
1 Introduction

Machine learning (ML) is developing rapidly to address real-world classification problems and automate decisions in different fields. Especially, time series classification (TSC) has gained popularity in many critical applications, such as Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal classification [9], sensor signal classification [19], and stream monitoring [16]. Nevertheless, most ML methods remain opaque, although model interpretability is crucial to gaining trust from practitioners. Recent governmental regulations, such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), indicate that the public is entitled to receive “meaningful information” from automated decision-making processes [18]. Towards that direction, Wachter et al. [18] suggested counterfactual explanations as a solution to provide sample-based explanations, aligning with the data protection regulations from GDPR. Counterfactuals provide information on which features of the original test example are required to be modified and how to change the classification result from an undesired state (e.g., “abnormal” ECG) to a desired state (e.g., “normal” ECG), without opening the “black-box” classifier.

Several earlier approaches towards time series counterfactuals have appeared in the literature, with the main highlights including two techniques presented by Karlsson et al. [11]. The two techniques are model specific and they are defined for the random shapelet forest (RSF) classifier [10] as well as the k-NN classifier. Nonetheless, both techniques focus on specific evaluation metrics, i.e., compactness, referring to the fraction of time series points that need to alter in order to create a counterfactual, and cost, referring to the distance of the original time series to its counterfactual. Despite their promising performance on a large set of collection of time series datasets, both techniques are hampered by the chosen evaluation metrics as they mostly focus on minimizing the two selected metrics, which fail to assess whether the generated counterfactuals are compliant with the data distribution and they fall within the dataset manifold.

A recent approach that attempts to address some of the above limitations for image data has been proposed by Balasubramanian et al. [3], where the LatentCF framework was proposed to generate counterfactuals by means of a representative latent space using auto-encoders. The framework established a simple baseline for counterfactual explanations using latent spaces representations. However, the authors solely evaluated their method on image data, while we observed the limitation of ineffective counterfactual generation when we replicated their experiments. In this paper, we re-formulate this problem for the time series domain, and present an adaptation of the original approach, which we refer to as LatentCF++, by integrating Adam optimization and additional constraints on the latent space perturbation to generate more robust counterfactuals. Additionally, we demonstrate the generalizability considering several deep learning models serving as components to construct effective LatentCF++ instantiations.

To highlight the importance of the problem we solve in this paper, consider the example in Fig. 1, where we provide two examples of time series counterfactuals generated by LatentCF++ using two datasets from the UCR time series repository: TwoLeadECG (left) and FordA (right). Illustrated in blue are the original time series and in red the generated counterfactuals of the opposite class. By inspecting these counterfactuals, domain experts can not only gain improved understandings of the classifier decision boundary, but also can gain insight on how these predictions can be reversed.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Examples of generated counterfactuals using LatentCF++ on TwoLeadECG (left) and FordA (right). Illustrated in blue are the original time series and in red the generated counterfactuals of the opposite class. (Color figure online)

Related Work. There is a wide range of TSC algorithms proposed using different techniques in recent years, such as elastic distance measures, intervals, shapelets and ensemble methods [2]. It is different from traditional ML classification problems due to the feature dependency of ordered data. Shapelet-based methods (e.g. shapelet transformations) identify shapelets (subsequences of whole time series) used as discriminatory features to train classifiers such as SVM and random forest [2, 10]. More recently, researchers have introduced several breakthrough algorithms with comparable benchmark metrics in TSC that are considered state-of-the-art, e.g., InceptionTime [7] and ROCKET [5]. Nevertheless, most of these methods are considered black-box models. As such, they lack model transparency and prediction interpretability.

Interpretability is crucial to help uncover domain findings in opaque machine learning models and has recently attained increased attention[13]. Counterfactual explanations have surged in the last few years in high-stake applications among the wide range of interpretable methods [17]. For TSC problems, Ates et al. [1] presented a counterfactual explanation solution on sample-based predictions using CORELS, focusing on multivariate time series datasets. Similarly, Karlsson et al. [11] proposed local and global solutions for counterfactual explanation problems on univariate time series data utilizing RSF and k-NN classifiers. However, both local and global approaches were proposed to provide model-specific explanations, since they cannot be applied in conjunction with other classifiers, e.g. neural networks or other state-of-the-art models in TSC.

A large number of counterfactual approaches were proposed that can provide model-agnostic explanations for any black-box classifier [17]. By utilizing a variational auto-encoder (VAE) architecture, Pawelczyk et al. [15] conducted an experiment to generate counterfactuals uniformly around spheres of the original data representation for tabular data. Joshi et al. [8] applied a VAE as the generation model, a linear softmax classifier as the classification model, to sample the set of counterfactuals with high probability paths of changes to change the outcome. The LatentCF approach was presented to apply gradient descent on the latent representations of input samples and transform into counterfactuals using an auto-encoder (AE) [3]. To the best of our knowledge, these counterfactual solutions using latent representations mainly focused on tabular or image data, and none of them has been generalized in the TSC domain.

Contributions. We propose a novel time series counterfactual generation framework, named LatentCF++, that ensures the robustness and closeness of the generated counterfactuals. Our specific contributions of this paper are summarized as follows:

  • we formulate the time series counterfactual explanation problem for univariate time series data and provide a novel solution LatentCF++ to solve the problem by employing a latent representation for generating counterfactuals;

  • we demonstrate two instantiations of our proposed solution, where we incorporate classifiers and auto-encoders based on convolutional neural networks and LSTM, together with an extension of the model based on a composite auto-encoder;

  • we conduct an in-depth experiment comparing our solution and the original framework, together with current state-of-the-art RSF, k-NN and FGD as baseline models. We show that our proposed framework outperforms other methods in terms of validity and margin difference; while it achieves the comparable performance of proximity compared to RSF.

2 Problem Formulation

Similar to the definition of counterfactual time series explanation problem for multivariate time series classification [1], we define univariate time series counterfactual explanations as follows: given a black-box ML model that predicts the binary output probability from a univariate time series sample, the counterfactual method shows the modifications of the input sample that are required to change the classification result from an undesired state (e.g. negative) to a desired state (e.g. positive). We assume a given classifier in our formulation, and a pre-trained auto-encoder that can transform the time series into the latent representation and back to the original feature space. Note that we do not need to access internal structures of the classifier (e.g. weights); only the prediction function is required. Let \(\mathcal {Y}\) defines the set of target class labels, and we consider a binary classification problem where \(\mathcal {Y} = \{ \)\(+\)’, ‘−’\( \}\). The formal definition of the problem is as follows:

Problem 1

Univariate time series counterfactual explanations. Give any given classifier \(f(\cdot )\) and a time series sample x containing t timesteps, such that the output represents as \(f(x) = \) ‘−’ with probability \(\hat{y}\). In the problem, \(\hat{y}\) is smaller than the decision boundary threshold \(\tau \) (i.e. \(\hat{y} < \tau \)) as it determines negative. Our goal is to utilize an auto-encoder composed of an encode function \(E(\cdot )\) and a decode function \(D(\cdot )\) to find the generated counterfactual \(x'\) with desired positive outcome. We want to perturb the encoded latent representation \(z = E(x)\) through a gradient descent optimization iteratively to generate a new time series sample \(x' = D(z)\) such that the output target \(f(x') = \)\(+\)’. Finally, we aim to minimize the objective function denoting the loss between \(\hat{y}\) and \(\tau \).

For example, given a classifier \(f(\cdot )\) and an auto-encoder with functions \(E(\cdot )\) and \(D(\cdot )\) trained on time series of ECG measurements, we intend to generate counterfactuals through both \(E(\cdot )\) and \(D(\cdot )\) functions. An exemplified counterfactual \(x'\) with the desired prediction \(f(x') = \)\(+\)’ (i.e. normal) for a time series sample x with an undesired prediction \(f(x) = \) ‘−’ (i.e. abnormal).

3 The LatentCF++ Time Series Counterfactuals Framework

The LatentCF framework was presented as a simple baseline for counterfactual explanations, which employs an auto-encoder model to directly transform original samples into counterfactuals using gradient descent to search in the latent space [3]. Due to the low efficiency of gradient descent in the original implementation, it requires an extensive search for the proper learning rate to avoid getting stuck in a local optimum. As such, LatentCF often fails to generate valid counterfactuals.

Instead, we propose to improve the counterfactual generation process by integrating an adequate gradient-based optimization algorithm based on adaptive moment estimation (Adam) [12], making the counterfactual generation more robust. Adam optimization can be considered a combination of two momentum-based gradient descent algorithms AdaGrad and RMS-Prop. Employing the advantages of both allows the algorithm to deal with sparse features and non-stationary objectives and obtain faster convergence [12]. To further improve the validity of the counterfactual explanations, we add constraints (see Line 5 in Algorithm 1) to ensure that the class probability of the generated counterfactual has crossed the decision boundary threshold \(\tau \). We call the improved version of the LatentCF framework, LatentCF++.

figure a

Given an input of time series sample x, a pre-trained encoder encodes it into latent representation z, followed by a decoder that reconstructs it back to the original feature space. Consecutively, a predictor function estimates the class probability of the reconstructed sample. On Line 5, the constraints are validated to guarantee that the loss iteratively decreases and that the output probability \(y_{pred}\) crosses the threshold of decision boundary \(\tau \). The loss is measured using the mean of squared error between \(y_{pred}\) and \(\tau \). Subsequently, on Line 6 the function is used to update the latent representation z using Adam. The output counterfactual is the decoded result \(x'\) when the while loop condition breaks (i.e., either loss is lower than tol, \(y_{pred}\) is larger than or equal to \(\tau \), or the while loop reaches the maximum number of allowed iterations).

Finally, as we can observe from the architecture in Algorithm 1, the algorithm requires two main components: a pre-trained classifier and a pre-trained auto-encoder which can decompose into an encoder and a decoder.

Table 1. Summary of model components and hyperparameters for each instantiation in the experiment.

4 Experimental Evaluation

We conduct our experiments using the UCR time series archive [4]. We mainly focus on the problem of counterfactuals for binary univariate time classification. After filtering, a subset of 40 datasets from the UCR archive is selected, containing representations from different data sources. For example, TwoLeadECG represents ECG measurements in the medical domain and Wafer exemplifies sensor data in semiconductor manufacturing. In terms of time series length, it varies from 24 (ItalyPowerDemand) to 2709 timesteps (HandOutlines) in our chosen subset. For the evaluation, we choose to apply a standard stratified split of \(80\%\) for training and the remainder for testing, for all the datasets. Moreover, to compensate for the imbalanced target classes, we apply an up-sampling technique that resamples the minority class during training.

4.1 Experiment Setup

There are three main deep neural network architectures that have been adopted for time series classification tasks in recent years: multi-layer perceptron (MLP), convolutional neural networks (CNN) and recurrent neural networks (RNN) [6]. In the experiment, we choose to train separate CNN and long short-term memory (LSTM, a variant of RNN) classification and auto-encoder models, as main components to apply the LatentCF and LatentCF++ frameworks. Despite the fact that more recent state-of-the-art architectures have been proposed in the literature, we opt to use these simpler architectures to highlight the explainable power of latent space representations.

Thus, we construct two instantiations for both LatentCF and LatentCF++ in our experiment: 1dCNN and LSTM. We show a detailed comparison of different components and hyperparameters for each instantiation in Table 1. For illustration, the 1dCNN instantiation comprises a 1dCNN-AE auto-encoder and a 1dCNN-CLF classifier, together with an Adam optimization and the probability threshold of 0.5. Additionally, LatentCF++ is extended with one composite auto-encoder structure (1dCNN-C) instead of utilizing the two components.

Table 2. Summary of architectures and hyperparameters for the deep learning models, representing different components.

More specifically, to evaluate LatentCF and LatentCF++ for each dataset, we first train five deep learning models representing different components in the framework: CNN auto-encoder (1dCNN-AE), CNN classifier (1dCNN-CLF), LSTM auto-encoder (LSTM-AE), LSTM classifier (LSTM-CLF) and CNN composite auto-encoder (1dCNN-C). Since our goal is not to assess the performance of classifiers or auto-encoders, we apply a one-size-fits-all plan to utilize a standard set of model architectures for all the datasets. Table 2 shows architectures and hyperparameters for all different deep learning models. From the table, we can see that each instantiation comprises two components - an auto-encoder and a classifier, e.g., 1dCNN consists of 1dCNN-AE and 1dCNN-CLF. Besides, the model extension 1dCNN-C contains only one component of composite auto-encoder. For each instantiation, we apply a parameter search for the learning rate between 0.001 and 0.0001, and then report the model metrics with the best validity.

Note that we have two slightly different structures (shallow and deep) for classifiers 1dCNN-CLF and LSTM-CLF, due to different timestep sizes and varied amounts of available training data. During the training, either a shallow or a deep classifier is trained for both CNN and LSTM instantiations. We then evaluate on each specific dataset using the model with the best performance. Empirically, this strategy generalizes well for all datasets in our experiment.

CNN Models. For the detailed architecture of 1dCNN-AE, the network contains four convolutional layers with 64, 32, 32 and 64 filters with kernel size 3 and activated using ReLU. The network’s output consists of a final convolutional layer, which is corresponding to the reconstructed output. The first two layers are followed by a max pooling operation; while the next two layers are followed by up-sampling transformations of size 2. The deep 1dCNN-CLF model is composed of three convolutional layers followed by a final dense layer with sigmoid activation. For each convolutional layer, the number of filters is fixed to 64 and the kernel size is set to 3, with ReLU activation and batch normalization. Moreover, the shallow model contains only one convolutional layer compared to three in the deep model and finally a 128-unit dense layer after the input.

LSTM Models. LSTM-AE consists of four consecutive LSTM layers with respectively 64, 32, 32 and 64 units with tanh activation functions. The final layer is a dense layer with a sigmoid activation function. The shallow model for LSTM-CLF contains one 32-unit LSTM layer with tanh activation; while the deep model comprises two continuous LSTM layers with 64 and 16 units, respectively. Each LSTM layer is followed by a batch normalization operation. Finally, a dense layer with sigmoid activation function is fully connected to the previous layer, where the output represents the probability of the target prediction.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Illustration of 1dCNN composite model architecture.

LatentCF ++ Extension: Composite Model. In addition to the two instantiations, we intend to evaluate a model extension of LatentCF++ with a CNN composite auto-encoder 1dCNN-C. The model has a unique architecture compared to the previously described models, which is shown in Fig. 2. It has three elements: an encoder for encoding the input into the latent space, followed by a decoder and a classifier. Accordingly, it contains two different output layers in the architecture: one convolutional layer as the decoder and a sigmoid function for the classifier. The encoding and decoding components share the same setup of layers as 1dCNN-AE: the encoding component has two convolutional layers with 64 and 32 filters followed by max pooling; the decoder comprises three convolutional layers with 32, 64 and 1 filters, respectively. While for the component of classifier, a convolutional layer (16 filters with kernel size 3) followed by a 50-unit dense layer are connected after the shared latent space; a final sigmoid dense layer is fully connected with the previous layer for output probability of the target class. In the implementation of LatentCF++, we directly apply the function on latent representation z to adjust for the 1dCNN-C model, instead of using the function.

Implementation Details. All deep learning models are implemented in KerasFootnote 1. For 1dCNN-AE, LSTM-AE, and 1dCNN-C, we set the training epochs to 50; while for classification models, the training epochs are set to 150 for both 1dCNN-CLF and LSTM-CLF. To reduce overfitting and improve the generalizability of our networks, we employ early stopping during model training. Adam optimizer is employed for all networks with learning rates ranging from 0.0001 and 0.001 for different models. The batch size is set to 32 for all of them.

4.2 Baseline Models

We adopt the first baseline model from the original paper, FGD [3], which applies the LatentCF method with only a classifier 1dCNN-CLF to perturb samples in the original feature space directly. In addition, we apply two extra baseline methods from local and global time series tweaking approaches [11] - random shapelet forest (RSF) and the k-NN counterfactual method (k-NN). Similar to the evaluation of LatentCF and LatentCF++, we apply the same parameter setup across all datasets for these baseline models. For RSF, we set the number of estimators to 50 and max depth to 5; while the other parameters are kept at their default valuesFootnote 2. For k-NN, we first train a k-NN classifier with k equals to 5 and the distance metric set to Euclidean; then the trained classifier is utilized to find counterfactual samples for further evaluation.

4.3 Evaluation Metrics

To evaluate the performance of our proposed approach in terms of explainability, we present three metrics: validity, proximity and closeness. Validity is defined to measure whether the generated counterfactual explanations lead to a valid transformation of the desired target class [14, 17]. More specifically, it reports the fraction of counterfactuals predicted as the opposite class (i.e. have crossed the decision boundary \(\tau \)) according to the standalone classifier. It is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} validity (y_{cf}, \tau ) = \frac{\#(y_i \ge \tau , y_i \in y_{cf}) }{ \#y_{cf} }, \end{aligned}$$

where \(y_{cf}\) is the output probability of all the generated counterfactual samples, and \(\tau \) is a user-defined threshold of the decision boundary. In our evaluation, we set the threshold \(\tau \) to be 0.5.

Proximity is applied to measure the feature-wise distance between generated counterfactuals and corresponding original samples [14]. Karlsson et al. [11] reported a similar metric named cost in the evaluation of local and global time series tweaking approaches. In our case, we define proximity as Euclidean distance between transformed and original time series samples:

$$\begin{aligned} proximity (x, x') = d(x, x') , \end{aligned}$$

where \(d(\cdot )\) is the Euclidean distance and x and \(x'\) are the original time series and generated counterfactual sample respectively. We report the average value of the proximity scores for each dataset.

To measure how close is the predicted probability of a generated counterfactual compared to the decision boundary, we propose a new metric which we denote as margin difference. The margin difference captures the amount of information that has been altered from the original class and is defined as:

$$\begin{aligned} margin\_diff (y_{cf}, \tau ) = y_{cf} - \tau , \end{aligned}$$

where \(y_{cf} \) is the output probability of counterfactual \(x'\), and \(\tau \) is the target decision boundary. Note that this metric can be either positive or negative, indicating whether the counterfactual has crossed the decision boundary or not. We record both the mean and standard deviation of margin differences for all generated counterfactuals as metrics for each dataset.

In addition, we show the classification performance of all models report as the balanced accuracy in the results. Moreover, we report the reconstruction loss of the auto-encoder models.

4.4 Results

In this section, we first compare the validity of our presented explainable models from LatentCF and LatentCF++, as well as FGD, RSF and k-NN counterfactual methods. For a detailed comparison, we choose to report metrics from a subset of 20 datasets with the sample size larger than 500. Then we report a subset average for different explainable models; together, we also present the average score (denoted as Total avg.) across all 40 datasets in the experimentFootnote 3.

Table 3 shows the validity, which we considered as the main metric for the evaluation of interpretability. Again, we report the results with the value of decision boundary \(\tau = 0.5\) in Eq. 1. Across three different groups, we found that the RSF method achieved the best metric of subset average of 1.0000; in contrast, 1dCNN from the LatentCF++ method obtained the highest validity (0.9920) in terms of the total average, which indicates that an average of 99.20% of the generated counterfactuals is considered valid. In comparison, 1dCNN from the LatentCF method and FGD baseline both received validity that was lower than 0.2. This evidence suggests that our proposed LatentCF++ method can ensure a high fraction of valid counterfactual transformations similar to RSF.

Table 3. Summary of validity for a subset of 20 different datasets in our experiment. The best score for each dataset is highlighted in bold.

In Table 4, we show a comparison for individual mean scores of margin difference for the subset of 20 datasets, together with the average score at the bottom. In addition, we report the average of standard deviations for both the subset (Subset std.) and the total (Total std.). From the table, we observed that 1dCNN from LatentCF++ achieved the best metric to both subset average (0.0333) and total average (0.0168), which indicates that generated counterfactuals are considerably closer to the decision boundary compared to other methods. In terms of the total average, LSTM models from LatentCF and LatentCF++ achieved the second and third best margin difference scores of 0.0520 and 0.0580, respectively. In comparison, RSF model received a less favourable metric of margin difference (0.0614) since it does not optimize towards the threshold. Instead, it tries to minimize the difference between the original samples and counterfactuals. 1dCNN-C, FGD and 1dCNN from LatentCF received negative scores according to total average, which means that they could not constantly guarantee counterfactuals to cross the decision boundary. Nonetheless, 1dCNN-C outperformed all the other models in 10 out of the 20 individual datasets.

Table 4. Summary of margin difference for a subset of 20 different datasets in our experiment. The best score for each dataset is highlighted in bold.

In addition, we observed that the standard deviation for 1dCNN from the LatentCF++ framework resulted in the lowest of 0.0175 while k-NN achieved the maximum of 0.1218 in Table 4. Thus, this evidence shows that LatentCF++ can generate counterfactuals that are more stable in terms of margin difference. In other words, our proposed approach can better guarantee to produce counterfactuals that can cross the decision boundary and obtain more compact transformations.

From the previous comparison of validity, we found that several models received scores lower than 0.2, which means that these models cannot guarantee the fraction of valid counterfactuals. As our primary evaluation was based on the validity, we intended to compare the rest of the five best-performed models for further investigation. Namely, we chose to exclude 1dCNN, LSTM from LatentCF and FGD from baseline models in our comparison of proximity. Similar to the previous evaluation, we reported metrics from the subset of 20 datasets with respective subset and total average scores, as in Table 5.

Table 5. Summary of proximity for a subset of 20 different datasets in our experiment. The best score for each dataset is highlighted in bold (three methods are excluded from the comparison due to the low validity\(^\dagger \)).

In Table 5, we observed that 1dCNN from our proposed LatentCF++ framework achieved comparable proximity scores compared to the state-of-the-art method RSF, with a subset average of 0.3891 in comparison with 0.2873. This evidence indicates that the generated counterfactuals from 1dCNN are relatively closer to the original samples. In contrast, LSTM received the worst average proximity of 2.5409 among all. When we checked the individual results, we found that both 1dCNN and 1dCNN-C from LatentCF++ outperformed RSF in 9 out of 20 datasets, while RSF outperformed the others in 10 datasets. One of our key observations was that the proximity score was strongly related to the corresponding auto-encoder performance. Usually, if the 1dCNN-AE model from 1dCNN converged with a low reconstruction loss, then 1dCNN would outperform the other methods. However, it was challenging to ensure the performance of the auto-encoder since we applied a unified structure of 1dCNN-AE for all datasets.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Examples of generated counterfactuals by 1dCNN and LSTM instantiations from LatentCF++, together with RSF in comparison. Illustrated in blue are the original time series and in red the generated counterfactuals of the opposite class. (Color figure online)

For a detailed comparison, we investigated ECG examples of generated counterfactuals by 1dCNN, LSTM from LatentCF++, and RSF (see Fig. 3). We observed that 1dCNN and RSF generated similar counterfactuals for the ECG sample, although the counterfactual from 1dCNN appeared slightly smoother in this case. In contrast, LSTM ’s counterfactual poorly aligned with the original series and diverged in many timesteps. Moreover, we found that different classification models performed similarly in balanced accuracy. As to the auto-encoders, LSTM-AE achieved the highest reconstruction loss over most datasets while 1dCNN-AE received the lowest reconstruction loss. This evidence explains why LSTM from LatentCF and LatentCF++ attained the worst performance when comparing proximity. It appeared that the LSTM auto-encoder could not learn a representative latent space compared to other auto-encoders in the time series domain.

5 Conclusions

We presented a new counterfactual explanation framework named LatentCF++ for time series counterfactual generation. Our experimental results on the UCR archive focusing on binary classification showed that LatentCF++ substantially outperforms instantiations of its predecessor, LatentCF, and other baseline models. The results also suggest that LatentCF++ can provide robust counterfactuals that firmly guarantee validity and are considerably closer margin difference to the decision boundary. Additionally, our proposed approach achieved comparable proximity compared to the state-of-the-art time series tweaking approach RSF. Furthermore, we found that it was challenging to leverage the power of deep learning models (both classifiers and auto-encoders) for datasets with the sample size of less than 500. Hence our one-size-fits-all plan to utilize unified structures of deep learning models as components for the framework did not address some specific datasets in the experiment. However, we still showed the generalizability of our proposed framework using a unified set of model components. For future work, we plan to extend our work to generalize LatentCF++ to broader counterfactual problems using other types of data, e.g. multivariate time series, textual or tabular data. Also, we intend to conduct a qualitative analysis from domain experts to validate that the produced counterfactuals are meaningful in different application fields, such as ECG measurements in healthcare or sensor data from signal processing.

Reproducibility. All our code to reproduce the experiments is publicly available at our supporting websiteFootnote 4.