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Microbial Production of Limonene

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Microbial Production of Food Bioactive Compounds


Limonene is a valuable natural product with diverse applications in food, pharmaceutical, paints and coatings, chemicals, etc. Commercial production of limonene based on extraction from plants is economically inviable to meet the ever-growing market demand. Metabolic engineering and synthetic biology offer a promising and sustainable way to produce limonene in microbes. Massive works have been done to promote the limonene bio-production efficiency of microbial cell factories toward economic viability. This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of recent progress in engineering microorganisms for limonene biosynthesis with special attention to bottleneck engineering, microbial host choosing, and limonene cytotoxicity.

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This work was funded by Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province (2020JM-177) and supported by Chinese Universities Scientific Fund (2452018314). The authors would thank Prof. Yongjin J. Zhou for his comments on the manuscript.

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Yang, X., Ren, Y., Zhang, M. (2022). Microbial Production of Limonene. In: Jafari, S.M., Harzevili, F.D. (eds) Microbial Production of Food Bioactive Compounds. Springer, Cham.

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