
1 Introduction

The most relevant research would be directed to the study of emotions through facial expressions, although in 1872 Charles Darwin himself pointed out the importance of non-verbal aspects, vocal behavior and situations where the individual uses speech as a means of expression [2]. Technical difficulties leading to evaluation of vocal behavior and the merger with respect to its status as non-verbal behavior; are two of the reasons that have led to this mismatch with respect to facial expression [3, 4].

Studies on vocal expression of emotion can be classified into two large groups:

  • Expression Studies. They have as basic objective determine how an emotional state is expressed or is externalized through the voice of the subject [5], its evaluation can be carried out at two levels: acoustic analysis and perceptual judgments of acoustic parameters.

  • Recognition Studies. They try to know to what extent the receiver is able to identify, through the non-verbal aspects of the speaker's voice and the emotional state expressed by him.

One of the main problems what research on voice emotion recognition has faced [6], has been the separation of the verbal channel from the vowel, so that the linguistic content of the message does not determine making judgments on the affective state of the transmitter. It has been established that speech is an acoustic event, containing important information on the functioning of the central nervous system, and therefore carries information about the emotional state of a person.

Emotions are physically “reactions that represent modes of adaptation to certain stimuli in the individual and that affect the responses of different biological systems, including the voice” [7]. Emotions a very powerful force in human behavior, in addition to having a great influence on people’s health, both physical and mental. A clear example of this fact is that a person who is excited, is able to do some action that never would do during a stable emotional state that is paralyzed by fear or sadness. However, one of the problems encountered by researchers when working with emotions, is that they present a high degree of subjectivity. This is due to the way they express themselves and it depends largely: of the speaker, culture of origin and of the environment.

Each emotion generates a set of reactions, they are automatic affective states and complexes that are unleashed in our body, which also fulfil a beneficial function of adaptation of the organism, by favoring our reaction to a stimulus. The emotions considered in this research are known as primary emotions established in Ekman's model (surprise, disgust, sadness, anger, fear and happiness) that cause a set of reactions in the human being [8,9,10]. A brief description of the primary emotions is provided below:

  • Surprise. This is an emotional reaction to an unexpected situation and its main function is to make the nervous system adjust to an unforeseen change in the environment, eliminating the possible interferences that could appear.

  • Disgust. It is characterized by a low medium tone, a wide range, the slowest speech rate y with big pauses. This gesture blocks the nostrils in case of perceiving an unpleasant substance and to facilitate the need to expel it.

  • Sadness. Sad speech exhibits a medium tone lower than normal, a narrow range and a slow speed of speech. Energy decreases, motivation is reduced, metabolism is reduced and social isolation is increased. Sadness arises after the occurrence of an emotionally damaging situation. Responds to survival instinct, as it alerts us to a harmful situation. In addition, promotes the search for social support.

  • Anger. It is defined as “the unpleasant and annoying impression that occurs in the mood”. This is a negative emotion that prioritizes sending blood to the hands and legs. Adrenaline levels are elevated, is associated with hostility, the fury and in the most extreme cases; with a pathological and permanent hatred.

  • Afraid. This primary emotion is a way of warning us that a danger is approaching for which we are not prepared. Fear is awakened after a stimulus that makes us anticipate such danger. Helps the person perform some behavior to distance themselves from potential danger, therefore promotes escape behaviors, avoidance and prevents dealing with dangerous situations.

  • Happiness. Manifests itself in an increase in the mean tone and in your range; as well as an increase in the speed of locution and in intensity. It is associated with positive feelings such as pleasure, the euphoria and the suppression of negative feelings. It is produced therefore, a sense of calm and well-being.

For an emotion to be considered primary, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Have a specific neural substrate and that differentiates it from the rest. That is to say, that the neurons involved are specific ones.

  • That the facial expression representing that emotion is unique and distinctive.

  • That the feelings underlying the emotion, namely; the thoughts and the way we feel, they are characteristics of that emotion.

  • It has an evolutionary and survival purpose.

  • It has adaptive functions in a certain situation.

There are several research papers, where they indicates that some emotions are better recognized than others. Fechner [11] argues that the better recognition of negative emotions can be explained in terms of their greater survival value. In another case, in studies with adults, Scherer [3] handle the hypothesis which points out that anger is often the most widely recognized emotion, followed by sadness, indifference and happiness.

A corpus was built that contains 16 sentences per emotion created by 11 users (9 women and 2 men) with a total of 880 audio samples. Are considered the following basic emotions: disgust, anger, happiness, fear, and neutral. The algorithm of Emotion recognition gives 80% effectiveness in the results obtained.

2 Related Work

Several works have been carried out related to the identification of basic emotional states by analyzing audio segments in different languages.

In [22] Meftah et al. designed an emotional corpus in Arabic language in order to identify the following emotional states: neutral, sadness, happy, surprised, and questioning, for this the authors building and selected 16 sentences that were read by 20 male and female native speakers. In this sense, a similar work was developed by Constantini et al. [21] they built a database with Italian emotional speech from the voices of up to 6 actors who played 14 sentences simulated the next emotional states: disgust, fear, anger, joy, surprise, sadness and neutral.

A Database with the participation of actors and non-actors was developed by Banotu et al. This database provides a potential resource to analyze emotions in the speech signal. From the design of drama situations to annotation, there are 5 stages involved in the data collection process. A different annotation procedure is adopted by the mixture of context-dependent and context-independent ways. There are some utterances in the database where there is an occurrence of multiple emotions. Perceptual and acoustic analyses are carried out to understand differences in the data among actors and non-actors. Perceptual studies indicate that the actors intend to convey emotions in speech without affecting the linguistic message much. It is observed that there is more jitter in non-actors data when compared to actors [24].

Lyatsko et al. designed “EmoChildRu” which is considered as the first database containing emotional speech material from 3–7 year old Russian children. The database includes 20.340 recordings (30 h) of 100 children growing in families [23].

3 Materials and Methods

This section deals with the process of converting the original analog sound waves into digital signals for storage and reproduce them later; snapshots of analog sounds are taken and are stored. The speed with which the device takes samples is called the Sample Rate (SR) and will be expressed in Hertz or Kilo Hertz (Hz, Khz). 1 Hz will be 1 sample per second and 10 kHz is 10,000 samples per second. Each of these samples will be assigned a value corresponding to the amplitude of that instant in the original signal (Quantization).

For the case study, only the emotions of: disgust, anger, afraid, happiness, and neutral (no emotion).

Figure 1 shows the methodology used for the classification and recognition of emotions through the parameterized voice signal.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Methodology implemented in recognition of emotional state.

3.1 Analysis of Voice Parameters

The voice is nothing but a sound and as such, it is characterized by a series of elements. The features that have been most recurrent in literature are the pitch, duration, voice quality, global pulse shape and vocal tract. García [12], divide his work into 13 features that have been used for emotion detection in the voice. These parameters are described in Table 1.

Table 1. Features used in Speech Emotion Recognition [12].

Table 2 presents a summary of the relationships between emotions and the parameters of discourse. As is described, only five emotions appear. These correspond to the primary or basic emotions. Is known that there is a relationship between the prosodic information and the expression of emotions in speech; traits such as intensity, the fundamental frequency curvature and the speed of speech, are important characteristics of the discrimination of emotions in the voice [15,16,17].

Table 2. Comparison of emotions.

3.2 Emotional Corpus

The speech corpus consists of 880 Spanish sentences recorded by TISM (Technological Institute of San Marcos) students with a range in ages between 18 and 26. These sentences express 5 different emotional states: disgust, anger, happiness, fear and neutral with a total of 16 sentences for each of them. We have chosen sentences whose semantic content does not imply any particular emotion so the classification can be made on the basis of prosodic details [15]. Figure 2 shows the graphical interface used to create the emotional corpus.

As shown in Fig. 3, the audio recording was done in a closed classroom, located in the computer lab of the Technological Institute of San Marcos in the state of Guerrero, (TISM), in order to reduce noise and distractions.

There are two important factors during this process. For code development, parameters must be changed to determine what works best in the algorithm. Using a desktop program, audio is recorded with a sampling frequency of 44100 Hz and an audio rate of 16 bits. One channel (Mono) is used, resulting in a vector of thousands of data, from which non-significant data will be discriminated.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Main interface of the voice recorder.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

TISM students in the recording process.

Table 3 includes some example sentences from the corpus used as a test to detect the corresponding emotion.

Table 3. Some example sentences from the corpus used.

3.3 Normalization

In general, it is understood that normalization is the operation by which a set of values of a given magnitude is transformed into others in such a way that the latter belong to a predetermined scale.

It is possible to normalize a set of values in the interval [0, 1] by applying for each value the transformation shown in Eq. 1.

$${\upsilon }_{i}=\frac{{a}_{i}-min}{max-min}$$

Where \({a}_{i}\) is the value to be transformed, \(min\) and \(max\) are the minimum and the maximum of the set of values and \({\upsilon }_{i}\) is the normalized value.

The normalization consists of processing the acoustic signal and finding the optimal set of features that allow to perform the classification of emotions. The function algorithm that normalizes the data of a numerical vector, which it receives as a parameter, is as follows:

  • Returns the maximum absolute value of the vector to transform

  • Returns the number of elements of the vector to be transformed (Vector size = n)

  • Returns a vector of zeros of n rows and 1 column

  • A loop is made where the initial value of i is 1 and is increasing in 1 until it becomes the value of n

  • The vector is divided at the position i between its absolute maximum values.

3.4 Feature Extraction

This module consists of grouping the spectral acoustic characteristics, as these describe the properties of a signal in frequency domain by means of harmonics and formants, prosodic information (volume, velocity, duration) is also extracted. The algorithm for feature extraction is the fast furrier transform (FFT) which performs the following:

  • The first 60000 values of the vector are cut.

  • The absolute value of the Fourier transform [18] of the recording is obtained.

  • Multiply the result by the conjugate of the original vector.

  • Accepts only frequencies above 150 Hz.

  • Normalize the vector using the Euclidean norm.

The Euclidean norm (also called vector magnitude, Euclidean length, or 2-Norm) of a vector v with the elements of N is defined by Eq. 2.

$$\left|\left|v\right|\right|= \sqrt{ {\sum }_{k=1}^{N}{\left|{v}_{k}\right|}^{2}}$$

FFT is the usual abbreviation for Fast Fourier Transform, and is an efficient algorithm that allows to compute the discrete Fourier transform and its inverse given vectors of length N by Eq. 3.

$${X}_{k}={\sum }_{n=0}^{N-1}{x}_{n}{e}^{-j2\pi k\omega t\frac{n}{N}}$$

The FFTs of each section are obtained, containing 5 vectors for each emotion with the objective of generating a surface in which the frequencies and their variation in time can be observed. The FFTs of each section are averaged to obtain a pattern of the pronounced phrase.

3.5 Classification

Pearson's correlation coefficient is defined as an index that can be used to measure the degree of relationship of two variables as long as both are quantitative and continuous. Pearson's correlation coefficient is an easily performed index. In the first instance, its absolute values range from 0 to 1. If we have two variables X and Y, then we define Pearson's correlation coefficient between these two variables as rx, y as shown in Eq. 4.

$$px,y=\frac{\sigma xy}{\sigma x\sigma y}=\frac{E\left[(X-\mu x)(Y-\mu y)\right]}{\sigma x\sigma y}$$

3.6 Description of the System that was Developed

The development of the project was carried out in a period of 13. Figure 4, shows the general structure of the proposed system, starting with the capture of voices to have the emotional corpus. For the emotional corpus design, Students from the San Marcos Technological Institute in the state of Guerrero, Mexico, were invited to collaborate.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Block diagram of the general structure of the proposed system.

4 Results

A Mexican emotional corpus has been created for the testing of the speech emotion recognition algorithm using a statistical method as a classifier. It is worth mentioning that more features are expected to be added to the vector to increase the efficiency of the recognizer using Machine Learning techniques.

Summary of results: In the processing stage, the audio signal was processed as shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5.
figure 5

The phrase: “You will live with me” recorded by TISM students.

In the feature extraction stage, we were able to obtain the frequency spectrum containing a vector with patterns necessary to detect the 5 emotions shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6.
figure 6

Pattern of the sentence pronounced in each emotion.

In the classification stage we used the differences between the vector to be classified and the feature vectors stored in the database by means of Pearson's correlation, detecting the differences by means of the error coefficient. Table 4 shows the success in detecting the emotion “Disgust” by detecting the error coefficient which is the closest to 0 and thus pointing out the most significant similarity in the vector of features with emotion to be recognized.

Table 4. Recognition of “Disgust” using the sample correlation method.

Table 5 shows the confusion matrix of the algorithm used in this work where it can be observed that the neutral emotion has greater confusion than the other emotions, it is also worth mentioning that disgust and anger are emotions that are clearly identified with greater accuracy by this classifier.

Table 5. Confusion matrix for the classification algorithm using Pearson’s correlation.

5 Conclusions

A research of the acoustic parameters for the recognition of emotional states in the voice was carried out in the area of Intelligent Systems. It was achieved to have an algorithm capable of recognizing 80% of the sentences with emotion acted by TISM students. The results show the need for more parameters in the feature extraction step. It was necessary to creation a corpus due to the lack of standardization in the elicitation of emotions and the non-existence of norms that guarantee reproducibility. Although the initial results are satisfactory, we considered that, it is essential to use more classification methods and artificial learning techniques in order to have a higher classification efficiency.