
1 Introduction

When it comes to defining or prototyping a programming language one traditionally provides an interpreter for the language in question (the object-language) written in another language (the meta-language) [19, 31]. These definitional interpreters can be placed on a spectrum from most abstract to most explicit. At the abstract end lie the concise meta-circular interpreters which use meta-language constructs to interpret the same constructs in the object-language (e.g., using anonymous functions to model functional values, using conditionals for if expressions, etc.). In the middle one might place various evaluators with some constructs interpreted by simpler language features (e.g., with environments represented as lists or dictionaries instead of functions), but still relying on the evaluation order of the meta-language. The explicit end is occupied by first-order machine-like interpreters which use an encoding of a stack for handling control-flow of the object-language.

When it comes to modelling an implementation of a programming language, and a functional one in particular, one traditionally constructs an abstract machine, i.e., a first-order tail-recursive transition system for program execution. Starting with Landin’s SECD machine [25] for \(\lambda \)-calculus, many abstract machines have been proposed for various evaluation strategies and with differing assumptions on capabilities of the runtime (e.g., substitution vs environments). Notable work includes: Krivine’s machine [24] for call-by-name reduction, Felleisen and Friedman’s CEK machine [17] and Crégut’s machine [13] for normalization of \(\lambda \)-terms in normal order. Manual construction of an abstract machine for a given evaluation discipline can be challenging and it requires a proof of equivalence w.r.t. the higher-level semantics, therefore methods for deriving the machines from natural or reduction semantics have been developed [2, 10, 15, 20, 32]. However, one of the most fruitful and accessible abstract machine derivation methods was developed in the realm of interpreters and program transformations by Danvy et al. who introduced a functional correspondence between higher-order evaluators and abstract machines [4] – the topic of the present work.

The functional correspondence is a realization that Reynolds’s [31] transformation to continuation-passing styleFootnote 1 and defunctionalization, which allow one to transform higher-order, meta-circular, compositional definitional interpreters into first-order, tail-recursive ones, can be seen as a general method of actually transforming an encoding of a denotational or natural semantics into an encoding of an equivalent abstract machine. The technique has proven to be indispensable for deriving a correct-by-construction abstract machine given an evaluator in a diverse set of languages and calculi including normal and applicative order \(\lambda \)-calculus evaluation [4] and normalization [8], call-by-need strategy [5] and Haskell’s STG language [29], logic engine [11], delimited control [9], computational effects [6], object-oriented calculi [14] and Coq’s tactic language [23]. Despite these successes and its mechanical nature, the functional correspondence has not yet been transformed into a working tool which would perform the derivation automatically.

The goal of this work is to give an algorithmic presentation of the functional correspondence that has been implemented by the first author as a semantics transformer. In particular, we describe the steps required to successfully convert the human-aided derivation method into a computer algorithm for transforming evaluators into a representation of an abstract machine. Our approach hinges on control-flow analysis as the basis for both selective continuation-passing style transformation and partial defunctionalization, and, unlike most of the works treating such transformations [7, 27], we do not rely on a type system. In order to obtain correct, useful and computable analysis we employ the abstracting abstract machines methodology (AAM) [22] which allows for deriving the analysis from an abstract machine for the meta-language. This derivation proved very capable in handling the non-trivial meta-language containing records, anonymous functions and pattern matching. The resulting analysis enables automatic transformation of user specified parts of the interpreter as opposed to whole-program-only transformations. The transformation, therefore, consists of: (1) transformation to administrative normal form (ANF) [18] that facilitates the subsequent steps, (2) control-flow analysis using the AAM technique and selective (based on the analysis) CPS transformation that makes the control flow in the evaluator explicit and idependent from the meta-language, (3) control-flow analysis once more and selective (again, based on the analysis) defunctionalization that replaces selected function spaces with their first-order representations (e.g., closures and stacks), and (4) let inlining that cleans up after the transformation.

The algorithm has been implemented in the Haskell programming language giving raise to a tool—semt—performing the transformation. The tool accepts evaluators embedded in Racket source files. Full Racket language is available for testing the evaluators. We tested the tool on multiple interpreters for a diverse set of programming language calculi. It is available at:

The rest of this article is structured as follows: In Sect. 2, we introduce the Interpreter Definition Language which is the meta-language accepted by the transformer and will be used in example evaluators throughout the paper. In Sect. 3, we present the algorithmic characterization of the functional correspondence. In Sect. 4, we briefly discuss the performance of the tool on a selection of case studies. In Sect. 5, we point at future avenues for improvement and conclude. In Appendix A, we illustrate the functional correspondence with a minimal example, for the readers unfamiliar with the CPS transformation and/or defunctionalization. Appendix B contains an extended example—a transformation of a normalization-by-evaluation function for \(\lambda \)-calculus into the corresponding abstract machine.

2 Interpreters and the Meta-language

The Interpreter Definition Language or IDL is the meta-language used by – a semantic transformer that we have developed. It is a purely functional, higher-order, dynamically typed language with strict evaluation order. It features named records and pattern matching which allow for convenient modelling of abstract syntax of the object-language as well as base types of integers, booleans and strings. The concrete syntax is in fully parenthesized form and the programs can be embedded in a Racket source file using a provided library with syntax definitions.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

A meta-circular interpreter for \(\lambda \)-calculus

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Abstract syntax of the IDL terms

As shown in Fig. 1 a typical interpreter definition consists of several top-level function initions which may be mutually recursive. The form introduces a datatype definition. In our case it defines a type for terms of \(\lambda \)-calculus. It is a union of three types: s representing variables of \(\lambda \)-calculus; records with label and two fields of types and representing abstractions; and records labeled which contain two s and represent applications. A datatype definition may refer to itself, other previously defined datatypes and records, the base types of , and or a placeholder type . The main function is treated as an entry point for the evaluator and must have its arguments annotated with their type.

The expression matches an expression against a list of patterns. Patterns may be variables (which will be bound to the value being matched), wildcards , base type patterns, e.g., or record patterns, such as . The form introduces anonymous function, stops execution and signals the error. Finally, application of a function is written as in Racket, i.e., as a list of expressions (e.g., ). The evaluator in Fig. 1 takes advantage of the functional representation of environments ( and ) and it structurally recursively interprets \(\lambda \)-terms ( ). The evaluation strategy for the object-language is in this case inherited from the meta-language, and, therefore, call by value (we assumed IDL strict) [31].

The abstract syntax of the IDL terms is presented in Fig. 2. The meta-variables xyz denote variables; r denotes structure (aka record) names; s is used to denote string literals and b is used for all literal values – strings, integers and booleans. The meta-variable \( tp \) is used in pattern matches which check whether a value is one of the primitive types. The patterns are referred to with variable p and may be a variable, a literal value, a wildcard, a record pattern or a type test. Terms are denoted with variable t and are either a variable, a literal value, an anonymous function, an application, a record constructor, a let binding (which may destructure bound term with a pattern), a pattern match or an error expression.

3 Transformation

The transformation described in this section consists of three main stages: translation to administrative normal form, selective translation to continuation-passing style, and selective defunctionalization. After defunctionalization the program is in the desired form of an abstract machine. The last step taken by the transformer is inlining of administrative let-bindings introduced by previous steps in order to obtain more readable results. In the remainder of this section we will describe the three main stages of the transformation and the algorithm used to compute the control-flow analysis.

3.1 Administrative Normal Form

The administrative normal form (ANF) [18] is an intermediate representation for functional languages in which all intermediate results are let-bound to names. This shape greatly simplifies later transformations as programs do not have complicated sub-expressions. From the operational point of view, the only place where a continuation is grown when evaluating program in ANF is a let-binding. This property ensures that a program in ANF is also much easier to evaluate using an abstract machine which will be taken advantage of in Sect. 3.2. The abstract syntax of terms in ANF and an algorithm for transforming IDL programs into such form is presented in Fig. 3. The terms are partitioned into three levels: variables, commands and expressions. Commands c extend variables with values – base literals, record constructors (with variables as sub-terms) and abstractions (whose bodies are in ANF); and with redexes like applications of variables and match expressions (which match on a variable and have branches in ANF). Expressions e in ANF have the shape of a possibly empty sequence of let-bindings ending with either an error term or a command.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

ANF transformation for IDL

The \([\![ \cdot ]\!]\cdot \) function, written in CPSFootnote 2, is the main transformation function. Its arguments are a term to be transformed and a meta-language continuation which will be called to obtain the term for the rest of the transformed input. This function decomposes the term according to the (informal) evaluation rules and uses two helper functions. Function \([ \cdot ]_{a}\) transforms a continuation expecting a variable (which are created when transforming commands) into one accepting any command by let-binding the passed argument c when necessary. Function \([\![ \cdot ]\!]_{s} \cdot \) sequences computation of multiple expressions by creating a chain of let-bindings (using \([ \cdot ]_{a}\)) and then calling the continuation with created variables.

3.2 Control-Flow Analysis

The analysis most relevant to the task of deriving abstract machines from interpreters is the control-flow analysis. Its objective is to find for each expression in a program an over-approximation of a set of functions it may evaluate to [28]. This information can be used in two places: when determining whether a function and applications should be CPS transformed and for checking which functions an expression in operator position may evaluate to. There are a couple of different approaches to performing this analysis available in the literature: abstract interpretation [28], (annotated) type systems [28] and abstract abstract machines [22]. We chose to employ the last approach as it allows for derivation of the control-flow analysis from an abstract machine for IDL. The derivation technique guarantees correctness of the resulting interpreter and hence provides high confidence in the actual implementation of the machine. We next present the template for acquiring both concrete and abstract versions of the abstract machine for IDL. The former machine defines the semantics of IDL; the latter computes the CFA.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

A template abstract machine for IDL terms in ANF

A Machine Template. We will begin with a template of a machine for IDL terms in A-normal form, presented in Fig. 4. It is a CEK-style machine modified to explicitly allocate memory for values and continuations in an abstract store. The template is parameterized by: implementation of the store \(\sigma \) along with five operations: \( alloc _v\), \( alloc _k\), \( deref _v\), \( deref _k\) and \( copy _v\); interpretation of primitive operations \(\delta \) and implementation of \( match \) function which interprets pattern matching. The store maps value addresses \(\nu \) to values v and continuation addresses \(\kappa \) to continuations k. The environment maps program variables to value locations. The values on which the machine operates are the following: base values b, primitive operations \(\delta \), records with addresses as fields, closures and top-level functions. Thanks to terms being in A-normal form, there are only two kinds of continuations which form a stack. The stack frames \(\langle \rho , p, e, \kappa \rangle \) are introduced by let-bindings. They hold an environment \(\rho \), a pattern p to use for destructuring a value, the body e of a let expression and a pointer to the next continuation \(\kappa \). The bottom of the stack is marked by the empty continuation \(\langle \rangle \). We assume that every term has a unique label l which will be used in the abstract version of the machine to implement store addresses.

The machine configurations are pairs of a store \(\sigma \) and a partial configuration \(\gamma \). This split of configuration into two parts will prove beneficial when we instantiate the template to obtain an abstract interpreter. There are two classes of partial configurations. An evaluation configuration contains an environment \(\rho \), an expression e and a continuation pointer \(\kappa \). A continuation configuration holds an address \(\nu \) of a value that has been computed so far and a pointer \(\kappa \) to a resumption which should be applied next.

The first case of the transition relation \(\Rightarrow \) looks up a pointer for the variable x in the environment \(\rho \) and switches to continuation mode. It modifies the store via \( copy \) function which ensures that every occurrence of a variable has a corresponding binding in the store. The next three cases deal with values by \( alloc \)ating them in the store and switching to continuation mode. When the machine encounters a let-binding it allocates a continuation for the body e of the expression and proceeds to evaluate the bound command c with the new pointer \(\kappa '\). In case of applications and match expressions the resulting configuration is decided using auxiliary functions \( apply \) and \( match \), respectively. Finally, in continuation mode, the machine may only transition if the continuation loaded from the address \(\kappa \) is a frame. In such a case the machine matches the stored pattern against the value pointed-to by \(\nu \). Otherwise \(\kappa \) points to a \(\langle \rangle \) instead and the machine has reached the final state. The auxiliary function \( apply \) checks what kind of function is referenced by \(\nu \) and proceeds accordingly.

A Concrete Abstract Machine. The machine template can now be instantiated with a store, a \( match \) implementation which finds the first matching branch and interpretation for primitive operations in order to obtain a concrete abstract machine. By choosing \( Store \) to be a mapping with infinite domain we can ensure that \( alloc \) can always return a fresh address. In this setting the store-allocated continuations are just an implementation of a stack. The extra layer of indirection introduced by storing values in a store can also be disregarded as the machine operates on persistent values. Therefore, the resulting machine, which we omit, corresponds to a CEK-style abstract machine which is a canonical formulation for call-by-value functional calculi [16].

Fig. 5.
figure 5

An abstract abstract machine for IDL

An Abstract Abstract Machine. Let us now turn to a different instantiation of the template. Figure 5 shows the missing pieces of an abstract abstract machine for IDL. The abstract values use base type names tp to represent any value of that type, abstract versions of primitive operations, records, closures and top-level functions. The interpretation of primitive operations must approximate their concrete counterparts.

The store is represented as a pair of finite mappings from labels to sets of abstract values and continuations, respectively. This bounding of store domain and range ensures that the state-space of the machine becomes finite and therefore can be used for computing an analysis. To retain soundness w.r.t. the concrete abstract machine the store must map a single address to multiple values to account for address reuse. This style of abstraction is classical [28] and fairly straightforward [22]. When instantiated with this store, the transition relation \(\Rightarrow \) becomes nondeterministic as pointer \( deref \)erencing nondeterministically returns one of the values available in the store. Additionally the implementation of the \( match \) function is also nondeterministic in the choice of the branch to match against.

This machine is not yet suitable for computing the analysis as the state space is still too large since every machine configuration has its own copy of the store. To circumvent this problem a standard technique of widening [28] can be employed. In particular, following [22], we use a global store. The abstract configuration \(\tilde{\varsigma }\) is a pair of a store and a set of partial configurations. The abstract transition \(\Rightarrow _a\) performs one step of computation using \(\Rightarrow \) on the global store \(\sigma \) paired with every partial configuration \(\gamma \). The resulting stores \(\sigma '\) are merged together and with the original store to create a new, extended global store. The partial configurations \(C'\) are added to the initial set of configurations C. The transition relation \(\Rightarrow _a\) is deterministic so it can be treated as a function. This function is monotone on a finite lattice and therefore is amenable to fixed-point iteration.

Computing the Analysis. With the abstract transition function in hand we can now specify the algorithm for obtaining the analysis. To start the abstract interpreter we must provide it with an initial configuration: a store, an environment, a term and a continuation pointer. The store will be assembled from datatype and structure definitions of the program as well as base types. The initial term is the body of the function of the interpreter and the environment is the global environment extended with ’s parameters bound to pointers to datatypes in the above-built store. The initial continuation is of course \(\langle \rangle \) and the pointer is the label of the body of the function. The analysis is computed by performing fixed-point iteration of \(\Rightarrow _a\). The resulting store will contain a set of functions to which every variable (the only allowed term) in function position may evaluate (ensured by the use of \( copy _v\) function). This result will be used in Sects. 3.3 and 3.4.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

A translation for CPS terms

3.3 Selective CPS Transformation

In this section we formulate an algorithm for selectively transforming the program into continuation-passing style. All functions (both anonymous and top-level) marked by the user will be kept in direct style. The function is implicitly marked as atomic since its interface should be preserved as it is an entry point of the interpreter. Primitive operations are treated as atomic at call-site. Atomic functions may call non-atomic ones by providing the called function an identity continuation. The algorithm uses the results of the control-flow analysis to determine atomicity of functions to which a variable labeled l in function position may evaluate. If all functions are atomic then \( allA (l)\) holds; if none of them are atomic then \( noneA (l)\) holds. When both atomic and non-atomic functions may be called the algorithm cannot proceed and signals an error in the source program.

Fig. 7.
figure 7

A translation for terms which should be left in direct style

The algorithm consists of two mutually recursive transformations. The first, \([\![ e ]\!]_c k\) in Fig. 6 transforms a term e into CPS. Its second parameter is a program variable k which will bind the continuation at runtime. The second, \([\![ e ]\!]_d\) in Fig. 7 transforms a term e which should be kept in direct style.

The first five clauses of the CPS translation deal with values. When a variable is encountered it may be immediately returned by applying a continuation. In other cases the value must be let-bound in order to preserve the A-normal form of the term and then the continuation is applied to the introduced variable. The body e of an anonymous function is translated using \([\![ e ]\!]_d\) when the function is marked atomic. When the function is not atomic a new variable \(k'\) is appended to its parameter list and its body is translated using \([\![ e ]\!]_c k'\). The form of an application depends on the atomicity of functions which may be applied. When none of them is atomic the continuation k is passed to the function. When all of them are atomic the result of the call is let-bound and returned by applying the continuation k. Match expression is transformed by recursing on its branches. Since the continuation is always a program variable no code gets duplicated. When transforming a let expression the algorithm checks whether the bound command c is \( trivial \) – meaning it will call only atomic functions when evaluated If it is, then it can remain in direct style \([\![ c ]\!]_d\), no new continuation has to be introduced and the body can be transformed by \([\![ e ]\!]_c k\). If the command is non-trivial then a new continuation is created and bound to \(k'\). This continuation uses a fresh variable y as its parameter. Its body is the let-expression binding y instead of command c and with body e transformed with the input continuation k. The bound command c is transformed with the newly introduced continuation \(k'\). Finally, the translation of throws out the continuation.

The transformation for terms which should be kept in direct style begins similarly to the CPS one – with five clauses for values. In case of an application the algorithm considers two possibilities: when all functions are atomic the call remains in direct style, when none of them are atomic a new identity continuation k is constructed and is passed to the called function. A match expression is again transformed recursively. A let binding of a call to a CPS function gets special treatment to preserve A-normal form by chaining allocation of identity continuation with the call. In other cases a let binding is transformed recursively. An expression is left untouched.

Each top-level function definition in a program is transformed in the same fashion as anonymous functions. After the transformation the program is still in ANF and can be again analyzed by the abstract abstract machine of the previous section. CPS-transforming the direct-style interpreter of Fig. 1 yields an interpreter in CPS shown in Fig. 8 (after let-inlining for readability), where we assume that the operations on environments were marked as atomic and therefore have not changed.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

An interpreter for \(\lambda \)-calculus in CPS

3.4 Selective Defunctionalization

The second step of the functional correspondence and the last stage of the transformation is selective defunctionalization. The goal is to defunctionalize function spaces deemed interesting by the author of the program. To this end top-level and anonymous functions may be annotated with to skip defunctionalization of function spaces they belong to. In the algorithm of Fig. 9 the predicate \( defun \) specifies whether a function should be transformed. Predicates \( primOp \) and \( topLevel \) specify whether a variable refers to (taking into account the scoping rules) primitive operation or top-level function, respectively. There are three cases to consider when transforming an application. If the variable in operator position refers to top-level function or primitive operation it can be left as is. Otherwise we can utilize the results of control-flow analysis to obtain the set of functions which may be applied. When all of them should be defunctionalized (\( allDefun \)) then a call to the generated apply function is introduced, when none of them should (\( noneDefun \)) then the application is left as is. If the requirements are mixed then an error in the source program is signaled. To transform an abstraction, its free variables (\( fvs (l)\)) are collected into a record. The apply functions are generated using \( mkApply \) as specified in Fig. 10 where the \( fn \ldots \) is a list of functions which may be applied. After the transformation the program is no longer in A-normal form since variables referencing top-level functions may have been transformed into records. However it does not pose a problem since the majority of work has already been done and the last step – let-inlining does not require the program to be in ANF. Defunctionalizing the CPS interpreter of Fig. 8 and performing let-inlining yields an encoding of the CEK abstract machine shown in Fig. 11 (again, the environment is left intact).

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Selective defunctionalization algorithm for IDL

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Top-level apply function generation

Fig. 11.
figure 11

An encoding of the CEK machine for \(\lambda \)-calculus

4 Case Studies

We studied the efficacy of the algorithm and the implementation on a number of programming language calculi. Figure 12 shows a summary of interpreters on which we tested the transformer. The first group of interpreters is denotational (mostly meta-circular) in style and covers various extensions of the base \(\lambda \)-calculus with call-by-value evaluation order. The additions we tested include: integers with addition, recursive let-bindings, delimited control operators – shift and reset with CPS interpreter based on [9] and exceptions in two styles: monadic with exceptions as values (functions return either value or an exception) and in CPS with success and error continuations. The last interpreter for call-by-value in Fig. 12 is a normalization function based on normalization by evaluation technique transcribed from [1]. We find this result particularly satisfactory, since it leads to a non-trivial and previously unpublished abstract machine – we give more details in Appendix B. The next three interpreters correspond to big-step operational semantics for call-by-name \(\lambda \)-calculus, call-by-need (call-by-name with memoization) and a simple imperative language, respectively.

Transformation of call-by-value and call-by-need \(\lambda \)-calculus yielded machines very similar to the CEK and Krivine machines, respectively. We were also able to replicate the machines previously obtained via manual application of the functional correspondence [4, 9, 11]. The biggest differences were due to introduction of administrative transitions in handling of applications. This property hints at a potential for improvement by introducing an inlining step to the transformation. An interesting feature of the transformation is the ability to select which parts of the interpreter should be transformed and which should be considered atomic. These choices are reflected in the resulting machine, e.g., by transforming an environment look up in call-by-need interpreter we obtain a Krivine machine which has the search for a value in the environment embedded in its transition rules, while marking it atomic gives us a more abstract formulation from [4]. Another consequence of this feature is that one can work with interpreters already in CPS and essentially skip directly to defunctionalization (as tested on micro-Prolog interpreter of [11]).

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Summary of tested interpreters

5 Conclusion

In this article we described an algorithm, based on the functional correspondence [4], that allows for automatic derivation of an abstract machine given an interpreter which typically corresponds to denotational or natural semantics, allowing the user for fine-grained control over the shape of the resulting machine. In order to enable the transformation we derived a control-flow analysis for IDL using the abstracting abstract machines methodology. We implemented the algorithm in the Haskell programming language and used this tool to transform a selection of interpreters. To the best of our knowledge this is the first, reasonably generic, implementation of the functional correspondence.

The correctness of the tool relies on the correctness of each of the program transformations involved in the derivation that are classic and in some form have been proven correct in the literature [7, 26, 27, 30], as well as on the correctness of the control-flow analysis we take advantage of. An extensive number of experiments we have carried out indicates that the tool indeed is robust.

In order to improve the capabilities of as a practical tool for semantics engineering, the future work could include extending the set of primitive operations and adding the ability to import arbitrary Racket functions and provide their abstract specification. The tool could also be extended to accommodate other output formats such as LaTeX figures or low level C code [19].

Another avenue for improvement lies in extensions of the meta-language capabilities. Investigation of additions such as control operators, nondeterministic choice and concurrency could yield many opportunities for diversifying the set of interpreters (and languages) that may be encoded in the IDL. In particular control operators could allow for expressing the interpreter for a language with delimited control (or algebraic effects [12, 21]) in direct style.