
1 Introduction

Given an n-vertex graph G, a morph between two drawings (i.e., embeddings in \(\mathbb {R}^d\)) of G is a continuous transformation from one drawing to the other through a family of intermediate drawings. One is interested in well-behaved morphs, i.e., those that preserve essential properties of the drawing at any moment. Usually, this property is that the drawing is crossing-free; such morphs are called crossing-free morphs. This concept finds applications in multiple domains: animation, modeling, and computer graphics, etc. A drawing of G is a straight-line drawing if it maps each vertex of G to a point in \(\mathbb {R}^d\) and each edge of G to the line segment whose endpoints correspond to the endpoints of this edge. In this work, we focus on the case of drawings in the Euclidean plane (\(d = 2\)) and 3D drawings (\(d = 3\)); a non-crossing drawing of a graph in \(\mathbb {R}^2\) is called planar.

There is an interest in studying crossing-free morphs of straight-line drawings, where vertex trajectories are simple, in particular, linear morphs. A linear morph transforms one straight-line drawing \(\varGamma \) of a graph G to another such drawing \(\varGamma '\) through a sequence of straight-line drawings; each morphing steps or step is a linear interpolation between two consecutive drawings in that sequence. That is, during each morphing step each vertex of G moves along a straight-line segment at a constant speed. A linear morph is said to be unidirectional if all vertices move along parallel lines in the same direction. Alamdari et al. [1] showed that for any two topologically equivalent planar drawings of a graph G, there is a linear 2D morph that transforms one drawing to the other in \(\varTheta (n)\) steps. This bound is asymptotically optimal in the worst case even when the graph G is a path. A natural further question is how the situation changes when we involve the third dimension. For general 3D graph drawings the problem seems challenging since it is tightly connected to unknot recognition problem. If both the initial and the final drawing are planar and the given graph is a tree, then \(\mathcal {O}(\log n)\) steps suffice [2]. In both algorithmic results [1, 2], the intermediate steps use infinitesimal or very small distances, as compared to distances in the input drawings. This may blow up the space requirements and affect the aesthetical aspect. This raises a demand for morphing algorithms that operate on a small grid, i.e., of size that is polynomial in the size of the graph and parameters of the input drawings. All the intermediate drawings are then restricted to be grid drawings, where vertices map to vertices of the grid. Two crucial parameters of a straight-line grid drawing are: the area (or volume for the 3D case) of the required grid, and the resolution, that is the ratio between the maximum edge length and the minimum edge-edge distance. If the grid area (or volume) is polynomially bounded, then so is the resolution [3].

Very recently Barrera-Cruz et al. [3] gave an algorithm that linearly morphs between two planar straight-line grid drawings \(\varGamma \) and \(\varGamma '\) of an n-vertex rooted tree in \(\mathcal {O}(n)\) steps while each intermediate drawing is also a planar straight-line drawing in a bounded grid. In particular, the maximum grid length and width are respectively \(\mathcal {O}(D^3n \cdot L)\) and \(\mathcal {O}(D^3n\cdot W)\), where \(L=max\{l(\varGamma ), l(\varGamma ')\}\), \(W=max\{w(\varGamma ), w(\varGamma ')\}\) and \(D=max\{L, W\}\), \(l(\varGamma )\) and \(w(\varGamma )\) are the length and the width of the drawing \(\varGamma \) respectively. Note that D is \(\varOmega (\sqrt{n})\).

Let \(\varGamma \) and \(\varGamma '\) be two planar straight-line drawings of an n-vertex tree T. Throughout this paper, a morph \(\mathcal {M}=\langle \varGamma _1, \varGamma _2,\ldots , \varGamma _k \rangle \) of T is a sequence of 3D straight-line drawings of T such that \(\varGamma _1 = \varGamma , \varGamma _k = \varGamma '\) are the initial and the final drawings, and each \(\langle \varGamma _i, \varGamma _{i+1} \rangle \) is a linear morph. Here we study the problem of morphing one straight-line grid drawing \(\varGamma \) to another such drawing \(\varGamma '\) in sublinear number of steps using the third dimension such that the resolutions of the intermediate drawings are bounded. We morph the initial planar drawing of tree T to its 3D canonical drawing \(\mathcal {C}(T)\) and then analogously morph \(\mathcal {C}(T)\) to the final planar drawing. Effectively we solve the same problem as in [2], but with the additional restriction that all drawings throughout the algorithm lie in a small grid. We give an algorithm that requires \(\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n} \log n)\) steps. All the intermediate drawings require a 3D grid of length \(\mathcal {O}(d^3(\varGamma ) \cdot \log n)\), width \(\mathcal {O}(d^3(\varGamma ) \cdot \log n)\) and height \(\mathcal {O}(n)\), where \(d(\varGamma )= \max (d(\varGamma ), d(\varGamma '))\). During the procedure, we use some known techniques, e.g., canonical drawing [2] and “Pinwheel” rotation [3] combined with several new ideas.

In Sect. 2, we introduce the definitions that are used in the paper. After introducing the necessary definitions and preliminaries in Sect. 2, we describe the tools that are the building blocks of our algorithm: stretching, mapping around the pole, rotating and shrinking subtrees (See Sect. 3). In Sect. 4, we introduce a technique of lifting paths such that the vertices on the path along with their subtrees go to the respective canonical positions and the drawing remains crossing-free. The morphing algorithm in Sect. 4 splits the given tree into disjoint paths that are lifted one by one in specific order. Since lifting each path takes constant number of steps, in the worst case this algorithm takes \(\mathcal {O}(n)\) steps to lift a tree. In Sect. 5, we show how to lift a set of edges of the given tree simultaneously. This is used in the second morphing algorithm, that lifts the tree by lifting disjoint sets of its edges one after another. This algorithm takes \(\mathcal {O}(h)\) steps to lift a tree of height h. We then combine two algorithms in Sect. 6 to produce the final algorithm that uses o(n) morphing steps. It first lifts all paths of T of length at most \(\sqrt{n}\) using the algorithm of Sect. 5. Since the total number of remaining paths is less than \(\sqrt{n}\), we lift them one after another by using the algorithm of Sect. 4. The full versionFootnote 1 of the paper contains detailed proofs and descriptions which are omitted here due to space constraints.

2 Preliminaries and Definitions

Tree Drawings. For a rooted tree T, let r(T) be its root, and T(v) be the subtree of T rooted at a vertex v of T. Let E(T), V(T) and |T| denote respectively, the set of edges, the set of vertices, and the number of vertices of T. In a straight-line drawing of T, each vertex is mapped to a point in \(\mathbb {R}^d\) and each edge is mapped to a straight-line segment connecting its end-points. A 3D- (respectively, a 2D-) grid drawing of T is a straight-line drawing where each vertex is mapped to a point with integer coordinates in \(\mathbb {R}^3\) (respectively, \(\mathbb {R}^2\)). A drawing of T is said to be crossing-free if images of no two edges intersect except, possibly, at common end-points. A crossing-free 2D-grid drawing is called a planar grid drawing. For a crossing-free drawing \(\varGamma \), let \(B(\varGamma (v),r)\) denote the open disc of radius r in the horizontal plane centered at the image \(\varGamma (v)\) of v. By the projection, denoted by pr(), we mean the vertical projection to the horizontal plane passing through the origin. Let \(l(\varGamma )\), \(w(\varGamma )\) and \(h(\varGamma )\) respectively denote the length, width and height of the 3D drawing \(\varGamma \) of T, i.e., the maximum absolute difference between the x-, y- and z-coordinates of vertices in \(\varGamma \). Let \(d(\varGamma )\) denote the diameter of \(\varGamma \), defined as the ceiling of the maximum pairwise (Euclidean) distance between its vertices. Note that \(d(\varGamma )\) estimates the space required by \(\varGamma \) since \( M \le d(\varGamma ) \le \sqrt{3}M\), where \(M = \max (l(\varGamma ), w(\varGamma ), h(\varGamma ))\). Let \(dist_{\varGamma }(v, e)\) (resp., \(dist_{\varGamma }(v, u)\)) be the distance between \(\varGamma (v)\) and \(\varGamma (e)\) (resp., between \(\varGamma (v)\) and \(\varGamma (u)\)), where uv are vertices of T and e is an edge of T. For a grid drawing \(\varGamma \), we define the resolution of \(\varGamma \) as the ratio of the distances between the farthest and closest pairs of geometric objects of \(\varGamma \) (images of tree vertices and edges).

For any vertex v and edge e not incident to v in a crossing-free grid drawing \(\varGamma \) of T, \(dist(v,e) \ge \frac{1}{d(\varGamma )}\). In a 3D grid drawing \(\varGamma \) of T, the distance \(dist(e_1,e_2) \ge \dfrac{1}{2\sqrt{3}\left( d(\varGamma )\right) ^2}\) for a pair of non-adjacent edges \(e_1, e_2\). This implies that 2D and 3D crossing-free grid drawings of T have polynomially bounded resolution. For a point \(p=(p_x, p_y, p_z)\), we denote by \(YZ_p, XZ_p, XY_p\) planes \(x=p_x, y=p_y, z=p_z\) respectively. Analogously, \(XZ^+_p\) (resp., \(XZ^-_p\)) denotes the vertical half-plane \(\{(x, y, z) : y = p_y, x \ge p_x (resp., x \le p_x)\}\) and \(YZ^+_{p}\) (resp., \(YZ^-_{p}\)) the half-plane \(\{(x, y, z) : x = p_x, y \ge p_y (resp., y \le p_y)\}\).

Path Decomposition. \(\mathcal {P}\) of a tree T is a decomposition of its edges into a set of edge-disjoint paths as follows. Choose some root-to-leaf path in T and store it in the set \(\mathcal {P}\) which is empty at the beginning. Remove the edges of this path from T. It may disconnect the tree; recurse on the remaining connected components while there are edges. In the end, \(\mathcal {P}\) contains disjoint paths whose union is E(T). The depth dpt(v) of a vertex v in T is the length of the path from r(T) to v. Head of a path P, denoted as head(P), is the vertex \(x \in P\) with the minimum depth in tree T. Let the internal vertices of path P be all vertices of P except head(P). Any path decomposition \(\mathcal {P}\) of T induces a linear order of the paths: path \(P'\) succeeds P, i.e., \({P' \succ P}\), if and only if \(P'\) is deleted before P during the construction of \(\mathcal {P}\). Note that the subtree of each internal vertex of a path P is a subset of the union of the paths that precede P.

In the long-path decomposition [4] \(\mathcal {L}(T)\), the path chosen in every iteration is the longest root-to-leaf path (ties are broken arbitrarily). Let \(\mathcal {L} = \{L_1, \ldots , L_m\}\) be the ordered set of paths of a long-path decomposition of T. For \(i <j\), \(|L_i| \le |L_j|\).

In the heavy-rooted-pathwidth decomposition \(\mathcal H(T)\) (see, e.g., [2]), of a tree T, the root-to-leaf path chosen in every iteration maximizes the rooted pathwidth, rpw(T).rpw(T) is defined recursively: for each leave v of T: \(rpw(\{v\}) = 1\); for each internal vertex u and its children \(v_1, \ldots , v_k\) we have \(rpw(T(u)) = max(rpw(T(v_i))), 1 \le i \le k\) if \(rpw(T(v_i))\) are not all equal, and \(rpw(T(u)) = rpw(T(v_1)) + 1\) in the other case. It is known [5] that for a tree T with n vertices \(rpw(T) = \mathcal {O}(\log n)\). Figure 1a and 1b show respectively the heavy-rooted-pathwidth and the long-path decomposition of a tree where heavy paths and long paths are shown in different colors.

Canonical 3D drawing \(\mathcal {C}(T)\) of a tree T [2] is the crossing-free straight-line 3D drawing of T that maps each vertex v of T to its canonical position \(\mathcal {C}(v)\) determined by the heavy-rooted pathwidth decomposition. We later use the fact that \(\mathcal {C}(T)\) lies in \(XZ_0^+\) inside a bounding box of height |T| and width rpw(T). For any vertex v of T, the relative canonical drawing \(\mathcal {C}_{T_v}\) of T(v) is the drawing of T(v) obtained by cropping \(\mathcal {C}(T)\) and translating the obtained drawing of T(v) so that v is mapped to the origin. Since tree T never changes throughout our algorithm, we refer to rpw(T) as to rpw.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Canonical drawing of a tree with (a) heavy and (b) long paths, where paths are colored with different colors, paths that consist of one edge are dashed. (c) The mapping morph, half-planes \(\alpha , \beta \) sharing a common pole through point \((x', y')\) and their vector of mapping. (d) The Shrinking morph when \(l = 4\).

3 Tools for Morphing Algorithms

We define stretching, mapping, rotation and shrinking of subtrees in this section. Each of these are fundamental tools used in our algorithm.

Stretching with a Constant \(\mathcal {S}_1\). Let the drawing \(\varGamma \) lie in the \(XY_0\) plane. During stretching morph \(\left\langle \varGamma , \varGamma _1\right\rangle \) each coordinate of each vertex in \(\varGamma \) is multiplied by a common positive integer constant \(\mathcal {S}_1\) to obtain \(\varGamma _1\). Thereby, it is a linear morph that “stretches” the vertices apart. Stretching morph is crossing-free.

Lemma 1

For any pair \(v_i, v_j\) of vertices disks \(B(\varGamma _1(v_i),\frac{\mathcal {S}_1}{2})\) and \(B(\varGamma _1(v_j),\frac{\mathcal {S}_1}{2})\) do not cross in the \(XY_0\) plane. For a vertex \(v_i\) disk \(B(\varGamma _1(v_i),\frac{\mathcal {S}_1}{2 \cdot d(\varGamma )})\) does not enclose any other vertices or any part of edges non-incident to \(v_i\) in \(\varGamma _1\). For every vertex v and every edge \(e = (v, u)\) in \(\varGamma _1\) there is lattice point z such that \(z \in e\) and \(z \in B(\varGamma _1(v_i),d(\varGamma ))\).

Mapping Around a Pole. Let the pole through \((x', y')\) be the vertical line in 3D through a point \((x', y', 0)\). Let \(\alpha , \beta \) be vertical half-planes containing the pole l through a point with integer coordinates. Suppose \(\angle (\alpha , \beta ) \notin \{ 0, \pi \}\) and \(\alpha , \beta \) contain infinitely many points with integer coordinates. Mapping around the pole l is a morphing step to obtain a drawing \(\varGamma '\) which lies in \(\beta \) from \(\varGamma \) which lies in \(\alpha \). Each vertex moves along a horizontal vector between \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \). The direction of this vector is common for all vertices of \(\varGamma \) and is defined by \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \). Let us fix a horizontal plane h passing through the point (0, 0, b) where b is an integer. Let \(p_{\alpha }, p_{\beta }\) be points that lie on \(h\cap \alpha \) and \(h\cap \beta \), respectively; such that \(dist(l, p_{\alpha }) = d_{\alpha }\) and \(dist(l, p_{\beta }) = d_{\beta }\) be the minimum non-zero distances from the l to the integer points lying in \(h\cap \alpha \) and \(h\cap \beta \). The vector of mapping u is defined as \(\frac{p_{\beta } - p_{\alpha }}{|p_{\beta } - p_{\alpha }|}\). Mapping is an unidirectional morph since all vertices of \(\varGamma \) move along the vectors parallel to the vector of mapping till they reach the half-plane \(\beta \), see Fig. 1c. Since mapping is comprised of rotation and stretching in horizontal direction, it is a crossing- free morph that preserves grid drawings. Throughout the paper, we denote by rotation a mapping when \(\alpha , \beta \) are half-planes of planes parallel to \(XZ_0, YZ_0\) respectively or vice-versa. Similarly, we define mapping around horizontal pole, i.e., a pole parallel to the X-axis.

Rotating Horizontal Plane. Let \(\varGamma _0(T(v))\) be the canonical drawing of a subtree T(v) on the horizontal plane \(XY_{v}\) obtained by rotating the relative canonical drawing \(\mathcal {C}_{T_v}\) around the horizontal pole through v. Let \(\varGamma _1(T(v)), \varGamma _2(T(v)), \varGamma _3(T(v))\) be the drawings obtained from \(\varGamma _0(T(v))\) by rotating the horizontal plane around the point \(\varGamma (v)\) by the angles \(\frac{\pi }{2}, \pi , \frac{3\pi }{2}\), respectively. In the Appendix we show that the drawing \(\varGamma _i(T(v))\) can be obtained from the drawing \(\varGamma _{i - 1}(T(v))\) in one morphing step—rotating step—using a lemma from [3].

Shrinking Lifted Subtrees. Let v be a vertex of T. Assume that the image \(\varGamma (T(v))\) of subtree T(v) is \(\mathcal {C}_{T_v}\), in particular, it lies in \(h = XZ^+_v\). Let \(\mathcal {C}=\{v_1, \ldots , v_{l}\}\) be sequence of children of v, ordered according to their z-coordinates in \(\mathcal {C}_{T_v}\). Let \(\mathcal {C'}= \{v_{i_1}, \ldots , v_{i_k}\}\) be subsequence of \(\mathcal {C}\). Let us consider the new subtree \(T'(v)\) which is obtained by deleting the vertices in \(\mathcal {C}\setminus \mathcal {C'}\) and their subtrees from T(v). Note that, for each j with \(1\le j \le k\), \(T'(v_{i_j})\) still lies inside a box of height \(|T(v_{i_j})|\) and width \(rpw(T(v_{i_j}))\) on h. We define the shrink subtree procedure on \(T'_v\) as follows. We move each vertex \(v_{i_j}\) along with their subtrees from \(\mathcal {C}_{T_v}(v_{i_j})\) to \((\mathcal {C}_{T_v}(v_{i_j})_x, \mathcal {C}_{T_v}(v_{i_j})_y, \mathcal {C}_{T'_v}(v_j)_z)\). Let us denote the shrunk subtree by \(\mathcal {C'}_{T'_v}\). The height of the shrunk subtree \(\mathcal {C'}_{T'_v}\) is equal to the number of vertices in \(T'(v)\). Also, note that shrinking is a crossing-free unidirectional morph.

4 Morphing Through Lifting Paths

Let T be an n-vertex tree and \(\mathcal {P}\) be a path decomposition of T into k paths. In this section, we describe an algorithm that morphs a plane drawing \(\varGamma = \varGamma _0\) in \(XY_0\) plane of tree T to the canonical 3D drawing \(\varGamma ' =\mathcal {C}(T)\) of T in \(\mathcal {O}(k)\) steps. It lifts the paths of \(\mathcal {P}\) one by one applying procedure \(\textit{Lift}()\). Note that the final positions for the vertices in \(\mathcal {C}(T)\) are independent of \(\mathcal {P}\). Also, a morph from \(\mathcal {C}(T)\) to \(\varGamma '\) can be obtained by applying the morph from \(\varGamma '\) to \(\mathcal {C}(T)\) backwards. At all times during the algorithm, the following invariant holds: a path \(P_i \in \mathcal {P}\) is lifted only after all the children of the internal vertices of \(P_i\) are lifted. After the execution of \(\textit{Lift}(P_i)\), path \(P_i\) moves to its canonical position with respect to \(head(P_i)\), see Fig. 2 and 3.

Step 0: Preprocessing. This step is a single stretching morph \(\langle \varGamma , \varGamma _1 \rangle \) with \(\mathcal {S}_1 = 2 \cdot (rpw + d(\varGamma ))\). Note that stretching is a crossing-free morph.

Lift(path) Procedure

Let \( P_i = (v_0, v_1, \ldots , v_m)\) be the first path in \(\mathcal {P}\) that has not been processed yet and \(\varGamma _t\) be the current drawing of T. We lift the path \(P_i\). For any vertex v let lifted subtree \(T'(v)\) be the portion of subtree T(v) that has been lifted after execution of \(\textit{Lift}(P_j)\) for some \(j < i\). Let the processing vertices be the internal vertices of \(P_i\) along with the vertices of their lifted subtrees. The subtrees of all internal vertices \(v_j\) in \(P_i\) are already lifted due to the ordering among the paths. Suppose the lifted subtrees are in the canonical position with respect to the roots, the maximum height of vertices in an intermediate drawing \(\varGamma _t\) is strictly less than n and the difference of width between a lifted vertex and its root is at most rpw.

We provide a brief overview of the \(\textit{Lift}()\) procedure in the following.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

(a) Drawing \(\varGamma _t\) in the beginning of the procedure \(\textit{Lift}(P_i)\), bounding boxes for lifted subtrees are violet, \(P_i\) consists of green edges. Directions of movement of the vertices are shown with red arrows. (b) Step 1, (c) Step 2 and (d) Steps 3–4 of \(\textit{Lift}()\). (Color figure online)

The procedure \(\textit{Lift}(P_i)\) consists of 13 steps and results in moving vertices of path \(P_i\) along with their lifted subtrees to their canonical positions with respect to the head of \(P_i\), i.e.,vertex \(v_0\). Since the height of any lifted vertex is strictly less than n and the difference of width between a lifted vertex and its root is at most rpw, preprocessing Step 0 and Lemma 1 guarantee that the already lifted subtrees lie in the disjoint right circular cylinders of radius rpw and height n.

Step 1: For every internal vertex \(v_j\) of the path \(P_i\), its lifted subtree \(T'(v_j)\) morphs into the shrunk lifted subtree, see Sect. 3. All subtrees are shrunk simultaneously in one morphing step. This step is needed to ensure that the maximum height of a vertex does not exceed 2n during the \(\textit{Lift}()\) procedure. It is a crossing-free morph since the subtrees move in mutually disjoint cylinders.

Step 2: It consists of steps \(\langle \varGamma _{t}, \varGamma _{t + 1} \rangle , \langle \varGamma _{t + 1}, \varGamma _{t + 2} \rangle \). For \(0 \le j < m - 1\), if projection \(pr(T'(v_j))\) overlaps with \(pr((v_j, v_{j + 1}))\), we rotate twice the drawing of \(T'(v_j)\) around the vertical pole through \(\varGamma _t(v_j)\). Since every lifted subtree \(T'(v_j)\) lies in \(XZ^+_{v_j}\), after this step all lifted subtrees lie in \(XZ^+_{v_j}\) or \(XZ^-_{v_j}\). It is a crossing-free morph since the rotations of subtrees happen inside mutually disjoint cylinders.

Step 3: In the morphing step \(\langle \varGamma _{t + 2}, \varGamma _{t + 3} \rangle \), each internal vertex \(v_j, j \ge 1\) of path \(P_i\) moves vertically to the height defined recursively as follows: for \(v_1\): \(\varGamma _{t + 3}(v_1)_z = n\); for \(v_j, j > 1\): \(\varGamma _{t + 3}(v_j)_z = \varGamma _{t + 3}(v_{j - 1})_z + |T'(v_{j - 1})|\). Note that \(|T'(v_{j})|\), a number of vertices in \(T'(v_j)\), is equal to the height of this shrinked lifted subtree. This step is crossing free since the projections of different subtrees and the path edges to the \(XY_0\) plane does not change during the morph. After this step the vertices of \(P_i\) are in the same vertical order as in the canonical drawing \(\mathcal {C}(T)\).

Step 4: The lifted subtree of each internal vertex of \(P_i\) is rotated to lie in a horizontal plane passing through the corresponding vertex. This step places all \(T'(v_j)\) in disjoint horizontal planes. The direction of rotation is chosen in such a way that \(T'(v_j)\) does not cross with an edge \((v_j, v_{j + 1})\).

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Yellow plane is a vertical plane. (a) Steps 5–6, (b) Steps 7–8, (c) Step 9 and (d) Steps 10–13 (Steps 11, 13 do not make any changes in this example) of \(\textit{Lift}()\). (Color figure online)

Steps 5 and 6: In Step 5 (\(\langle \varGamma _{t + 4}, \varGamma _{t + 5} \rangle \)), each vertex \(v_j\)(\(j \ge 2\)) of the path \(P_i\) moves together with its subtree \(T'(v_j)\) along the vector \(((v_{1_x} - v_{j_x}) + \mathcal {C}(v_j)_x - \mathcal {C}(v_1)_x, v_{1_y} - v_{j_y}, 0)\), where \(v_{1_x}\) denotes x-coordinate of vertex \(v_1\) in drawing \(\varGamma _{t + 4}\). In Step 6 (\(\langle \varGamma _{t + 5}, \varGamma _{t + 6} \rangle \)), every vertex \(v_j, j \ge 2\) of the path \(P_i\) moves together with its subtree \(T'(v_j)\) along the same vertical vector \((0, 0, (v_{1_z} - v_{j_z}) + \mathcal {C}(v_j)_z - \mathcal {C}(v_1)_z)\), where \(v_{1_z}\) means z-coordinate of vertex \(v_1\) in drawing \(\varGamma _{t + 5}\). Steps 5 and 6 move \(v_2, \ldots , v_m\) to their canonical positions with respect to the vertex \(v_1\)

Steps 7, 8 and 9: Step 7, i.e., \(\langle \varGamma _{t + 6}, \varGamma _{t + 7} \rangle , \langle \varGamma _{t + 7}, \varGamma _{t + 8} \rangle \), turns every lifted subtree \(T'(v_j)\) of internal vertices of \(P_i\) to lie in positive x-direction with respect to \(v_j\). Step 8, i.e., \(\langle \varGamma _{t + 8}, \varGamma _{t + 9} \rangle \), morphs lifted subtrees of internal vertices of \(P_i\) in the horizontal planes from shrunk to the canonical size. In Step 9 (\(\langle \varGamma _{t + 9}, \varGamma _{t + 10} \rangle \)) all lifted subtrees \(T'(v_j)\) of the internal vertices of \(P_i\) rotate around horizontal axes \((x, v_{j_y}, v_{j_z}), x \in \mathbb {R}\) to lie in vertical plane in positive direction such that the subtree \(T(v_1)\) is in the canonical position with respect to \(v_1\).

Step 10: In the morphing step \(\langle \varGamma _{t + 10}, \varGamma _{t + 11} \rangle \), every internal vertex \(v_j\) of the path with its subtree \(T'(v_j)\) moves horizontally in the direction \((v_{0_x} - v_{1_x}, v_{0_y} - v_{1_y}, 0)\). If in \(\mathcal {C}(T)\) the edge \((v_0, v_1)\) is vertical, vertex \(v_1\) moves along this vector to get xy-coordinates equal to \((v_{0_x}, v_{0_y})\). Otherwise, vertex \(v_1\) moves along this vector as long as possible to get integer x and y coordinates not equal to \((v_{0_x}, v_{0_y})\). Step 10 ensures that Steps 11–13 move vertices only inside right circular cylinder of radius \(rpw + d(\varGamma )\) and height 2n around \(v_0\). During Steps 11–13 the processed part of the tree does not intersect with the unprocessed part since the above mentioned cylinders are disjoint for the vertices that are lying in \(XY_0\).

Steps 11, 12 and 13: These steps differ depending on whether or not we have rotated \(T'(v_0)\) during Step 2. In one case \(T'(v_0)\) is in x-positive direction from \(v_0\) and in the other \(T(v_1)\) is in x-positive direction from \(v_0\). Steps 11 and 13 make two rotations of the needed part of the tree to correct it’s xy-coordinates. Also, we need to move \(v_1\) and its subtree to the canonical height with respect to \(v_0\). In Step 12, we make the z-coordinate correction of \(T(v_1)\). The steps are ordered in such a way that no intersections happen during their execution. Step 13 concludes the procedure \(\textit{Lift}(P_i)\) by placing all processing vertices into their canonical positions with respect to \(v_0\).

In the end of these morphing steps, we observe that all the internal vertices of \(P_i\) along with their subtrees are placed in the canonical position with respect to \(v_0\). The lifted subtrees that were in the relative canonical position at the beginning of \(Lift(P_i)\), still maintain their positions. For any path \(P_k\), such that \(k>i\), its vertices still lie on the \(XY_0\) plane and their positions do not change during these steps. We keep on lifting up paths until we obtain the canonical drawing of T. The following theorem summarises what we achieved in this section.

Theorem 1

For every two planar straight-line grid drawings \(\varGamma , \varGamma '\) of tree T with n vertices there exists a crossing-free 3D-morph \(\mathcal {M} = \langle \varGamma = \varGamma _0, \ldots , \varGamma _l = \varGamma ' \rangle \) that takes \(\mathcal {O}(k)\) steps where k is number of paths in some path decomposition of tree T. In this morph, every intermediate drawing \(\varGamma _i, 1 \le i \le l\) is a straight-line 3D grid drawing lying in a grid of size \(\mathcal {O}(d^2 \times d^2 \times n)\), where d is maximum of the diameters of the given drawings.

5 Morphing Through Lifting Edges

In this section, we describe another algorithm that morphs a planar drawing \(\varGamma \) of tree T to the canonical drawing \(\mathcal {C}(T)\) of T. This time one iteration of our algorithm lifts simultaneously a set of edges with at most one edge of each path of a selected path decomposition. Let \(\varGamma = \varGamma _0\) be a planar drawing of T.

Step 0: Preprocessing. This step \(\langle \varGamma , \varGamma _1 \rangle \) is a stretching morph with \(\mathcal {S}_1 = 2 \cdot rpw \cdot d(\varGamma ) \cdot (4 \cdot d(\varGamma ) + 1)\). It is a crossing-free morph.

\(\overline{Lift}\)(edges) procedure

For edge e of T, let st(e) (respectively, end(e)) be the vertex of e with smallest (respectively, largest) depth. Let \(\mathcal {K} = \{K_1, \ldots , K_m\}\) be the partition of edges of T into disjoint sets such that \(e \in K_i\) if and only if \( dpt(st(e)) = m - i\), where m denotes the depth of T. We lift up sets \(K_i\) from \(\mathcal {K}\) from \(i = 1\) to \(i = m\) by executing \(\overline{Lift}(K_i)\) (Steps 1–5, see Fig. 4 and 5). Let \(\varGamma _t\) be the drawing of T before lifting set \(K_i\). Let lifted subtree \(T'(v_j)\) be the portion of subtree \(T(v_j)\) lifted by the execution of \(\overline{Lift}(K_j)\) where \(j < i\). Suppose the drawing of \(T'(v)\) in \(\varGamma _t\) is the canonical drawing of \(T'(v)\) with respect to v; and the vertices that are incident to some non-processed edges lie in \(XY_0\) plane.

Lemma 2

For every edge \(e = (v, u)\) with \(st(e)=v\) in \(\varGamma _1\) there is a lattice point \(z_e \in e\) such that \(B(\varGamma _1(z_e),rpw \cdot d(\varGamma )) \subset B(\varGamma _1(v),rpw \cdot d(\varGamma ) \cdot (4 \cdot d(\varGamma ) + 1))\). For distinct pair of edges \(e_1, e_2 \in K_i \forall i = 1, \ldots , m\) disks \(B(\varGamma _1(z_{e_1}),rpw)\) and \(B(\varGamma _1(z_{e_2}),rpw)\) are disjoint. Also, for distinct pair of edges \(e_1, e_2 \in K_i \forall i = 1, \ldots , m\) regions \(\mathcal {F}_{e_1}, \mathcal {F}_{e_2}\) are disjoint, where \(\mathcal {F}_{e} = \{x \in XY_0: dist_{\varGamma _1}(x, (z_{e}, u)) \le rpw\}\).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

(a) Drawing \(\varGamma _t\) in the beginning of the procedure \(\overline{Lift}(K_i)\), bounding boxes for lifted subtrees are violet, \(K_i\) consists of green edges. (b) Step 1 and (c) Step 2 of \(\overline{Lift}()\).

Step 1: Shrink. In the step \(\langle \varGamma _{t}, \varGamma _{t + 1}\rangle \), for every edge \(e \in K_i\) we move vertex end(e) along with its lifted subtree towards st(e) until end(e) reaches point \(z_e\).

Step 2: Go up. In morphing step \(\langle \varGamma _{t + 1}, \varGamma _{t + 2} \rangle \), we move end(e) with \(T'(end(e))\) along the vector \((0, 0, \mathcal {C}(end(e))_z - \mathcal {C}(st(e))_z)\) for all \(e \in K_i\).

Step 3: Mapping. Morphing step \(\langle \varGamma _{t + 2}, \varGamma _{t + 3} \rangle \) is a mapping morph, see Sect. 3. For every lifted subtree \(T'(v_j)\), where \(v_j = end(e), e \in K_i\), we define the half-planes of the mapping morph as follows: half-plane \(\alpha \) is \(XZ^+_{v_j}\), half-plane \(\beta \) is part of the vertical plane containing the edge e in such direction that \(e \notin \beta \), the common vertical pole of \(\alpha \) and \(\beta \) is a pole through \(v_j\). All mapping steps are done simultaneously for all subtrees of end vertices of the edges of \(K_i\).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

(a) Step 3; (b) Step 4; (c) Step 5, consists of two morphing steps.

Step 4: Shrink more. The morphing step \(\langle \varGamma _{t + 3}, \varGamma _{t + 4} \rangle \) is a horizontal morph.

For each \(v_j = end(e), e \in K_i\) we define a horizontal vector of movement as follows. If e is a vertical edges in canonical drawing then this vector is \((\varGamma _{t + 3}(st(e))_x - \varGamma _{t + 3}(end(e))_x, \varGamma _{t + 3}(st(e))_y - \varGamma _{t + 3}(end(e))_y, 0)\), in this case subtree \(T'(end(e))\) is moving towards vertical pole through st(e) until the image of the edge e becomes vertical. If e is not a vertical edge in canonical drawing, then \(\mathcal {C}(end(e))_x - \mathcal {C}(st(e))_x = 1\) and we move the whole subtree \(T'(end(e))\) towards the pole through \(\varGamma _{t + 3}(st(e))\) until end(e) reaches the last point with integer coordinates before \((\varGamma _{t + 3}(st(e))_x, \varGamma _{t + 3}(st(e))_y, \varGamma _{t + 3}(end(e))_z)\).

Step 5: Collide planes. During the following steps \(\langle \varGamma _{t + 4}, \varGamma _{t + 5} \rangle ,\ldots ,\langle \varGamma _{t + 5 + \log k},\varGamma _{t + 5 + \log k + 1} \rangle \) we iteratively divide half-planes that contain \(T'(end(e)), e \in K_i\) around each vertex \(st(e), e \in K_i\) in pairs which are formed of neighboring half-planes in clockwise order around the pole through st(e). If in some iteration there are odd number of planes around some pole, the plane without pair does not move in this iteration. In every iteration we map the drawing of one plane in the pair to another simultaneously in all pairs. As around each vertex we can have at most \(k = \varDelta (T)\) number of half-planes, we need at most \(\mathcal {O}(\log k)\) number of mapping steps to collide all planes in one and to rotate the resulting image to \(XZ^+_{st(e)}\)

We perform \(\overline{Lift}()\) for each \(K_i \in \mathcal {K}\) till we obtain the canonical drawing of T. The following theorem summarises the result of this section.

Theorem 2

For every two planar straight-line grid drawings \(\varGamma , \varGamma '\) of an n-vertex tree T, there exists a crossing-free 3D-morph \(\mathcal {M} = \langle \varGamma = \varGamma _0, \ldots , \varGamma _k = \varGamma ' \rangle \) that takes \(\mathcal {O}(dpt(T) \cdot \log \varDelta (T))\) steps and \(\mathcal {O}(d^3 \cdot \log n \times d^3 \cdot \log n \times n)\) space such that every intermediate drawing \(\varGamma _i, 0 \le i \le k\) is a straight-line 3D grid drawing, where d is maximum of the diameters of the given drawings. In the worst case the algorithm can take \(\mathcal {O}(dpt(T) \cdot \log n)\) steps since the maximum degree of T can be \(\mathcal {O}(n)\).

6 Trade-off

Recall that \(\mathcal {L}(T)\) is the set of paths induced by the long-path decomposition, see Sect. 2. Let Long(T) be a set of paths from \(\mathcal {L}(T)\), consisting of the paths whose length is at least \(\sqrt{n}\), i.e. \(Long(T) = \{L_i \in \mathcal {L}(T): |L_i| \ge \sqrt{n}\}\), let the order in Long(T) be induced from the order in \(\mathcal {L}(T)\). We denote by Short(T) a set of trees that are left after deleting from T edges of Long(T).

Lemma 3

\(|Long(T)| \le \sqrt{n}\) and for every tree \(T_i\) in Short(T) depth of \(T_i\) is at most \(\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor \).

We divide edges in Short(T) into disjoint sets \(Sh_1, \ldots Sh_{\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor }\). An edge \((v_i, v_j)\) in tree \(T_k\) lies in the set \(Sh_l\) if and only if \(max(dpt(v_i), dpt(v_j)) = \lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor - l + 1\), where dpt(v) is the depth of vertex v in the corresponding tree \(T_k\). Since the maximum depth of any tree \(T_k\) is at most \(\sqrt{n}\), \(Sh_1, \ldots Sh_{\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor }\) contain all the edges of these subtrees.

Trade-off Algorithm: In the beginning we perform a stretching step with \(\mathcal {S}_1 = 2 \cdot rpw \cdot d(\varGamma ) \cdot (4 \cdot d(\varGamma ) + 1)\) as mentioned in Sect. 5. \(\mathcal {S}_1\) is big enough to perform \(\textit{Lift}()\) procedure mentioned in Sect. 4. Then, we lift edges from sets \(Sh_1\) to \(Sh_{\lfloor \sqrt{n} \rfloor }\) by \(\overline{Lift}(Sh_i)\) procedure. It takes \(\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n} \cdot \log \varDelta (T))\) steps in total by Theorem 2. After that, we lift paths in Long(T) in the order induced by the path decomposition. As \(|Long(T)| \le \sqrt{n}\) and each \(\textit{Lift}()\) procedure consists of a constant number of morphing steps, this step takes \(\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n})\) steps.

Theorem 3

For every two planar straight-line grid drawings \(\varGamma , \varGamma '\) of tree T with n vertices there exists a crossing-free 3D-morph \(\mathcal {M} = \langle \varGamma = \varGamma _0, \ldots , \varGamma _l = \varGamma ' \rangle \) that takes \(\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n} \cdot \log \varDelta (T))\) steps (\(\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n} \cdot \log n)\) in the worst case) and \(\mathcal {O}(d^3 \cdot \log n \times d^3 \cdot \log n \times n)\) space to perform, where d is maximum of the diameters of the given drawings. In this morph every intermediate drawing \(\varGamma _i, 1 \le i \le l\) is a straight-line 3D grid drawing. It is possible to morph between \(\varGamma , \varGamma '\) using \(\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n})\) steps if maximum degree of T is a constant.

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we presented an algorithm that morphs between two planar grid drawings of an n-vertex tree T in \(\mathcal {O}(\sqrt{n} \log n)\) steps such that all intermediate drawings are crossing-free 3D grid drawings and lie inside a polynomially bounded 3D-grid. Arseneva et al. [2] proved that \(\mathcal {O}(\log n)\) steps are enough to morph between two planar grid drawings of an n-vertex tree T where intermediate drawings are allowed to lie in \(\mathbb {R}^3\) but they did not guarantee that intermediate drawings have polynomially bounded resolution. Several problems are left open in this area of research. We mention some of them here. It is interesting to prove a lower bound on the number of morphing steps if intermediate drawings are allowed to lie in \(\mathbb {R}^3\) (with or without the additional constraint of polynomially bounded resolution). Another intriguing question is if it possible to morph between two planar grid drawings in o(n) number of steps for a richer class of graphs (e.g. outer-planar graphs) than trees if we are allowed to use the third dimension.