
  • Demographics: Female; 42 years

  • Initial Presentation:

    • Asymptomatic

    • On regular follow-up after prior treatments of intracranial multiple hemangioblastomas

  • Diagnosis: Spinal cord hemangioblastoma

  • Pre-radiosurgery Treatment: Surgery and radiation therapy of other intracranial multiple hemangioblastomas; 8 years before radiosurgery treatment

  • Pre-radiosurgery Presentation: Asymptomatic (accidentally discovered, at 8 years follow up imaging, after prior treatments of intracranial multiple hemangioblastomas)

  • Radiosurgery Treatment:

    Upfront (Primary); Linac-based (Shaped-beam) SRS for cervical spinal cord (C4) hemangioblastoma

  • Radiosurgery Dosimetry:

    • Target volume: 1.5 cc

    • Marginal dose: 12.0 Gy

    • Marginal isodose: 90%

    • Maximum dose: 13.3 Gy

    • Minimum dose: 12.0 Gy

    • Average dose: 12.7 Gy

    • Number of isocenters: 1

  • Follow-Up Period: 24 months post-SRS

  • Clinical Outcome:

    • 12 months post-SRS: Asymptomatic

    • 24 months post-SRS: Asymptomatic

  • Complications: None

  • Radiological Outcome:

    • 12 months post-SRS (MRI): Mild decrease in tumor size

    • 24 months post-SRS (MRI): More decrease in tumor size

  • Post-radiosurgery Treatment: Continued clinical and radiological follow-up

An M R I scan image of the spine of a female patient with spinal cord hemangioblastoma on treatment day. The tumor and its surrounding areas are encircled.
An M R I scan image of the spine of a female patient at 12 months post-surgery for spinal cord hemangioblastoma. There is a small change in the size of the arrow-marked tumor.
An M R I scan image of the spine of a female patient at 24 months post-surgery for spinal cord hemangioblastoma. The arrow-marked tumor exhibits a significant change in size compared to 2 years prior.
A set of 3 M R I scan images of the spine of a female patient on treatment day and at 12-and 24-months post-surgery for spinal cord hemangioblastoma. The sequence of a shrinking tumor is observed.