
1 Introduction

Text summarization is an important task in natural language processing, which requires the system to understand the long document and generate a short text to summarize its main idea. There are two primary methods to generate summaries: extractive and abstractive. Extractive methods select semantic units from the source document and reorganize them into a consistent summary, while abstractive models generate summaries using words and phrases freely. Benefiting from pre-trained language models [2, 10, 14], much process has been made on English summarzation datasets, such as Newsromm [5], CNN/DailyMail [6], and NYT [19].

Table 1. An example of our CNewSum dataset.

However, the lack of the high-quality datasets in other languages, such as Chinese, limits further researches on summarization under different language habits and cultural customs. It hinders the application of current summarization models to more languages. Currently, most Chinese summarization datasets are collected from Chinese social media Weibo, subject to a 140-word length limit [4, 7]. There are also some datasets scraped from news websites, such as Toutiao [8] and ThePaper [12]. However, those datasets are either small-scale or not of high quality.

In this paper, we present a large-scale Chinese news summarization dataset, CNewSum, to make up for the lack of Chinese document-level summarization, which can become an important supplement to current Chinese understanding and generation tasks. Different from previous summarization datasets crawled from news websites, we called for news articles from over hundreds of thousands press publishers and hired a team of expert editors to provide human-written summaries for the daily news feed. During the summarization process, the editors may perform simple reasoning or add external knowledge to make the summary more reader-friendly. Thus, we further investigate our test set and explore how much knowledge the models need to generate a human-like summary. Specifically, we ask annotators to determine two questions: 1) Adequacy: Is the information of summaries self-contained in the source document? 2) Deducibility: Can the information be deduced from the source document directly, or needs external knowledge? We provide these two scores for each example in the test set. Table 1 is an example of our dataset.

Our main contribution are as follows:

  1. (1)

    We propose a large-scale Chinese news summarization dataset collected from over hundreds of thousands news publishers. We hire a team of expert editors to write summaries for news feed.

  2. (2)

    In order to figure out how much knowledge the model need to generate a human-like summary, we manually annotate the adequacy and deducibility level for our test set.

  3. (3)

    We also provide several strong extractive and abstractive baselines, which makes the dataset easy to use as the benchmark for Chinese summarization tasks.

2 Related Work

News Summarization Dataset. Most news summarization datasets focus on English language, and here we give a brief introduction to some popular ones and list the detailed information in the first part of Table 2. NYT is a news summarization dataset constructed from New York Times Annotated Corpus [19]. We tokenize and convert all text to lower-case, follow the split of Paulus et al. [18]. The CNN/DailyMail question answering dataset [6] modified by Nallapati et al. [16] and See et al. [20] is the most commonly-used dataset for single-document summarization. It consists of online news articles with several highlights. Those highlights are concatenated as the summary. Newsroom [5] is a large-scale news dataset scraped from 38 major news publications, ranging from business to sports. These summaries are often provided by editors and journalists for social distribution and search results.

Chinese Summarization Dataset. There are also several Chinese summarization datasets in other domains [3, 9, 22], but here we only discuss news summarization datasets. The detailed statistics are listed in the second part of Table 2. The LCSTS [7] is a large-scale Chinese social media summarization dataset. It is split into three parts, and the part II and part III are usually used as development and test set after filtering out low-quality examples. RASG [4] collects the document-summary-comments pair data for their reader-aware abstractive summary generation task. It utilizes users’ comments to benefit the generation of the abstractive summary of main content. The document is relatively short and has about 9 comments as a complement. TTNews [8] is provided for NLPCC Single Document Summarization competition,Footnote 1 including 50,000 training examples with summaries and 50,000 without summaries. CLTS [12] is a Chinese summarization dataset extracted from the news website ThePaper. It contains more than 180,000 long articles and corresponding summaries written by professional editors and authors.

3 The CNewSum Dataset

3.1 Data Collection

We receive news submissions from over hundreds of thousands press publishers.Footnote 2 We hire a team of expert editors to provide human-written summaries for the daily news feed. Each example will be double-checked by different experts to ensure its quality. We construct CNewSum by extracting news article from 2015 to 2020Footnote 3 and filtering summaries with less than 5 words. We further limit the length of documents to 50–5000. To solve the problem of missing and inaccurate punctuation in web format, we train an extra punctuation tagging model via Bi-LSTM on Chinese articles to correct punctuation.Footnote 4

Finally we obtain a Chinese news corpus with 304,307 document-summary pairs. It is split into training/validation/test by 0.9/0.05/0.05. Besides, we compare document sentences with human-written summaries and use the greedy algorithm following [16] to get the Oracle sentences with label 1 as the signal for extractive summarization.

Table 2. The summarization datasets. The top part contains the commonly-used English news summarization and the bottom contains the Chinese summarization datasets. ‘–’ means the original dataset does not provide the standard spit for train/dev/test set. For TTNews, we only take training examples with summaries into consideration. ‘*’ includes 2,000 evaluation examples for NLPCC2017 and 2,000 for NLPCC2018.

3.2 Adequacy and Deducibility Annotation

Analyzing our dataset, we find that the expert editors often perform some reasoning or add external knowledge to make the summary more friendly for the readers. For example, the precise figure (2,250) may be summarized as an approximate number (more than two thousand). In another case, a specific date will be converted to a relative time based on the time of publication, e.g. tomorrow. This information is not directly available in the original document. Thus, we wonder how much knowledge the model needs to generate the human-written summary. Inspired by [1], we ask annotators to answer the following two questions for each document-summary pair in our test set:

  1. 1)

    Adequacy. Does necessary information of the summary has been included in the document? For example, all words in the summary can be directly found in the document, or they have synonyms or detailed descriptions in the original text. Under these circumstances, the summary is labeled as 1.

  2. 2)

    Deducibility. Can the information of the summary be easily inferred from the document? Unit conversion, number calculation, and name abbreviations that can be inferred are label as 1. In contrast, complex conclusions with no direct mentions in the original document are labeled as 0.

For each question, the annotators should choose 0 or 1. We hired a team of 12 employees to annotate the test set.Footnote 5 We first trained these employees on basic annotation rules, and they were required to annotate 100 examples and then be checked and corrected by us. Two voluntary expert annotators were employed to control quality. They were asked to sample 10% from each annotator and recheck the annotation. If one’s consistent rate is less than 95%, all annotations of this annotator will be returned and re-annotated. It is consistent only if the two experts and the annotator agree on their answers, otherwise the example will be further discussed.

Table 3. The statistics of news summarization datasets. Cov., Den. and Comp. correspond to the Coverage, Density and Compression introduced by [5]. The Bi., Tri. and 4-gram are the n-gram novelty (%). The novelties of NYT/CNNDM/Newsroom are from [17]. For Chinese data, it is calculated by words.

3.3 Dataset Analysis

As shown in Table 2, our CNewSum dataset has a similar scale with the most popular English summarization dataset CNNDM, which is suitable for training and evaluating different summarization models. For the Chinese dataset, the average length of the document and the summary are significantly longer than datasets collected from Weibo and similar with TTNews.

Following Grusky et al. [5], we also use Coverage, Density and Compression to characterize our summarization dataset. Coverage measures the overlap degree of the extractive fragment between the article and summary, and Density measures the average length of the extractive fragment. Compression is the ratio of the article length to the summary length. In Addition, we calculate the n-gram novelty of the summary, which is the percentage of n-grams that do not appear in the document, as described in [17]. The results are shown in Table 3. We can find that the datasets collected from Weibo usually have lower coverage and density ratio, with high compression and novelty. This indicates that the summaries for these short documents are more abstractive. For news article summarization, CLTS almost copy most words of the summary from the document directly, which is indicated by the highest coverage, density and the lowest novelty. Our CNewSum provides a large-scale document-level summarization dataset with comparable abstractiveness with short social media datasets.

Table 4. The adequacy (A) and deducibility (D) level in our test set.

Since all adequacy summaries can be inferred from the document, the A = 1 & D = 0 is meaningless. For the summarization models, the examples with A = 1 & D = 1 is relatively easy to generate, and A = 0 & D = 1 ask for some inference abilities. The A = 0 & D = 0 cannot be solved with the original document and may need the help of external knowledge. From Table 4, we find that more than 80% examples are adequate and deducible, but 20% lack essential information. With \(D = 1\), the information can be inferred from the document. For example, “2005–2015” will be summarized as “ten years” which requires the model to do simple calculation. The rest summaries are factual but need external knowledge. News articles from the websites are time-sensitive and are filled with pictures. The editors often write the summary based on the time of the event and the image, which will cause the relative time, such as ‘yesterday’, and the picture description to appear in the summary. In addition, famous people will be mapped to their position in the summary, such as Obama and the American president of that time. It is difficult for the model to deduce such information from the news text without additional information. We keep these in our dataset to simulate real-world data distribution and let researchers evaluate the model performance from different aspects.

4 Experiment

We train several summarization models on our CNewSum. These systems include both abstractive and extractive methods, and the performance can serve as the baseline for future work.

4.1 Models

Baseline. We calculate three popular summarization baseline for our dataset. Lead is a common lower bound for news summarization dataset [5, 16, 20]. For Oracle, we concatenate the sentences with label 1 in the original order. TextRank [15] is simple unsupervised graph-based extractive methods.

Table 5. Results on the test set of CNewSum. The first part contains the Lead and Oracle baseline. The second and third part are extractive and abstractive summarization models.

Neural Models. NeuSum [24] jointly score and select sentences for extractive summarization. PG [20] is the pointer-generator network which is a commonly-used encoder-decoder abstractive summarization model with the copy and coverage mechanism. Transformer [21] is a well-known sequence-to-sequence model based on the self-attention mechanism. Following the settings in [13], we employ two Transformer baselines: TFExt and TFAbs. The pre-trained language models such as BERT [2] have improved both abstractive and extractive summarization by a large margin, so we also apply the BERTSum mode [13] to our dataset. We train a Chinese BERT language model with Chinese news articles,Footnote 6 which is noted as BERTExt and BERTAbs.

For extractive summarization, we choose the top-2 sentences as the summary due to the average sentence number (1.49) of the ground truth summary. The automatic metric ROUGE [11] is used for evaluation. Since the original ROUGE is made only for English, we follow the method of [7] and map the Chinese words to numbers. Specifically, the Chinese text is split by characters and the English words and numbers will be split by space. For example, “Surface Phone Windows 10 (The Surface Phone will be loaded with Windows 10)” will be transformed to and then mapped to numeral IDs.

Table 6. The results of models on different adequacy and deducibility level.
Table 7. An example for abstractive summarization models. The text with underline is directly copied from the original article, and the bolded text contains fake information.

4.2 Results

As shown in Table 5, the abstractive models have better results on CNewSum test set, which is consistent with our analysis in Sect. 3.3. The abstractive methods has performed better than extractive models, which means that extractive methods have many performance limitations in CNewSum.

We further evaluate models based on adequacy and deducibility level. The results shown in Table 6 indicate that this model performs well on A = 1 where all necessary information can be easily found in the source document. However, when it asks for simple deducing or external knowledge, the performance degrade significantly.

4.3 Case Study

We illustrate the differences between abstractive models with a typical example in the appendix. As stated in previous work [20, 23], PG tends to copy directly from the original document instead of generating from vocabulary, which makes the output less abstractive. Besides, although it has used the coverage mechanism to avoid repetition, it still suffers the most from the meaningless duplication. For Transformer-based models, the random initialized model TFAbs introduces fake information, while the BERTAbs and TTBERTAbs perform much better in both capturing important information and generating fluent summaries.

5 Conclusion

We present CNewSum, a high-quality summarization dataset composed of human-written summaries to fill up for the lack of news summarization dataset in Chinese. We annotate all test set with adequacy and deducibility levels to help abstractive models solve the unfaithful problem. Finally, we give several popular extractive and abstractive baselines on the dataset for future research.