
1 Introduction

Due to the growing demand for more sustainable projects, it is increasingly necessary to manage the available resources and tools that help in the organization of the work environment. In this sense, the search for efficient models is increasingly present in the academic and scientific circles [1].

One strategy has been the concept of adding value to works in Brazilian industry construction, even if it traditionally presents itself with lower levels of productivity than other industries, such as automotive. Industry construction is recognized as a sector with waste levels due to the low industrialization of the components and the absence of complementary projects, mainly production projects [2].

For Ciampa [3], activities that generate value to the product within a construction site are often related to operational processes and can be measured to identify improvement opportunities. Thus, it is necessary studies that reduce the percentage of flow activities, which do not add value, because these, although indispensable, can represent time and resources beyond what is necessary. For better analysis, one can use the principles of lean construction.

Another contribution is the inclusion of building information modeling (BIM), which can be an alternative for the construction site’s initial design due to interoperability between existing designs, more accessible visualization, and integration with the work’s planning. Also, the use of BIM-3D and BIM-4D models can become necessary for the decision-making process [4, 5].

Some authors like Eastman et al. [6] and Koo and Fischer [7] define 4D modeling as a process of association between a 3D model of the construction product with a plan of time-distributed activities.

During the enterprise’s project process, it is possible to make decisions that significantly impact the time and cost of the work more effectively. Fabricio and Melhado [8] state that, as in other industries, the design process (layout) in building construction is an essential step towards obtaining a higher quality product. Complementary designs can be created aimed at the development and organization of the production process, in the case of civil construction, construction sites.

According to Bargstädt [9], the activities inherent in the construction site require a set of information, which must have a high level of reliability and must be provided at the appropriate time. For management, only geometric information is not sufficient [9]. It is necessary to have the knowledge, such as specifications on the material type to be used and parameters such as strength and performance.

Tommelein [10] states that 4D modeling can be used for various purposes, such as visualization during design, construction, and marketing, the study of alternatives, and the definition of assembly sequencing.

Currently, research has been carried out in search of methods of management of construction sites, such as the management of the construction site through repetitive projects [11], construction site management of industrialized systems [12], and dynamic layout planning [13]. Other researchers work in research focused on developing 4D models for the management of construction sites [14, 15].

In Brazil, most construction sites are not standardized and have variable structures throughout construction. Each phase of the design of the construction site has specific needs and elements, and integrated logistic studies are required. Thus, it is necessary to use techniques and tools to design and manage physical space efficiently and safely.

In this context, the present study presents a proposal to improve the layout of the construction site design of the construction observed, using the systematic concepts of organization of physical arrangements and the modeling of construction information (BIM) as a tool.

2 Materials and Methods

The research method adopted for the present study was the Case Study complemented by an intervention or proposal for improvement for the studied project. For this, a building was selected with a predefined construction site design, with construction in progress and access to the information needed to carry out the study. Thus, the research adopted was constructing an educational building, with 221.13 m2, comprising four research rooms, an entrance hall, a pantry, a service area, and two toilets. The building has only one floor, built-in structural masonry, characterized as a rationalized construction system. The cover was made with metallic tiles. Subsequently, the construction underwent an addition of about 70 m2 through a contract amendment. Such expansion was part of the present analysis.

Survey information about the documentation and conditions surrounding was carried out. The following sources were identified: design of the provisional facilities for the construction site, physical-financial schedule of the building, operational planning of activities, and photographic records.

2.1 Modeling the Improvement Proposal

After evaluating the proposed provisional facilities’ design, a 3D model was created, comparing it with the actual construction site. Visits were made at the construction site to identify storage locations and material delivery strategies. In possession of the data, the modeling of the proposal to improve the existing construction site design was initiated, focusing on the application of lean construction concepts, with the aid of BIM, Autodesk Revit 2019Footnote 1 (for 3D modeling), and Autodesk Navisworks 2020Footnote 2 (for integration with the 4D work schedule).

The choice of such software started from the following premises: availability of free licenses for use (student), the similarity between commands with Autodesk AutoCAD, and ease of interoperability between the software. Therefore, the 4D model’s creation was based on the conception of the construction site based on the Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) method, the physical schedule, and the physical flows of material and people.

2.2 Analysis of the Results Obtained

After modeling the proposed solution, analyses were performed to verify the gains and difficulties due to the introduction of BIM technology in the construction site’s design. For this, it was determined the space needed for the storage of materials and components and the routes traveled, and the ease of visualization and understanding of the design proposal.

Next, a comparative analysis of the proposed model and the study site was performed, focusing on resolving the attention found in the actual construction site. Also, the use of BIM tools was evaluated in their independent use and together, verifying the interoperability between them. In possession of the analyses, a comparison of the results was made to determine how the proposed model improved design.

3 Results

3.1 Current Site Layout

During the visit, the services were in the execution phase of the structure and seal. The main facilities were the living area made of wood with plywood, warehouse in a steel container, the place for disposal of aggregates, concrete mixer, stock of blocks, stock of anchors, and bucket.

With the positioning of the concrete mixer plant and the block stock, it was possible to calculate the distance to the point of application, allowing the comparison between the distances and consequent verification of reducing the transport flow activity for transport mortar. In this sense, for the masonry service, Fig. 1(a) presents the actual layout and in Fig. 1(b) the layout with the proposed improvements. Table 1 shows a comparison of the calculated distances.

Table 1. Comparison of distances for transporting blocks, mortar, and grout

In Table 1, there was a 48% reduction in the distance for the blocks comparing the actual (BC stretch) and proposed (stretch B′C′) and a 27 % reduction for the transport of laying and grout mortar.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Proposal for improvement in the layout of the construction site

3.2 Modeling Proposed Improvement

It was started through the 3D modeling of the construction that will be executed to improve the proposal based on the contractor’s designs. Figure 2(a) presents the initial base plant (without the additive), used as the basis for the 3D model, while in Fig. 2(b) the foundation and Fig. 2(c) the 3D model.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

3D modeling

After modeling the construction elements, the spatial distribution of the necessary spaces was performed within the construction site’s space. For this, the simplified SLP methodology [16] was first used to position the processing areas and related inventories, trying to reserve a privileged position to these elements due to constant use. Thus, we sought to reduce transportation activities, considered unproductive, according to lean construction principles.

It was found that it would be necessary to rewind the siding about 2 meters in the north direction of the construction site, releasing more space for the steel processing plants in construction sites bays of aggregates. This change made it possible, for example, to install two of the three bays of aggregates side by side, on the front, facilitating the discharge of this material that is characterized by the weight and specific storage conditions. The installation of the steel assembly and storage area was placed nearby and made possible by this change.

The living areas of the real construction site that occupied the land entrance were moved to a region more from the construction site’s entrance and the direct access to the building. Figure 3(a) presents a top view of the modeled construction site, and Fig. 3(b) shows a picture of the prospective site.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

3D modeled construction site

To the 3D model’s integration, it was necessary to adapt the deliveries of materials based on what was observed in the construction site. For this, the physical-financial plan provided was used as the basis, critically analyzing the work’s executive sequence. For the preparation of the schedule, the MS ProjectFootnote 3 software was used due to compatibility with Navisworks. In this program, planning information and the 3D model were linked, generating a 4D model.

Following the guidelines of the simplified SLP method, the preferred interconnection chart was drawn up. With this chart, you can determine what type of relationship exists between the construction site elements. For elaborating and validating the letter, we sought a Master of Works with more than 20 years of experience and currently works with large residential developments with extensive experience.

To the preferred interconnection chart, only four divisions were used, which was: very important (A), important (I), despicable (U), and undesirable (X). Also, the reasons or justifications for such classifications were determined. The motifs were represented by numbers in the diagram, according to the experience of the Master of Works. Table 2 shows a cutout of the chart, where it is possible to identify constraints in the positioning of the elements.

Table 2. Adaptation clipping of the preferential interconnection chart

In this case, according to Table 2, it is possible to notice that the proximity relationship between steel and mortar plants is classified as indifferent. It is also important that the steel stock is close to the steel plant for two reasons: (1) provide optimization of material flow without interference and (2) using joint personnel in both locations.

The 4D simulation was carried out in possession of the 3D models, construction site, and construction, and the project schedule was carried out. For this, the model created in Revit was imported into the Navisworks environment. After the import, the set of elements was designed and the parts of the model according to the selection’s purpose. In this case, the parts correspond to the activities of the schedule.

In this step, we sought to name these sets according to the name of the corresponding task in MS Project to make possible the use of the Navisworks Auto-Attach Using Rules tool. It allows the association of sets to tasks automatically, reducing effort and preventing any linking errors. After adjustments to the configuration, it was possible to start the simulation, stop it, and change the settings at any time. Figure 4 shows some screenshots of the building and construction site simulation 4D. After the adjustments in the simulation and verification of the failures, it was possible to conceive a construction site proposal more consistent with the idealized scenario.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

4D Modeling 4D: (a) week 1-begin, (b) Week 8, (c) Week 34-end

4 Conclusions

An analysis proposing improvements in the construction site’s layout was performed. For this, we used the BIM-4D, map flowchart, and SLP method. It was found that the planning of the provisional facilities, with the appropriate dimensioning, provides increasingly efficient and safe physical arrangements.

Corroborating the study by Wang et al. [17] claims that logistics planning of space over time are critical pieces for an efficient construction project.

It is believed that the objective of the present study was achieved since it was possible to analyze the real construction site and verify its inefficiencies and propose improvements through the construction site design generated with the help of BIM and other tools. In the results obtained, reductions of 48% in the distance traveled to transport blocks and 27% for mortars and grout were observed.

As in Zouein and Tommelein [18], this work’s results are the reductions in transport distances possible with elaborating the construction site layout and logistics flow studies. Consequently, improvements in performance, safety, and productivity will be obtained. It was also possible to observe decreases in interferences, with the more linear flow in the tasks, greater ease of visualization of the construction site, confirming the hypothesis that it is an excellent value in the layout design. The results obtained to corroborate the concepts of lean construction listed by Koskela [19], showing the actuality and relevance of Lean thinking in product design. However, developing the construction site design can be considered trying. Still, it helps in the early identification of misconceptions for the building phase, where there is less effort, more significant possibility of alteration, and fewer physical resources applied.