
1 Introduction

The Lightweight Cryptography standardization by NIST (NIST LWC) [9] is one of the most actively discussed topics recently in the symmetric-key cryptography community. In March 2021, out of 56 candidates NIST kept 10 finalists [10] whose evaluations would take approximately 12 months [11].

In this paper we target TinyJAMBU [16], one of the finalists of NIST LWC. TinyJAMBU was designed by Wu and Huang. Roughly speaking, TinyJAMBU (Fig. 2) can be seen as the duplex construction [2] with its public permutation replaced by a 128-bit keyed-permutations; or again as similar to SAEB [8].

TinyJAMBU has one of the smallest hardware footprints of all the finalists. One reason is its small 128 bits of internal state which is near optimal. Moreover, the round function (Fig. 1) consists of a non-linear feedback shift register (NLFSR) with only four XOR operations and a single NAND operation. To optimize throughput, TinyJAMBU varies the number of rounds of the keyed-permutations throughout the mode. P1 denotes a permutation with fewer rounds, and P2 the one with more rounds.

Table 1. Summary of attacks. KP, CP, and ACP represent known-plaintexts, chosen-plaintexts, and adaptively-chosen plaintexts, respectively. \(\dagger \): This corresponds to the Type-2 difference with a probability of \(2^{-47}\) [15]. In [16], this analysis was deleted by considering the difficulty of exploiting it through the mode. Because our interest is P2 as a standalone primitive without the mode, this analysis is of our interest.

Because of its minimalist design, the security of TinyJAMBU needs to be carefully assessed. For instance, the security proof of TinyJAMBU assumes that both P1 and P2 are ideal keyed-permutations, while deliberately making P1 weaker. As a matter of fact, the designers have already increased the number of rounds of P1 from 384 to 640 following a forgery attack over a 338 rounds P1 by Saha et al. [14]. Unlike the old P1, P2 seems to resist those cryptanalyses due to a larger number of rounds.

In this paper, we focus on slide attacks on TinyJAMBU keyed-permutation which cannot be thwarted by increasing the number of rounds. As a matter of fact, the designers do not make any claim on sliding property in the single-key setting. Moreover, we are interested in sliding property that leads to actual key-recovery attacks and their total complexity.

1.1 Our Contributions

In this paper, we study the security of the underlying keyed-permutation of TinyJAMBU as a standalone primitive. Particularly, we investigate all the details of the sliding property of the keyed-permutation to show that the sliding property actually leads to efficient key-recovery attacks for all key sizes. Intuitively, by ignoring constant factors, the keyed-permutation can be attacked with about \(2^{64}\) queries and computational cost. Most notably, the attack complexity is only marginally increased even when the key size becomes larger.

We begin with a slide attack on the keyed-permutation of TinyJAMBU-128 because of its simplicity. Slide attacks need to detect a slid pair by using the birthday paradox, which makes it inevitable to make \(2^{64}\) queries. The simplest attack scenario requires almost no extra overhead from this minimum requirement, which results in the data, time, and memory complexities of \(2^{65}\), \(2^{65}\), and \(2^{64}\), respectively. We then discuss a small observation to halve the data complexity and apply the memoryless meet-in-the-middle attack to achieve the data and time complexities of \(2^{72.5}\), while the required memory amount is negligible.

However, the simple attack on TinyJAMBU-128 cannot be trivially applied to a larger key size as the keyed-permutation for a k-bit key has a periodical structure in every k rounds weakening the key materials recovered by a slid pair. Nevertheless, the information loss for a large key can be compensated for by generating more slid pairs. Such a challenge has already been discussed in the pioneering work [4], and the technique of making a chain of queries was proposed. The same technique has been exploited by many following works [1, 3, 6]. In this paper, we present a new technique called “splitting longer chains” that generates more slid pairs than the previous method.

Then, we recover the key from multiple input and output pairs of \(P_{k}\) by applying linear algebra. In particular, we experimentally verified the correctness of our key-recovery algorithm by assuming an access to several slid pairs. As a result, we show that the keyed-permutation of TinyJAMBU-192 and TinyJAMBU-256 can be attacked with a marginally increased complexity than the case with TinyJAMBU-128. The complexities of our attacks are summarized in Table 1.

Lastly, we show several observations on the keyed-permutation: a combination of probability 1 differential characteristics and slide attacks to avoid adaptively-chosen-plaintext queries, a transformation of \(P_k\) to the iterative FX-construction [7], extension of our attacks so that the number of rounds that is not a multiple of the key-length can be attacked, and implication of our attacks to the authenticated-encryption with associated data (AEAD) schemes.

Note that results presented in this paper do not violate the security claim of TinyJAMBU, which is only for the entire scheme including the mode. Nevertheless, security of the keyed-permutation is of interest, because it is assumed to be ideal in the security proof. We believe that the security analysis in this paper will be valuable for the NIST to choose the winner(s) of NIST LWC.

2 Specifications

TinyJAMBU is a family of AEAD schemes that supports the key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits. Each version is called TinyJAMBU-128, TinyJAMBU-192, and TinyJAMBU-256, respectively. TinyJAMBU uses an n-round keyed-permutation \(P_n\) as a building block.

2.1 Keyed-Permutation \(P_n\)

The keyed-permutation \(P_n\) uses an internal state of 128 bits for all the key sizes, which is represented by \(s_{0},s_{1},\ldots ,s_{127}\). Let \(k_0,k_1,\ldots ,k_{klen-1}\) denote the klen-bit key. The internal state is updated by applying the following NLFSR n times by increasing i from 0 to \(n-1\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Step-update function of TinyJAMBU for a klen-bit key.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The mode of TinyJAMBU. P2 is \(P_{1024}\), \(P_{1152}\), and \(P_{1280}\) for TinyJAMBU-128, TinyJAMBU-192, and TinyJAMBU-256. P1 is \(P_{640}\), which was updated from previous \(P_{384}\) at the last-round design tweak in NIST LWC.

$$\begin{aligned}&\text {feedback } \leftarrow s_0 \oplus s_{47} \oplus (\lnot (s_{70} \wedge s_{85})) \oplus s_{91} \oplus k_{i \text { mod } klen}\\&\text {for } j \text { from } 0 \text { to } 126: s_j \leftarrow s_{j+1}\\&s_{127} \leftarrow \text { feedback} \end{aligned}$$

where ‘\(\oplus \),’ ‘\(\wedge \),’ and ‘\(\lnot \),’ are XOR, AND, and NOT, respectively. The NLFSR is depicted in Fig. 1. Note that the tapping bit-positions were chosen so that 32 rounds of \(P_n\) can be computed in parallel on 32-bit CPUs.

2.2 AEAD Mode

The computation structure of TinyJAMBU is described in Fig. 2, which resembles the duplex mode with the keyed-permutation \(P_n\). The details of the mode are omitted in this paper because our target is \(P_n\). To process the nonce, the associated data, and the second half of the tag, the round number n is 640 for all key lengths, which is denoted by P1. During the initialization, the encryption, and the first half of the tag, the round number n is 1024, 1152, and 1280 for TinyJAMBU-128, TinyJAMBU-192, and TinyJAMBU-256, respectively, which is denoted by P2.

The main reason our attack strategy hardly applies to the AEAD mode is that an attacker can only observe 32 bits out of the 128-bit input and output of any permutation calls to P1 and P2.

2.3 Security Claim

64-bit security for authentication and 112-, 168-, and 224-bit security for encryption are claimed for TinyJAMBU-128, TinyJAMBU-192, and TinyJAMBU-256 respectively, against nonce-respecting adversaries who make at most \(2^{50}\) bytes of queries.

Security of TinyJAMBU mode was proven assuming that P1 and P2 are ideal keyed-permutations. Nevertheless, the designers reported the existence of a differential characteristic with a probability of \(2^{-47}\)Footnote 1 and a linear characteristic with a bias of \(2^{-30}\) for 512 rounds [15], which is sufficient to conclude that \(P_{384}\), the original round number for P1, can be distinguished from an ideal object. Note that no analysis has been known for more than 512 rounds. In particular, it seems that differential and linear cryptanalysis cannot be applied to \(P_{1024}\), \(P_{1152}\), and \(P_{1280}\) used in P2.

2.4 Self-similarity of \(P_n\)

The keyed-permutation \(P_n\) does not use any round constant. Moreover, the bits from the key are computed by \(k_{i \text { mod } klen}\). Hence, as mentioned by the designers [16], the state-update function of \(P_n\) has some sliding property, which is shown to be exploited with two related keys.Footnote 2

Given that the internal state size is 128 bits, TinyJAMBU-128 shows the best fit because \(P_n\) is iterative in every 128 rounds and each state bit is updated exactly once with each key bit. In the following, we first describe the attack for TinyJAMBU-128 and later extend the attack to TinyJAMBU-192 and TinyJAMBU-256.

3 Slide Attacks on TinyJAMBU-128

This section presents a slide attack on TinyJAMBU-128. Because of its simplicity, it bears some similarity with other works, e.g. Bar-on et al. [1, Alg.1]. We first describe a key-recovery attack with \(2^{65}\) known-plaintext queries, \(2^{65}\) offline computations of \(P_{128}\), and a memory to store \(2^{64}\) queries. We then discuss an idea to halve the data complexity and further discuss a memoryless variant of the attack. Note that the attack can work for 128t rounds for any positive integer \(t > 1\) including P1 and P2 of TinyJAMBU-128, and the attack works in the single-key setting.

3.1 Overview of the Simple Slide Attack

The core of the slide attack (Fig. 3) is to find a slid pair; a pair of plaintext-ciphertext pairs \((A_1,B_1)\) and \((A_2,B_2)\), in which \(A_2\) is the internal state after the first application of \(P_{128}\) for \(A_1\), or \(A_2 = P_{128}(A_1)\). This simultaneously ensures that \(B_2 = P_{128}(B_1)\). A slid pair is generated by using the birthday paradox. The attacker makes \(2^{64}\) queries of \(A_1\) and of \(A_2\) to obtain the corresponding \(B_1\) and \(B_2\). Then, among all the \(2^{128}\) pairs, one pair will be a slid pair with good probability. The slid pair can be detected via a 113-bit filter and a collision-finding algorithm with a computational cost of \(2^{64}\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Overview of slide attacks on the keyed-permutation of TinyJAMBU-128.

Computing 113-Bit Filter. For a given pair of plaintext-ciphertext pairs \((A_1,B_1)\) and \((A_2,B_2)\), we want to know whether the induced key for \(A_2 = P_{128}(A_1)\) and for \(B_2 = P_{128}(B_1)\) collides. We do a collision-finding algorithm on values computed separately from \((A_1,B_1)\) and \((A_2,B_2)\), which is denoted by \(G_1(A_1,B_1)\) and \(G_2(A_2,B_2)\). We denote \(G_x(A_x,B_x)\), \(x\in \{1,2\}\) with respect to the i-th bit by \(G_x(A_x,B_x)[i]\).

Let \(a_{0},a_{1},\ldots ,a_{127}\) and \(a_{128},a_{129},\ldots ,a_{255}\) denote \(A_1\) and \(A_2\), respectively and \(b_{0},b_{1},\ldots ,b_{127}\) and \(b_{128},b_{129},\ldots ,b_{255}\) denote \(B_1\) and \(B_2\), respectively. If \((A_1,A_2)\) is a slid pair then so is \((B_1,B_2)\) and \(k_i\) is computed as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} k_i&= a_{i+128} \oplus a_i \oplus a_{i+47} \oplus (\lnot (a_{i+70} \wedge a_{i+85})) \oplus a_{i+91}\\&= b_{i+128} \oplus b_i \oplus b_{i+47} \oplus (\lnot (b_{i+70} \wedge b_{i+85})) \oplus b_{i+91}. \end{aligned}$$

Bit Positions 0 to 36. For \(i=0,1,\ldots ,36\), we let \(G_1(A_1,B_1)[i]\) and \(G_2(A_2,B_2)[i]\) be the XOR sum of the terms belonging to \((A_1,B_1)\) and \((A_2,B_2)\) with respect to the i-th bit, respectively, i.e.,

$$\begin{aligned} G_1(A_1,B_1)[i] :=&\,a_i \oplus a_{i+47} \oplus (\lnot (a_{i+70} \wedge a_{i+85})) \oplus a_{i+91} \oplus \\&b_i \oplus b_{i+47} \oplus (\lnot (b_{i+70} \wedge b_{i+85})) \oplus b_{i+91}, \\ G_2(A_2,B_2)[i] :=&\,a_{i+128} \oplus b_{i+128}. \end{aligned}$$

\(G_1(A_1,B_1)[i]\) and \(G_2(A_2,B_2)[i]\) can be computed independently from the other pair, hence a collision on 37 bits of \(k_0,k_1,\ldots ,k_{36}\) can be observed.

Bit Positions 37 to 42. For \(i=37,38,\ldots ,42\), notice that the term \(a_{i+91}\) belongs to \(A_2\). The same applies to \(B_2\). Hence, we have

$$\begin{aligned} G_1(A_1,B_1)[i]&:= a_i \oplus a_{i+47} \oplus (\lnot (a_{i+70} \wedge a_{i+85})) \oplus b_i \oplus b_{i+47} \oplus (\lnot (b_{i+70} \wedge b_{i+85})),\\ G_2(A_2,B_2)[i]&:= a_{i+91} \oplus a_{i+128} \oplus b_{i+91} \oplus b_{i+128}. \end{aligned}$$

No Filter for Bit Positions 43 to 57. For \(i=43,44,\ldots ,57\), one of the inputs to the AND operation, \(a_{i+85}\) (resp. \(b_{i+85}\)), belongs to \(A_2\) (resp. \(B_2\)), while the other input bit, \(a_{i+70}\) (resp. \(b_{i+70}\)), belongs to \(A_1\) (resp. \(B_1\)). Hence, the output of the AND operation cannot be computed independently.

Bit Positions 58 to 80 and 81 to 127. Following the same strategy, equations for \(i=58,59,\ldots ,80\) are defined as

$$\begin{aligned} G_1(A_1,B_1)[i]&:= a_i \oplus a_{i+47} \oplus b_i \oplus b_{i+47},\\ G_2(A_2,B_2)[i]&:= (\lnot (a_{i+70} \wedge a_{i+85})) \oplus a_{i+91} \oplus a_{i+128} \oplus (\lnot (b_{i+70} \wedge b_{i+85})) \oplus b_{i+91} \oplus b_{i+128}, \end{aligned}$$

and equations for \(i=80,81,\ldots ,127\) are defined as

$$\begin{aligned} G_1(A_1,B_1)[i] :=&\,a_i \oplus b_i,\\ G_2(A_2,B_2)[i] :=&\,a_{i+47} \oplus (\lnot (a_{i+70} \wedge a_{i+85})) \oplus a_{i+91} \oplus a_{i+128} \oplus \\&b_{i+47} \oplus (\lnot (b_{i+70} \wedge b_{i+85})) \oplus b_{i+91} \oplus b_{i+128}. \end{aligned}$$

Summary. For each \(A_1\) and its query-output \(B_1\), the attacker can compute a 113-bit value to match with \(G_1(A_1,B_1)[i]\) for \(i=\,\in \{0,1,\ldots ,127\} \backslash \{43,44,\ldots ,57\}\). Similarly, for \((A_2,B_2)\), the 113-bit value to match can be computed with \(G_2(A_2,B_2)\).

Attack Procedure. The pseudo-algorithm to recover the key of TinyJAMBU-128 is described in Algorithm 1. For simplicity, here we assume that a table T of size \(2^{64}\) is available.

figure a

Analysis. In the above attack procedure, the attacker makes \(2^{64}\) queries of \(A_1\) and \(A_2\), thus the data complexity is \(2^{65}\) known-plaintexts. The bottleneck of the time complexity is to compute \(G_1(A_1,B_1)\) and \(G_2(A_2,B_2)\), which is \(2^{65}\) computations of \(P_{128}\). The attack requires a memory of size \(2^{64}\) for the table. (The table for Step 2 can be omitted by checking the collision in an online manner when a value of \(G(A_2,B_2)\) is obtained.) In Step 3, \(2^{128}\) pairs are examined and \(2^{128-113}=2^{15}\) pairs will pass this filter, and a valid pair will be detected by matching the remaining 15 bits.

3.2 Reducing Data or Memory Complexity

Halving Data Complexity. Algorithm 1 assumes that queries in Step 1 correspond to the input to \(P_{128}\) and queries in Step 2 correspond to the output from \(P_{128}\). However, we can reuse the data of Step 1 in Step 2 and look for a collision the same way. This would halve the data complexity from \(2^{65}\) to \(2^{64}\).

A Memoryless Variant. As in [1], the \(2^{64}\) memory requirement of Algorithm 1 can be removed with the standard memoryless collision-finding algorithm [13], which exploits a cycle-detection algorithm for the query chain. To do so, we start with a 113-bit value \(v_0\), pads it to 128 bits to get \(A_0\), and query to obtain \(B_0\). Then, we compute either \(G_1(A_0,B_0)\) or \(G_2(A_0,B_0)\) depending on a bit of \(v_0\) (LSB for instance). Set the result as \(v_1\) and iterate this procedure to generate the chain of \(v_0,v_1,v_2,\ldots \).

On the memory side, we only store some particular values for instance store the 100 values starting with the most 0 bits. When the chain length reaches about \(2^{113/2}\), a newly computed \(v_i\) will eventually collide with one of the stored values. The exact colliding point can be found by starting from the stored points before the observed collision. If a collision is between \(G_1(A_i,B_i)\) and \(G_2(A_j,B_j)\), \(A_i\) and \(A_j\) is a slid pair candidate. If a collision is between \(G_b(A_i,B_i)\) and \(G_b(A_j,B_j)\) for the same \(b \in \{1,2\}\), the algorithm is repeated from scratch by changing \(v_0\).

The procedure will be repeated twice on average to find a slid pair candidate which makes \(2\times 2^{113/2} = 2^{57.5}\) queries. And the candidate is a slid pair with probability \(2^{-15}\), thus we need \(2^{15}\) candidates, which makes the total data complexity of \(2^{15}\times 2^{57.5} = 2^{72.5}\) adaptively-chosen-plaintext queries. For each query, the attacker computes \(G_1\) or \(G_2\), thus the time complexity is \(2^{72.5}\) computations of \(P_{128}\). The memory amount is negligible when there are sufficiently few stored 113-bit values.

The memoryless meet-in-the-middle attack is an extreme case to optimize the memory complexity. A more general tradeoff for data, time, and memory complexities can be achieved by the parallel collision search [12].

4 Attacks Against a Larger Key

The same filter will not work for longer key versions TinyJAMBU-192 and TinyJAMBU-256 as the permutation repeats only after a number of rounds equal to the key length. However, we show that we can build a \(113-\kappa \)-bit filter for \(128+\kappa \)-bit key permutation and still do a key recovery from a slid pair.

4.1 Building a Filter

Concretely, for a given pair of plaintext-ciphertext pairs \((A_1,B_1)\) and \((A_2,B_2)\), we want to know whether the key for \(A_2 = P_{128+\kappa }(A_1)\) and for \(B_2 = P_{128+\kappa }(B_1)\) will collide. Hence, just like in Sect. 3.1, we want to compute colliding values separately from \((A_1,B_1)\) and \((A_2,B_2)\) to efficiently look for a collision.

Similarly, let us denote the bit states \(s_i\) for \(i \in [0, 255+\kappa ]\) such that \(s_{127}\) to \(s_0\) is the input, \(s_{255+\kappa }\) to \(s_{128+\kappa }\) is the output and \(s_{127+\kappa }\) to \(s_{128}\) are \(\kappa \) bits of internal computations. By definition of the permutation we have:

$$\begin{aligned} k_i = s_{i+128} \oplus s_i \oplus s_{i+47} \oplus (\lnot (s_{i+70} \wedge s_{i+85})) \oplus s_{i+91} . \end{aligned}$$

We look for relations of key bits that only depend on input and output bits, that is on \(s_i\) for \(i \in [0, 127] \cup [128+\kappa , 255+\kappa ]\).

First, we ignore all key bits whose AND term \((\lnot (s_{i+70} \wedge s_{i+85}))\) is not computable given either the input or output bits. There are 113 remaining key bits that are \(k_i\) for \(i \in [0, 42] \cup [58+\kappa ,127+\kappa ]\). Indeed, every AND term is unique, so there is no linear combination that can hope to cancel it.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Construction of the \(113 \times (256 + \kappa )\) binary matrix M.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The \(113\times (256+\kappa )\) binary matrix M after Gaussian elimination. I is the identity matrix, 0 is the zero matrix and \(E^1, E^2, S^1\), and \(S^2\) are binary matrices resulting from the Gaussian elimination.

Then, we build a binary matrix M with 113 rows, one row for each considered \(k_i\), and \(256+\kappa \) columns, one column for each state bit \(s_i\). Let \(M(i,j) = 1\) if \(s_j\) linearly appears in the formula for the ith retained bit key and \(M(i,j) = 0\) otherwise, as illustrated in Fig. 4. For instance, \(M(0,j) = 1\) for \(j \in \{128, 91, 47, 0\}\) and \(M(0,j) = 0\) otherwise.

Then, we use row-wise Gaussian elimination on M to put zeroes on the columns 128 to \(127+\kappa \) that correspond to internal computation state bits. Assuming the 128 to \(127+\kappa \)-column submatrix is a full rank \(113 \times \kappa \) matrix, we will at least recover \(113-\kappa \) rows with only zeroes on those columns that naturally correspond to \(113-\kappa \) relevant relationships as illustrated in Fig. 5.

The linear part of each relationship is recovered by looking at the other columns of M and the non-linear part must be also added by looking at the corresponding key bits involved. By construction, those \(113-\kappa \) relationships are linearly independent and will involve both input and output state bits and only those state bits. Each such row thus implies a relation between key bits, input bits and output bits that can be summarized as \(\mathcal {R}(k) = \mathcal {R}_i(A_1) \oplus \mathcal {R}_o(A_2) = \mathcal {R}_i(B_1) \oplus \mathcal {R}_o(B_2)\); implying \(\mathcal {R}_i(A_1) \oplus \mathcal {R}_i(B_1) = \mathcal {R}_o(A_2) \oplus \mathcal {R}_o(B_2)\) that can be used to efficiently filter a slid pair among many plaintext-ciphertext.

4.2 Enhancing a Filter with Chains of Queries

With the previous method, to attack \(P_{240}\) (\(\kappa =112\)), we only have a 1-bit filter which is insufficient. Hence we need a way to leverage on the filter.

Basic Method. We use a technique by Biryukov and Wagner [5] to increase the number of filtering bits by generating more slid pairs. To multiply the number of filtering bits, the attacker can generate a chain of queries. That is, after querying \(A_1\) and receiving \(B_1\), the attacker queries \(B_1\) to obtain \(C_1\), then queries \(C_1\) to obtain \(D_1\), and so on. A similar chain is generated from each \(A_2\). If (\(A_1\), \(A_2\)) is a slid pair, then so are (\(B_1\), \(B_2\)), (\(C_1\), \(C_2\)) and (\(D_1\), \(D_2\)). Thus, we have the relationship \(\mathcal {R}(k) = \mathcal {R}_i(A_1) \oplus \mathcal {R}_o(A_2) = \mathcal {R}_i(B_1) \oplus \mathcal {R}_o(B_2) = \mathcal {R}_i(C_1) \oplus \mathcal {R}_o(C_2) = \mathcal {R}_i(D_1) \oplus \mathcal {R}_o(D_2) = \cdots \). When the length of the chains is \(\ell \), the \(113-\kappa \)-bit filter is applied to \(\ell \) pairs, which achieves a \(\ell \cdot (113-\kappa )\)-bit filter. For \(P_{240}\) (\(\kappa =112\)), we set \(\ell = 128\) and gets a \(128 \cdot (113 - 112) = 128\)-bit filter to identify the right slid pair.

Advanced Method: Splitting Longer Chains. We can further chain the queries to efficiently create multiple chains of the required length. Concretely, chains of length \(\ell + \beta \) values can be cut into \(\beta +1\) chains of length \(\ell \) (Fig. 6). However, comparing those \(\beta +1\) chains for any reasonable \(\beta \) won’t yield any slid pairs since an n-bit permutation won’t loop until about \(\mathcal {O}(2^{n})\) iterations. Nevertheless, comparing two independent chains of length \(\ell + \beta \), we can expect to find a solution among the implied \(2\beta +2\) chains with probability \(2(2\beta +1)/2^{128}\) (fixing the first set of chains, there are \(2\beta +1\) starting points for the next set of chains that will provide a slid output and the same amount for a slid input solution). Hence a solution is expected to be found after collecting about \(2^{64}/\sqrt{4\beta +2}\) sets of \(\beta +1\) chains, which makes for a \(2^{64}(\ell + \beta )/\sqrt{4\beta +2}\) data complexity optimized for \(\beta = \ell -1\). For \(\ell = 128\), the data complexity becomes \(\sqrt{255/2}\cdot 2^{64} \simeq 2^{67.5}\).

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Schematic representation of splitting longer chains for \(\ell = 5\) and \(\beta = 2\).

4.3 Key-Recovery from Input/Output Pairs

In this section, we explain how to efficiently extract the \(128+\kappa \)-bit key from multiple input/output pairs of \(P_{128+\kappa }\) in only about \(\kappa \log (\kappa )\) operations where \(0 \le \kappa \le 113\).

The key-recovery is described in Algorithm 2 which basically guesses the \(\kappa \) unseen bit states one by one. Let us explain the first iteration of the algorithm. We start by taking the matrix M after Gaussian elimination (Fig. 5) that was allegedly used to filter the pairs \((A_1, A_2)\) and \((B_1, B_2)\) both belonging to the set \(\mathcal {P}\). We first guess \(k_0\), the first key bit, which corresponds to the first row of our matrix M as it linearly depends on \(a_{128}\) and not on the rest of the unseen part. Hence, from \(k_0\) we can deduce \(a_{128}\), \(b_{128}\), etc. for all known slid pairs. With the knowledge of the 128th state bit, a new AND term can be computed that is \(a_{113} \wedge a_{128}\) corresponding to \(k_{43}\). Thus, we add the linear term for \(k_{43}\) to the matrix M, which now contains 114 rows. Row-wise Gaussian elimination will restore the form of Fig. 5 but with 114 rows and, hence, a (\(114-\kappa \))-bit filter. This additional bit of filter enables us to check whether the key guess was wrong. If the additional filter pass for all pairs, we proceed. Otherwise, we change our guess. Note that in the last 15 iterations, we can further deduce an additional AND term using a known output bit.

figure b

The probability of success of this algorithm mainly depends on the probability of a wrong guess passing through the additional filter created which depends on the number of input/output pairs we have at hand. Notice that we can further compute additional input/output pairs by chaining the queries as in Sect. 4.2. Gathering around \(\log (\kappa )\) input/output pairs will detect a wrong guess with about \(1-1/\kappa \) probability. Hence, it will fully recover \(\kappa \) bits of key with good probability (\((1-1/\kappa )^\kappa \) tends to \(e^{-1} \simeq 36.8\%\) as \(\kappa \) grows) and deduce the full \(128+\kappa \) bits of key. Allowing back-tracking is probably efficient but hard to analyze. Notice that it is possible to know whether the additional filter passed because the guess is true or because it is independent of the guess. Indeed, the AND term we add depend both on a newly guessed key (computed state bit) and on a known state. If the known state was 0, then the AND term does not depend on the guess but if the known state is 1 then the AND term depends linearly on the guess. Comparing both cases together will give us the correct guess; otherwise the filter always verifies independently of the guess.

Table 2. Experimental reports about Algorithm 2. Success probability with different size of \(\mathcal {P}\) on 1000 trials against a theoretical estimate.

Experimental Reports. We implemented Algorithm 2 and verified the required number of input/output pairs. We say Algorithm 2 succeeded when it returned the unique secret key. Table 2 summarizes the attack success probability with different sizes of \(\mathcal {P}\) and \(\kappa \in \{64, 112\}\). The theoretical estimation of the success probability is computed by \((1-2^{-(|\mathcal {P}|-1)})^{(\kappa -15)} \times (1-2^{-2 \times (|\mathcal {P}|-1)})^{15}\). It assumes there is a 1/2 chance to detect a bad guess per filter per additional input/output pairs; we have one filter per step up to \(\kappa -15\) key bits, and two filters for the last 15 key bits. The theoretical estimation of \(\log (\kappa )\) pairs required amounts to 6 and 7 for \(\kappa =64\) and \(\kappa =112\), respectively, and has indeed a good probability of success. The theoretical estimations well fit the success probability of our experiments.

4.4 Application on TinyJAMBU-192

The internal permutation of TinyJAMBU-192 is the case with \(\kappa = 64\). With the technique in Sect. 4.1, we build a \(113-64 = 49\)-bit basic filter further enhanced by the technique of Sect. 4.2 with chain length \(\ell =2\). This builds a \(2\times 49 = 98\)-bit filter and reduces \(2^{128}\) candidate pairs to a sufficiently small size.

figure c

The pseudo-algorithm to recover the key of TinyJAMBU-192 is described in Algorithm 3. For simplicity, here we assume that a table T of size \(2^{65}\) is available. In Step 1, we make \(2^{65}\) queries, in which the first \(2^{64}\) queries can be known-plaintexts queries, while the last \(2^{64}\) queries must be adaptively-chosen-plaintext queries. In Step 2, we compute \(\mathcal {R}_i\) for two pairs and \(\mathcal {R}_o\) for two pairs, which is faster than \(4\times 2^{64} = 2^{66}\) computations of \(P_{192}\). In Step 3, the match of 98 bits will be examined for \(2^{128}\) pairs, hence \(2^{30}\) pairs will remain after the filter. In Step 5, we further make \(2\times 2^{30} = 2^{31}\) adaptively-chosen-plaintext queries. Thanks to the additional 49-bit filter, only the right slid pair will remain after this step. In Step 7, we make additional queries to collect \(\log \kappa = 6\) slid pairs, which is required by the key-recovery algorithm. The complexity of the key-recovery algorithm is \(64 \times \log 64\), which is negligible. In summary, the bottleneck of the attack is Steps 1 and 2, which requires \(2^{65}\) adaptively-chosen-plaintext queries, about \(2^{66}\) computational cost, and a memory to store \(2^{65}\) values.

5 Optimization for Attack on TinyJAMBU-256

When \(\kappa =128\), which is the parameter for TinyJAMBU-256, the technique of Sect. 4.1 can no longer construct a filter. Thus, we need additional tricks to attack TinyJAMBU-256. In this section, we optimize the attack on TinyJAMBU-256 by exploiting the structure of TinyJAMBU. First, we show a method to construct a 1-bit filter with only a 2-bit guess. In other words, the complexity is only increased by a factor \(2^2\). Next, we show an efficient method to recover the secret key given several plaintext-ciphertext pairs on \(P_{256}\). The 15-bit key, i.e., \(k_0, \ldots , k_{14}\), is recovered by exploiting the algebraic structure, and then, the other key bits are recovered by using Algorithm 2.

5.1 1-Bit Filter with a 2-Bit Guess

The trivial extension requires an additional 16-bit guess. However, we do not need to guess the whole 16-bit key, and only an additional 2-bit guess is enough to obtain a 1-bit filter. Concretely, guessing the 2 bits of key \(k_0\) and \(k_{15}\) is enough. We derive the following equations from the step-update function.

$$\begin{aligned} s_{128}&= s_0 \oplus s_{47} \oplus ( \lnot (s_{70} \wedge s_{85})) \oplus s_{91} \oplus k_0 \\ s_{143}&= s_{15} \oplus s_{62} \oplus ( \lnot (s_{85} \wedge s_{100})) \oplus s_{106} \oplus k_{15} \end{aligned}$$

By guessing \(k_0\) and \(k_{15}\), we can compute \(s_{128}\) and \(s_{143}\). Then, we obtain \(k_{21} \oplus k_{58} \oplus k_{186} \oplus k_{233}\) from only known bits. These four key bits are computed as

$$\begin{aligned} k_{21}&= s_{21} \oplus s_{68} \oplus (\lnot (s_{91} \wedge s_{106})) \oplus s_{112} \oplus s_{149}, \\ k_{58}&= s_{58} \oplus s_{105} \oplus (\lnot (s_{128} \wedge s_{143})) \oplus s_{149} \oplus s_{186}, \\ k_{186}&= s_{186} \oplus s_{233} \oplus (\lnot (s_{256} \wedge s_{271})) \oplus s_{277} \oplus s_{314}, \\ k_{233}&= s_{233} \oplus s_{280} \oplus (\lnot (s_{303} \wedge s_{318})) \oplus s_{324} \oplus s_{361}, \end{aligned}$$

and the sum is

$$\begin{aligned} k_{21} \oplus k_{58} \oplus k_{186} \oplus k_{233} =&\,s_{21} \oplus s_{68} \oplus (\lnot (s_{91} \wedge s_{106})) \oplus s_{112} \oplus s_{58} \oplus s_{105} \oplus (\lnot (s_{128} \wedge s_{143})) \oplus \\&s_{314} \oplus (\lnot (s_{256} \wedge s_{271})) \oplus s_{277} \oplus s_{361} \oplus s_{280} \oplus (\lnot (s_{303} \wedge s_{318})) \oplus s_{324}. \end{aligned}$$

Since \(s_{128}\) and \(s_{143}\) are known by guessing \(k_0\) and \(k_{15}\), we can get this 1-bit filter.

We want to use this 1-bit filter to detect slid pairs. Given a pair of plaintext-ciphertext pairs \((A_1, B_1)\) and \((A_2,B_2)\), we need to define the corresponding functions \(G_1(A_1,B_1)\) and \(G_2(A_2,B_2)\). Let \((a_0,a_1,\ldots ,a_{127})\) and \((a_{256},a_{257},\ldots ,a_{383})\) denote \(A_1\) and \(A_2\), respectively. Moreover, \((b_0,b_1,\ldots ,b_{127})\) and \((b_{256},b_{257},\ldots ,b_{383})\) denote \(B_1\) and \(B_2\), respectively. Then, two functions are defined as

$$\begin{aligned} G_1(A_1,B_1) :=&\,a_{21} \oplus a_{68} \oplus (\lnot (a_{91} \wedge a_{106})) \oplus a_{112} \oplus a_{58} \oplus a_{105} \oplus (\lnot (a_{128} \wedge a_{143})) \oplus \\&b_{21} \oplus b_{68} \oplus (\lnot (b_{91} \wedge b_{106})) \oplus b_{112} \oplus b_{58} \oplus b_{105} \oplus (\lnot (b_{128} \wedge b_{143})) \\ G_2(A_2,B_2) :=&\,a_{314} \oplus (\lnot (a_{256} \wedge a_{271})) \oplus a_{277} \oplus a_{361} \oplus a_{280} \oplus (\lnot (a_{303} \wedge a_{318})) \oplus a_{324} \oplus \\&b_{314} \oplus (\lnot (b_{256} \wedge b_{271})) \oplus b_{277} \oplus b_{361} \oplus b_{280} \oplus (\lnot (b_{303} \wedge b_{318})) \oplus b_{324}. \\ \end{aligned}$$

Note that \(G_1(A_1,B_1)\) depends on the guess of \(k_0\) and \(k_{15}\), but \(G_2(A_2,B_2)\) is independent of them.

5.2 Key-Recovery from Input/Output Pairs for \(P_{256}\)

Algorithm 2 accepts \(\kappa \) until 113. Therefore, Algorithm 2 cannot be applied to \(P_{256}\) directly. On the other hand, trivial extension is possible by guessing \(15(= 128-113)\)-bit key. Recall that Algorithm 2 is very efficient and the time complexity is \(O(\kappa )\). Even if we additionally guess the 15-bit key, the impact on the time complexity is negligible compared with previous steps. Although the trivial extension is already efficient, we present a more efficient algorithm whose time complexity is still \(O(\kappa )\).

In Algorithm 2, the corresponding row vector is not involved in the matrix if either of the NAND inputs is unknown. However, in practice, only one side of NAND inputs is known, so we can obtain an additional relationship. Considering the following NAND \(\lnot (s_t \wedge s_{t+15})\), the output of the NAND is always 1 independently of \(s_{t+15}\) when \(s_t=0\). On the other hand, when \(s_t=1\), the output of the NAND is \(s_{t+15} \oplus 1\), i.e., the nonlinear output is linearized. By exploiting this property, we can recover the first 15-bit key efficiently.

The following is a concrete case to recover \(k_0\). When \((s_{113}, s_{256}) = (0,0)\), we can compute \(k_6 \oplus k_{43} \oplus k_{171} \oplus k_{218}\) as

$$\begin{aligned} k_6 \oplus k_{43} \oplus k_{171} \oplus k_{218} =&\,s_6 \oplus s_{53} \oplus (\lnot (s_{76} \wedge s_{91})) \oplus s_{97} \oplus s_{43} \oplus s_{90} \oplus s_{262} \\&\oplus s_{299} \oplus s_{265} \oplus (\lnot (s_{288} \wedge s_{303})) \oplus s_{309} \oplus s_{346}. \end{aligned}$$

As the sum removes 3 uncomputable bits, i.e., \(s_{134}\), \(s_{171}\), and \(s_{218}\). Moreover, when \((s_{113},s_{256}) = (1,0)\), we can compute \(k_0 \oplus k_6 \oplus k_{43} \oplus k_{171} \oplus k_{218}\) as

$$\begin{aligned} k_0 \oplus k_6 \oplus k_{43} \oplus&k_{171} \oplus k_{218} = s_0 \oplus s_{47} \oplus (\lnot (s_{70} \wedge s_{85})) \oplus s_{91} \oplus s_6 \oplus s_{53}\\&\oplus (\lnot (s_{76} \wedge s_{91})) \oplus s_{97} \oplus s_{43} \oplus s_{90} \oplus 1 \oplus (\lnot (s_{241} \wedge s_{256}))\\&\oplus s_{262} \oplus s_{299} \oplus s_{265} \oplus (\lnot (s_{288} \wedge s_{303})) \oplus s_{309} \oplus s_{346}. \end{aligned}$$

As the sum removes 4 uncomputable bits, i.e., \(s_{128}\), \(s_{134}\), \(s_{171}\), and \(s_{218}\). Finally, the key bit \(k_0\) is derived by summing these two equations. This procedure requires one input-output pairs satisfying each conditions, but the number of restricted bits is only 2. Therefore, we can recover \(k_0\) by observing about 4 input-output pairs. This procedure can be used to recover \(k_x\) for \(0 \le x \le 14\). Then, the restricted bits move to \((s_{113+x}, s_{256+x})\).

5.3 Complexity of TinyJAMBU-256

The attacker guesses 2-bit key \(k_0\) and \(k_{15}\) and generates a 1-bit filter. Since a 1-bit filter is insufficient to detect a unique slid pair, the filter is enhanced with chains of queries. Thus, the attacker enhances the 1-bit filter to a 128-bit filter and detects only a right slid pair for each 2-bit guess. Deriving the key from a slid pair is very efficient by using Algorithm 2 with the technique shown in Sect. 5.2. Thus, the data complexity is \(2^{67.5}\). The time complexity is \(2^{69.5}\).

6 Conclusions

We have thoroughly analyzed the slide property of the keyed-permutation used as TinyJAMBU ’s underlying primitive. Our analysis shows that the slide property can be exploited to mount actual slide attacks with near-birthday-bound complexities for all proposed key sizes (128, 192, and 256 bits). The attacks exploit multiple (undesirable) properties of the primitive and work independently from the number of rounds repeated in the permutation.

The attacks do not directly contradict with the security goals to be achieved by TinyJAMBU  [16] but invalidate the rationale that the underlying primitive is close to ideal. In particular, the attacks bring into question the (relatively high) 112/168/224-bit encryption/secret-key security goal for TinyJAMBU.

We emphasize that one should not treat TinyJAMBU ’s primitive as a standard block cipher like Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), as TinyJAMBU ’s keyed-permutation fails to provide the expected security level (the functionality of a keyed-permutation is the same as that of a block cipher.) The keyed-permutation is a dedicated primitive that should be used exclusively in TinyJAMBU ’s AEAD mode of operation.