
1 Introduction

The emergence of distributed heterogeneous systems is driven by the ever increasing demands for performance, energy efficiency, and cost reduction. For example, in the last decade, the HPC community has been driving the adoption of GPU as an accelerator for large-scale distributed systems and applications. Recently, hyperscale service providers have introduced two new types of datacenter infrastructure accelerators: the data processing unit (DPU) and the computational storage drive (CSD). In contrast to GPUs, which have been well-adopted by applications, both DPUs and CSDs are relatively new and have very limited adoption. DPUs and CSDs are usually programmable devices that are realized using FPGAs and/or Arm cores. Despite being designed with user programmability in mind, these devices are typically exposed as fixed-function components that provide transparent acceleration for a few popular usages, e.g., embedded Open vSwitch, IPSEC, and compression. As the list of available functionalities are determined by datacenter vendors, applications are not exposed to the programmable elements of DPUs and CSDs, and therefore cannot take advantage of the devices’ processing power for application specific purposes.

Developers are also challenged by the rapidly increasing amount of data they have to deal with in their applications. For some applications the type and distribution of the workload is highly dependent on the data and therefore changes dynamically. Since moving data is still orders of magnitude slower than doing computation, ideally we would like to move compute to data to improve locality, not the other way around. Additionally, with new features being added and tested on a daily basis, it could further slow down the development cycle if the application needs to be re-compiled and re-deployed for every feature addition and/or bug fix.

In this work, we aim to overcome the programmability barriers of such devices by introducing the ifunc API, an UCX API designed to facilitate the movement of application-defined compute and data. Injected functions (ifuncs), taking the form of messages that contain binary code and data, are sent to and invoked by other remote processes via the Two-Chains framework [7]. ifuncs are similar to active messages in that each message contains data and an action to perform, but their main difference is that ifuncs actually contain the code to be executed, while active messages contain only a reference to the function to be called. ifuncs provide more versatility because the available functions are no longer fixed and a target system can register new functions during run-time, without having to recompile UCX or the application. Our API breaks the commonly used SPMD model of computation to benefit dynamic, irregular, and data-driven applications on a wider range of heterogeneous devices. The main contribution of this paper is an API and implementation of RDMA-based remote function injection and linking.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 provides an overview on Two-Chains, the high performance remote linking and messaging framework leveraging the ifunc API. This section also discusses some related work on dynamic computation migration. Next, Sect. 3 presents the ifunc API, how it could be used, how it is implemented, how it compares to UCX Active Messages (AM), and how it can be secured. In Sect. 4, we describe how we validated our prototype implementation and discuss the initial benchmark results. Finally, Sect. 5 provides our plans to continue to improve the ifunc API and Two-Chains framework.

2 Background

The ifunc API is an evolution of the remote function invocation mechanism of the Two-Chains framework. In this section we discuss the Two-Chains framework as the background of the work presented in this paper, as well as several related works.

2.1 Two-Chains

The original Two-Chains framework is presented in [7], which covers implementation details of the framework and how its performance can be improved using existing hardware features.

Two-Chains is an extension of UCX [12], providing packaging, transfer and execution of C functions in a fast and lightweight manner. It aims at an API and a toolchain to enable the migration of compute and data between local and remote CPU, GPU, DPU and CSD processes using UCX communication capabilities. The users write the functions to be injected using a macro-based interface, then use the Two-Chains toolchain to compile them into dynamic libraries that can be loaded by the application at runtime. On the source process, the executable code of the to-be-injected function is loaded from the dynamic library, and is packaged with function arguments and a variable-length payload to form a message (referred to as jams in the original publication).

Upon receipt of a message containing injected functions, the target system directly executes the C function embedded in the message. This mechanism employs dynamic linking to support calling functions from libraries resident in the target system from the injected functions.

Two-Chains uses one-sided UCX put operations to enable fast delivery and execution of injected functions. The runtime sets up a receiver thread waiting to call the embedded function with minimal latency when a message arrives. For code in the message to execute correctly on the receiver, the Two-Chains toolchain statically modifies the assembly to allow runtime linking against symbols on an arbitrary host by redirecting all global offset table (GOT) accesses to an indirection stored in the message. Remote runtime linking allows distributed application updates to sub-processes of the application that alter their execution behavior (without re-starting the process) by loading a library into a process to change the resolution of objects or functions with fixed symbolic names. This way, applications can implement dynamic control and compute with library loading and linking.

2.2 Related Work

There are numerous libraries, frameworks, and runtimes that implement active message semantics that have influenced the development of Two-Chains and the ifunc API presented in this work. In brief, these projects include GASNet, Snap Microkernel, Charm++, CHAMELEON, and FaRM.

GASNet [4] is a communication library widely used on high-performance computing clusters to implement advanced programming models. In addition to normal data transfer routines, GASNet also provides a series of APIs for registering and invoking active messages. GASNet uses the classical function registration mechanism for identifying active message handlers, while ifuncs sends the executable code and does not require actions from the target side. The Snap Microkernel [10] project provides a platform for remote procedure calls in the context of network functionality distribution. Like many of the other computation placement and migration frameworks, it is a heavyweight multifunction entity. Our ifunc API has a smaller scope and could be used as a building block as part of such a system. In the datacenter setting, lightweight container launch for Lambda functions is implemented with Firecracker [3]. Another work from Fouladi et al. provides very fast container launch to create highly granular lambda function execution [6]. None of these projects addresses issues like heterogeneity of hardware, since containerization is meant to abstract this. Two-Chains can be used as a shim between hardware and higher level libraries.

Charm++ [2] implements distributed C++ objects with a unified logical view of them (not partitioned to processes/ranks from the programmer’s perspective), plus the ability to call methods on those objects regardless of their physical location, unlike regular active message where the developer must decide when and where to request function invocations. The Charm++ scheduler works behind the scene to distribute and migrate the objects automatically, based on load distribution and communication patterns. Its programming model runs at a very high level compared to Two-Chains and UCX and its runtime system supports lots of advanced features like fault tolerance. The CHAMELEON [9] framework by Klinkenberg et al. uses compiler directives and runtime APIs to encapsulate OpenMP tasks as migratable entities in a reactive workload balancer for irregular applications written in MPI. Unlike CHAMELEON, Two-Chains does not contain a load balancer, does not depend on OpenMP or MPI or C++, nor requires explicit task progress if the UCX library uses progress threads. Further, CHAMELEON’s remote virtual address resolution process to move tasks between address spaces is a heavyweight exchange of references via MPI Send/Recv for each migration event. Our work could potentially be used as a communication layer to greatly simplify and speed up CHAMELEON, especially since they found in the course of their work that push-oriented compute movement (as we have implemented here) is a better mechanism than work stealing for load balancing since it allows computation-communication overlap.

The FaRM [5] project implements a shared address space programming model that uses the RDMA network for remote object manipulation. Two-Chains uses RDMA not only for moving data, it also injects user-defined functions to remote machines using RDMA to provide higher flexibility while avoiding re-compiling the application for functionality changes.

The Two-Chains API developed in this paper builds on the semantics of the active message API [13], which combines a data payload with executable code on a receiver. The primary innovation of the Two-Chains API relative to classical active message semantics is the ability to send binary function and data payload simultaneously, without requiring the function to be present at runtime compile time.

3 Design and Implementation

In this section, we present the design and implementation of the ifunc API, provide an example on the expected usage, and talk about its security implications.

3.1 The ifunc API

figure a

To start, the source process calls the ucp_register_ifunc function with the ifunc’s name ifunc_name to register an ifunc library. The UCX runtime will search the directory defined by the UCX_IFUNC_LIB_DIR environment variable for the dynamic library named, and uses dlopen and dlsym to load the library and the user-provided ifunc library functions defined in Listing 1.2, and finally returns a handler to the registered ifunc. Now ifunc messages can be constructed using the ucp_ifunc_msg_create routine, which accepts user arguments and passes them to the ifunc library routines to prepare the ifunc’s payload that will be sent to the target process. Once the ifunc message object is created, it is ready to be written into the target process’s memory using the ucp_ifunc_send_nbix routine, which uses the ucp_put_nbi routine to write a continuous buffer into a memory region mapped by ucp_mem_map.

On the target process, the ucp_poll_ifunc routine should be used to wait on a UCP mapped memory region for incoming ifunc messages. This routine returns immediately if it could not find a newly received ifunc message in buffer. If a valid ifunc message is found, the UCX runtime will invoke the code contained in the ifunc message with a pointer to the payload, the size of the payload, and the target_args pointer that points to user-provided arguments on the target process. Currently, in our implementation, the target process does not yet construct a GOT that contains redirections for all the functions used by the ifunc code, instead it uses the ifunc’s name contained in the message header to auto-register the specific ifunc dynamic library and uses the local GOT to patch the code shipped within the ifunc message. We plan to add GOT reconstruction functionalities in the future and the target process will not need to register the ifunc library anymore.

figure b

A valid ifunc library should define all three routines specified in Listing 1.2. The [ifunc_name]_main launches the execution of the ifunc code; it gets invoked when a ifunc message is received by ucp_poll_ifunc on the target process, with the three arguments described in the previous subsection.

The [ifunc_name]_payload_get_max_size and [ifunc_name]_payload_init routines are both invoked by the ucp_ifunc_msg_create routine on the source process. The first routine is used by the UCX runtime to calculate the maximum size of the payload to be sent within a ifunc message for a given set of source process arguments source_args. Then the UCX runtime will allocate a ifunc message frame with a payload buffer of the requested size, and pass the same source process arguments to the [ifunc_name]_payload_init routine to populate the payload buffer. This way, we eliminate unnecessary memory copies while maintaining the flexibility of the interface.

3.2 Using the API

figure c

Here we provide an example on the expected usage of the ifunc API. Suppose the target process manages a database that stores voice recordings. When another process wants to send a record compressed by the paq8px algorithm, which is unsupported by the database, it can use the ifunc library shown in Listing 1.3 to perform the task. The header file included at the top of the library code contains the implementation of the algorithm, which will be visible to the compiler during compilation. The first two user-provided functions are used to encode and package payload on the source process, while the main function performs payload decoding and database insertion on the target process.

figure d

During run-time, as demonstrated by Listing 1.4, the source process registers the paq8px library, constructs an ifunc message with the recording as its payload, and sends it to the target process. On the target process, the polling loop calls the ucp_poll_ifunc function until it returns UCX_OK, which indicates that it has received and executed an ifunc message. If the user would like the target process to poll for incoming ifunc messages continuously, the ucs_arch_wait_mem routine can be used to wait on memory locations that ifunc messages are expected to arrive and reduce resource usage.

3.3 ifuncs versus UCX Active Messages

Injected functions are inspired by active messages but are different in many aspects. A comparison between Two-Chains injected functions and UCX active messages helps the reader know the differences and decide which one to use.

We start by listing the main similarities. ifuncs and UCX AMs allow sending payloads of various sizes and launching functions on remote processes. Both accept user-defined arguments when the functions are launched on the target processes, so the functions have access to resources in the local address space. Lastly, both mechanisms require active progression on the target side to process the received messages, in the form of non-blocking polling calls.

The main difference between active messages and injected functions is that, instead of establishing a mapping between registered functions and unique IDs, ifunc messages carry the actual binary code of the functions and the functions themselves are identified by a name. This key ifunc feature enables a set of ifunc benefits over UCX AMs. The first of these benefits is that ifuncs can be loaded on-demand during run-time, without recompiling the application; AM handlers are determined at compile time, requiring the application to be stopped and recompiled when AM handlers are added or modified. A related benefit to this one is that, since the function code is sent with each invocation, the code can be modified anytime under the same ifunc name. Another Two-Chains difference is that ifuncs are registered on the source process while AM handlers are registered at the target process; this feature of the ifunc API enables the system to dynamically add nodes with no previous knowledge of what functions it might need to execute in the future.

UCX AMs use on-demand internal buffers for receiving messages, while ifuncs require the user to allocate special buffers and a consensus about where the target processes expect the messages to arrive. ifuncs need special modifications to the assembly code before they can be used, while AM code does not. We expect these limitations to go away as we keep improving the Two-Chains framework.

3.4 Implementing the API

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Structure of an ifunc message

Each ifunc message, constructed by the ucp_ifunc_message_create routine, is composed of a header, a code section, an optional payload section, and a trailer signal, as seen on Fig. 1. If the code section is a direct copy of the .text section of the ifunc dynamic library, external function calls (e.g. printf) and accesses to global variables will not have the correct relocations on the target process, due to Linux’s relative addressing and address space layout randomization (ASLR). To fix this issue, we compile the ifunc dynamic library with the -fno-plt flag to force all relocations to go through the global offset table (GOT), skipping the procedure linkage table (PLT). Then we use a Python script to modify the assembly code so that all references to the GOT will redirect through another table on the target process. A pointer to this alternative table is inserted as a hidden global variable by the script and is shipped with the ifunc message as part of the code, and the target process is expected to fill this variable with the address of a reconstructed GOT before invoking the ifunc’s main function.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

ifunc source-target communication

When an ifunc message arrives at the target process, the integrity of the header is verified using the header signal, and messages that are ill-formed or too long will be rejected. Then the runtime parses the header to get the total size of the message frame and waits for the trailer signal to arrive, as shown in Fig. 2. In our tests, we use the WFE instruction to reduce resource usage when busy-waiting on the trailer signal, without incurring a heavy performance penalty.

Before calling the main function of a fully delivered ifunc message, the target process should perform work similar to a dynamic linker: construct a GOT that has all the relocations needed by the ifunc code in the correct offsets. This mechanism is not implemented yet. Instead, we assume the same ifunc dynamic library is also available on the target process’s file system, so the target process can simply load the library and let the system dynamic loader do the GOT construction. In our implementation, the ucp_poll_ifunc routine uses the ifunc’s name provided by the message header to attempt the auto-registration of any first-seen ifunc type. If the corresponding library is found and loaded successfully, the UCX runtime will patch the alternative GOT pointer of the code section of the ifunc message with a pointer to the same library’s GOT in the local address space, and store the related information in a hash table for subsequent messages of the same type. We plan to implement the dynamic linking and GOT reconstruction mechanism in the future.

3.5 Security Implications and Mitigations

A full security model design and implementation is well beyond the scope of this paper. This section provides an overview of security challenges and directions for security improvements.

For our Two-Chains framework implementation, we have relied on the built-in security mechanisms defined by the UCX framework and the IBTA standard [8], which underpins RDMA interconnects. Specifically, we are using a remote access key (RKEY) to register and control remote memory accesses. For IBTA interconnects, the RKEY is defined as a 32-bit value. When the memory is registered for remote memory access, the underlying interconnect generates the RKEY based on a virtual memory address and the permissions (remote read, write, or atomic access). In order to access the memory region over the RDMA interconnect, the target process has to provide the RKEY to the RDMA initiator through an out-of-band channel. Then, the remote memory access initiator uses the RKEY to remotely read and write to the target process memory. If the process accesses the memory with an invalid RKEY, the request gets rejected at the hardware level.

There are a number of security concerns [11] regarding the strength of RKEY protection as defined by the IBTA standard. Improvements to the IBTA security model are out of scope for this work. However, since we have constructed this as a module of the UCX framework, the implementation is not as strictly tied to the IBTA network implementation.

4 Evaluation

In this section, we present our test and evaluation efforts, along with testbed and benchmark descriptions. We end the section by showing and analyzing the initial results.

4.1 Microbenchmark Description

To verify and do a preliminary evaluation of our API and its implementation, we ran message throughput and ping-pong latency benchmarks with a simple ifunc library and we compare them against the same benchmarks written using UCX AM. The results are presented below. In both benchmarks, the ifunc main function simply increases a counter on the target process used to count the number of executed messages.

In the ifunc message throughput benchmark, a ring buffer is allocated using the ucp_mem_map routine so it allows UCP put operations. The source process fills the buffer with ifunc messages of a certain size, flushes the UCP endpoint used to send the messages, then waits on the target process’s notification indicating that it has finished consuming all the messages before continuing to send the next round of messages. This leads to some overhead but is not significant when the number of messages is large. For the equivalent UCX AM throughput benchmark, since the UCX runtime uses internal buffers to handle the messages, the source process simply sends all the messages in a loop and flushes the endpoint at the end.

The ping-pong benchmark is implemented using the classical approach: each process sends a message, flushes the endpoint and waits for the other process to reply before continuing this process.

4.2 Testbed Platform

The development and evaluation testbed for this work consisted of two servers, each with a 4-core, Arm-based modern superscalar processor with a 1 MB dedicated L2 cache per core, a 1 MB shared L3 cache per 2-core cluster, and a 8 MB shared last level cache (LLC). The core clock is 2.6 GHz and the on-chip interconnect clock is 1.6 GHz. Each server has 16 GB of DDR4-2666 main memory. For the interconnect, we used two Mellanox/Nvidia ConnectX-6 200 Gb/s InfiniBand dual-port HCAs. The two systems were connected back-to-back (no InfiniBand switch) using the first port on each ConnectX-6 HCA. The servers used Ubuntu 20.04, running a custom Linux 5.4 kernel, modified to allow user space control of the CPU prefetching mechanisms. We used the RDMA and InfiniBand drivers that came with Mellanox OFED, versioned OFED-5.3-1.0.0d.

4.3 Experimental Results and Analysis

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Latency comparison between ifunc and UCX AM, including ifunc latency reduction with respect to UCX AM latency

Figure 3 shows the one-way latencies of sending and executing the benchmark function using the ifunc and UCX AM APIs. For smaller payloads, the ifunc latency is up to 42% slower than the AM latency. As payload (and message) size increases, the ifunc latency gets closer to that of AM, crossing over somewhere between payload sizes 8 KB and 16 KB. After this crossover point, the ifunc latency keeps improving, reaching a 35% latency reduction for the 1 MB payload size. For small payload sizes, we expected the AM latencies to be better because the code sent in the ifunc messages dominate the message size, not the payload. That being said, the performance gap is larger than it needs to be because of the clear_cache operation.

To ensure the correct operation of the ifunc invocation, the instruction cache needs to be cleared after the runtime confirms the data has arrived because the I-cache could have stale data due to some systems not having coherent I-caches. glibc’s Arm64 clear_cache implementation avoids clearing the I-cache when it detects a coherent I-cache by reading an architectural register. Our testbed did not have a coherent I-cache, and that is why the arrival of each ifunc incurs a performance hit on the target system. This is likely to be the reason why the latencies were not better.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Message throughput comparison between ifunc and UCX AM, including ifunc throughput increase with respect to UCX AM message throughput

Figure 4 presents the results of the message throughput benchmarks using both APIs. For 1B payloads, the ifunc message rate is 81% lower than that of UCX AMs. The message rate continues to be worse until the payload goes from 1 KB to 2 KB. From this point on, the ifunc message rate is superior, first spiking at 380% better, then dropping to 23% and then coming back up to 62% higher.

One interesting observation is the stepping experienced by the UCX AM line. These steps are likely due to the change is underlying protocol for moving the active messages. Interestingly, the point where ifuncs start performing better coincides with the sharp performance falloff step experienced by UCX AM, possibly due to protocol differences between ifunc and UCX AM.

As in the latency case, we think that the ifunc performance would have been better if we had evaluated using a platform with a coherent I-cache. Another area where we could have extracted more performance is the buffer mechanism used to send messages to the target.

4.4 Takeaways

From these initial benchmarks, we observe that the ifuncs perform worse than UCX Active Messages for small payload sizes. The larger the payloads become, the better ifuncs behave. This small-payload behavior is expected because, while active messages carry a numerical ID alongside the payload, ifuncs actually carry the function binary alongside the payload. Despite the ifunc messages being larger, we expected them to be more performant, but the slowdowns could be explained by the need to perform a clear_cache operation on the instruction cache because our testbed does not have a coherent I-cache.

Since this is a preliminary evaluation of the ifunc API, we plan need to run additional benchmarks to better understand the behavior of the Two-Chains framework with a wider set of micro-benchmarks and applications in the future.

5 Conclusion

The ifunc API and Two-Chains framework provide a high performance mechanism of moving compute and data over networks between a wide class of processing elements. It uses dynamic linking and loading to resolve ifunc external symbolic references on a per-process basis. We presented the user-facing side of the API and how developers write ifunc libraries. Important differences between ifuncs and traditional active messages were also discussed. We provided an overview of the security mechanisms of that Two-Chains can leverage. The code is released on GitHub [1]. We will discuss the future steps on the evolution of Two-Chains and the ifunc API below.

5.1 Future Work

Our Two-Chains vision does not require the presence of the ifunc dynamic library on the target’s filesystem. We implemented it first this way in our prototype because it was going to allow us to have a version working sooner for evaluation. We are looking into ways of removing this requirement so Two-Chains target processes are able to handle received ifunc messages with the correct dynamic linking mechanism.

We are also working on switching the underlying implementation of Two-Chains to use UCX’s send-receive semantics instead of RDMA Puts. This change will enable a simpler API because the user would not have to worry about setting up a RWX-enabled buffer on the target process. In addition, the user would not have to tell the source process exactly where to PUT the messages. This change would also eliminate the need for a special polling API and calling it from the target process to process incoming messages, as ifuncs will be progressed with other UCX operations by calling ucp_worker_progress. The good thing with this change is that the current API will only have minimal changes: we would mostly be removing unnecessary arguments and functions calls.

Currently the payload is tightly packed after the code segment of the ifunc message frame so we do not have any data alignment guarantees. This could be undesirable for vectorization and some other applications. We plan to allow the user to specify an alignment requirement on the payload buffer to better support vectorization and other needs.

The compilation toolchain of this work uses a Python script to prepare the ifunc code section to accept a patched GOT. We are considering updating the way we do this to make this important step target-process-architecture agnostic.

We are still debugging and stress-testing the Two-Chains and its API implementation. We are also working on getting Two-Chains in a state where it can be accepted to upstream UCX. Finally, we will test the Two-Chains framework with benchmarks that do useful work and on a machine that has a coherent I-cache.