
1 Introduction

Over the years, the task of clustering complex data has become more challenging since a high number of attributes can increase computational complexity and affect cluster consistency [17]. One way to deal with this complexity is to use the co-clustering approach, which simultaneously clusters objects (rows) and attributes (columns) in matrix data [5]. The focus of these methods relies on finding co-clusters, where each co-cluster is formed by a subset of objects and attributes that can represent a submatrix of a given matrix.

Co-clustering approaches use, in general, a non-overlapping strategy, which means that an element of a co-cluster can belong to only one co-cluster [1, 14]. However, in many real situations, an element can participate simultaneously in more than one co-cluster. For example, a movie could be both thriller and science-fiction, a song can be both rock and high-energy, etc. Therefore, an overlapping strategy is important because it identifies intersections between co-clusters, revealing patterns that could be lost when using disjoint co-clustering. Besides, the detection of overlapping co-clusters has proven to be challenging since it is not trivial to evaluate the clustering quality [8].

We notice that most of the overlapping co-clustering approaches proposed in the literature have two characteristics: (1) they discover global clusters, and (2) they tend to fit a specific application. Examples can be found in text mining [2], bioinformatics [13], recommendation systems [15], and social network analysis [18], to name a few. In contrast, the works of Fu et al. [4], Li [7], Whang et al. [16], and Zhu et al. [19], not only focus on global clusters on binary datasets, but they were designed for generic purposes. The limitation of these works is that they do not detect local co-clusters, i.e., refined groups formed by objects and attributes that identify an overlap pattern on global co-clusters.

In this paper, we propose a new co-clustering method that combines simplicity of use with the capacity to extract overlapping global and local co-clusters. This method is named Overlapped Co-Clustering (OcoClus) and it is based on the co-occurrence of attributes and objects. The main novelty of this method is that, unlike the traditional overlapped co-clustering, it is able to infer a new type of patterns called local co-clusters. Furthermore, OCoClus is driven by an objective cost function that does not require the user-defined parameter of the number of co-clusters.

In summary, we make the following contributions: (i) propose an incremental co-clustering approach that is application-independent and an algorithm that can find both overlapped and non-overlapped global and local co-clusters; (ii) use a cost function that, finds the number of co-clusters automatically, that ranks the co-clusters from the most relevant to the less relevant, and that finds overlapped co-clusters.

The remainder of this work is organized as follows. The basic concepts definition of our work are presented in Sect. 2. Section 3 presents the works that are related to our proposal. Section 4 presents the details of our method. Section 5 presents the evaluation of the method with synthetic and real data. Finally, the conclusion and further research directions of our work are presented in Sect. 6.

2 Basic Concepts

In this section we present the basic concepts to guide the reader throughout this paper.

Let D be a binary matrix with N rows (objects) and M columns (attributes). The element \(d_{ij}\) of D, where i and j are integers that \(1\le i \le N\) and \(1\le j \le M\), is equal to 1 if the j-th attribute occurs in the i-th object (true element); otherwise, it is 0. Co-clustering is the grouping task of finding K (global) co-clusters in D where each co-cluster is formed by a subset of objects and attributes [11]. The subset of objects I can be represented as a binary vector of length N, where \(I_{i} = 1\) indicates that the i-th object is present in I. Similar to that, a subset of attributes J with \(J_{j} = 1\) indicates that the j-attribute is present in J with length M. More formally, a co-cluster can be defined as follows:

Definition 1

Co-cluster: Let D be a binary matrix, I be the subset of objects, J be the subset of attributes; a co-cluster C is defined as \(C = \langle I,J \rangle \). The elements \(c_{ij}\) of co-cluster C are formed by the outer product of its subsets I and J (\(C \in \{0,1\}^{|I|\times |J|}\)). Thus, a co-cluster C can represent a submatrix of D.

Such (global) co-cluster C can be formed with only the true elements in D or mixed with true elements and noise elements (\(d_{ij}=0\)). In this paper, the terms global co-cluster and co-cluster are interchangeably used. The co-occurrence between objects and attributes can form a co-cluster C which can be simplified by searching elements \(d_{ij}=1\) in the matrix D. Furthermore, it can reduce the search space once the goal is to identify true co-occurrences. Inspired by [9], we adapted four concepts for co-clustering problem: cost function \(\mathcal {F}_{P}\), pure co-cluster PC, noise thresholds \(\epsilon _{I}\) and \(\epsilon _{J}\), and expanded pure co-cluster EC. The cost function \(\mathcal {F}_{P}\) can be used to evaluate the process of forming a co-cluster. More formally, we can define the cost function \(\mathcal {F}_{P}\) as follows:

Definition 2

Cost Function: Let \(C^{*}\) be a co-cluster, \(\prod \) be a set of global co-clusters, D be an input matrix, \(\rho \) be a weight of importance for the co-clusters cost, \(\mathcal {N}\) be a noise matrix, \(\gamma \) \(_C{^{*}}\) and \(\gamma \) \(_\mathcal {N}\) be user-defined functions for measuring the costs of co-clusters and noise; a cost function \(\mathcal {F}_{P}\) is defined as \(\mathcal {F}_{P}(\prod , \mathbf{D} ) = {\rho \times \sum _{C^{*}\in {\prod _{}}}} \gamma {_C{^{*}}}(C^{*}) + \gamma _{\mathcal {N}}(\mathcal {N})\).

The objective is to minimize \(\mathcal {F}_{P}\) regarding \(\rho \), \(\gamma {_C{^{*}}}(C^{*})\) and \(\gamma _{\mathcal {N}}(\mathcal {N})\). Such noise matrix \(\mathcal {N}\) used by [9] takes into account the false positives, false negatives, and the already covered elements in D. Regarding the set of co-clusters \(\prod \) and matrix D, the false positives are elements \(d_{ij}=0\) covered by some pattern in \(\prod \), while false negatives are elements \(d_{ij}=1\) not covered by any pattern in \(\prod \). The concept of pure co-cluster simplifies the identification of a global co-cluster, which identifies a disjoint global co-cluster that contains only true elements. Thus, we can define a Pure Co-cluster PC as follows:

Definition 3

Pure Co-cluster: Let D be a binary matrix, \(d_{ij}\) be an element of D; a pure co-cluster \(PC = \langle PC_{J},\) \(PC_{I} \rangle \) is formed by a subset of objects \(PC_{I}\) and a subset of attributes \(PC_{J}\) that identifies only the true elements. Thus, PC can represent a submatrix of D, which contains only the true elements \(d_{ij}=1\).

A pure co-cluster PC can be expanded with noisy objects and attributes. We use two thresholds to control the amount of noise in a co-cluster: \(\epsilon _{I}\) for objects and \(\epsilon _{J}\) for attributes. Thus, the noise thresholds \(\epsilon _{I}\) and \(\epsilon _{J}\) can be defined as follows:

Definition 4

Noise Thresholds: Let \(C^{*}\) be a co-cluster, \(C^{*}_{J}\) and \(C^{*}_{I}\) be the subsets of attributes/objects that define \(C^{*}\); a maximum noise threshold for objects \(\epsilon _{I}\) and attributes \(\epsilon _{J}\) limit the amount of noise that can be included in \(C^{*}\). Thus, each new object must be included in at least \((1-\epsilon _{I}) \times ||C^{*}_{J}||\) attributes of \(C^{*}\), while each new attribute must be included in at least \((1-\epsilon _{J}) \times ||C^{*}_{I}||\) objects of \(C^{*}\).

The noise threshold value can range from [0, 1], where 0 does not allow any noise while 1 allows the maximum amount. The number of objects and attributes of a given subset is measured by the L\(^1\)-norm \(||\cdot ||\) (or Hamming norm), which simply counts the number of bits 1 in the vector. From that, the expanded pure co-cluster EC represents a expanded version of PC with noise data. More formally, an Expanded Pure Co-cluster EC can be defined as follows:

Definition 5

Expanded Pure Co-cluster: Let PC be the pure co-cluster, \(EC_{I}\) be a subset of objects, \(EC_{J}\) be a subset of attributes, \(\epsilon _{I}\) be the noise object threshold, \(\epsilon _{J}\) be the noise attribute threshold; an expanded pure co-cluster is defined as \(EC = \langle EC_{J},EC_{I} \rangle \), where \(EC_{J}\) and \(EC_{I}\) can contain new attributes and objects not present in PC regarding the noise thresholds \(\epsilon _{I}\) and \(\epsilon _{J}\).

3 Related Works

Because of the difficulty in finding co-clusters, there is no method widely accepted as the state-of-the-art; instead, there are algorithms that perform better in certain types of data than others. Since a complete review is out of the scope of this paper, we shall briefly discuss some reference algorithms. For a comprehensive review of co-clustering algorithms, we refer to [12].

Dhillon [3] used the matrix decomposition using the eigenvectors combined with bipartite graph to find global co-clusters in a real-valued matrix. It needs to know the number of co-clusters a priori and the order of the discovered co-clusters is not important. Furthermore, it uses a support matrix to include some attributes as noise data; however, it does not have any noise-parameter to control the number of objects or attributes as noise data. Kluger et al. [6] extended the Dhillon [3] approach by using the singular value decomposition to find global co-clusters. It assumes that the data have a checkerboard structure in the matrix. This approach includes each element of a matrix into one co-cluster without overlap; therefore, it cannot control the noise data.

Fu et al. [4] proposed a Bayesian-based overlapping co-clustering approach based on a multivariate distribution to find global co-clusters in a binary data matrix. It assumes that the number of co-clusters is known a priori. This approach does not indicate that the order of the discovered co-clusters is important. It tolerates noisy elements in the co-clusters; however, it does not have a noise-parameter to control the number of objects or attributes included in the co-cluster as noise. Zhu et al. [19] proposed an overlapping co-clustering approach to approximate a binary data matrix with the sum of identified global co-clusters. This method needs to have the number of co-clusters a priori. Furthermore, it does not deal with noise data and does not associate any importance for the co-cluster that explains the discovered order.

Lucchese et al. [9] proposed a frequent pattern mining method for binary datasets. The patterns are formed by sets of attributes and objects, where they can represent a non-overlapped global co-cluster. It uses a generalized cost function to drive the mining process to find the number of patterns automatically. The discovered order of the patterns is relevant regarding the cost function; therefore, it can be seen as a ranking. Finally, two noise thresholds control the number of noisy attributes and objects included in a pattern.

Whang et al. [16] modeled the input data as a bipartite graph to find global overlapping co-clusters in binary data. This method allows to include noise objects in the co-clusters with a probability distribution function that models the noise. However, it does not define noise thresholds to control the number of noise objects and attributes. It can automatically infer the number of co-clusters, besides that, the method does not consider that the order of the discovered co-clusters is relevant in the process.

Li [7] presented a generalized overlapped co-clustering approach that uses singular value decomposition on the binary data matrix to identify global co-clusters. This method does not include noise automatically or by a user-defined noise threshold; it searches for homogeneous co-clusters without noise. Furthermore, it can infer the number of co-clusters; however, it is not guaranteed to converge to the optimum number. Finally, the method does not show that the discovered order of these co-clusters is relevant to it.

4 The Overlapped Co-clustering Approach

In this section we present a new method called OCoClus (Overlapped Co-Clustering) for finding overlapped co-clusters in a binary dataset by identifying both global and local co-clusters. OCoClus searches for the co-occurrences between attributes and objects to identify co-clusters where a cost function drives the co-clustering process. In the following we present the method definitions in Sect. 4.1 and the proposal details in Sect. 4.2.

4.1 Method Definitions

Local co-clusters are patterns in the data related to specific characteristics that are overlooked by global co-clusters since it finds clusters which are in the intersection of objects and attributes of the global clusters. Thus, we formally define a local co-cluster LC as follows:

Definition 6

Local Co-cluster: Let \(\prod \) be the set of co-clusters, \(LC_{I}\) be a subset of objects, \(LC_{J}\) be a subset of attributes, C be the co-cluster in \(\prod \); a local co-cluster is defined as \(LC = \langle LC_{I},LC_{J}\rangle \), where the object intersections of co-cluster C with the co-clusters in \(\prod \) forms \(LC_{I}\), and the union of the attributes between C and the intersected co-clusters in \(\prod \) forms \(LC_{J}\).

We propose a new cost function \(\mathcal {F}\) designed to make the overlapping and non-overlapping co-clusters equally important including both global and local co-cluster. The difference between the new cost function in Definition 7 and the cost function given in Definition 2 is that the new cost function considers just the size of the co-cluster and the quantity of noise that can be included in the co-cluster. However, the cost function in Definition 2 weights the relevance of the patterns regarding its size, it penalizes the patterns that cover an element already covered and does not include an element into the expected pattern. From that, we define the new cost function \(\mathcal {F}\) as follows:

Definition 7

Cost Function: Let \(\prod \) be the set of co-clusters, D be the binary matrix, \(C^{*}\) be the co-cluster, \(||C^{*}_{J}||\) and \(||C^{*}_{I}||\) be the size of the subsets of attributes/objects that define \(C^{*}\), \(\mathcal {N}\) be the number of noise elements included in \(C^{*}\) (\(d_{ij}=0\)), and H be the part that does not consider noise data; a cost function \(\mathcal {F}\) is defined as \(\mathcal {F}(\prod , \mathbf{D} ) = H + \mathcal {N}\), where \(H = {\sum _{C^{*}\in {\prod }}} (||C^{*}_{I}|| + ||C^{*}_{J}||) - (||C^{*}_{I}|| \times ||C^{*}_{J}||)\). Thus, the objective is to minimize \(\mathcal {F}\) regarding \(C^{*}_{I}\), \(C^{*}_{J}\) and \(\mathcal {N}\).

Regarding the new cost function \(\mathcal {F}\), part H contributes to the cost function evaluating co-clusters without noise, while part \(\mathcal {N}\) contributes by allowing some noise data regarding the maximum noise thresholds. Once we have already formalized the main definitions, it is simple to define the overlapped co-cluster used to represent the global and local patterns as follows:

Definition 8

Overlapped Co-cluster: Let \(\prod \) be the set of co-clusters, X be the co-cluster \(\in \prod \) with its subset of attributes \(X_{J}\) and objects \(X_{I}\), Op be the set of co-clusters \(\in \prod \) that intersect \(X_{I}\), and \(Op_{J}\) and \(Op_{I}\) be the subset of attributes and objects of Op; an overlapped co-cluster is formally defined as \(OC = \langle X_{J} \cup Op_{J}, X_{I} \cap Op_{I}\rangle \).

Considering the Definition 8, the subset of objects of \(OC_{I}\) is formed by the nested intersection of objects between \(X_{I}\) and \(Op_{I}\) (\(X_{I} \cap Op_{I}\)), and the subset of attributes \(OC_{J}\) by joining the attributes of \(X_{J}\) with \(Op_{J}\) (\(X_{J} \cup Op_{J}\)).

4.2 Method Description

Algorithm 1 is the main algorithm that organizes our approach. It receives four input parameters: the matrix  D, the number of co-clusters K, the object noise threshold \(\epsilon _{I}\) and the attribute noise threshold \(\epsilon _{J}\). As a result, it outputs a set of co-clusters \(\varPhi \) which contain K co-clusters that can overlap.

figure a

In Algorithm 1, the set of co-clusters \(\prod \) is set as empty (line 1), and the residual matrix \(D_r\) is initiated with D, which is used to find uncovered co-clusters in D (line 2). The algorithm iterates over findPureCocluster (line 4) and expandPureCocluster (line 5) methods at most K times, where K is the maximum number of co-clusters (line 3). In findPureCocluster method, the attributes in \(D_{r}\) are sorted in descending order (from the most frequent to the least) and stored in a list S to maximize the probability of forming large co-clusters. Therefore, the attributes in S are evaluated for being added to a co-cluster without backtracking reducing the search space. Only the true elements in D forms the pure co-cluster PC regarding the attributes in S. With this, the number of objects and attributes that co-occur are used in the cost function \(\mathcal {F}\) stated in Definition 7 to evaluate if the tested subsets of objects and attributes can minimize the cost function. The PC grows in the number of objects and attributes as long as the cost function \(\mathcal {F}\) is minimized. Besides, some attributes cannot be used to form the PC, then these attributes are stored in an extension list E. The output is a pure co-cluster PC and an extension list of attributes E.

In expandPureCocluster method, OCoClus expands PC with new objects and attributes that allows noise data (line 5). With this, the expanded co-cluster EC is initiated with PC identified at line 4. Then, the process is similar to findPureCocluster; however, at this part, the method checks if the inclusion does not exceed the maximum noise thresholds (Definition 4) and improves the cost function \(\mathcal {F}\). This inclusion occurs in two steps. First, the method tries to include new objects that are not present in EC and does not modify the current attributes. Second, it does not modify the current objects and tries to include the attributes stored in the extension list E one at a time without backtracking. If an attribute is included in EC, the process goes back to the first step and repeats both steps. We remark that each new object and attribute is included in EC if such inclusions respect both Definition 4 and Definition 7. This process is repeated while E is not empty. The expandPureCocluster returns an expanded co-cluster EC as the output.

Given the output of the expandedPureCocluster, if the new co-cluster EC minimizes the cost function \(\mathcal {F}\) of the model (line 6), it is added to \(\prod \) (line 9). However, if EC does not minimize the cost function \(\mathcal {F}\) of the model, even though the parameter K does not reach its maximum value, the algorithm stops searching for new co-clusters (line 7). Besides, if the cost function \(\mathcal {F}\) is improved, the residual matrix \(D_r\) is then updated with EC (line 10). The updated residual matrix \(D_{r}\) is used in the next iteration to find new patterns in D that are not covered by any previous co-cluster. OCoClus can find the number of co-clusters automatically whenever K is not given. However, if the user misspecify the value of K, then the true number of co-clusters may not be discovered.

So far, \(\prod \) covers non-overlapped patterns in the data (line 9); hence, it cannot show which co-clusters share characteristics. Therefore, OCoClus refines these non-overlapped co-clusters to identify global and local overlapped co-clusters as stated in Definition 8. With this, the findOverlap method (line 12) iterates over \(\prod \) to identify possible overlapped co-clusters by taking the nested object intersections between the co-clusters in \(\prod \). The nested intersection considers what is shared among all intersected co-clusters instead of a common intersection between pairs of co-clusters. If such a co-cluster intersection exists, the attributes of the co-clusters involved in the intersection are joined. The next step is to delete the redundant co-clusters, i.e., co-cluster totally covered by another co-cluster. From that, the findOverlap is a simple and effective method that allows OCoClus to find both overlapped co-cluster structures. Its simplicity and effectiveness become possible by exploring the nested intersections of objects and joining attributes separately regarding the co-clusters in \(\prod \). This process looks simple once the cost function \(\mathcal {F}\) already evaluated the disjoint co-clusters in the previous methods, but it effectively identifies overlapped co-clusters. At the end, findOverlap returns the set of non-overlapped and overlapped (if exist) co-clusters \(\varPhi \). Finally, Algorithm 1 returns this set of non-overlapped and overlapped patterns including both global and local co-clusters (line 13).

Proposition 1

Let K be the maximum number of non-overlapped co-clusters, N the total number of objects, M the total number of attributes, and P the number of overlapped co-clusters. The computational complexity of findPureCocluster method is O(MN), expandPureCocluster method is O(M(MN+N)) = O(M\(^2\)N), and findOverlap method is O(K\(^2\)+P\(^2\)). Regarding the overall complexity of our algorithm, OCoClus calls findPureCocluster and expandPureCocluster methods, then builds D\(_{r}\) for each of the K (or less) non-overlapped co-clusters and finalizes with the findOverlap method. Thus, the computational complexity of the OCoClus Algorithm is O(KM\(^2\)N + (K\(^2\)+P\(^2\))).

5 Experimental Evaluation

We compare OCoClusFootnote 1 with four publicly available methods presented in the related works to use as the baseline methods, which are: Li [7], Lucchese et al. [9], Kluger et al. [6], and Dhillon [3]. We include the works of Dhillon and Kluger et al. because they are consolidated approaches in the literature and publicly available as a package by scikit learnFootnote 2. Considering their stable implementation, we selected these works once the overlapping baseline methods fail to find the embedded overlapped co-clusters. Therefore, we include those non-overlapped methods in the baseline to compare such a co-clustering result. We used three synthetic datasets named synthetic-1 and synthetic-2, and synthetic-3, where we artificially embedded the co-clusters (patterns) to create the ground-truth datasets. Furthermore, we also evaluated OCoClus on two real-life datasets, named CAL500Footnote 3 and CV-19Footnote 4, to show its efficacy in the real application scenario. All the experiments data and source code are made public.

We performed the experiments in a machine with a processor Intel i7-7700 3.6 GHz, 16 GB of memory, and OS Windows 10 64bits. Furthermore, we ran 15 independent simulations for all methods on each synthetic dataset to compute the average and standard deviation of the evaluation metrics score. Table 1 shows the main characteristics of the datasets used in the experiments. It shows the total number of objects and attributes, the sparsity in the data (percentage of zeros), and the number of co-clusters for the synthetic datasets.

Table 1. Datasets description.

We use four evaluation metrics to assess the quality of the OCoClus. First, we use the reconstruction error matrix to measure the difference between data input and found co-clusters given by Rec\(_{error} = \) ||X \(\veebar \) Y|| similar to [7]. In short, we take the sum of the element-wise xor (\(\veebar \)) between the input data matrix X (ground-truth) and the reconstructed matrix Y regarding the found co-clusters to measure the quantity of false positives and false negatives. The clustering quality is better when the result of the Rec\(_{error}\) is equal or close to zero. The other three metrics are Omega index (overlapped version of ARI measure), Overlapped Normalized Mutual Information (ONMI) and overlapped F1 measure (F\(_{score}\)) [10]. For these three last measures, the clustering quality is better when the result is equal or close to one, where one is the maximum score. We decided to use these measures since our approach focuses on the overlapping problem and therefore the traditional measures like for example Adjusted Rand Index (ARI), Normalized Mutual Information (NMI), and F\(_{score}\) are not suitable to capture the overlapping behaviour.

5.1 Evaluation of OCoClus with Synthetic Data

To be fair with all methods, we set the number of co-clusters K according to the ground-truth shown in Table 1. Regarding the noise control used by Lucchese et al. [9], we use three configurations (t\(_{1}\), t\(_{2}\) and t\(_{3}\)) of noise threshold parameters to assess its clustering result when the noise values change. The configuration t\(_{1}\) uses the object noise threshold \(\epsilon _{I} = 0\) and attribute noise threshold \(\epsilon _{J} = 0\). For the last two configurations t\(_{2}\) and t\(_{3}\), the noise values are the same used in Lucchese et al. [9]. The configuration t\(_{2}\) uses \(\epsilon _{I}=0.5\) and \(\epsilon _{J}=0.8\), while configuration \(t_{3}\) uses \(\epsilon _{I}=1\) and \(\epsilon _{J}=1\).

Table 2. Score of the evaluation metrics for the synthetic datasets.

Table 2 shows respectively the average and standard deviation from the evaluation metrics for each method and synthetic dataset. It can be seen that OCoClus obtained the best score result in all synthetic datasets; hence, it finds the embedded overlapped co-clusters. Lucchese\(_{t_{1}}\) obtained the second best result while the other two configurations obtained the same score values because they identified the same co-clusters. The method proposed by Li [7] obtained the worst result among the methods. This happens because the method sometimes does not converge to any co-cluster which makes its overall result worse than or close to the non-overlapped methods. Besides, it can be seen in Table 2 that the baseline methods do not find the real number of co-clusters once their evaluation scores do not reach the best value. Regarding the non-overlapped methods, the method proposed by Kluger et al. [6] shows the worse overall co-clustering result. Meanwhile, the method of Li [7] improved slightly its overall clustering result in synthetic-2 dataset compared to synthetic-1 and synthetic-3. However, it does not overcome the clustering results of the non-overlapped approaches at all.

In summary, it can be seen in Table 2 that OCuClus outperformed the baseline methods in all evaluation metrics. Such a result occurs because OCoClus identifies all global and local co-clusters while the baselines fail to find both co-cluster structures correctly in the data. The baselines focus on the global non-overlapped and overlapped structures. Regarding the baseline methods, using the constraint t\(_{1}\) in the work of Lucchese et al. [9], this configuration generated the best clustering result. However, considering the other two constraints, we notice that they do not improve the clustering result. Furthermore, the method proposed by Li [7] shows an overall worse clustering result, even though it improved its performance in the synthetic-2 dataset but not enough to overcome all methods. The methods of Kluger et al. [6] and Dhillon [3], in general, obtained stable results in comparison with Li [7].

5.2 Real Application Scenario

In this section, we used OCoClus on two real datasets to demonstrate its general utility. We set the noise thresholds \(\epsilon _{I}\) and \(\epsilon _{J}\) to the minimum value, and this means that we are not allowing any attribute or object to be added as noise in the co-clusters. With this parameter control, it is possible to have a better understanding of the co-cluster structure. In fact, OCoClus finds pure co-clusters when the noise thresholds are set to the minimum value (zero); this means that all attributes that occur in all objects do not include the presence of noise.

Music Annotation. The left side of Fig. 1 shows the bitmap of the CAL500 dataset, and the right side shows the bitmap of the OCoClus result. Similar to Li [7], the question is to identify song sets that share similar annotations. Moreover, we are interested in finding which are the common annotations that distinguish each song set. This task can enhance our perception of the relationship between songs and annotations and therefore it can be applied to music retrieval and recommendation system. We used OCoClus in the processed dataset and the main co-clusters are highlighted in the right side of Fig. 1.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

CAL500 Music dataset. The left side shows the bitmap of the binary annotation matrix where objects represent songs and attributes represent annotations (black = presence; white = absence). The right side shows the bitmap of the identified co-clusters. Objects and attributes are ordered in the same way in both figures just for visualization purpose. (best seen in color) (Color figure online)

OCoClus identified three main levels which are within the red lines and four main co-clusters. The two larger global co-clusters have the size 150 \(\times \) 13 and 100 \(\times \) 12. Further, looking into these two co-clusters we found such annotations as “NOT-Song-Fast\(\_\)Tempo”, “NOT-Emotion-Angry-Aggressive”, “NOT-Song-Heavy\(\_\)Beat” and “NOT-Emotion-Bizarre-Weird” for the first co-cluster, and the “Song-Fast\(\_\)Tempo”, “NOT-Emotion-Angry-Aggressive”, “Song-Heavy- \(\_\)Beat” and “Song-High\(\_\)Energy” for the second co-cluster. The first co-cluster includes songs such as “For you and I” by 10cc, “Three little birds” by Bob Marley and The Weilers, and “I’ll be your baby tonight” by Bob Dylan. In the second co-cluster includes songs such as “Trapped” by 2pac, “Dirty deeds done dirt cheap” by AC/DC and “Livin on a prayer” by Bon Jovi. Considering the song attributes in the first cluster, it can be seen that songs are formed by a slow rhythm and without strong beats. The second cluster characterized songs with strong beats and a fast rhythm. Therefore, the method identified clusters with opposite characteristics, showing two groups of users with different preferences.

Considering the local patterns, for instance, OCoClus finds a co-cluster of songs as “Summertime” by Dj Jazzy Jeff and The fresh prince, “Sunset 138 bpm remix” by Dj Markitos and “Teenage shutdown” by Electric Frankenstein to name few songs that share some annotations as “Song-Texture\(\_\)Electric”, “Song-Fast\(\_\)Tempo” and “Song-High\(\_\)Energy”. The fourth local co-cluster consists of 45 songs and 7 music annotations. It characterizes a group formed by songs with drums, men on vocals, with electronic and acoustic parts. We identified the music genres like Rock, Pop music, Pop rock, and Alternative rock in this co-cluster. For instance, to name a few songs, this cluster has the “Soul and Fire” by Sebadoh, “Clocks” by Coldplay, “Tubthumping” by Chumbawamba, “Last Goodbye” by Jeff Buckley, “November Rain” by Guns N ’Roses, and “Wonderful Tonight” by Eric Clapton. Thus, it can be seen that OCoClus is useful for finding overlapped and non-overlapped co-clusters that identify the relationship between songs based on the semantic annotations.

Table 3. Description of the clusters in the CV-19 dataset.

Coronavirus Information. Table 3 shows the co-clusters with its attributes and the number of objects. The union of clusters G8 and G9 show the cluster of older people with a total of 1137. Attribute Senior_3 aggregates people 80 years old or above, and Senior_2 aggregates people from 70 to 79 years old. Once the Senior_3 and heart disease attributes appear in G8, they are relevant to form this cluster with 913 people and no other attributes have improved the cost function for it. The G9 cluster has 224 people who died in August, which also happened in the G6 cluster (467 people) during July. These two months mark the peak of the winter season in the region where these people lived.

The clusters G2, G3, G4, G7, and G10 can be seen as a group of people who had at least one main symptom of Covid-19 associated with some comorbidity. The non-overlapped co-clusters are the first 10 groups in Table 3. We notice that the Male attribute is present in two clusters (G1 and G3) regarding the top four. Cluster G1 identifies 1174 men who experienced the three main symptoms of Covid-19. Meanwhile, the Female attribute is present in one cluster regarding the top four. It identifies 1066 women who presented Dyspnea and other comorbidities as main attributes for this group.

The identified overlapped co-clusters show details that are overlooked in disjoint co-clusters and these co-clusters are the last 8 groups (G11–G18) in Table 3. For instance, cluster G11 identifies a group of 539 men that felt symptoms as dyspnea, fever, and cough and had heart disease problem. In the same way, cluster G12 identifies 410 men with symptoms as in G1, but now it has those with diabetic issues. In comparison, the overlapped cluster G13 identifies a group of 258 women with cough symptoms in combination with diabetes and other comorbidities. Cluster G14 represents another pattern since it identifies 365 women with dyspnea and other symptoms in combination with other comorbidites.

Groups G11 and G12 are examples of global overlapped co-clusters, while the groups G15 and G17 are two different examples of local co-clusters. Cluster G15 represents a group of 39 men from Porto Alegre region and lived in the capital, where they all felt the main symptoms of covid-19 and who had heart disease and diabetes problems. For group G17, characterizes a group of 41 older men over 80 years of age who had the main symptoms and who had heart disease and diabetes. Regarding the local co-clusters, it can be seen that such co-clusters identify detailed patterns that are overlooked by global co-clusters. The experiment with the Covid-19 dataset is an example of a real problem related to data analysis complexity. Thus, it can be seen that each co-cluster reveals a meaning pattern according to the information granularity.

6 Conclusion and Future Works

We proposed OCoClus, a new non-exhaustive overlapped co-clustering method for binary data, designed for general purpose analysis. OCoClus is based on the detection of co-occurrence of objects and attributes, to identify global and local co-clusters that overlap. Besides that, when there are no overlapped patterns in the dataset, OCoClus can identify the non-overlapped co-clusters. Furthermore, it is driven by a cost function to automatically identify the number of co-clusters. We performed experiments on synthetic and real data that demonstrates the efficacy and utility of our proposed method.

OCoClus found all embedded co-clusters in the synthetic datasets used as ground-truth, proven by the fact that OCoClus obtained the maximum score in the evaluation metrics. Such a result shows that OCoClus outperformed the limitations of the baseline methods. Nevertheless, we prove the usefulness of our method in two real datasets where we show that OCoClus identified co-clusters that can represent meaningful patterns. We highlight the fact that the obtained results are interesting to propose new specialized systems that use the identified co-clusters as input to decision support systems.

Like any work in the literature, our approach also has space for improvements as future research. First, the number of co-clusters is driven by a cost function regarding the number of objects and attributes. Then, the method tends to find rectangular clusters which may generate patterns with few attributes for big data mining. Second, an interesting research direction is to adapt the method to deal with heterogeneous data. Third, it may be interesting to set the noise thresholds \(\epsilon _{I}\) and \(\epsilon _{J}\) in a data-driven way Finally, identifying uncorrelated co-clusters in the data matrix is another interesting direction to improve the method.