1 Introduction

The fair exchange of signatures between two mutually distrustful parties is a fundamental and well-studied problem in cryptography. Ideally, we would like the exchange of signatures to be done in fair way, i.e. each participant receives the other’s signature, or neither does. We would also like to have some sort of guarantee that is impossible for one party to terminate the protocol and to leave the other participant committed when they are not.

To achieve a form of the properties mentioned above, several authors have put forth three main categories:

  • Gradual release schemes: Using the idea of time release, the output is gradually revealed (e.g. bit per bit). Usually, this solution is highly interactive and may not work if the adversary is more computationally powerful [8, 10, 16].

  • Optimistic schemes: Using a trusted third party, this approach can restore fairness if a dispute rises. In some cases, the infrastructure requirements and trusting a third party are not appropriate [2, 5, 14].

  • Concurrent or legally fair schemes: The exchanged signatures become binding only when an extra piece of information (the keystone) is revealed. To enforce a signed contract, a participant has to present it in a court of law. Note that the keystone offers enough information to restore fairness. This approach does not require a trusted arbitrator or a high degree of interaction between parties [6, 7, 12].

Chen et al. [6] constructed their concurrent signature protocol based on a 1-out-of-n signature scheme proposed by Abe et al. [1]. An 1-out-of-n signature is constructed so that once a signature is computed, then any verifier is convinced that the signature was generated by one of n signers. Hence, using a slight modification of Abe et al. signature, Chen et al. are able to guarantee ambiguity before revealing the keystone.

In their paper, Abe et al. presented both a non-separable scheme where all n key pairs correspond to the same scheme, and a separable scheme where each key pair can be generated by a different scheme, under a different hardness assumption. For the discrete logarithm assumption, the authors of [1] also propose an non-separable schemes that is more efficient than the generic one. The concurrent signature proposed by Chen et al. was based on the efficient non-separable variant. Hence, it is based on the discrete logarithm assumption. Furthermore, the security of this protocol can be proven in the random oracle model, assuming the hardness of computing discrete logarithms in a cyclic group of prime order. Using a variation of Abe et al.’s 1-out-of-n signature with key separation, we introduce a concurrent signature in the separable model.

The efficient 1-out-of-n signature without key separation proposed in [1] is an adaptation of the Schnorr signature [17]. Maurer [13] introduced a construction that unifies the Schnorr zero-knowledge protocol [17] and the Guillou-Quisquater protocol [11]. A consequence of Maurer’s construction is the introduction of other novel protocols whose security is based on other hardness assumptions.Footnote 1 Based on Maurer’s approach, we describe a generic 1-out-of-n signature that can be seen as an adaptation of the signature described in [12]. Based on this signature we also generalize Chen et al.’s signature.

Note that in [1] the authors also describe a 1-out-of-n signature with key separation based on the full domain RSA signature scheme [4]. We chose to use only the zero-knowledge version, since working in a general frameworkFootnote 2 may reduce implementation errors, and save application development and maintenance time.

Remark that concurrent signatures are not abuse-free in the sense of [3, 9], since the party Bob who holds the keystone can always determine whether to complete the protocol or not. But, there are situations where it is not in Bob’s interest to try and cheat Alice. One interesting scenario is that of fair tendering of contracts. Suppose Alice has a building contract that she wishes to put out to tender. Also, suppose that Bob and Charlie are two competing companies that put forward signed proposals to win the contract. If Alice whats to accept Bob’s offer, she returns a signed payment instruction to Bob and he in turn releases the keystone. A common form of abuse is to show Charlie Bob’s proposal and thus enabling Charlie to make a better offer. But, in the case of concurrent signatures, Charlie sees an ambiguous signature that might have been crafted by Alice. Hence, Alice gains no advantage in revealing Bob’s proposal.

Our Contributions. In their paper, Chen et al. [6] claim that their scheme can be extended to other ring signatures as long as the scheme is compatible to the keystone idea. Hence, different hard problems could be used to construct such schemes. Also, they claim that concurrent signatures that work in the separable model can be build using the techniques developed in [1]. Unfortunately, they do not provide such examples. Our aim is to fill this gap. Hence, the main contributions of our paper are the following:

  • Adjusting the construction of Chen et al. to support signatures with separable keys. To achieve this, we first introduce a modification to Abe et al.’s separable 1-out-of-n signature.

  • Generalizing the non-separable 1-out-of-n signature of Abe et al. to other hardness assumptions. We also implicitly prove the security of Abe et al.’s signatureFootnote 3.

  • Generalizing Chen et al.’s original concurrent signature to support additional hardness assumptions.

Structure of the Paper. We introduce notations, definitions, schemes and protocols used throughout the paper in Sect. 2. We present a variation of Abe et al.’s signature scheme in Sect. 3. In Sect. 4 we present our main result, namely a concurrent signature in the separable model. We conclude in Sect. 5. In Appendices A and B we generalize the non-separable signature from [1] and the concurrent signature from [6].

2 Preliminaries

Notations. Throughout the paper, the notation |S| denotes the cardinality of a set S. The action of selecting a random element x from a sample space X is denoted by , while \(x \leftarrow y\) represents the assignment of value y to variable x. The probability of the event E to happen is denoted by Pr[E]. The subset \(\{0, \ldots , s-1\} \in \mathbb N\) is denoted by [0, s). Note we further consider that all of \(\mathcal N\)’s subsets are of the form [0, s) and have more than one element. A vector v of length n is denoted either \(v = (v_0, \ldots , v_{n-1})\) or \(v = \{v_i\}_{i\in [0,n)}\). Also, we use the notations \(C_k^n\) to denote binomial coefficients and exp to denote Euler’s constant.

2.1 Groups

Let \((\mathbb G, \star )\) and \((\mathbb H, \otimes )\) be two groups. We assume that the group operations \(\star \) and \(\otimes \) are efficiently computable.

Let \(f: \mathbb G \rightarrow \mathbb H\) be a function (not necessarily one-to-one). We say that f is a homomorphism if \(f(x \star y) = f(x) \otimes f(y)\). Throughout the paper we consider f to be a one-way function, i.e. it is infeasible to compute x from f(x). To be consistent with [13], we denote by [x] the value f(x). Note that given [x] and [y] we can efficiently compute \([x \star y] = [x] \otimes [y]\), due to the fact that f is a homomorphism.

2.2 1-out-of-n Signatures

Definition 1

(1-out-of-n Signature). An 1-out-of-n signature scheme is a digital signature comprised of the following algorithms

  • Setup(\(\lambda \)): On input a security parameter \(\lambda \), this algorithm outputs the private and public keys \((sk_i, pk_i)\) of all the participants and the public parameters \(pp = (\mathcal M, \mathcal S\)), where \(\mathcal M\) is the message space and \(\mathcal S\) is the signature space.

  • Sign(\(m, sk_k, L\)): A PPT algorithm that on input a message \(m \in \mathcal M\), the private key \(sk_k\) and a list of public keys L such that \(pk_k \in L\), outputs a signature \(\sigma \).

  • Verify(\(m, \sigma , L\)) An algorithm that on input a message m, a signature \(\sigma \) and a list of public keys L outputs either \(\mathtt {true}\) or \(\mathtt {false}\).

We further present the security models presented in [1] for 1-out-of-n signature schemes.

Definition 2

(Signer Ambiguity). Let \(\mathcal L = \{pk_i\}_{i\in [0,n)}\), where \(pk_i\) are generated by the Setup algorithm. An 1-out-of-n signature is perfectly signer ambiguous if for any message m, any \(L \subseteq \mathcal L\), any \(sk_k \in L\) and any signature \(\sigma \) generated by the Sign\((m, sk_k, L)\), any unbound adversary \(\mathcal A\) outputs an sk such that \(sk = sk_k\) with probability exactly 1/|L|.

Definition 3

(Existential Unforgeability against Adaptive Chosen Message and Chosen Public Key Attacks -euf-cmcpa). The notion of unforgeability for signatures is defined in terms of the following security game between the adversary \(\mathcal A\) and a challenger:

  1. 1.

    The Setup algorithm is run and all the public parameters are provided to \(\mathcal A\).

  2. 2.

    For any message and any subset of \(\mathcal L = \{pk_i\}_{i\in [0,n)}\), \(\mathcal A\) can perform signature queries to the challenger.

  3. 3.

    Finally, \(\mathcal A\) outputs a signature \((m, \sigma , L)\), where \(L \subseteq \mathcal L\).

\(\mathcal A\) wins the game if Verify\((m, \sigma , L) = \mathtt {true}\), \(L \subseteq \mathcal L\) and \(\mathcal A\) did not query the challenger on (mL). We say that a signature scheme is unforgeable when the success probability of \(\mathcal A\) in this game is negligible.

Note that when \(n = 1\) Definitions 1 and 3 are equivalent with the classical signature definition and, respectively, the existential unforgeability against adaptive chosen message attack.

We further introduce the notions of a Boolean matrix and of a heavy row in such a matrix [15]. These definitions are then used in stating the heavy row lemma [15].

Definition 4

(Boolean Matrix of Random Tapes). Let us consider a matrix M whose rows consist of all possible random choices of an adversary and the columns consist of all possible random choices of a challenger. Its entries are 0 if the adversary fails the game and 1 otherwise.

Definition 5

(Heavy Row). A row of M is heavy if the fraction of 1’s along the row is at least \(\varepsilon /2\), where \(\varepsilon \) is the adversary’s success probability.

Lemma 1

(Heavy Row Lemma). The 1’s in M are located in heavy rows with a probability of at least 1/2.

2.3 Concurrent Signatures

Definition 6 (Concurrent Signature)

A concurrent signature scheme is a digital signature comprised of the following algorithms

  • Setup(\(\lambda \)): On input a security parameter \(\lambda \), this algorithm outputs the private and public keys \((x_i, y_i)\) of all participants and the public parameters \(pp = (\mathcal M, \mathcal S, \mathcal K, \mathcal F,\textit{KeyGen}\)), where \(\mathcal M\) is the message space, \(\mathcal S\) is the signature space, \(\mathcal K\) is the keystone space, \(\mathcal F\) the keystone fix space and \(\textit{KeyGen}:\mathcal K \rightarrow \mathcal F\) is a function.

  • aSign(\(y_i, y_j, x_i, f, m\)): On input the public keys \(y_i \ne y_j\), the private key \(x_i\) corresponding to \(y_i\), an element \(f \in \mathcal F\) and a message \(m \in \mathcal M\), this algorithm outputs an ambiguous signature \(\sigma = \langle s, e, f\rangle \), where \(s \in \mathcal S\) and \(e \in \mathcal F\).

  • aVerify(\(\sigma , y_i, y_j, m\)): On input an ambiguous signature \(\sigma = \langle s, e, f \rangle \), public keys \(y_i\), \(y_j\) and a message m this algorithm outputs a boolean value.

  • Verify(\(k, \sigma , y_i, y_j, m \)): On input \(k \in \mathcal K\) , \(\sigma =\langle s, e, f\rangle \), public keys \(y_i\), \(y_j\) and message m, this algorithm checks whether \(\textit{KeyGen}(k) = f\) and outputs \(\mathtt {false}\) if not; otherwise it outputs the result of \(\textit{aVerify}(\sigma , y_i, y_j, m)\).

Concurrent signatures are used by two parties Alice and Bob as depicted in Fig. 1. At the end of the protocol, both \(\langle k, \sigma _A \rangle \) and \(\langle k, \sigma _B \rangle \) are binding, and accepted by the \(\textit{Verify}\) algorithm.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The concurrent signature of messages \(m_A\) and \(m_B\).

According to the security notions presented in [6], a PPT adversary \(\mathcal A\) for a concurrent signature can perform the following queries

  • KeyGen queries: \(\mathcal A\) can request the value \(f \leftarrow \textit{KeyGen}(k)\), where k is selected by the challenger \(\mathcal T\). If \(\mathcal A\) whants to choose his own k, he can compute \(\textit{KeyGen}(k)\) by himself.

  • KeyReveal queries: \(\mathcal A\) can requests \(\mathcal T\) to reveal the keystone k associated to f. If f was not previously computed by the challenger, then \(\mathcal T\) outputs invalid, otherwise he returns k.

  • aSign queries: \(\mathcal A\) can request a valid aSign signature \(\sigma \) for two public keys \(y_i \ne y_j\), an element \(f \in \mathcal F\) and a message m of his choosing. Note that using aSign queries in conjunction with KeyGen queries, the adversary can obtain concurrent signatures for messages and pairs of users of his choice.

  • SKExtract queries: \(\mathcal A\) can request the private key corresponding to a public key.

  • Directory queries: \(\mathcal A\) can request the public key of any user.

The following definition captures the notion of unforgeability in the concurrent context.

Definition 7

(Concurrent Signature Unforgeability -euf-cs). The notion of unforgeability for concurrent signatures is defined in terms of the following security game between the adversary \(\mathcal A\) and a challenger \(\mathcal T\):

  1. 1.

    The Setup algorithm is run and all the public parameters are provided to \(\mathcal A\).

  2. 2.

    \(\mathcal A\) can perform any number of queries to the challenger, as described above.

  3. 3.

    Finally, \(\mathcal A\) outputs a tuple \((m, y_C, y_D, s, e, f)\).

\(\mathcal A\) wins the game if aVerify\((s, e, f, y_C, y_D, m) = \mathtt {true}\) and either of the following holds

  • \(\mathcal A\) did not query SKExtract on \(y_C\) nor on \(y_D\), and did not query aSign on either \((y_C, y_D, f, m)\) or \((y_D, y_C, f, m)\).

  • \(\mathcal A\) did not query SKExtract on \(y_D\), and did not query aSign on \((y_D, y_i, f, m)\) for any \(y_i \ne y_D\) and \(\mathcal A\) produces a keystone k such that \(\textit{KeyGen}(k) = f\).

  • \(\mathcal A\) did not query SKExtract on \(y_C\), and did not query aSign on \((y_C, y_i, f, m)\) for any \(y_i \ne y_C\) and f was a previous output from a KeyGen query.

We say that a concurrent signature scheme is existentially unforgeable when the success probability of \(\mathcal A\) in this game is negligible.

Note that in Definition 7 the first output condition corresponds to an outside attacker that tries to create a forgery without knowing the secret keys of the participants. Hence, in this case Alice is convinced that the signature originates from Bob. The second and third conditions correspond to the case where the attacker and one of the participants are one and the same.

The next definition captures the notion of ambiguity for concurrent signatures. Note that the security notion is slightly weaker than Definition 2 due to the fact f is generated by KeyGen that in practice approximates as best as possible a random oracle.

Definition 8

(Concurrent Signature Ambiguity). The notion of ambiguity for concurrent signatures is defined in terms of the following security game between the adversary \(\mathcal A\) and a challenger \(\mathcal T\):

  1. 1.

    The Setup algorithm is run and all the public parameters are provided to \(\mathcal A\).

  2. 2.

    \(\mathcal A\) can perform any number of queries to the challenger, as described above.

  3. 3.

    \(\mathcal A\) selects a message m and two public keys \(y_C\) and \(y_D\).

  4. 4.

    In response, the challenger randomly computes \(\sigma \leftarrow \textit{aSign}(y_C, y_D, x_C, f, m)\) or \(\sigma \leftarrow \textit{aSign}(y_D, y_C, x_D, f, m)\), where and \(f \leftarrow \textit{KeyGen}(k)\), and sends \(\sigma \) to \(\mathcal A\).

  5. 5.

    Finally, \(\mathcal A\) guesses \(\mathcal T\)’s choice.

A concurrent signature is signer ambiguous if \(\mathcal A\) cannot guess \(\mathcal T\)’s choice with a probability non-negligible greater than 1/2.

The following definition captures the intuitive notion of fairness. More precisely, that the person that generated the keystone is the only one that can use it to create a binding signature and that any ambiguous signature produced using the same keystone fix f will all become binding. Note that the definition does not guarantee that Alice will receive the necessary keystone k.

Definition 9

(Fairness). The notion of fairness for concurrent signatures is defined in terms of the following security game between the adversary \(\mathcal A\) and a challenger \(\mathcal T\):

  1. 1.

    The Setup algorithm is run and all the public parameters are provided to \(\mathcal A\).

  2. 2.

    \(\mathcal A\) can perform any number of queries to the challenger, as described above.

  3. 3.

    \(\mathcal A\) chooses two public keys \(y_C\) and \(y_D\) and outputs a tuple \((m, y_C, y_D, \sigma , k)\), where \(\sigma = \langle s, e, f \rangle \) and \(f = \textit{KeyGen}(k)\).

The adversary wins the game if aVerify\((s, e, f, y_C, y_D, m) = \mathtt {true}\) and either of the following holds

  • f was a previous output from a KeyGen query, \(\mathcal A\) did not query KeyReveal on f and \((k, \sigma )\) is accepted by the Verify algorithm.

  • \(\mathcal A\) also outputs a tuple \((m, y_D, y_C, \sigma ')\), where \(\sigma ' = \langle s', e', f \rangle \), such that aVerify accepts \(\sigma '\) and Verify accepts \((k, \sigma )\), but \((k, \sigma ')\) is not accepted by Verify.

We say that a concurrent signature scheme is fair when the success probability of \(\mathcal A\) in this game is negligible.

3 1-out-of-n Signatures with Key Separation

3.1 Description

We present a variation of the 1-out-of-n signature scheme presented in [1]. This variation will be used later to develop a concurrent signature protocol that allows users with different flavors of public keys (i.e. discrete logarithm based, \(e^{th}\) root problem based) to produce two binding and ambiguous signatures. In practice, each user can generate their own public parameters and key pair. To simplify description we present the Setup algorithm as a centralized algorithm. We will denote the following signature with 1n-KSS.

  • Setup\((\lambda )\): Let \(i \in [0, n)\). Choose for each user two groups \(\mathbb G_i\), \(\mathbb H_i\), a homomorphism \([\cdot ]_i : \mathbb G_i \rightarrow \mathbb H_i\) and a hash function \(H_i: \{0,1\}^* \rightarrow \mathcal C \subseteq \mathbb N\). Note that we require that \(|\mathbb G_i| \ge 2^\lambda \). Choose and compute \(y_i \leftarrow [x_i]_i\). Output the public key \(pk_i = y_i\). The secret key is \(sk_i = x_i\).

  • Listing(): Collect the public keys and randomly shuffle them. Store the result into a list \(\mathcal L = \{y_j\}_{j \in [0,n)}\) and output \(\mathcal L\).

  • Sign\((m, sk_k, \mathcal L)\): To sign a message \(m \in \{0, 1\}^*\), first generate two random elements , and compute \(c_{k+1} \leftarrow H_{k+1}(\mathcal L, m, [\alpha ]_k)\) and \(c'_{k+1} \leftarrow c_{k+1} - \beta \bmod c\), where \(|\mathcal C| = c\). For \(j \in [k+1, n) \cup [0, k)\), select and then compute \(c_{j+1} \leftarrow H_{j+1}(\mathcal L, m, [s_j]_j \otimes _j y_j^{c'_j})\) and \(c'_{j+1} \leftarrow c_{j+1} - \beta \bmod c\). Compute \(s_k \leftarrow \alpha \star _k x_k^{-c'_k}\). Output the signature \((c_0, \beta , \mathcal S)\), where \(\mathcal S = \{s_j\}_{j \in [0, n)}\).

  • Verify\((m, c_0, \beta , \mathcal S, \mathcal L)\): For \(j \in [0, n)\), compute \(e_j \leftarrow [s_j]_j \otimes _j y_j^{c_j - \beta }\) and then \(c_{j+1} \leftarrow H_{j+1}(\mathcal L, m, e_j)\) if \(j \ne n-1\). Output \(\mathtt {true}\) if and only if \(c_0 = H_{0}(\mathcal L, m, e_{n-1})\). Otherwise, output \(\mathtt {false}\).

Correctness. If the pair \((c_0, \beta , \mathcal S)\) is generated according to the scheme, it is easy to see that the \(c_j\) values from the \(\textit{Sign}\) and \(\textit{Verification}\) coincide when when \(j \ne k\). When \(j = k\) we observe that

$$\begin{aligned} e_k&= [s_k]_k \otimes _k y_k^{c_k - \beta } = [\alpha \star _k x_k^{-c_k + \beta }]_k \otimes _k y_k^{c_k - \beta } \\&= [\alpha ]_k \otimes _k [x_k]_k^{-c_k + \beta } \otimes _k y_k^{c_k - \beta } = [\alpha ]_k \end{aligned}$$

and thus we obtain the same \(c_k\) as in the signing phase.

Remark 1

In practice hash functions have \(\mathcal C = \{0,1\}^{\kappa }\), where \(\kappa \) is for example 256, 384 or 512. So, if the users from \(\mathcal L\) have hash functions with different output sizes the simplest method for obtaining a common challenge space \(\mathcal C\) is to lengthen the function’s output by running it several timesFootnote 4 until we obtain c bits. If efficiency is desired, another method for obtaining a common \(\mathcal C\) is to truncate all the outputs to the smallest size. Note this method decreases security for some users.

3.2 Security Analysis

Theorem 1

The 1n-KSS scheme is perfectly signer ambiguous.


Note that all \(s_j\) are taken randomly from \(\mathbb G_j\), except for \(s_k\). Since \(\alpha \) is a random element from \(\mathbb G_k\), then \(s_k\) is also randomly distributed in \(\mathbb G_k\). Also, \(\beta \) is a random element from \(\mathcal C\). Hence, for a fixed \((m, \mathcal L)\) the probability of \((\beta , \mathcal S)\) is always \(1/(|\mathcal C| \cdot \prod |G_i|)\), regardless of the closing point \(s_k\). The remaining \(c_0\) is uniquely determined from \((m, \mathcal L)\) and \((\beta , \mathcal S)\).    \(\square \)

Theorem 2

If the following statements are true

  • an euf-cmcpa attack on the 1n-KSS has non-negligible probability of success in the ROM,

  • an \(\ell \in \mathbb Z\) is known such that \(\gcd (c_0-c_1, \ell ) = 1\) for all \(c_0, c_1 \in \mathcal C\) with \(c_0 \ne c_1\),

  • for all i values, \(u_i \in \mathbb G_i\) are known such that \([u_i]_i = y_i^\ell \),

then at least a homomorphism \([\cdot ]_i\) can be inverted in polynomial time.


Let \(\mathcal A\) be an efficient euf-cmcpa attacker for 1n-KSS that requests at most \(q_s\) and \(q_h\) signing and, respectively, random oracle queries. Also, let \(\varepsilon \) be its success probability and \(\tau \) its running time.

In order to make \(\mathcal A\) work properly we simulate the random oracles that correspond to each hash function (see Algorithm 1) and the signing oracle (see Algorithm 2). For simplicity we treat all the random oracles as one big random oracle \(\mathcal O_H\) that takes as input the j-th query \((i, L_j, m_j, r_j)\) and returns a random value corresponding to \(H_i(L_j, m_j, r_j)\). Also, to avoid complicated suffixes \(y_0\), for example, refers to the first public key from the current \(L_j\).

figure a

The signing oracle \(\mathcal O_S\) fails and returns \(\bot \) only if we cannot assign \(c_0\) to \((L_j, m_j, e_{|L_j| - 1})\) without causing an inconsistency in \(T_0\). This event happens with probability at most \(q_h/q\), where \(q = 2^\lambda \). Thus, \(\mathcal O_S\) is successful with probability at least \((1-q_h/q)^{q_s} \ge 1-q_hq_s/q\).

figure b

Let \(\varTheta \) and \(\varOmega \) be the random tapes given to \(\mathcal O_S\) and \(\mathcal A\). The adversary’s success probability is taken over the space defined by \(\varTheta \), \(\varOmega \) and \(\mathcal O_H\). Let \(\varSigma \) be the set of \((\varTheta , \varOmega , \mathcal O_H)\) with which \(\mathcal A\) successfully creates a forgery, while having access to a real signing oracle. Let \((m, c_0, \beta , \{s_i\}_{i\in [0,n')}, L)\) be \(\mathcal A\)’s forgery, where \(|L| = n'\). Then \(T_{i+1}\) contains a query for \((L, m, e_i)\) for all \(i \in [0, n')\) with probability at least \(1-1/c\), due to the ideal randomness of \(\mathcal O_H\). Let \(\varSigma ' \subseteq \varSigma \) be the set of \((\varTheta , \varOmega , \mathcal O_H)\) with which \(\mathcal A\) successfully creates a forgery, while having access only to the simulated oracle \(\mathcal O_S\). Then, \(Pr[(\varTheta ,\varOmega , \mathcal O_H) \in \varSigma '] \ge \varepsilon '\), where \(\varepsilon ' = (1-q_hq_s/q)(1-1/c)\varepsilon \).

Since the queries form a ring, there exists at least an index \(k \in [0, n')\) such that the u query \(Q_u = (k+1, L, m, e_k)\) and the v query \(Q_v = (k, L, m, e_{k-1})\) satisfy \(u \le v\). Such a pair (uv) is called a gap index. Remark that \(u = v\) only when \(n' = 1\). If there are two or more gap indices with regard to a signature, we only consider the smallest one.

We denote by \(\varSigma '_{u, v}\) the set of \((\varTheta , \varOmega , \mathcal O_H)\) that yield the gap index (uv). There are at most \(C^{q_h}_2 + C^{q_h}_1 = q_h(q_h+1)/2\) such sets. If we invoke \(\mathcal A\) with randomly chosen \((\varTheta , \varOmega , \mathcal O_H)\) at most \(1/\varepsilon '\) times, then we will find at least one \((\varTheta , \varOmega , \mathcal O_H) \in \varSigma '_{u, v}\) for some gap index (uv) with probability \(1- (1 - \varepsilon ')^{1/\varepsilon '}> 1 - exp(-1) > 3/5\).

We define the sets \(GI = \{(u,v) \mid |\varSigma '_{u, v}|/|\varSigma '| \ge 1/(q_h(q_h+1))\}\) and \(B = \{(\varTheta , \varOmega , \mathcal O_H) \in \varSigma '_{u, v} \mid (u,v) \in GI\}\). Then, we have \(Pr[B|\varSigma '] \ge 1/2\). Using the heavy row lemma we obtain that a triplet \((\varTheta , \varOmega , \mathcal O_H)\) that yields a successful run of \(\mathcal A\) is in B with probability at least 1/2.

Let \(\mathcal O_{H'}\) be the identical to \(\mathcal O_H\) except for the \(Q_v\) query to which \(\mathcal O_{H'}\) responds with a random element \(c'_k \ne c_k\). Then according to the heavy row lemma, with probability 1/2, \((\varTheta , \varOmega , \mathcal O_{H'})\) satisfies \(Pr[(\varTheta , \varOmega , \mathcal O_{H'}) \in \varSigma '_{u, v}] = \varepsilon ''/2\), where \(\varepsilon '' = \varepsilon '/(2q_h(q_h+1))\). Hence, if we run \(\mathcal A\) at most \(2/\varepsilon ''\) times, then with probability \(1/2 \cdot [1- (1 - \varepsilon ''/2)^{2/\varepsilon ''}]> 1/2 \cdot (1 - exp(-1)) > 3/10\) we will find at least one \(c'_k\) such that \((\varTheta , \varOmega , \mathcal O_{H'}) \in \varSigma '_{u, v}\). Since \(Q_u\) is queried before \(Q_v\), \(e_k\) remains unchanged. Therefore we can compute

$$\begin{aligned} \tilde{x}_k = u_k^a \star _k ({s_k'}^{-1} \star _k s_k)^b, \end{aligned}$$

where a and b are computed using Euclid’s algorithm such that \(\ell a + (c_k' - c_k)b = 1\). Note that

$$\begin{aligned}{}[{s_k'}^{-1} \star _k s_k]_k&= [{s_k'}^{-1}]_k \otimes _k [s_k]_k \\ {}&= y_k^{c_k'-\beta } \otimes _k ([\alpha ]_k)^{-1} \otimes _k [\alpha ]_k \otimes _k y_k^{-c_k+\beta }\\&= y_k^{c_k'-c_k} \end{aligned}$$

and thus

$$\begin{aligned}{}[\tilde{x}_k]_k&= [u_k^a \star _k ({s_k'}^{-1} \star _k s_k)^b]_k\\&= ([u_k]_k)^a \otimes _k ([{s_k'}^{-1} \star _k s_k]_k)^b\\&= (y_k^\ell )^a \otimes _k (y_k^{c_k'-c_k})^b\\&= y_k. \end{aligned}$$

The overall success probability is \(9/100 = 3/5 \cdot 1/2 \cdot 3/10\) and \(\mathcal A\) is invoked at most \(1/\varepsilon ' + 2/\varepsilon ''\) times.    \(\square \)

3.3 Concrete Examples

All Discrete Logarithm Case. Let \(p = 2q + 1\) be a prime number such that q is also prime. Select an element \(h \in \mathbb H_p\) of order q in some multiplicative group of order \(p-1\). The discrete logarithm of an element \(z \in \mathbb H_p\) is an exponent x such that \(z = h^x\). We further describe the parameters of the all discrete logarithm signature.

Define \((\mathbb G_i, \star _i) = (\mathbb Z_{q_i}, +)\) and \(\mathbb H_i = \langle h_i \rangle \). The one-way group homomorphism is defined by \([x_i]_i = h_i^{x_i}\) and the challenge space \(\mathcal C\) can be any arbitrary subset of [0, q), where q is the smallest \(q_i\) from \(\mathcal L\). Let \(1_i\) be the neutral element of \(\mathbb H_i\). Then the conditions of Theorem 2 are satisfied for

  • \(\ell = \prod _{i=0}^{n-1} q_i\), since for all \(c \in \mathcal C\) we have \(c < q \le q_i\) and \(q_i\) are primes,

  • for \(u = 0\) we have \([u]_i = [0]_i = 1_i = y_i^{\ell } = (y_i^{\ell /q_i})^{q_i}\) since every element of \(\mathbb H_i\) raised to the group order \(q_i\) is the neutral element \(1_i\).

All \(e^{th}\)-root Case. Let p and q be two safe prime numbers such that \((p-1)/2\) and \((q-1)/2\) are also prime. Compute \(N=pq\) and choose a prime e such that \(\gcd (e, \varphi (N)) = 1\). An \(e^{th}\)-root of an element \(z \in \mathbb Z_N^*\) is a base x such that \(z = x^e\). Note that the \(e^{th}\)-root is not unique. We further describe the parameters of the all \(e^{th}\)-root signature.

Define \((\mathbb G_i, \star _i) = (\mathbb H_i, \otimes _i) = (\mathbb Z_{N_i}^*, \cdot )\), where \(N_i = p_iq_i\) and \(\gcd (N_i, N_j) = 1\) for \(i \ne j\). The one-way group homomorphism is defined by \([x_i]_i = x_i^{e_i}\) and the challenge space \(\mathcal C\) can be any arbitrary subset of [0, e), where e is the smallest \(e_i\) in \(\mathcal L\). The conditions of Theorem 2 are satisfied for

  • \(\ell = \prod _{i=0}^{n-1} e_i\), since for all \(c \in \mathcal C\) we have \(c < e \le e_i\) and \(e_i\) are primes,

  • for \(u_i = y_i^{\ell /e_i}\) we have \([u_i]_i = [y_i^{\ell /e_i}]_i = y_i^\ell \).

Mixture of Discrete Logarithm and \(e^{th}\)-root. For simplicity, we consider the case \(n=2\). Let \((\mathbb G_0, \star _0) = (\mathbb Z_q, +)\), \(\mathbb H_0 = \langle h \rangle \) and \((\mathbb G_1, \star _1) = (\mathbb H_1, \otimes _1) = (\mathbb Z_N^*, \cdot )\). The one-way group homomorphisms are defined by \([x_0]_0 = h^{x_0}\) and \([x_1]_1 = x_1^e\). The challenge space \(\mathcal C\) can be any arbitrary subset of [0, s), where s is the smallest of q and e. The conditions of Theorem 2 are satisfied for

  • \(\ell = eq\), since for all \(c \in \mathcal C\) we have \(c < s \le e\), \(c < s \le q\) and e, q are primes,

  • for \(u_0 = 0\) we have \([0]_0 = 1 = (y_0^e)^q\),

  • for \(u_1 = y_1^q\) we have \([y_1^q]_1 = y_1^\ell \).

All Discrete Logarithm Representation Case. Consider again a group of prime order \(\mathbb H_p\) and select t elements \(h_1, \ldots , h_t \in \mathbb H_p\) of order q. A discrete logarithm representation of an element \(z \in \langle h_1, \ldots , h_t\rangle \) is a list of exponents \((x_1, \ldots , x_t)\) such that \(z = h_1^{x_1}\ldots h_t^{x_t}\). Note that discrete logarithm representations are not unique. We further describe the parameters of the all discrete logarithm representation signature.

We define \(\mathbb G_i = \mathbb Z_{q_i}^{t_i}\) with \(\star \) defined as addition applied component-wise and \(\mathbb H_i = \langle h_{i1}, \ldots , h_{it}\rangle \). Let \(x_i = (x_{i1}, \ldots , x_{it})\). The one-way group homomorphism is defined by \([x_i]_i = h_{i1}^{x_{i1}} \ldots h_{it}^{x_{it}}\) and the challenge space \(\mathcal C\) can be any arbitrary subset of [0, q], where q is the smallest \(q_i\) from \(\mathcal L\). Let \(1_i\) be the neutral element of \(\mathbb H_i\). Then the conditions of Theorem 2 are satisfied for \(\ell = \prod _{i=0}^{n-1} q_i\) and for \(u = (0, \ldots , 0)\).

Remark that if some \(t_i\)s are one, we obtain a signature based on mixture of discrete logarithm and discrete logarithm representation problems.

All \(e^{th}\)-root Representation Case. Let again \(N=pq\) and choose primes \(e_1, \ldots , e_t\) such that \(\gcd (e_i, \varphi (N)) = 1\), for \(1 \le i \le t\). An \(e^{th}\)-root representation of an element \(z \in \mathbb Z_N^*\) is a list of bases \((x_1, \ldots , x_t)\) such that \(z = x_1^{e_1} \ldots x_t^{e_t}\). Note that \(e^{th}\)-root representations are not unique. We further describe the parameters of the all \(e^{th}\)-root representation signature.

Let \(N_i = p_iq_i\) and \(\gcd (N_i, N_j) = 1\) for \(i \ne j\). We define \(\mathbb G_i = (\mathbb Z_{N_i}^*)^{t_i}\) with \(\star _i\) defined as multiplication applied component-wise and \((\mathbb H_i, \otimes _i)= (\mathbb Z_{N_i}^*, \cdot )\). The one-way group homomorphism is defined by \([(x_{i1}, \ldots , x_{it})] = x_{i1}^{e_{i1}} \ldots x_{it}^{e_{it}}\) and the challenge space \(\mathcal C\) can be any arbitrary subset of [0, e), where e is a prime such that \(\gcd (e, \phi (N_i)) = 1\). Since all exponents are coprime then we can compute integers such that \(\alpha _{i1} e_{i1} + \ldots + \alpha _{it} e_{it} = 1\). The conditions of Theorem 2 are satisfied for

  • \(\ell = 1\),

  • for \(u_i = (y_i^{\alpha _{i1}}, \ldots , y_i^{\alpha _{im}})\) we have \([u_i]_i = y_i^{\alpha _{i1} e_{i1} + \ldots + \alpha _{it} e_{it}} = y_i\).

4 Concurrent Signatures with Key Separation

4.1 Description

Concurrent signatures allow Alice and Bob to produce two signatures such that both signatures are ambiguous from the eyes of a third party, but once Alice releases a secret keystone, both signatures become binding to their true signer. Such signatures are useful for contract signing and fair exchange protocols. Based on 1n-KSS we introduce such a concurrent signature scheme denoted with 1n-KSCS. Note that when both users use the same group for defining their underlying homomorphisms a more efficient construction is presented in Appendix B.

As before, \(\mathcal C\) denotes the challenge space and c its cardinality. The 1n-KSCS scheme uses three cryptographic hash functions \(H_k, H_A, H_B:\{0,1\}^* \rightarrow \mathcal C\). The detailed protocol is presented in Fig. 2

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Key separation concurrent signature.

Correctness. If the signature \(\langle s_A, e_A, f \rangle \) is generated according to the scheme, it is easy to see that

$$\begin{aligned}{}[v_A]_A \otimes _A y_B^{h_A} = [u]_A \otimes _A [x_A]_A^{-g_A + f} \otimes y_A^{g_A - f} = [u]_A. \end{aligned}$$

Similarly, we can show correctness for Bob’s side.

4.2 Security Analysis

The following theorem is a direct consequence of Theorem 1.

Theorem 3

The 1n-KSCS scheme satisfies the concurrent signature ambiguity property in the ROM.

Theorem 4

If the following statements are true

  • an euf-cs attack on the 1n-KSCS has non-negligible probability of success in the ROM,

  • an \(\ell \in \mathbb Z\) is known such that \(\gcd (c_0-c_1, \ell ) = 1\) for all \(c_0, c_1 \in \mathcal C\) with \(c_0 \ne c_1\),

  • for \(i \in \{A, B\}\), \(u_i \in \mathbb G_i\) are known such that \([u_i]_i = y_i^\ell \),

then either \([\cdot ]_A\) or \([\cdot ]_B\) can be inverted in polynomial time.


Let \(\mathcal A\) be an efficient euf-cs attacker for 1n-KSCS and let \(\varepsilon \) be its success probability. We split the proof into three cases: \(\mathcal A\) does not have access to the participants’ secret keys, \(\mathcal A = Bob\) and \(\mathcal A = Alice\).

First Case. The challenger generates a set of participants U, where \(|U| = \rho \) and \(\rho \) is the result of a polynomial function in \(\lambda \). Then the challenger chooses . For each participant \(P_i\), \(i\ne \gamma _a, \gamma _B\), \(\mathcal T\) selects the associated public parameters (in accordance to the security parameter \(\lambda \)) and generates their secret and public keys \((x_i, y_i)\). For \(C = P_{\gamma _A}\) the challenger sets the public parameters to \((\mathbb G_A, [\cdot ]_A, H_A)\) and the public key \(y_{\gamma _A} = y_A\). Similarly for we set \(D = P_{\gamma _B}\)’s parameters.

To make \(\mathcal A\) work properly we must simulate all the oracles which \(\mathcal A\) can query. Hence, the random oracles \(H_A\) and \(H_B\) can be simulated using Algorithm 1, where we set \(\mathcal L = \emptyset \), \(i = 0\) for A and \(i=1\) for B. We change the list notations from \(T_0\) and \(T_1\) to \(T_A\) and \(T_B\). In the case of \(H_k\), the simulation is similar to Algorithm 1. Thus, instead of querying \((i, L_j, m_j, r_j)\), the adversary can query any message M and the algorithm will store its answers in list denoted \(T_k\). When \(\mathcal A\) makes a KeyGen query, \(\mathcal T\) randomly generates a k and return \(f \leftarrow H_k(k)\). Note that the KeyGen oracle is actually a sublist of \(T_k\), but the challenger is required to answer KeyReveal queries. Hence, when \(\mathcal A\) requests the keystone associated to an \(f \in \mathcal C\), we search \(T_k\) for a pair \(\{k, f\}\) and if it exists we return k, otherwise we return invalid. The simulation of aSign queries can be achieved using Algorithm 2 where \(\beta \) is not chosen randomly, but is set to f. Finally, when an SKExtract query for a public key is made, \(\mathcal T\) respond with the associated secret key, except in the case \(y_C, y_D\), when he aborts.

There are two possible situations where our simulation fails. When \(\mathcal O_S\) causes inconsistencies in \(\mathcal O_H\) or \(\mathcal A\) asks the secret keys for user C or user D. The first event does not happen with probability \(1-q_hq_s/q\), where \(q = 2^\lambda \), and \(q_s\) and \(q_h\) are the number of signing queries and random oracle queries to \(H_A\) and \(H_B\). The probability for the second event not happening is \(1-2/\rho \). Let \(\varepsilon ' = 2/\rho (1-q_hq_s/q)(1-2/\rho )(1-1/c)\varepsilon \). Then, if we run \(\mathcal A\) at most \(1/\varepsilon '\) with probability 3/5 \(\mathcal A\) will output a forgery \(\sigma = \langle s_C, s_D, e, f \rangle \), for a message m.

Note that in this case \(\mathcal A\) did not make SKExtract queries for C and D, and the signature is not produced by an aSign query. In other words \(\mathcal A\) breaks the unforgeability of the 1n-KSS scheme. Hence, according to Theorem 1 \(\mathcal A\) inverted either \([\cdot ]_A\) or \([\cdot ]_B\).

Second Case. Now, let us see what happens when \(\mathcal A\) plays the role of Alice. In contrast with the first case, the challenger only chooses and then sets D’s public parameters to \((\mathbb G_B, [\cdot ]_B, H_B)\) and the public key \(y_{\gamma _B} = y_B\).

The probability of \(\mathcal A\) not asking the secret key for user D is \(1-1/\rho \). Let \(\varepsilon '' = 1/\rho (1-q_hq_s/q)(1-1/\rho )(1-1/c)\varepsilon \). Then, if we run \(\mathcal A\) at most \(1/\varepsilon ''\) with probability 3/5 \(\mathcal A\) will output a forgery \(\sigma = \langle s_A, s_D, e_A, f \rangle \), for a message m. According to the heavy row lemma with probability 1/2 we are on situated on a heavy row \(\mathcal H\).

Let \(T_A \leftarrow H_A(m, [s_A]_A \otimes _A y_A^{e_A})\). Define \(\mathcal O_{H'}\) as a random oracle identical to \(\mathcal O_H\) except for the \((0, m, [s_A]_A \otimes _A y_A^{e_A})\) query to which \(\mathcal O_{H'}\) responds with a random element \(T'_A \ne T_A\). We restart \(\mathcal A\) at most \(2/\varepsilon '\) and with a probability of \(1/2 \cdot (1- (1-\varepsilon '/2)^{2/\varepsilon '}) > 3/10\) we will be situated on \(\mathcal H\). Hence, we obtain a new forgery \(\sigma ' = \langle s'_A, s'_D, e'_A, f' \rangle \).

Note that \(T_A = e_A + f \ne e'_A + f' = T'_A\). If \(e_A = e'_A\) then \(f \ne f'\), so these values must have been computed before the relevant H queries and satisfy \(f = T_A - e_A\) and \(f' = T'_A - e'_A\). However, f is also an output of \(H_K\) and the probability that an output from some \(H_K\) query and some H query matches is at most \(q_hq_k/q\), where \(q_k\) is the number of random oracle queries to \(H_K\). Hence, with probability \(1-q_hq_k/q\) we have \(f = f'\) and \(e_A \ne e'_A\). In this case, using techniques similar to Theorem 2’s proof we manage to find a preimage of \([\cdot ]_B\).

Third Case. The proof is similar to the second case and thus is omitted.    \(\square \)

Theorem 5

The 1n-KSCS scheme is fair in the ROM.


The challenger generates a set of participants U, where \(|U| = \rho \) and \(\rho \) is a polynomial function in \(\lambda \). For each participant \(\mathcal T\) selects the associated public parameters (in accordance to the security parameter \(\lambda \)) and generates their secret and public keys \((x_i, y_i)\). We simulate the adversary’s random oracles, and the KeyGen and KeyReveal algorithms as in Theorem 4’s proof. Also, the challenger responds to aSign and SKExtract queries using its knowledge of the private keys. In the final stage of the fairness game, \(\mathcal A\) outputs a signature \(\sigma = \langle s, e, f \rangle \).

In the first case f was obtained by a KeyGen query, but no KeyReveal query was made for f. Since \(H_K\) is a random oracle, this event happens with probability \(q_k/q\). Thus, is negligible.

In the second case \((k, \sigma )\) is accepted by the Verify algorithm and \(\mathcal A\) manages to produce a second signature \(\sigma ' = \langle s', e', f \rangle \) that is accepted by the aVerify algorithm, but \((k, \sigma ')\) is rejected by the Verify algorithm. Since, \((k, \sigma )\) is accepted by Verify, we have \(f = \textit{KeyGen}(k)\). Since \(\sigma \) and \(\sigma '\) share the value f, we must have that \((k, \sigma ')\) is also accepted by the Verify algorithm. This is a contradiction.

   \(\square \)

5 Conclusion

Our concurrent signature protocol is the abstraction of a large class of protocols that allow users with independently selected underlying problems to commonly produce an ambiguous signature. We have managed to relate the presented protocol’s security to the hardness of inverting one-way homomorphisms. Note that the presented list of homomorphisms examples is by no means exhaustive.