiable and publicly delegatable verifiable computation scheme of [30]. For a target minimum capacity \(m \in O((d+1)\lambda )\), it suffices to set the size of the polynomial to \((d+ 1) \lambda \), where \(\lambda \) is the security parameter. Hence, to achieve large capacity bounds, we need to set \(d\gg \lambda \), e.g., \(d\in \varOmega (\lambda ^c)\) for \(c>1\) constant. On the other hand the capacity complexity of the verification is \(O(\lambda )\), i.e., independent of \(d\) hence verification remains efficient (Sect. 5).

  4. 4.

    In the full version of this work, we provide an estimation of the concrete parameters for our construction. For an elliptic curve group of order p of size 1024 bits, a polynomial of size 1 GB (\(d= 78.20\cdot 10^5 \approx \lambda ^{2.29}\)) guarantees a minimum capacity \(m\) of 0.82 GB, even with respect to an unbounded adversary that can spend an exponential amount of computational resources.

We stress that a target minimum capacity \(m\) of a VCBF is guaranteed only in the presence of adversaries with a limited memory size n. As explained, the estimation of n is a major challenge when working in the standard setting (this work). Along this line, we initiate a fine-grained study on the memory size n estimation according to the number v of adaptive random accesses performed by the adversary (denoted by the set \(\mathcal {A}^{v\text {-access}}\)). In particular, we prove (in the concrete setting) that the evaluation of a polynomial \(f(X) \in \mathbb {F}_p[x]\) guarantees a target capacity \(m\in O((d+1)\lambda )\) even if an adversary \(\textsf{A}\in \mathcal {A}^{1\text {-access}}\) has access to a memory whose size n is proportional to the cardinality of the input space of the polynomial f(X), i.e., super-polynomial. Our results can be extended to the asymptotic setting for the class \(\mathcal {A}^{O(1)\text {-access}}\) (Corollary 1). This result implies the security of our construction against adversarial strategies primarily used in practice (e.g., pre-computed dictionaries) or strategies executed on limited devices that have a bound on the number of random accesses (e.g., for energy efficiency) that they can perform. In Sect. 4 and Sect. 5.1, we discuss our results in more detail.

Regarding the larger class of adversaries \(\mathcal {A}^{\omega (1)\text {-access}}\), the minimum capacity of our polynomial-based VCBF construction deteriorates when n gets closer to \(d^{1+\delta }\lambda ^{1+o(1)}\) for a constant \(\delta > 0\). This is due to the work of Kedlaya and Umans [39]: They shows how to build a data structure D of size at most \(d^{1+\delta }\lambda ^{1+o(1)}\) (only from the coefficients of \(f(X) \in \mathbb {F}_p[x]\)) that allows them to evaluate f(X) over any of the points. This evaluation requires reading a non-constant number of elements from D (using \(\omega (1)\) random accesses) whose total size is at most \(O(\log (d)^{s_1}\lambda ^{s_2})\) for some positive \(s_1, s_2 \in O(1)\). Hence, the plain evaluation of a polynomial of degree \(d\) can not guarantee a minimum capacity of \(m\in \omega (\log (d)^{s_1}\lambda ^{s_2})\) when an adversary \(\textsf{A}\in \mathcal {A}^{\omega (1)\text {-access}}\) has access to a memory of size n, close to or greater than \(d^{1+\delta }\lambda ^{1+o(1)}\) (see Sect. 5.1 for more details).

1.1 Adaptive Security and Kolmogorov Complexity (vs. Selective Security and Other Entropy Measures)

Here, we provide an answer to two natural questions about the meaning of adaptive security (in the space setting) and Kolmogorov complexity. These points significantly differentiate the techniques used in this work from previous ones.

Adaptive Security in the Space Setting. In the standard computational time cryptographic setting, adaptive security refers to the ability of an adversary of changing its behavior according to the scheme’s parameters with the objective of increasing its advantage in breaking the scheme’s security. An example is the adaptive CCA security of public encryption in which an adversary wants to increase its advantage in distinguishing between two encryptions by adaptively choosing both the two challenge messages and the next query for the decryption oracle after seeing the public key and the answers received from previous decryption queries. The natural question we pose is “What does adaptive security mean for the minimum capacity definition of VCBF?”. To give a concrete answer to this question, it is necessary to rethink the meaning of adaptive security against adversaries whose power is measured by solely considering the memory used/read (as done in this work). Jumping ahead, the minimum capacity of VCBF (Sect. 4) guarantees that an adversary needs to read at least \(m\) bits from its memory \(\tau \) (of size n) when asked to correctly evaluate the function on a random point. This must hold even if the adversary is computationally unbounded, and it is allowed to generate/organize its memory \(\tau \) by precomputing the VCBF according to its parameters (i.e., polynomial). In such a setting, the objective of an adversary is to break the security of VCBF by minimizing the number of distinct bits \(m\) read from the precomputed memory. To achieve this, an adversary may think of changing its compression/precomputation strategy after the VCBF’s parameters (i.e., the polynomial coefficients) are revealed.Footnote 4 This is analogous to the CCA public key encryption example in which an adversary changes its two challenge messages after seeing the public key and the answers of the decryption oracle. To formally define the intuitive security of VCBF (i.e., a strict lower bound on the number \(m\) of distinct bits read), it is fundamental to cover adaptive space-based adversaries (as described above). Indeed, if an adversary can change its precomputation/compression strategy after seeing the VCBF’s parameters and reduce, for example, \(m\) by \(\log (\lambda )\) bits then the strict lower bound is not strict anymore. For this reason, the natural definition of minimum capacity (Definition 4) requires that the function remains secure for any possible space-based adversary sampled after the instantiation of VCBF, i.e., the precomputation and evaluation strategy (i.e., the memory and the bits read) of the adversary can depend on the VCBF itself. Such a model of adaptive security requires the usage of Kolmogorov complexity (see next).

Why Kolmogorov complexity? Conventional entropy measures (including Yao entropy that leverages the notion of compression and Shannon) consider the incompressibility of objects only on expectation. It implicitly means that the compression strategy does not depend on the object (i.e., our polynomial of our VCBF construction) sampled from a distribution. The typical example is on [35, Page 10] (quoting): “Consider the ensemble consisting of all binary strings of length 9999999999999999. By Shannon’s measure, we require 9999999999999999 bits on the average to encode a string in such an ensemble. However, the string consisting of 9999999999999999 1’s can be encoded in about 55 bits by expressing 9999999999999999 in binary and adding the repeated pattern 1”. Note that the above argument applies also to the Rényi family of entropies (e.g., min-entropy).Footnote 5 The Kolmogorov complexity overcomes these limitations by considering the worst-case scenario: It measures incompressibility in an absolute sense, i.e., the compression strategy can depend on the object. Hence, lower-bounds derived through Kolmogorov complexity are universal, and they do not hold only on expectation. Also, quoting [58]: “The Kolmogorov complexity of an object is a form of absolute information of the individual object. This is not possible to do by C.E. Shannon’s information theory. Unlike Kolmogorov complexity, information theory is only concerned with the average information of a random source”.

In the VCBF setting, these concepts translate into adaptive vs. selective security. Kolmogorov complexity allows us to bound the minimum capacity of VCBF in the adaptive setting in which the adversarial compression/precomputation strategy can depend on the VCBF’s parameters (this mimic the adversarial behavior of changing strategy after the parameters are revealed). As already discussed, this is fundamental in order to have strict (universal) lower bound on the number of bits \(m\) that an adversary needs to read to evaluate a VCBF. Adaptive security remains unachievable if we consider standard entropy measures: This is because Information Theory studies the average information in objects, i.e., compression/precomputation strategies are fixed before the object (i.e., polynomial) is revealed/sampled. Hence, Kolmogorov complexity remains a fundamental tool in order to deal with space-based adaptive security and, in turn, to prove the security of our polynomial-based VCBF.

1.2 Applications of VCBF 

Since VCBF can be seen as a space-analog of VDF, replacing minimum sequential steps with a minimum number of bits retrieved from memory, we believe they can find applications in various settings where memory usage needs to be enforced. In this direction, we describe how VCBF can be used as an energy-consumption function to achieve fairness among ASIC and CPU participants. We then briefly discuss other promising VCBF applications. We emphasize that the objective of this work is to lay the foundation for VCBFs, providing an initial study about publicly verifiable asymmetric memory/space hardness in the standard model. Naturally, depending on the application, ad-hoc properties and/or slightly different flavors of VCBF may be required, opening interesting directions for subsequent works.

Energy-Consumption Function. Juels and Brainard [37] proposed client-puzzles as a solution to mitigate denial of service attacks (the concept of cryptographic puzzles can be traced back to Merkle’s key exchange [43] and Dwork and Naor’s pricing function [27]). The general idea of such puzzles is to associate a cost to each resource allocation request by requiring the client to complete a task before the server performs any expensive operation, thus making large-scale attacks infeasible. Classic client-puzzles [8, 20, 22, 37, 57] will force adversaries to consume certain CPU cycles as the cost for attacks. However, state-of-the-art hash engines [14, 54] could be \(200,000\times \) faster and \(40,000\times \) more energy-efficient than a state-of-art multi-core CPU. Hence, denial-of-service attacks may still be feasible for ASIC-equipped adversaries, even when such client puzzles are deployed as counter-mechanisms.

Motivated by this, we propose to replace CPU cycles with alternative resources, i.e., energy consumption using a VCBF. Classic ASIC-resistant methods follow the memory-hard function approach, i.e., ensuring that solving the puzzle “costs” much memory. In this manner, the cost of manufacturing an ASIC for puzzle solving would increase proportionally to the chip area devoted to memory. However, as argued in [54], memory hardness only partially solves the problem since it does not address the energy aspect of ASIC advantage. Indeed, energy consumption can be more important than the one-shot ASIC manufacturing cost since the corresponding cost (due to electricity consumption) keeps accumulating with time. Hence, a function with a strict lower bound on energy consumption, due to off-chip memory accesses enforced via VCBF, could fill in a critical but often overlooked gap in ASIC resistance.

Our VCBF can be used as an energy-consumption function in the following protocol between a server S and a client C:

  • C contacts server S, requesting permission to use some service such as establishing TLS connection [24] or accepting an email [27].

  • S returns a fresh challenge x to the client C.

  • C evaluates VCBF f on x, and returns the output and proof \(\pi \) to S.

  • The server S verifies the correctness of f(x). If the verification succeeds, it allows C to use the service.

Jumping ahead, from Theorem 7, we can easily find a set of parameters so that an adversary needs to invest a sufficiently large amount of energy in computing the function. Observe that the client is required to compute the VCBF f on a (honest) challenge x chosen by the server. Another option is to allow the client to choose multiple challenges on its own as is usually done in client-puzzles. In this case, it is fundamental that f can not be amortized, i.e., the puzzle’s total energy-cost increases proportionally to the number of parallel evaluations (on different challenges) of f. We stress that this work does not study amortization but this is not an inherent limitation of VCBF as a primitive. Non-amortizable VCBFs can be studied in future works.

The above protocol can be extended to blockchain systems that support smart contracts. For example, a client C may be required to evaluate the VCBF f on input \(x = \textsf{H}(s, t)\) in order to trigger the execution of a smart contract S. Here, inside the hash function \(\textsf{H}\), we place s which is the current state of the smart contract and t a counter used to randomize the challenge \(x = \textsf{H}(s, t)\) (e.g., t is incremented after each invocation of the contract or after a block is mined).Footnote 6 In this way, an adversary is desisted from monopolizing the service offered by the smart contract S for specific malicious purposes. For instance, if the smart contract runs a decentralized auction system, the adversary will not be able to produce spamming bids to delay the acceptance of valid bids from competitors. We stress that efficient public verification is essential in blockchain systems since verifiers, that check the correctness of executions, have limited resources.

Real-Time Services (and VCBF vs. VDF). Although VCBF and VDF are both efficiently verifiable, there are applications in which VDFs can not be used, whereas VCBFs can. Consider a server S that offers a real-time service in which it is a requirement to receive requests within a precise time frame (e.g., within 1 minute). Clearly, using a VDF to block denial of service attacks is not an option since the time required to evaluate the VDF will delay all users’ requests and affect the quality of the real-time service. A concrete example is an auction service: Bids must be received before the end of the auction or within a given time frame. Hence, VCBFs offer a unique solution in scenarios in which creating a delay is not acceptable.

The Filecoin Network. Protocol Labs is working on Filecoin [51], a blockchain-based decentralized storage system that has gathered much visibility in the last few years (it raised over $250 million through an ICO in 2017). In Filecoin, miners earn coins by offering their storage to clients interested in storing and replicating files. The mining power in Filecoin is proportional to the active storage offered by a miner. Thanks to its public and capacity efficient verification, a VCBF can play an important role in improving proof of useful space (a fundamental primitive in the Filecoin protocol), i.e., a primitive that allows miners to prove that they are using a significant amount of space to store (multiple) files. In particular, Filecoin is interested in designing a proof of useful space in the cost model [44]. However, a common problem of proof of useful space constructions (e.g., [33]) is the possibility of trading space for computation: An evaluator may erase some data and reconstruct it on the fly when needed. A VCBF can tremendously improve proof of useful space by enforcing rationality during the computation when working in the cost model (e.g., by replacing the RO with a VCBF in graph-labeling based constructions). For example, the minimum capacity of VCBFs may increase the costs (e.g., energy consumption) of regeneration of the erased data. This encourages evaluators to store the data in its entirety. Also, the VCBF public verification does not introduce any additional cost to verifiers with minimal resources in terms of space and energy.

2 Preliminaries

Notation. We assume the reader to be familiar with standard cryptographic notation.

2.1 Publicly Verifiable Computation for Polynomial Evaluation

A publicly verifiable computation scheme (VC) for polynomial evaluation allows a client to outsource the computation of a polynomial f to an untrusted server. We are interested in VC schemes that are both publicly delegatable and publicly verifiable. The former allows any querier to submit input to the server, while the latter allows any verifier to check the computation’s correctness. Formally, a VC scheme for a family of polynomials \(\mathcal {F}\) with input space \(\mathcal {X}\) is composed of the following algorithms:

  • \(\textsf{Setup}(1^\lambda , f)\): Upon input the security parameter \(1^\lambda \) and a polynomial \(f \in \mathcal {F}\), the randomized setup algorithm returns the evaluation key \(\textsf{ek}_{f}\) and the verification key \(\textsf{vk}_{f}\) for the polynomial f.

  • \(\textsf{ProbGen}(\textsf{vk}_{f}, x)\): Upon input the verification key \(\textsf{vk}_{f}\) for a polynomial \(f \in \mathcal {F}\) and an input \(x\in \mathcal {X}\), the deterministic problem generation algorithm outputs an encoding \(\sigma _x\) and the verification key \(\textsf{vk}_{x}\) for the input x.

  • \(\textsf{Compute}(\textsf{ek}_{f}, \sigma _x)\): Upon input the evaluation key \(\textsf{ek}_{f}\) for a polynomial \(f \in \mathcal {F}\) and an encoding \(\sigma _x\) for input \(x \in \mathcal {X}\), the deterministic computation algorithm returns a value y and a proof \(\pi _y\).Footnote 7

  • \(\textsf{Verify}(\textsf{vk}_x, y, \pi _y)\): Upon input the verification key \(\textsf{vk}_x\) for an input \(x\in \mathcal {X}\), a value \(y \in \mathcal {Y}\), and a proof \(\pi _y\), the deterministic verification algorithm returns a decisional bit b.

Correctness of a publicly VC scheme captures the fact that an honest execution of the computation to evaluate a polynomial \(f \in \mathcal {F}\) on input \(x \in \mathcal {X}\) produces the correct output \(y = f(x)\) along with a proof \(\pi _y\) that correctly verifies. As for security, a malicious evaluator cannot convince an honest verifier that \(y^* \ne f(x^*)\) is the correct evaluation of \(f(x^*)\) on an arbitrary input \(x^*\in \mathcal {X}\) (soundness). For the formal definitions, we refer the reader to [30].

In this work, we are interested in single-variable polynomials \(f(X) \in \mathbb {F}_p[x]\) of degree \(d\) of the form \(f(X) = \sum ^{d}_{i =0} a_i \cdot x^{i}\). An example of such a VC scheme has been proposed by Elkhiyaoui et al. [30]. It uses an asymmetric bilinear pairing \(e:\mathbb {G}_1 \times \mathbb {G}_2 \rightarrow \mathbb {G}_T\) where \(\mathbb {G}_1, \mathbb {G}_2\), and \(\mathbb {G}_T\) are groups of prime order p, and its security follows from the \((d/2)\)-Strong Diffie-Hellman assumption (\((d/2)\)-SDH).

VC schemes allow verifiers to check the computation’s correctness more efficiently than the work required to evaluate the polynomial honestly. By leveraging the \((d/2)\)-SDH assumption, the publicly VC scheme proposed in [30] yields a constant time O(1) verification. This gives to our VCBF an efficient capacity verification when using the VC scheme of Elkhiyaoui et al. [30] (see Sect. 5.1).

2.2 Kolmogorov Complexity

The Kolmogorov complexity [40] aims to measure the complexity of objects in terms of the minimum amount of bits required to represent them. We say that \((\textsf{T}, \alpha )\) is a (possibly inefficient) description of a string \(x \in \{0,1\}^*\) (in terms of algorithmic complexity) if \(\textsf{T}(\alpha )=x\). We can look at \(\textsf{T}\) as a decoding algorithm and \(\alpha \in \{0,1\}^*\) as an encoding of x. The minimum amount of bits needed to represent a fixed bit string x is measured by the Kolmogorov complexity \(C_{\textsf{T}}(x)\). In more detail, the Kolmogorov complexity \(C_{\textsf{T}}(x)\) of a bit string \(x\in \{0,1\}^*\) with respect to a deterministic Turing machine \(\textsf{T}\) (called reference Turing machine) is defined as \(C_{\textsf{T}}(x) = \underset{\alpha \in \{0,1\}^*}{\text {min}}\{|\alpha | : \textsf{T}(\alpha ) = x\}\). Similarly, the conditional Kolmogorov complexity measures the complexity of x given some auxiliary information \(y\in \{0,1\}^*\), i.e., \( C_{\textsf{T}}(x | y) = \underset{\alpha \in \{0,1\}^*}{\text {min}}\{|\alpha | : \textsf{T}(\langle \alpha , y \rangle ) = x\}\) where \(\langle a,b \rangle \) denotes the self-delimiting coding of strings a and b.Footnote 8 The above definitions of Kolmogorov complexity are known as plain Kolmogorov complexity. The name comes from the fact that no constraints are put on the input \(\alpha \) of the Turing machine \(\textsf{T}\). Another type of complexity, called prefix-free Kolmogorov complexity [40, Sect. 3], focuses only on prefix-free programs, i.e., Turing machines that only take in input strings encoded in a prefix-free fashion. In this work, we focus on the plain version, and we refer the reader to [40, Sect. 3] for a more detailed discussion about the prefix-free version.

The definition of plain Kolmogorov complexity can be made independent from the reference Turing machine. Indeed, Turing machines are enumerable. The code of any Turing machine \(\textsf{T}\) can be interpreted as a binary string i.Footnote 9 Therefore, we can define a universal Turing machine \(\textsf{U}\) as \(\textsf{U}(i, \alpha ) = \textsf{T}_i(\alpha )\). In other words, \(\textsf{U}\) simulates all possible computations that Turing machines perform by taking in input \(\alpha \in \{0,1\}^*\) and the code i of the i-th Turing machine \(\textsf{T}_i\) and executes the computation \(\textsf{T}_i(\alpha )\). Based on this observation, it has been proved that the Kolmogorov complexity with respect to different Turing machines is invariant only up to a constant that depends on the reference Turing machine.

Theorem 1

(Invariance Theorem [40, Theorem 2.1.1]). There is a universal deterministic Turing machine \(\textsf{U}\) such that for any deterministic Turing machine \(\textsf{T}\), there is a constant \(c_{\textsf{T}}\) that only depends on \(\textsf{T}\), such that for any string \(x, y\in \{0,1\}^*\) we have \( C_{\textsf{U}}(x) \le C_{\textsf{T}}(x) + c_{\textsf{T}}\).Footnote 10

Since the choice of the reference Turing machine does not significantly change the Kolmogorov complexity of any string, we express the Kolmogorov complexity using the universal Turing machine \(\textsf{U}\) as a reference machine.

Definition 1

The Kolmogorov complexity of a string x is defined as \(C(x) {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\text {\tiny {def}}}}C_{\textsf{U}}(x)\) and \(C(x|y) {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\text {\tiny {def}}}}C_{\textsf{U}}(x|y)\) for the universal Turing machine \(\textsf{U}\).

It is fundamental to restrict the definition of Kolmogorov complexity to constant-size Turing machines in order to rule out any ambiguity. Indeed, as mentioned in [40, Sect. 2.1.4], by removing the size constraint of \(\textsf{T}\), it is possible to assign low complexity to any string by simply selecting a reference Turing machine with large complexity (i.e., hardcode the string into the code of the Turing machine). Still, the size constraint does not reduce the number of languages recognizable by a Turing machine. For example, it was shown the existence of a universal Turing machine with 15 states, 2 symbols, and 30 state-symbol product (transition function) [47, 60], with a polynomial slowdown of \(O(t^6)\).

String Incompressibility. A crucial notion derived from the Kolmogorov complexity is the incompressibility of a string [40, Definition 2.2.1] with respect to unbounded deterministic Turing machines.

Definition 2

(Deterministic c-incompressibility [40, Definition 2.2.1]). A string \(x \in \{0,1\}^*\) is c-DET-incompressible if \(C(x) \ge |x| - c\).

We will refer to the above definition as deterministic c-incompressibility (c-DET-incompressibility in short) since it covers deterministic Turing machines, i.e., the reference Turing machine of the Kolmogorov complexity is deterministic.

The following theorem provides a lower-bound on the number of c-DET-incompressible elements in a given set \(\mathcal {X}\).

Theorem 2

([40, Theorem 2.2.1]). Let \(c \ge 0\) be a positive constant. For each \(y \in \{0,1\}^*\), every finite set \(\mathcal {X}\) of cardinality m has at least \(m(1-2^{-c})+1\) elements \(x\in \mathcal {X}\) such that \(C(x|y)\ge \log (m) - c\).

By leveraging Theorem 2, we can easily calculate the probability of sampling a c-DET-incompressible string from \(\mathcal {X}\). The proof is deferred to full version.

Theorem 3

Let \(\mathcal {X}\) be a finite set of cardinality m, then the following probability holds: .

String Incompressibility in the Randomized Setting. In cryptography, we deal with randomized adversaries represented by randomized Turing machines. However, the c-DET-incompressibility only covers deterministic Turing machines since the reference Turing machine (used to measure the Kolmogorov complexity) is deterministic. Accordingly, we extend the notion of incompressibility to randomized Turing machines.

Definition 3

(Randomized \((c,{\ell _{rnd}})\)-incompressibility). A string \(x \in \{0,1\}^*\) is \((c,{\ell _{rnd}})\)-RND-incompressible if for all constant-size unbounded randomized Turing machine \(\textsf{T}\) with randomness space \(\{0,1\}^{\ell _{rnd}}\), for all \(r\in \{0,1\}^{\ell _{rnd}}\), and for all \(\alpha \in \{0,1\}^{|x| - c -1}\), we have \(\text {Pr}{[\textsf{T}(\alpha ;r) = x]} = 0\).

Naturally, there is an obvious connection between the two definitions of incompressibility. Indeed, the randomness of a randomized Turing machine can be seen as part of the input of a deterministic one. The following Theorem 4 reports the formal result, whose proof is deferred to full version.

Theorem 4

Let \(x \in \{0,1\}^*\) be a string. If x is c-DET-incompressible (Definition 2) then x is \((c', {\ell _{rnd}})\)-RND-incompressibile (Definition 3) where \(c' = c + {\ell _{rnd}}+ 2\log ({\ell _{rnd}}) + 1 + O(1)\).

The factor \({\ell _{rnd}}+ 2\log ({\ell _{rnd}}) +1\) is due to the need of using a self-delimiting \(\delta \)-encoding (Elias delta coding) to encode the randomness \(r\in \{0,1\}^{\ell _{rnd}}\). Also, the relation between the two incompressibility definitions is up to a constant O(1) because of the invariance theorem (Theorem 1), i.e., any equality holds up to a constant factor.

3 Kolmogorov-Bound for Polynomial Evaluation

At each evaluation, a VCBF scheme forces the evaluator to read at least \(m\) distinct bits from its main memory. To achieve this functionality, our construction leverages a single variable polynomial \(f(X) = \sum ^{d}_{i =0} a_i \cdot x^{i}\in \mathbb {F}_p[x]\) of degree \(d\). Intuitively, on receiving a challenge \(x \in \{0,1\}^{\ell _{in}}\), an honest evaluator needs to read the coefficients \((a_0, \ldots , a_d) \in \mathbb {F}^{d+1}_p\) that determine the polynomial f(X) in order to compute \(y = f(x)\). In this case, we obtain the desired functionality by setting \(|(a_0, \ldots , a_d)| \ge m\). However, a malicious evaluator may find an alternative strategy to compute \(y = f(x)\) and read fewer than \(m\) bits. In this section, we prove the lower bound on the number of bits read during the polynomial evaluation by leveraging the Kolmogorov complexity. Next, we provide some examples of strategies a malicious evaluator could adopt:

  1. 1.

    Compress the coefficients \((a_0, \ldots , a_d)\) into a smaller string \(\alpha \). In this way, the evaluator just needs to read \(\alpha \), decompress it into \((a_0, \ldots , a_d)\), and evaluate f(X) on the desired point x.

  2. 2.

    Precompute a dictionary \(T {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\text {\tiny {def}}}}(f(x_0), \ldots , f(x_n))\) composed of the evaluation of f(X) on points \((x_0, \ldots , x_n)\). By accessing T, the malicious evaluator can simply read and return \(y_i = f(x_i)\) if the challenge \(x_i\) is one of the precomputed points. In this case, the malicious evaluator reads only \(|y_i| \le |p| < m\).

  3. 3.

    Instead of storing \((a_0, \ldots , a_d)\), the evaluator may choose to store \(d+1\) arbitrary points \((x_0, \ldots , x_d)\), the corresponding evaluations \((f(x_0), \ldots , f(x_d))\), and the prime p. These pieces of information are enough to recover a via polynomial interpolation. As a result, if the expression of \((f(x_0), \ldots , f(x_d))\), the points \((x_0, \ldots , x_d)\) and the prime p could be effectively compressed, the evaluator will read fewer bits than expected when evaluating the polynomial.

To estimate the bits that an adversary/algorithm needs to read to evaluate f(X) correctly, we built a bridge between the Kolmogorov complexity and polynomial evaluation. Our approach is based on two main observations.

First, any string a (of appropriate size) can be encoded into \(f(X) = \sum ^{d}_{i =0} a_i \cdot x^{i}\) by setting its coefficients to different sub-portions of a. Let p be a prime of size \(\lambda +1\) bits. We can interpret a string \(a\in \{0,1\}^{(d+1)\lambda }\) as \(a= a_0||\ldots ||a_d\) where \(a_i \in \mathbb {F}_p\) (i.e., \(|a_i| \le \lambda < |p|\)) and use \((a_0, \ldots , a_d)\) as the coefficients of f(X).

Second, if algorithm \(\textsf{T}\) is able to compute \((f(x_0), \ldots , f(x_d))\) taking in input a string \(\alpha \) and the challenge \(d\) points \((x_0, \ldots , x_d)\), then \((\textsf{T}, \langle \alpha ,x_0,\ldots , x_d \rangle )\) is a valid description of \((f(x_0), \ldots , f(x_d))\). As explained in Item 3, the tuples \((f(x_0), \ldots , f(x_d))\), \((x_0, \ldots , x_d)\), and the prime p, are enough to reconstruct \((a_0, \ldots , a_d)\) (i.e., the prime’s size \(\lambda + 1\) guarantees the encoding is injective).

By combining the above two observations, we can easily lower bound the size of \(\alpha \) with the Kolmogorov complexity C(a) of a. In more detail, consider a Turing machine \(\textsf{T}'\) that first executes \(\textsf{T}(\alpha , x_0,\ldots , x_d)\) to compute \(f(x_0), \ldots , f(x_d)\), and then retrieves and return a via polynomial interpolation. This implies that \((\textsf{T}', \langle p, \alpha , x_0, \ldots , x_d \rangle )\) is a description of a. As a consequence, the size of \(\alpha \) (the string that \(\textsf{T}\) would read to compute \((f(x_0), \ldots , f(x_d))\)) cannot be too small and must be related to the complexity C(a) of a. Below, we provide the formal result whose proof is included in the full version of this work.

Theorem 5

(Kolmogorov-bound for (adaptive) Polynomial Evaluation). For any \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\), let \(a\in \{0,1\}^{(d+1)\lambda }\) be a binary string and p a prime of size \(\lambda +1\), respectively. Fix the polynomial \(f(X) = \sum ^{d}_{i =0} a_i \cdot x^{i}\in \mathbb {F}_p[x]\) of degree \(d\) with input space \(\{0,1\}^{\ell _{in}}\) where \(a=a_0 || \ldots || a_d\) and \(a_i \in \mathbb {F}_p\) for \(i \in [d]\). If a is \((c', {\ell _{rnd}})\)-RND-incompressible (Definition 3), then for every constant-size randomized unbounded Turing machine \(\textsf{T}\) with randomness space \(\{0,1\}^{\ell _{rnd}}\), every \(\alpha \in \{0,1\}^m\), every \(r\in \{0,1\}^{\ell _{rnd}}\), and every tuple \((x_0, \ldots , x_d)\) such that \(\underset{i\ne j}{\forall }\ i,j \in \{0,\ldots ,d\}\), \(x_i \ne x_j\) and \(x_i \in \{0,1\}^{\ell _{in}}\), we have \(\text {Pr}{[(f(x_0), \ldots , f(x_d)) = \textsf{T}(\alpha , x_0, \ldots , x_d; r)]} = 0\) where \(m= (d+1)(\lambda - {\ell _{in}}- 2\log ({\ell _{in}}) - 1) - c' - \lambda - 2\log ((d+1)\lambda -c') - 2\log (\lambda +1) -4\).

An alternative way to interpret Theorem 5 is that any possible description \((\textsf{T},\alpha )\) of f(X) is bigger than the parameter \(m\) (defined in Theorem 5). Also, note that Theorem 5 presents a loss factor that is proportional to \((d+1){\ell _{in}}\). This because each of the \(d+1\) points may be correlated with the coefficients of f(X) (i.e., each point \(x_i\) is equal to the first \({\ell _{in}}\) bits of \(a_i\)). The correlation may reduce the number of bits that must be read to compute the evaluations.

Lastly, we stress that Kolmogorov complexity permits us to prove Theorem 5 under the universal quantification of any \(d+ 1\) evaluation points and any adversarial strategy (i.e., any memory \(\alpha \) and evaluation strategy \(\textsf{T}\)) selected after the polynomial. This is essential in the adaptive space-based setting (Sect. 1.1) in which we want to estimate the size of information generated/read w.r.t. an arbitrary precomputation of the polynomial. Indeed, the precomputation adopted by an adversary may depend on both the polynomial and an arbitrary distribution of the evaluation points (e.g., dictionary attack). This aspect is fundamental to prove the adaptive security of our VCBF (see Sect. 4 and Sect. 5.1).

4 Definition of Verifiable Capacity-Bound Functions

A VCBF forces an evaluator to read at least \(m\) distinct bits from its main memory. Moreover, a VCBF does not permit to trade time for capacity, i.e., an evaluator is forced to read \(m\) distinct bits independently from its computational capabilities. As explained in [53], the number of off-chip memory accesses impacts the energy consumption of the machine. If the cache’s size is significantly smaller than m, evaluating the function requires significant resources. However, on the (honest) receiver’s side, the validity of the computation can be verified efficiently in terms of capacity.

Formally, a VCBF scheme \(\varPi \) with input space \(\{0,1\}^{\ell _{in}}\) is composed of the following polynomial-time algorithms:

  • \(\textsf{Setup}(1^\lambda , 1^k)\): Upon input the security parameter \(1^\lambda \) and the capacity parameter \(1^k\) (the capacity parameter \(1^k\) regulates the actual capacity cost, i.e., the number of bits read by the evaluator), the randomized setup algorithm returns the evaluation key \(\textsf{ek}\) and the verification key \(\textsf{vk}\).

  • \(\textsf{Eval}(\textsf{ek}, x)\): Upon input the evaluation key \(\textsf{ek}\) and an input \(x \in \{0,1\}^{\ell _{in}}\), the deterministic evaluation algorithm returns the output y and a proof \(\pi \). In the paper, we use the notation \(y = \textsf{Eval}(\textsf{ek}, x)\) (or simply \(\textsf{Eval}(\textsf{ek}, x)\)) to denote solely the output y.

  • \(\textsf{Verify}(\textsf{vk}, x, y, \pi )\): Upon input the verification key \(\textsf{vk}\), an input \(x \in \{0,1\}^{\ell _{in}}\), an output y, and a proof \(\pi \), the deterministic verification algorithm returns a decisional bit b.

Intuitively, a VCBF scheme is correct if the output of an honest execution of the evaluation algorithm is accepted by the verification algorithm. In addition, a VCBF scheme should satisfy the following three basic properties: minimum capacity, soundness and capacity efficient verification.

Adaptive Minimum Capacity. The name captures the scheme’s lower-bound on the number of distinct bits \(m\) that must be fetched from the main memory to evaluate the function. In more detail, on input a random challenge , the adversary \(\textsf{A}\) is asked to return the correct output \(y = \textsf{Eval}(\textsf{ek}, x)\) while reading at most \(m\) bits from its main memory. We assume the main memory of \(\textsf{A}\) is bounded since there is a strict relationship between the memory available and \(\textsf{A}\)’s advantage \(\epsilon \). Indeed, as discussed in Sect. 3, a viable adversarial strategy is to precompute a relatively large dictionary \(\tau = (\textsf{Eval}(\textsf{ek}, x_1), \ldots , \textsf{Eval}(\textsf{ek}, x_n))\) (stored in the main memory) and return \(\textsf{Eval}(\textsf{ek},x)\), if x has been precomputed and included into \(\tau \). A larger memory would allow the adversary to store more precomputed values \(\textsf{Eval}(\textsf{ek},x_i)\), thus increasing the probability of success.

More formally, let \(\tau \in \{0,1\}^n\) and \(x \in \{0,1\}^{{\ell _{in}}}\) be the binary string representing the memory of the adversary \(\textsf{A}\) and a challenge, respectively. We denote with \(\mathcal {I}_{\textsf{A}(\tau , x;r)} = \{i_1, i_2, \ldots , i_{n'}\}_{n' \le n}\) the ordered set of \(n'\) distinct indexes read by \(\textsf{A}\) during the computation of the output \(y = \textsf{A}(\tau , x;r)\) for the corresponding challenge x while having access to memory \(\tau \) and randomness \(r \in \{0,1\}^{\ell _{rnd}}\). Intuitively, on input the challenge x and randomness r, the adversary \(\textsf{A}\) fetches the binary string \(\tau _{x,r} = b_{i_1} || \ldots || b_{i_{n'}}\) from \(\tau \) (where \(b_i\) represents the i-th bit of \(\tau \) and \(\mathcal {I}_{\textsf{A}(\tau , x;r)} = \{i_1, i_2, \ldots , i_{n'}\}\)) and then compute the output y using the knowledge of \(\tau _{x,r}\), x, and r.Footnote 11 A VCBF scheme is secure in the adaptive setting if for any unbounded adversary sampled after VCBF’s instiantiation (i.e., execution of \(\textsf{Setup}\)) it is infeasible to compute the correct output \(\textsf{Eval}(\textsf{ek}, x) \ne y = \textsf{A}(\tau ,x;r)\) when reading \(|\mathcal {I}_{\textsf{A}(\tau , x;r)}| =m\) bits.Footnote 12

Definition 4

((Adaptive) Minimum Capacity of VCBF). Fix the keys . A VCBF scheme \(\varPi \) with input space \(\{0,1\}^{\ell _{in}}\) satisfies \((\epsilon ,m, {\ell _{rnd}}, n)\)-min-capacity with respect to keys \((\textsf{ek}, \textsf{vk})\) if for all constant-size unbounded randomized adversaries \(\textsf{A}\) with randomness space \(\{0,1\}^{\ell _{rnd}}\) and for all \(\tau \in \{0,1\}^n\), we have:

figure d

where .

Informally, Definition 4 states that if a VCBF scheme \(\varPi \) satisfies \((\epsilon ,m, {\ell _{rnd}}, n)\)-min-capacity then the only way for an (exponential time) adversary \(\textsf{A}\) to increase its advantage \(\epsilon \) is to either read more than \(m\) distinct bits or have access to a memory larger than n bits (e.g., by storing in the memory \(\tau \in \{0,1\}^n\) more precomputed values). This guarantees the impossibility of trading time for capacity.

Note that the evaluator must return the correct output \(y = \textsf{Eval}(\textsf{ek}, x)\) and not a verifying proof \(\pi \). The infeasibility of computing a verifying proof for a false output is defined by the soundness property (see next Definition 6). The choice of defining these two properties independently allows us to define them with respect to different settings, i.e., unbounded vs. computational adversaries. As mentioned above, defining adaptive minimum capacity in the unbounded setting is necessary to properly capture the absence of time/bits read trade-offs. See Remark 2 for more details.

Moreover, the definition captures the adaptive space-based setting described in Sect. 1.1. This is because the quantifiers of the security definition states that the VCBF remains secure for any memory \(\tau \) and adversary \(\textsf{A}\) both selected after the VCBF’s instantiation (i.e., \(\textsf{Setup}\) algorithm). Intuitively, each \(\tau \) (resp. \(\textsf{A}\)) represents an arbitrary precomputed memory (resp. arbitrary evaluation/reading strategy) that can depend on \(\textsf{ek}\) and \(\textsf{vk}\) (e.g., polynomial’s coefficients).

Relation between the memory size n and the advantage \(\epsilon \). Definition 4 is optimal in the sense that it does not put any constraint on the indexes \(\mathcal {I}_{\textsf{A}(\tau , x;r)}\) read by the adversary \(\textsf{A}\). This means that \(\textsf{A}\) can arbitrarily access its memory. For example, it may perform multiple random accesses to the memory \(\tau \), i.e., perform one or more conditional jumps into specific memory indexes to read different portions of the memory). Hence, one (or more) couple of progressive indexes \(\{i_j,i_{j+i}\} \subset \mathcal {I}_{\textsf{A}(\tau , x;r)}\) may be not consecutive (i.e., \(|i_j - i_{j+1}|>1\)).

The optimality of Definition 4 appears to be the primary (apparently insurmountable) obstacle when trying to relate the memory size n and the advantage \(\epsilon \). To retain an advantage \(\epsilon \), an adversary \(\textsf{A}\) may choose to store (in the memory) a precomputed data structure which contains (possibly partial) precomputed values, e.g., some evaluations \(y = \textsf{Eval}(\textsf{ek},x_i)\) of a subset of inputs \(\mathcal {X}\subset \{0,1\}^{\ell _{in}}\) (precomputed dictionary). However, the estimation of the memory size n (required to store the data structure) highly depends on what type of precomputation is performed (e.g., the entropy of the precomputed values, the algorithm used, etc.) and on the type of encoding and memory access strategy used by \(\textsf{A}\) when fetching the data from memory \(\tau \) to answer to an incoming challenge x. Unfortunately, this turned out to be a primary challenge when having block-box access to \(\textsf{A}\) and working in the standard setting (i.e., no oracles, no idealized functionalities, no ROM).

As a foundation paper of VCBF, we initiate a fine-grained study regarding the level of minimum capacity that can be achieved according to specific classes of adversaries. In particular, we provide a feasibility result showing (in the concrete setting) the meaningful relation between parameters \(\epsilon \) and n (using an information-theoretic approach) when dealing with the smaller class of adversaries \(\mathcal {A}^{1\text {-access}}\). Such a class is composed by all the adversaries that perform exactly one (adaptive) random access to the memory \(\tau \), i.e., on input the memory \(\tau \in \{0,1\}^n\), the challenge \(x\in \{0,1\}^{\ell _{in}}\), and randomness \(r\in \{0,1\}^n\), an adversary \(\textsf{A}\in \mathcal {A}^{1\text {-access}}\) adaptively jumps to an index \(i \in [n-m+1]\) (memory location) and reads \(m\) consecutive indexes. Formally, when dealing with \(\textsf{A}\in \mathcal {A}^{1\text {-access}}\), the indexes \(\mathcal {I}_{\textsf{A}(\tau , x;r)} = \{i_1, \ldots , i_m\}\) read by \(\textsf{A}\) are consecutive, i.e., \(i_j + 1 = i_{j+1}\) for \(j \in [m- 1]\).Footnote 13 Observe that in \(\mathcal {A}^{1\text {-access}}\) we can identify several adversarial strategies used mainly in practice, e.g., precomputed dictionary attacks or any rainbow table technique that leverages a single adaptive random access.

As we will see during the security analysis of our construction (Sect. 5.1), by restricting the adversaries to the ones of the class \(\mathcal {A}^{1\text {-access}}\), we can use a counting argument to concretely estimate the memory size n that an adversary \(\textsf{A}\in \mathcal {A}^{1\text {-access}}\) requires in order to retain a fixed advantage \(\epsilon \). For completeness, we also include the results regarding the class \(\mathcal {A}^{v\text {-access}}\) for \(1 \le v \le m\), i.e., adversaries that perform exactly v (adaptive) random access to the memory (observe that Definition 4 coincides with Definition 5 when \(\mathcal {A}= \bigcup ^m_{i = 1} \mathcal {A}^{i\text {-access}}\)). However, due to the limited power of counting arguments, the memory size estimation n presents an exponential loss proportional to the number v of random accesses that \(\textsf{A}\in \mathcal {A}^{v\text {-access}}\) performs. In any case, this is enough to show that there exists a VCBF that satisfies \((\textsf{negl}, O((d+1)\lambda ), o((d+1)\lambda ), \omega (\lambda ^s))\)-min-capacity (in the asymptotic setting) with respect to the class of adversaries \(\mathcal {A}^{O(1)\text {-access}}\) for every positive constant s. Regarding \(\mathcal {A}^{\omega (1)\text {-access}}\), the minimum capacity of our construction remains unclear. What we know is that the evaluation of a polynomial can not satisfy minimum capacity for \(\epsilon \in \textsf{negl}\) and \(m\in \omega (\log (d)^{s_1}\lambda ^{s_2})\) (for some positive \(s_1,s_2 \in O(1)\)) when n is close to or greater than \(d^{1+\delta } \lambda ^{1+o(1)}\) (for a constant \(\delta >0\)) because of the efficient data structure for polynomial evaluation of Kedlaya and Umans [39] (see Sect. 5.1). We now provide the formal security definition of minimum capacity with respect to a specific class of adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\).

Definition 5

(\(\mathcal {A}\)-class (adaptive) minimum capacity of VCBF). A VCBF scheme \(\varPi \) with input space \(\{0,1\}^{\ell _{in}}\) satisfies \((\epsilon ,m, {\ell _{rnd}}, n)\)-min-capacity with respect to the class of adversaries \(\mathcal {A}\) if \(\varPi \) satisfies \((\epsilon ,m, {\ell _{rnd}}, n)\)-min-capacity of Definition 4 where \(\textsf{A}\) is sampled from \(\mathcal {A}\).

Remark 1

The Definitions 4 and 5 give robust guarantees in terms of capacity (according to the corresponding class of adversaries). For example, they consider unbounded adversaries and the minimum capacity must hold for every possible adversary \(\textsf{A}\) and memory \(\tau \) after the instantiation of the scheme (execution of the setup algorithm). This corresponds to the adaptive space-based security setting described in Sect. 1.1. Also, there is a more fundamental aspect to consider regarding Definitions 4 and 5: They do not rely on any heuristic assumptions, such as the Random Oracle (RO) or the Ideal Cipher [21], to measure the number of read bits. In fact, previous definitions of bandwidth-hard or memory-hard functions [2,3,4,5,6, 15, 19, 21, 54] do not directly measure the bits read by the evaluator. Instead, those models only calculate the number of the random oracle queries for each step. Therefore, the gap between RO queries and the actual number of bits read by the evaluator is artificially ignored in previous models. Finally, we stress that both RO and Ideal Cipher definitions neglect (and do not take into account) the adversary’s strategy in organizing and accessing specific portions of the memory: A fundamental aspect that needs to be considered when proving specific concrete memory bounds (in the standard model) for VCBFs.

Soundness. Soundness captures the infeasibility of convincing the verifier that \(y^* \ne \textsf{Eval}(\textsf{ek},x)\) is the correct output of the computation. In more detail, it is infeasible for a malicious evaluator to compute a triple \((x^*, y^*, \pi ^*)\) that verifies successfully, but \(y^*\) is not the correct output of the computation. Soundness is also fundamental to enforce the \((\epsilon ,m, {\ell _{rnd}}, n)\)-min-capacity (Definitions 4 and 5) of a VCBF scheme. For example, if soundness does not hold, a malicious evaluator can deceive the verifier by returning a proof \(\pi ^*\) and an output \(y^* \ne \textsf{Eval}(\textsf{ek}, x)\) such that \(\textsf{Verify}(\textsf{vk}, x, y^*, \pi ^*) = 1\). In this case, the energy consumption is not guaranteed since the value \(y^*\) is incorrect and may have been computed without fetching any bit from the main memory.

Definition 6

(Soundness of VCBF). A VCBF scheme \(\varPi \) with input space \(\{0,1\}^{\ell _{in}}\) is \((\epsilon )\)-sound if for all PPT adversary \(\textsf{A}\) we have:

figure f

Remark 2

(On the combination of minimum capacity and soundness). Formalizing adaptive minimum capacity (Definitions 4 and 5) and soundness (Definition 6) separately allows us to define these notions with respect to two distinct settings, i.e., unbounded adversaries vs. computational bounded adversaries. In turn, minimum capacity with respect to unbounded adversaries is fundamental to capturing the (concrete) strict lower bound on the number of distinct bits guaranteed by a VCBF. This is because the unbounded setting guarantees that the lower bound must be satisfied independently of the running time of the adversary, i.e., trading time for bits read is infeasible. Observe that the computational bounded version of minimum capacity does not guarantee the absence of a time/bits read trade-off. For example, a VCBF presenting an exponential trade-off (e.g., a PPT adversary can choose not to read a few bits at the cost of doubling its running time) may satisfy, asymptotically speaking, computational minimum capacity. However, the concrete lower bound would not be strict since the adversary can play with the gap allowed by the trade-off (this is not allowed when considering minimum capacity w.r.t unbounded adversaries as in our results). This is problematic when the VCBF is instantiated in practice since it makes the capacity bound less clear. For this reason, we chose to formalize these notions separately instead of being combined into a single one with respect to computational bounded adversaries. Naturally, since we consider computational soundness, the final security of the VCBF holds only against computationally bounded adversaries (unless we drop the VCBF’s efficient verification). Still, we emphasize once again that unbounded minimum capacity is fundamental since it guarantees the absence of a trade-off with which the (computationally bounded) adversary could play with. Lastly, it may seem that another natural approach is to combine minimum capacity and soundness into a single definition that considers unbounded adversaries. Unfortunately, this is not possible since a VCBF that has a capacity efficient verification (see next Definition 7) cannot satisfy, at the same time, both minimum capacity and soundness with respect to unbounded adversaries (soundness with respect to unbounded adversaries is also known as perfect soundness, i.e., it does not exist a valid proof for a false statement/output). This is because an exponential adversary always exists that brute-forces all pairs of proofs and outputs until it finds the one that verifies. By leveraging perfect soundness, the adversary is guaranteed that the corresponding output is the correct VCBF’s evaluation. This attack only requires reading the VCBF’s verification key \(\textsf{vk}\), whose size must be sublinear in the VCBF’s minimum capacity \(m\). This is required to satisfy capacity efficient verification (see next Definition 7).

Capacity Efficient Verification. The resource considered by VCBFs is the capacity since an evaluator is forced to read \(m\) distinct bits from its main memory. The verifier, on the other hand, should not have the same workload. For this reason, we require a VCBF scheme \(\varPi \) to be efficiently verifiable:

Definition 7

(Capacity Efficient Verification of VCBF). If \(\varPi \) satisfies \((\epsilon ,m, {\ell _{rnd}}, n)\)-min-capacity (either Definition 4 or Definition 5) then an honest execution of the verification algorithm requires at most fetching \(o(m)\) bits from the memory (i.e., sublinear in \(m\)).Footnote 14

In particular, in this work, the capacity parameter is of the form \(m\in O((d+1)\lambda )\) where \(d\) is the degree of a polynomial \(f(X) = \sum ^{d}_{i =0} a_i \cdot x^{i}\in \mathbb {F}_p[x]\) and \(\lambda +1\) is the size of the prime p. As we will see, to reach high capacities (such as GB or even TB), for a fixed \(\lambda \) we will have to set \(d\in O(\lambda ^c)\) for a constant \(c \ge 1\). Nevertheless, the verification will be independent of \(d\) by leveraging the publicly VC scheme of Elkhiyaoui et al. [30]. Hence, we will obtain at least \(O(\lambda ^{c+1})\) of min-capacity for the evaluation, and at most \(O(\lambda )\) of min-capacity for the verification (see Sect. 5.1).Footnote 15

On Energy Consumption. A motivation for VCBFs is ASIC resistance. State-of-the-art hash engines [14, 54] could be \(200,000\times \) faster and \(40,000\times \) more energy efficient than multi-core CPUs. However, the energy consumption for off-chip memory accesses is similar for CPUs and ASICs [54]. If we assume the ASIC can hardcode only s bits, min-capacity guarantees that the ASIC will transfer at least \(m-s\) bits from the external memory during the evaluation. If the energy cost is u nJ per bit for external memory accesses, the evaluation of the VCBF costs at least \(u(m-s)\) nJ.

5 VCBF from VC for Polynomial Evaluation

In this section we show how to build a VCBF from VC for polynomial evaluation.

Construction 1

Let \(\mathcal {F}_{\lambda ,d,p} = \{f_a(X) = \sum ^{d}_{i =0} a_i \cdot x^{i}\mod p\}_{a \in \{0,1\}^{(d+1)\lambda }}\) be an ensemble of polynomials where \(a = a_{0} || \ldots || a_{d} \), \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\), \(d\in \mathbb {N}\), and p is a prime of \(\lambda +1\) bits. Let \(\textsf{VC}= (\textsf{Setup}_\textsf{VC}, \textsf{ProbGen}_\textsf{VC}, \textsf{Compute}_\textsf{VC}, \textsf{Verify}_\textsf{VC})\) be a publicly VC scheme for the class \(\mathcal {F}_{\lambda , d, p}\). We build a VCBF scheme with input space \(\{0,1\}^{{\ell _{in}}}\) in the following way:

  • \(\textsf{Setup}(1^\lambda , 1^k)\): Without loss of generality, we assume \(k= (d+1)\lambda \). On input the security parameter \(1^\lambda \) and the capacity parameter \(1^k\), the setup algorithm samples where \(|a_i| = \lambda \) for \(i \in \{0,\ldots ,d\}\). Then, it outputs the evaluation key \(\textsf{ek}= (\textsf{ek}_{f_a}, \textsf{vk}_{f_a})\) and the verification key \(\textsf{vk}= \textsf{vk}_{f_a}\) where and \(f_{a} \in \mathcal {F}_{\lambda ,d,p}\).

  • \(\textsf{Eval}(\textsf{ek}, x)\): On input the evaluation key \(\textsf{ek}= (\textsf{ek}_{f_a}, \textsf{vk}_{f_a})\) and an input \(x\in \{0,1\}^{\ell _{in}}\), the evaluation algorithm returns \((y, \pi ) = \textsf{Compute}_\textsf{VC}(\textsf{ek}_{f_a}, \sigma _x)\) where \((\sigma _x, \textsf{vk}_x) = \textsf{ProbGen}_\textsf{VC}(\textsf{vk}_{f_a},x)\).

  • \(\textsf{Verify}(\textsf{vk}, x, y, \pi )\): On input the verification key \(\textsf{vk}= \textsf{vk}_{f_a}\), an input \(x\in \{0,1\}^{\ell _{in}}\), an output \(y \in \mathcal {Y}\), and a proof \(\pi \), the verification algorithm returns \(b = \textsf{Verify}_\textsf{VC}(\textsf{vk}_x, y, \pi )\) where \((\sigma _x, \textsf{vk}_x) = \textsf{ProbGen}_\textsf{VC}(\textsf{vk}_{f_a}, x)\).

In this scheme, honest evaluators need to read at least \(k=(d+1)\lambda \) bits to load all the coefficients of the polynomial regardless of the cost of generating the proof \(\pi \). Correctness follows directly from the correctness of the underlying schemes. For security and verification complexity, we establish the following results.

5.1 Security Analysis

The soundness is trivial. It simply follows from the \((\epsilon )\)-soundness of \(\textsf{VC}\) (see [30] for the formal definition of soundness for VC).

Theorem 6

(Soundness). If \(\textsf{VC}\) is \((\epsilon )\)-sound, then the VCBF scheme \(\varPi \) of Construction 1 with input space \(\{0,1\}^{{\ell _{in}}}\) is \((\epsilon )\)-sound (Definition 6).

Next, we show the level of minimum capacity that our VCBF scheme \(\varPi \) of Construction 1 satisfies with respect to the class of adversaries \(\mathcal {A}^{v\text {-access}}\) (Definition 5) for \(1 \le v \le m\). This is formalized by Corollary 7 whose proof is deferred to full version. At high level, the proof is divided into two parts.

First, we prove that Construction 1 satisfies an alternative definition of minimum capacity dubbed decomposed minimum capacity. This definition is identical to Definition 4 except that the memory \(\tau \) is decomposed into n distinct strings \((\tau _1, \ldots , \tau _n)\) such that \(\tau _i \in \{0,1\}^m\) for \(i \in [n]\) (intuitively, each \(\tau _i\) represents one possible string of length \(m\) that the adversary can read and interpret from its main memory, i.e., \((\tau _1, \ldots , \tau _n)\) is the decomposition of the main memory). Then, the adversary succeeds if there exists \(i \in [n]\) such that \(y = \textsf{A}(\tau _i, x ; r_i)\) where and . By leveraging Theorem 5, for each string \(\tau _i \in \{0,1\}^m\), the adversary can compute at most \(d\) distinct points \(x\in \{0,1\}^{\ell _{in}}\) under the condition that the coefficients \((a_0, \ldots , a_d)\) of the polynomial \(f_a(X) \in \mathcal {F}_{\lambda ,d,p}\) are RND-incompressible.Footnote 16

Second, we show that any VCBF that satisfies decomposed minimum capacity w.r.t. \(n-m+1\) strings \((\tau _1, \ldots , \tau _{n-m+1})\) (each of length \(m\)), also satisfies \((\epsilon , m, {\ell _{rnd}}, n)\)-min-capacity (the standard definition) with respect to the class of adversaries \(\mathcal {A}^{1\text {-access}}\) (Definition 5). The result follows by using a counting argument: An adversary \(\textsf{A}\in \mathcal {A}^{1\text {-access}}\) with access to memory \(\tau \) of length n can read at most \(n - m+ 1\) different strings each of length \(m\). This argument can be generalized for each class \(\mathcal {A}^{v\text {-access}}\) for \(1\le v \le m\). Unfortunately, due to the limited power of counting arguments, the memory size n presents an exponential loss proportional to v.

Theorem 7

(\(\mathcal {A}^{v\text {-access}}\)-class (adaptive) minimum capacity). Let \(v \in \mathbb {N}\) and \(\varPi \) be a VCBF scheme with input space \(\{0,1\}^{{\ell _{in}}}\). Fix the keys . The VCBF scheme \(\varPi \) of Construction 1 with input space \(\{0,1\}^{{\ell _{in}}}\) satisfies \((\epsilon , m, {\ell _{rnd}}, n)\)-min-capacity with respect to the class of adversaries \(\mathcal {A}^{v\text {-access}}\) and keys \((\textsf{ek}, \textsf{vk})\) (Definition 5) where \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}, d\in \mathbb {N}, c \in \mathbb {N}, \epsilon _1 \in [0,1]\),

$$\begin{aligned} m&= (d+1)(\lambda - {\ell _{in}}- 2\log ({\ell _{in}}) - 1) - c' \\&\qquad - \lambda - 2\log ((d+1)\lambda -c') - 2\log (\lambda +1) -4,\\ c'&= c + {\ell _{rnd}}+ 2\log ({\ell _{rnd}}) + 1 + O(1), \\ \epsilon&= \epsilon _1 + \frac{d+1}{2^{\ell _{in}}} + \frac{1}{2^c} - \frac{1}{2^{(d+1)\lambda }},\\ n&= {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} m+ \frac{\epsilon _1 \cdot 2^{\ell _{in}}}{d} &{} \text {if v = 1} \\ \root v \of {\left( \frac{\epsilon _1 \cdot 2^{\ell _{in}}}{d} + 1\right) /\left( v!\left( \frac{m-1}{v-1}\right) ^{v-1}\right) }\cdot v &{} \text {if } 1 < v \le m. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

Recall that in the class of adversaries \(\mathcal {A}^{1\text {-access}}\) we find common adversarial strategies (primarily used in practice) such as precomputed dictionary attacks (e.g., ordered dictionary in which the x-th evaluation f(x) is stored at the x-th offset) or limited devices that are hindered from performing non-constant random accesses (e.g., for energy efficiency). Also, we stress that, if we consider memories of size \(n = m\), our Construction 1 satisfies \((\epsilon ,m, {\ell _{rnd}}, m)\)-min-capacity with respect to the optimal Definition 4 (i.e., security against adversaries that arbitrarly access its memory) where \(\epsilon = \frac{d+1}{2^{\ell _{in}}} + \frac{1}{2^c} - \frac{1}{2^{(d+1)\lambda }}\). This because \(\tau \in \{0,1\}^m\) only allows an adversary to answer to at most \(d\) points (Theorem 5).

The following asymptotic Corollary 1 shows that a secure VCBF exists (in the standard model) with respect to the class of adversary \(\mathcal {A}^{O(1)\text {-access}}\). We stress that this must be interpreted as a purely theoretical result showing the feasibility of VCBF since the constants hidden by the asymptotic notation are large.

Corollary 1

For any \(\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\) and \(k= (d+1)\lambda \in \mathbb {N}\) such that \(d\in \mathbb {N}\), there exists a VCBF that satisfies \((\textsf{negl}, O((d+1)\lambda ), o((d+1)\lambda ), \omega (\lambda ^s))\)-min-capacity with respect to the class of adversaries \(\mathcal {A}^{O(1)\text {-access}}\) for every constant \(s\ge 1\).Footnote 17

Verification Complexity. Corollary 1 shows that an evaluator needs to read at least \(O((d+1)\lambda )\) distinct bits from its main memory. We now analyze the verifier capacity complexity. By inspecting Construction 1, we observe that the capacity complexity of \(\textsf{Verify}\) coincides with the ones of algorithms \(\textsf{ProbGen}_\textsf{VC}\) and \(\textsf{Verify}_\textsf{VC}\) of the underlying VC scheme. Therefore, we must consider a concrete instantiation of the VC scheme. For this reason, we measured the efficiency of our VCBF with respect to the VC scheme of Elkhiyaoui et al. [30] that uses an asymmetric bilinear pairing \(e:\mathbb {G}_1 \times \mathbb {G}_2 \rightarrow \mathbb {G}_T\) in which the \((d/2)\)-SDH assumption holds. The execution of \(\textsf{ProbGen}_\textsf{VC}(\textsf{vk}_f, x)\) computes and returns \(\textsf{vk}_x = (\textsf{vk}^0_{x}, \textsf{vk}^1_{x}) = (g_{b_0}\cdot g^{x^2}, h_{r_1}^x \cdot h_{r_0})\) and \(\sigma _x=x\), where \(\textsf{vk}_f = (g_{b_0}, h_{r_1}, h_{r_0}) \in \mathbb {G}_1 \times \mathbb {G}_2 \times \mathbb {G}_2\), \(x \in \mathbb {F}_p\), and g the generator of \(\mathbb {G}_1\) (observe that the size of the verification key \(\textsf{vk}_f\) is \(O(\lambda )\), i.e., does not depend on the degree \(d\) of the polynomial). Moreover, \(\textsf{Verify}_\textsf{VC}(\textsf{vk}_x, y, \pi _y)\) verifies the correctness of the computation by checking the equality \(e(g,h^y) {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\small ?}} e(\textsf{vk}^0_x, \pi _y) \cdot e(g, \textsf{vk}^1_x)\), where \(\textsf{vk}_x = (\textsf{vk}^0_x, \textsf{vk}^1_x)\) and h is a generator of \(\mathbb {G}_2\). Hence, in the worst case, the verification capacity complexity of our VCBF is \(O(\lambda ) \in o((d+1)\lambda )\), while the verification time is O(1) in the number of group operations. This is because the executions of \(\textsf{ProbGen}_\textsf{VC}\), \(\textsf{Verify}_\textsf{VC}\), and the sizes of \((\textsf{vk}_f, x, y, \pi _y)\) (that compose the inputs of \(\textsf{ProbGen}_\textsf{VC}\) and \(\textsf{Verify}_\textsf{VC}\)), are independent of the polynomial degree \(d\) in terms of both capacity and time.

Improve the Memory Size Bound. For \(v \in \omega (1)\), our VCBF construction needs to face the efficient data structure for polynomial evaluation of Kedlaya and Umans [39]. In particular, they show that, for any constant \(\delta > 0\), there exists a data structure D of size \(d^{1+\delta }\lambda ^{1+o(1)}\) that can be computed by preprocessing only the coefficients of \(f(X) \in \mathbb {F}_p[X]\). An evaluator in \(\mathcal {A}^{\omega (1)\text {-access}}\) can correctly evaluate f(x) on every \(x \in \{0,1\}^{\ell _{in}}\) in time \(\textsf{polylog}(d)\cdot \lambda ^{1+o(1)}\), performing a non-constant number of random accesses and reading at most \(\textsf{polylog}(d)\lambda ^{1+o(1)}\cdot w\) bits from D (with \(w \in O(\lambda )\) we denote bit size of the elements contained in D). Hence, our VCBF construction can not achieve \((\epsilon ,m,{\ell _{rnd}},n)\) for \(\epsilon \in \textsf{negl}\) and \(m\in \omega (\log (d)^{s_1}\lambda ^{s_2})\) (for some positive \(s_1,s_2 \in O(1)\)) when n is close to or greater than \(d^{1+\delta } \lambda ^{1+o(1)}\). The above observation poses the natural question of whether an asymptotic VCBF (in the \(\mathcal {A}^{\omega (1)\text {-access}}\) setting) that satisfies min-capacity for reasonably large \(m\) and n super-polynomial in \(\lambda \) as in Corollary 1 (i.e., n asymptotically larger than the size \(d^{1+\delta }\cdot \lambda ^{1+o(1)}\) of the data structure of Kedlaya and Umans [39]). The answer to the important question requires a non-trivial and precise study that can be undertake in future works.