
1 Introduction

In order to use answer set programming in real-world applications, the utilized answer set programs must be modelled correctly and represent professionally adequate knowledge. Especially in large programs, unintended contradictory statements due to modelling gaps and other flaws are hard to detect, and repairing a knowledge base can require both a professional expert and a technical expert. Approaches as in [1, 2] rewrite an updated program using the causal rejection principle [2] such that in case of contradictory derivations, newer knowledge is preferred. These approaches, however, are actually “workarounds” that change the program in an automated fashion and do not guarantee that the underlying cause of the inconsistency is eliminated. In practice, such a solution may not always be desirable, e. g. when inconsistencies hint at outdated information or modelling flaws. Instead, one may wish to resolve the actual conflicting statements in the program. In [10], it is shown how rules directly involved in a conflict can be modified to achieve a consistent program. In this paper, we extend this approach by showing how conflicts can be resolved by modifying rules other than the conflicting ones in case the conflicting rules themselves are thought to be adequate. For that, we first outline the general relations between a conflict rule and the rest of the program. Based on these results, we exemplarily showcase two different strategies that utilize the different rule dependencies to prevent conflicting rules from being simultaneously satisfiable. In place of exploiting technical devices like causal rejection, the presented strategies, as in [10], produce informative solution options from which a professional expert can then choose the most suitable one, where informative means that modifications of rules make use of the given program language. Another aspect we cover is latent conflicts. We show that even consistent programs can contain contradictory knowledge that “hides” behind consistent answer sets due to the nature of answer set semantics that chooses only consistent answer sets, ignoring the inconsistent fixpoints. Accordingly, such latent conflicts should also be resolved in the process to achieve robust consistency. This way, it is guaranteed that every implemented modification to establish consistency conclusively leads to a program that adequately reflects professional knowledge.

After presenting the necessary theoretical preliminaries in Sect. 2, we introduce the notion of latent conflicts and causality-based conflict resolution in Sect. 3 that allows us to resolve conflicts without manipulating the conflicting rules themselves. In Sect. 4, we examine the general conditions for conflicting rules to become simultaneously derivable. Using these results and the definitions of the prior section, we present two exemplary strategies that follow the causality-based conflict resolution approach. After presenting a brief overview over related work in Sect. 5, the paper concludes with Sect. 6, giving a short summary and discussion of open issues and further work.

2 Preliminaries

In this paper, we look at non-disjunctive extended logic programs (ELPs) [6]. An ELP is a finite set of rules over a set \(\mathcal {A}\) of propositional atoms. A (classical) literal L is either an atom A (positive literal) or a negated atom \(\lnot A\) (negative literal). For a literal L, the strongly complementary literal \(\overline{L}\) is \(\lnot A\) if \({L = A}\) and A otherwise. A default-negated literal L, called default literal, is written as \({\thicksim }L\). A set \(S\) of literals is consistent iff \(S\) does not contain strongly complementary literals. A rule r is of the form \(L_0 {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}}L_1, \dots , L_m, {\thicksim }L_{m+1}, \dots , {\thicksim }L_n.,\) with literals \(L_0, \dots , L_n\) and \(0 \le m \le n\). The literal \(L_0\) is the head of r, denoted by \(H(r) \), and \(\{L_1, \dots L_m, {\thicksim }L_{m+1}, \dots {\thicksim }L_n\}\) is the body of r, denoted by \(B(r)\). Furthermore, \(\{L_1, \dots , L_m\}\) is denoted by \(B^{+}(r) \) and \(\{L_{m+1}, \dots , L_n\}\) by \(B^{-}(r) \). A rule r with \(B(r) = \emptyset \) is called a fact, and r is called a constraint if it has an empty head. An extended logic program (ELP) \(\mathcal {P} \) is a set of rules.

Given a set \(S\) of literals, we say S satisfies L iff \({L \in S}\), and S satisfies \({\thicksim }L\) iff \({L \notin S}\). \(S\) satisfies a rule body \(B(r)\) iff for all \(L \in B^{+}(r) \), \(S\) satisfies L, and for all \(L \in B^{-}(r) \), \(S\) satisfies \({\thicksim }L\). \(S\) satisfies a rule r iff \(S\) satisfies \(H(r)\) whenever \(S\) satisfies \(B(r)\). In case r is a constraint, \(S\) satisfies r iff \(S\) does not satisfy \(B(r)\). A rule body \(B(r)\) is satisfiable if there exists a set \(S\) of literals such that \(S\) satisfies \(B(r)\). Given a set \(\mathcal {R}\) of rules, \(S\) satisfies \(\mathcal {R}\) if \(S\) satisfies all \(r \in \mathcal {R} \) simultaneously. \(S\) is a pre-model of \(\mathcal {P}\) if \(S\) satisfies \(\mathcal {P}\). A pre-model \(S\) of \(\mathcal {P}\) is a model of \(\mathcal {P}\) if \(S\) is consistent. A rule r is active under \(S\) iff \(S\) satisfies \(B(r)\). The set of all rules in \(\mathcal {P}\) that are active under \(S\) is denoted by \({act}^{S}({\mathcal {P}}) \). Given a literal L, \({ H }{}{_{L}}\) denotes the set of rules in \(\mathcal {P}\) with the rule head L, i. e. \({ H }{}{_{L}} = \{r \in \mathcal {P} \mid H(r) = L\}\). Given two rules \(r,r'\in \mathcal {P} \), r is supported (resp. opposed) by \(r'\) iff there exists a literal \(L \in B^{+}(r) \) (resp. \(L \in B^{-}(r) \)) such that \(L = H(r') \). Then, \(r'\) is a supporting (resp. opposing) rule of r.

In the following, we extend the basic idea of answer sets to inconsistent sets of literals. Given an ELP \(\mathcal {P}\) without default negation, the pre-answer set of \(\mathcal {P}\) is a set \(S\) of literals such that \(S\) satisfies \(\mathcal {P}\) and \(S\) is \(\subseteq \)-minimal. In general, an answer set of an ELP \(\mathcal {P}\) is determined by its reduct. The reduct \(\mathcal {P} ^S \) of a program \(\mathcal {P}\) relative to a set \(S\) of literals is defined by

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {P} ^S = \{H(r) {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}}B^{+}(r). \mid r \in \mathcal {P}, B^{-}(r) \cap S = \emptyset \}. \end{aligned}$$

A set \(S\) of literals is a pre-answer set of \(\mathcal {P}\) if it is the pre-answer set of \(\mathcal {P} ^S \) [6]. A pre-answer set \(S\) is a (classical) answer set of \(\mathcal {P}\) if \(S\) is consistent, otherwise, we call \(S\) a pseudo answer set. The set of all pseudo answer sets of a program \(\mathcal {P}\) is denoted by \(AS_{}^{\bot }(\mathcal {P})\), the set of all (classical) answer set by \(AS_{}(\mathcal {P})\), and the set of all pre-answer sets \(AS_{}^{\bot }(\mathcal {P}) \cup AS_{}(\mathcal {P}) \) by \(AS_{}^{pre}(\mathcal {P})\). Note that \(AS_{}(\mathcal {P})\) aligns with the set of answer sets under usual definitions, e. g.  [6].

For every literal of a pre-answer set \(S\), there must exist a rule \(r \in \mathcal {P} \) with \(H(r) = L\) s. t. \(r \in {act}^{S}({\mathcal {P}}) \). This is in complete analogue to answer sets [4].

Example 1

Let \(\mathcal {P} _{ 1 } \) be the ELP of our running example in this paper:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{array}{ll} {r_1}: drugA {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}} condW . &{} {r_2}: \overline{ drugA }{{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}} sympT . \\ {r_3}: treatmZ {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}} drugC , {\thicksim } drugD . &{} {r_4}: \overline{ treatmZ }{{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}} sympQ , {\thicksim } drugD , {\thicksim } sympR . \\ {r_5}: condW {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}} sympU . &{} {r_6}: drugC {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}}{\thicksim } drugD , {\thicksim } sympR . \\ {r_7}: drugD {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}}{\thicksim } drugC . &{} {r_8}: sympQ .\; {r_9}: sympT .\; {r_{10}}: sympU . \end{array} \end{aligned}$$

\(\mathcal {P} _{ 1 } \) models a knowledge base regarding the conditions for prescribing a drug A and a treatment Z, as well as the conditions when they must not be prescribed. For example, \(r_3\) represents the condition that treatment Z may only be recommended if the patient is already taking drug C and drug D is not known to be applied, while \(r_4\) says that patients must not be treated with Z if they currently show symptom Q, drug D is not known to be applied, and symptom R does not seem to be developed.

\(\mathcal {P} _{ 1 } \) has the pre-answer sets \(S _{1} = \{ condW , drugA , \overline{ drugA }, drugD , \) \( sympQ , \) \( sympT , \) \( sympU \}\) and \(S _{2} = \{ condW , drugA , \) \( \overline{ drugA }, drugC , \) \( sympQ , \) \( sympT , \) \( sympU , \) \( treatmZ , \) \( \overline{ treatmZ }\}\). Both answer sets are pseudo answer sets as they contain complementary literals.    \(\square \)

To formalize modification operations on programs, we introduce suitable modification operations:

Definition 1

(Rule Modification Operation). Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be an ELP with a rule \(r \in \mathcal {P} \) and \(X\) a set of literals and default literals where either \(X \subseteq B(r) \) or \(X \cap B(r) = \emptyset \). We define the rule modification operation \( rmod ({r},{X})\) as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} rmod ({r},{X}) = {\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} H(r) {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}}B(r) \backslash X &{} \text {if } X \subseteq B(r) \\ H(r) {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}}B(r) \cup X &{} \text {if } X \cap B(r) = \emptyset \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

In the following, a program modification operation \(\mathcal {P} \diamond r _{}^{\star } \) is either the addition of a new rule \( r _{}^{\star } \) to \(\mathcal {P}\), i. e. \(\mathcal {P} \cup \{ r _{}^{\star } \}\) or the replacement of a rule \(r \in \mathcal {P} \) by a modification \( r _{}^{\star } = rmod ({r},{X}) \) of r, i. e. \(\mathcal {P} \backslash \{r\} \cup \{ r _{}^{\star } \}\). We express a set of modifications that shall be applied to \(\mathcal {P}\) by simply listing the new rules and rule modifications, i. e. \( R _{}^\star = \{ r _{1}^{\star }, \dots , r _{n}^{\star } \}\) denotes a set of modification elements, where \( r _{i}^{\star }\) (\(1 \le i \le n\)) is either a new rule for \(\mathcal {P}\) or a modification \( rmod ({r},{X}) \) with \(r \in \mathcal {P} \) and a set of (default) literals \(X \). Given a set \( R _{}^\star = \{ r _{1}^{\star },\dots , r _{n}^{\star } \}\) of rule modifications and new rules for \(\mathcal {P}\), the consecutive application of each element onto \(\mathcal {P}\) is denoted by \(\mathcal {P} \diamond R _{}^\star \), i. e. \(\mathcal {P} \diamond R _{}^\star = (((\mathcal {P} \diamond r _{1}^{\star }) \diamond r _{2}^{\star }) \diamond \dots \diamond r _{n}^{\star })\).

Example 2

(Example 1 contd.). Suppose studies have shown that condition W always presents with a symptom V. The addition of a literal \( sympV \) to \(r_5\) can then be written as \( rmod ({r_5},{\{ sympV \}}) \), resulting in a rule \( r _{5}^{\star } {:}\ condW {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}} sympU , sympV \). Replacing \(r_5\) in \(\mathcal {P} _{ 1 } \) by \( r _{5}^{\star } \) can then be expressed by \(\mathcal {P} _{ 1 } \diamond rmod ({r_5},{\{ sympV \}}) \).    \(\square \)

3 Causality-Based Conflict Resolution

In this section, we introduce the notion of derivable conflicts and outline a method named causality-based conflict resolution that can be used to describe how to modify an inconsistent program to achieve consistency. During the resolution process, for every derivable conflict, a set of modifications is applied to \(\mathcal {P}\). Every set of changes leads to the resolution of the respective conflict where the modifications are built from elements of the underlying language of \(\mathcal {P}\).

3.1 Conflicts and Inconsistency

In this paper, we show strategies to resolve inconsistencies that are caused by rules with complementary head literals by constructing informative program modifications. To that end, we first specify the type of inconsistency that our strategies aim to resolve.

Definition 2

(Consistency, Contradictory Program). An ELP \(\mathcal {P}\) is called consistent iff \(AS_{}(\mathcal {P}) \ne \emptyset \). \(\mathcal {P}\) is contradictory iff \(AS_{}(\mathcal {P}) = \emptyset \) and \(AS_{}^{\bot }(\mathcal {P}) \ne \emptyset \).

This paper solely deals with programs that are inconsistent due to contradictions.

Example 3

(Example 1 contd.). Program \(\mathcal {P} _{ 1 } \) is inconsistent as the two existing pre-answer sets are pseudo answer sets.    \(\square \)

Definition 3

(Conflicting Rules, Conflict (cf. [10])). Two rules \({r_1,r_2}\) in an ELP \(\mathcal {P}\) are conflicting if \(H(r_1) \) and \(H(r_2) \) are strongly complementary and there exists a consistent set \(S\) of literals such that \(B(r_1) \) and \(B(r_2) \) are satisfied by \(S \). A conflict is a set \(\mathcal {C} = \{r_1,r_2 \}\) of rules such that \(r_1 \) and \(r_2 \) are conflicting. We denote the set of all conflicts \({\{r_1,r_2 \}}\) in an ELP \(\mathcal {P}\) by \( Conflicts ({\mathcal {P}})\).

A program that contains conflicts is not necessarily inconsistent. A conflict \(\{r_1,r_2 \}\) in \(\mathcal {P}\) is only a potential cause of inconsistency whenever the body literals of both \(B(r_1)\) and \(B(r_2)\) can be simultaneously derived in \(\mathcal {P}\). The program’s pseudo answer sets can be used to determine whether the body literals of conflicting rules are derivable and which rules are causing inconsistency.

Definition 4

(Derivably Conflicting Rules). Given an ELP \(\mathcal {P}\) over \(\mathcal {A}\), a conflict \(\{r_1, r_2 \} \in Conflicts ({\mathcal {P}})\) is derivableFootnote 1 in \(\mathcal {P}\) iff there exists a pseudo answer set \(S \in AS_{}^{\bot }(\mathcal {P}) \) s. t. \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) are active under \(S\). Otherwise, a conflict is nonderivable. The set of all derivable conflicts in \(\mathcal {P}\) is denoted by \( Conflicts^{dv} ({\mathcal {P}})\).

However, a conflict is only (co-)responsible for inconsistency if the conflict is derivable. Thus, a program is consistent if it does not possess derivable conflicts.

Proposition 1

Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be an ELP with \( Conflicts ({\mathcal {P}}) \ne \emptyset \). \(\mathcal {P}\) is consistent if every conflict in \( Conflicts ({\mathcal {P}})\) is nonderivable, i. e. \( Conflicts^{dv} ({\mathcal {P}}) = \emptyset \).


Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be an ELP with \( Conflicts ({\mathcal {P}}) \ne \emptyset \) and \( Conflicts^{dv} ({\mathcal {P}}) = \emptyset \). Suppose \(\mathcal {P}\) is inconsistent. Then there exists a pseudo answer set \(S \in AS_{}^{\bot }(\mathcal {P}) \), which in turn implies that there exist two conflicting rules \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) that are active under \(S\). By definition, \(\{r_1,r_2\}\) is a derivable conflict which contradicts our initial assumption that \( Conflicts^{dv} ({\mathcal {P}}) = \emptyset \).    \(\square \)

Example 4

(Example 1 contd.). \(\mathcal {P} _{ 1 } \) has two conflicts \(\mathcal {C} _1 = \{r_1,r_2\}\) and \(\mathcal {C} _2 = \{r_3,r_4\}\). Its answer sets show that both conflicts are derivable since the complementary literals in the answer sets can only originate from the rules in \(\mathcal {C} _1\) and \(\mathcal {C} _2\). Answer set \(S _{1}\) shows that to achieve a consistent program, it suffices to make either \( drugA \) or \(\overline{ drugA }\) nonderivable as \(r_1\) and \(r_2\) are the only conflicting rules that are active under \(S _1\). Let \(\mathcal {P} _{ 4 } \) be \(\mathcal {P} _{ 1 } \) where the body of \(r_5\) is extended by a literal \( sympV \), i. e. \(\mathcal {P} _{ 4 } = \mathcal {P} _{ 1 } \diamond rmod ({r_5},{\{ sympV \}}) \). \(\mathcal {P} _{ 4 } \) now has the pre-answer sets \(S _{4,1} = \{\overline{ drugA }, drugD , sympQ , sympT , sympU \}\), and \(S _{4,2} = \{\overline{ drugA }, drugC , sympQ , sympT , \) \( sympU , treatmZ , \overline{ treatmZ }\}\). Since \(S _{4,1}\) is not a pseudo answer set, \(\mathcal {P} _{ 4 } \) is consistent.    \(\square \)

Example 4 depicts the relationship between derivable conflicts and consistency.

Depending on the actual program modifications, further inconsistency-causing conflicts, so called latent conflicts, can be revealed. These conflicts should therefore be handled correspondingly to ensure that after resolving all conflicts, the program is indeed consistent.

Definition 5

(Latent Conflict). Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be an ELP with a conflict \(\mathcal {C}\). \(\mathcal {C}\) is a latent conflict if \(\mathcal {C}\) is a derivable conflict and \(AS_{}(\mathcal {P}) \ne \emptyset \).

Example 5

(Example 4 contd.). In \(\mathcal {P} _{ 4 } \), conflict \(\mathcal {C} _2 = \{r_3,r_4\}\) is a latent conflict as its rules are active under \(S _{4,2}\) but not in the (consistent) answer \(S _{4,1}\). Suppose that it was prescribed that in order to take drug D, the patient also has to show symptom V. Thus, program \(\mathcal {P} _{ 4 } \) has to be modified to a program \(\mathcal {P} _{ 5 } \) by adding the literal \( sympV \) to the body of \(r_7\), i. e. \(\mathcal {P} _{ 5 } = \mathcal {P} _{ 4 } \diamond rmod ({r_7},{\{ sympV \}}) \). \(\mathcal {P} _{ 5 } \) is now inconsistent as its only pre-answer set is the pseudo answer set \(S _{4,2}\) from Example 4 in which the rules of \(\mathcal {C} _2\) are active.    \(\square \)

Given the goal of solely “repairing” an inconsistent knowledge base, modifying the corresponding inconsistent program until one gets at least one answer set seems appropriate (see Example 4). Considering Example 5, one can easily imagine that in the process of resolving conflicts, other previously latent conflicts can become effective, meaning they can cause inconsistency.

3.2 Conflict Resolution

In this paper, we want to present strategies to explicitly “resolve” all derivable conflicts (which include latent conflicts) in a knowledge base in an informative way, that is, every change made to obtain a consistent program is based on the underlying language. Therefore, each such strategy modifies the program so that every (derivable) conflict becomes nonderivable, which as a consequence also ensures the resolution of latent conflicts. We now outline, given a derivable conflict \(\mathcal {C}\) in an ELP \(\mathcal {P}\), how one can modify \(\mathcal {P}\) to a program \({\mathcal {P}}^{\star }\) such that \(\mathcal {C}\) becomes nonderivable in \({\mathcal {P}}^{\star }\) without manipulating the conflicting rules themselves. We call this approach causality-based conflict resolution. There, in each step, a conflict is resolved by applying suitable program modifications to \(\mathcal {P}\). The resolution process results in a modified program \({\mathcal {P}}^{\star }\) that is free of derivable conflicts and thereby consistent.

Definition 6

(Causality-Based Conflict Resolution Step and Process). Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be an ELP with \( Conflicts^{dv} ({\mathcal {P}}) \ne \emptyset \). Given a conflict \(\mathcal {C} = \{r_1, r_2 \} \in Conflicts^{dv} ({\mathcal {P}})\), a causality-based conflict resolution step in \(\mathcal {P}\) w.r.t. \(\mathcal {C}\) is the modification of \(\mathcal {P}\) to \({\mathcal {P}}^{\star } \) such that \(r_1 \) and \(r_2 \) are not derivably conflicting in \({\mathcal {P}}^{\star } \). A causality-based conflict resolution process w.r.t. \(\mathcal {P}\) is a sequence \(\langle \mathcal {P} _0,\mathcal {P} _1,\dots ,\mathcal {P} _n \rangle \) where \(\mathcal {P} _0 = \mathcal {P} \) and for each \(\mathcal {P} _i,\mathcal {P} _{i+1} (0 \le i < n)\), \(\mathcal {P} _{i+1}\) is the result of a causality-based conflict resolution step in \(\mathcal {P} _i\), and \(\mathcal {P} _n\) contains no derivable conflicts, i. e. \( Conflicts^{dv} ({\mathcal {P} _n}) = \emptyset \).

The following example illustrates a causality-based resolution process consisting of a single conflict resolution step.

Example 6

(Example 5 contd.). Let \(\mathcal {P} _{ 6 } \) be the following program that extends \(\mathcal {P} _{5}\) from Example 5 by the following two additional rules:

$$\begin{aligned} {r_{11}}\!: drugC {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}} sympT , {\thicksim } drugD .&\qquad \quad {r_{12}}\!: drugC {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}}\overline{ sympQ }, sympR . \end{aligned}$$

Here, conflict \(\mathcal {C} _2 = \{r_3,r_4\}\) is the only derivable conflict, hence a single conflict resolution step suffices. One possible set of modifications is \( R _{}^\star = \{ r _{6}^{\star }, r _{11}^{\star } \}\) with \( r _{6}^{\star } = rmod ({r_6},{\{{\thicksim } sympT \}}) \) and \( r _{11}^{\star } = rmod ({r_{11}},{\{ sympV \}}) \). Program \(\mathcal {P} _{ 6 } \diamond R _{}^\star \) has the unique answer set \(\{\overline{ drugA }, sympQ , sympT , sympU , \overline{ treatmZ }\}\).    \(\square \)

Ergo, in each conflict resolution step, a derivable conflict becomes nonderivable after applying a suitable set of modifications to the program. We now present two concrete strategies to build suitable program modifications for a conflict.

4 Strategies for Conflict Resolution

After describing the general properties that have to be satisfied in order for two rules to be not simultaneously satisfiable, we present two explicit strategies to resolve derivable conflicts. While in [10], the conflicting rules themselves are modified during a conflict resolution step, the demonstrated strategies yield conflict-preventing sets that do not involve the conflicting rules by using causality-based conflict resolution. As in [10], the inconsistent program is modified using informative extensions, i. e. the modifications are based on the underlying language rather than inventing technical workarounds. The following section presents some technical considerations and results that will prove useful for the strategies.

4.1 General Satisfaction Interdependencies

We propose strategies for manipulating \(\mathcal {P}\) to a consistent program \({\mathcal {P}}^{\star }\) such that \(AS_{}^{\bot }({\mathcal {P}}^{\star }) = \emptyset \) where for every conflict \(\mathcal {C} = \{r_1,r_2 \}\) in \({\mathcal {P}}^{\star }\) and \(S \in AS_{}^{pre}({\mathcal {P}}^{\star }) \), it holds that if \(S\) satisfies \(B(r_1)\), then \(S\) does not satisfy \(B(r_2)\). In other words, whenever \(r_1 \) is active under a pre-answer set, \(r_2 \) cannot become active.

Proposition 2

Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be an ELP with \( Conflicts ({\mathcal {P}}) \ne \emptyset \). \(\mathcal {P}\) is consistent if there exists at least one pre-answer set \(S \) in \(\mathcal {P}\) such that for every conflict \(\mathcal {C} = \{r_1, r_2 \} \in Conflicts ({\mathcal {P}})\), the following holds:

$$\begin{aligned} S \text { satisfies } B(r_1) \implies S \text { does not satisfy } B(r_2) \end{aligned}$$


Let \(S\) be a pre-answer set such that (1) holds for all conflicts \(\mathcal {C} = \{r_1,r_2 \}\) in \( Conflicts ({\mathcal {P}})\). Assume \(S\) is inconsistent. Then there exists at least one conflict \(\mathcal {C} \in Conflicts ({\mathcal {P}})\) such that \(S\) satisfies both \(B(r_1)\) and \(B(r_2)\), which contradicts the initial specification of \(S\). Thus, every pre-answer set of \(\mathcal {P}\) where (1) holds for every conflict in \( Conflicts ({\mathcal {P}})\) is an answer set.    \(\square \)

Regarding the non-satisfiability of a body, we derive the following assertion:

Proposition 3

Given a pre-answer set \(S\) of an ELP \(\mathcal {P}\) and a rule \(r \in \mathcal {P} \), the following holds (where sat. stands for satisfies/satisfy):

$$\begin{aligned}&\begin{aligned} S \text { not sat. } B(r) \\ \quad \end{aligned}&\begin{aligned} \text { iff }&\exists L \in B^{-}(r) \text { s.t. } L \in S \text { or } \\&\exists L \in B^{+}(r) \text { s.t. } L \notin S, \end{aligned}\end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}&\begin{aligned} \text { iff }&\exists r' \in { H }{}{_{L}}, L \in B^{-}(r) \text { s.t. } S \text { sat. } B(r') \text { or } \\&\forall r' \in { H }{}{_{L}}, L \in B^{+}(r) \text { s.t. } S \text { not sat. } B(r'). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$


Let \(S\) be a pre-answer set for an ELP \(\mathcal {P}\) and \(r \in \mathcal {P} \) a rule in \(\mathcal {P}\). Equation (2) follows directly from the definition of the satisfaction of rule bodies in Sect. 2. Equation (3) can be shown by using the properties of pre-answer sets: Since pre-answer sets are defined as minimal sets of literals that satisfy all rules in a program, each contained literal has to be derived by at least one rule whose body is satisfied and therefore adds its head literal to the pre-answer set. If there is at least one rule \(r' \in { H }{}{_{L}} \) such that \(L \in B^{-}(r) \) and \(S\) satisfies \(B(r')\), the head literal \(H(r') = L\) has to be contained in \(S\). Therefore, (2) is fulfilled, and \(B(r) \) is not satisfied by \(S\). Analogously, if for every rule \(r' \in { H }{}{_{L}} \) with \(L \in B^{+}(r) \), \(S\) does not satisfy \(B(r')\), L cannot be contained in S due to the minimality of pre-answer sets. Again, (2) demands that \(B(r) \) is not satisfied by \(S\).    \(\square \)

The interdependencies illustrated in Proposition 3 can be used to define different strategies to modify a program such that a conflict rule becomes nonderivable without changing the conflicting rules. Basically, (3) demands that any set of literals that satisfies \(B(r_2)\) for a conflict \(\mathcal {C} = \{r_1,r_2 \}\) should satisfy an opposing rule of \(r_1 \) or that there exists a positive body literal \( L \in B^{+}(r_1) \) such that every supporting rule of \(r_1 \) w.r.t. to L is not satisfied by \(S\). Proposition 3 also illustrates the recursive nature of (non-)satisfiability of rules in logic programs, as the second case in (3) implies (2) with r replaced by each \(r'\).

The proposed strategies focus on manipulating the answer sets in such a way that the conflicting rules can still be active if the other conflicting rule is not active under an answer set. The proposed strategies can therefore be seen as a switch that prevents a conflicting rule from becoming active whenever the other conflict rule is active under an answer set. Thereby, the approach in Sect. 4.2 exploits the rule dependencies of negative body literals while the alternative strategy in Sect. 4.3 exploits the rule dependencies of positive body literals.

4.2 Blocking Rules Using Opposing Rules

Our first approach to prevent the derivability of conflicting rules are so-called blocking rules. A blocking rule adds a specific literal to each pseudo answer set in which one of the conflicting rules is active. In particular, this specific literal is part of the negative body of the other conflicting rule, which therefore gets “blocked”. Thus, no pre-answer set can contain the complementary (head) literals of the conflicting rules at the same time. As a blocking rule exploits the negative body literals of a conflicting rule, this approach is only applicable for conflicts of the form \(\mathcal {C} = \{r_1,r_2 \}\) with \(B^{-}(r_1) \backslash B^{-}(r_2) \ne \emptyset \).

Definition 7

(Blocking Rule). Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be an ELP with a conflict \(\mathcal {C} = \{r_1,r_2 \}\) for which \(B^{-}(r_1) \backslash B^{-}(r_2) \ne \emptyset \) holds. Then, a blocking rule \( r _{}^{\star }\) for \(\mathcal {C}\) is a rule

$$\begin{aligned} r _{}^{\star } {:}\ E {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}}B(r_2)., \text {where } E \in B^{-}(r_1) \backslash B^{-}(r_2). \end{aligned}$$

Definition 7 demands that the bodies of \( r _{}^{\star } \) and \(r_2 \) are identical. As the goal is to assure that \( r _{}^{\star } \) becomes active under a set of literals whenever \(r_2\) is active, it would suffice that \(B( r _{}^{\star }) \subseteq B(r_2) \) holds. This, however, can lead to unwanted side effects as \( r _{}^{\star }\) can become active in cases where \(r_2\) is not, which then again could lead to additional (latent) conflicts.

Proposition 4

Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be an ELP with a derivable conflict \(\mathcal {C} = \{r_1,r_2 \}\) and \( r _{}^{\star }\) a blocking rule for \(\mathcal {C}\). Then, it holds that \(\mathcal {C}\) becomes nonderivable in \(\mathcal {P} \diamond r _{}^{\star } = \mathcal {P} \cup r _{}^{\star } \), i. e. for every pre-answer set \(S \in AS_{}^{pre}(\mathcal {P} \diamond r _{}^{\star }) \), \(r_1, r_2 \notin {act}^{S}({\mathcal {P} \diamond r _{}^{\star }}) \) is true.


Let \(\mathcal {C} = \{r_1,r_2 \}\) be a derivable conflict in \(\mathcal {P}\) s. t. \(B^{-}(r_1) \backslash B^{-}(r_2) \ne \emptyset \) and \( r _{}^{\star }\) a blocking rule for \(\mathcal {C}\) which is meant to block \(r_1 \), i. e. \(H( r _{}^{\star }) \in B^{-}(r_1) \backslash B^{-}(r_2) \) and \(B( r _{}^{\star }) = B(r_2) \). If \(\mathcal {C}\) was derivable in \({\mathcal {P}}^{\star } = \mathcal {P} \diamond r _{}^{\star } \), there would have to exist a pseudo answer set \(S \in AS_{}^{\bot }({\mathcal {P}}^{\star }) \) with \(r_1, r_2 \in {act}^{S}({{{\mathcal {P}}^{\star }}}) \). As \(r_2 \in {act}^{S}({{{\mathcal {P}}^{\star }}}) \) is assumed, \( r _{}^{\star } \in {act}^{S}({{\mathcal {P}}^{\star }}) \) holds (due to \(B( r _{}^{\star }) = B(r_2) \)). Thus, \(H( r _{}^{\star }) \in S \) is true. But, as \(H( r _{}^{\star }) \in B^{-}(r_1) \), \(r_1 \) cannot be active under \(S \), which contradicts the assumption of \(r_1 \) and \(r_2 \) being simultaneously active under \(S \). Thus, there cannot be any pseudo answer set \(S \in AS_{}^{\bot }({\mathcal {P}}^{\star }) \) under which \(r_1 \) and \(r_2 \) are active. As due to the definition of answer sets, \(r_1 \) and \(r_2 \) can also not be active under any answer set of \(AS_{}({\mathcal {P}}^{\star }) \), \(\mathcal {C}\) is nonderivable in all pre-answer sets of \({\mathcal {P}}^{\star }\).    \(\square \)

Example 7

(Example 6 contd.). To make the conflict \(\mathcal {C} _2 = \{ r_3, r_4 \}\) in \(\mathcal {P} _{ 6 }\) nonderivable, the blocking rule \( r _{13}^{\star } {:}\ sympR {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}} drugC , {\thicksim } drugD .\) can be constructed according to Proposition 4. The head literal of \( r _{13}^{\star }\) is referring to the negative body literal \( sympR \in B^{-}(r_4) \backslash B^{-}(r_3) \). Because the body of the blocking rule \( r _{13}^{\star }\) equals the body of \(r_3\), \( r _{13}^{\star }\) is guaranteed to be active whenever \(r_3\) is active. The blocking rule \( r _{13}^{\star }\) leads to \(\mathcal {C} _2\) being nonderivable in the program \(\mathcal {P} _{ 6 } \diamond r _{13}^{\star } \) (Proposition 4). Note that no blocking rule can be constructed for \(r_3\) because \(B^{-}(r_3) \backslash B^{-}(r_4) = \emptyset \).    \(\square \)

Example 7 implies that there can exist multiple possible solutions for a single conflict. In a corresponding framework, the professional expert has the possibility to interactively determine the most suitable solution for each conflict. This step is also reflected in Algorithm 1, where the complete strategy is summarized.

figure a

4.3 Relevant Rule Modification

Instead of adding new rules such as the blocking rules presented in Proposition 4, which represent new opposing rules for conflicting rules, another possibility to resolve conflicts would be to modify the existing supporting rules of conflicting rules. We use the notion of rule modification as presented in [10], but instead of modifying the conflicting rules directly, we focus on the rules that are primarily responsible for the bodies of the conflicting rules to be true in the pseudo answer sets of \(\mathcal {P}\). Within the rules \({ H }{}{_{L}}\) w.r.t. a literal \(L \in B^{+}(r) \) of a rule \(r \in \mathcal {P} \), we can distinguish between rules that are relevant for the conflict resolution, i. e. rules that can potentially be simultaneously active with both conflicting rules and irrelevant rules, which cannot become simultaneously active with at least one conflicting rule.

Definition 8

(Relevant Rule). Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be an ELP with a conflict \(\mathcal {C} = \{r_1,r_2 \}\) and \({ H }{}{_{L}}\) with \(L \in B^{+}(r_1) \cup B^{+}(r_2) \). A rule \(r^{\prime }_{}\in { H }{}{_{L}} \) is relevant for the conflict resolution of \(\mathcal {C}\) if there exists a consistent set of literals \(S\) with \(r_1, r_2, r^{\prime }_{}\in {act}^{S}({\mathcal {P}}) \). Otherwise, \(r^{\prime }_{}\) is irrelevant for the resolution of \(\mathcal {C}\).

Example 8

(Example 6 contd.). In \(\mathcal {P} _{ 6 }\), \(r_{12}\) is not relevant for the resolution of \(\mathcal {C} _2 = \{r_3, r_4\}\). As \(B^{+}(r_4) \cup B^{+}(r_{12}) = \{ sympQ , \overline{ sympQ }, sympR \}\) contains complementary literals and \(B^{-}(r_4) \cap B^{+}(r_{12}) \ne \emptyset \) (as well as \(B^{-}(r_3) \cap B^{+}(r_{12}) \ne \emptyset \)), the three rules cannot be satisfied simultaneously by a consistent set of literals. Therefore, \(r_{12}\) cannot be responsible for the derivation of \( drugC \) when the conflicting rules are simultaneously satisfied in a pseudo answer set.    \(\square \)

The following definition extends the modification used in [10] and guarantees that at least one body literal of a conflicting rule is not satisfied if the other conflicting rule is active under a pre-answer set, i. e. every relevant rule of the body literal is modified in a way so that it becomes irrelevant for conflict resolution. The application of this method is illustrated in the ensuing example.

Definition 9

(Relevant rule modification). Let \(\mathcal {C} = \{r_1,r_2 \}\) be a conflict in an ELP \(\mathcal {P}\) s. t. \(B^{+}(r_1) \backslash B^{+}(r_2) \ne \emptyset \) holds. Furthermore, suppose an arbitrary literal \(L \in B^{+}(r_1) \backslash B^{+}(r_2) \) and a rule \(r^{\prime }_{}\in { H }{}{_{L}} \). Then, \(Pot(\textbf{M}_{r^{\prime }_{}}) = \{M \ | \ M \subseteq \textbf{M}_{r^{\prime }_{}} \}\) with \(\textbf{M}_{r^{\prime }_{}} = B(r_2) \backslash B(r^{\prime }_{}) \) implies the powerset of possible modifications for \(r^{\prime }_{}\). For each \(M_{r^{\prime }_{}} \in Pot(\textbf{M}_{r^{\prime }_{}})\) and \(\widetilde{M}_{r^{\prime }_{}} = \{ {\thicksim }a \ | \ a \in M_{r^{\prime }_{}} \}\), each rule modification \( r _{}^{\star } \) of \(r^{\prime }_{}\) of the form \( rmod ({r^{\prime }_{}},{\widetilde{M}_{r^{\prime }_{}}}) \) defines a relevant rule modification of \(r^{\prime }_{}\), i. e.

$$\begin{aligned} r _{}^{\star } {:}\ H(r^{\prime }_{}) {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}}B(r^{\prime }_{}), \widetilde{M}_{r^{\prime }_{}}. \end{aligned}$$

Example 9

(Example 6 contd.). If conflict \(\mathcal {C} _2\) in \(\mathcal {P} _{ 6 }\) should be resolved in such a way that \(r_4\) is preferred over \(r_3\), we can manipulate the relevant rules of literals in \(B^{+}(r_3) \backslash B^{+}(r_4) \). As \( drugC \) is the only literal in \(B^{+}(r_3) \backslash B^{+}(r_4) \), the rules \({ H }{}{_{ drugC }} = \{ r_6, r_{11}, r_{12}\}\) have to be considered. As shown in Example 8, rule \(r_{12}\) is not relevant for the resolution of \(\mathcal {C} _2\), so that only \(r_6\) and \(r_{11}\) have to be modified. According to Definition 9, the following relevant rule modifications can be constructed for \(r_6\) and \(r_{11}\):

$$\begin{aligned}&\;\;\, { r _{6}^{\star }}: drugC {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}}{\thicksim } drugD , {\thicksim } sympR , {\thicksim } sympQ . \\&{ r _{11,1}^{\star }}: drugC {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}} sympT , {\thicksim } drugD , {\thicksim } sympQ . \\&{ r _{11,2}^{\star }}: drugC {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}} sympR , sympT , {\thicksim } drugD . \\&{ r _{11,3}^{\star }}: drugC {{\,\mathrm{\leftarrow }\,}} sympR , sympT , {\thicksim } drugD , {\thicksim } sympQ . \end{aligned}$$

   \(\square \)

Since we require every rule in \(\mathcal {P}\) to be satisfiable, any set \(M_{r^{\prime }_{}}\) is also satisfiable. Furthermore, by definition, \(M_{r^{\prime }_{}}\) has no common literal with \(B(r^{\prime }_{}) \). Thus, for any set \(\widetilde{M}_{r^{\prime }_{}}\), it holds that \(B(r^{\prime }_{}) \cup \widetilde{M}_{r^{\prime }_{}}\) is also satisfiable.

Proposition 5

Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be an ELP with a derivable conflict \(\mathcal {C} = \{r_1,r_2 \}\) and \(B^{+}(r_1) \backslash B^{+}(r_2) \ne \emptyset \). After applying relevant rule modifications \( R _{}^\star = \{ r _{1}^{\star },\dots , r _{n}^{\star } \}\) for all relevant rules \(r^{\prime }_{1}, \dots , r^{\prime }_{n}\) of a set \({ H }{}{_{L}}\) with \(L \in B^{+}(r_1) \backslash B^{+}(r_2) \) as defined in Definition 9, \(\mathcal {C} \) becomes nonderivable in the resulting program \({\mathcal {P}}^{\star } = \mathcal {P} \diamond R _{}^\star = ((\mathcal {P} \diamond rmod ({r^{\prime }_{1}},{\widetilde{M}_{r^{\prime }_{1}}})) \diamond \dots \diamond rmod ({r^{\prime }_{n}},{\widetilde{M}_{r^{\prime }_{n}}}))\).


Let \(\mathcal {P}\) be an ELP with a conflict \(\mathcal {C} = \{r_1,r_2 \}\) and \(B^{+}(r_1) \backslash B^{+}(r_2) \ne \emptyset \) as well as \(L \in B^{+}(r_1) \backslash B^{+}(r_2) \). Furthermore, let \({\mathcal {P}}^{\star } \) be a program that results from relevant rule modifications of every relevant rule for \(\mathcal {C}\). The proof of this proposition is done by contradiction: If \(\mathcal {C}\) would still be derivable in \({\mathcal {P}}^{\star }\), there would have to be at least one pseudo answer set \(S \in AS_{}^{\bot }({\mathcal {P}}^{\star }) \) with \(r_1, r_2 \in {act}^{S}({{\mathcal {P}}^{\star }}) \). Then, by the definition of active rules, \(S\) satisfies both \(B^{+}(r_1)\) and \(B^{+}(r_2)\) and L in particular since \(L \in B^{+}(r_1) \backslash B^{+}(r_2) \). Consequently, there has to be at least one rule \(r_i \in {act}^{S}({{\mathcal {P}}^{\star }}) \) with \(H(r_i) = L\), which is, by definition, also included in \({ H }{}{_{L}}\). If this rule is not relevant for the conflict resolution, \(r_i\) was not modified but could not be active under \(S \) in the first place as we already assume \(r_1, r_2 \in {act}^{S}({{\mathcal {P}}^{\star }}) \). If \(r_i\) is relevant, it was transformed to a modified rule \( r _{i}^{\star } \) as shown in Definition 9. Then \(B^{+}( r _{i}^{\star }) \cap B^{-}(r_2) \ne \emptyset \) or \(B^{-}( r _{i}^{\star }) \cap B^{+}(r_2) \ne \emptyset \) holds. In either case, \( r _{i}^{\star } \) cannot be active under \(S \) (i. e. \( r _{i}^{\star } \not \in {act}^{S}({{\mathcal {P}}^{\star }}) \)). This contradicts the assumption \( r _{i}^{\star } \in {act}^{S}({{\mathcal {P}}^{\star }}) \). As there cannot be any active rule \(r_i \in { H }{}{_{L}} \) under \(S \), \(S\) does not satisfy \(B^{+}(r_1)\), hence \(\mathcal {C}\) has to be nonderivable in \({\mathcal {P}}^{\star }\).    \(\square \)

Algorithm 2 summarizes the relevant rule modification strategy. The application of this strategy is illustrated in Example 10.

figure b

Example 10

(Example 9 contd.). By extending the bodies of all relevant rules of \({ H }{}{_{ drugC }}\) with \({\thicksim } sympQ \), \( sympR \), or both, all rules in \({ H }{}{_{ drugC }}\) are now irrelevant for the conflict resolution of \(\mathcal {C} _2\), and it is ensured that \( drugC \) cannot be derived in any answer set in which \(r_4\) is active. Therefore, \(r_3\) and \(r_4\) cannot become active simultaneously in any answer set. As each combination of modifications, viz. \( R _{1}^\star = \{ r _{6}^{\star }, r _{11,1}^{\star } \}\), \( R _{2}^\star = \{ r _{6}^{\star }, r _{11,2}^{\star } \}\), and \( R _{3}^\star = \{ r _{6}^{\star }, r _{11,3}^{\star } \}\), constitute a possible way to resolve \(\mathcal {C} _2\), \(\mathcal {P} _{ 6 } \diamond R _{1}^\star \), \(\mathcal {P} _{ 6 } \diamond R _{2}^\star \) and \(\mathcal {P} _{ 6 } \diamond R _{3}^\star \) describe three different resolution possibilities for \(\mathcal {C} _2\) that use relevant rule modifications.    \(\square \)

5 Related Work

The presented approach is related to methods developed and investigated in the area of ASP debugging. Essentially, debugging approaches as in [5, 8] aim to modify knowledge bases of any (not necessarily inconsistent) logic programs in order to remedy a mismatch between the actual semantics of the program and the semantics intended by the modeller. In general, the ability to identify errors in a given program and compute suggestions crucially depends on information by the expert that is given on top of the original program. Alternatively, with the approaches in [3, 7], the expert can analyze the program step by step in order to detect error causes. Our approach, however, focuses on a specific subclass of erronous programs where the original program is by itself sufficient to identify the problem and generate suitable solution suggestions. Once possible solutions are available, both the presented method as well as debugging approaches like those based on the meta-programming technique [5] can be used to successively obtain the most suitable solution in interaction with the user.

6 Conclusion and Future Work

We have shown how consistency in an inconsistent program can be achieved without modifying the de facto conflicting rules to improve the usability of answer set programs in practice. The presented causality-based resolution approach is obligatory if the conflicting rules themselves must not be altered. By examining the dependencies between rules, we have shown how the satisfaction of conflicting rules can be prevented. For that, we defined two strategies which can be used to generate informative solutions for a professional expert. The expert can choose the most suitable solution for each conflict to achieve consistency. We have also introduced the notion of latent conflicts that can cause inconsistency either during the conflict resolution process or after subsequent modifications.

The recursive nature of rule dependencies allows for the application of the strategies not only to supporting rules of the conflicting rules, but also to their supporting rules (transitive conflict resolution). That leads to even more possibilities to repair a program, such that even small programs can lead to a vast amount of possible solutions for a professional expert to scan through. It is therefore critical that a framework as proposed in [9, 10] incorporates different workflows and procedures to efficiently find the most fitting solution for each conflict. Such workflows imply suitable interactions with the professional expert to gather relevant background information with the goal to reduce the amount of solutions which in turn can reduce the overall complexity of such conflict resolution approaches.

In future work, we want to extend the presented approach to cover transitive conflict resolution using established methods from argumentation theory. Moreover, we want to develop methods to resolve multiple conflicts simultaneously.