
1 Introduction

Navigation is an ancient activity of the human history, originated from the necessity of travel from a region to another in the search for a better environment, better resources, or better opportunities [57]. It is a task that not everyone is able to achieve; even the most experienced person can get lost in a trip and never arrive at the desired location. Therefore, a diversity of tools and methods are developed as an aid for travelers; those elements are known in navigation as references.

The use of references as support in navigation could be interpreted as an external object used for orientation. Landscapes are some of the oldest and effective references, but as the task becomes more complicated, the instrumentation used in navigation grows in precision and complexity.

However, navigation is not exclusive to travel; in the present days, a robot performing the specific task of placing objects in a diversity of defined points is part of the navigation problem. The possibilities of following a track, evading objects, and mapping a room are elements of navigation; they require a robot which has the capability of orientating in unknown environments.

For example, a pipeline inspection gauge is a system which has the capacity of performing navigation to inspect a gas or oil pipeline to locate and detect critical deformations [6]. The system propelled possesses a navigation system conformed of inertial sensors and/or GPS signals, allowing to track and enlist the places where a failure exists. Other tasks demand low error orientation as a result of the consequences in a poor navigation. For instance, the field of medicine requires manipulators capable of performing meticulous operation procedures in humans [61]. Teleoperated robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery (RMIS) is more common and an important part of medical surgery. RMIS systems require precision in their movements, sometimes to compensate the inexperienced movements of novice surgeons or simply to balance between high clinical importance and technical complexity.

Different resources are implemented as reference for INS, although a popular and continuously growing solution is the addition of visual references as cameras and laser scanners [46, 71]. Vehicles, such as cars, planes, and teleoperated RMIS, are technologies taking advantage of INS with visual sensors. The chapter presented discusses how INS are aided by visual references and the benefits gained in modern technologies.


Navigation is the science of maneuvering from one point to another using references to know the current position [8]. Tools, as maps or compasses, are commonly used when someone has in mind the word navigation, but more sophisticated devices are applied nowadays and the integration of two or more forms a “navigation system.” Popular gadgets as cameras, instrumentation as accelerometers and gyroscopes, or systems as laser scanners are elements included in navigation systems.

The combination of two or more navigation references with navigation techniques, physics, and mathematical analysis receives the name of “navigation system” [42]. Navigation references are classified according to the coordinate reference frame, where devices with a fixed origin are known as “absolute references” [81]; otherwise, instruments with a relative coordinate reference frame where the position and attitude require to be constantly calculated over time are called “inertial references” [20].

A widely implemented instrument in inertial navigation is the inertial measurement unit (IMU) which is conformed by inertial instruments as accelerometers and gyroscopes. The combination of IMUs and mathematical navigation calculus is known as inertial navigation system (INS) [11] Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Inertial navigation system

As a result of the mathematical integration required to obtain position and attitude, inertial sensors have an inherent bias that reduces precision in the navigation calculation. A common effect in INS is the presence of “drift,” a deviation in the estimated position and orientation. Drift is an accumulative multifactorial error which predicts a different location from the actual body position as time elapses.

In order to reduce the drift error, a variety of solutions are recommended in literature to assist INS. Kalman filters help to improve the computational efficiency and diminish the error in navigation applying two weighting factors to compute a new estimation: the previous estimation in accordance with the known equations of motion and the obtained measurement from the IMU [16, 76]. The new estimation calculated by the Kalman filter increments the accuracy but is not capable of reducing all the drift error of an inertial sensor and computational miscalculations. It is possible to enhance the data accuracy of Kalman filter by complementing it with a different type of filters to correct computation.

Another approach to reduce drift error in INS is the implementation of external navigation references such as GNSS (global navigation satellite systems), magnetometers (electronic compass), and visual systems as cameras to the INS. Visual sensors provide information about the environment where the body is located; however, they are sensitive to illumination conditions and motions [60]. An INS complemented with a visual system is called visual-inertial navigation system (VINS); the structure is an INS combined with one or more visual references as cameras, visual odometry [25], or laser scanner techniques.

The used approach in image-based navigation to complement INS is supplying and processing images using visual systems to provide accurate data of the surrounding environment or navigation object [59]. In addition, image-based navigation emulates the sense of orientation and navigation in human beings, allowing to determine object attitude and position in addition to object recognition [24].

In navigation is required a coordinate reference frame to express the position of a point in relation to some reference [43]. A coordinate reference frame is a Cartesian, right-handed axis set defined by a reference. Objects, the point of view, the Earth, and sensors are examples of references adopted to create a reference frame and with the aid of mathematical transformations are possible to translate from one coordinate reference frame to another.

One example of coordinate reference frame is the body frame. The body frame is the coordinate reference frame related to the vehicle or navigation object. The axes are related to the direction of the movements of the body, where X is the forward direction, Y is the right direction, and Z is related to the gravity pointing in the down direction (Fig. 2). In navigation, the body frame is assumed to have the axes in the same direction as the inertial frame to align the inertial sensors with the navigation vehicle. There is a wide variety of coordinate reference frames in navigation and some of the related visual systems are going to be discussed further in the present chapter.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Body frame

The translation from a coordinate reference frame to another is commonly solved through two different rotations in a plane, using methodologies such as the DCM and quaternion.

DCM is applied in a three-dimensional space R 3 where rotations are given through a coordinate angle called Euler angle [26, 62]. The rotations follow the right-handed coordinate frame rule where every rotation is defined, e.g., a CW rotation as positive and CCW rotation as negative.

A rotation in the Z axis is called yaw and the Euler angle is represented with ψ letter. The C ψ rotation matrix is represented as follows:

$$ {C}_{\psi }=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}\cos \psi & -\sin \psi & 0\\ {}\sin \psi & \cos \psi & 0\\ {}0& 0& 1\end{array}\right] $$

The X axis rotation is represented by φ the Euler angle and is defined as roll. Eq. (2) shows the corresponding rotation matrix C φ:

$$ {C}_{\varphi }=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}1& 0& 0\\ {}0& \cos \varphi & -\sin \varphi \\ {}0& \sin \varphi & \cos \varphi \end{array}\right] $$

And for a rotation in the Y axis, the θ Euler angle is used and the rotation is named pitch. The C θ rotation matrix is described below:

$$ {C}_{\theta }=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}\cos \theta & 0& \sin \theta \\ {}0& 1& 0\\ {}-\sin \theta & 0& \cos \theta \end{array}\right] $$

Therefore, for a succession of three rotations in each of the mentioned axis is created a DCM which represents a general translation from an A frame to a B frame:

$$ \fontsize{9}{11}\selectfont{{C}_{\mathrm{A}}^{\mathrm{B}}=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}\cos \theta \cos \psi & -\cos \varphi \sin \psi +\sin \varphi \sin \theta \cos \psi & \sin \varphi \sin \psi +\cos \varphi \sin \theta \cos \psi \\ {}\cos \theta \sin \psi & \cos \varphi \cos \psi +\sin \varphi \sin \theta \sin \psi & -\sin \varphi \cos \psi +\cos \varphi \sin \theta \sin \psi \\ {}-\sin \theta & \sin \varphi \cos \theta & \cos \varphi \cos \theta \end{array}\right]} $$

It is important to take into consideration that any translation between frames could perform two or more successive rotations involving Eqs. (1, 2, and 3). In this chapter are presented some examples applied for specific cases.

However, there exists another form to interpret navigation translations; this is by using quaternions [30, 41]. As the name suggests, a quaternion is formed by four elements, an “s” scalar value and a vector \( \overrightarrow{v} \) conformed of three scalars representing an axis x, an axis y, and an axis z as shown below:

$$ q=\left[\begin{array}{c}s\\ {}\overrightarrow{v}\end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{c}s\\ {}{v}_x\\ {}{v}_y\\ {}{v}_z\end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{c}{q}_s\\ {}{q}_x\\ {}{q}_y\\ {}{q}_z\end{array}\right] $$

Therefore, every rotation in a quaternion is governed by the following equation:

$$ {q}_{\mathrm{B}\leftrightarrow A}=\left[\begin{array}{c}{q}_s\\ {}{q}_x\\ {}{q}_y\\ {}{q}_z\end{array}\right]=\left[\begin{array}{c}\cos {\$\theta \$}\!\left/ {\$2\$}\right.\\ {}\left\Vert \overrightarrow{e}\right\Vert \bullet \sin {\$\theta \$}\!\left/ {\$2\$}\right.\end{array}\right] $$


  • q B ↔ A defines a translation from an A reference frame to a B reference frame and backward. Furthermore, the expression could represent a one-sided rotation if it is necessary.

  • \( \left\Vert \overrightarrow{e}\right\Vert \) vector represents a rotation in the axis of interest, which could be described as one of the following vectors shown in Eq. (7):

$$ \left\Vert \overrightarrow{x}\right\Vert =\left[\begin{array}{c}1\\ {}0\\ {}0\end{array}\right];\left\Vert \overrightarrow{y}\right\Vert =\left[\begin{array}{c}0\\ {}1\\ {}0\end{array}\right];\left\Vert \overrightarrow{z}\right\Vert =\left[\begin{array}{c}0\\ {}0\\ {}1\end{array}\right] $$

Additionally, it is possible for mentioned vectors \( \left\Vert \overrightarrow{e}\right\Vert \) to represent a combination of two or three simultaneous rotations.

Hence, to rotate θ degrees a three-dimensional vector \( \overrightarrow{v_a} \) and finalize in a \( \overrightarrow{v_b} \) position, the equation is described as quaternion multiplication ⨂ as shown in Eq. (8):

$$ \overrightarrow{v_b}={q}_{B\leftarrow A}\bigotimes \left[\begin{array}{c}s\\ {}\overrightarrow{v_a}\end{array}\right]\bigotimes {q_{B\leftarrow A}}^{-1} $$

Therefore, for every reference frame, different sequences of rotations are realized according to the planes and elements involved. Consequently, it is possible to convert the information from a DCM structure to a quaternion representation.

A quaternion is described by the diagonal elements of a DCM, where the equations applied are:

$$ {q}_s=\sqrt{\frac{1}{4}\bullet \left(1+{C}_{11}+{C}_{22}+{C}_{33}\right)} $$
$$ {q}_x=\sqrt{\frac{1}{4}\bullet \left(1+{C}_{11}-{C}_{22}-{C}_{33}\right)} $$
$$ {q}_y=\sqrt{\frac{1}{4}\bullet \left(1-{C}_{11}+{C}_{22}-{C}_{33}\right)} $$
$$ {q}_z=\sqrt{\frac{1}{4}\bullet \left(1-{C}_{11}-{C}_{22}+{C}_{33}\right)} $$

Thus, some elements of the DCM matrix required for one of the quaternion values may be equal to zero. Consequently, it is necessary to involve the elements in the other subdiagonals of the matrix [5].

The process followed indicates the evaluation of the recently computed q s, q x, q y, and q z, where the one with the greatest absolute value is selected. The other elements are recalculated accordingly to the selected value.

For a selected q s, the other elements are estimated as:

$$ {q}_x=\frac{C_{32}-{C}_{23}}{4\bullet {q}_s} $$
$$ {q}_y=\frac{C_{13}-{C}_{31}}{4\bullet {q}_s} $$
$$ {q}_z=\frac{C_{21}-{C}_{12}}{4\bullet {q}_s} $$

If the determined greatest absolute value is q x, then the equations for the other elements are:

$$ {q}_s=\frac{C_{32}-{C}_{23}}{4\bullet {q}_x} $$
$$ {q}_y=\frac{C_{21}+{C}_{12}}{4\bullet {q}_x} $$
$$ {q}_z=\frac{C_{13}+{C}_{31}}{4\bullet {q}_x} $$

When the greatest absolute value is q y, the equations for the other values are:

$$ {q}_s=\frac{C_{13}-{C}_{31}}{4\bullet {q}_y} $$
$$ {q}_x=\frac{C_{21}+{C}_{12}}{4\bullet {q}_y} $$
$$ {q}_z=\frac{C_{32}+{C}_{23}}{4\bullet {q}_y} $$

And finally, if the greatest absolute value is q z, the equations are determined as follows:

$$ {q}_s=\frac{C_{21}-{C}_{12}}{4\bullet {q}_z} $$
$$ {q}_x=\frac{C_{13}+{C}_{31}}{4\bullet {q}_z} $$
$$ {q}_y=\frac{C_{32}+{C}_{23}}{4\bullet {q}_z} $$

Furthermore, the elements in a quaternion can describe a DCM matrix if necessary [22]. The equation is described as:

$$ {C}_A^B=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}{q}_s^2+{q}_x^2-{q}_y^2-{q}_z^2& 2\bullet \left({q}_x\bullet {q}_y-{q}_y\bullet {q}_s\right)& 2\bullet \left({q}_x\bullet {q}_z+{q}_y\bullet {q}_s\right)\\ {}2\bullet \left({q}_x\bullet {q}_y+{q}_z\bullet {q}_s\right)& {q}_s^2-{q}_x^2+{q}_y^2-{q}_z^2& 2\bullet \left({q}_y\bullet {q}_z-{q}_x\bullet {q}_s\right)\\ {}2\bullet \left({q}_x\bullet {q}_z-{q}_y\bullet {q}_s\right)& 2\bullet \left({q}_y\bullet {q}_z+{q}_x\bullet {q}_s\right)& {q}_s^2-{q}_x^2-{q}_y^2+{q}_z^2\end{array}\right] $$

It is important to indicate that the information presented in the chapter to translate from one reference frame to another is expressed in DCM, but as previously described, it is possible to handle the rotations with quaternions.

Stereoscopic vision systems and laser scanner systems are two examples of visual systems applied in VINS. They are widely used in navigation applications along with popular technologies as LIDAR and are part of current methodologies. The aim of both systems is to provide absolute references to diminish the inherent drift error of INS using visual sensors as cameras or photoelectric sensors.

3 Stereoscopic Vision Systems

The cameras in navigation attempt to recreate the eyes’ function, giving information about the surrounding environment. One single camera will only offer some information of the environment, but for terms of depth, surface shape, and curvature, it is necessary to add two or more cameras.

Stereoscopic vision systems, or SVS, acquire visual information from two or more cameras to obtain features of a specific scene [50]. SVS are portable systems with a wide field of view (FOV), capable of obtaining distance and object information, and also, SVS have advantages over other navigation devices as sonar and radar, because they do not require mechanical components and attain the pixels of the image at the same point in time [39, 80] (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Stereoscopic vision system

On the other hand, if SVS loss information in the image digitalization, there is a distortion in the lens or the system cannot find the corresponding points in the two (or multiple) images; they will not be available to achieve the triangulation process [51].

The integration of SVS to a VINS states a system capable of performing visual odometry, where two or more cameras work in conjunction with inertial references as an IMU to navigate in real time [21]. The SVS acts as an absolute reference for the INS, helping the inertial references with information about the surroundings to diminish drift and reduce the error in position and attitude.

For a navigation environment, SVS systems are subject to constant motion, fast dynamics, limited computation on board (for small vehicles or bodies), and the constant necessity of odometry [1]. In VINS, a SVS system must operate in a self-positioning configuration, where a camera is part of the body hardware and provides images of the current environment where the body is navigating [72].

In order to navigate implementing a VINS arrangement with an SVS as the visual sensor, the system acquires a set of images according to the number of cameras available. Therefore, it initiates the detection of significant points and recognizes geometries in the set of images, gets information of the surrounding, and then finds the similarities. Afterward, a pattern match process begins where points are localized in each image to subsequently identify the same points but in the previous iteration of the set of images. Finally, the system identifies the variations of the pixels in the sequence of the images to perform the estimation of the motion [48, 56].

Figure 4 shows a block diagram where an SVS process is integrated in an INS, resulting in VINS. The SVS process is followed by a block transforming the information to body reference frame, allowing the data to properly be compared with the INS dead reckoning and feedback the system.

Fig. 4
figure 4

SVS in an INS

Figure 4 shows that it is necessary to transform the data coming from the SVS process to a body reference frame. As other references, the cameras in a SVS own a reference frame according to their properties. A camera coordinate reference frame is shown in Fig. 5; the axis is aligned following the right-hand rule. In the presented frame, Z axis is pointing to the object or the environment in direction of the depth, which is the view of the camera; X and Y axes, on the other hand, follow the image axis.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Camera coordinate reference frame

As noted, the camera frame is formed by a different coordinate reference frame in comparison with the body frame (Fig. 2), a common situation when diverse references are integrated in any navigation system. Therefore, the axis is aligned through a mathematical transformation matrix to avoid misinterpretations during the navigation. A particular solution for multiple coordinate reference frames is rotating through the coordinate frames until arriving at the navigation frame, where the navigation is interpreted and related to a remarkable amount of coordinate reference frames. The navigation frame is configurated with earth gravity and the cardinal points north and east. X axis is pointing to north; Y axis is aligned to east; and Z axis is pointing up or down, creating a NEU and a NED configuration. The arrangement is specified by the user (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6
figure 6

Navigation frame

According to Wang et al. [73] and Veth [69], the camera is modeled after the camera perspective as showed in Fig. 7, where the presented frame shows the virtual frame in substitution of the focal plane to correct the inversion in the directions of the X and Y axes [74]. Also, Eq. (26) shows the line of sight vector from the camera pinhole in navigation coordinates (s n):

Fig. 7
figure 7

Camera pinhole

$$ {s}^{\mathrm{n}}=\left[{x}_i-{x}_c\kern0.5em {y}_i-{y}_c\kern0.5em -f\right] $$

The line of sight vector s n is the difference between the image target location (i) and the camera position (c) in X, Y coordinates; x i and y i are the image coordinates and x c and y c are the camera coordinates. The vector also includes the camera’s focal length f which is the distance between the camera and the image.

\( {s}_c^n \), describes the cameras position transformed from camera frame to navigation frame. Therefore, the equation describes two DCM and considers the distance between the image target location and the camera position (27):

$$ {s}_{\mathrm{c}}^{\mathrm{n}}={C}_{\mathrm{c}}^{\mathrm{b}}{C}_{\mathrm{b}}^{\mathrm{n}}{s}^{\mathrm{n}} $$

\( {C}_b^n \) is the DCM to transform from body frame to navigation frame. It is defined in Eqs. (28) and (29), where φ expresses the roll angle in X axis, θ is the pitch angle in Y axis, and ψ is the yaw angle in Z axis:

$$ {C}_{\mathrm{b}}^{\mathrm{n}}={R}_x\left(\varphi \right){R}_y\left(\theta \right){R}_z\left(\psi \right) $$
$$ \fontsize{9}{11}\selectfont{{C}_{\mathrm{b}}^{\mathrm{n}}=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}\cos \psi \cos \theta & \sin \psi \cos \theta & -\sin \theta \\ {}-\sin \psi \cos \phi +\cos \psi \sin \theta \sin \phi & \cos \psi \cos \phi +\sin \psi \sin \theta \sin \phi & \cos \theta \sin \phi \\ {}\sin \psi \sin \phi +\cos \psi \sin \theta \cos \phi & -\cos \psi \sin \phi +\sin \psi \sin \theta \cos \phi & \cos \theta \cos \phi \end{array}\right]} $$

\( {C}_{\mathrm{c}}^{\mathrm{b}} \) DCM represent the camera to body transformation and involve rotations in Z and Y axes, transforming the attitude from the camera frame to the body frame (Eq. 30) [7]. The equation shows an azimuth angle expressed as α for Z axis and an elevation angle expressed as β for the rotation in Y axis:

$$ {C}_{\mathrm{c}}^{\mathrm{b}}=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}\cos \left(\alpha \right)& \sin \left(\alpha \right)& 0\\ {}-\sin \left(\alpha \right)& \cos \left(\alpha \right)& 0\\ {}0& 0& 1\end{array}\right]\left[\begin{array}{ccc}\cos \left(\beta \right)& 0& -\sin \left(\beta \right)\\ {}0& 1& 0\\ {}\sin \left(\beta \right)& 0& \cos \left(\beta \right)\end{array}\right] $$
$$ {C}_{\mathrm{c}}^{\mathrm{b}}=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}\cos \left(\beta \right)\cos \left(\alpha \right)& \sin \left(\alpha \right)& -\sin \left(\beta \right)\cos \left(\alpha \right)\\ {}-\sin \left(\alpha \right)\cos \left(\beta \right)& \cos \left(\alpha \right)& \sin \left(\alpha \right)\sin \left(\beta \right)\\ {}\sin \left(\beta \right)& 0& \cos \left(\beta \right)\end{array}\right] $$

As mentioned before, an SVS implements two or more cameras in order to estimate depth of objects and planes in a scene. The calculation of depth is produced by a binocular disparity created between the cameras [12]. Each camera possesses its own projection of the image, a triangulation between the points of each camera, and a point in the object of view creates an epipolar plane and determines a pair of epipolar lines in the two images, where the epipole point is the center of projection of the other camera [15, 29] (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8
figure 8

Binocular disparity (a) and epipolar geometry (b)

Consequently, to integrate a SVS in an INS, both cameras’ frames are located in a midpoint frame where the two encounters. The active stereo coordinate reference frame C AS describes the relation of left and right cameras, C l and C r, respectively; to an origin position, the calculation is made through a cross product as shown in Eq. (31) and Fig. 9 [31, 40].

Fig. 9
figure 9

Active stereo coordinate frame

$$ {C}_{\mathrm{AS}}=\left({C}_{\mathrm{r}}-{C}_{\mathrm{l}}\right)\left({C}_{\mathrm{o}}-{C}_{\mathrm{l}}\right) $$

The active stereo coordinate reference frame is located in the center and provides the data used in dead reckoning, where the C ASk is compared with the C ASk-1 to compute a new attitude and position estimation.

4 Mobile Binocular Visual Inertial Odometry

Visual-inertial odometry (VIO) is a method employed in navigation to estimate motion using images acquired by camera sensors [64].

VIO systems are capable of functioning with a monocular camera; however, it is recommended to use a binocular camera to get better results in terms of environment recognition and motion due to its ability to perform depth determination [33]. Therefore, it is possible to implement a VIO system in vehicles or robotic manipulators to perform navigation tasks and work in conjunction with inertial instruments.

Vehicles as planes, drones, all-terrain mobile robots, or humanoid robots rely on binocular vision for navigation. For example, explorer vehicles take advantages of the cameras to travel across unknown environments and avoid collisions, or being positioned in a dangerous place [78].

All-terrain mobile robots are common in emergency situations in which there is no opportunity for persons to enter buildings. Binocular VIO aids not only to navigate through the place but also to provide opportunity to recognize and locate objects. A similar situation applies for drones where it is necessary to fly and identify landmarks [28] (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10
figure 10

SVS binocular rescue mobile vehicle (left) and binocular educational mobile vehicle (right) [10]

However, VIO binocular mobile robots require obtaining non-blurry images to properly execute the process between frames and calculate the current distance and attitude [52]. Hence, VIO binocular mobile systems could be affected by the same surrounding environment they are exploring. Weather conditions, non-plain floors, absence of light, or the cameras being directly affected by light are some of the drawbacks impeding the cameras to accurately get images.

VIO binocular mobile robots follow the majority of the steps in the process of VINS. However, in some systems, at the beginning a camera calibration phase and in a subsequent state a learning technique for parameter estimation through random samples are added [23, 66]. The methodologies mentioned work as a help to diminish the errors for the image taken by the binocular cameras.

Besides the feature point extraction of the image, the parameter estimation compares the current image with the previous one in order to obtain the current position and attitude of the navigation body or the relative motion T k of the camera [4, 77]. Relative motion T k is the computation of the current position and attitude of the navigation body, where every new data k obtained from the SVS process is concatenated with the previous data k − 1. T k is expressed as:

$$ {T}_{k,k-1}=\left[\begin{array}{cc}{R}_{k,k-1}& {t}_{k,k-1}\\ {}0& 1\end{array}\right] $$

where R k,k – 1 is a rotation matrix. T k is a translation vector between frames taken at timesteps. Therefore, T k is employed to determine a global estimate G k to transform the information to the body reference frame in the particular case of VINS, as shown in Fig. 11 and afterward, compare the information with inertial instruments as IMU. G k is obtained with the previous G k − 1 and the relative motion T k referenced at the initial frame G 0 at k = 0:

Fig. 11
figure 11

Calibration and correction for blurry images

$$ {G}_k={G}_{k-1}{T}_k $$

5 Omnidirectional Visual-Inertial Navigation Systems

OVINS are navigation systems build with two omnidirectional cameras or two rotating cameras; their purpose is to measure depth in the horizontal plane of the cameras additionally to horizontal and vertical distances. In navigation, the device employed must be able to record omnidirectional stereo video (OSV) and create panoramic images to estimate distance and attitude in real time (Fig. 12)

Fig. 12
figure 12

OVINS: Two omnidirectional cameras in a vehicle to calculate depth (left) and Google Maps car (right) [9]

In a city, OVINS allow INS to be aware of the different obstacles a mobile vehicle may encounter. From small places as malls or amusement parks to a bigger environment as the street, OVINS have the possibility to determine the distance between the mobile vehicle and the object (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13
figure 13

OVINS detecting points in two omni-images

In OVINS, the FOV they possess is bigger than the one proportioned in conventional cameras; it allows the possibility to perform navigation tasks in a large environment. UAV as drones perform specific tasks such as recognition and reconstruction of the surroundings where the mobile vehicle is navigating. The OVINS also realize odometry work with the images, defining coordinates for the points demonstrated in the captured spherical images [49].

OVINS takes panoramic images of the surroundings, where the image shows the horizontal and vertical axis through the pixels. A panoramic image is able to display between 0° and 360° in the horizontal axis and from −90° to 90° in the vertical axis [32] (Figs. 14 and 15).

Fig. 14
figure 14

Panoramic image and axis

Fig. 15
figure 15

Left and right camera FOV over a point p(x,y)

There are various methods to create panoramic images as mentioned by Peleg et al. [47]. Circular projections or rotating cameras are some of the most common and still, as mentioned SVS, it exists a vertical disparity. The vertical disparity is created when the pixel is not founded in the same location of the vertical axis. The points are computed from Eq. (34):

$$ \theta ={\cos}^{-1}\left(\frac{r}{p_x}\right)\kern0.75em \phi ={\tan}^{-1}\left(\frac{p_y}{\sqrt{p_x^2}-{r}^2}\right) $$

where a point (p x, p y, 0) is projected in the image. The panorama possesses a radius r, and due to the rotational capacities of the cameras, a pair of perspective images is generated from the left and right cameras, C l and C r, respectively. Also, an α angle represents the direction of view from the camera [3, 75]:

$$ {C}_{\mathrm{l}}=\left[\begin{array}{c}\cos \phi \sin \left(\frac{\pi }{2}-\theta -\alpha \right)\\ {}\sin \left(\phi \right)\\ {}\cos \phi \cos \left(\frac{\pi }{2}-\theta -\alpha \right)\end{array}\right]\kern0.75em {C}_{\mathrm{r}}=\left[\begin{array}{c}\cos \phi \sin \left(\theta -\frac{\pi }{2}-\alpha \right)\\ {}\sin \left(\phi \right)\\ {}\cos \phi \cos \left(\theta -\frac{\pi }{2}-\alpha \right)\end{array}\right] $$

6 Laser Scanner Systems

The object recognition through laser scanner systems (LSS) is a methodology employing photoelectronic instruments capable of detecting the light emitted by a laser. There exist different types of LSS and a diversity of photoelectronic sensors that detect light at different speeds. Therefore, it is important to note the impact of the methodologies in the precision of the point estimation; the different strategies improve the resolution incrementing the number of detected points during the scanning.

One approach to compute measurements is with the help of triangulation methods. Laser triangulation can be static, where the method requires an adjusted and fixed laser and camera to capture the light. Hence, a dynamic laser triangulation method requires a moving laser until the point of light goes through the selected area or object, and then the triangulation is calculated and the measurement is obtained [53, 54].

The LSS process produces a point cloud representing the object surface, where the points generated must present a low dispersion to reflect the true form of the scanned object. Therefore, despite mainstream methods for registering the measurements as triangulation laser scanner, an error in the estimation of the object’s shape is still present. Methodologies as artificial neural networks (ANN) are a helpful solution to LSS, thanks to their capacity to detect and predict patterns also applied in image classification [58, 67] (Fig. 16).

Fig. 16
figure 16

Laser scanning (upper image) and point cloud (below image)

In a navigation system, LSS provides information about the surrounding environment, shapes, size, and depth of objects. As discussed previously, the photoelectronic sensors and laser are key factors in distance measurement, where some lasers are designed to measure large distances. Aerial vehicles as drones require LSS to create maps and determine features for the study of ecologic areas. On the other hand, terrestrial vehicles as cars implement LSS to recognize the road, helping self-driving vehicles avoid collision and measure distances (Fig. 17).

Fig. 17
figure 17

Aerial mapping with laser scanners [55]

Nevertheless, there exist some lasers in LSS for short distances, applied in the high-precision detection, where they help in differentiation of near objects with detail and provide support for navigation body until they find the desired point. Close-range navigation with laser is applied for microsurgery systems where the level of precision required is high to properly complete the procedure on people. Mobile robots in pipelines realize a mapping of structures to extract features to detect damaged elements such as elbows, T-junctions, or corrosion in the pipeline.

For an LSS working with an INS, the inertial navigation process gets feedback from the last iteration of position and attitude in conjunction with the data coming from the LSS. The LSS system performs a point triangulation to measure the distances and then proceed to apply a transformation of the data in LSS to the body reference frame (Fig. 18).

Fig. 18
figure 18

LSS and INS integration

LSS coordinate reference frame as other reference frames follows the right-hand rule, where Z axis is parallel to the scanning aperture of a laser scanner system and is pointing up, Y axis is the pointing direction of the scanning aperture laser, and X axis is orthogonal to Z axis and Y axis and pointing to the left [68] (Fig. 19).

Fig. 19
figure 19

LSS coordinate reference frame

And to transform the LSS coordinate reference frame to body coordinate reference frame, the system as other references can employ a quaternion transformation matrix or a direction cosine matrix. The present chapter shows a direction cosine matrix required to transform the LSS frame. However, the LSS frame requires aligning the laser scanner; the process presents the following equations to properly center the scanner [36, 65]:

$$ {P}^{\mathrm{L}}=\left[\begin{array}{c}{p}_i\sin {\phi}_i\cos {\theta}_i\\ {}{p}_i\sin {\phi}_i\sin {\theta}_i\\ {}{p}_i\cos {\phi}_i\end{array}\right] $$

For Eq. (6), P L is the offset to properly align the laser scanner to the system, ϕ is the mirror angle, θ is the laser scanning axis, and p i is an offset of the pulse on the distance measurement. The DCM complements the aligning process. As a result, to transform the LSS measurement to body reference frame, the equation requires the rotation in X and Y axis:

$$ {C}_{\mathrm{l}\mathrm{a}}^{\mathrm{b}}={C}_{\mathrm{l}}^{\mathrm{b}}{P}^{\mathrm{L}} $$

where \( {C}_{\mathrm{la}}^{\mathrm{b}} \) is the DCM of the aligned laser in the body reference frame and \( {C}_{\mathrm{l}}^{\mathrm{b}} \) represents only the rotation from laser frame to body frame. The transformation performs a rotation in X, Y, and Z axis as shown before in Eq. (38):

$$ \fontsize{9}{11}\selectfont{{C}_{\mathrm{l}}^{\mathrm{b}}=\left[\begin{array}{ccc}\cos \psi \cos \theta & \sin \psi \cos \theta & -\sin \theta \\ {}-\sin \psi \cos \phi +\cos \psi \sin \theta \sin \phi & \cos \psi \cos \phi +\sin \psi \sin \theta \sin \phi & \cos \theta \sin \phi \\ {}\sin \psi \sin \phi +\cos \psi \sin \theta \cos \phi & -\cos \psi \sin \phi +\sin \psi \sin \theta \cos \phi & \cos \theta \cos \phi \end{array}\right]} $$

7 LIDAR Odometry and Mapping

The motion estimation is a task discussed in different parts of the present chapter. INS has the capability to perform odometry through different means and work in real time. LSS systems are capable of executing the task, and due to their capacity to characterize forms and their measurements, mapping in real-time using LSS is still a popular technology.

On the other hand, light detection and ranging (LIDAR) is a measurement technology based on laser technology. The system principle consists of a transmitter and a receiver; LIDAR measures the time it takes for the laser to travel to a point and go back to the receptor. Therefore, a common practice for the improvement of precision is comparing the measurements to other instruments’ data. Consequently, LIDAR technology is used for mapping in topography and exploration [70] (Fig.20).

Fig. 20
figure 20

LIDAR system and FOV

The mapping process requires the LIDAR system in movement; as a consequence, there are a series of problems affecting the precision in the measurements. In order to implement a LIDAR in an INS for a mapping process in real time, it is necessary to consider the synchronization of the data received. LIDAR measures the timestep a light pulse takes to reach the target and back to the receiver [44, 79].

The range of LIDAR pulse of light is calculated as follows:

$$ R=\frac{1}{2}c\bullet {t}_{\mathrm{s}} $$

where R is the range or distance between the laser transmitter and the surface object, c is the speed of light, and t s is the traveling time of the laser pulse (Fig. 21). The amplitudes of the laser pulse in Fig. 22 demonstrate the traveling time t s [17]. A T and A R are the amplitude transmitted and the amplitude received, respectively.

Fig. 21
figure 21

Traveling time t s of a laser pulse

Fig. 22
figure 22

Body and LIDAR coordinate reference frame and car with a LIDAR [18]

The information proportioned by LIDAR is matched with the inertial instruments as in other INS. Besides the synchronization in time of the data samples, the LIDAR information must be in the body reference [34]. Henceforth, due to LIDAR scanning laser process, the system can share the same coordinate reference frame for X and Y axis. Z axis is pointing in the opposite direction.

After LIDAR initiates the scanning, the data is stored in submaps to form the map of the scanned zone. A variety of methodologies [17, 45, 63] are well known to proceed with the mapping, but in an INS, the information is complemented with inertial references as IMU. Hence, the map created and later stored is an accompaniment for the navigation process; it is still necessary for the technology to properly calculate and process the information coming from the inertial sensor to afterward receive feedback from the mapping process.

Therefore, for the integration of LIDAR with an INS, Su et al. [63] propose to employ the timestep i difference as a reference coordinate, where in a next timestep, j is describing the system trajectory c ij according to the IMU data. Then, it is calculated a component vector of the c ij followed by the body and the current pitch and yaw variation, represented with and , respectively. In the particular case of ground vehicles, c is considered as the ground roughness. The component vector possesses a chord length of the trajectory:

$$ {l}_{ij}={c}_{ij}\cos \left(c\ast d\varphi \right) $$

Thus, a motion vector p ij is determined with the chord length l ij to obtain the variation between the i and j timesteps:

$$ {p}_{ij}=\left[\begin{array}{c}{c}_{ij}\cos \left(c\ast d\varphi \right)\cos \left( d\theta \right)\cos \left( d\varphi \right)\\ {}{c}_{ij}\cos \left(c\ast d\varphi \right)\cos \left( d\theta \right)\sin \left( d\varphi \right)\\ {}-{c}_{ij}\cos \left(c\ast d\varphi \right)\sin \left( d\theta \right)\end{array}\right] $$

8 Surgical Navigation Robots

To perform a surgery, accuracy is a key element for surgeons. It takes years of practice to meticulously realize a complex surgery. Thus, new technologies to perform surgeries with precision are now part of some hospitals and are a helpful tool for inexperienced surgeons. Surgical navigation robots (SNR) are manipulated by trained surgeons and built with inertial sensors as accelerometers or IMU to support the movements and improve the precision.

Surgical navigation robots (SNR) are structures composed of robotic arms, INS system, and complementary sensors to increase the precision. A SNR in conjunction with a LSS allows the systems to perform scans and obtain detailed information of the body part in depth and mapping. Thus, the LSS is capable of realizing a mapping process to create a mesh and to compute finite element calculation [19] (Fig. 23).

Fig. 23
figure 23

Laser surgical navigation robot and the Minolta VI-900 class I laser scanner [38]

LSS is implemented at the end of the link of SNR where the surgical tool is located; in some systems, the laser points directly to the position where it is going to be performed the surgical work. The laser position is corrected through inertial sensors and with the help of cameras where the image is displayed to the surgeon. Robust SNR applies additional optical tracking systems to adjust the laser position [14] [37].

SNR are robots with a variety of configurations depending on the surgery to be performed. Specifications as the number of links for the robotic arm, coupling with other robotic manipulators to improve the precision in the surgery, are elements to consider where the mathematical model is described. For the purposes of the present chapter, the following Eqs. (42, 43, and 44) correspond to the final link of a robotic arm where an LSS could be found. Thus, elements as the body coordinate reference frame and distances for offset laser must be considered.

For a mapping coordinate frame m, Liao et al. [35], Jerbić et al. [27], and Al-Durgham et al. [2] suggest:

$$ {r}_p^m(t)={r}_b^m(t)+{C}_b^m(t)\left\{{a}_{\mathrm{IMU}/s}^b+{C}_s^b{r}_p^s(t)\right\} $$

where r p m, r b m, and r p s are the positions of the body frame, point p at the end of the arm and a function of the observed range, respectively. C b m and C s b are DCM for the rotations; thus, the equations can vary depending on the arm configuration. And \( {a}_{\mathrm{IMU}/s}^b \) is the lever arm offset (if exists) between the laser and the body frame.

Finally, for a validation in the accuracy of measurements Chen et al. [13] propose a pivot P and axis A calibration, where the actual i points collected are compared to the estimated pivotal points P*, to obtain a distance error:

$$ {P}_{i\mathrm{err}}=\sqrt{{\left({P}_{ix}-P{\ast}_{ix}\right)}^2+{\left({P}_{iy}-P{\ast}_{iy}\right)}^2+{\left({P}_{iz}-P{\ast}_{iz}\right)}^2} $$

And for the angle error are included the actual angles A and the calculated angle A*:

$$ {A}_{i\mathrm{err}}={\cos}^{-1}\left[\frac{A_{ix}-A{\ast}_{ix}+{A}_{iy}-A{\ast}_{iy}+{A}_{iz}-A{\ast}_{iz}}{\sqrt{{A_{ix}}^2+{A_{iy}}^2+{A_{iz}}^2}\times \sqrt{A{\ast_{ix}}^2+A{\ast_{iy}}^2+A{\ast_{iz}}^2}}\right] $$

9 Conclusions

For the integration of a reference to INS, even for similar types of instrumentation, proper identification of the coordinate reference frame and interpretation of the data expressed are required. The data from both SVS and LSS must be transformed to the navigation frame or the measurement frame where it is needed for analysis. All the transformation matrices in this chapter are DCM, but the described methodologies could also be applied for quaternions if the reader is more familiar with them.

When a SVS is incorporated into an INS, it enhances the possibility to attach two or more cameras in a different set of configurations for the system. For a proper interpretation of the data obtained from the image, it is necessary to define where the epipolar line is located with their epipolar points and consider the line of sight and FOV demanded for every camera at the moment to fix them in their location.

Besides, when more cameras are added to the system, a robust calibration is demanded in order to diminish errors in the measurements.

SVS are more common to be implemented with INS or navigation systems; the reason is their low complexity in data interpretation, and they are fast systems. Thus, SVS have the property to determine the objects in the environment even without the involvement of a methodology; the user can simply get the image and correct the trajectory if the system is sending information in real time.

LSS, on the other hand, is more useful for mapping in navigation. The mapping possibility helps the system to recognize a familiar environment, avoid collisions, and improve the navigation. Two of the mentioned LSS own different methodologies to perform measurements during navigation were triangulation and time of flight.

LSS systems could require more time than SVS to perform their scanning and be able to recognize the objects or the structure in front of the body. But a properly scanned object can provide useful information and help the system to perform precise movements as required in medical surgeries.

For both systems, it is necessary to remember that the body could make movements that can distort the camera image and the laser reception, generating measurement errors and increments in the INS drift. The absolute references aid the IMU of the INS, but in other situations, the IMU is helping the vision systems in the navigation, as in the LIDAR case. During the integration of the vision system with INS, it is desirable to define which system is the one receiving feedback through the navigation process or if both systems are going to work parallel to each other.