
1 Introduction

Recent advancements in sequencing technologies have accelerated microbiome research significantly. Broadly, metagenomics analysis supports the direct study of microbial genetic material from the host environments [3, 32]. One fundamental problem that dominates across a wide range of research is the identification and characterization of microbial genetic material. Metagenomics binning specifically determines the species present in a given sample and further supports the downstream functional analysis of identified microorganisms. There exist two main paradigms for metagenomics binning; (1) reference-based binning (e.g. Kraken2 [36], Centrifuge [11], MeganLR [7], Kaiju [20], etc.) and (2) reference-free binning (e.g. MaxBin 2 [37], MetaBAT 2 [10], VAMB [25], etc.). Reference-free approaches are preferred when unknown species are present or the reference databases are incomplete. Typically, short reads from the second-generation sequencing technologies (e.g. Illumina, etc.) are assembled into much longer contigs to be binned as longer contigs usually carry more pronounced genomic signals, e.g., the coverage and composition information of contigs. The coverage of an assembled contig is estimated by the aligned reads on this contig whereas the composition information is computed from the normalized ologonucleotide frequencies.

Long-read technologies from the third-generation sequencing is continuously gaining popularity [17], especially with the recent introduction of PacBio HiFi and Nanopore Q20+ technologies. As long reads are getting similar to contigs (assembled from short reads) in terms of length and accuracy, it is worth investigating whether long reads themselves can be binned directly before assembly. Note that the contigs binning tools cannot be directly applied to bin accurate long reads due to the absence of a coverage value for each read. MetaBCC-LR [35] and LRBinner [34] are two recent attempts to bin long reads in a reference-free manner. MetaBCC-LR and LRBinner both use k-mer coverage histograms for coverage and trinucleotide frequency vectors for composition. While MetaBCC-LR uses coverage and composition features in two subsequent steps, LRBinner combine coverage and composition features via an auto-encoder. Although these two k-mer based approaches show some promising results in binning long reads, they are highly likely to suffer from unreliable coverage estimation for individual long reads and poor sensitivity for low-abundance species due to imbalance clusters (refer to Fig. 3).

In this paper, we propose a novel binning approach (OBLR) to bin long reads using the read-overlap graph. In contrast with MetaBCC-LR and LRBinner, we adopt a novel coverage estimation strategy and a sampling strategy to form uniform clusters assisted by the read-overlap graph. We show that read-overlap graph assists in better estimation of read coverage and enables us to sample reads more uniformly across species with varying coverages. Moreover, the connectivity information in the read-overlap graph facilitates more accurate binning via inductive learning. Experimental results show that our new binning approach produces better binning results of long reads while reducing the extensive resources otherwise required for the assembly process.

2 Methods

Fig. 1.
figure 1

An overview of the workflow of the proposed pipeline OBLR.

Our pipeline consists of 5 steps performing the tasks, (1) building the read-overlap graph, (2) obtaining read features, (3) performing probabilistic sampling, (4) detecting clusters for sampled reads and (5) binning remaining reads by inductive learning. Figure 1 illustrates the overall pipeline of OBLR. The following sections explain each step in detail.

2.1 Step 1: Constructing Read-Overlap Graph

As the first step of the pipeline, we construct the read-overlap graph. The read-overlap graph is introduced to utilize the overlapping information between raw reads. Earlier works have demonstrated that the topology of read-overlap graph can help binning short reads [2] as well as distinguishing between genomes at the strain level [1]. As for long reads, two reads are overlapping (connected by an edge in the read-overlap graph) if and only if their overlapping length is at least \(L_{overlap}\) and the overhang length is at most \(L_{overhang}\) (computed according to  [13]). Note that overhang refers to the region on the sequence that lies along with the aligned sequence, however, does not have matching bases to meet overlap criteria. In our pipeline, we use k-mer bin map (kbm2) program to compute the approximate overlaps between reads. We use the empirically determined values, \(L_{overlap}=2560\) and \(L_{overhang}=512\) as overlap selection criteria in default setting. Note that kbm2 is a sub-routine of the recent assembler wtdbg2 and is extremely fast to detect overlapping reads using k-mer bins without performing pairwise alignment [28]. In the read-overlap graph, each node \(R_i\) represents a read while each edge \((R_i, R_j)\) indicates that \(R_i\) and \(R_j\) are overlapping. We also define \(D(R_i)\) as the degree of \(R_i\) in this read-overlap graph.

2.2 Step 2: Obtaining Read Features

In our pipeline, we intend to derive read features that incorporate both composition and coverage information of long reads.

The composition information of long reads can be computed as their oligonucleotide frequencies which are shown to be conserved within a given species while being reasonably distinct between species [30, 37]. More specifically, we compute a tetra-nucleotide frequency vector for each long read \(R_i\), i.e., \(X(R_i) \in \mathbb {R}^{136}\) as there are 136 distinct tetra-mers when combining reverse complements. This vector is used as the composition feature in our pipeline.

The coverage information of long reads usually refers to the coverage of underlying genomes from which the long reads are drawn. This is also important in metagenomics binning as long reads from the same species tend to have similar coverages [25, 35]. While such coverage information is usually available for contigs assembled from short reads (as a byproduct of assembly), long reads do not come with their coverage information. However, a read from a high-coverage genome is likely to have more overlaps compared to that from a low-coverage genome. Therefore, it is a natural choice to use the node degree in the read-overlap graph to estimate the coverage of the corresponding read. This choice is supported by Fig. 2 which shows a clear correlation between the node degree in the read-overlap graph and the coverage information of the corresponding read.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

The correlation between the node degree in read-overlap graph and the coverage information of the corresponding read for Sim-8 and Sim-20 datasets.

In summary, we combine both tetra-nucleotide frequency vector \(X(R_i)\) (for composition) and the node-degree information \(D(R_i)\) (for coverage) to derive the read feature vector as \(XD(R_i)\) = \(X(R_i) \times max(1, lg(D(R_i)))\) for each long read \(R_i\). Note that the max( ) and lg( ) are introduced to dampen rigorous fluctuations in coverage, especially for low-coverage genomes. Henceforth, \(XD(R_i)\) refers to the read features using degree and composition for read \(R_i\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Comparison of (a) uniform sampling and (2) probabilistic sampling of long reads in Sim-8 dataset. Different colors corresponds to reads that belong to a unique species.

2.3 Step 3: Performing Probabilistic Sampling

Clustering entire dataset at once can lead to the well-known class-imbalance problem [9] because metagenomics samples consist of species with varying coverages, i.e., imbalance clusters. However, probabilistic down sampling can effectively address this problem [16]. In order to perform such under sampling, we recall the degree information of nodes and use the Eq. 1 to compute the relative probability of sampling \(R_i\). Note that \(D(R_i) = 0\) when \(R_i\) is an isolated node and helps OBLR to discard chimeric reads. The effect of down sampling is illustrated in Fig. 3. It is evident that clusters after down sampling are of similar sizes and with less isolated points.

$$\begin{aligned} P(R_i)={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{1}{D(R_i)} \quad &{}\text {if}~~ \, D(R_i) \ne 0 \\ ~~~0 \quad &{}\text {if}~~ \, D(R_i) = 0 \\ \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$

2.4 Step 4: Detecting Clusters for Sampled Reads

We use UMAP [19] to project the sampled reads into lower dimensions and HDBSCAN [18] then is applied to detect clusters for sampled reads. Note than UMAP is a dimensionality reduction technique that is fast and scalable. HDBSCAN is a variant of DBSCAN, however it is capable of determining clusters without fixed parameters. Thus, HDBSCAN is more robust in scenarios where the cluster densities can vary significantly. To accommodate long-read datasets with different sizes, 25,000, 50,000, 100,000, 200,000 and 400,000 are used as the sampled number of reads to detect clusters. For each instance, the Silhouette score [27] is computed. We use the sample size with the highest Silhouette score as the chosen sample size for the dataset. This enables us to determine the size to sample from a given dataset in an unsupervised manner. At the end of this step; we have a sample of reads with their bin labels i.e., cluster labels.

2.5 Step 5: Binning Remaining Reads by Inductive Learning

As the read-overlap graphs may contain millions of nodes, the classic label propagation approaches face scalability issues to bin the remaining reads [15]. Therefore, OBLR employs GraphSAGE [6] to bin the remaining reads into the identified clusters in the previous step. GraphSAGE is a Graph Neural Network (GNN) architecture and has been designed to perform inductive learning using large-scale graphs [6]. GraphSAGE can be represented as a layer in a GNN that aggregates the neighborhood features to represent the features of a node itself. Formally, the l-th layer can be formulated according to Eqs. 2 and 3 [38].

$$\begin{aligned} a_{i}^{(l)} = \text {Mean}({h_{j}^{(l-1)}: j \in \mathcal {N}(R_i)}) \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} h_{v}^{(l)} = \text {Concatenation}(h_{v}^{(l-1)}, a_{v}^{(l)}) \end{aligned}$$

where \(h_{i}^{(l)}\) is the feature vector of node \(R_i\) at layer l. Note that \(h_{v}^{(0)}\) \(=\) \(XD(R_i)\) and \(\mathcal {N}(R_i)\) represent neighbors of node \(R_i\). While GraphSAGE supports arbitrary aggregate functions, we choose the Mean( ) as the aggregation operator to be tolerant towards noise and false connections in the read-overlap graph due to repeats. Furthermore, we use Concatenation( ) as the layer-wise feature combination strategy to retain features from both the node itself and its neighborhood.

We use two GraphSAGE layers followed by a fully-connected layer with K outputs, where K is the number of bins estimated in Step 4. Two GraphSAGE layers use LeakyRELU activation while the final layer uses log softmax activation resulting in the output probabilities for K bins. We train the GNN using 200 epochs using sampled reads binned in Step 4 and use negative log-likelihood (cross-entropy) as the loss function. During the training phase, we use a neighbor sampler that samples up to 20 neighbours in GraphSAGE layers. We use Adam optimizer for gradient descent. The trained GNN on sampled reads provides assignment probabilities for remaining reads to the bins derived in Step 4. The remaining reads are thus assigned to the bins with the highest probabilities.

3 Experimental Setup

We evaluate our pipeline using two simulated and three publicly available real datasets. Note that, all the experiments are conducted and evaluated using the same set of parameters. Detailed information about the datasets are available in Appendix A.

3.1 Simulated Datasets

We simulate four PacBio datasets using SimLoRD [29] containing 8, 20, 50 and 100 [35] species with average read length 5,000 bp and the default PacBio error profiles in SimLoRD (insertion = 0.11, deletion = 0.04 and substitution = 0.01). These two datasets are named as Sim-8, Sim-20, Sim-50 and Sim-100 respectively.

3.2 Real Datasets

Three real datasets with known reference genomes are also used to evaluate read-level binning performance. Long reads from these datasets were aligned to references using Minimap2 [14] to obtain the ground truth.

  • ZymoEVEN: Oxford Nanopore reads sequenced from GridION device from NCBI Accession Number ERR3152364 [24]. The dataset consists of 10 species with average read length 4,119.

  • SRR9202034: PacBio CCS reads of the ATCC MSA-1003 Mock Microbial Community from NCBI BioProject number PRJNA546278 Accession Number SRR9202034. The dataset contains 15 species with more than 0.1% relative abundance and average read length 8,263.

  • SRX9569057: PacBio-HiFi reads of the NCBI BioSample SAMN16885726 Accession Number SRX9569057. This dataset contains 13 species (18 strains) with more than 0.1% relative abundance and average read length 9,093.

Table 1 summarizes the information about the datasets including the number of species, dataset sizes and the number of nodes (reads) and edges of the read-overlap graphs.

Table 1. Summary of the datasets

3.3 Baselines and Evaluation Criteria

We benchmark our approach against two recent long-read binners, MetaBCC-LR [35] and LRBiner [34]. For a binning result of K bins against the ground truth of S species, we populate a matrix a of size \(K\times S\), where \(a_{ks}\) denotes the number of reads assigned to bin k from the species s of the sample. The binning results are evaluated using precision Eq. 4, recall Eq. 5 and F1-score Eq. 6 [37]. We used AMBER [21] to compute completeness and purity, genome fractions using MetaQUAST [22], assembly CPU-time and memory usage to evaluate performance.

$$\begin{aligned} precision=\frac{\sum _{k}max_s \{a_{ks}\}}{\sum _{k}\sum _{s}a_{ks}} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} recall=\frac{\sum _{s}max_k \{a_{ks}\}}{\sum _{k}\sum _{s}a_{ks}} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} F1-score=2\times \frac{Precision\times Recall}{Precision+Recall} \end{aligned}$$
Table 2. Comparison of binning results of MetaBCC-LR, LRBinner and OBLR.

4 Results and Discussion

We evaluate binning results at the read-level using precision, recall, F1 score, the number of bins produced. We further evaluate each bin using per-bin F1-scores using AMBER [21]. Moreover, we conducted a quantitative evaluation of assemblies using MetaQuast [22] before and after binning.

4.1 Binning Results

We benchmark OBLR against MetaBCC-LR [35] and LRBiner [34] which are two recent long-read binning tools as presented in Table 2. We observed that OBLR results in the highest F1-scores across all the datasets with the overall best performance. OBLR also produces more accurate estimates of the number of bins in most datasets.

These observations are further supported by the AMBER [21] evaluation summarized in Fig. 4 and 5 where OBLR produces the best per bin F1-scores among all three long-read binners. Per bin F1-score evaluates each bin separately using their purity and completeness while penalizing false bin splits and merged bins. Note that MetaBCC-LR and LRBinner suffer from fragmented binning results (i.e., overestimated number of bins) because bins with low completeness are significantly penalized by AMBER. This observation is explained further in Appendix B.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Per bin F1-score comparison between MetaBCC-LR, LRBinner and OBLR computed by AMBER [21] for simulated datasets.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Per bin F1-score comparison between MetaBCC-LR, LRBinner and OBLR computed by AMBER [21] for real datasets.

4.2 Assembly Results

We perform assembly using the long-read metagenomic assembler metaFlye [12]. Table 3 demonstrates the genome fraction and resource usage for assembling raw reads (termed Raw) and assembling reads binned by OBLR (termed Binned), respectively. Gains in genome fraction are relatively higher for simulated datasets with more species (e.g., Sim-50 and Sim-100) while the most significant benefit being the drastic reduction of the resources consumed. Binning long reads from real datasets before assembly in general maintains the genome fraction (94.13% to 94.27% in SRX9569057, 86.51% to 86.67% in ZymoEVEN and 90.30% to 90.39% in SRR9202034) while significantly saving on the resources. The saving on peak memory varies from 40% to 80%. However, CPU hours consumed remains comparable due to re-indexing of reads and the near-linear time complexity of the assembly process.

Table 3. Comparison of genome fraction, memory usage and CPU time consumed for assemblies conducted using metaFlye [12] before and after binning reads.
Table 4. Resource usage of each step in the OBLR pipeline.

5 Implementation

We use multiple optimizations in the OBLR pipeline. In Step 1, we chunk the reads in to blocks of 250,000 reads, and each block of reads is mapped with entire dataset resulting in several mapping files. Finally, the mapping files are merged into a single file containing edges between reads and degree. For Step 2 we use seq2vec [33] to compute the composition vectors. In Steps 3 and 4 we use Rapids.AI [31] GPU libraries [26] (on NVIDIA RTX 3090 with 24 GB VRAM) for UMAP and HDBSCAN. Finally, we use PyTorch Geometric [5] in Step 5 for GraphSAGE. We conducted our experiments on an Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS system running on AMD Ryzen 9 5950X with 16-core Processor with 32 threads and 128 GB of RAM.

Table 4 tabulates the resource usage of each step in OBLR pipeline. In addition we also present the resource utilization of kbm2 [28]. Note that the GPU memory utilization is fixed as we perform clustering and silhouette scores only upto 400,000 data points. However, resource usage for other steps vary depending on the read size distribution on each read block and the number of data points.

6 Conclusion

We presented a novel long-read binner, OBLR, which utilizes the read-overlap graph to bin long reads in metagenomic samples. Recent advances such as the k-mer bins mapping (kbm2) [28] enables extremely fast detection of overlapping reads and construction of the read-overlap graph before assembly. OBLR thus makes use of the read-overlap graph to improve the state-of-the-art long-read binning approaches. The read-overlap graph not only helps to estimate the coverage of single long read, but also allow us to sample the long-reads more uniformly across species of varying abundances. The connectivity information in the read-overlap graph further incorporates the overlapping information between reads into the binning process as overlapped reads are more likely to be in the same species. As a result, OBLR demonstrated promising results in producing more accurate bins for long-read datasets and has the potential to improve on metagenomics assemblies in terms of computing resources and genome fraction, especially for low-abundance species. In the future, we plan to investigate how OBLR can be adapted to take the advantage of the high-accuracy long reads including PacBio HiFi and Nanopore Q20+, how to incorporate the binning process into long-read metagenomics assemblies [4, 12], and how to connect metagenomics binning to comparative genomics and phylogenetic studies [8, 23].