
1 Introduction

One of the common problems machine learning users face is choosing an algorithm for a specific task [23]. The motivation is to either maximize or minimize a quantifiable measure, such as predictive accuracy. Apart from algorithm selection, users may achieve an improvement in performance by incorporating different data preprocessing methods and by selecting appropriate hyperparameter settings for these components. The combination of these three factors constitutes a workflow (pipeline) design problem. The search space of alternatives is sometimes referred to as configuration space. As this space can be very large, we need tools to help us identify the optimal one for the new task.

Many approaches focus on the issue of how to conduct the search in the given configuration spaces [28]. Other approaches try to redesign this space first in order to facilitate the search to be conducted in the future. The work described here falls into the second category. The space considered here includes different machine learning algorithms and outlier elimination methods (OEMs), which can be seen as a particular preprocessing method [25].

Various authors have shown that using outlier elimination as a preprocessing method can improve accuracy [25, 26], although this may not always be beneficial. We have decided to investigate this issue. Our first aim was to identify which OEMs are potentially useful when taking into account the given classification algorithm and dataset. Our results show that, for some algorithms, such as Naive Bayes, the improvement is quite significant. However, various workflows that include OEMs have the opposite effect, namely they decrease the overall performance. Therefore, we have decided to conduct a more thorough study to determine whether the OEMs are truly useful when recommending algorithms for new unseen datasets.

To determine this, we have adapted the approach of [2]. In this work, the authors examined the usefulness of different algorithms (workflows) in a given portfolio, while taking into account a given set of tasks. The algorithms (workflows) that are unlikely to lead to a overall performance improvement are dropped. So, the algorithms (workflows) that remain after the reduction are of interest.

This study has shown that only three OEMs out of the initial set of twelve OEMs are required for solving the given set of tasks. So, these three OEMs that have been identified represent a generally useful knowledge that can be exploited in the design of other, more complex, algorithm recommendation platforms.

2 Related Work

Outlier Detection End Elimination. One pioneering work in the area of outlier detection and elimination was the work of John and Langley (1995) [16] on the so-called robust decision trees, who studied the effects of label noise. After learning a tree, all misclassified instances were removed from the learning set and a new tree was learned. This was repeated until the learning set was consistent. Although it did not result in accuracy increase, the resulting tree was much smaller. A similar approach for kNN was presented elsewhere [29, 33].

Smith and Martinez (2018) [25] explored filtering of misclassified instances. Misclassification was studied both in conjunction with a single classifier or an ensemble of classifiers. In total, 54 datasets were used in conjunction with 9 supervised learning algorithms from Weka [12]. In both cases, misclassified instances were removed. When the same learning algorithm was used to filter misclassified instances and to learn a model, only three algorithms displayed an accuracy increase – LWL lazy learner, Neural net and Ripper. In all cases, using an ensemble of learning algorithms for filtering resulted in a greater increase in classification accuracy than when using a single learning algorithm. However, if compared with majority voting ensemble of the 9 classifiers, the majority voting ensemble reached, on average, the highest accuracy. An extensive and recent discussion of noise filters, as well as a particular solution for elimination of attribute noise can be found in [24].

Workflow Recommendation with AutoML/Metalearning Systems. Various approaches exist regarding how to identify the best possible workflow/pipeline (sequence of algorithms) for a given task and for a given configuration space. Some simple ones include, for instance, grid search, random search, and gradient descent method, which is often used in the task of configuring the hyperparameters of neural networks. The approach known as sequential model-based search/optimization (SMBO) exploits knowledge of past experiments on the target dataset [14]. The so-called surrogate model permits to carry out a relatively fast test to estimate the next best candidate to test. The system AutoWeka [28], for instance, uses this kind of search to identify the potentially best workflow configuration for a given task.

Metalearning approaches gather test results on various datasets and the metaknowledge obtained is used to construct a model estimating the next best candidate to test [5, 32]. The metaknowledge gathered represents a set of workflows (pipelines) used in the past, some of which may be useful for the new task. Each workflow (pipeline) can also be seen as a plan of different operations to execute. So, one advantage of the metalearning approaches is that one does not need to search for a new plan if a sufficiently rich set already exists. The method called AR* [1] exploits an average ranking of workflows. It represents a simple method that orders the workflows according to a given performance measure (e.g., accuracy, a combined measure of accuracy and runtime). Hence, this method allows us to evaluate the benefit of adding new workflows to a given portfolio and thus obtain information about its marginal contribution to performance [34].

Analysis and Reformulation of Given Configuration Space. Various authors have investigated the issue of which parts of the given configuration space are useful for a given set of tasks. Various works exist on the problem of how to establish the relative importance of hyperparameters and their setting (see e.g., [30, 34]). Others tried to use the results of prior analysis to reformulate the configuration space. As was mentioned earlier, [2] examined the usefulness of different algorithms (workflows) for a given set of tasks. The results of this analysis was used to reformulate the existing set (portofolio) of algorithms (workflows).

3 Research Questions and Methodology

Let us first list the main research questions that we wish to answer in this work:

  • RQ1: Can we use OEMs in workflows without restrictions?

  • RQ2: Are some OEMs potentially useful?

  • RQ3: Can we identify the most useful workflows with OEMs? If so, how?

The research question RQ1 is addressed in a study described in Sect. 5.1. The method used to answer the research question RQ2 is discussed in Sect. 3.2 and the results are presented in Sect. 5.2. The research question RQ3 is addressed in Sect. 3.3 and the results are presented in Sect. 5.3.

3.1 Basic Concepts

Let us clarify the meaning of some basic concepts, starting with the notion of outliers. Barnett and Lewis [4] define them as observations that deviate so much from the rest of the data that it is likely that they are generated by a different phenomenon than the one being analyzed. If we characterize the points generated by a certain distribution, then outliers can be seen as the points that do not belong to this distribution.

We can distinguish two kinds of noise in a dataset that may even influence each other [35]. Class noise appears when instances are incorrectly labelled and may be caused in a process of labelling by a human, while attribute noise corresponds to errors in attribute values - caused, for instance, by measurement errors. While class noise may be eliminated by instance filtering, for attribute noise it is not appropriate. The work presented here focuses on attribute noise.

Let us also clarify what we mean by initial and extended of workflows. The initial workflows are of the form \(CL_k\) represents a particular classification algorithm with default settings. The set of classifiers used in the experiments is shown in Sect. 4. The initial portfolio includes the set of these initial workflows.

The extended workflows are of the form \(OEM_{i,j}, CL_k\), where \(OEM_{i,j}\) represents the outlier elimination method i with configuration j. The set of outlier elimination methods (OEMs) used in the experiments is shown in Sect. 4. The extended portfolio includes both the initial and the extended workflows.

3.2 Determine Whether Some OEMs are Potentially Useful

Informally speaking, the extended workflow (\(OEM_{i,j}, CL_k\)) can be considered to be potentially useful if it leads to increased performance on many datasets when compared to its initial counterpart (\(CL_k\)). The amount of the increase also matters and so we also take this into account. The aim of our experiments are twofold: first, determine whether all, or just some, of the extended workflows with OEMs can be considered as useful. If at least some extended workflows are identified as potentially useful, our aim is to identify the classification algorithm and the datasets involved. The results of this study are presented in Sect. 5.2.

3.3 Identify the Most Useful Workflows with OEMs

Our aim is to compare the performance of a chosen algorithm selection method on two different portfolios, the initial and the extended one, which may include some workflows with OEMs. The aim of this comparison is to determine whether it is advantageous to use the extended portfolio. However, we need to be careful, as some workflows that include an OEM may result in a decrease of performance. So, to avoid this, we use a reduction method based on [1] to select the most competitive workflows. This way, the extended set is effectively reduced, by pruning out the non-competitive variants. So one key question is the following: will some of the OEMs “survive” this reduction phase? If so, which ones? Will the final portfolio lead to competitive results? The aim of our experiments discussed in Sect. 5 is to answer these questions and, this way, shed light on the usefulness of outlier elimination methods.

Method for the Reduction of Portfolios of Workflows. The reduction method used here is based on the method in [1], but includes various adaptations. This method uses a given portfolio of algorithms (in general workflows) and reduces it by removing non-competitive ones by exploiting the existing performance metadata obtained in prior tests. This is followed by the elimination of workflows that include infrequent OEMs.

Identifying the most competitive algorithm using a given performance measure (A3R, which combines accuracy and runtime) is straightforward. Identifying all algorithms with equivalent performance could be done with recourse to the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test, that exploits fold information of the cross-validation procedure. As we do not have this data, we had to use a substitute method instead. This method uses just the \(N\%\) of top workflows as the most competitive algorithms for a given dataset. Here we use the top 1% of workflows based on A3R measure (combining accuracy and time) and another top 1% of workflows based on accuracy only. All these workflows are passed to the second phase.

The aim of this phase is to eliminate all workflows which include rather infrequent OEM variants in this portfolio. If a particular OEM variant appears in less than P% of workflows, the corresponding workflows with this variant is marked for elimination. After processing all OEM variants, all corresponding workflows are dropped.

Algorithm/Workflow Recommendation Method Used. Here, we have chosen the method average ranking (AR*) [1] as the algorithm/workflow recommendation method. This method was chosen because it is relatively simple and, consequently, it is easy to define different configurations that include all required alternatives (selected classification algorithms with/without OEMs). We have excluded AutoWeka [28], Auto-sklearn [10] or other systems from consideration, as they not include all the OEMs we have considered here.

Method AR* requires that each portfolio of workflows is converted into a ranking on the basis of available performance metadata. Each ranking is then followed to generate recommendations for the dataset left out. This enables to obtain its performance and to calculate how far it is from the best possible performance, i.e., calculate the loss. This is repeated as many times as there are datasets, following the leave-one-out (LOO) strategy. Sect. 5.3 shows the median loss obtained across all folds of LOO cycles.

Evaluation Strategy. The evaluation strategy adopted here is a leave-one-out (LOO) evaluation strategy. In each cycle, all datasets except one are used to identify the portfolios discussed above. The recommendations of the chosen algorithm selection method are used to calculate the loss on the dataset left out.

4 Experimental Setup

Our setup included 50 datasets from the cc18 benchmark set of OpenML [31] (see Table 5 in the Appendix). We have not used datasets that were deemed to be too easy (the accuracy reported was higher than 95%) or those that had more than 50k instances.

In this study we have used 10 classifiers from the Weka toolkit that were used in one previous study [26] (see Table 1). Obviously, other classifiers could have been chosen (e.g., XGBoost, neural networks), but the choice made is useful for comparisons. All algorithms were used with default parameter settings. Apart from these, we have also used the default classifier that simply predicts the most frequent class for each dataset.

Table 1. Classifiers used in the experiments

Twelve outlier detection and elimination methods (OEMs) have been used, some of which are general (see Table 2), others class-based [20] (see Table 3), representing a richer set than the one used in [25]. Each outlier elimination method (OEM) also has one hyperparameter indicating the percentage of top outliers to be eliminated (top 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5%). All five values of this parameter were used in the experiments. Consequently, the total number of OEMs and its variants is 72, if we do not count the null method (12 OEMs, each with 6 hyperparameter settings).

Table 2. General outlier detection methods used

The extended workflows have the format \( OEM _{i,j}, CL_k\), where \( OEM _{i,j}\) represents a particular outlier detection/elimination method i with a hyperparameter j. The total number of extended workflows was 720 (72 OEMs x 10 CLs). As each extended workflow was run on 50 datasets, the number of experiments was 36,000. To this, we need to also add the experiments with the initial workflows, which totaled 500 (10 CLs \(\times \) 50 datasets). Each experiment was performed using 5-fold cross-validation.

5 Results

5.1 Can We Use OEMs Without Restrictions (RQ1)?

Our results have shown that, on average,Footnote 1 the workflows extended with outlier elimination do not exceed the initial counterpart. The only exception is Naive Bayes, whose performance, can, on average be improved by 0.316% by adding OEMs. So, the main conclusion from this experiment is that the OEMs should not be used blindly, without taking into account other aspects.

Table 3. Class-based outlier detection methods used
Table 4. Some potentially useful workflows

5.2 Determining Whether Some OEMs are Potentially Useful (RQ2)

Following the methodology defined in Sect. 3, we seek extended workflows of the type \(OEM_{i,j}, CL_k\) whose performance exceeds the initial workflow \(CL_k\) on many datasets. In other words, our aim is to identify outlier methods \(OEM_{i,j}\) that are potentially useful for a specific \(CL_k\).

Some results of these experiments are shown in Table 4. This table shows some potentially useful workflows (Classifier, OEM) and the hyperparameter setting of the outlier method indicating how many elements should be left out (column Out.). Column Init. shows the average accuracy of the initial workflow (a particular classifier) on all datasets. The information in column Extend. is similar; it is relative to the workflow extended with the particular OEM. Column Dif. shows the difference between the two values. Positive values indicate that the particular OEM had a positive effect on performance. For instance, the use of outlier methods CODB (with Out = 4), together with NaiveBayes classifier, has led to an average increase of accuracy amounting to 0.615%. The improvements were observed on 31 out of 50 datasets (column #Wins).

This analysis does not really show how to proceed. That is, if we selected a particular combination of \(OEM_{i,j}, CL_k\) this would be a risky guess. As the experiments have shown, it is not guaranteed that this workflow would lead to a better performance. So, the only choice we have is to use the most promising alternatives and conduct tests on a validation set. This topic is discussed in the next section.

5.3 Constructing a Portfolio with the Most Useful Workflows with OEMs (RQ3)

In this subsection, we address the question of whether some of the extended workflows that include a particular OEM method are useful for algorithm recommendation.

As we explained in Sect. 3, we use the method based on average ranking AR* [1]. This method uses a ranked portfolio of workflows to generate the recommendations to the user. This makes it possible to compare the benefit of having workflows with OEMs in the portfolio. The results are shown in Fig. 1 showing the median curves that aggregate the data of different curves resulting from different cycles of LOO procedure.

All curves start with default accuracy for each dataset corresponding to the prediction of the most frequent class. The black loss curve (Baseline 10) includes the 10 base workflows and can be considered as the baseline.

The blue loss curve (Full Ranking 710) includes all 730 workflows. Ten of these are the initial workflows and 720 are the workflows that include OEMs (10 base workflows \(\times \) 10 OEMs \(\times \) 6 parameter settings = 720). The advantage of including OEMs is clearly visible. The corresponding curve reaches zero loss, while the black one that uses only classifiers does not. The difference when considering the median curves is rather significant - nearly 0.5%. The downside is that we need to spend more time (around \(10^3\) s) testing different alternatives before we encounter a good solution.

The red loss curve (Red Perc 1+1) shows the loss curve relative to the reduced portfolio that includes about 306 workflows on average, i.e., 58% reduction, which is quite significant. This portfolio was obtained by identifying the top performers for each dataset, then joining them without repetitions and constructing a single A3R ranking. The top performers include the top 1% of workflows based on A3R measure (it combines accuracy and time) and another top 1% of workflows based on accuracy only. So, this way, we identify 7+7 workflows per dataset. This alternative achieved a somewhat better loss as the total set represented by the blue curve. The advantage of this solution is that the portfolio includes fewer workflows.

The green loss curve (Red Perc 1+1 Subset) uses an even smaller portfolio when compared to the previous case (Red Perc 1+1). The portfolio Red Perc 1+1 is used as a starting point for this operation. The aim is to eliminate all workflows which include rather infrequent OEM variants in this portfolio. If a particular OEM variant appears in less than P% of workflows, the corresponding workflows with this variant is marked for elimination. After processing all OEM variants, all corresponding workflows are dropped. In this study, the threshold of \(P=10\%\) was used. The reduction obtained this way is significant, as it includes just 118 workflows (86% of reduction). Only 3 OEMs appeared in these workflows: RF-OEX, TDWithPrunning and DS.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Median loss curves of AR* relative to different portfolios of workflows (Color figure online)

6 Future Work and Conclusions

Future Work. It would be possible to examine how reliable are the OEMs identified in eliminating certain outliers. This could be done by injecting outliers in a controlled manner and then by examining whether these would be eliminated with the OEMs. Also, we could compare the effect of using OEMs with the noise filters discussed by Saez et al. [24] (see Sect. 2).

We note that outliers are often defined with respect to a particular distribution (see Sect. 3). In this work we have assumed that the distribution is fixed. It would be possible to extend the work presented here to be able to deal with data following a specific distribution. In case of skewed distributions, suitable transformations might help, e.g. Box-Cox, Yeo-Johnson or quantile-based transformations [15].

Although the reduction method used here was applied to a particular setting that includes OEMs, the method is quite general, as it can be applied in other settings. These could include algorithm selection, selection of suitable hyperparameter settings and inclusion of other preprocessing methods. The configuration space obtained with our specific workflow recommendation system can be implanted into other more complex systems. We are planning to conduct other studies in the future to demonstrate this.

Conclusions. Our aim was to examine the usefulness of outlier detection/elimination methods (OEMs) in classification. We have considered twelve different OEMs in conjunction with different classifiers and formulated several research questions. We have shown that it is not advisable to use OEMs in workflows without further restrictions. The performance of the workflows extended with OEMs does not usually exceed the performance of the initial counterparts. The workflows with Naive Bayes and OEMs represent an exception, although the gain obtained by including OEMs is not large.

This result lead us to investigate how we could identify the most useful workflows that include some OEMs only, and this way improve the performance. The methodology adopted used a simple algorithm/workflow recommendation system (AR*). We have investigated the effect of selecting different portfolios of workflows in this setting. Our aim was to try to reduce the initial portfolio by eliminating certain elements, without affecting the performance of the workflow recommendation system.

Our results show that if we use OEMs, the results of the workflow recommendation system will improve on average. The gain observed on a study with 50 datasets in a leave-one-out mode was rather significant (0.5%). Our most important result involves the three OEMs identified with our approach, which are RF-OEX, TDwP and DS. Besides, we showed that it is possible to eliminate 86% of the original workflows and still maintain the same loss.

Reducing the number of workflows can be regarded as a reduction of the given configuration space. This topic is relevant to other researcher in AutoML, as it can lead to substantial speed-ups of the search for effective solutions.