
34.1 Introduction

3D Printing is the rapid production technology for making 3D parts directly from CAD files [1]. This process can produce 3D parts without using the conventional technique. It made layer by layer deposition of materials. There are different ways to produce a layer by using different 3D printers which may be with the help of binders [2] or by using 3D lithographic method [3] or by sintering using laser [4] or by plastic filament deposition [5] or by the electron beam [6]. It observed that the FDM is most economic and suitable technology [7]. The broad dissemination of Additive Manufacturing and innovative performance necessities required advanced composite and multimaterial solutions [8]. Properties of composites generally depends on comparative quantities, production technique, geometry such as shape and size, distribution and positioning of reinforcement phase, phases properties and interfacial boundaries strength [9]. This work comprises the study of composite material printing with help of Fused Deposition Modeling method. In FDM 3D printing the thermoplastic filament is used for deposition in a reel form which passes through a hot head. The temperature in head is maintained above the filaments melting point and the melted filament is deposited in XY plane developing a solid material layers on build platform [10]. The Fused Deposition Modeling is found most commonly used method due to their advantages such as economical, reliable, dimensionally stable, high-quality resolution [8], customization of a variety of materials [9] easy fabrication method [10] and capability to develop common geometrical objects in friendly environment conditions. The highly flexible process simply incorporated with CAD packages. Researchers are working on the process parameters optimization and concentrate on the study to inter-relate the various parameters and their response to the final developed product [11].

The most common classification of the 3DP process is based on the initial state of materials and working principle [12] (Kindly see Table 34.1).

Table 34.1 3DP process based on the initial state of materials and working principle

34.2 Reason to Embrace 3D Printing for Composites

The main reason for AM implementation and its industrial applications are Geometrical independence, Part functionality, economic and environmental sustainability [13]. The critical application of AM are in the field of energy, aerospace, biomedical, automotive and others [14, 15].

Composites are used in making light structures in different medical and industrial applications. In automobile sector, since 2015, it is observed that there is 5% increase in composites use [16].

34.3 Materials Used in 3D Printing Technologies

3D printing is considered as an important technology in the manufacturing sector worldwide. Its success mainly depends on the enhancement of the materials for the requirement of different applications. This enhancement includes the class, strength, cost and types of materials. There is a variety of materials that can be used in 3D printing according to the requirements of the market. The different types of materials used in 3D Printing are briefly discussed here [17]: Nylon (Polyamide)—Flexible, strong and durable. Resin—Delicate but rigid. ABS—Created by filament-like spaghetti and many colour options. Silver and Gold—In the category of Strong materials. Titanium—In the category of strongest materials. Gypsum—Fragile and rigid known as rainbow ceramics or sandstone. Ceramics—Found in rigid form but delicate, obtained by printing and glazing the surface. VisiJet CF-BK—Black rubber-like material, appeared in rubber form, highly flexible good ability to absorbs impacts and shocks. VisiJet FTX Materials—Parts are micro-manufactured generally used for Jewelry items. VisiJet CR-WT—Rigid white ABS-like material, high-temperature resistance greater rigidity highly durable.

34.4 Methods Used for Composites Creation Using FDM

The following methods are briefly discussed here for composite creation using FDM technique:

34.4.1 Multi-Material Structures Creation Using an Element

By this method, multi-material structures are created by printing polymer material layers on wood, metal, ceramic or polymer materials surfaces. The elements obtained by this method have few materials, and built-in material inhabits much of total volume [18]. The main limitation is to break the prototype in parts alienated by comparable planes, successive printing stages to be identified and to resume printing without interrupting the steadiness of material.

34.4.2 Composite Structure Creation Using a Single Nozzle with Reinforcement Material

A composite structure is created by printing using a single nozzle on reinforcement material. The method is same as of multi-material structures creation. The multi-stage method used for composite creation, the amount of stages corresponds to reinforcement layers of the final element. Each stage is planned by the required division plate to enable discontinuing the printing and reinforcement phase deposition on print. Composite may reinforce with cloth and the fibre [19]. The restriction for reinforcement of material layers thickness is the disadvantage of this method. The approximately 0.5 mm layer thickness of reinforcement is generally found.

34.4.3 Composite Structure Creation Using a Single Nozzle with Specific Filament

This method creates composite structure by using different filament with the help of conventional 3D printing method, in addition to polymeric material has additives like microspheres, carbon fiber, wood flour, particles of glass etc. [20]. The limitation of this method is printing material availability.

34.4.4 Composite Creation Using Two Different Materials Alternatively

The process of printing by two materials alternatively is considered as modern and most commonly used 3D printing process. In this method, a head with two nozzles or a nozzle with changeable filament system is used. Alternate layers of different materials are possible in one printing step [21]. Disadvantages of this method are contamination due to problem of transition in filaments and fragments.

34.4.5 Layered Composite Creation Using Two Different Materials

This method is similar to the method using two materials method only they differ by way of deposition of materials [21]. In this method first, apply one material layer then apply the layer of other material.

34.4.6 Skeletal Composite Creation Using Two Different Materials

This method is similar to the method of creating a layered composite the only difference is that the material is a skeletal structure instead of solid. Reducing infills algorithm is used, which reduces materials consumption and time in the printing process. Commonly known skeletal structures are honeycomb, square cells, hexagonal cells and other self-designed structure can be used.

34.4.7 Layered Composite Creation Using a Special Nozzle for Continuous Fiber Introduction

The filaments used as matrix material and reinforcing fibers provided independently to the nozzle. The fiber is heated to increase the mixing capacity to thermoplastic materials and reinforcement phase before entering the nozzle [21]. Fibers supplied to printer head by filament motion automatically, and in printer head the plasticized filament is linked to reinforcement phase. The other stages of printing are the same as the standard 3D printing method.

34.5 Various Composites Printed by FDM 3D Printing

The various composite materials printed by FDM are arranged in tabular form (Table 34.2) based on types, constituents, findings and references.

Table 34.2 Composites by using FDM based on types, Constituents, findings and references

34.6 Implications of This Study

The present state of manufacturing methods generally depends on composite, plastics and polymer because of high strength corresponding to weight ratio, lightweight and low cost. Various kinds of composites which are commonly used for research are discussed here. Researchers mainly focused on mechanical properties, rheological properties, process parameters optimization, stability, and finding new areas like dimensional accuracy and tissue engineering. Various composite materials for FDM use are studied and a brief discussion is arranged in tabular form based on types, constituents, findings and references.

34.7 Future Opportunities

The developments in 3D printing have a greater impact on medical and industrial engineering field with different ink designs, enhanced depiction and ink assets modelling in deposition and improved ink deposition and better robotic control for smarter précised 3D printing. The capability of locally specify for both structure and composition is permitting better mechanism concluded the functionality and possessions of the subsequently developed materials.

34.8 Conclusions

This work presents a literature-based study on composite development with FDM technology. This has been done to identify the suitability of FDM for the development of different composite applications. For this research papers from reputed journals are selected and studied. Identified 3DP processes based on the initial state of materials and working principles. Also presents in tabular format the types of composites based on types, constituents and research findings with references. In this study, various materials like Fiber-reinforced composite, Biocomposites, Nanocomposites, Polymer matrix composites and Polymers have been studied and found that FDM seems most suitable for manufacturing parts with composites. Finally attaining challenges, prospects and future aspects of FDM provides a compelling way to blowout smooth technique in various areas like building construction, farming and biomedical fields.