
1 Introduction

Among the most celebrated aesthetic criteria in Graph Drawing we have: (i) planarity, (ii) orthogonality of the edges, (iii) unit length of the edges, and (iv) convexity of the faces. We focus on drawings in which all the above aesthetics are pursued at once. Namely, we study orthogonal drawings where the edges have length one and the faces are rectangular.

Throughout the paper, any considered graph drawing has the vertices mapped at distinct points of the plane. Orthogonal representations are a classic research topic in graph drawing. A rich body of literature is devoted to orthogonal drawings of planar [16, 21, 25, 50] and plane [14, 40, 41, 45, 46] graphs with the minimum number of bends in total or per edge [10, 32, 33]. An orthogonal drawing with no bend is a rectilinear drawing. Several papers address rectilinear drawings of planar [13, 24, 26, 29, 37, 38] and plane [20, 24, 43, 49] graphs. When all the faces of a rectilinear drawing have a rectangular shape the drawing is rectangular. Maximum degree-3 plane graphs admitting rectangular drawings were first characterized in [47, 48]. A linear-time algorithm to find a rectangular drawing of a maximum degree-3 plane graph, provided it exists, is described in [39] and extended to maximum degree-3 planar graphs in [42]. Surveys on rectangular drawings can be found in [23, 35, 36]. If only the internal faces are constrained to be rectangular, then the drawing is called inner-rectangular. In [34] it is shown that a plane graph G has an inner-rectangular drawing \(\varGamma \) if and only if a special bipartite graph constructed from G has a perfect matching. Also, \(\varGamma \) can be found in \(O(n^{1.5}/\log n)\) time if G has n vertices and a “sketch” of the outer face is prescribed, i.e., all the convex and concave outer vertices are prescribed.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Unit-length embedding-preserving rectangular drawings of a plane graph.

Computing straight-line drawings whose edges have constrained length is another core topic in graph drawing [1, 2, 4, 7, 12, 22, 44]. The graphs admitting planar straight-line drawings with all edges of the same length are also called matchstick graphs. Recognizing matchstick graphs is \(\textsf{NP}\)-hard for biconnected [22] and triconnected [12] graphs, and in fact, even strongly \(\exists \mathbb {R}\)-complete [1]; see also [44].

A unit-length grid drawing maps vertices to grid points and edges to horizontal or vertical segments of unit Euclidean length. A grid graph is a graph that admits a unit-length grid drawingFootnote 1. Recognizing grid graphs is \(\textsf{NP}\)-complete for ternary trees of pathwidth 3 [9], for binary trees [27], and for trees of pathwidth 2 [28], but solvable in polynomial time on graphs of pathwidth 1 [28]. An exponential-time algorithm to compute, for a given weighted planar graph, a rectilinear drawing in which the Euclidean length of each edge is equal to the edge weight has been presented in [7].

Let G be a planar graph. The Unit-length Inner-Rectangular Drawing Recognition (for short, UIR) problem asks whether a unit-length inner-rectangular drawing of G exists. Similarly, the Unit-length Rectangular Drawing Recognition (for short, UR) problem asks whether a unit-length rectangular drawing of G exists. Let now H be a plane or planar embedded (i.e., no outer face specified) graph. The Unit-length Inner-Rectangular Drawing Recognition with Fixed Embedding (for short, UIRFE) problem asks whether a unit-length inner-rectangular embedding-preserving drawing of H exists. Similarly, the Unit-length Rectangular Drawing Recognition with Fixed Embedding (for short, URFE) problem asks whether a unit-length rectangular embedding-preserving drawing of H exists; see Fig. 1.

Our Contribution. In Sect. 3 we show \(\textsf{NP}\)-completeness for the UIRFE and UIR problems when the input graph is biconnected, which is surprising since a biconnected graph has degrees of freedom that are more restricted than those of a tree. In Sect. 4 we provide a linear-time algorithm for the UIRFE and URFE problems if the drawing of the outer face is given. In Sect. 5 we first show that the URFE problem is cubic-time solvable; the time bound becomes linear if all internal faces of the input graph have maximum degree 6. These results hold both when the outer face is prescribed and when it is not. Second, we show a necessary condition for an instance of the UR problem to be positive in terms of its SPQR-tree. Exploiting the above condition, we show that the UR problem is cubic-time solvable; the running time becomes linear when the SPQR-tree of the input graph satisfies special conditions. Finally, as a by-product of our research, we provide the first polynomial-time algorithm to test whether a planar graph G admits a rectangular drawing, for general instances of maximum degree 4.

Missing details for the proofs of the statements marked with a \((\star )\) are given in [3].

2 Preliminaries

For basic graph drawing terminology and definitions refer, e.g., to [15, 35].

Fig. 2.
figure 2

(a) A planar rectilinear grid drawing of a graph. (b) A unit-length rectangular grid drawing of the same graph.

Drawings and Embeddings. Two planar drawings of a connected graph are planar equivalent if they induce the same counter-clockwise ordering of the edges incident to each vertex. Also, they are plane equivalent if they are planar equivalent and the clockwise order of the edges along the boundaries of their outer faces is the same. The equivalence classes of planar equivalent drawings are called planar embeddings, whereas the equivalence classes of plane equivalent drawings are called plane embeddings. A planar embedded graph is a planar graph equipped with one of its planar embeddings. Similarly, a plane graph is a planar graph equipped with one of its plane embeddings. Given a planar embedded (resp. plane) graph G and a planar (resp. plane) embedding \(\mathcal E\) of G, a planar drawing \(\varGamma \) of G is embedding-preserving if \(\varGamma \in \mathcal {E}\).

In a grid drawing, vertices are mapped to points with integer coordinates (i.e., grid points). A drawing of a graph in which all edges have unit Euclidean length is a unit-length drawing (see Fig. 2 for an example).

Observation 1

A unit-length grid drawing is rectilinear and planar.

Observation 2

A unit-length rectangular (or inner-rectangular) drawing is planar and it is a grid drawing, up to a rigid transformation.

The following simple property has been proved in [6, Lemma 1].

Property 1

Every cycle that admits a unit-length grid drawing has even length.

Since (inner) rectangular drawings exist only for maximum-degree-4 graphs, in the remainder, we assume that all considered graphs satisfy this requirement.

Connectivity. A biconnected component (or block) of a graph G is a maximal (in terms of vertices and edges) biconnected subgraph of G. A block is trivial if it consists of a single edge and non-trivial otherwise. A split pair of G is either a pair of adjacent vertices or a separation pair, i.e., a pair of vertices whose removal disconnects G. The components of G with respect to a split pair \(\{u,v\}\) are defined as follows. If (uv) is an edge of G, then it is a component of G with respect to \(\{u,v\}\). Also, let \(G_1,\dots ,G_k\) be the connected components of \(G{\setminus }\{u,v\}\). The subgraphs of G induced by \(V(G_i) \cup \{u,v\}\), minus the edge (uv), are components of G with respect to \(\{u,v\}\), for \(i=1,\dots ,k\). Due to space limitations, we refer the reader to  [3] and to [17, 18] for the definition of SPQR-tree.

3 NP-Completeness of the UIRFE and UIR Problems

In this section we show \(\textsf{NP}\)-completeness for both the UIRFE and UIR problems when the input graph is biconnected. We start with the following theorem.

Theorem 1

The UIRFE problem is \(\textsf{NP}\)-complete, even for biconnected plane graphs whose internal faces have maximum size 6.

Let \(\phi \) be a Boolean formula in conjunctive normal form with at most three literals in each clause. We denote by \(G_\phi \) the incidence graph of \(\phi \), i.e., the graph that has a vertex for each clause of \(\phi \), a vertex for each variable of \(\phi \), and an edge (cv) for each clause c that contains the positive literal v or the negated literal \(\overline{v}\). The formula \(\phi \) is an instance of Planar Monotone 3-SAT if \(G_\phi \) is planar and each clause of \(\phi \) is either positive or negative. A positive clause contains only positive literals, while a negative clause contains only negated literals. Hereafter, w.l.o.g., we assume that all the clauses of \(\phi \) contain exactly three literals.

A monotone rectilinear representation of \(G_\phi \) is a drawing that satisfies the following properties (refer to Fig. 3a). P1: Variables and clauses are represented by axis-aligned rectangles with the same height. P2: The bottom sides of all rectangles representing variables lie on the same horizontal line. P3: The rectangles representing positive (resp. negative) clauses lie above (resp. below) the rectangles representing variables. P4: Edges connecting variables and clauses are represented by vertical segments. P5: The drawing is crossing-free.

The Planar Monotone 3-SAT problem is known to be \(\textsf{NP}\)-complete, even when the incidence graph \(G_\phi \) of \(\phi \) is provided along with a monotone rectilinear representation \(\varGamma _\phi \) of \(G_\phi \) [8]. We prove Theorem 1 by showing how to construct a plane graph \(H_\phi \) that is biconnected, has internal faces of maximum size 6, and admits a unit-length inner-rectangular drawing if and only if \(\phi \) is satisfiable. Our strategy is to modify \(\varGamma _\phi \) to create a suitable auxiliary representation \(\varGamma ^*_\phi \) (see Fig. 3) and then to use the geometric information of \(\varGamma ^*_\phi \) as a blueprint to construct \(H_\phi \). Because of the lack of space, we describe in detail how to obtain \(\varGamma ^*_\phi \) from \(\varGamma _\phi \) and how to construct \(H_\phi \) in the full version [3]. We provide below a high-level description of the logic behind the reduction.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

(a) The monotone rectilinear representations \(\varGamma _\phi \) of \(G_\phi \). The rectangles representing variables and clauses are red, whereas the line segments and rectangles representing the edges of \(\phi \) are blue. (b) The auxiliary representation \(\varGamma ^*_\phi \). (Color figure online)

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The graph \(H_{\phi }\). Variable and clause gadgets are enclosed in light red boxes, while transmission gadgets are enclosed in light blue boxes. (Color figure online)

Overview of the Reduction. The reduction is based on three main types of gadgets. A variable \(v \in \phi \) is modeled by means of a variable gadget, a clause \(c \in \phi \) by means of an \((\alpha ,\beta )\)-clause gadget, and an edge \((v,c) \in G_\phi \) by means of a \(\lambda \)-transmission gadget. We use the geometric properties of \(\varGamma _\phi ^*\) to determine the size and structure of each gadget, as well as how to combine the gadgets together to form \(H_\phi \). The width and height of the rectangles representing variables, clauses, and edges are used to construct variable gadgets and to compute the auxiliary parameters \(\alpha \), \(\beta \) and \(\lambda \), which in turn are used to construct \((\alpha ,\beta )\)-clause gadgets and \(\lambda \)-transmission gadgets. Finally, the incidences between the rectangles are used to decide how to join the gadgets to construct a single connected graph.

An example of a unit-length inner-rectangular drawing of \(H_\phi \) is shown in Fig. 4; some faces of \(H_\phi \) are omitted. All these missing faces are part of domino components, which admit a constant number of unit-length inner-rectangular drawings, see Fig. 5; some of these faces are shown filled in white or blue in Fig. 4.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The unit-length grid drawings of the domino components. Domino component faces are filled blue (size 6) and white (size 4). (Color figure online)

Fig. 6.
figure 6

The variable gadget.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

In every unit-length inner-rectangular drawing of an \((\alpha ,\beta )\)-clause gadget, at least one L-shape domino component crosses the red rectangle. (Color figure online)

The logic behind the construction is as follows. A variable gadget admits two unit-length inner-rectangular drawings (see Fig. 6), which differ from each other on whether the domino components of the gadget stick out of the bottom or top side of the red enclosing rectangle, and correspond to a true/false assignment for the associated variable, respectively. The truth assignments are propagated from variable to clause gadgets via \(\lambda \)-transmission gadgets. A domino component sticking out of a variable gadget invades a transmission gadget, which causes a domino component at the other end of the transmission gadget to be directed towards the incident \((\alpha ,\beta )\)-clause gadget. The clause gadget is designed so that it admits a unit-length inner-rectangular drawing if and only if at least one of the extremal domino components of its three incident transmission gadgets is not directed towards it; this allows a domino component of the clause gadget to invade the transmission gadget and save space inside the clause gadget; see Fig. 7.

By showing that all the unit-length inner-rectangular drawings of \(H_\phi \) respect the same plane embedding, we prove the following theorem.

Theorem 2

(\(\star \)). The UIR problem is \(\textsf{NP}\)-complete, even for biconnected plane graphs whose internal faces have maximum size 6.

4 An Algorithm for the UIRFE and URFE Problems with a Prescribed Drawing of the Outer Face

Consider a connected instance of the UIRFE problem, i.e., an n-vertex connected plane graph G; let \(\mathcal E\) be the plane embedding prescribed for G. Let \(\varGamma _o\) be a unit-length grid drawing of the walk bounding the outer face \(f_o\) of \(\mathcal E\). W.l.o.g, assume that the smallest x- and y- coordinates of the vertices of \(\varGamma _o\) are equal to 0. Next, we describe an O(n)-time algorithm, called Rectangular-holes Algorithm, to decide whether G admits a unit-length inner-rectangular drawing that respects \(\mathcal E\) and in which the walk bounding \(f_o\) is represented by \(\varGamma _o\).

We first check whether each internal face of \(\mathcal E\) is bounded by a simple cycle of even length, as otherwise the instance is negative by Property 1. This can be trivially done in O(n) time. Consider the plane graph obtained from G by removing the bridges incident to the outer face and the resulting isolated vertices. A necessary condition for G to admit an inner-rectangular drawing is that the resulting graph contains no trivial block. This can be tested in O(n) time [30].

The algorithm processes the internal faces of G one at a time. When a face f is considered, the algorithm either detects that G is a negative instance or assigns x- and y- coordinates to all the vertices of f. In the latter case, we say that f is processed and its vertices are placed. Since the drawing of \(f_o\) is prescribed, at the beginning each vertex incident to \(f_o\) is placed, while the remaining vertices are not. Also, every internal face of \(\mathcal E\) is not processed. The algorithm concludes that the instance is negative if one of the following conditions holds: (C1) there is a placed vertex to which the algorithm tries to assign coordinates different from those already assigned to it, or (C2) there are two placed vertices with the same x-coordinate and the same y-coordinate. If neither Condition C1 nor C2 occurs, after processing all the internal faces the vertex placement provides a unit-length inner-rectangular drawing of the input instance.

To process faces, the algorithm maintains some auxiliary data structures:

  • A graph H, called the current graph, which is the subgraph of G composed of the vertices and of the edges incident to non-processed (internal) faces. Initially, we have \(H=G\). In particular, we will maintain the invariant that each biconnected component of H is non-trivial. We will also maintain the outer face of the restriction \(\mathcal E_H\) of \(\mathcal E\) to H, which we will still denote by \(f_o\).

  • An array A, called the current outer-sorter, that contains \(M_x+1\) buckets, each implemented as a double-linked list, where \(M_x\) is the largest x-coordinate of a vertex in \(\varGamma _o\). The bucket A[i] contains the placed vertices of H (i.e., those incident to the outer face of H) whose x-coordinate is equal to i. Moreover, A is equipped with the index \(x_{\text {min}}\) of the first non-empty bucket. To allow removals of vertices in O(1) time, we enrich each placed vertex with x-coordinate i with a pointer to the corresponding list-item in the list A[i].

  • A set of pointers for the edges of H: Each edge (uv) is equipped with two pointers \(\ell _{uv}\) and \(\ell _{vu}\), that reference the faces of \(\mathcal E\) lying to the left of (uv), when traversing such an edge from u to v and from v to u, respectively.

At each iteration the algorithm performs the following steps; see Fig. 8. Retrieve: It retrieves an internal face \(f^*\) with at least one vertex u with minimum x-coordinate (i.e., \(x_{\text {min}}\)) among the placed vertices of H; such a vertex is incident to the outer face of H. Draw: It assigns coordinates to all the vertices incident to \(f^*\) in such a way that \(f^*\) is drawn as a rectangle \(R^*\). Note that such a drawing is unique as the left side of \(R^*\) in any unit-length grid drawing of H with the given drawing of \(f_o\) coincides with the maximal path L containing u that is induced by all the placed vertices of \(f^*\) with x-coordinate equal to \(x_{\text {min}}\). Merge: It merges \(f^*\) with \(f_o\) by suitably changing the pointers of every edge incident to \(f^*\), and by removing each edge (uv) with pointers \(\ell _{uv} = \ell _{vu} = f_o\), as well as any resulting isolated vertex. Further, it updates A consequently. Note that, after the merge step, the outer face \(f_o\) of the new current graph H is completely drawn. This invariant is maintained through each iteration of the algorithm. In  [3], we describe each step in detail.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

A step of the Rectangular-holes Algorithm.

The proof of the next theorem exploits the Rectangular-holes Algorithm.

Theorem 3

(\(\star \)). The UIRFE and URFE problems are O(n)-time solvable for an n-vertex connected plane graph, if the drawing of the outer face is prescribed.

Since any unit-length grid drawing of a cycle with 4 or 6 vertices is a rectangle, the previous theorem implies the following result, which contrasts with the \(\textsf{NP}\)-hardness of Theorem 1, where the drawing of the outer face is not prescribed.

Corollary 1

The UIRFE problem is linear-time solvable if the drawing of the outer face is prescribed and all internal faces have maximum degree 6.

5 Algorithms for the URFE and UR Problems

In this section we study the UR problem. Since rectangular drawings are convex, the input graphs for the UR problem must be biconnected [19].

Fixed Embedding. We start by considering instances with either a prescribed plane embedding (Theorem 4) or a prescribed planar embedding (Theorem 5).

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Corner faces for the proof of Theorem 4.

Theorem 4

(\(\star \)).The URFE problem is cubic-time solvable for a plane graph G and it is linear-time solvable if all internal faces of G have maximum degree 6.

Proof (sketch)

To solve the problem in cubic time, we examine the quadratically-many drawings of the outer face \(f_o\), and invoke Theorem 3 for each of them.

Assume now that all internal faces have maximum degree 6. We efficiently determine O(1) possible rectangular drawings of \(f_o\) and then invoke Theorem 3 for each of them. If G is a 4-cycle or a 6-cycle, then the instance is trivially positive. Refer to Fig. 9. A double corner face is a degree-4 face with three edges incident to \(f_o\). A slim double corner face is a degree-6 face with five edges incident to \(f_o\). A fat double corner face is a degree-6 face with four edges incident to \(f_o\). Note that each of such faces must provide two consecutive \(270^\circ \) angles incident to \(f_0\). Hence, if G has at least one of the above faces, the drawing of \(f_o\) is prescribed, and hence Rectangular-holes Algorithm can be invoked.

Suppose now that none of the above cases holds. A corner face is a degree-4 (degree-6) face that has two (resp. three) edges incident to \(f_o\). Each corner face provides a \(270^\circ \) angle incident to any realization of \(f_0\) as a rectangle. Hence, there must be exactly four corner faces in order for G to be a positive instance. These faces can be computed in linear time, and determine O(1) possible drawings of the outer face on which we invoke Rectangular-holes Algorithm.    \(\square \)

By showing that any planar embedding has a unique candidate outer face supporting a unit-length rectangular drawing, we get the following.

Theorem 5

(\(\star \)). The URFE problem is cubic-time solvable for a planar embedded graph G, and it is linear-time solvable if all but at most one face of G have maximum degree 6.

Variable Embedding. Now, we turn our attention to instances with a variable embedding. We start by providing some relevant properties of the graphs that admit a rectangular (not necessarily unit-length or grid) drawing. Let G be one such graph. To avoid degenerate cases, in what follows, we assume that G is not a cycle (cfr. Property 1). Let \(\varGamma \) be a rectangular drawing of G and let \(\varGamma _o\) be the rectangle delimiting the outer face of \(\varGamma \). Refer to Fig. 10. Consider the plane graph \(G_\varGamma \) corresponding to \(\varGamma \). Since \(\varGamma \) is convex, then \(G_\varGamma \) is a subdivision of an internally triconnected plane graph [5, Theorem 1]. That is, every separation pair \(\{u, v\}\) of \(G_\varGamma \) is such that u and v are incident to the outer face and each connected component of \(G_\varGamma {\setminus } \{u, v\}\) contains a vertex incident to the outer face.

A caterpillar is a tree such that removing its leaves results in a path, called spine. The pruned SPQR-tree of a biconnected planar graph G, denoted by \(T^*\), is the tree obtained from the SPQR-tree T of G, after removing the Q-nodes of T.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

A rectangular unit-length grid drawing of a planar graph and its pruned SPQR-tree \(T^*\). S-, P-, and R-nodes are circles, rhombuses and squares, respectively. The subgraphs corresponding to S-nodes that are leaves of \(T^*\) are thick.

Lemma 1

(\(\star \)). Let G be a graph that admits a rectangular drawing. Then the pruned SPQR-tree \(T^*\) of G is a caterpillar with the following properties: (i) All its leaves are S-nodes; (ii) its spine contains no two adjacent R-nodes; (iii) its spine contains no two adjacent nodes \(\mu \) and \(\nu \), such that \(\mu \) is a P-node and \(\nu \) is an R-node; (iv) each P-node \(\mu \) has exactly 3 neighbors; and (v) the skeleton of each S-node of the spine of \(T^*\) contains two chains of virtual edges corresponding to Q-nodes, separated by two virtual edges each corresponding to either a P- or an R-node.

Proof (sketch)

Let \(\varGamma \) be a rectangular drawing of G and let \(\varGamma _o\) be the rectangle bounding the outer face of \(\varGamma \). By inspecting \(\varGamma \) “from left to right”, we argue about the structure of \(T^*\), which ultimately leads to prove the statement of the lemma; refer to Fig. 10. At each point of the inspection, \(T^*\) will be a caterpillar whose spine does not have a P-node as an end-point. Also, a leaf will be denoted as active and will be used as an attachment endpoint to extend \(T^*\).

Let \(S = [\{u_1,v_1\},\{u_2,v_2\},\dots ,\{u_k,v_k\}]\) be the separation pairs of G such that both \(u_i\) and \(v_i\) lie on opposite sides of \(\varGamma _o\), have degree 3, and share the same x-coordinate, for \(i=1,\dots ,k\), sorted in increasing order of their x-coordinate. In [3], we provide properties of rectangular drawings that show that these pairs are the only ones that correspond to poles of P- and R-nodes of \(T^*\). We set \(L = \{u_0,v_0\} \circ S \circ \{u_{k+1},v_{k+1}\}\), where \(u_0\), \(u_{k+1}\), \(v_{k+1}\), and \(v_{0}\) are the vertices on the top-left, top-right, bottom-right, and bottom-left corner of \(\varGamma _o\).

Consider any two consecutive pairs \(\{u_i,v_i\}\) and \(\{u_{i+1},v_{i+1}\}\), for \(i=0,\dots ,k\). We can define a cycle \(C_i\) in G that contains \(u_i\), \(u_{i+1}\), \(v_{i+1}\), and \(v_{i}\), and that is drawn as a rectangle in \(\varGamma \). Moreover, any two cycles \(C_i\) and \(C_{i+1}\) share a path \(P_{i+1}\) that is drawn as a straight-line segment in \(\varGamma \). We denote by \(G_i\) the subgraph of G induced by the vertices in the interior and along the boundary of \(C_i\).

We skip the discussion for the consecutive pairs \(\{u_0,v_0\}\) and \(\{u_1,v_1\}\). For \(i=1,\dots ,k\), consider the separation pair \(\{u_i,v_i\}\). Let \(\xi \) be the active endpoint of the spine. In the following, we denote by \({{\,\textrm{sk}\,}}(\mu )\) the skeleton of a node \(\mu \) of \(T^*\). Two cases are possible: \(\xi \) is either an S- or an R-node.

Suppose that \(G_i = C_i\). If \(\xi \) is an S-node, then we introduce a P-node \(\mu _{i,1}\) in \(T^*\) adjacent to \(\xi \) and to two new S-nodes \(\mu _{i,2}\) and \(\mu _{i,3}\). We have that \({{\,\textrm{sk}\,}}(\mu _{i,1})\) is a bundle of three parallel edges \((u_i,v_i)\), \({{\,\textrm{sk}\,}}(\mu _{i,2})\) is a cycle containing one virtual edge for each edge of the path \(P_i\) plus a virtual edge \((u_i,v_i)\), and \({{\,\textrm{sk}\,}}(\mu _{i,3})\) is a cycle consisting of a virtual edge \((u_i,v_i)\), followed by one virtual edge for each horizontal edge in the top side of \(C_i\), followed by one virtual edge \((u_{i+1},v_{i+1})\), followed by one virtual edge for each horizontal edge in the bottom side of \(C_i\). We set S-node \(\mu _{1,3}\) as the active node of \(T^*\). If \(\xi \) is an R-node, then we introduce an S-node \(\mu _i\) in \(T^*\) adjacent to \(\xi \) whose skeleton is a cycle consisting of a virtual edge \((u_i,v_i)\), followed by one virtual edge for each horizontal edge in the top side of \(C_i\), followed by a path \(P^*\) of virtual edges defined below, followed by one virtual edge for each horizontal edge in the bottom side of \(C_i\). If \(i < k\), then \(P^*\) consists of the single virtual edge \((u_{i+1},v_{i+1})\); otherwise, if \(i = k\), then \(P^*\) contains a virtual edge for each real edge incident to the right side of \(\varGamma _o\). We set the S-node \(\mu _{i}\) as the active endpoint of \(T^*\), unless \(i=k\).

Suppose now that \(G_i \ne C_i\). In this case, \(G_i\) is the subdivision of a triconnected planar graph. We introduce an R-node \(\mu _i\) in \(T^*\) adjacent to \(\xi \) and to the S-nodes corresponding to the components of \(G_i\), with respect to its split pairs, that are simple paths. We add to \({{\,\textrm{sk}\,}}(\mu _i)\) a virtual edge for each of such paths, as well as \((u_i,v_i)\) and \((u_{i+1},v_{i+1})\), unless \(i=k\). We set the R-node \(\mu _i\) as the active endpoint of \(T^*\), unless \(i=k\).    \(\square \)

Fig. 11.
figure 11

Four plane embeddings of a graph G that support a rectangular drawing of G, obtained by selecting one of the plane embeddings \(\mathcal{E}_1\) and \(\mathcal{E}_4\) of the subgraph \(G_0\) of G and one of the the plane embeddings \(\mathcal{E}_2\) and \(\mathcal{E}_3\) of the subgraph \(G_4\) of G. Only the embeddings \(\mathcal{E}_1\) and \(\mathcal{E}_2\) support a unit-length rectangular drawing.

Consider a graph G that satisfies the conditions of Lemma 1. If the spine of the pruned SPQR-tree of G contains at least two nodes or at least one P-node, we say that G is flat; otherwise, G is the subdivision of a triconnected planar graph. Exploiting Lemma 1, we can prove the following; refer to Fig. 11.

Lemma 2

(\(\star \)). Let G be an n-vertex graph. The following hold:

  • All the unit-length rectangular drawings of G, if any, have the same plane embedding \(\mathcal E\) (up to a reflection), which can be computed in O(n) time.

  • If G is flat, all the rectangular drawings of G, if any, have at most four possible plane embeddings (up to a reflection), which can be computed in O(n) time.

The next theorem shows that the UR problem is polynomial-time solvable. Surprisingly, the problem seems to be harder for non-flat instances.

Theorem 6

(\(\star \)). Let G be a planar graph. The UR problem is cubic-time solvable for G. Also, if G is flat, then the UR problem is linear-time solvable.

Proof (sketch)

First, we test whether G satisfies the conditions of Lemma 1, which can clearly be done in O(n) time by computing and visiting \(T^*\), and reject the instance if this test fails. Then, by Lemma 2, we compute in O(n) time the unique candidate plane embedding \(\mathcal E\) of G that may support a unit-length rectangular drawing of G, if any, and reject the instance if such an embedding does not exist. Let \(f_o\) be the outer face of \(\mathcal E\). If the spine of \(T^*\) consists of a single R-node, then \(\mathcal E\) coincides with the unique planar embedding of G, and we test for the existence of such a drawing using Lemma 5 in \(O(n^3)\) time. If G is flat, then we can show that there exists a unique candidate drawing \(\varGamma _o\) of \(f_o\). Then, we use Theorem 3 to test in O(n) time whether a unit-length rectangular drawing of G exists that respects \(\mathcal E\) and such that \(f_o\) is drawn as \(\varGamma _o\).    \(\square \)

Theorem 7

(\(\star \)). Let G be an n-vertex planar graph. The problem of testing for the existence of a rectangular drawing of G is solvable in \(O(n^2 \log ^3 n)\) time. Also, if G is flat, then this problem is solvable in \(O(n \log ^3 n)\) time.

Proof (sketch)

Assume that G satisfies the conditions of Lemma 1. If G is flat, then Lemma 2 guarantees the existence of only up to four plane embeddings of G that are candidates for a rectangular drawing of G that respects them. Otherwise, G is the subdivision of a triconnected planar graph, and there exists O(n) candidate plane embeddings. For each of them, we test for the existence of a rectangular drawing respecting it by solving a max-flow problem on a linear-size planar network with multiple sources and sinks in \(O(n \log ^3 n)\) time [11]. Such a network can be defined following Tamassia’s [15] classic approach to test for the existence of rectilinear drawings of plane graphs.    \(\square \)

6 Conclusions and Open Problems

We studied the recognition of graphs admitting the beautiful drawings that require unit-length and orthogonality of the edges, planarity, and convexity of the faces. We show that, if the outer face is drawn as a rectangle, the problem is polynomial-time solvable, while it is \(\textsf{NP}\)-hard if the outer face is an arbitrary polygon (even if the input is biconnected), unless such a polygon is specified in advance. These results hold both in the fixed-embedding and in the variable-embedding settings. A byproduct of our results is a polynomial-time algorithm to recognize graphs admitting a rectangular (non-necessarily unit-length) drawing.

It is worth remarking that if the input is a subdivision of a triconnected planar graph, then our algorithms pay an extra time to handle the outer face. Specifically, for the rectangular unit-length setting, an extra quadratic time is used to guess a rectangular drawing of the unique candidate outer face, while, for the general rectangular setting, an extra linear time is used to determine the actual candidate outer face. Hence, it is appealing to study efficient algorithms for this specific case. Further, it is interesting to determine the complexity of the grid graph recognition problem for trees with a given embedding, even for the case of trees that are as simple as caterpillars. Observe that the \(\textsf{NP}\)-hardness results on trees in [9, 27] heavily rely on the variable embedding setting.