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Pulmonary Embolism Complicating Neurosurgical Procedures

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PERT Consortium Handbook of Pulmonary Embolism


Neurosurgical patients are at risk of developing pulmonary embolism (PE), and venous thromboembolism (VTE) more broadly. Risk factors putatively responsible include correlated patient-associated characteristics, intra- and perioperative factors, and pathophysiologic mechanisms associated with the underlying conditions being treated; the mechanistic antecedents fundamentally responsible for this increased risk are encapsulated by Virchow’s eponymous triad. Here we describe the epidemiology, natural history, neurosurgery-specific risk factors, and treatment and prophylaxis considerations of VTE/PE in the neurosurgical population. Specific subpopulations examined include cranial versus spine, neuro-oncology, cerebrovascular, trauma, and pediatrics. Various practical aspects of VTE/PE prophylaxis and treatment are reviewed, such as type, screening, timing, complications, and efficacy, with consideration of current guidelines along with a survey of the literature. Despite a myriad of existing studies examining VTE/PE prophylaxis and treatment in neurosurgical patients, consensus has yet to be reached on a set of recommendations given the challenge of balancing the bleeding risk of pharmacotherapy versus the benefit of prevention/treatment in an already vulnerable population. Ultimately, further work will be necessary to investigate the most effective therapeutic protocols for management of PE in the neurosurgical population.

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Ghannam, J.Y., Choi, B.D., Nahed, B.V. (2023). Pulmonary Embolism Complicating Neurosurgical Procedures. In: Grodzin, C.J., Merli, G.J., Ross, C.B., Rosovsky, R. (eds) PERT Consortium Handbook of Pulmonary Embolism . Springer, Cham.

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  • Publisher Name: Springer, Cham

  • Print ISBN: 978-3-030-70904-4

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