
1 Introduction

Well-structured transition systems (WSTS) (initially called structured transition systems in [10]) have decidable termination and boundedness problems. They capture properties common to a wide range of formal models used in model-checking, system verification and concurrent programming [13].

A WSTS is an infinite set X (of states) with a transition relation \({\rightarrow } \subseteq X \times X\). The set X is quasi-ordered by \(\le \), and \(\rightarrow \) fulfills one of various possible monotonies with respect to \(\le \). The quasi-ordering of X is further assumed to be well, i.e. well-founded and with no infinite antichains (see Sect. 2 for precise formal definitions). These two properties lead to a general framework in which it is possible to algorithmically decide verification problems like coverability, termination and boundedness.

This class of systems includes Lossy Channel Systems, Petri Nets and their extensions, among others [1, 13]. More recently, the theory of WSTS has been applied to study computational models resulting from a combination of different types of systems like asynchronous systems defined by extending pushdown systems with an external memory [5], cryptographic protocols [7], and others.

Various strengthenings and weakenings of the notion of monotony (of \(\rightarrow \) with respect to \(\le \)) were introduced, to allow WSTS to capture more models [1, 13]. More recently, [3] showed that the wellness assumption in the definition of WSTS can be relaxed while some decidabilities are retained (notably, the coverability problem is decidable).

Our main contribution is to prove that the monotony and well-quasi-order (wqo) assumptions can further be weakened while some problems remain decidable. More precisely, we introduce a notion of well-structured transition systems, called branch-well-structured transition systems, where the monotony is only applicable to states reachable one from another. Furthermore, we also relax the wqo condition to such states. With this relaxation, it is still possible to retain the decidability of termination and boundedness. Furthermore, for the coverability problem, we introduce a notion of monotony, called cover-monotony, which still allows deciding the coverability problem, even in the absence of strong (or strict or transitive or reflexive) monotony. Indeed, while the usual backward algorithm for coverability relies on well-foundedness, the forward algorithm described in [3] does not require that property.

Outline. Sect. 2 introduces terminology and some well-known results concerning well-quasi-orderings and well-structured transition systems. Section 3 defines branch-WSTS, and shows that both the boundedness and the termination problems are decidable for such systems. Section 4 investigates the coverability problem for WSTS with relaxed conditions. We conclude in Sect. 5. Due to space constraints, some proofs are omitted.

2 Preliminaries

Quasi-Orderings. Let X be a set and \({\le } \subseteq X \times X\) be a binary relation over X, which we also write as \((X,\le )\). We call \(\le \) a quasi-ordering (qo) if it is reflexive and transitive. As usual, we call \(\le \) a partial ordering if it is a qo and anti-symmetric (if \(x \le y\) and \(y \le x\), then \(x = y\)).

For the following definitions, we also use the terminology qo for the ordering \(\le \) and its associated set X, i.e. \((X, \le )\).

We write \(x<y\) if \(x \le y\) and \(y \not \le x\). If \(\le \) is a partial ordering, \(x<y\) is then equivalent to \(x \le y\) and \(x \ne y\).

To any \(x \in X\), we associate the sets \(\mathord {\uparrow }x {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\scriptscriptstyle \text {def}}}\{y \mid x \le y\}\) and \(\mathord {\downarrow }x {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\scriptscriptstyle \text {def}}}\{y \mid y \le x\}\). Moreover, for \(A \subseteq X\), we let \(\mathord {\uparrow }A {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\scriptscriptstyle \text {def}}}\bigcup _{x \in A} \mathord {\uparrow }x\) and \(\mathord {\downarrow }A {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\scriptscriptstyle \text {def}}}\bigcup _{x \in A} \mathord {\downarrow }x\). We say that A is upward-closed if \(A = \mathord {\uparrow }A\). Similarly, A is downward-closed if \(A = \mathord {\downarrow }A\). A basis of an upward-closed set A is a set \(B \subseteq X\) such that \(A = \mathord {\uparrow }B\).

We call \((X,\le )\) well-founded if there is no infinite strictly decreasing sequence \(x_0> x_1 > \dots \) of elements of X. An antichain is a subset \(A \subseteq X\) of pairwise incomparable elements, i.e., for every distinct \(x, y \in A\), we have \(x \not \le y\) and \(y \not \le x\). For example, consider the alphabet \(\varSigma = \{a,b\}\). There exists an infinite antichain \(\{b, ab, aab, ...\}\) with respect to the prefix ordering over \(\varSigma ^*\).

An ideal is a downward-closed set \(I \subseteq X\) that is also directed, i.e., it is nonempty and, for every \(x, y \in I\), there exists \(z \in I\) such that \(x \le z\) and \(y \le z\). The set of ideals is denoted by \(\textsf {Ideals}(X)\).

Well-Quasi-Orderings. When a qo satisfies some additional property, we deal with a well-quasi-ordering:

Definition 1

A well-quasi-ordering (wqo) is a qo \((X,\le )\) such that every infinite sequence \(x_0, x_1, x_2, \ldots \) over X contains an increasing pair, i.e., there are \(i < j\) such that \(x_i \le x_j\).

For example, the set of natural numbers \(\mathbb {N}\), along with the standard ordering \(\le \) is a wqo. Moreover, \((\mathbb {N}^k, \le )\), i.e. the set of vectors of \(k \ge 1\) natural numbers with component-wise ordering, is a wqo [6]. On the other hand, the prefix ordering of words over an alphabet \(\varSigma \), denoted by \(\preceq \), is not a wqo since, in the infinite sequence \(b, ab, a^2b, a^3b,...a^nb,...\), we have \(a^ib \not \preceq a^jb\) for all \(i<j\).

In general, for qo, upward-closed sets do not necessarily have a finite basis. However, from [14], we know that every upward-closed set in a wqo has a finite basis.

We have the following equivalent characterization of wqos.

Proposition 1

([9]). A qo \((X,\le )\) is a wqo iff every infinite sequence in X has an infinite increasing subsequence.

Moreover, one can prove that a qo is a wqo iff it is well-founded and contains no infinite antichain.

The following proposition is useful to design the forward coverability algorithm that enumerates finite subsets of ideals composing inductive invariants. It shows that the wqo hypothesis is not necessary to decide coverability.

Proposition 2

([9]). A qo \((X,\le )\) contains no infinite antichain iff every downward-closed set decomposes into a finite union of ideals.

Transition Systems. A transition system is a pair \(\mathcal {S}= \langle X,\rightarrow \rangle \) where X is the set of states and \({\rightarrow } \subseteq X \times X\) is the transition relation. We write \(x \xrightarrow {} y\) for \((x, y) \in {\rightarrow }\). Moreover, we let \(\xrightarrow {*}\) be the transitive and reflexive closure of the relation \(\rightarrow \), and \(\xrightarrow {+}\) be the transitive closure of \(\rightarrow \).

Given a state \(x \in X\), we write \(Post_\mathcal {S}(x) = \{y\in X \mid x \xrightarrow {} y\}\) for the set of immediate successors of x. Similarly, \(Pre_\mathcal {S}(x) = \{y\in X \mid y \xrightarrow {} x\}\) denotes the set of its immediate predecessors.

We call \(\mathcal {S}\) finitely branching if, for all \(x \in X\), the set \(Post_\mathcal {S}(x)\) is finite. The reachability set of \(\mathcal {S}\) from \(x \in X\) is defined as \(Post_\mathcal {S}^*(x) = \{y \in X \mid x \xrightarrow {*} y\}\). Note that, when \(\mathcal {S}\) is clear from the context, we may drop the subscript and write, e.g., \(Post^*(x)\). We say that a state y is reachable from x if \(y \in Post^*(x)\) (resp. \(y \in \mathord {\downarrow }Post^*(x)\)).

A (well-)ordered transition system is a triple \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \rightarrow , \le )\) consisting of a transition system \(\langle X,\rightarrow \rangle \) equipped with a qo (resp., wqo) \((X, \le )\). An ordered transition system \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \rightarrow , \le )\) is effective if \(\le \) and \( \rightarrow \) are decidable. We say that a state y is coverable from x if \(y \in \mathord {\downarrow }Post^*(x)\).

Definition 2

([10]). A well-structured transition system (WSTS) is a well-ordered transition system \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \rightarrow , \le )\) that satisfies (general) monotony: for all \(x, y, x' \in X\), we have: \( x \le y \wedge x \rightarrow x' \implies \exists y' \in X: x' \le y' \wedge y \xrightarrow {*} y'. \)

We define other types of monotony. We say that a well-ordered transition system \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \rightarrow , \le )\) satisfies strong monotony (resp., transitive monotony) if, for all \(x,y,x' \in X\) such that \(x \le y\) and \(x \rightarrow x'\), there is \(y' \in X\) such that \(x' \le y'\) and \(y \rightarrow y'\) (resp., \(y \xrightarrow {+} y'\)). The transition system \(\mathcal {S}\) satisfies strict monotony if, for all \(x,y,x' \in X\) such that \(x < y\) and \(x \rightarrow x'\), there is \(y' \in X\) such that \(x' < y'\) and \(y \rightarrow y'\).

Definition 3

We define the following decision problems. Given an ordered transition system \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \rightarrow , \le )\) and an initial state \(x_0 \in X\):

  • The non-termination problem: Is there an infinite sequence of states \(x_1, x_2,\ldots \) such that \(x_0 \xrightarrow {} x_1 \xrightarrow {} x_2 \xrightarrow {} \ldots \) ?

  • The boundedness problem: Is \(Post^*_\mathcal {S}(x_0)\) finite?

  • The coverability problem: Given states \(x, y \in X\), is y coverable from x?

It is folklore [10, 13] that termination is decidable for finitely branching WSTS with transitive monotony and that boundedness is decidable for finitely branching WSTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \rightarrow , \le )\) where \(\le \) is a partial ordering and \( \rightarrow \) is strictly monotone; in both cases, we suppose that the WSTS are effective and that Post(x) is computable, for all \(x \in X\).

Recall that, in a wqo \((X,\le )\), upward-closed sets have a finite basis. Coverability is decidable for a large class of WSTS:

Theorem 1

([1, 13]). The coverability problem is decidable for effective WSTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \rightarrow , \le )\) equipped with an algorithm that, for all finite sets \(I \subseteq X\), computes a finite basis pb(I) of \(\mathord {\uparrow }Pre(\mathord {\uparrow }I)\).

Assume \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \xrightarrow {}, \le )\) is a WSTS and \(x \in X\) is a state. The backward coverability algorithm involves computing (a finite basis of) \(Pre^*(\mathord {\uparrow }x)\) as the limit of the infinite increasing sequence \(\mathord {\uparrow }I_0 \subseteq \mathord {\uparrow }I_1 \subseteq \ldots \) where \(I_0= \{x\}\) and \(I_{n+1} {\mathop {=}\limits ^{\scriptscriptstyle \text {def}}}I_n \cup pb(I_n)\). Since there exists an integer k such that \(\mathord {\uparrow }I_{k+1} = \mathord {\uparrow }I_k\), the finite set \(I_k\) is computable (one may test, for all n, whether \(\mathord {\uparrow }I_{n+1} = \mathord {\uparrow }I_n\)) and \(I_k\) is then a finite basis of \(Pre^*(\mathord {\uparrow }x)\) so one deduces that coverability is decidable.

Coverability can be also decided by using the forward coverability algorithm that relies on two semi-decision procedures (as described below). It applies to the class of well-behaved transition systems, which are more general than WSTS. A well-behaved transition system (WBTS) is an ordered transition system \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \xrightarrow {}, \le )\) with monotony such that \((X, \le )\) contains no infinite antichain. We describe effectiveness hypotheses that allow manipulating downward-closed sets in WBTS.

Definition 4

([3, Definition 3.4]). A class C of WBTS is ideally effective if, given \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \xrightarrow {}{}, \le ) \in C\),

  • the set of encodings of \(\textsf {Ideals}(X)\) is recursive,

  • the function mapping the encoding of a state \(x \in X\) to the encoding of the ideal \(\mathord {\downarrow }{x} \in \textsf {Ideals}(X)\) is computable;

  • inclusion of ideals of X is decidable;

  • the downward closure \(\mathord {\downarrow }{Post(I)}\) expressed as a finite union of ideals is computable from the ideal \(I \in \textsf {Ideals}(X)\).

Theorem 2

([3]). The coverability problem is decidable for ideally effective WBTS.

The proof is done by two semi-decision procedures where downward-closed sets are represented by their finite decomposition in ideals and this is effective. Procedure 1 checks for coverability of y from \(x_0\), by recursively computing \(\mathord {\downarrow }x_0\), \(\mathord {\downarrow }(\mathord {\downarrow }x_0 \cup Post(\mathord {\downarrow }x_0))\) and so on. This procedure terminates only if y belongs to one of these sets, hence it terminates if y is coverable. Hence, we deduce:

Proposition 3

([3]). For an ideally effective WBTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X,\rightarrow , \le )\), an initial state \(x_0\), and a state y, Procedure 1 terminates iff y is coverable from \(x_0\).

figure a

Procedure 2 enumerates all downward-closed subsets (by means of their finite decomposition in ideals) in some fixed order \(D_1, D_2, \ldots \) such that for all i, \(D_i \subseteq X\) and \(\mathord {\downarrow }Post(D_i) \subseteq D_i\). This enumeration is effective since \(\mathcal {S}\) is ideally effective. If such a set \(D_i\) contains \(x_0\), it is an over-approximation of \(Post^*( x_0)\). Hence, if there is such a set \(D_i\) such that \(x_0 \in D_i\) but \(y \notin D_i\), it is a certificate of non-coverability. Moreover, this procedure terminates if y is non-coverable because \(\mathord {\downarrow }Post^*(x_0)\) is such a set, and hence, will eventually be found.

Proposition 4

([3]). For a WBTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X,\rightarrow , \le )\), an initial state \(x_0\) and a state y, Procedure 2 terminates iff y is not coverable from \(x_0\).

figure b

3 Termination and Boundedness

In this section, we generalize wqo and monotony such that these properties only consider states along a branch in the reachability tree. To define these notions, we use labels on the transitions, hence, we consider labeled transition systems.

Labeled Transition Systems. A labeled transition system (LTS) is a tuple \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , x_0)\) where X is the set of states, \(\varSigma \) is the finite action alphabet, \({\xrightarrow {}} \subseteq X \times \varSigma \times X\) is the transition relation, and \(x_0 \in X\) is the initial state.

Definition 5

An (quasi-)ordered labeled transition system (OLTS) is defined as a tuple \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) where \((X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , x_0)\) is an LTS and \((X, \le )\) is a qo.

In the case of an LTS or OLTS, we write \(x \xrightarrow {a} x'\) instead of \((x,a,x') \in {\rightarrow }\). For \(\sigma \in \varSigma ^*\), \(x \xrightarrow {\sigma } x'\) is defined as expected. We also let \(x \xrightarrow {} x'\) if \((x,a,x') \in {\rightarrow }\) for some \(a \in \varSigma \), with closures \(\xrightarrow {*}\) and \(\xrightarrow {+}\).

We call an OLTS \(\mathcal {S}\) effective if \(\le \) and, for all \(a \in \varSigma \), \(\xrightarrow {a}\) are decidable.

Remark 1

We can similarly define a labeled WSTS as an OLTS such that the ordering is well and it satisfies the general monotony condition (canonically adapted to take care of the transition labels). Moreover, we lift the decision problems from Definition 3 to OLTS in the obvious way.

Branch-WSTS. Consider an OLTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\). A run (or branch) of \(\mathcal {S}\) is a finite or infinite sequence \(\rho =(x_0 \xrightarrow {} x_1)(x_1 \xrightarrow {} x_2)...\) simply written \(\rho =x_0 \xrightarrow {} x_1 \xrightarrow {} x_2 \ldots \). We say that \(\rho \) is branch-wqo if the set of states \(\{x_0,x_1,x_2,\ldots \}\) visited along \(\rho \) is wqo w.r.t. \(\le \).

Definition 6

An OLTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) is branch-wqo if every run of \(\mathcal {S}\) is branch-wqo.

Example 1

Consider the FIFO machine (formally defined in Definition 10) \(\mathcal {M}_1\) in Fig. 1 with one FIFO channel. In control-state \(q_0\), it makes a loop by sending letter a to the channel. Then, we may go, non-deterministically, to control-state \(q_1\) by sending letter b once, and then we stop. Let us consider the set of states \(X_1 = \{q_0,q_1\} \times \{a,b\}^*\) together with the ordering \(\le _p\) defined by \((q,u) \le _p (q',u')\) if \(q = q'\) and u is a prefix of \(u'\), i.e., \(u \preceq u'\). The reachability set of \(\mathcal {M}_1\) from \((q_0,\varepsilon )\) is equal to \(\{(q_0, w), (q_1, w) \mid w \in a^*, w' \in a^*b\}\). Note that \(\le _p\) is not a wqo since elements of the set \(\{(q_1, w) \mid w \in a^*b\}\) form an infinite antichain for \(\le _p\). However, the reachability tree of \(\mathcal {M}_1\) is branch-wqo for the initial state \((q_0, \varepsilon )\). Hence, there exist branch-wqo OLTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) such that \((X,\le )\) is not a wqo.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The FIFO machine \(\mathcal {M}_1\) (left), and its corresponding (incomplete) infinite reachability tree (right).

Remark 2

There exist a system \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) and \(x_0' \in X\) such that \(\mathcal {S}\) is branch-wqo but \((X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0')\) is not branch-wqo (cf. Figure 2).

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The FIFO machine shown is branch-wqo if the initial control-state is \(q_0\). If the initial control-state is \(q_2\), then it is not branch-wqo as the states in the set \(\{(q_1, w) \mid w \in c^+b\}\), which form an infinite antichain, are reachable from \((q_2, \varepsilon )\).

We now look at a generalization of strong monotony, which we will refer to as branch-monotony.

Definition 7

(Branch-monotony). An OLTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma ,\) \(\rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) is branch-monotone if, for all \(x, x' \in X\), \(\sigma \in \varSigma ^*\) such that \(x \xrightarrow {\sigma } x'\) and \(x \le x'\), there exists a state y such that \(x' \xrightarrow {\sigma } y\) and \(x' \le y\).

Remark 3

Let \(\mathcal {S}\) be a branch-monotone OLTS and let there be states \(x,x'\) such that \(x \xrightarrow {\sigma } x'\) and \(x \le x'\), with \(\sigma \in \varSigma ^*\). Then, for any \(n \ge 1\), there exists \(y_n \in X\) such that \(x \xrightarrow {\sigma ^n} y_n\) with \(x \le y_n\).

As in the case of general monotony, strict branch-monotony is defined using strict inequalities in both cases.

Example 2

Consider \(\mathcal {M}_1\) from Example 1 once again. Note \(\mathcal {M}_1\) induces an OLTS by considering the actions on the edges to be the labels. Moreover, \(\mathcal {M}_1\) is branch-monotone. For every \(x \xrightarrow {\sigma } x'\) such that \(x \le x'\) and \(\sigma \in \varSigma ^*\), it is necessary that \(x = (q_0, a^n)\), \(x' = (q_0, a^{n+k})\), for some \(n,k \in \mathbb {N}\). Moreover, there always exists a transition from \(x'\) such that \(x' \xrightarrow {\sigma } y = (q_0, a^{n+k+k})\). Hence, \(x' \le y\). We deduce that \(\mathcal {M}_1\) is branch-monotone.

We are now ready to extend the definition of WSTS.

Definition 8

(Branch-WSTS). A branch-WSTS is an OLTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma ,\) \(\rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) that is finitely branching, branch-monotone, and branch-wqo.

When we say, without ambiguity, that a machine \(\mathcal {M}\) is branch-wqo, WSTS, or branch-WSTS, we mean that the ordered transition system \(\mathcal {S}_{\mathcal {M}}\), associated with machine \(\mathcal {M}\), is branch-wqo, WSTS, or branch-WSTS, resp.

Remark 4

Branch-WSTS is a strict superclass of labeled WSTS. For example, machine \(\mathcal {M}_1\) is branch-WSTS for the ordering \(\le _p\) but \(\mathcal {M}_1\) is not WSTS for \(\le _p\) since \(\le _p\) is not a wqo on \(\{q_0,q_1\} \times \{a,b\}^*\) or on the subset \(\{(q_1,w) \mid w \in a^*b\}\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

The reduced reachability tree of \(\mathcal {M}_1\) from \((q_0, \varepsilon )\). Note that \((q_0, a)\) is dead because it is subsumed by state \((q_0, \varepsilon )\). As a matter of fact, we have \((q_0, \varepsilon ) \xrightarrow {*} (q_0, a)\) and \((q_0, \varepsilon ) \le _p (q_0, a)\). State \((q_1, b)\) is also dead but it is not subsumed.

Let us recall the Reduced Reachability Tree (RRT), which was defined as Finite Reachability Tree in [10, 13]. Suppose that \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) is an OLTS. Then, the Reduced Reachability Tree from \(x_0\), denoted by \( RRT ( \mathcal {S}, x_0)\), is a tree where nodes are labeled by states of X, and n(x) denotes that node n is labeled by state x. Nodes are either dead or live. The root node \(n_0(x_0)\) is live. A dead node has no child node. A live node n(y) has one child \(n'(y')\) for each successor \(y' \in Post_{\mathcal {S}}(y)\). If there is a path in the tree \(n_0(x_0) \xrightarrow {*} n'(y') \xrightarrow {+} n(y)\) such that \(n' \ne n\) and \(y' \le y\), we say that \(n'\) subsumes n, and then n is dead. Otherwise n is live. See Fig. 3 for the RRT of \(\mathcal {M}_1\).

Proposition 5

Let \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) be an OLTS that is finitely branching and branch-wqo. Then, \( RRT (\mathcal {S},x_0)\) is finite.

Proposition 6

Let \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma ,\) \(\rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) be a branch-WSTS, equipped with strict branch-monotony and such that \(\le \) is a partial ordering. The reachability set \(Post^*_\mathcal {S}(x_0)\) is infinite iff there exists a branch \(n_0(x_0)\xrightarrow {*} n_1(x_1) \xrightarrow {+} n_2(x_2)\) in \( RRT (\mathcal {S},x_0)\) such that \(x_1 < x_2\).

We now need a notion of effectivity adapted to branch-WSTS.

Definition 9

A branch-WSTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma ,\) \(\rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) is branch-effective if \(\mathcal {S}\) is effective and \(Post_\mathcal {S}(x)\) is a (finite) computable set, for all \(x \in X\).

Theorem 3

Boundedness is decidable for branch-effective branch-WSTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma ,\) \(\rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) with strict branch-monotony such that \(\le \) is a partial ordering.


Suppose \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma ,\) \(\rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) satisfies the above conditions. From Proposition 5, we obtain that \({ RRT (\mathcal {S},x_0)}\) is finite. By hypothesis, \(\mathcal {S}\) is finitely branching and branch-effective. In particular, for all x, \(Post_\mathcal {S}(x)\) is a finite computable set. As \(\le \) is decidable, we deduce that \( RRT (\mathcal {S},x_0)\) is effectively computable. From Proposition 6, we know that \(Post^*_\mathcal {S}(x_0)\) is infinite iff there exists a finite branch \(n_0(x_0)\xrightarrow {*} n_1(x_1) \xrightarrow {+} n_2(x_2)\) such that \(x_1 < x_2\). This last property can be decided on \( RRT (\mathcal {S},x_0)\), and so the boundedness property can be decided, too.    \(\square \)

We also generalize the decidability of termination for WSTS [13] to branch-WSTS.

Proposition 7

A branch-WSTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma ,\) \(\rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) does not terminate from state \(x_0\) iff there exists a subsumed node in \( RRT (\mathcal {S},x_0)\).

Theorem 4

Termination is decidable for branch-effective branch-WSTS.


Given a branch-WSTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma ,\) \(\rightarrow , \le , x_0)\), we apply Proposition 7 so that it is sufficient to build \( RRT (\mathcal {S},x_0)\) and check if there exists a subsumed node. Since \(\mathcal {S}\) is branch-effective, we can effectively construct \( RRT (\mathcal {S},x_0)\) and verify the existence of a subsumed node.    \(\square \)

Note that we can thus solve the termination and boundedness problems for the example machine \(\mathcal {M}_1\), and since there exists nodes \(n_0(x_0)\) and \(n_1(x_1)\) in the RRT such that \(x_0 = (q_0, \varepsilon )\) and \(x_1 = (q_0, a)\) such that \(x_0 <x_1\) and \(x_0 \xrightarrow {+} x_1\), the machine \(\mathcal {M}_1\) is unbounded. Moreover, since \(n_1(x_1)\) is also a subsumed node, it is non-terminating.

On the other hand, boundedness becomes undecidable if we relax the strict monotony condition to general monotony (even when we strengthen the order to be wqo). This is because boundedness is undecidable for Reset Petri nets [8]. Reset Petri nets are effective WSTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma ,\) \(\rightarrow , \le , x_0)\), hence branch-effective WSTS, where \(\le \) is the wqo on vectors of integers. Hence, we deduce:

Proposition 8

Boundedness is undecidable for branch-effective branch-WSTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) where \(\le \) is a wqo.

Counter Machines with Restricted Zero Tests. Now, we show an example of a class that is branch-WSTS. We study counter machines with restricted zero tests. In [4], it was shown that termination and boundedness (and moreover, reachability) are decidable for this class of systems. However, using the alternative approach of branch-WSTS, we can verify that termination and boundedness are decidable for this class without reducing these problems to reachability.

We recall that a counter machine (with zero tests) is a tuple \(\mathcal {C}=(Q,V, T, q_0)\). Here, Q is the finite set of control states and \(q_0 \in Q\) is the initial control state. Moreover, \(V\) is a finite set of counters and \(T \subseteq Q \times A_\mathcal {C}\times Q\) is the transition relation where \(A_\mathcal {C}= \{\textsf {inc}(v),\textsf {dec}(v) \mid v\in V\} \times 2^V\) (an element of \(2^V\) will indicate the set of counters to be tested to 0).

The counter machine \(\mathcal {C}\) induces an LTS \(\mathcal {S}_\mathcal {C}= (X_\mathcal {C},A_\mathcal {C},\rightarrow _\mathcal {C}, x_0)\) with set of states \(X_\mathcal {C}= Q \times \mathbb {N}^V\). In \((q,\ell ) \in X_\mathcal {C}\), the first component q is the current control state and \(\ell = (\ell _{v})_{v\in V}\) represents the counter values. The initial state is then \(x_0 = (q_0, \ell )\) with all \(\ell _v\) equal to 0.

For \(op \in \{\mathsf {inc},\mathsf {dec}\}\), \(v\in V\), and \(Z \subseteq V\) (the counters tested for zero), there is a transition \( (q,\ell ) \xrightarrow {op(v), Z}_\mathcal {C}(q',m) \) if \((q, (op(v), Z), q') \in T\), \(\ell _{v'} = 0\) for all \(v'\in Z\) (applies the zero tests), \(m_{v} = \ell _{v} + 1\) if \(op = \mathsf {inc}\) and \(m_{v} = \ell _{v} - 1\) if \(op = \mathsf {dec}\), and \(m_{v'} = \ell _{v'}\) for all \(v'\in V\setminus \{v\}\).

We define counter machines with restricted zero tests (CMRZ) imposing the following requirement: Once a counter has been tested for zero, it cannot be incremented or decremented anymore. Formally, we require that, for all valid transition sequences \((q_1,\ell _1) \xrightarrow {op(v_1), Z_1}_\mathcal {C}(q_2,\ell _2) \xrightarrow {op(v_2), Z_2}_\mathcal {C}\ldots \xrightarrow {op(v_{n}), Z_{n}}_\mathcal {C}(q_{n+1},\ell _{n+1})\) and every two positions \(1 \le i \le j \le n\), we have \(v_j \not \in Z_i\).

Let us consider the wqo \(\le \) on \(Q \times \mathbb {N}^V\) where \((q,\ell ) \le (q',m)\) if \(q = q'\) and \(\ell \le m\). Note that this ordering is a partial ordering.

Proposition 9

CMRZs are branch-monotone and strictly branch-monotone for the wqo \(\le \).

Therefore, since \(\le \) is a wqo:

Theorem 5

CMRZs are branch-WSTS.

Furthermore, since \(\le \) and \(\xrightarrow {}_\mathcal {C}\) are decidable, and \(Post_{\mathcal {S}_\mathcal {C}}(x)\) is a finite, computable set for all \(x \in X_\mathcal {C}\), we have:

Proposition 10

CMRZs are branch-effective.

Hence, we deduce:

Theorem 6

Termination and boundedness are decidable for counter machines with restricted zero tests.

Restrictions on FIFO Machines. Next, we consider FIFO machines.

Definition 10

A FIFO machine \(\mathcal {M}\) with a unique channel over the finite message alphabet \(A\) is a tuple \(\mathcal {M}= (Q, A, T, q_0)\) where Q is a finite set of control states and \(q_0 \in Q\) is an initial control state. Moreover, \(T \subseteq Q \times \{!,?\}\times A\times Q\) is the transition relation, where \(\{!\} \times A\) and \(\{?\} \times A\) are the set of send and receive actions, respectively.

The FIFO machine \(\mathcal {M}\) induces the LTS \(\mathcal {S}_\mathcal {M}= (X_\mathcal {M}, \varSigma _\mathcal {M}, \rightarrow _\mathcal {M}, x_0)\). Its set of states is \(X_\mathcal {M}= Q \times A^*\). In \((q,w) \in X_\mathcal {M}\), the first component q denotes the current control state and \(w \in A^*\) denotes the contents of the channel. The initial state is \(x_0 = (q_0, \varepsilon )\), where \(\varepsilon \) denotes the empty channel. Moreover, \(\varSigma _\mathcal {M}= \{!, ?\} \times A\). The transitions are given as follows:

  • \((q, w) \xrightarrow {!a}_\mathcal {M}(q', w')\) if \((q, !a, q') \in T\) and \(w' = w \cdot a\).

  • \((q, w) \xrightarrow {?a}_\mathcal {M}(q', w')\) if \((q, ?a, q') \in T\) and \(w = a \cdot w'\).

The index \(\mathcal {M}\) may be omitted whenever \(\mathcal {M}\) is clear from the context. When there is no ambiguity, we confuse machines and their associated LTS.

The FIFO machine \(\mathcal {M}_1\) from Fig. 1 is an example of a system that is branch-WSTS but the underlying set of states is not well-quasi-ordered. We first try to generalize a class of systems which are branch-wqo, and which includes \(\mathcal {M}_1\).

Branch-Wqo FIFO Machines. We consider a restriction that has been studied in [4], which we go on to prove is branch-wqo. These systems are known as input-bounded FIFO machines, which we formally define below. First, we recall the definition of a bounded language.

Let \(w_1, \ldots , w_n \in A^+\) be non-empty words where \(n \ge 1\). A bounded language over \((w_1,\ldots , w_n)\) is a language \(L \subseteq w_1^*\ldots w_n^*\). We let \(\textsf {proj} _!: \varSigma _\mathcal {M}^* \rightarrow A^*\) be the homomorphism defined by \(\textsf {proj} _!(!a) = a\) for all \(a \in A\) and \(\textsf {proj} _!(\beta ) = \varepsilon \) if \(\beta \) is not of the form !a for some \(a \in A\). We define \(\textsf {proj} _?\) the same way. Using these notions, the input language of \(\mathcal {M}\) is defined as \(L_{input }(\mathcal {M}) = \{ \textsf {proj} _!(\sigma ) \mid x_0 \xrightarrow {\sigma }_\mathcal {M}x \text { for some } x \in X_\mathcal {M}\}\). Note that the input language is prefix-closed. Moreover, the prefix language of a bounded language is a bounded language.

Definition 11

A FIFO machine \(\mathcal {M}=(Q, A, T, q_0)\) is input-bounded if its input language \(L_{input }(\mathcal {M})\) is bounded.

Let us recall the extended prefix ordering on the states of a FIFO machine: we let \((q,w) \le _{p} (q',w')\) if \(q=q'\) and \(w \preceq w'\).

Proposition 11

Input-bounded FIFO machines are branch-wqo for the prefix-ordering \(\le _{p}\).

It is clear that \(\mathcal {M}_1\) belongs to this class of FIFO systems. But, we see that this subclass is not branch-WSTS (cf. Figure 4). We have \((q_1, \varepsilon ) \xrightarrow {\sigma } (q_1,a)\), where \(\sigma = !b?b!a\). Moreover, \((q_1, \varepsilon ) \le _p (q_1, a)\). However, there exists no \((q_1, w)\) such that \((q_1, a) \xrightarrow {\sigma } (q_1, w)\), and \((q_1, a) \le _{p} (q_1, w)\). In fact, \(\sigma \) cannot be executed from \((q_1,a)\). Therefore, the machine is not branch-monotone under the prefix ordering.

Proposition 12

Input-bounded FIFO machines are, in general, not branch-monotone for the prefix-ordering.

However, when we consider the normal form of input-bounded FIFO machines, as defined in [4], we conjecture that they are branch-monotone for the prefix-ordering. Furthermore, since they are input-bounded, this would imply that they are branch-WSTS. Moreover, it was also shown in [4], that for every input-bounded FIFO machine, one can construct an equivalent normal form with an exponential blow-up. This would give us another method to verify if a given machine is bounded or has a terminating run, which bypasses checking the reachability of a state.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

The FIFO machine \(\mathcal {M}_2\)

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The FIFO machine \(\mathcal {M}_3\).

Branch-Monotone FIFO Machines. We now modify the prefix-ordering further, in order to construct another subclass of FIFO systems which are branch-WSTS. This relation has been previously studied, notably in [12].

Definition 12

For two states (qw) and \((q',w')\) of a FIFO machine \(\mathcal {M}\), we say that \((q,w)~ R~ (q',w')\) if \(q = q'\) and there exists a sequence \(\sigma \in \varSigma _\mathcal {M}^*\) such that \((q,w) \xrightarrow {\sigma } (q',w')\) and

  • \(\textsf {proj} _?(\sigma ) = \varepsilon \), or

  • \(w \preceq w'\) and \((\textsf {proj} _?(\sigma ))^\omega = w.(\textsf {proj} _!(\sigma ))^\omega \).

In fact, R is not a qo. It is reflexive, but not transitive:

Example 3

Consider the FIFO machine \(\mathcal {M}_3\) in Fig. 5. Consider states \(x_1 = (q, a)\), \(x_2 = (q,ab)\), and \(x_3 = (q,abab)\). We represent the sequence of actions !a!b!a!b by a single transition !abab in the figure, and omit the intermediate control-states for simplicity (and similarly, for ?ab). It is easy to see that \(x_1~R~ x_2\) and \(x_2~ R~ x_3\). When we consider \(x_1 \le _p x_3\), we have \(x_1 \xrightarrow {\sigma } x_3\), where \(\sigma = !b(!abab)(?ab)\). However, \((ab)^\omega \ne a.(babab)^\omega \), hence, , and thus, the relation is not transitive.

Earlier, we defined branch-monotony for transition systems equipped with a quasi-ordering. We now extend the notion for transition systems with a relation.

Proposition 13

FIFO machines are branch-monotone for the relation R.

Remark 5

This monotony relation is equivalent to the one described in [15], for FIFO systems. However, we have generalized the notion, and included it in the framework. Hence, we can extend this notion to prove the decidability of termination, something which was not shown earlier.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

System \(\mathcal {M}_4\) is branch-WSTS.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

System \(\mathcal {M}_5\) is branch-WSTS.

4 Decidability of Coverability

Coverability Algorithms for Branch-WSTS. We show that the two existing coverability algorithms for WSTS do not allow one to decide coverability for branch-WSTS. Remark that, contrary to WSTS, \({Pre^*(\mathord {\uparrow }x)}\) is not necessarily upward-closed. In fact, even with a single zero-test, this property is not satisfied.

In Fig. 6, let us consider the counter machine \(\mathcal {M}_4\) with a single counter c. Let \(x = (q_1,0)\). We see that \({Pre^*(\mathord {\uparrow }x) }= \{(q_1, n) \mid n\ge 0\} \cup \{(q_0, 0)\}\). However, \({\mathord {\uparrow }Pre^*(\mathord {\uparrow }x)} = {Pre^*(\mathord {\uparrow }x)} \cup \{(q_0, n) \mid n\ge 1\}\). Thus, we get:

Proposition 14

Given a branch-effective branch-WSTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) and a state \(x \in X\), the set \(Pre^*(\mathord {\uparrow }x)\) is not necessarily upward-closed. Hence, we cannot use the backward algorithm.

Let us consider using the forward algorithm instead. The second procedure computes all sets X which satisfy the property \(\mathord {\downarrow }Post^*(X) \subseteq X\). This is because for WSTS, the set \(\mathord {\downarrow }Post^*(x)\) satisfies this property. However, we now show a counter-example of a branch-WSTS which does not satisfy this property.

Consider the counter machine \(\mathcal {M}_5\) from Fig. 7, with \(x_0 = (q_0,0)\). We compute \(\mathord {\downarrow }Post^*(x_0)\). We see that \(Post^*(x_0) = \{ (q_0, 0), (q_1,1)\}\), hence, \(Y = \mathord {\downarrow }Post^*(x_0) = \{ (q_0, 0), (q_1,1), (q_1, 0)\}\). However, \(\mathord {\downarrow }Post^*(Y) \not \subseteq Y\), as \(\mathord {\downarrow }Post^*(Y) = \{ (q_0, 0), (q_1,1), (q_1, 0), (q_2, 0) \}\), which is strictly larger than Y. Hence:

Proposition 15

For branch-effective, branch-WSTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) such that \(\mathord {\downarrow }Post(\mathord {\downarrow }x)\) is computable for all \(x \in X\), the set \(Y = \mathord {\downarrow }Post^*(x_0)\) does not necessarily satisfy the property \(\mathord {\downarrow }Post^*(Y) \subseteq Y\). Hence, the forward coverability algorithm may not terminate.

We can deduce:

Proposition 16

For branch-WSTS, both the backward coverability algorithm and the forward coverability algorithm do not terminate, in general.

Not only the two coverability algorithms do not terminate but we may prove that coverability is undecidable.

Theorem 7

The coverability problem is undecidable for branch-effective branch-WSTS \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) (even if \(\mathcal {S}\) is strongly monotone and \(\le \) is wqo).


We use the family of systems given in the proof of Theorem 4.3 [11]. Let us denote by \( TM _j\) the \(j^{th}\) Turing Machine in some enumeration. Consider the family of functions \(f_j : \mathbb {N}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb {N}^2\) defined by \(f_j(n,k)=(n,0) \) if \(k=0\) and \(TM_j\) runs for more than n steps, else \(f_j(n,k)=(n,n+k)\). Let \(g : \mathbb {N}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb {N}^2\) be the function defined by \(g(n,k)=(n+1,k)\). The transition system \(\mathcal {S}_j\) induced by the two functions \(f_j\) and g is strongly monotone hence it is also branch-monotone. Moreover, system \(\mathcal {S}_j\) is branch-effective and we observe that Post is computable and \(\le \) is wqo. Now, we have (1, 1) is coverable from (0, 0) in \(\mathcal {S}_j\) iff \( TM _j\) halts. This proves that coverability is undecidable.    \(\square \)

Decidability of Coverability. We show that coverability is decidable for a class of systems with a wqo but with a restricted notion of monotony. We define \(Cover_\mathcal {S}(x)=\mathord {\downarrow }Post_\mathcal {S}^*(x)\). Let us consider the following monotony condition.

Definition 13

(cover-monotony). Let \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) be a system. We say that \(\mathcal {S}\) is cover-monotone (resp. strongly cover-monotone) if, for all \(y_1 \in Cover_\mathcal {S}(x_0)\) and for all \(x_1,x_2 \in X\) such that \(x_1 \le y_1\) and \(x_1 \xrightarrow {} x_2 \), there exists a state \(y_2 \in X\) such that \(y_1 \xrightarrow {*} y_2\) (resp. \(y_1 \xrightarrow {} y_2\)) and \(x_2 \le y_2\).

Let us emphasize that cover-monotony of a system \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) is a property that depends on the initial state \(x_0\) while the usual monotony does not depend on any initial state (see Fig. 8).

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Machine \(\mathcal {M}_6\) is cover-monotone. However, if we modify the system such that the initial state \((q_0, 1)\), then it is not cover-monotone.

Remark 6

The strong cover-monotony property is not trivially decidable for general models while (usual) strong-monotony is decidable for many powerful models like FIFO machines and counter machines. However, this notion is still of theoretical interest, as it shows that we can relax the general monotony condition.

However, there is a link between general monotony and cover-monotony.

Proposition 17

A system \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le )\) is monotone iff for all \(x_0\in X\), \((X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) is cover-monotone.

We may now define cover-WSTS as follows.

Definition 14

(Cover-WSTS). A cover-WSTS is a finitely branching cover-monotone system \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma ,\) \(\rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) such that \((X,\le )\) is wqo.

For cover-WSTS, the backward algorithm fails. This is once again because the presence of a single zero test removes the property of the set being upward-closed. But we will now show that the forward coverability approach is possible.

Proposition 18

Given a system \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \xrightarrow {}, \le , x_0)\) and a downward-closed set \(D \subseteq X\) such that \(\mathord {\downarrow }Post(D) \subseteq D\), then we have the inclusion \(\mathord {\downarrow }Post^*(D) \subseteq D\).

Let us define a particular instance of the coverability problem in which we verify if a state is coverable from the initial state.

Definition 15

Given a system \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \xrightarrow {}, \le , x_0)\). The \(x_0\)-coverability problem is: Given a state \(y \in X\), do we have \(y \in \mathord {\downarrow }Post_\mathcal {S}^*(x_0)\) ?

We show that \(x_0\)-coverability is decidable for cover-WSTS:

Theorem 8

Let \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) be an ideally effective cover-WSTS such that Post is computable. Then, the \(x_0\)-coverability problem is decidable.


Consider a system \(\mathcal {S}= (X, \varSigma , \rightarrow , \le , x_0)\) that is cover-WSTS, and let us consider a state \(y \in X\). To find a certificate of coverability (if it exists), we cannot use Procedure 1 since general monotony is not satisfied and then, in general, \(\mathord {\downarrow }Post^*(x_0) \ne \mathord {\downarrow }Post^*(\mathord {\downarrow }x_0)\) but we can use a variation of Procedure 1, where we iteratively compute \(x_0\), \(Post(x_0)\), \(Post(Post(x_0))\), and so on, and at each step check if \(y \le x\) for some x in the computed set. This can be done because \(\mathcal {S}\) is finitely branching and the sets \(Post^k(x_0)\) are computable for all \(k \ge 0\). Hence, if there exists a state that can cover y reachable from \(x_0\), it will eventually be found.

Now, let us prove that Procedure 2 terminates for input y iff y is not coverable from \(x_0\). If Procedure 2 terminates, then at some point, the while condition is not satisfied and there exists a set D such that \(y \notin D\) and \(x_0 \in D\) and \(\mathord {\downarrow }Post(D) \subseteq D\). Moreover, \(\mathord {\downarrow }Post^*(I) \subseteq I\) for every inductive invariant I (see Proposition 18). Hence, \(Cover_\mathcal {S}(x_0) \subseteq D\), therefore, since \(y \notin D\), we deduce that \(y \not \in Cover_\mathcal {S}(x_0)\) and then y is not coverable from \(x_0\).

Note that every downward-closed subset of X decomposes into finitely many ideals since \((X, \le )\) is wqo. Moreover, since \(\mathcal {S}\) is ideally effective, ideals of X may be effectively enumerated. By [2] and [3], for ideally effective systems, testing of inclusion of downward-closed sets, and checking the membership of a state in a downward-closed set, are both decidable.

To show the opposite direction, let us prove that if y is not coverable from \(x_0\), the procedure terminates. It suffices to prove that \(Cover_\mathcal {S}(x_0)\) is an inductive invariant. Indeed, this implies that \(Cover_\mathcal {S}(x_0)\) is eventually computed by Procedure 2 when y is not coverable from \(x_0\).

Let us show \(\mathord {\downarrow }Post(Cover_\mathcal {S}(x_0)) \subseteq Cover_\mathcal {S}(x_0)\). Let \(b \in \mathord {\downarrow }Post(Cover_\mathcal {S}(x_0))\). Then, there exists \(a', a', b'\) such that \(x_0 \xrightarrow {*} a'\), \(a' \ge a\), \(a \xrightarrow {} b'\) and \(b' \ge b\). Furthermore, \(a', a \in Cover(x_0)\). Hence, by cover-monotony, there exists \(b'' \ge b'\) such that \(a' \xrightarrow {*} b''\). Therefore, \(x_0 \xrightarrow {*} b''\) and \(b'' \ge b' \ge b\), hence, \(b \in Cover_\mathcal {S}(x_0)\). Hence, the \(x_0\)-coverability problem is decidable.    \(\square \)

Theorem 9

The coverability problem is undecidable for cover-WSTS.


Given any counter machine \(\mathcal {C}=(Q,V, T, q_0)\), let \(\mathcal {S}_\mathcal {C}= (X,A_\mathcal {C},\xrightarrow {},\le , x_0)\) be its transition system equipped with the natural order on counters. We can construct a system \(\mathcal {S}' = (X', A_\mathcal {C}, \rightarrow ', \le , x'_0)\) such that \(\mathcal {S}'\) is cover-monotone, and any state \(x \in X\) is coverable iff it is also coverable in \(X'\). The construction is as follows. We add a new control state q from the initial state in the counter machine (\(q_0\)) reachable via an empty transition, therefore, \(X' = X \cup \{(q,0) \}\). This new control state is a sink state, i.e. there are no transitions from q to any other control state (except itself). Moreover, we let \(x'_0 = (q, 0)\). Note that \(\mathcal {S}'\) is cover-monotone, because there is no state reachable from \(x'_0\), hence, the property is vacuously satisfied. However, for all other states, as we leave the system unchanged, we see that a state x is coverable in \(\mathcal {S}\) by a state y iff it is coverable in \(\mathcal {S}'\). Hence, coverability for counter machines reduces to the coverability problem for cover-WSTS, and coverability is therefore, undecidable for cover-WSTS.    \(\square \)

5 Conclusion

We have tried to relax the notions of monotony and of the wellness of the quasi-ordering which were traditionally used to define a WSTS. We observed that we do not need the wellness of the quasi-ordering or monotony between all states. By relaxing the conditions to only states reachable from one another, thus defining what we call branch-WSTS, we are still able to decide termination and boundedness. Furthermore, some systems that have been studied recently have been shown to belong to this class, which adds interest to this relaxation.

However, as coverability is undecidable for branch-WSTS, the notion of coverability seems to require a stricter condition than what we define for branch-WSTS. This leads us to introduce a different class of systems, incomparable to branch-WSTS, which we call cover-WSTS. These systems relax the condition of monotony to only states within the coverability set, while still retaining the decidability of a restricted form of coverability.

As future work, other systems that belong to these classes can be studied. It would also be interesting to see if the branch-WSTS relaxation translates to better hope for usability of WSTS and relaxations as a verification technique.