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Mercury in Living Organisms: Sources and Forms of Occurrence, Bioaccumulation, and Determination Methods

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Handbook of Bioanalytics


Mercury (Hg) is a heavy metal with well-known and broadly tested toxicity. Since Hg pollution and its impacts on human health are of global concern, it has become necessary to develop analytical methodologies that will provide tools to obtain reliable analytical information about the levels of Hg in samples, which very often have a complex matrix composition. This chapter summarizes key information on Hg and its chemical forms, sources of its emission to the environment, and the global Hg cycle. In addition, the concepts of bioaccumulation and biomagnification of Hg along the food chain are characterized. This chapter also describes the analytical methods used in the determination of Hg and its compounds.

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Konieczka, P., Rutkowska, M., Misztal-Szkudlińska, M., Szefer, P. (2022). Mercury in Living Organisms: Sources and Forms of Occurrence, Bioaccumulation, and Determination Methods. In: Buszewski, B., Baranowska, I. (eds) Handbook of Bioanalytics. Springer, Cham.

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