
1 Introduction

Effective implementation of public-key cryptographic algorithms on general-purpose computing devices facilitates the application of cryptography in communication security. As a crucial component of modern public-key cryptography, the Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) based on the discrete logarithm problem has been widely used, because of its shorter key sizes than other cryptographic algorithms (e.g. DSA and RSA). Despite more than three decades of research efforts, ECC defined over general fields of large prime characteristic is still considered computation-intensive due to underlying arithmetic operations performed between large integers, especially when executed on embedded processors. Multi-precision modular multiplication is a performance-critical building block in ECC, which demands careful optimization to achieve acceptable performance [27].

In recent years, an increasing number of commodity processors were equipped with co-processors that provide vector instruction set extensions to perform single instruction multiple data (SIMD) operations. Advanced Vector Extension (AVX), the vector instruction set provided by Intel, is mostly used for application optimization on large server hosts and PCs. In terms of embedded platforms, due to the limitation of their computing capability, more and more ARM embedded processors (e.g. ARM Cortex-A, Cortex-R series) start to use NEON vector instructions to execute a wide variety of compute-intensive applications. For conventional cryptosystems, the parallel computing power provided by the SIMD co-processor can readily be used to optimize the implementation of public-key cryptographic algorithms such as RSA and ECC. In order to improve the performance of cryptographic algorithms, the research community has studied ways to reduce the latency of multi-precision modular multiplication through SIMD vectorization.

In these designs, one of the most often vectorized modular reduction techniques is the Montgomery algorithm [3, 10, 17, 22, 25,26,27, 31]. It was originally proposed in 1985 [19] and has been widely deployed in real-world applications. Montgomery modular multiplication, as a general modular multiplication design, has good execution efficiency and can be applied in multi-precision modular multiplication of cryptographic algorithms such as RSA and ECC. However, the Montgomery modular multiplication has the following two defects. One is that the instructions used by Montgomery reduction are usually expensive, which are roughly the same as the consumption of multiplication. On the other hand, a conditional subtraction could occur at the end of Montgomery modular multiplication in order to keep the result valid, which can be exploited in conventional timing-based side-channel attacks [15, 25, 29].

Besides, since the redundant representation suggested in [14] can handle carry propagation more easily, it is adopted by many vectorization solutions [2, 5, 10, 11, 13, 16, 24, 25]. The redundant representation allows several products of big numbers to be summed up, without causing an overflow inside the “container” (usually, a register) that holds the accumulation result. The cumbersome handling of the carry propagation can therefore be avoided [10]. However, the redundant representation introduces more multiplication instructions to compute more partial products than the non-redundant representation. Also, when it is used for multiplicand or intermediate result reduction and carry propagation, the inconsistency of the size in bits of partial operands divided by redundant representation and the word size of the processors (32- or 64-bit) will cause additional overhead of instructions (e.g. bic, shift instruction) for handling reduction and carry.

In this paper, we propose an innovative design for ECC over the prime field \(\mathbb {F}_p\), which uses non-redundant representation to implement a non-Montgomery form of vectorized modular multiplication, called Cascade Operand Scanning for Specific Modulus (SMCOS). Two key features of our design sharply reduce the number of instructions and pipeline stalls. 1) In a non-redundant representation, the multiplicands perform a “trimmed” Cascade Operand Scanning (COS) multiplication and obtain an intermediate result without carry propagation. COS vector multiplication was introduced in [27], which greatly eliminates Read-After-Write (RAW) dependencies in the instruction flow, and non-redundant representation reduces the number of multiplication instructions. When applied to SMCOS, the carry propagation at the end of COS is removed to avoid extra pipeline stalls due to sequential scalar operations in vector registers. 2) For the specific form of prime modulus in ECC, we introduce a fast vector reduction method in SMCOS to reduce the intermediate results of multiplication, instead of the general Montgomery reduction. The number of vector instructions consumed by this reduction is only about \(12\% {-} 23\%\) of the Montgomery reduction in [27] (see Sect. 4.2 for details). Furthermore, the SMCOS modular multiplication runs in constant time to resist certain types of side-channel attacks using timing and branch prediction.

On the Cortex-A9 platform, the SMCOS and two other fast vector modular multiplication methods for ARM NEON architecture, the Multiplicand Reduction (MR) [24] and the Coarsely Integrated Cascade Operand Scanning (CICOS) [27], are respectively integrated into the cryptographic algorithm library OpenSSL 1.1.1k [21], libsecp256k1 [23] and MSR ECCLib 2.0 [18]. After that, we make comprehensive comparisons of the execution time in terms of modular multiplication, point addition, point doubling, Elliptical Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) for key exchange, Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA), etc. The detailed benchmark results indicate that SMCOS brings larger performance enhancements to all levels of ECC arithmetic. Taking ECDSA signature as an example, the signature performance of NIST P192 curve based on SMCOS, is about 17% faster than the MR method, 22% faster than the CICOS method, and 58% faster than the native OpenSSL signature. And for Secp256k1 curve, SMCOS’s is roughly 10% faster than libsecp256k1 optimized by manual assembly language before, and 26% faster than CICOS. Also for Numsp256d1 curve, the signature performance using SMCOS is approximately 17% faster than CICOS and \(25\%\) faster than MSR ECCLib (see Sect. 5 for details).

The main contributions of our work are as follows.

  • Firstly, a vector modular multiplication design based on specific modulus is proposed to fully exploit the computing power of SIMD co-processors for ECC. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first non-redundant representation and non-Montgomery form of vector modular multiplication design in the prime field \(\mathbb {F}_p\).

  • Secondly, due to the specific modulus of the prime field for ECC, we design a single round of fast vector reduction method to reduce the intermediate results of multiplication.

  • Thirdly, we investigate the timing of ARM SIMD integer instructions and provide a general method of pipelining on 32-bit ARM NEON platforms.

  • Finally, thanks to highly optimized multiplication in \(\mathbb {F}_p\), the performance of ECC protocols obtains great enhancements on 32-bit ARM processors with NEON.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 surveys the related work. The preliminaries about ARM NEON and the representation of prime field elements are presented in Sect. 3. Sections 4 describes the design and implementation of our SMCOS modular multiplication. In Sect. 5, performance results of the SMCOS method and ECC implementations are given and compared with other works and cryptographic algorithm libraries. We conclude in Sect. 6.

2 Related Work

The first practice and evaluation of cryptographic algorithm on ARM NEON architecture belonged to Bernstein and Schwabe in CHES’12 [2]. The authors showed that NEON supports elliptic curve cryptography at surprised high speeds, and summarized useful instructions for vectorization of cryptographic algorithms. In 2013, Câmaraand et al. employed NEON’s VMULL.P8 instruction to describe a novel vector implementation for 64-bit polynomial multiplication in ECC based on the binary field \(\mathbb {F}_{2^m}\) [4]. [1, 9, 20, 28, 30] proposed accelerated implementations of applying NEON instructions to other cryptographic algorithms (e.g. AES, RSA, LWE, pairing-based and lattice-based cryptography, etc.). Despite recent research progress, for cryptographic algorithms, in particular public-key cryptography, the efficient implementation of multi-precision modular multiplication on the SIMD architecture is still an interesting and challenging topic.

The authors of [25] and [10] used Intel SSE and AVX2 vector instructions to implement Montgomery multiplication with redundant representation, and integrated them into RSA modular exponentiation. In SAC 2013, Bos et al. introduced a 2-way Montgomery modular multiplication, which uses non-redundant representation and splits the Montgomery modular multiplication into two parts: modular multiplication and reduction, being computed in parallel [3]. This is the first Montgomery modular multiplication parallel design with non-redundant representation, but its performance is compromised by the RAW dependencies in the instruction flow. Based on the work of Bos, Seo et al. proposed the Coarsely Integrated Cascade Operand Scanning (CICOS) method in ICISC 2014 [27]. This method eliminates the RAW dependencies of the 2-way Montgomery modular multiplication in the carry propagation, thereby reducing the number of pipeline stalls and reaching record execution time.

In [24], the Multiplicand Reduction (MR) modular multiplication was introduced to implement NIST-recommended prime-field curves including P192 and P224. The design adopts the redundant representation suggested in [14], and uses a kind of fast reduction instead of the Montgomery reduction to reduce multiplicands in advance. It is significantly faster than some schoolbook multiplication with intermediate reduction methods [21].

3 Preliminaries

3.1 ARM NEON Architecture

The 32-bit RISC-based ARM architecture, which includes ARMv7, is the most popular in embedded devices. It features 13 general-purpose 32-bit registers (R0-R12), and additional three 32-bit registers which have special names and usage models: R13 for stack pointer, R14 for link register, as well as R15 for program counter. Its instruction sets support 32-bit operations or, in the case of Thumb and Thumb2, a mix of 16- and 32-bit operations [1].

Many ARM cores include NEON, a powerful 128-bit SIMD engine that comes with sixteen 128-bit registers (Q0-Q15) which can also be viewed as thirty-two 64-bit registers (D0-D31). The NEON instructions provide data processing and load/store operations, and are integrated into the ARM and Thumb instruction sets. NEON includes support for 128-, 16-, 8-, 4-, or 2-way SIMD operations using vectors of 1-, 8-, 16-, 32- and 64-bit integer elements respectively. The number of elements operated on is indicated by the specified register size. For example, VADD.U8 Q0, Q1, Q2 indicates an addition operation on 8-bit integer elements stored in 128-bit Q registers. This means that the addition operation is on sixteen 8-bit lanes in parallel. Some instructions can have different size input and output registers. For example, VMULL.U32 Q0, D2, D3 uses two pairs of 32-bit integers stored in two 64-bit D registers as inputs to generate a pair of 64-bit products and stores them in a 128-bit Q register. Similarly, there is a VMLAL.U32 instruction that executes a VMULL.U32 operation and adds the result to a 128-bit Q register (treated as two 64-bit integers). For more detailed information, refer to [12].

3.2 Representation of Prime Field Elements

The elements of \(\mathbb {F}_p\) are usually represented by the integers in the range 0 to \(p - 1\) and the arithmetic operations remain as usual as in the integers except for the computation of a reduction modulo p at the end of each operation, which has the purpose of bringing the result within an original range. If p is a large integer of several hundreds or even thousands of bits, in order to store an \(\mathbb {F}_p\) element in memory, an m-bit vector is needed, where m is the size of p in bits. However, the word size of prevailing processors is either \(n = 32\) or \(n = 64\) bits, which in any case is shorter than the size of the large integer p. Therefore, multi-precision arithmetic must be implemented to handle integers larger than the word of processors [8]. At present, there are two popular designs for representing elements in \(\mathbb {F}_p\), which are used in multi-precision arithmetic to divide an m-bit large number.

The non-redundant (full-radix) representation divides an \(\mathbb {F}_p\) element into several parts with the word size of processors. In this way, an element can be stored by s words of n bits, i.e. \(s = \lceil \frac{m}{n} \rceil \). The advantage of this representation is that its storage is compact, which usually means that fewer iterations are required to complete a multi-precision operation. However, one of the disadvantages of using this representation on an n-bit architecture is that some arithmetic operations impose a sequential evaluation of integer operations, for example, in the modular addition, the carry bits must be propagated from the least- to the most- significant digits. If non-redundant representation, there will be no extra space to store these carry bits, which limits the opportunities for calculating additions in parallel [7].

The second representation, redundant (reduced-radix) representation, divides an \(\mathbb {F}_p\) element into \(s'\) shorter slices than the word size of processors, where \(s' = \lceil \frac{m}{n'} \rceil \), \(n' \in \mathbb {R}^+\) and \(n' < n\). Because it relies on the selection of a real number \(n' < n\), each word will have enough bits to store the carry bits produced by several modular additions. This feature can delay the carry propagation to the end and facilitate the implementation of parallelization. However, as mentioned above, compared to the non-redundant representation, it needs more iterations (\(s' \ge s\)) for completing a multi-precision operation, so more instructions are consumed.

4 Modular Multiplication for ECC Using SIMD Extensions

In this section, we firstly describe the design of the Cascade Operand Scanning for Specific Modulus (SMCOS) method for the prime field multiplication in ECC and its implementation details on the ARM NEON architecture. Then, we analyze the expected performance of our design, and compare it with the Multiplicand Reduction (MR) method in [24] and the Coarsely Integrated Cascade Operand Scanning (CICOS) method in [27]. Finally, we offer a general method of pipelining on 32-bit ARM NEON platforms.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Carry propagation in non-redundant representation. The lower bits are added to higher bits of lower intermediate results. The additions with same serial number are executed in parallel.

figure a

4.1 Cascade Operand Scanning for Specific Modulus on SIMD

“Trimmed” COS. The COS Multiplication was first proposed in [27]. As a multiplication using non-redundant representation, it eliminates RAW dependencies in the instruction flow and has preferable efficiency. When it is used in SMCOS, we remove the carry propagation at the end of multiplication, which produces more pipeline stalls due to sequential scalar operations in vector registers.

Taking the 32-bit word with 256-bit multiplication as an example, “trimmed” COS method is described in Algorithm 1. In the beginning, the algorithm conducts VTRN vector transpose instruction to re-organize and classify the operand \(\bar{B}\) as groups \(((b_7, b_3), (b_6, b_2), (b_5, b_1), (b_4, b_0))\) instead of the normal order \(((b_7, b_6),\) \((b_5, b_4), (b_3, b_2), (b_1, b_0))\). Next, in the first round, the products of \((a_0, a_0)\) and elements in \(((b_7, b_3), (b_6, b_2), (b_5, b_1), (b_4, b_0))\) are separately computed by VMLAL vector multiplication instruction, which supports 2-way multiplication in parallel. The partial product pairs are stored in \(([L_7, L_3], [L_6, L_2], [L_5, L_1], [L_4, L_0])\), where each \(L_i\) is a 64-bit D register. Following which, the VTRN instruction is reused to separate the partial products into higher 32 bits \((63 {-} 32)\) and lower 32 bits \((31 {-} 0)\), generating eight pairs of 32-bit data stored in 16 D registers, \(L_0 {-} L_7\) and \(H_0 {-} H_7\). Finally, the lower bits are added to higher bits of lower intermediate results. For example, the lower 32 bits stored in \(([L_7, L_3], [L_6, L_2], [L_5, L_1], L_4)\) are added to the corresponding higher 32 bits in \(([H_6, H_2], [H_5, H_1], [H_4, H_0], H_3)\). By referring to Fig. 1, this operation uses 3 vector addition VADD and 1 ADD instruction. After addition, the least significant word \(c_0\) (lowest 32 bits of \(\bar{B}\times a_0\)) is obtained, and other more significant words are stored in \(H_0\) to \(H_7\).

In the next round, we need to perform \(\bar{B}\times a_1\), because \(a_1\) is higher than \(a_0\), the products of \((a_1, a_1)\) and \(((b_7, b_3), (b_6, b_2), (b_5, b_1), (b_4, b_0))\) happen to be accumulated to intermediate results in \(([H_7, H_3], [H_6, H_2], [H_5, H_1], [H_4, H_0])\) of the first round, and we can perform a new round of operations in the same way. This process is repeated with operands (\(a_1 {-} a_7\)) by seven times more, we get the intermediate result \(\bar{C}\) of \(\bar{B} \times \bar{A}\). Its lower 256 bits are eight 32-bit values \(c_0\) to \(c_7\), which are the least significant words output at the end of each round. And higher 256-bit intermediate results are in \(L_0\) to \(L_7\) after the last round, 64-bit \(C_8\) to \(C_{15}\). The higher 32 bits of them are carry bits to upper intermediate results.

After that, the original COS multiplication will carry out the final carry propagation to align. Because it conducts sequential scalar operations directly in vector registers, the RAW dependencies incur more pipeline stalls. But in SMCOS, we keep the intermediate results of the multiplication to the next stage and straightforwardly reduce the results without pipeline stalls.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

One round of fast vector reduction for NIST P192. 32-bit S registers where “O” is located are cleared. The multiplication intermediate result to be processed is on the left, and the processing flow is on the right.

Fast Reduction for Specific Modulus. Unlike most solutions [3, 17, 26,27,28] that use Montgomery reduction, we design a fast vector reduction method for the characteristic that most prime fields for ECC have specific modulus, and gain great performance advantages. We take NIST P192 and Secp256k1 as examples to illustrate different use cases of fast vector reduction on different curves, and offer our reduction method for modulo \(P= 2^{256} - 2^{32} - 977\) in Secp256k1, see Algorithm 2.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

One round of fast vector reduction for Secp256k1. 32-bit S registers where “O” is located are cleared. The multiplication intermediate result to be processed is on the left, and the processing flow is on the right.

In the reduction process, we will reduce the intermediate results of “trimmed” COS multiplication. For NIST-standard prime-field curves, NIST primes are special primes which are of the form \(2^m \pm 2^n -...-1\). The smallest prime among NIST primes is \(p_{192} = 2^{192} - 2^{64} - 1\), then any number larger than this prime can be reduced by using the relation \(2^{192} \equiv 2^{64} + 1(\bmod p_{192})\). So for curves over NIST prime fields, we can use these relations to construct reduction for intermediate results of multiplication larger than NIST primes. Take NIST P192 as an example, as shown in Fig. 2, the intermediate results of 192-bit “trimmed” COS multiplication are separated into two groups. One group is the 32-bit \(c_0\) to \(c_5\) corresponding to \(2^0, 2^{32},...,2^{160}\) respectively, and they are less than \(p_{192}\), so no reduction is required. We respectively store them in two 64-bit D registers on a Q register in pairs \(((c_5, c_4), (c_3, c_2), (c_1, c_0))\). The second group is the 64-bit intermediate results \(C_6\) to \(C_{11}\) that are larger than \(p_{192}\). They are items corresponding to \(2^{192}, 2^{224},...,2^{352}\). Using the above reduction relation, \(C_6 \times 2^{192} \equiv C_6 \times 2^{64} + C_6(\bmod p_{192})\). So, \(C_6\) is reduced from \(2^{192}\) to \(2^{64}\) and \(2^0\), which correspond to the positions of \(c_2\) and \(c_0\) respectively.

In the same way, after reduction, the positions and times of \(C_7\) to \(C_{11}\) can also be calculated, as shown in Fig. 2. We find that for the intermediate results of the multiplication, the reduction can be further performed in an additive and parallel manner. By referring to Algorithm 1, the value range of \(C_6\) to \(C_{11}\) is \(0 {-} 2\times (2^{32}-1)\). Accumulating them several times with \(c_0{-} c_5\) will not result in an overflow of the 64-bit D register. We use the form of \(([C_{11}, C_{10}], [C_9, C_8], [C_7, C_6])\) in pairs (the locations marked in Fig. 2) and add them to the corresponding positions to complete all the reductions. Only 7 VADD vector additions are consumed, and we get six 64-bit reduction results, \(C_0\) to \(C_5\).

figure b

For the elliptic curves over non-NIST primes, take Secp256k1 as an example. Although its modulo \(P= 2^{256} - 2^{32} - 977\) is more irregular than NIST primes, the relation \(2^{256} \equiv 2^{32} + 977(\bmod P)\) still works. This relation results in some reduction items that may carry a multiplication factor, 977. As shown in Fig. 3, \(c_0\) to \(c_7\) are items less than modulo P, we store them in four Q registers in pairs \(((c_7, c_3), (c_6, c_2), (c_5, c_1), (c_4, c_0))\). For \(C_8\) to \(C_{15}\), we can also execute the reduction relation of modulo P to find out the positions of reduction items. But unlike NIST primes, we must multiply some items with the constant 977 to further transform their reduction to the method of NIST primes. Since 32-bit ARM NEON platforms do not provide 64-bit multiplication and vector multiplication instructions, we skillfully adopt vector shift (e.g. VSHL, VSRA) and vector subtraction VSUB to construct the multiplication, based on the relation of \(977 = (2^{10} + 2^0) - (2^5 + 2^4)\). Fortunately, even if \(C_8\) to \(C_{15}\) are multiplied by 977, they are far from beyond the range of the D register. Finally, after the multiplication with 977, we successfully conduct the reduction for modulo P in the similar manner with NIST primes, using 7 vector addition VADD and 3 ADD instructions.

For a more detailed description, see Algorithm 2, where VSHL is a vector shift left instruction, and VSRA is a vector shift right and accumulate instruction. In addition, for the third curve used in the experiment, Numsp256d1, the modulo P is \(2^{256} - 189\). The reduction method in Secp256k1 can be reused with a little transformation.

Final Alignment on Main Processor.SIMD co-processor is very effective in performing vector operations (e.g. parallel multiplication), but performs poorly for scalar operations like carry propagation and may pose more pipeline stalls [24]. Therefore, different from the previous vector modular multiplication designs [2, 27, 28], which deal directly with the final carry propagation and alignment in vector registers, we design SMCOS as SIMD co-processor and ARM main processor working together. Multiplication and reduction are implemented using NEON vector instructions, but the final alignment is migrated to scalar registers. This change effectively breaks RAW dependencies in the instruction flow and reduces pipeline stalls. When carry bits are propagated to the most significant coefficient, no matter whether the digit (higher 32 bits of \(C_7\) in Fig. 3) larger than modulo P is 0, we will use reduction relations to perform a simple reduction and the second round of alignment, ensuring that SMCOS runs in constant time for resisting timing-based side-channel attacks.

4.2 Performance Analysis

In this section, we analyze the performance of our Cascade Operand Scanning for Specific Modulus (SMCOS) method, and compare it with the Multiplicand Reduction (MR) method in [24] and the Coarsely Integrated Cascade Operand Scanning (CICOS) method in [27].

Table 1. Comparison of instructions for modular multiplication. X represents a 2-cycle instruction and Y represents a 1-cycle instruction.

For the clock cycle of instructions on the ARM NEON architecture, we denote 2-cycle instructions (e.g. VMULL, VMLAL, etc.) as X, and 1-cycle instructions (e.g. VADD, ADD, VTRN, etc.) as Y. For the modular multiplication in NIST P192, in the process of multiplication, the SMCOS and CICOS methods using non-redundant representation need to be executed 6 rounds. In each round they mainly conduct 3 VMLAL (VMULL), 3 VTRN, 2 VADD, and 1 ADD instructions, the instructions consumed in each round are equal to \(3X+6Y\). Therefore, for the SMCOS and CICOS methods, their total instructions in the multiplication process are approximately \(18X + 36Y\). The MR with redundant representation is 8 rounds in total, and each round only conducts VMULL (VMLAL) four times, which is equal to 4X, and its total execution instructions are about 32X.

In the reduction stage, the SMCOS method only requires one round, seven VADD instructions, so the total number of instructions used is 7Y. Each round of MR mainly requires 2 VEXT, 1 BIC, and 2 ADD instructions, 7 rounds in total, and the instructions can be represented as 35Y. As for CICOS, its reduction and multiplication are all completed by a COS multiplication, so the instructions used for reduction are also about \(18X+36Y\). In the final alignment, the instructions consumed by the SMCOS and CICOS methods with non-redundant representation are mainly additions, and each alignment needs carry only six times, and the total instructions are about 12Y. Compared with them, the MR using redundant representation also requires a shift and a bic instruction to complete carry, and each alignment executes 8 times, so the total instructions are roughly 48Y.

Based on the same standard, we count the instructions of the SMCOS and CICOS methods at each stage, when they are applied to Secp256k1 and Numsp256d1. As shown in Table 1, both 2-cycle instruction (X) and 1-cycle instruction (Y) used by SMCOS are significantly reduced compared to MR and CICOS methods. According to Table 1, it can be further estimated that clock cycles of the instructions conducted by the SMCOS method are reduced by about \(38\%\) compared with MR, and about \(36\%{-} 42\%\) compared with CICOS. In particular, for the vector modular multiplication designs implemented by NEON, the main 2-cycle instructions used are VMULL and VMLAL vector multiplication instructions. For the two instructions with larger execution cycles, the SMCOS method greatly reduces the frequency of their use, which is mainly reflected in the following two aspects. 1) In the multiplication stage, we use a non-redundant representation, which reduces the number of partial products compared to the MR method with redundant representation. Taking NIST P192 as an example, MR uses a radix-\(2^{24}\) representation (i.e. 24 bits per word) for 192-bit operands, the total number of partial products is \(8 \times 8 = 64\), which requires 32 vector multiplication instructions. On the other hand, SMCOS uses non-redundant representation based on a radix of \(2^{32}\), and reduces the number of partial products to \(6 \times 6 = 36\), only 18 vector multiplication instructions. Besides, there are also fewer other instructions for reduction and carry propagation, because the size in bits of operands separated in a non-redundant way is the same as the word size of ARM processors. 2) In the reduction stage, our choice is not the Montgomery reduction adopted by CICOS, because it consumes the same instructions as the multiplication stage. A fast vector reduction design is used by SMCOS, so that SMCOS does not need to use any multiplication and only requires some instructions (e.g. addition, shift, and subtraction) with smaller clock cycles to complete the reduction.

4.3 Making SMCOS Fully Pipelined

Data dependencies in the instruction flow may cause pipeline stalls during the execution of vector instructions. If an instruction about to be executed has to wait for the operands written by the previous instruction for several cycles, in the meantime no other instructions enter the pipeline, the cycles of SIMD co-processors will be wasted and the performance will be compromised [31]. This kind of data dependencies between instructions are called Read-After-Write (RAW) dependencies, and the purpose of pipelining is to reduce or avoid RAW dependencies. Due to a large number of pipeline stalls, the 2-way Montgomery modular multiplication in [3] even obtains lower performance than scalar methods, when they are all implemented on ARM. Therefore, in order to maximize the performance of SMCOS, we need to perform sophisticated pipelining. And we investigate the clock cycles and delay of the instructions used by SMCOS. The advanced SIMD integer instruction timing on ARM Cortex-A9 platforms is provided in [6], as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Advanced SIMD integer instruction timing on ARM Cortex-A9 [6]

We conduct sophisticated pipelining in each stage of the SMCOS implementation. During the execution of SMCOS, every vector instruction will be performed in terms of the sequence in the assembly code, so we manually adjust the instruction sequence to avoid pipeline stalls. Take the construction of vector multiplication with 977 in Algorithm 2 as an example, the original assembly code is ASM Code 1 in Fig. 4. According to the timing of vector instructions in Table 2, the manually adjusted assembly code is ASM Code 2 in Fig. 4.

As described in Algorithm 2, ASM Code 1 uses 2 VSHL, 2 VSRA, and 1 VSUB instructions to construct a vector multiplication with constant 977 on four pairs of 64-bit data stored in Q8 to Q11. The processing code of Q8 is in lines 1 to 5 of ASM Code 1, and the codes of Q9 to Q11 can be deduced by analogy. There are a lot of RAW dependencies in the original assembly code. Even though the execution cycle of the 20 instructions in ASM Code 1 is only 20 clock cycles in total, in fact, according to Table 2, due to pipeline stalls caused by the instruction dependencies, it takes 50 cycles to complete execution and get all the results. This is absurd but true. In order to reduce pipeline stalls, we insert several independent instructions into any two data-dependent instructions to break these dependencies, so that the pipeline can be filled with new instructions again and fully utilized while an instruction is waiting for the result of the previous instruction. By referring to Table 2, we perform pipelining to ASM Code 1, the adjusted ASM Code 2 only takes 22 clock cycles to get all results, which is \(44\%\) of ASM Code 1.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Two pieces of code for constructing vector multiplication with 977.

5 Results

In this section, we conduct the experiments to evaluate our SMCOS method and ECC implementations on the 32-bit ARM Cortex-A9 processor and compare our results with related work and several ECC algorithm libraries, in terms of modular multiplication, point addition, point doubling, ECDH, and ECDSA.

5.1 Target Platforms

The ARM Cortex-A series are full implementations of the ARMv7, v8 architecture including NEON engine. The Cortex-A processors provide a series of application scenarios for devices using operating systems such as Linux or Android. These devices are used in various applications, from low-cost handheld devices to smartphones, tablets, set-top boxes, and corporate network devices. Among the Cortex-A series processors, we choose the Cortex-A9 on 32-bit ARMv7 architecture as the experimental platform, which is consistent with the previous implementations [1, 3, 16, 17, 27, 28]. The Cortex-A9 processor is widely used in several devices including iPad 2, iPhone4S, Galaxy S2, Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note 2, Kindle Fire, and NVIDIA Tegra T30. At the same time, the NEON instructions on its ARMv7 architecture are compatible with ARMv8.

5.2 Performance Comparison of Prime Field Multiplication

We perform the experiments on the Exynos 4412 development board equipped with the Cortex-A9 processor (1.4GHz), and clock cycles are measured by reading counter registers from Performance Monitoring Unit (PMU) inside CP15 co-processor of ARM. We select three elliptic curves over prime fields with different categories and security levels, NIST P192, Secp256k1, and Numsp256d1, to deploy the experiments. We implement the SMCOS, MR [24] and CICOS [27] vector modular multiplication methods in ARM assembly language, and integrate them into several ECC algorithm libraries for comparison. In order to control the variables, specifically, for NIST P192 curve, we choose OpenSSL 1.1.1k [21] to perform the replacements and evaluations of the above three vector methods on corresponding prime field. For Secp256k1 curve, libsecp256k1 [23], the fastest official algorithm library used for Bitcoin protocol implementations, is selected for method replacements. It is worth mentioning that its modular multiplication implementation is optimized by manual assembly before. As for Numsp256d1 curve, we choose the ECC algorithm library MSR ECCLib 2.0 [18] provided by Microsoft Research.

For our SMCOS method, MR method, CICOS method, and several ECC libraries, Table 3 summarizes the number of clock cycles required to perform one modular multiplication operation on the three curves. This result impressively demonstrates the efficiency of SMCOS for modular multiplication in ECC, and indirectly supports the performance analysis of Sect. 4.2, that is, SMCOS uses fewer instructions in the multiplication and reduction stages, and has higher performance.

Table 3. Comparison of clock cycles for modular multiplication\(^{\mathrm{{a}}}\)

The detailed results are as follows. For NIST P192 curve, our SMCOS method only needs 205 clock cycles to complete a modular multiplication operation, which is about \(32\%\) faster than MR, about \(47\%\) faster than CICOS, and more than five times as fast as the special NIST modular multiplication in OpenSSL. For Secp256k1 curve, the clock cycles of SMCOS is only 310, which is almost equal to the time to conduct a 256-bit multiplication in [27]. This result is roughly \(46\%\) faster than CICOS, \(29\%\) faster than the hand-optimized modular multiplication of libsecp256k1, and \(85\%\) faster than the Montgomery method used by OpenSSL. For Numsp256d1 curve, SMCOS also has an overwhelming advantage, about \(47\%\) faster than CICOS and about \(71\%\) faster than MSR ECClib. Moreover, for these ECC algorithm libraries, except for the modular multiplication of libsecp256k1, other libraries are implemented in C language on ARM platforms. This is why the performance of these libraries is much lower than that of several vector methods such as SMCOS.

5.3 Performance Comparison of Elliptic Curve Arithmetic

Point addition and point doubling based on underlying prime field arithmetic are the core operations of various ECC protocols. Table 4 shows the clock cycles of point addition and point doubling for each implementation. Profit from the better optimization of the prime field multiplication, the point addition and point doubling using the SMCOS method also gain better experimental results than other methods. In OpenSSL’s NIST P192, our SMCOS method requires 6340 and 5755 clock cycles to perform point addition and point doubling, which are roughly \(18\%\) and \(23\%\) faster than MR, roughly \(27\%\) and \(32\%\) faster than CICOS. As for Secp256k1, SMCOS makes point addition and point doubling reach record-setting execution times on Cortex-A9 processors, they only consume 5853 and 2736 clock cycles, which are about \(18\%\) and \(11\%\) faster than libsecp256k1, also about \(35\%\) and \(40\%\) faster than CICOS. For Numsp256d1 curve, the point addition and point doubling on SMCOS require 7657 and 3297 clock cycles, which are about \(36\%\) faster than CICOS, and about three times as fast as MSR ECClib.

By referring to Table 4, compared to libsecp256k1 and MSR ECClib for 256-bit ECC, the performance of 192-bit NIST P192 in native OpenSSL is lower. So even if we use several vector methods to replace its prime field multiplication, point addition and point doubling do not gain good benchmark results. This is also the reason why we choose efficient dedicated libraries for Secp256k1 and Numsp256d1 curves. But even so, deploying our SMCOS method to OpenSSL still has a greater performance enhancement than other designs.

Table 4. Comparison of clock cycles for point addition and point doubling\(^{\mathrm{{a}}}\)

5.4 Performance Results of ECDH and ECDSA

The ultimate goal of our SMCOS method is to reduce the computational complexity of ECC protocols such as ECDSA and ECDH, and improve their performance, so that they can be used more extensively on general-purpose computing devices, especially on embedded devices. As far as the performance of ECDSA and ECDH, to evaluate the impact of our implementation techniques, we compare SMCOS with two fast vector modular multiplication methods, MR and CICOS, and several ECC libraries.

Table 5. Comparison of clock cycles for ECDH and ECDSA\(^{\mathrm{{a}}}\)

Table 5 shows the benchmark results of ECDH key exchange and ECDSA signature based on several implementations. For ECDH key exchange, the SMCOS method is roughly \(27\% {-} 34\%\) faster than CICOS (all 3 curves), \(20\%\) faster than MR (NIST P192), \(63\%\) faster than OpenSSL (NIST P192), \(14\%\) faster than libsecp256k1 (Secp256k1), and \(63\%\) faster than MSR ECClib (Numsp256d1). Moreover, ECDSA signature using SMCOS is about \(17\% {-} 26\%\) faster than CICOS, \(17\%\) faster than MR, \(58\%\) faster than OpenSSL, \(10\%\) faster than libsecp256k1, and \(25\%\) faster than MSR ECClib. In summary, ECDSA signature and ECDH key exchange based on SMCOS obtain better performance on ARM Cortex-A9 platforms than other methods. There are two main reasons responsible for the results: 1) performing an ECDSA signature or ECDH key exchange often requires thousands or even tens of thousands of modular multiplication operations; 2) the SMCOS multi-precision modular multiplication has better performance than other methods for these ECC implementations.

6 Conclusions

In this paper, we introduce an optimization technique to improve the performance of multi-precision modular multiplication on ARM NEON platforms. More specifically, we propose a design and implementation of prime field multiplication for specific modulus, called SMCOS, to make full use of the computing power of SIMD co-processors for ECC. On the ARM Cortex-A9 platform, our SMCOS method performs modular multiplication of NIST P192, Secp256k1, and Numsp256d1 within only 205, 310 and 306 clock cycles, which are roughly \(32\%\) faster than MR method of Pabbuleti et al. and about \(47\%\) faster than CICOS method of Seo et al.

The SMCOS modular multiplication can be applied to other ECC algorithms as primitives. At the same time, one of the most obvious future work is to apply the proposed modular multiplication routines to Intel-AVX processors.