
1 Introduction

The perennial challenge in the design of program analyses is to find an appropriate balance between precision and efficiency. A natural way to improve precision of analysis is to design an abstract domain that supports path-sensitive analysis, that is, allows for a degree of disjunctive information to be expressed. However, abstract domains are rarely closed under disjunction, as the cost of disjunctive closure usually leads to prohibitively expensive analysis.

In this paper we are concerned with the analysis of integer manipulating procedural programs. The abstract domain studied here is the Boxes domain [11], applied to \(\mathbb {Z}\), the set of integers.Footnote 1 Assume we are given n integer variables \(v_1,\ldots ,v_n\). A bounds constraint takes one of the forms \(v_i \le k\) or \(v_i \ge k\), where k is an integer constant. An integer box is any set \(B \subseteq \mathbb {Z}^n\) that can be expressed as a (possibly empty) conjunction of bounds constraints. The Boxes domain consists of any set \(S \subseteq \mathbb {Z}^n\) which can be written as a finite union \(\bigcup _{i=1}^j B_i\), such that \(B_1,\ldots ,B_j\) are integer boxes. Some examples are given in Fig. 1: (a) shows an integer box, namely \(x \in [1,4) \wedge y \in [2,\infty )\); (b) shows the Boxes element \(x \in [1,3) \vee y \in [2,4)\); and (c) shows the element

$$ (x \in [-20,-9) \wedge y \in [-10,-4)) \vee (x \in [5,11) \wedge y \in [10,21)) $$

Elements of Boxes are generally non-convex sets. The domain is closed under both (finite) intersection and union, as well as under complement. This clearly sets Boxes apart from more commonly studied relational abstract domains, such as zones [20], octagons [21], and convex polyhedra [7]. Note that, while it is a non-relational abstract domain, Boxes can still express conditional constraints, such as \(x \ge 2 \Rightarrow (y \ge 0 \wedge y \le 4)\).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Examples of Boxes elements.

To implement Boxes, Gurfinkel and Chaki [11] proposed the use of linear decision diagrams (LDDs) [3]. The inspiration for LDDs came from the better known binary decision diagrams (BDDs) [2]. But in an LDD, a decision node (a non-terminal node) no longer corresponds to a Boolean variable; instead it holds a primitive constraint in some theory. As with BDDs, non-terminal nodes in LDDs always have fan-out 2. LDDs can express any Boolean combination of primitive constraints, and in the Boxes case, “primitive constraint” means “bounds constraint” (only), such as \(x \le 42\). LDDs can utilise sharing of sub-structures, which reduces memory requirements and allows for a canonical representation.

However, LDDs (with primitive constraints taken from some theory T) come with a disadvantage: inability to precisely analyse expressions that fall outside the theory. This happens since many operations rely on a T-solver. With LDD-boxes, much precision is lost in the context of non-linearFootnote 2 expressions, as Example 1 will show. Moreover, with LDDs, many abstract operations are expensive, because of the need to preserve a node order that depends not only on variable ordering, but also on logical consequence. Gurfinkel and Chaki [11] define abstract operations in terms of constraint substitution, a relatively heavyweight approach which, again, limits transformers to the supported arithmetic fragment.

Our aim is to improve Boxes analysis through the use of a dedicated data structure that can support precise analysis, including analysis of programs involving non-linear operations. As it turns out, our proposed representation of disjunctive intervals also tends to speed up the analysis of linear programs, mainly because it allows bounds-propagation to take the place of calls to a theory solver. We use what we call “range decision diagrams” (RDDs), a variant of multi-valued decision diagrams (MDDs) [24]. Non-terminal nodes in these structures can have varying fan-out, each with each edge corresponding to a range of values for some variable. RDDs also generalize BDDs, but in a different manner to LDDs.

In this paper, we use RDDs in the context of integer predicates. We note that LDDs have a wider scope: they can support more complex theories. But for the Boxes application, in which LDDs use monadic predicates only, RDDs have exactly the same expressiveness as LDDs.

We define RDDs formally in the next section. Until then, we ask the reader to rely on intuition and the diagrams shown in Fig. 2.

Example 1

To appreciate the limitations flowing from reliance on a theory solver, consider the Boxes set from Fig. 1(c). Its RDDFootnote 3 is shown in Fig. 2(a). Given the statement z := x * y, the LDD approach must collapse the information to its non-disjunctive interval form \(-20 \le x< 11 \wedge -10 \le y < 21\). Since the theory solver used does not understand multiplication, the analysis engine must collapse the representation, in order to calculate bounds on the multiplication. The result is the Boxes element shown in RDD form in Fig. 2(b). A precise transformer, on the other hand, computes the possible values of z on each branch in the diagram, resulting in the much more precise Fig. 2(c) with a better lower bound for z.    \(\square \)

Fig. 2.
figure 2

(a) A Boxes state with disjunctive information, and after applying z := x * y (b) using interval approximation, and (c) using a precise transformer.

In summary, the benefit of using RDDs for Boxes analysis is improved expressiveness and efficiency. We introduce RDDs in Sect. 2, and Sect. 3 provides algorithms for the abstract operations. We report on an experimental evaluation in Sect. 4. Related work is discussed in Sect. 5, and Sect. 6 concludes.

2 Range Decision Diagrams

By range we mean an integer interval of form [ij) (that is, \(\{k \in \mathbb {Z}\mid i \le k < j\}\)), \([i,\infty )\), or \((-\infty ,i)\). A set S of ranges is fitting iff every pair \(I_1, I_2 \in S\) is disjoint (\(I_1 \cap I_2 = \emptyset \)) and \(\bigcup S = \mathbb {Z}\). We assume a given finite set \( Var \) of variables. The set of range decision diagrams, or RDDs, is defined recursively, as follows.

  • \({\mathcal {F}}\) and \({\mathcal {T}}\) are RDDs.

  • Let \(M = \{(I_1,r_1),(I_2,r_2),\ldots (I_n,r_n)\}, n>1\) be a set of pairs whose first components are ranges and whose second components are RDDs. If the set \(\{I \mid (I,r) \in M\}\) is fitting, and \(v \in Var \), then \(\langle v,M \rangle \) is an RDD.

We may sometimes relax the fitting requirement to allow \(\bigcup S \subseteq \mathbb {Z}\), in which case each missing range is understood to be paired with \({\mathcal {F}}\).

The meaning of an RDD r is a predicate \([\![r ]\!]\), defined as follows:

We can view the RDD as a directed acyclic graph in the obvious manner: \({\mathcal {T}}\) and \({\mathcal {F}}\) are sinks. An RDD \(\langle v,M \rangle \) has a node labelled v as its root, and for each \((I,r) \in M\), an edge (with label I) from v to the root of r. We draw graphs so that arrows point downwards. We will assume a (total) precedence order \(\prec \) on \( Var \) and construct RDDs where the path variables earlier in the ordering always appear above variables later in the ordering (this condition may be temporarily violated in algorithms).

In algorithms, it is sometimes useful to utilize a different view of a fitting RDD. We may write a non-sink RDD r as \(\langle v, [r_0, k_1, r_1, \ldots , k_n, r_n] \rangle \). Here \(r_0,\ldots ,r_n\) are RDDs and \(k_1,\ldots ,k_n\) are the split points, with \(k_1< k_2< \cdots < k_n\). The intention is that \(r_i\) is the co-factor of r with respect to v, over the interval \([k_i,k_{i+1})\), implicitly taking \(k_0 = -\infty \) and \(k_{n+1} = \infty \).Footnote 4 For a fixed variable ordering this representation is canonical, provided we ensure \(r_i \ne r_{i+1}\) for all i.

The two views are for presentation only; each is faithful to the data structure used in implementation. To translate between them, we use two functions \(\mathbf {ser}\) and \(\mathbf {des}\) (for “serialize” and “deserialize”). \(\mathbf {des}\) takes an RDD representation \(\langle v, [r_0, k_1, r_1, \ldots , k_n, r_n] \rangle \) in split-point form and turns it into the deserialised \(\langle v, \{((-\infty ,k_1),r_0'), ([k_1,k_2),r_1'),\ldots ,([k_n,\infty ),r_n')\} \rangle \), where \(r_i'\) is the deserialised form of \(r_i\) (base cases \({\mathcal {F}}\) and \({\mathcal {T}}\) are left unchanged).

The function \(\mathbf {ser}\) is its inverse, defined only for fitting RDDs; \(\mathbf {ser}\), in particular, adds edges from v to \({\mathcal {F}}\) for any “missing” intervals.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

A sequence of better approximations of \(p(x,y) \equiv 0 \le x \wedge x < y\).

In diagrams we omit the node \({\mathcal {F}}\) and its incident edges. The (serial form) RDD \(\langle x,[{\mathcal {F}},0,\langle y,[{{\mathcal {F}}},1,{{\mathcal {T}}}] \rangle ,1,\langle y,[{{\mathcal {F}}},2,{{\mathcal {T}}}] \rangle ] \rangle \) is shown in Fig. 3(b). Deserializing the RDD representation yields

$$ \left\langle x,~~ \left\{ \begin{array}{l} ((-\infty ,0),{\mathcal {F}}), \\ ((0,1),\langle y,\{((-\infty ,1),{\mathcal {F}}),([1,\infty ),{\mathcal {T}}) \rangle ), \\ ([1,\infty ),\langle y,\{((-\infty ,2),{\mathcal {F}}),([2,\infty ),{\mathcal {T}}) \rangle ) \end{array} \right\} \right\rangle $$

Applying a Boolean operator to RDDs is similar to how that is done for binary or (classical) multi-valued decision diagrams: we apply the operator pointwise on the co-factors of the nodes, and collect the result into a new node. However, unlike usual BDD or MDD operations, the intervals for the children of each node may not coincide. Thus we must first introduce additional separators that refine the generated intervals, enabling pointwise application of operators (we exemplify this in Sect. 3.2).

3 Implementing Boxes with RDDs

We now describe how to implement the Boxes domain with RDDs. Note again that Boxes forms a Boolean lattice, but not a complete one: there are necessarily predicates for which there can be no best RDD representation, instead admitting infinite chains of better and better RDD approximations. Consider the predicate \(p(x,y) \equiv 0 \le x \wedge x < y\). Figure 3(a) shows an over-approximation, \(x \ge 0 \wedge y \ge 1\). We can separate the case \(x=0\) from \(x \ge 1\) and obtain a marginally more precise over-approximation which excludes the infeasible valuation \(\{x \mapsto 1, y \mapsto 1\}\), see Fig. 3(b). Indeed, we can split the domain of x arbitrarily often, in each step obtaining a slightly more precise RDD. Similarly there are infinite ascending chains of ever closer under-approximations.

Hence, for some arithmetic operations, we cannot hope to define optimal abstract transformers. In the context of RDDs there is, however, a natural criterion for precision, akin to the concept of interval consistency [1, 4] from the constraint programming literature. Consider a constraint c over set X of variables. A domain D maps each variable \(x \in X\) to a set of possible values for x. Here we assume that D(x) must be an interval and we say that D is interval consistent for c, iff, for each variable \(x \in X\) with \(D(x) = [\ell ,u]\), each of the valuations \(\{x \mapsto \ell \}\) and \(\{x \mapsto u\}\) can be extended to a valuation (over all of X) satisfying \(D \wedge c\). In this context, the role of bounds-propagation is to narrow variable domains as far as possible without breaking interval consistency.

For RDDs we need to refine the concept of consistency slightly. Note that each path \(\rho \) through the RDD induces a domain \(D_{\rho }\).

Definition 1

All-paths interval consistency. RDD r is all-paths interval consistent for constraint c iff, for each path \(\rho \) in r, the induced domain \(D_{\rho }\) is interval consistent.

Our abstract operations strive to maintain all-paths interval consistency. Loosely this means we produce the strongest information that can possibly be inferred without resorting to speculative introduction of new disjunctive splits. Only our algorithm for inequality fails to maintain all-paths interval consistency—Example 5 will show a case of this.

3.1 Lattice Operations

The standard lattice operations are fairly straightforward. \(\sqsubseteq , \sqcap , \sqcup \) coincide with the standard Boolean operators \(\rightarrow , \wedge , \vee \), and can all be implemented pointwise: for \(u \bowtie v\), we scan the children of u and v in order, applying \(\bowtie \) recursively to children with overlapping intervals, and rebuild the results into a new node. As with the corresponding BDD/MDDs operations, these can be performed in \(O(|u| |v|)\) time. All lattice operations are optimally precise.

3.2 Variable Hoisting

An operation which will be useful for operators defined below is hoisting (or interchanging) variables. This is necessary when we would like to construct a function representing \(\langle x, [r_0, k_1, \ldots , k_n, r_n] \rangle \), but where the root of \(r_i\) is earlier than x in the precedence order (so just building the node would be malformed).

For this definition, we restrict ourselves to the case where, for all \(r_i\), every variable except (possibly) the root y are before x, so we merely need to interchange the decisions for x and y. For RDDs, this is straightforward and detailed in Fig. 4. We sort all the split points at the second level of the tree, removing duplicates and create a set \(\mathcal {I}\) of covering intervals for the variable y. We fill in the matrix \( Cofac \) of cofactors, based on the intervals for y and x. We then construct a new node for each x interval using \( Cofac \). Finally we construct a new root linked appropriately to these nodes.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Variable hoisting: How to construct a node rooted at y, representing the decision structure \(\langle x, M \rangle \).

Fig. 5.
figure 5

A mis-ordered RDD r.

Example 2

Figure  5 shows an almost-ordered RDD, where top levels \(x_2\) and \(x_1\) must be transposed. Figure 6 shows the matrix of cofactors \( Cofac [I,I']\) generated by the algorithm. Figure 7 shows the RDD that results from hoisting.    \(\square \)

3.3 Arithmetic Operators

Gurfinkel and Chaki [11] implemented the arithmetic operators for Boxes using constraint substitution over LDDs. This has some drawbacks, relying as it does on having a theory solver for a sufficiently expressive theory of arithmetic. Instead, we construct arithmetic abstract transformers that operate directly on the RDD representations. Each transformer is formulated as a recursive traversal of the RDD, carrying with it the projection of the operation along the path to the current node. This makes implementing operators more involved, but it avoids the need for a (frequently expensive) theory solver and offers more flexibility in terms of expressiveness and the level of precision we can support. As with conventional BDD operations, we save previously computed results in a cache to avoid repeated work; nevertheless worst-case complexity of the arithmetic operators is exponential in the size of the RDD, as each path through the RDD may yield a different projected arithmetic expression.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Matrix of cofactors used to interchange \(x_1\) and \(x_2\)

Fig. 7.
figure 7

The correctly ordered RDD \(r'\) after hoisting r from Fig. 5.

Interval Computation. A basic step for many algorithms will be computing the interval of possible values for an expression E, given RDD r. The pseudo-code in Fig. 8 shows how to do this. We walk the RDD, substituting each variable as reached, by its possible intervals, collecting their union. Once all variables in E have been replaced by intervals, we use the function \(\textsc {interval}(E)\) to return the smallest interval containing the possible values of E. In the figure we use \(\bot \) to denote the empty interval. min-var(E) produces the variable (from E) with the earliest precedence (\(\emptyset \) if E is variable-free).

Example 3

Consider computing \(\textsf {eval}(\texttt {x*y},r)\), the possible interval values of the expression x*y given the RDD r from Fig. 2(a). The initial call generates a call \(\textsf {eval}([-20,-9)\texttt {*y},r')\) where \(r'\) is the left child of the root. This in turn generates a call \(\textsf {eval}([-20,-9)\texttt {*}[-10,-4),{\mathcal {T}})\) which returns [50, 201). The initial call generates a second call \(\textsf {eval}([5,11)\texttt {*y},r'')\) where \(r''\) is the right child of the root. This in turn generates a call \(\textsf {eval}([5,11)\texttt {*}[10,21),{\mathcal {T}})\) which returns [50, 201). The initial call thus returns the union which is again [50, 201).    \(\square \)

Assignments. The abstract transformers for assignments all operate in a similar manner. Let \(E[y \mapsto I]\) denote the (interval-valued) expression obtained by partially evaluating E assuming \(y = I\). To apply \(\texttt {z := E}\) to \(r = \langle y, E \rangle \), we iterate over each non-\({\mathcal {F}}\) child \((I,r')\) of r, recursively applying z := \(E [y \mapsto I]\), and then rebuild the resulting node.

Fig. 8.
figure 8

Evaluating the interval approximation of E on RDD r.

Fig. 9.
figure 9

Constructing a node, rooted at variable \(\epsilon \), encoding the possible valuations of E on RDD r. We use hoist-var to percolate the valuations of E up to the root.

Fig. 10.
figure 10

Abstract version of z := E given RDD r, for some arithmetic expression E.

Once we reach (or skip) variable \(\mathtt {z}\), we have two options. We can compute the interval I containing the possible values of the residual E, and apply \(\mathtt {z} := I\) at the current node. Alternatively, we can construct the resulting RDD as if \(\mathtt {z}\) were below all variables in E, then percolate \(\mathtt {z}\) back up to the correct location. The latter is the analogue of the substitution-based approach used by Chaki, Gurfinkel and Strichman [3]; the former is less precise, but reduces the growth of the RDD. In practice the less precise version loses too much precision. Pseudo-code for the latter approach is shown in Fig. 9.

The algorithm in Fig. 10 is instantiated for the cases where E is a linear expression (\(\sum _{i} c_i x_i + I\)), n-ary product \((\prod _{i} x_i \times I)\) or (binary) division (x/y). In each case, we specialize the generic algorithm slightly:

  • For linear expressions, we terminate if some variable in E is skipped (in which case E, and therefore \(\mathtt {z}\), is unconstrained).

  • For products, we handle negative, zero, and positive ranges separately, and apply early termination when some variable is zero or unbounded.

  • For division, we again perform case-splits on sign, and terminate early on zero and unbounded inputs.

Fig. 11.
figure 11

With full splitting, evaluating \(x_2\) := \(3 x_1 + 8 x_3 + 10\) on (a) yields (b). Applying \(x_3 - 2 x_1 \le 0\) on (a) yields (c), with tightened bounds shown in bold: the downwards phase finds upper bound 20 for \(x_3\); the upwards phase notes the lower bound 8 and uses this information (\(2 x_1 \ge 8\)) to improve the lower bound on \(x_1\).

Example 4

Consider the RDD in Fig. 11(a). apply(\(r, \texttt {z := E}\)) constructs the RDD shown in Fig. 11(b). For \(x_2\) the split points are the extreme values of \(3x_1 + 8x_3 + 10\), along the possible paths, that is, 77, 93, 113, and 241; hence the \(x_2\) fan-out of three. In general, for each path \(\rho \) of r, apply(\(r, \texttt {z := E}\)) constructs an all-paths interval consistent RDD, introducing an edge for z that is tight with respect to the projection of E along \(\rho \). For linear expressions, apply constructs the smallest such RDD (though not for multiplication and division, owing to our speculative splits on sign).    \(\square \)

Arithmetic Constraints. The abstract transformer for an arithmetic constraint \(\mathsf {apply}(r, E \le k)\) is very similar to that for assignment. Again we traverse the RDD depth-first, passing the projection of our constraint onto the current valuation, then reconstruct the result on the way back up. But during reconstruction, we also return the projection of E onto the variable beneath the current node which we use to perform bounds-propagation on edge ranges. The pseudo-code is given in Fig. 12. Each call returns the resulting RDD, together with an upper bound to be applied to the RDD above. At each node involved in the expression (lines 33–36), we recursively apply the projected constraint along each outgoing edge, and use the returned upper bound to prune the bounds of the edge.

Example 5

Figure  11(c) shows the effect of applying \(x_3 - 2 x_1 \le 0\) to the RDD from Fig. 11(a). Each node is annotated with \(C \triangleright \ell \), where C is the projected constraint we constructed in the downward phase, and \(\ell \) the lower-bound which was returned upwards.    \(\square \)

Fig. 12.
figure 12

Applying a constraint \(\sum _i c_i x_i \le k\) on RDD r. For simplicity, we restrict consideration to positive \(c_i\).

Unlike assignment, apply(\(r, E \le k\)) does not in general yield an all-paths interval consistent RDD—it (implicitly) introduces splits on the way down, but trim-leq only uses the returned lower bound on E for pruning, rather than introducing new splits. A slightly more precise RDD for the case considered in Example 5 would have an additional split point for \(x_1\), namely 5. That would bar some spurious solutions, such as \(Q \wedge x_1 = 4 \wedge x_3 = 13\). An algorithm that maintains all-paths interval consistency also in the case of inequalities is perfectly possible, but in practice we find the cost of doing so outweighs any advantage.

Bounds Extraction/Box Hull. The box hull operation takes boxes \(\mathcal {B}\) and produces a stick mapping each variable to the smallest interval covering its feasible valuations. The box hull algorithm of Gurfinkel and Chaki [11] proceeds by merging all feasible children of the root node (using \(\sqcup \)), then recursively building the hull of the single remaining child. However, while the final result is compact, the successive joins may cause an exponential growth in the intermediate results. Instead, we construct the box hull in two stages: we first traverse the RDD to collect lower and upper bounds of each variable, then construct the hull RDD directly.

The algorithm for extracting bounds is given in Fig. 13. On the leftmost feasible path in r, it constructs an ordered list of variables having finite lower bounds. On the remaining paths, it updates the current set of bounds, removing any variables that are skipped or are unbounded. This operation takes time linear in the size of the input RDD. Unfortunately, the operation is not cached across calls (as we update bounds information in-place, rather than merge bounds from subgraphs).

Fig. 13.
figure 13

Extracting lower bounds of all variables from RDD \(\langle x,M \rangle \). Upper bound extraction is similar. The \( seen \) markers are used to avoid re-processing a previously explored node.

3.4 Widening

The last operator we need is a widening, \(\triangledown \), to ensure convergence. A standard approach to constructing a sound widening is based on the notion of stability: we decompose the domain into a finite set of individual properties, and any unstable properties—those which are not preserved (under entailment) from the previous iteration—are weakened (usually discarded) to eliminate infinite ascending chains.

If we were working with pure BDDs or classical MDDs (with finite domains), the join would be sufficient, as there are only finitely many cofactors, and each cofactor can increase at most once. But with RDDs, a difficulty arises when the position of a split changes.

Example 6

Consider the following sequence of iterates:

$$\begin{aligned}&r_0 \equiv&~ \langle x,\{((-\infty , 0),{\mathcal {T}}),~([0,+\infty ),{\mathcal {F}})\} \rangle \\&r_1 \equiv&~ \langle x,\{((-\infty , 1),{\mathcal {T}}),~([1,+\infty ),{\mathcal {F}})\} \rangle \\&r_i \equiv&~ \langle x,\{((-\infty , i),{\mathcal {T}}),~([i,+\infty ),{\mathcal {F}})\} \rangle \end{aligned}$$

If we apply a ‘widening’ pointwise, we get the chain:

$$\begin{aligned}&\quad \quad&w_0 = r_0&~ \equiv ~ \langle x,\{((-\infty , 0),{\mathcal {T}}),~([0,+\infty ),{\mathcal {F}})\} \rangle \\&\quad \quad&w_1 = w_0 \triangledown r_1&~ \equiv ~ \langle x,\{((-\infty , 0),{\mathcal {T}}),~([0,1),{\mathcal {T}}\triangledown {\mathcal {F}}),~([1,+\infty ),{\mathcal {F}})\} \rangle = r_1 \\&\quad \quad&w_2 = w_1 \triangledown r_2&~ \equiv ~\langle x,\{((-\infty , 1),{\mathcal {T}}),~([1,2),{\mathcal {T}}\triangledown {\mathcal {F}}),~([2,+\infty ),{\mathcal {F}})\} \rangle = r_2 \\&\quad \quad&w_i = w_{i-1} \triangledown r_i&~ \equiv ~ \langle x,\{((-\infty , {i-1}),{\mathcal {T}}),~([{i-1},i),{\mathcal {T}}\triangledown {\mathcal {F}}),~([i,+\infty ),{\mathcal {F}})\} \rangle = r_i \end{aligned}$$

Looking at the result for any one fixed value of x, there are no infinite chains. But the overall widening sequence is nevertheless an infinite ascending chain.    \(\square \)

The problem just exemplified arises when the target of a child remains stable, but its range shrinks. The widening of Gurfinkel and Chaki [11] handles the situation by detecting when this has occurred, and instead taking the value of (one of) its unstable siblings. For Example 6, we notice that the transition to \({\mathcal {F}}\) was unchanged but its range decreased, so we take the neighbouring \({\mathcal {T}}\) value instead.

Fig. 14.
figure 14

Widening on Boxes, adapted to the RDD representation.

We can adapt the same widening strategy for the RDD representation. Figure 14 gives the detailed widening algorithm; widen(uv) is the function that calculates \(u \triangledown v\). As with other lattice operations, we walk over both operands in lock-step. But as \(\triangledown \) is asymmetric, the main case of widen(uv) (lines 34–39) iterates over the edges of u, and, for each edge, calls widen-edge to compute the (possibly refined) widening of the corresponding ranges of v. widen-edge walks over the edges of v applying widening pointwise (lines 12–19), substituting stable children with their left unstable sibling (line 16). The first edge of course has no such sibling, so the algorithm starts (lines 5–8) by finding the first unstable successor if one exists (if not, the entire edge was stable, so it can be returned)Footnote 5.

The argument for termination of the widening algorithm is the following.

  1. 1.

    The operator is increasing by construction.

  2. 2.

    Note that (a) it is not possible to have an infinite ascending chain of refined split positions and (b) for any one (fixed) split position there is no infinite ascending chain. Namely, each co-factor leads to a finite ascending chain: whenever a new split location is introduced, the co-factors on both sides increase strictly.

4 Experimental Evaluation

We have implemented all the RDD operations required by the Boxes domain, following the algorithms described in this paper. Apart from the node representation, the architecture of the underlying RDD package is relatively standard: a unique table mapping node structures to canonical representations, and a cache to record the results of recent computations. The implementation is available at

The evaluation that we now report on has had two aims: First, to compare scalability of rdd-boxes with the existing ldd-boxes implementation. Second, to compare precision of the two implementations in order to assess the impact of the more precise abstract transformers provided by rdd-boxes.

4.1 Experimental Setup

For the evaluation, we integrated our RDD-based implementation of Boxes into the CrabFootnote 6 abstract interpreter, which already provides LDD-based Boxes. We evaluated both implementations on a collection of C programs using ClamFootnote 7, an LLVM frontend for Crab.

The programs used for testing were taken from the 2019 Software Verification Competition. We chose \(190\) programs from the ControlFlow and Loops categories. These programs are already annotated with assertions. ControlFlow is a challenging set of programs for abstract interpretation because the instances generally require path-sensitive reasoning. However, they do not require a deep memory analysis. They constitute a good test suite for Boxes because this abstract domain is expressive enough to prove the majority of assertions. Nevertheless, both rdd-boxes and ldd-boxes needed to use a widening delay of 15 to produce precise results. The second selected category, Loops, is quite different from ControlFlow: the programs are much smaller and neither memory analysis nor path sensitivity is required. However, the majority of programs have many nested loops or require complex (although typically linear) loop invariants. We used Loops to evaluate the effect of the widening operations in both implementations.

All experiments have been carried out on a 2.1 GHz AMD Opteron processor 6172 with 32 cores and 64 GB on a Ubuntu 18.04 Linux machine. From those 32 cores, we used 16 cores to run multiple instances of Crab in parallel, but each instance was executed sequentially.

For rdd-boxes, we statically order variables according to the order in which they first appear in the program. For ldd-boxes, we used two orderings: the same static ordering used by rdd-boxes, and the dynamic ordering used by Gurfinkel and Chaki [11], based on the Cudd library’s CUDD_REORDER_GROUP_SIFT option.

It is important to note that the ldd-boxes libraryFootnote 8 does not provide support for arbitrary linear or tree expressions as other libraries such as Apron [14] do. ldd-boxes only supports assignments of the form \(x \leftarrow (k_1 \times y) + [k_2,k_3]\) and linear constraints of the form \((k_1 \times x)~ \mathsf {relop}~ k_2\) where \(k_1,k_2,k_3\) are integers, \(\mathsf {relop}\) are the standard relational operators \(\{\le , \ge , <, >, =, \ne \}\), and x and y are variables.

For all other cases, the abstract interpreter Crab simplifies arbitrary expressions by extracting interval constraints until the simplified expression can be supported by the ldd-boxes library. The current Crab implementation safely ignores arithmetic operations with non-unit coefficients. For our benchmarks, LLVM did not generate any instruction with non-unit coefficients.

Fig. 15.
figure 15

Three graphs to compare analysis time in seconds on \(190\) Control Flow and Loops programs with timeout of 180 s and memory limit of 8 GB. The marker represents domains finished before exhausting resources, represents timeout, and memory-out. The size of a marker reflects the number of scatter points at that location.

4.2 Performance

Figure  15 compares efficiency of the three implementations on the set of SV-COMP benchmarks. The top part (a) shows the result of static ordering plotted against that of dynamic ordering for ldd-boxes. Different orderings can have a significant impact on performance, and there is no clear winner. In the bottom part, we compare rdd-boxes with ldd-boxes using static (b) and dynamic (c) ordering. Independently of variable ordering, the rdd-boxes analysis tends to be faster. With a time limit of 180 s, rdd-boxes timed out for 7 programs, while static and dynamic ldd-boxes timed out for 13 and 12 programs, respectively.

To understand the causes of the performance differences, we manually inspected several programs. We hypothesize that the main reason why ldd-boxes and rdd-boxes differ significantly in performance is the above-mentioned process of interval extraction that takes place in the Crab analyzer. This interval extraction for ldd-boxes is quite expensive, which sometimes makes rdd-boxes significantly faster. On the other hand, it may equally make rdd-boxes slower since rdd-boxes performs optimal transfer functions (which may introduce more disjunctive splits), while ldd-boxes does not, owing to its limited API.

4.3 Precision

Table 1 compares the precision of the two ldd-boxes implementations, together with two variants of rdd-boxes for the SV-COMP test suite: the version used for our performance evaluation which precisely supports both linear and non-linear operations, and a variant that only supports linear operations (linear rdd-boxes) and relies on the Crab analyzer to linearize [22] non-linear expressions.

Table 1. Comparing the precision of LDD-boxes with static ordering, LDD-boxes with dynamic reordering, and two variants of RDD-boxes on SV-COMP programs for which all the domains terminated with timeout of 180 s and memory limit of 8 GB.

Column Programs is the total number of programs for which all three implementations finished without exhausting resources. Total Assertions is the total number of assertions checked by the analysis, and Proven Assertions is the total number of proven assertions.

The variable ordering can affect the precision of widening. We believe this can explain the differences between the ldd-boxes implementations and linear rdd-boxes. Note that linear rdd-boxes is more precise than the ldd-boxes implementations, because of a more precise modelling of linear operations. The precise modelling of non-linear operations in rdd-boxes further improves the number of proven assertions (510 vs 504)—a relatively small, but, to an end user potentially significant, gain.

As a baseline comparison, using a traditional convex interval analysis, we were able to prove 392 of the 628 assertions, that is, 62%. Disjunctive information is, as expected, critical in the context of program verification.

5 Related Work

Early examples of disjunctive analysis were primarily found in work on abstract interpretation of declarative programming languages [15, 17] (the “Pos” domain for groundness dependency analysis of logic programs [17] is a rare example of an abstract domain for relational analysis that is closed under conjunction and disjunction). The abstract domain refinement known as “disjunctive completion” was introduced by Cousot and Cousot [5]. Giacobazzi and Ranzato [9] explored the fact that different domain “bases” may induce identical disjunctive completions, leading to the concept of a least (or most abstract) disjunctive basis [9].

Decision diagrams for disjunctive domains are of interest also in symbolic model checking, for example for analysis of timed automata. In that context, Strehl and Thiele [25] have made use of “function graphs” which, in their “reduced” form, correspond to RDDs. Strehl and Thiele capture transition relations through an additional concept of “interval mapping functions”. Implementation details are somewhat sparse, but it appears that only simple (linear) transformations are considered. Join and widening are not of relevance in model checking applications.

Clock decision diagrams (CDDs) [16] generalise Strehl and Thiele’s function graphs, by allowing nodes that represent either single (clock) variables X or differences \(X-Y\). That way, not only bounds can be expressed; it is possible to use CDDs to express difference constraints such as \(X=Y\) and \(X-Z \in [0,3]\), so that CDDs support a limited form of relational analysis. CDDs are not canonical, and the abstract operations that would be required for program analysis (as opposed to the clock operations considered in [16]) would seem quite difficult to implement. For a program analysis tool to achieve the added expressiveness that is offered by CDDs, it would probably make better sense to use a product domain that incorporates a standard implementation of Zones [20]. Other BDD variants have been proposed that have constraints as nodes, such as difference decision diagrams (DDDs) [23] and EQ-BDDs [10].

Dominant sources of imprecision in classical abstract interpretation are join points—program points that represent a confluence of flow from several points. If an analysis is able to distinguish program states based on different execution traces that lead to a given program point, then imprecise joins can be avoided or delayed, resulting in greater precision of analysis. Approaches to introduction of such (limited) disjunctive information include loop unrolling and (flow- or value-based) trace partitioning [12, 19]. The idea that decision tree structures can represent control flow is reflected in various abstract domains or functors, based on decision diagrams. Examples include the “segmented decision trees” [6] designed to support analysis of array processing programs, and the decision structures used in the FuncTion analyzer [26] for proving termination based on synthesised ranking functions. Jeannet’s BDDAPRON library [13] provides a broad framework for the implementation of “logico-numeric” abstract domains, supporting analysis of programs with a mixture of finite-type and numeric variables.

Regarding interval analysis, the DisInterval abstract domain used in the Clousot analysis tool [8] allows for a limited amount of disjunctive information; while it can express monadic constraints such as \(|x| > 5\), it cannot express a set such as the one depicted in Fig. 1(b). For fully disjunctive interval analysis, the most important data structure so far has been the linear decision diagram (LDD), introduced by Chaki, Gurfinkel and Strichman [3]. The Crab implementation of Boxes that we use as a baseline corresponds to the proposal by Gurfinkel and Chaki [11], that is, it uses a restricted form of LDDs, in which nodes can only be bounds constraints.

For program analysis, Typed Decisions Graphs [18] give an alternate, more concise representation of BDDs. They might be usable as a direct replacement for LDDs, but how to extend them to handle RDDs is far from obvious since they rely on representing a Boolean function to get good compression (by negating arcs).

6 Conclusion

We have demonstrated the importance of well-chosen data structures for disjunctive interval analysis. Our focus has been on the case of variables with integer types, but an extension to rationals or floating point numbers is not difficult (the main added complication is the need to identify split points as left- or right-included, that is, to distinguish whether a range bound is included or not).

For simplicity, we have also assumed the use of integers of unlimited precision. It would not be difficult to adapt the algorithms to the case of fixed-width integers, as the RDD representation is agnostic about the underlying representation of intervals.

The use of a dedicated data structure (RDDs) for interval sets has led us to a disjunctive interval analysis that is more efficient than the current LDD-based alternative. The use of RDDs offers a more precise analysis of non-linear arithmetic expressions, and it frees us from any dependence on a theory solver. These advantages explain why we see gains in both precision and speed.

A next natural step is to explore the combination of Boxes with weakly relational abstract domains. We hypothesize that, in practice, this provides an avenue to obtain considerably greater expressiveness while still keeping analysis tractable. For example, a product that includes the Zones abstract domain should produce an efficient program analysis with the expressiveness of clock decision diagrams [16].