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Chemistry, Biological Activities, and Uses of Tara Gum

Gums, Resins and Latexes of Plant Origin

Part of the book series: Reference Series in Phytochemistry ((RSP))

  • 110 Accesses


Galactomannans are high molecular weight plant polysaccharides obtained from legume seeds of annual crops or perennial trees and shrubs. These heteropolysaccharides are mainly made up of a d-mannose backbone and a d-galactose side chain. Tara gum (TG), a galactomannan with a mannose to galactose ratio of 3:1, is obtained from the seed endosperm of Caesalpinia spinosa. The gum has gained popularity due to its properties and functionality comparable to that of guar gum (GG) and locust bean gum (LBG). TG, an approved food additive (E417), is largely used as a thickener and stabilizer. The gum is also reported to have applications in the field of pharmaceuticals, dairy products, and cosmetics. Through keen references, this chapter discusses chemistry, biological activities, and uses of TG in various areas with examples to expand its future research.

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Ag :



Calcium chloride


Carboxymethyl tara gum


Chlorosulfonic acid

EU :

European union


Fourier transform infrared

GG :

Guar gum


Human immunodeficiency virus

IR :



Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives


Potassium chloride


Locust bean gum


Rhesus monkey kidney epithelial cells


Monochloroacetic acid


3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide


Sodium chloride


Nuclear magnetic resonance

TG :

Tara gum


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Desai, S., Prajapati, V., Chandarana, C. (2022). Chemistry, Biological Activities, and Uses of Tara Gum. In: Murthy, H.N. (eds) Gums, Resins and Latexes of Plant Origin. Reference Series in Phytochemistry. Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-030-76523-1

  • Online ISBN: 978-3-030-76523-1

  • eBook Packages: Springer Reference Chemistry and Mat. ScienceReference Module Physical and Materials ScienceReference Module Chemistry, Materials and Physics

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  1. Latest

    Chemistry, Biological Activities, and Uses of Tara Gum
    07 April 2022


  2. Original

    Chemistry, Biological Activities, and Uses of Tara Gum
    08 January 2022
